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INTRODUCTION Human resource management

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search Human resource management (HRM, or simply HR) is the management of an organization's workforce, or human resources. It is responsible for the attraction, selection, training, assessment, and rewarding of employees, while also overseeing organizational leadership and culture, and ensuring compliance with employment and labor laws. In circumstances where employees desire and are legally authorized to hold a collective bargaining agreement, HR will typically also serve as the company's primary liaison with the employees' representatives (usually a labor union). HR is a product of the human relations movement of the early 20th century, when researchers began documenting ways of creating business value through the strategic management of the workforce. The function was initially dominated by transactional work such as payroll and benefits administration, but due to globalization, company consolidation, technological advancement, and further research, HR now focuses on strategic initiatives like mergers and acquisitions, talent management, succession planning, industrial and labor relations, and diversity and inclusion. In startup companies, HR's duties may be performed by a handful of trained professionals or even by non-HR personnel. In larger companies, an entire functional group is typically dedicated to the discipline, with staff specializing in various HR tasks and functional leadership engaging in strategic decision making across the business. To train practitioners for the profession, institutions of higher education, professional associations, and companies themselves have created programs of study dedicated explicitly to the duties of the function. Academic and practitioner organizations likewise seek to engage and further the field of HR, as evidenced by several field-specific publications.


1 History o 1.1 Antecedent theoretical developments o 1.2 Birth and evolution of the discipline o 1.3 In popular media 2 Practice o 2.1 Business function o 2.2 Careers 3 Education o 3.1 Higher education o 3.2 Professional associations

4 Publications 5 See also 6 References

Antecedent theoretical developments
HR spawned from the human relations movement, which began in the early 20th century due to work by Frederick Taylor in lean manufacturing. Taylor explored what he termed "scientific management" (later referred to by others as "Taylorism"), striving to improve economic efficiency in manufacturing jobs. He eventually keyed in on one of the principal inputs into the manufacturing processlaborsparking inquiry into workforce productivity.[1] The movement was formalized following the research of Elton Mayo, whose Hawthorne studies serendipitously documented how stimuli unrelated to financial compensation and working conditionsattention and engagementyielded more productive workers.[2] Contemporaneous work by Abraham Maslow, Kurt Lewin, Max Weber, Frederick Herzberg, and David McClelland formed the basis for studies in organizational behavior and organizational theory, giving room for an applied discipline.

Birth and evolution of the discipline

By the time enough theoretical evidence existed to make a business case for strategic workforce management, changes in the business landscape (a l Andrew Carnegie, John Rockefeller) and in public policy (a l Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal) had transformed the employer-employee relationship, and the discipline was formalized as "industrial and labor relations". In 1913, one of the oldest known professional HR associationsthe Chartered Institute of Personnel and Developmentwas founded in England as the Welfare Workers' Association, then changed its name a decade later to the Institute of Industrial Welfare Workers, and again the next decade to Institute of Labour Management before settling upon its current name.[3] Likewise in the United States, the world's first institution of higher education dedicated to workplace studiesthe School of Industrial and Labor Relationswas formed at Cornell University in 1945.[4] During the latter half of the 20th century, union membership declined significantly, while workforce management continued to expand its influence within organizations. "Industrial and labor relations" began being used to refer specifically to issues concerning collective representation, and many companies began referring to the profession as "personnel administration". In 1948, what would later become the largest professional HR associationthe Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)was founded as the American Society for Personnel Administration (ASPA).[5]

Nearing the 21st century, advances in transportation and communications greatly facilitated workforce mobility and collaboration. Corporations began viewing employees as assets rather than as cogs in a machine. "Human resources management", consequently, became the dominant term for the functionthe ASPA even changing its name to SHRM in 1998.[5] "Human capital management" is sometimes used synonymously with HR, although human capital typically refers to a more narrow view of human resources; i.e., the knowledge the individuals embody and can contribute to an organization. Likewise, other terms sometimes used to describe the field include "organizational management", "manpower management", "talent management", "personnel management", and simply "people management".

In popular media
HR has been depicted in several popular media. On the U.S. television series of The Office, HR representative Toby Flenderson is sometimes seen as a nag because he constantly reminds coworkers of company policies and government regulations.[6] Long-running American comic strip Dilbert also frequently portrays sadistic HR policies through character Catbert, the "evil director of human resources".[7] Additionally, an HR manager is the title character in the 2010 Israeli film The Human Resources Manager, while an HR intern is the protagonist in 1999 French film Ressources humaines

Objectives of human resource management

by admin on March 6, 2006 OBJECTIVES OF HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT (HRM) Objectives are pre-determined goals to which individual or group activity in an organization is directed. Objectives of personnel management are influenced by organizational objectives and individual and social goals. Institutions are instituted to attain certain specific objectives. The objectives of the economic institutions are mostly to earn profits, and of the educational institutions are mostly to impart education and / or conduct research so on and so forth. However, the fundamental objective of any organization is survival. Organizations are not just satisfied with this goal. Further the goal of most of the organizations is growth and / or profits. Institutions procure and manage various resources including human to attain the specified objectives. Thus, human resources are managed to divert and utilize their resources towards and for the accomplishment of organizational objectives. Therefore, basically the objectives of HRM are drawn from and to contribute to the accomplishment of the organizational objectives. The other objectives of HRM are to meet the needs, aspirations, values and dignity of individual employees and having due concern for the socio-economic problems of the community and the country.


The objectives of HRM may be as follows: 1. To create and utilize an able and motivated workforce, to accomplish the basic organizational goals. 2. To establish and maintain sound organizational structure and desirable working relationships among all the members of the organization. 3. To secure the integration of individual or groups within the organization by co-ordination of the individual and group goals with those of the organization. 4. To create facilities and opportunities for individual or group development so as to match it with the growth of the organization. 5. To attain an effective utilization of human resources in the achievement of organizational goals. 6. To identify and satisfy individual and group needs by providing adequate and equitable wages, incentives, employee benefits and social security and measures for challenging work, prestige, recognition, security, status. 7. To maintain high employees morale and sound human relations by sustaining and improving the various conditions and facilities. 8. To strengthen and appreciate the human assets continuously by providing training and development programs. 9. To consider and contribute to the minimization of socio-economic evils such as unemployment, under-employment, inequalities in the distribution of income and wealth and to improve the welfare of the society by providing employment opportunities to women and disadvantaged sections of the society. 10. To provide an opportunity for expression and voice management. 11. To provide fair, acceptable and efficient leadership. 12. To provide facilities and conditions of work and creation of favorable atmosphere for maintaining stability of employment. Management has to create conductive environment and provide necessary prerequisites for the attainment of the personnel management objectives after formulating them.

The main functions of Human resource Management are;

Job Design (JD) Job Analysis Human Resource Planning (HRP) Recruitment Selection Hiring Induction Performance Evaluation Compensation Management

Training and Development Employee Movements Welfare Administration Health and safety Administration Discipline Administration Grievance Handling Labour Relations

Job Design (JD) JD can be defined as the function of arranging tasks duties and responsibilities in to an organizational unit of work for the purpose of accomplishing a certain objective. Techniques of JD Scientific Techniques: This is done by observing past performances. Job Enlargement: Adding more duties to a job that is related to the current duties of involved (Horizontal Loading) Job Rotation: Shifting an employee from one job to another periodically. Job enrichment: Increasing the depth of a job by increasing authority and responsibility for planning Group Technique: The job ids designed so that a group of individuals can perform it, the job being a collective job. Job Analysis This includes the systematic analysis of the job and the characteristics of the desired job holders. The information collected through a Job Analysis is of two forms; Job Description: Describes the job, its tasks, responsibilities and service conditions of a job. Job Specification: Describes the requirements of the person for the job, including abilities, educational qualifications, special physical and mental skills, training, experience etc. Human Resource Planning (HRP) HRP can be identifies as the strategy forecasting the organizations future requirements for different types of workers, their acquisitions, utilization, improvement, employee cost control, retention and supply to meet these needs. The HR Planning Process

HRM Planing Process Factors considered when forecasting future HR requirements.

Demand for the organizations good/services Plans goals and objectives Method of productions Retirement, transfers, resignations Death Retrenchments

Recruitment This is the initial attraction and screening of the supply of prospective Human Resources available to fill a given position/s. In other words, it is the process of involving the attraction of suitable candidates to vacant positions from both internal and external sources of the organization. Eg:
INTERNAL Job posting Intranet Succession plans Referrals EXTERNAL Advertising Job Placement Agencies Internet Placement through Colleges and Universities

Selection This is a systematic process of selecting the most appropriate and suitable person to a particular job. In other words, Selection is choosing an individual to hire from all those who have been recruited/ attracted. Methods of Selection

Application Evaluation: This involves choosing the most appropriate person through evaluating the applications sent by the candidates Interviews: this is to face a meeting with a member/s of the management. One of te most commonly used methods of selection but it requires careful planning. Eg: One on one interviews, Panel interviews, Sequence interviews Tests: this is meaning the candidates for qualities relevant to performing available jobs. Eg: Knowledge Tests, Aptitude Tests, Practical Tests, IQ Tests. Background Investigations: this is assessing the appropriateness of an applicant by investigating into his/her family, financial positions, Residential Background, criminal background etc. Medical Tests: this involves assessing the applicants physical fitness for particular jobs. Hiring This is the process of appointing the person selected for a particular job. In this process, letters of appointments will be prepared, employment contracts will be signed and the new employee will be sent in for a probationary period. (Probationary period: the time period where the newly appointed employee will have to work till he/she is made permanent) Induction This is concerned with introducing an employee to the company, job and staff in a systematic way. There are two components of induction,

Introducing the employee to the organization and the organizations culture. Introducing the employee to his/her job

Performance Evaluation This is a regular systematic assessment of an employees performance in order to review whether his/her performance matches the expected performance levels. Performance evaluations are an analysis of an employees recent successes and failures, personal strengths and weaknesses, and suitability for promotion or further training. It is also the judgment of an employees performance in a job based on considerations other than productivity alone. Compensation Management

The main objective of the function is to develop and maintain a good salaried and wages system which is reasonable both internally and externally. Factors affecting Salaries and Wages

Cost of living Supply and demand of labor Government requirements (minimum wage rates) Competitor wage scales Trade Union influences Labor productivity

Training and Development Training is the process by which the employees are taught skills and given the necessary knowledge to carry out their responsibilities to the required standard. In other words, it is the improvement of the performance to carry out the current job. Development is concerned with the giving the individual necessary knowledge, skills, attitude and experience to enable an employee to undertake greater and more demanding roles and responsibilities in the future. Development is concerned with the long term prospects of a career succession plan. Methods of training and development

Apprenticing On the job training Off the job training Simulations Role playing Case studies

Employee Movements The movements of employees take place in three methods,

Promotions: this is the re-assignment of an employee to a higher ranked job in terms of responsibility, respect and salaries. Promotions are usually based on seniority, competency and merit. Transfers: this is the movement of an employee from one job to another on the same occupational level and at the same level of wage or salary. Lay off: This is the temporary stoppage or suspension of the service of the employee to various reasons.

Welfare Administration

This refers to all the facilities and comforts given to the employee by the employer apart from wages, salaries and incentives.

Medical facilities Canteen facilities Housing facilities Transport facilities Recreation facilities Loan facilities Educational facilities

Health and safety Administration This is concerned with maintaining required and reasonable levels of professional Health and safety in the job and its environment. The organization should ensure the employees physical and mental health. The work place should be free of hazards. Discipline Administration It is important to control the performance and behavior of the employees according to the rules and regulations of the organization. For this very reason it is important to develop, implement and maintain an appropriate disciplinary system. Importance of a discipline administration:

To reduce conflicts and confusions To control the employees in an orderly manner To ensure employees behavior in accordance with performance standards, rules and regulations of the organization.

Grievance Handling A grievance can be identified as a situation where the employee is in metal distress, dissatisfies or has a bad attitude, due to a work related unreasonable or unjust situation. A grievance could take place for various reasons;

Job related reasons Work services related reasons Employee management related reasons Service conditions related reasons Employee behavior related reasons

Labour Relations The continues relationship between the labour force and the management. Since labour forces are organized as Trade Unions, it is actually a relationship between Trade union representative and

the management. However the Government is also an involved as a third party in order to regulate this relationship by ways of laws. This relationship is also more commonly known as a tri-partite relationship. If in case there is a dispute between the employees and the management, the most common way of dispute resolution is through negotiations or Collective Bargaining and when the two parties reach to an agreement its known as Collective Agreement. Collective Bargaining: this can be identified as the negotiation that takes place between the management and the Trade unions during a particular time period regarding labour/Industrial issues. Collective Agreement: The agreements which the management and the Trade unions get into after a collective Bargain.

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