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ERIC ELTON CHARLES ESSAY WRITING Describe a life changing experience in your life. Copyright 2011.

All rights reserved. An original masterpiece by Eric edf. What Goes Around Comes Around Eric!!! Do you hear me? Im asking you what does the idiom, What goes around comes around means? Sir Ashtons voice awakened me from my daydream. Huh? Im sorry, what did you say just now? I replied to his question while I am making this Why-should-I-care attitude. Actually this was how it went. At first, he was babbling about those ridiculous madeup idioms and while he was busy explaining something which I did not care about, I slowly started to picture her face at the back of my mind. That is right. My pretty girlfriend. Since I met her the other day, there was this bizarre but beautiful feeling came and stayed in my heart. As an ordinary teenager with a budding curiosity, I always think about one thing that I thought in my mind was normal for teenagers to do. It was sex. To be precise, having sex with a girl. I constantly heard people saying according to their religions, human cannot have any kind of contact with the opposite sex or you will get yourself a ticket to the hell. That is so absurd, I said trying to set up a new theory for my brain. And right now, because of my stupid speculation about sexual intercourse among teenagers, I regret every single day and when I think of the dark past event, I just could not stop my tears from flowing out. Now that I felt the pain of doing something wrong in my life, I just need to let it out from myself. It is killing me from the inside. If only I could change the past, I would just answer Sir Ashtons question and prevent the event to happen. Get out from this class now! Stand outside the door. You are a student and you should listen to what I said. Thats your punishment. Ill bring you to the principle later on. As I remember that particular time, I stood up from my chair, gave Sir Ashton a fierce look and I just walked away from him, heading toward the door. The worst part was that I did not even stand outside the door as to show my anger to him. What did I do? I walked to the mens washroom to ease my anger. At that time, I did not even have this pity feeling or angelic feeling that indicates me as a Gods creation. All that I possessed was anger, anger and anger. During in one of the stalls in the washroom, I kept thinking about one thing. I rather called it as a desire. Strangely, somehow, I know that what I am going to do next was wrong but I guessed Satan was beside me at that moment. Whispering in my ear over and over again asking me to follow my instinct which was obviously wrong. I could not help thinking about it. Then, after washing my hands, I walked out from the washroom and headed toward my girlfriends class. As I walked along the corridor with my both hands in my pockets, whistling my favourite song, I thought about what reason I should give to the teacher in her class so that I could bring Samantha, my girlfriend, to follow what I had plan in my mind earlier. And then, within a minute, I got just the perfect reason to fool the teacher. Tock, tock, tock! The wooden door sounded after I knocked on it three times. Yes, Eric. What do you want?, Sir Roland asked me while holding a rotan in his left hand. I gulped looking at the long and thick rotan. A few times that horrifying rotan hit my backside because of my well-known bad reputation in the school. Umm, if you would excuse me Sir, Madam Carla needs Samantha now because she wants to talk to her. Samantha, you may meet Madam Carla now. But make sure you come back to class quickly because I need to teach some more. Okay Sir. I promise, Samantha replied with a wondering expression. Perhaps that look was for me. Not for Sir Roland. She walked out the door and followed me from behind. There was a silence along the way. I headed the wrong way and I knew she suspected something which was not right but she just acted normally. Follow me to the barn. I need to tell you something, I said breaking the awkward silence between us. What? You mean there is no meeting between me and Madam Carla? You and I could be dead if Sir Roland found out about this thing that you lied about! Samantha said angrily. I calmed her down and said a few words that surprised her. What? You mean you want to do that illegal thing with me? No!!!. She seemed so shocked but I was even more shocked when she agreed to do the illegal thing with me. I guessed my soft and convincing words made her mind went along with want I wanted from her.

ERIC ELTON CHARLES ESSAY WRITING Describe a life changing experience in your life. After that day or after we did it, I acted as if there was nothing wrong happened in my lifes history list. I ate gluttonously, I walked normally and I still got my wicked behaviour inside me. Nothing was wrong. But I wonder how Samantha felt. Could she be crying by now? Has she told anybody else about it? Her mother maybe? Friends? Nevertheless, of course I need to pay my punishment from Sir Ashton the other day. After I met Madam Carla, the principle, I escaped from school and went straight to home. I did not go to school for three days. There was this holy feeling telling me to go to school and then the evil feeling that asked me to just sit back home and play video games. At last, as a student who kept bad records in school, I went with the evil suggestions. And the bitterest event in my entire life happened to me at 7.16 p.m. on that Thursday night. The event that every single day I prayed to God asking why did it happen to me. I heard my cell phone rang as it played Born This Way by Lady Gaga as its ringtone but I just acted dumbly while I listened to the song. About the sixth times, finally with a heavy feeling, I took my cell phone and pressed the green callers button. Yes, this is Eric speaking. Who on earth is disturbing me at 7.16 p.m.? I said to the caller. I heard a weeping from the caller. I recognised the weeping sound as Samanthas voice. What does she want? Why is she crying? Eric. Im so scared. I dont know what I should do. Please Eric, help me, she said to me while controlling her voice. I am sure she did not want somebody to hear her. Help? What happened Sammy?, I asked her back. Then the unexpected answer to my question came out from her mouth. Eric, I, I, Im PREGNANT!. Hearing the answer from her made my heart completely stopped from beating. The world around me did not even exist. Everything just stopped moving. I am blind. I could not think of anything at that surprising moment. What should we do?, that was all I could say and then I fainted. I could hear yelling from outside my door. But I am not sure. Am I dreaming? Or was it really happening? The door just slam-opened like a giant slammed something hardly and I remember watching my mother walked to my bed and slapped me so hard in my face. Why would you do such thing, Eric!!!? I raised you with all of my heart, I gave you my life, I poured you with my love but, but, why would you dare to do it? You have just ruined your life, your familys life and that girls life!!! Now what would you do? Tell me!!! my mother said to me while I am crying on my bed, staring at my childhood photo on my desk. At that time, I thought about my future. I thought about what I should do to the unborn baby. And then I realised that my mother was right. I have ruined many peoples lives. I disappointed the ones who raised me from birth. That was when I truly understand the meaning of the saying that goes, What goes around will always come around. But realising your sin at the eleventh hour could not change what happened. But deep inside my heart, I knew what I should do. I knew the right step to solve my problem that a teenager should not deal with. I must keep the baby. Exactly nine months after the incident, the baby that I named Immanuel, finally I could hold in my arms. Between that nine months of time, there were so much had happen that changed my whole life as a human and turned me into a responsible and mature young man and most important of all, a loving young father. I temporarily quit from my study in high school and worked at Samanthas fathers company as a young inexperienced clerk. That was my fathers suggestion so that I could raise money on my own to support the child as well as Samantha. Samanthas and my parents agreed to get us married when I get a job after I finished college. Looking at Immanuels angelic face every day made me realised that I did not fail anything in this world. I may fail during the past but now I feel even more useful to my family and to the people I know all around me, especially Immanuel. And now that I am writing down this memoir in my workplace, I still have one lingering question in my mind. If only I have answered Sir Ashtons question, would I still be here, writing down this memoir? Only God knows.

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