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October 4, 2012 Day 1 SEMINAR AND WORKSHOP 7:30-12:00 a.m I. Registration II. Invocation Mr.

Joshua Daligan, BSE III Social Science III. Singing of the National Anthem .Ms. Mary Grace Padilla, BSE I IV. Welcome AddressProf. Luz V. Jimenez- Dean, Teacher Ed. V. Message .Dr. Elizabeth M. Gacusana OIC- Office of the President VI. Lecture on K-12 Basic Education Curriculum..Ms. Norma G. Manzano Mathematics Education Program Supervisor-Candon City Division VII. Awarding of Token and Certificate ***Snacks***Snacks***Snacks*** VIII. Roll Call IX. Tour of Local Language Integration in HEIsMr. Firth MCearchern Gov. Ortegas Consultant, La Union X. Awarding of Token and Certificate Afternoon Activities XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. LectureDr. Andres T. Malinnag Lecture and workshop...Dr. Jaime G. Raras Presentation of outputs Awarding of tokens and Certificates Closing Remarks..Mrs. Jasmin S. Alabaso Teacher Ed. Secretary

WORLD TEACHERS DAY CELEBRATION October 5, 2012 (8:00-12:00) Day 2 I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Thanksgiving Mass Entrance of the ColorsROTC Singing of the National AnthemGlee Club Opening Remarks.Crisman John de Guzman Intermission NumberNLPSC Shine Keynote SpeechMrs. Condrada Hadloc Administrator III, LGU- Sta. Lucia SNACKS..SNACKS..GAMES.GAMES Giving of gifts, flowers, cards, memorabilia and serenading MessageDr. Elizabeth M. Gacusana OIC-Office of the President Closing RemarksMr. Dominic Patric Galdonez

W RDT A HR D YCL B A IO OL E CE S A EE R T N O ber 5, 201 (8:00-1 Dy 2 cto 2 2:00) a I. II. III. IV . V . V I. T hanksgivingM ass E ceo theClo OC ntran f o rsR T S ingingo theN nal A f atio nthem G C lee lub O gR arks.C anJo de penin em rism hn G an uzm Interm nN berNP CS issio um L S hine K teS eech rs. CndradaH c eyno p M o adlo M unicipal A inistrato S dm r, ta. L ucia S A K N C S ..GM S .GM S N C S ..S A K A E A E G o gifts, flo iving f wers, cards, m o em rabiliaandserenadin g T S nts he tude B ess edu n. r. P H ldM usin catio M hilip aro acasieb H co ...M F andR Jr. uso m r. erdin abe M idwifery..M A y T bias iss m o C inal JusticeE tio .M JanR Rbio rim duca n r. ey o Info atio T rm n echno gy. lo T eacher Eucatio ..M Jo O d n r. ey rtiz M essag D E er. lizabethM G . acusana O -O o theP side IC ffice f re nt C singR arksM D inic P G nez lo em r. om atric aldo





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