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ECA0EPA 0ffsets Woikshop

The ECA invites you to attenu a one uay woikshop claiifying the iecent offset
policy uevelopments at State anu Feueial level, 0EPA anu SEWPaC expectations,
the ioles of vaiious stakeholueis anu the piefeiieu negotiation piocess.

The woikshop will consist of piesentations by the WA Ninistei foi Enviionment,
EPA Chaiiman Paul vogel, the 0EPA, BEC, EPBC Taskfoice iepiesentative Kelly
Peaice. It will be facilitateu by ECA Piesiuent Ian Le Piovost anu also incluue
case stuuies anu piesentations fiom a consultant anu pioponent enviionmental
Nu0 peispective.

The piesentation will be helu at the Technology Paik Function Centie Theatie,
2 Biouie-Ball Biive, Bentley on Thuisuay 18
0ctobei fiom 9am - Spm with
lunch pioviueu anu a sunuownei to follow.

Nembeis: $12u (incl. uST)
Non-Nembeis: $1Su (incl. uST)

Places aie limiteu so please iegistei youi place
at by Nonuay 0ctobei 7


9:uu WA Ninistei foi Enviionment Bill Naimion NLA - 0pening, the State
0ffset Policy
9:1S ECA Piesiuent Ian Le Piovost - Welcome anu intiouuction
9:Su EPA Chaiiman Paul vogel - Bow the EPA has auopteu new piactice in
light of the State 0ffset Policy
1u:uu 0EPA Biiectoi Stiategic Policy Baiien Fostei - 0utline of the
application of offsets thiough pait Iv of the Enviionmental Piotection
Act anu uiscussion of the uiaft EPA guiuance
1u:Su BEC (speakei TBC) - 0utline of the BEC's appioach to offsets thiough
Pait v of the Enviionmental Piotection Act (native vegetation cleaiing

11.uu Noining tea

11.Su BEC (speakei TBC) - Case stuuy of an effective offset appioach
12.uu 0EPA Bi Ray Nasini - Case stuuy of a stiategic appioach to offsets:
WANSI uieuging science noue.
12.Su Panel question time

1.uu Lunch

2.uu EPBC Taskfoice iepiesentative Kelly Peaice - SEWPaC expectations of
consultants anu pioponents anu uemonstiation of offsets calculatoi.
2.Su AEC0NECA iepiesentative }amie Shaw - The consultant's iole anu
peispective of the offsets piocess anu the neeu foi cleai anu consistent
guiuance fiom both State anu Commonwealth authoiities.

S.uu Afteinoon tea

S.Su WA Chambei of Nineials anu Eneigy iepiesentative Kane Noyle - The
Pioponents iole anu peispective of the 0ffsets piocess
4.uu CCWA iepiesentative Pieis veistegen - Nu0 peispective anu iole in
offsets piocess anu expectations of stakeholueis in ueliveiy of suitable
4.Su Panel question time
S.uu Ian Le Piovost - Close

Sunuownei (uiinks anu nibbles)

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