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Janna, 11 weeks pregnant reported that she has slight vaginal bleeding which nursing instruction is important to discuss to the pregnant woman at this point? >Please elevate your legs when taking your rest
>It is best to come to the hospital immediately and stay here until the bleeding stops. >You may stay at home but please restrict fluid intake. >Restrict activities and take a best rest Answer: D. patients with threatened abortion need not to be admitted in the hospital. In majority of cases, bed rest is required as it usually stops the bleeding in 48 hours. However, if bleeding persists hospitalization is necessary to detect and prevent further complications. All pads should also be saved for examination and coitus should be avoided for 2 weeks after the bleeding stops. Orgasm stimulates bleeding. 2. Which signs should alert the nurse that reveals worsening of the Jannas condition? >Abdominal cramping >Vaginal bleeding >Fetal thrashing >Cervical dilatation Answer: D. The most important sign that distinguishes inevitable abortion from threatened is cervical dilatation. 3. A client is discharged from a hospital due to complete abortion. Which of the following statements about complete abortion is true? >After complete abortion further medical and surgical treatment is necessary. >To restore normal hemoglobin and hematocrit levels, iron therapy is necessary is considerable amount of blood is lost. >The following week after abortion, the patient may experience menstrual-like flow and cramps every now and then. >All of these Answer: A. Usually a complete abortion needs no further medical or surgical treatment. No medication is likely needed. Usually, the uterus contracts well after expelling the entire contents and the cervix are closed. 4. Following complete abortion, a client is advised to return to the hospital if this/these symptom/s occur: >Severe pelvic pain >Hypothermia >Intermittent and slight vaginal bleeding >All of these Answer: A. Following complete abortion, a client is advised to return to the hospital if these symptoms occur: Profuse vaginal bleeding Severe pelvic pain Temperature greater than 100F 5. Which of the following iron preparation provides 20% elemental iron, 60 mg Fe/325 tablet? >Ferrous Sulfate >Ferrous Fumarate >Ferrous gluconate >any of these Answer: B. Ferrous Sulfate - provides 33% elemental iron, 106 mg Fe/325 tablet Ferrous Fumarate - provides 20% elemental iron, 60 mg Fe/325 tablet Ferrous gluconate - provides 11.6% elemental iron, 38 mg Fe/325 tablet 6. Fetal respiratory movements are evident at around which period? >25-26 weeks AOG >30-32 weeks AOG >14-16 weeks AOG >9-11 weeks AOG Answer: C. Fetal respiratory movements are evident at around 14-16 weeks AOG. 7. The earliest time an HCG can be detected in maternal urine and plasma is: >Right after fertilization >100 days after fertilization >2nd day after fertilization >9 days after fertilization Answer: D. The earliest time an HCG can be detected in maternal urine and plasma is 8-9 days after fertilization 8. Which substance is transferred across the placenta via active transport? >amino acids >iron >iodine >all of these Answer: D. Substances transferred across the placenta via active transport are: Amino acids Iron Iodine Water soluble vitamins Phosphorous Calcium 9. Benedicts test is done to pregnant women who are suspected of having: >anemia >diabetis

>preeclampsia >UTI Answer: B. Benedicts test is a urine test for sugar. 10. These substances are transferred across the placenta by diffusion except: >glucose >oxygen >carbon dioxide >sodium chloride Answer: A. Glucose crosses the placenta by facilitated diffusion. Oxygen, CO2 and sodium chloride cross the placenta via diffusion. 11. Which antibody primarily crosses the placenta? >igA >igG >igE >igM Answer: B. The antibody that primarily crosses the placenta is the IgG type 12. A pregnant client comes in to a maternity clinic complaining of leg varicosities. Which of the statements about leg varicosities during pregnancy is true? >Varicosities are exaggerated during pregnancy >Leg varicosities become apparent during the second and third trimester of pregnancy when the uterus is large enough to allow blood to flow from lower extremities >The client should sit the whole day to prevent aggravation of varicosities. >All of these Answer: A. Leg varicosities become apparent during the second and third trimester of pregnancy when the uterus is large enough to impede blood from the LE. Prolonged standing or sitting should be avoided by pregnant clients to manage leg varicosities

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