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. What moral value have you learnt from the story, One is One and All Alone? Illustrate with examples from the text. The moral value I have learnt is we must not be blind to our own faults. Trish is the only child on board a spaceship heading to Trion and she is very lonely. She creates a clone of herself to be her best friend and playmate. Clo is an exact duplicate of her, having the same thoughts, same behaviour and same faults. Trish can see some of Clos faults very clearly and is very critical of them. Some of the faults she cannot stand are Clos finger-picking, corny jokes, dismal sulks and constant interruption to her train of thoughts. She is especially annoyed when Clo starts to think of her mum and starts missing her too. It is so apparent to the readers that all Clos faults are also Trishs faults but Trish cannot see this reality as she cannot believe she can be like that. Once, when Clo glares at her and says, Lool do you mind? Stop picking at yourself? Trish is furious and she protests loudly, Me, a picker! I never pick at my fingers...I cant stand people who pick. It is important we recognise our own faults and not be blind to them so that we can learn from our mistakes. No one is perfect but learning to be better should be our lifelong goal. If Trish had not been so harsh on Clo and planned to dispose her, perhaps Clo might not have the chance to dispose of Trish first. Humans and clones can learn to live in harmony if they are not blind to each others faults but can accept them instead.

2. Write about one moral value you have learnt from the story, One is One and All Alone. One moral value that I have learnt from the story is about acting in haste and regretting later. Trish does things impulsively (recklessly), as a result of which she finds herself in trouble. She created a clone of herself without thinking of the consequences. Then, when she could not stand the clone any longer, she found herself in the situation of wanting to get rid of the clone. Before she can do so, she gets disposed of, instead. This shows that we must always think carefully before acting so that we do not regret our actions.

3. What two lessons have you learnt from the ending of the story, Rumpelstiltskin? The first lesson is we must not be boastful. Lisas father boasts to the King about Lisas cleverness in order to get his attention. He says that Lisa can bake the pie in the world, weave the most beautiful cloth and spin the finest thread. When the King says that there are many people in his palace who can do all those things, Lisas father claims that no one can be cleverer than Lisa for she can spin straw into gold. Because of his foolishness, Lisa is faced with the threat of having her head cut off by the King and later faces the danger of losing her firstborn child to Rumpelstiltskin. So, we must not boast because it is very dangerous and can get us into a lot of trouble. The second lesson is we must not be greedy. The King is a greedy man and he is not satisfied until Lisa has spun gold for him for three days. He is so greedy that he admits to asking his people to search the countryside for the last wisp of straw to be turned into gold. The Kings greed has caused Lisa to be in great distress and she has no choice but to turn to Rumpelstiltskin for help. She nearly loses her son to him because of the Kings greed.

LITERATURE COMPONENT Form 2 SECTION B PAPER 2 (12 MARKS) 1. What moral value have you learnt from the story, One is One and All Alone? Illustrate with examples from the text. The moral value I have learnt is we must not be blind to our own faults. Trish is the only child on board a spaceship heading to Trion and she is very lonely. She creates a clone of herself to be her best friend and playmate. Clo is an exact duplicate of her, having the same thoughts, same behaviour and same faults. Trish can see some of Clos faults very clearly and is very critical of them. Some of the faults she cannot stand are Clos finger-picking, corny jokes, dismal sulks and constant interruption to her train of thoughts. She is especially annoyed when Clo starts to think of her mum and starts missing her too. It is so apparent to the readers that all Clos faults are also Trishs faults but Trish cannot see this reality as she cannot believe she can be like that. Once, when Clo glares at her and says, Lool do you mind? Stop picking at yourself? Trish is furious and she protests loudly, Me, a picker! I never pick at my fingers...I cant stand people who pick. It is important we recognise our own faults and not be blind to them so that we can learn from our mistakes. No one is perfect but learning to be better should be our lifelong goal. If Trish had not been so harsh on Clo and planned to dispose her, perhaps Clo might not have the chance to dispose of Trish first. Humans and clones can learn to live in harmony if they are not blind to each others faults but can accept them instead.

2. Write about one moral value you have learnt from the story, One is One and All Alone. One moral value that I have learnt from the story is about acting in haste and regretting later. Trish does things impulsively (recklessly), as a result of which she finds herself in trouble. She created a clone of herself without thinking of the consequences. Then, when she could not stand the clone any longer, she found herself in the situation of wanting to get rid of the clone. Before she can do so, she gets disposed of, instead. This shows that we must always think carefully before acting so that we do not regret our actions.

3. What two lessons have you learnt from the ending of the story, Rumpelstiltskin? The first lesson is we must not be boastful. Lisas father boasts to the King about Lisas cleverness in order to get his attention. He says that Lisa can bake the pie in the world, weave the most beautiful cloth and spin the finest thread. When the King says that there are many people in his palace who can do all those things, Lisas father claims that no one can be cleverer than Lisa for she can spin straw into gold. Because of his foolishness, Lisa is faced with the threat of having her head cut off by the King and later faces the danger of losing her firstborn child to Rumpelstiltskin. So, we must not boast because it is very dangerous and can get us into a lot of trouble. The second lesson is we must not be greedy. The King is a greedy man and he is not satisfied until Lisa has spun gold for him for three days. He is so greedy that he admits to asking his people to search the countryside for the last wisp of straw to be turned into gold. The Kings greed has caused Lisa to be in great distress and she has no choice but to turn to Rumpelstiltskin for help. She nearly loses her son to him because of the Kings greed.

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