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Career Essay

Edwards 2 Table of Contents Intro.......................................................................................................................................4 My Career.............................................................................................................................4 Conclusion ............................................................................................................................9

Edwards 3 Outline I. Introduction II. Future Career A. Lawyer B. Reasons why I am suited for it III. Educational Requirements A. Four years of college B. Law School C. Passed Law School Test D. Gain License IV. More Reasoning V. Personality Test VI. Setting Goals VII. Conclusion

Edwards 4 Robby Edwards Mr. Steigner Career Essay 29 May 2012 Career Essay What do you want to be when you grow up? This is a question many grown-ups will inquire children eventually. For me, I really do not know what I will become when I grow up, but I do know what I want to become. In the future, I want to be a lawyer who is successful in life, morally straight, and spiritually strong. Although this is a job that is hard to accomplish, I personally believe that I am well suited for the job and can achieve it through hard work and effort. Being a lawyer is my dream job because its perfect for me and I have set goals in order to achieve my goal of becoming a successful lawyer. My Career First of all, there are many jobs that I am interested in, such as graphic design and chemical engineering, but the job that I choose to be is a lawyer. It was a difficult decision to be a lawyer because I absolutely love designing, engineering, and trying to help other people, but I believe that being a lawyer is the best decision because I am interested in debating and bringing justice. Also, there are some interesting facts about lawyers. The United States Bureau of Labor Statistics (USBLS 1-3) say that there are many types of lawyers, such as prosecutors or defense lawyers, but overall, lawyers try to help their clients. Every type of lawyer has his or her own special purpose and field they work with. They advise, represent, and communicate with their clients or agencies. Lawyers interpret laws and regulations as part of their job, as to prepare to what may occur. They need to know how to present facts properly and argue for the sake of their
student 8/29/12 8:38 PM Comment: I think this is the career that I am most interested in at the moment student 8/29/12 8:35 PM Deleted: want student 8/29/12 8:36 PM Deleted: to choose student 8/29/12 8:36 PM Deleted: listening to other peoples problems and help them student 8/29/12 8:37 PM Deleted: being student 8/29/12 8:37 PM Deleted: was student 8/29/12 8:37 PM Deleted: , helping others, student 8/29/12 8:34 PM Comment: Now that I look back on this, I don't really feel like a lawyer is the best job for me. student 8/29/12 8:35 PM Deleted: it is student 8/29/12 8:35 PM Deleted: the best lawyer I can be

Edwards 5 client, as well as knowing how to file legal documents. The USBLS also says that occupation of a lawyer is extremely competitive because the number of people who apply to law school is way above the number of people who can be admitted to law school. In addition, the USBLS also says that in order to become a lawyer, one must go through four years of college, and then take a few years in law school. It is recommended that lawyers should be well educated in English, psychology, law, mathematics, public speaking, history and economics. A bachelors degree is often required in order to join a law school. In addition, one may need to take the Law School Admission Test in order to be accepted into a law school. After the three years of being in a law school, a student must earn their license, showing they have become a lawyer. A student earns their license by passing the bar exams. If a student passes, they graduate and undergo more law education. Forty- five out of the fifty states of the US requires lawyers to continue law education every year or three years. The educations purpose is to ensure the lawyer is up to date with all of the new revisions and developments. Not only do lawyers have to have proper education, they also need to have skills to be successful in what they do. Lawyers need to take in large amounts of information and make the correct decision for the best outcome for their client. They need to develop strong relationships with their clients to gain respect, trust, and personal information of the client that may relate to the case. Problem- solving skills are a major skill of lawyers because they need to separate their feelings and make a non- biased evaluation for the best defense or suggestions. Lawyers need to back their statements up with evidence, so they need to research anything that may help them win the case and are properly prepared. Lawyers must speak clearly for their client in the courtroom in front of a public audience. If they do not have good speaking skills, the cases outcome will most likely not be in favor of their client. Lastly, lawyers need to have exceptional

Edwards 6 writing abilities because they need to prepare documents properly, precisely, and specifically. These documents include wills, trusts, and power of attorneys. In conclusion, lawyers need to have their priorities straight while making the right decisions. I believe that becoming a lawyer is a perfect job for me because I enjoy arguing, have experience, and have the qualities of a great one. My first reason why this job is perfect for me is because I love to debate and argue. I like presenting evidence, facts, and convincing others to agree with what I am saying. I am currently taking the Speech and Debate class and I am doing exceptionally well because I am good at debating, expressing my ideas, good at publicly speaking, and put out good material. In my daily life, I argue with people all the time at school and at home. An example of this is that I argue with my parents or siblings about silly subjects and I usually win the argument. The USBLS says that lawyers need to know how to argue and speak well, so that their side can win the case, which is what I do very well. I also have experiences of court cases and interacting with lawyers. I know how court cases work and the regulations that are set in order to maintain order. In elementary school, my class performed a mock trial, or a fake trial. While the rest of the jury found the defendant guilty, I stood up and said she was innocent. My mom claimed that she had never been prouder than me ever before, which was a nice thought. I also went to the Supreme Court in Washington D. C. and also experienced a court case. My family has recently gone through a huge debate, in court, and nearly has destroyed one side of the family. I see how dangerous injustice is, and that was what mainly caused the problems that occurred within the case. Lastly, I have family members who are licensed lawyers. My uncle, for example, was a great law attorney and taught me many things, such as what not to do while arguing for your client. Unfortunately, his partners betrayed him and now he is out of the lawyer business.

Edwards 7 According to the Jung Typology Test, my personality is ENFJ, which stands for extrovert- intuitive- feeling- judgment. From what was said on an article by Joe Butt on ENFJs, I have great characteristics of a lawyer. The main characteristics I have that would suit a lawyer are being persuasive, organized, highly responsible, and manages things well. Persuasion is key to being a good lawyer because he or she needs to persuade the jury to agree with their side. If a lawyer is not persuasive, then the jury will never agree with the lawyer and vote against his side of the case. A lawyer has to be organized so that he is prepared for anything that may occur within the case and make good decisions quickly. He or she also needs to be highly responsible so that they may handle many tasks successfully all at the same time while still seeing the big picture. Lastly, a lawyer needs to manage things successfully so that he is flexible and can manage situations well. In conclusion, I have the qualities of being a good lawyer and am well prepared for being one. In addition, there are goals that need to be materialized in order to accomplish becoming a lawyer. Before I graduate highschool in 2015, I need to focus on learning and thriving in a lawyers areas of education. Not only that, I plan to thrive in the areas of graphic design for a backup major, so that I am prepared if being a lawyer does not turn out well. I also plan to work hard, take responsibility in clubs, get summer jobs, and participate in sports. I plan to get into UC Berkeley for my college education. From the Princeton Review, UC Berkeley in California is a match college for me. After four years of college, I go into three years of law school. To do this, I need to do well in the areas purposed for a lawyer, graphic designer, and all other core subjects as well. This is because the SAT tests are very important and are crucial into getting into a good college, such as UC Berkley. The academic goals I strive for during highschool is maintain a 3.5 GPA or more, 700s or more in all categories of the SAT, and take several AP

Edwards 8 courses. Other non- academic activities such as participating in varsity sports, having a leadership position in clubs, and have jobs at least every summer are also goals I want to accomplish during my years in highschool. During the time I am studying in highschool, I also want to become a better person with righteous morals, a person that sets a good example, has positive influences on others, and is spiritually strong. When my goals are accomplished, I plan to graduate highschool in the year of 2015 and move into UC Berkeley. During my years in college, I plan to get high grades (As and Bs) in the subjects of my main major, being a lawyer. I also want to, if possible have a secondary major in graphic design and do well in that, too. I want to keep spiritually and morally strong, so that the rest of the world may not distract me and do well in my academic work. I hope to make good friends who influence me positively as I positively influence them. I plan to graduate with the best knowledge of the subjects needed for a lawyer, then move into a law school and study there for the next three years. After three years of hard work, I will take the bar exams and hopefully pass, receiving my license and going into the lawyer business. As a lawyer, I plan to be a prosecutor, defense attorney, or a corporate counsel. Either way, I want to be fair and just, not become corrupt and influenced by how much money I am paid. No matter how much I am paid, I want to do my best for the sake of the client. I want to have the best time by being the best I can be, making my clients satisfied by winning their case for them. I want to be the lawyer that is looked up to and has a positive influence on others. From the goals and standards I have set for myself, I want to be the best lawyer I can be.


Edwards 9 In conclusion, my dream career of being a lawyer suits me perfectly and I am capable of being a very successful one. I have the character qualities and experience that a lawyer will need to have. I am academically strong, so that I may pass and be knowledgeable in all aspects of a lawyers duty. If I set my mind to it, I can accomplish anything that I want to achieve. In order to have the job of your dreams, you just need to plan and persevere, and that is all there is to it.

Edwards 10 Works Cited Butt, Joe. "ENFJ Profile." TypeLogic. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2012. <>. "Jung Typology Test." HUMANMETRICS. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 May 2012. <file://localhost/Users/student/Downloads/Personality%20test%20based%20on%20Jung %20-%20Myers-Briggs%20typology.html>. "Lawyers : Occupational Outlook Handbook ." U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. United States Department of Labor, 26 Apr. 2012. Web. 17 May 2012. <>.

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