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Penumbra: Black Plague: Walkthrough by mdav2 Version: 1 | Last Updated: 2008-03-30 | View/Download Original File Hosted by Return to Penumbra:

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================================================================================ { } { Penumbra Black Plague - Episode 2 } { } { Walkthrough By Mark Davies } { } { (c) March 2008 } { } { Version 1 } { } ================================================================================ ================================================================================ { } { Contents } { } ================================================================================ 01 02 03 04 05 06 Introduction General Notes Enemies Walkthrough Notes Lasers

================================================================================ { } { 01 - Introduction } { } ================================================================================ This is a guide to the Penumbra Black Plague - Episode 2 game. I do not intend on rehashing the manual so you should refer to it if you are unsure of controls etc. I decided to write the walkthrough after writing one for the first episode. I have seen other walkthroughs that don't have as much detail as this walkthrough. My walkthrough also includes maps with item locations marked to make it easier to navigate the game. This guide has been written by me after some long painstaking effort so please do not rip my walkthrough off. Finally it will contain SPOILERS so only read if you are really stuck. haven't managed to find all the documents so will have to include them in a later version of the walkthrough (should I get time). ================================================================================ { } { 02 - General Notes } { } ================================================================================ * Use the GLOWSTICK rather than the torch because it never runs out of power and it enables you to see better than the torch (I never used the torch in

the entire game). * You can run past most of the enemies in the game, this is the best option until you get to the Shelter. You'll then need to do some sneaking. * I won't instruct you to save, but feel free to save when you want. ================================================================================ { } { 03 - Enemies } { } ================================================================================ There aren't a great number of enemies in the game. encounter include: The enemies you will

Infected - Humans taken over by the Tuurngait Virus. Worms - Giant worm from last game (only encounter one) You can't kill any of them (except in one instance in the Shelter) so avoid and run if spotted. ================================================================================ { } { 04 - Walkthrough } { } ================================================================================ This section is the complete walkthrough for the game. ================================================================================ ************************************* Cell ************************************* ================================================================================ Your starting point is indicated by the word START on the map below. The whole area is interlinked so I have included an entire map of the location rather than indvidual maps for different sections. Map Of Cells And Mess Hall -------------------------______ ___________ | __ | | | | | | | | | _____|L| | | | D | _____| | | | | | | | |__________|___________|_________ | | |________________________________ | | | _ | | | |___________ _______ __| |__ ______| |______________ ZZ _|_____V |R C B | | W |____| ___| | B | | |QP | X | F | | | ___ T _____| | | | | | | _| |_ __| |B ____________| | | | START | A||B__| | | |S | | | | | | | | |F | | |__Z____|_Z_____|__D____| | | |____________| | | | | |H | | | |_____________________ | | |______ | | |______ | | | | | | | _____| |___ ______ | | | _______ | | |

| | | | | |___| L | | ___| | |_____ L | | | __L| ____|__ __| | | | | | M | | |___| |_ | | | | | |___________| | |___ N | | | |OOO| | | | | | |___| |_ | D | | D___ | | | | | |____| |_ZZ__| |B | ____| | |QB D | |_E__D | | | |_ZZ__| | | ___| | |H | Z |___| | ___|_____|______ | B |IK J | | | B | |______G__|______| Key === A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V = W X Z -

Alcohol Batteries Cassette Door Barrel Flare Strange Artefact Fusebox PC Projector Flashlight Load Point Thermostat Medical Notes Lasers Syringe Pain Killers Tape Player Soda Machine Escapee Note Vent Plank Vice Locked Door

================================================================================ ************************************* Cell ************************************* ================================================================================ * Open the locker and get the COIN. * Take the GLOWSTICK from the second drawer. * Grab the PIECE OF PAPER from the top drawer.

* * * *

Use the COIN in the vice until it becomes flat. Drag the shelves from the corner to reveal a vent. Use COIN on the vent. Follow the tunnel until next section loads.

================================================================================ ******************************* Ventilation Shaft ****************************** ================================================================================ "May 2001" "I wasn't sure how long I'd been out, but my head still hurt - either it hadn't been long, or they had hit me really hard. I didn't have a clue what was going on and, all of a sudden, I really didn't care. I was getting out." * * * * * * * * * * * Follow the tunnel past a room you can't get into. The tunnel comes out into a room. Grab the ESCAPEE NOTE from the floor. Grab the BATTERIES from next to the soda machine and behind the crate at the end of the room. Grab the FLARE from the side of the soda machine. Either use the COIN or use a rock on the soda machine to get a SODA. Go up the vent. Follow vent straight on and around to a dead end, pick up BATTERIES. Back track to the square part of the shaft. Grab the plank and put it over the dodgy looking floor (to stop it collapsing) Alternatively you can put loads of rocks over floor and in hole and jump across them. Follow the tunnel around and left into the freezer room.

================================================================================ ********************************* Freezer Room ********************************* ================================================================================ * Use SODA CAN on the thermostat. * You now have a limited amount of time to go back through the tunnel and past where the steam was coming from. ================================================================================ ******************************* Ventilation Shaft ****************************** ================================================================================ * Head back into the ventilation shaft and follow it past the now halted steam. * Follow tunnel through to next load point. * You will come out into a corridor with a dead body in. ================================================================================ *************************** Corridor Outside Mess Hall ************************* ================================================================================ * * * * drop down and grab MEDICAL NOTES. Use barrels to jump over the lasers. Move all the shelves and debris in the hallway to reveal a door. Exit through door.

================================================================================ ***************************** Corridor Outside Cells *************************** ================================================================================ * You'll now be in a corridor outside the cell where you started.

* * * *

Follow corridor and into first room (the other two are locked for now). Get the ALCOHOL from the shelf. Get the BATTERIES, CASSETTTE and FLARE from the lockers. Play cassette on the recorder in the corner.

Name - Elott Carpenter. Rank - elevated. Status Code C. Imprisoned observing the Tuurngait movement, I predict it will be my cell they visit next. To my knowledge I am the last remaining member of the elevated at this facility, and so it falls upon me that the xeno protocol is not compromised. For that reason, I record here the only way I have discovered to neutralise the viral threat. The species primary weakness is ... No please.... (tape ends) * Leave and go to the end of the corridor. * Grab the rock and hit the fusebox to remove the cover. * Use the same rock again to break the wire and cut the power. The cells will now be unlocked. * Go into the cell nearest the fusebox (yours was the middle cell and so you don't need to go back in there). * Pick up the PAIN KILLERS and SYRINGE from cupboard in wall. This will trigger a monster to come in the locked door at the end of the corridor. * Run to the door where you entered the corridor and go through door. ================================================================================ *************************** Corridor Outside Mess Hall ************************* ================================================================================ * Use SYRINGE on the ALCOHOL. * Use the SYRINGE on the dead doctor. * Use the SYRINGE on the locked door to enter the mess hall. ================================================================================ ************************************ Mess Hall ********************************* ================================================================================ "If this stronghold was anything like as elaborate as its security, I was in for an experience. I didn't know what to expect, but I was getting used to that." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Grab the CD from the table. Open the door to the right. Take PAINKILLERS from the shelf. Get the BATTERIES from behind the box. Drag the barrel to the fusebox. Use the switch on the wall to set the barrel on fire. Drag the barrel under a sprinkler to set the alarm off and open the locked door. Go through to the kitchen. open the cupboards nearest the door and get the BATTERIES. open the cupboard on the opposite side of the kitchen and find a STRANGE ARTEFACT. Go into the room just off the kitchen. Use the projector and read the screen and get the TIMELINE notes. Use the CD on the PC. Get the FLASHLIGHT and BATTERIES out of the drawers. Use the PC and watch the induction video from the CD. Read the PASSWORD CHANGES, RESEARCH and INTRODUCTION documents. Use DOORLOCKS.EXE program and unlock door 236 (password is 1167 from file). Leave room and kitchen and go through the now open door on the left. Grab the FLARE off the shelf and move the crate.

* Use the ladder and climb down into sewers. ================================================================================ ************************************ Sewers ************************************ ================================================================================ "The sewers seemed like the only route out, but it wasn't out I wanted anymore. My father had found something, and I needed to know what - without that, everything would have been for nothing." Map Of Sewers ------------__ |B | | | | |_________________ | R P | | ___R__P___ ___| | | | | | | | | __ | | | | / | / | | |/ __| / / | / / / | / / / | | | | | | | | | | ____| |____ |L_| | | | V| | | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | C L | | C | | C | | | | | | | | C | | C | | C | |~~~~~~~~~~~~~| | | | | | | |____ ____| | | | | | | | | ________| | | | | M C | |____________| Key === B C L M P -

Batteries Crate Ladder Manhole (exit) Load Point

R - Rock Fall V - Valve ================================================================================ ************************************ Sewers ************************************ ================================================================================ * Head up the tunnel from the ladder and turn left to a save point. * After the save point there will be a rock fall and no way to head back. At this point you have a limited time before you are teleported away from the location so be quick or just wait for it to happen. You'll come back afterwards so don't worry. * Go forward and right to grab the batteries from behind the box. * Turn left and follow the tunnel into a big square room. Basically you need to arrange the boxes into a line across the bottom of the room, then climb up and use the valve to fill it up with water so you can cross.

================================================================================ ****************************** Alternate Reality ******************************* ================================================================================ Map Of Alternate Reality -----------------------_____________ _________ / 7 Z \ / 8 Z \ / 5 6 9 Z S \ / __S____V__Z______ \ | 4 | | | | 3 | | | | 2 | |S | | 1 | | | | | | | ZZZZZ ZZZZZ | | | | |V | ___| |___ | | | | |3 | | | | | | | |1 | | | | | | | | 2| | | | | | ________| | 4| | | | | | | |_____| |ZZZZ| START | | | |____________ | F | | F | |_____F______ FFFF| | | | | | | | | | | EXIT Key

=== V S Z F -

Valve Switch Locked Door Fence

================================================================================ ***************************** Alternative Reality ****************************** ================================================================================ You will hear a voice saying "Life ... Philip ... Here ..." before being whisked off to an alternate reality. * You'll be back on the ship at the start of episode 1. * Look at the picture and arrange the 4 items in the room to match the picture: Can on floor needs to go on the shelf Smash the whiskey bottle in the middle of the room Drag chest under the table Drag barrel to opposite corner of the room

A voice will say "No order without Chaos" and the room will change again. * Open chest and grab the egg like thing. * Put it on the picture on the table. * Wait for the voice to say "Sacrifice." and the dog to burn behind you. the body on the hands. The room will change again and you'll appear in a hallway (see map). Hallway 1 --------* In first hallway use the hands in order shown (middle left, middle right, upper left, lower right. * Use the value to open door Hallway 2 --------* Flick the switch to reveal 9 lights on the floor. * Drag the barrels to cover 1, 5 and 9 (you can check each is correct because the noose will be on fire if barrel is correctly placed) * Use the valve to exit Hallway 3 --------* Climb ladder and flick switch, the lower part will fill with blood. * Drop into blood and use switch on the ceiling. * Climb ladder and exit through door. Room 4 -----* You have to be quick now and use the platforms to cross room and exit through door. Voice will say "No.. No... No..." Hallway 5 --------* Again be quick, climb over fences using barrels and run into the light (Carolyn - exorcist anyone?) ================================================================================ ************************************ Sewers ************************************


================================================================================ You should now be back in the sewers now. before you regain control. You'll hear someone talking to you

* climb down ladders and arrange barrels in order to enable you to jump across from one side to the other. * Climb out and use the valve to fill up the area where the barrels are with water. * Jump across barrels to other side. * Follow hallway and look for manhole in ceiling. * Move crates and boxes then jump on them to reach manhole and exit. ================================================================================ ****************************** Dr Swansons Office ***************************** ================================================================================ Dr Swansons Office -----------------___DD___ | H | | | | BF| | S| |___DD___| | | | B| |_M______| Key === B D F H M S -

Batteries Door Flare Fusebox Manhole Save

================================================================================ ****************************** Dr Swansons Office ***************************** ================================================================================ * * * * In the toilets open cupboard and get BATTERIES. Go into next room and get the BATTERIES and FLARE in drawers. Open the fusebox and reposition the fuse to restore power to the computer. You should receive an incoming message from Dr Amabel Swanson. When you have listened to it read the file "Virus Research, Report #2". * Use the save if required then exit the room. ================================================================================ ****************************** Residential Area 4 ****************************** ================================================================================ "Infected. I'd skipped a beat when I heard that word in association with me. Still, it seemed like just one more reason to find my father. Hearing a friendly voice hasn't hurt either - but by that point, I was pretty certain she'd turn out to be crazy." Map of Residential Area 4 -------------------------

(5) _D_ | |______ | | ________________________ |_____ | | MAP | | | | ______ ____ | (4) | | _| | | | | |______Z______________ __| | | | | | | | 1 | | | (3)D | | | |________ _______ | 1 | Z | |_____| | |____| | | | | 0 | | | | | | | | | | |__| | | | 1 | 106 Z Z 107 | |_________________| | | D 0 B| | | | MAP | ____| |_4_A|________|(7) |_______|___ _____ ______| | | | | | |F | | | ____ | 105 Z D START | | | | | | | | | | 108 | |F 109| | (2)Z | | |________|_DD_|___ ___| |_____| | | |____| MAP| | MAP | | ____________ |___| _____ ___| | | | | | | |____ _ZZ_ ____| |_____________| | | | | ____| | | | | | ________| | | ____| | | |_DD_| (1)D | | | |_____________| |(8) | | | |_DD_|__ | | |__ | | | | | |_D__| (6) Key === (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 A B F

Infirmary Residential Area 3 Computer Central Library Storage Machine Room Residential Corridor A Emergency Airlock Locker Room Locked Room Locked Room Locked Room Dr Swansons Room Armoury Locker Room 2 Strange Artefact Batteries Flare

================================================================================ ****************************** Residential Area 4 ****************************** ================================================================================

The residential area has several exits from it and can be tackled in different orders. Completing certain parts will release infected people around the map but these are easily avoided and disappear when you change areas. Notes on Area ------------* Door to the left of 108 (Dr Swansons Room) is blocked from the other side, walk around and remove the barrel to open door. * (1) Infirmary has a security door which is locked preventing entry, labelled "ID3061", there is no visible lock. * (2) Residential area 3 (labelled "Canteen") is locked * (3)Takes you to computer central, which is unlocked. * (4) is the entrance to the library - has retinal scan and palm reader to gain access. * (5)Storage area, which is unlocked. * (6) Machine room - poisonous gas after airlock (8), cannot pass without gas mask protection. * (7) Main residential corridor, has 4 rooms. Only Dr Swansons is accessible.

* (8) Airlock protecting you from poison gas near to machine room. * Locker room (104) is open and has a few items * Rooms 105, 106 and 107 are all inaccessible. * Room 108 is Dr Swansons room where you being the area. * Room 109 (Armoury) has a few items. * Room 110 has an infected inside who is released when you successfully clear the storage area. * When you have exited the machine room a body appears in the hallway north of (8). Body has nothing on it and voice will talk to you when you get near it. You'll hear the voice in your head again, wait to regain control of your body. You only have a couple of options, head to room 104 first. Room 104 (Locker Room) ---------------------* Grab STRANGE ARTEFACT from under the seat and the BATTARIES from one of the lockers. * There is a piece of paper in a frame that you retrieve if you use the rock. It is the ARCHIAC HISTORY text. Room 109 (Armoury) -----------------* Grab the * A SAW is infected * Now exit area the FLARES from the locker and off the shelf. also in this room, grab it from the shelf. This releases an just outside the door. the room and run to computer central, when you re-enter the main infected will have disappeared.

Room 110 (Locker Room 2) -----------------------* grab the FLARE and BATTERIES in the locker. ================================================================================ ******************************* Computer Central* ****************************** ================================================================================ "Savaged, infected, terrified... and now I was hearing voices. Yep, just about everyone down here turns out to be crazy, even me. regardless I need to find my way through and into the library." Map of Computer Central ----------------------___________________________________ | | C | | | | B | | | D D ||| | | D D ||| | |C |P | | |_____________|___| |___|_________| __________ | | | C FS B | | | |G E| | | | | |M | |___ZZ_D___|__|___| |___| | | | | |___________ _________| | | | | |DDD| EXIT Key === B C D E F G M S -

Batteries Computer Drawers Blue Card (Circuit Board) Red Card (Circuit Board) Green Card (Circuit Board) Computer Manual Save Point

================================================================================ ******************************* Computer Central* ****************************** ================================================================================ * Go left to the locked door and speak to Dr Eminiss. He'll ask you for a SAW. * The voices in your head will speak again so wait for them to finish * Put the SAW in the drawer. You'll hear commotion in the room then the good Doctor will try and kill you. * Leg it along the corridor and left, you'll notice the room has two rooms, the one on the right, the server room, has a button to open the door. Press it and go inside. You need to lure the doctor in the room then run out and quickly close the door behind you to trap him. * Grab the PAIN KILLERS from the filing cabinet by the door opposite. * Grab the BATTERIES from the drawer near the computer. * Head back towards the Dr's room and grab the MANUAL off the shelf in the room on the way.

* The Dr's room is filled with stuff. Grab the BATTERIES from the drawers. * Grab the BLUE CARD from the shelf on the right, the RED CARD from the desk and the GREEN CARD from the lockers. * You can save if you want using the save point on the desk. * Follow the corridors around into the with the computer (next to the server room). You need to read the computer manual and use the PC. * You now need to use the RED, BLUE and GREEN cards to load programs then put them in the other computer in the adjoining room. * The three colour cards are RED (BOOT), BLUE (NETWORK), GREEN (INTERFACE) RED (BOOT) - Circuit Setup - Disk Info Setup - Hardware locator BLUE (NETWORK) - Circuit Setup - Socket Protocol - Firewall - Antivirus - Net Locator GREEN (INTERFACE) - Circuit Setup - CMD Interface - File Stream - Admin Tools * Go into the room with the PC, where the Dr was. * Use the PC: Current Operations (folder) - Water Cave.pic - Tomb.pic - Tomb.txt - Water cave.txt - Greenland Site.txt International work - Other research sites.txt (corrupt) Doorlock Controller.exe * Read all documents. * Use doorlock controller program and enter code 3061 to open the infirmary door. * Exit area and head to the infirmary. ================================================================================ ********************************** Infirmary *********************************** ================================================================================ Map Of Infirmary ---------------__________DD___ | F|A | | | | | | W| |______| | | SM| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |__PPV_|___ZZ___| | | _______|B | | | | | |___ ___| | | | X| | | |_________B_____H| Key --A B D F H M P V W X Z -

Strange Artefact Batteries Door Flare Head Cryo Manual Pain Killers Viscae Somnus Wristband Switch Locked Door

================================================================================ ********************************** Infirmary *********************************** ================================================================================ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Open the door to the toilets and get the FLARE from the locker. Grab the WRISTBAND from the chair in the main room. Use the box to grab the STRANGE ARTEFACT in the corner of the room. Get the CRYO MANUAL off the desk in the room with the PC. Use the bucket or concrete lump in toilets to break the glass on the cabinet. Grab the 2 PAIN KILLERS and VISCAE SOMNUS from the cupboard. Use the PC and answer the call from Dr Swanson. Read the CHEMICAL TEXT.TXT document (patient report #1 is corrupt). Combine the VISCAE SOMNUS with the syringe. Use the WRISTBAND on yourself. Use the SYRINGE and you will pass out, when you recover the locked area at the back will be open. Walk through doors and grab BATTERIES off shelf on the right. Search the desk and get the BATTERIES from the second drawer. Use the SWITCH and grab the head (you'll need to wiggle it several times until it snaps off before you can pick it up). Now exit and head to the storage area off the residential area.

================================================================================ ************************************ Storage *********************************** ================================================================================ Map Of Storage -------------_______ _______ | | | X | |A | | | | | | S| | | | N| |F |___| | | WWW | | WWW |

| |---| | | | | | |LLLLLLL| |LLLLLLL| | | |___D___| | | | GAS X| |__DD___| |_______| Key === A D F L N S X -

Artefact Door Flare Lasers Document Save Point Switch

================================================================================ ************************************ Storage *********************************** ================================================================================ * use the three boxes to jump over the laser beam. The voice will then speak to you again * Get the FLARE from the shelf * Get the STRANGE ARTEFACT on the shelf in the comer of the room * Put small barrels and boxes under the weight blocking access to the far side of the room. When it breaks you can use boxes to climb over the weight. * Get the THEORITIC EFFECTS OF CONTROLLED INFECTION from the shelf near the save point. The voice will speak again. * Use the boxes to climb up and reach the switch at the back of the room. This will disable the lasers. * Run into the room with the body and grab the GAS MASK. * Wear the GAS MASK and enter room again and flick the switch on the wall. * Climb back over the weight (voice will play a trick, ignore the spider) and exit room. ================================================================================ ****************************** Residential Area 4 ****************************** ================================================================================ NOTE: When you run past the door (110) an infected will burst out. Run and head to the Machine Room. He will disappear when you re-enter the area. * Wear GAS MASK before entering tunnel with gas and go through door to machine room. ================================================================================ ********************************* Machine Room ********************************* ================================================================================ Map Of Machine Room ------------------________ | | | S| | B| |__ __|

_ |W| | |

| | _|_|__ | | | |___ | |______| H |_W_| | D | | ______D X_| | | | | | | | |___|__| ____|ZZ|___ | | | | |W| | ___ | |_| | | | | | |___| | | | |____ ___| | | _____| | | ______| Z| V| | M| | | | | | | | | | | DD Key === A D F L N S W X Z -

Artefact Door Flare Lasers Document Save Point Worm Switch Locked Door

================================================================================ ********************************* Machine Room ********************************* ================================================================================ * Take off GAS MASK. * Grab the METAL BAR along the tunnel to the locked door in square room, it should wedge in the door automatically. * Push the METAL BAR to open the door. * Head into the room ahead with the SAVE POINT. * Get the BATTERIES from the drawer. * Use the PC PC has two programs on: 1)Steam Pressure Statistics.exe 2)Steam Pressure Operations.exe Steam Pressure Statistics.exe ***************************** Valve Control Interface Value I.D # 45-51 # 56-77 # 77-78 # 87-89 Temperature 130 86 89 91 Mode Auto Auto Auto Auto

Steam Pressure Operations.exe ***************************** Valve Control interface # # # # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 45-51 56-77 77-78 87-89 Unlock Unlock Unlock Unlock Valve Valve Valve Valve Lock Lock Lock Lock Valve Valve Valve Valve

Run Steam Pressure Statistics.exe Change 45-51 to manual mode Run Steam Pressure Operations.exe Unlock 45-51 Exit PC Head back to where you entered and use the valve (should unlock the other room in this area) Head to only room in area you haven't been into. Examine the body on the floor. Use reader by door (now locked). Body will fall through grate. Worm will then break through walls and try and kill you. You need to wait until the worm comes through the south wall then flick the switch to electrocute it. It will spit out a HAND. Grab the HAND and use it on reader to exit the room. Exit back to the residential corridor.

================================================================================ ****************************** Residential Area 4 ****************************** ================================================================================ You now have everything you need to get into the library so head back there. You'll notice a body on the way which you can ignore. * When you get back to where the library was, you'll see the door has disappeared and Clarence will talk to you. Head towards the Armoury to find a dead end then return to the library and the door should have re-appeared. * Use the HEAD on the retinal scanner and the HAND on palm reader to open the door. Click on door and exit into the library. Note: Sometimes the door wouldn't open so make sure you use the correct item on the correct reader! ================================================================================ ************************************ Library *********************************** ================================================================================ "I'd picked up some baggage on the way, but finally I was close to my goal. I was sure answers lay behind that door. they were answers I should have set out to find when I received my fathers letter in 2000. Why did I wait a whole year before coming here?" Map Of Library -------------___DD___ | | | |_____ | | HLBB| | | | | D F| |S D | | | |

| |__X__| | | |__AZZ___| Map === A B D H L S Z -

Strange Artefact Batteries Door Howard's Last Words Lamp Save point Locked door

================================================================================ ************************************ Library *********************************** ================================================================================ * Open the drawers and grab the piece of paper - you can't read it though. The voice will talk to you again. * Turn around and look for a bookcase on the wall opposite. There is a book sticking out (2nd shelf down 6th book from the right) that opens a false door. * Enter room and find your father dead on a chair. * Use the light on the desk to light up the room. * Grab the 2 BATTERIES from the drawers. * Grab HOWARD'S FINAL WORDS from the desk. * Grab the FLARE from the shelf. * Press the button to unlock the door to the next area. * Use the boxes to climb up on the central bookcase in the main room to get the STRANGE ARTEFACT from on top of the door. ================================================================================ ************************************* Cave ************************************* ================================================================================ "I barely even thought about my father's death - I guess I wasn't expecting to find him any other way. I was determined to complete his work, find an answer to the infection then contact the 'hive'" Map Of Cavern ------------_______DD_____ |P | | | / |____| / _______|______|__________ / | | \__ \ | ______|__|______ \ | | | | | L \R | | | | A | W | \_| | |____|______|_W__| | | L | X | W | | | | | | |______| | | | | | | | |__________ ___________| | | | |

| | / | | | | | | Key === A L X W P / / | | | | | | / / /

| |


Strange Artefact Ladder Switch Large Piece Of Wood PC

================================================================================ ************************************* Cave ************************************* ================================================================================ * Grab the large piece of wood and use it to create a ramp to the switch (hid by corrugated metal). * Climb up the ramp and move metal to reveal a switch. * Use switch to drop ladder to the left. * Climb the ladder and turn right. * You need to push the platform down above the switch * Walk across new platform and head towards the ladder, watch out for falling body! * Climb up new ladder and jump onto the ledge. * Jump across to platform and grab the STRANGE ARTEFACT. * Go to ladder and climb up and jump off onto ledge again. * Push the rock to create a new ramp to the top of the scaffolding. * Climb the rock and head towards the door. * Turn left and move the mattress to access a hidden PC. * Use PC and speak to Amabel (constructions.txt is corrupt). * Exit and get ready to RUN! Note: Once you exit this area you can't get back so you may want to save in case you missed any items. ================================================================================ *********************************** Outside ************************************ ================================================================================ "A Cure! I had my doubts by then, but I didn't have much choice. to find Amabel, and put things right." Map Of Outside -------------________DD_______ | | G| | | | GG| | | | | | | | | | | __ | | | B| | I resolved

| |D | | | | | | |__| | | | | | ________ |_________________| | | | | | _| | | | | / __ | |______|_|_______ / / |B | | | X \ / / | P| | | \ / / L| | | __ \__________/_/ |__| | | | | | | | ____________ | | |C | / \_\ \ \ | | |_B| / / \__ \ \ | | | / \_\ \_\__________| | | / \_ | |______ZZ________|__/ \_\ _| \_ |_| \_\ __ __ _| \__\_\_\_\__|_| Map === B C D G L P X Z -

Barrel Spray Can Dirty Cloth Gasoline Barrel Zippo Lighter Pain Killers Switch (frozen) locked Door

================================================================================ *********************************** Outside ************************************ ================================================================================ * * * * * * * * * Run right across bridge and into shed. Grab ZIPPO LIGHTER off shelf and use it on the barrel. Grab PAIN KILLERS off the shelf. Run out and left, use the small outcrops around the edge of the ravine to get back across to where you entered the area. Run into the shed and use the ZIPPO on the barrel. Grab the SPRAY CAN from the shelf. Combine the SPRAY CAN and ZIPPO to make the FLAME THROWER. Run to the switch outside the hut and use the FLAME THROWER on it. Press the switch to activate the walkway.

Note: whilst waiting for walkway head back into shed to keep warm * * * * * * * Head across walkway and into shed on left. Use ZIPPO on barrel and grab DIRTY CLOTH next to barrel. Combine DIRTY CLOTH and ALCOHOL. Exit shed and head left towards door blocked with ice. Use the CLOTH on the gasoline barrel (it should move in front of the door). Use the FLAME THROWER on the gasoline barrel and run back to the shed. Wait for the explosion and run back towards door to exit into new area.

NOTE: You shouldn't need to use any pain killers and when you get back inside your

health should return to its maximum level. ================================================================================ *********************************** Shelter ************************************ ================================================================================ Map Of Shelter (Science Wing A) ------------------------------B466 | | | | | | | | | | | | _| ______________________________ | | |__| B467

_______________Z_______Z____ D | _____ _______ ______ _____ |___Z______Z__ | | DD | | | | | | | | | | | | B456 | _____| | | B462 | B464 | | | (2) | | | | | | | | | | | |______| | (3) | |_D____|__D___| | | | | | | |B463 | | | | | ______ | | | | | | | | | Z | |________DD_| |_____| B465 | | | | | | D | | | | | | | ______ _|___ |___Z___| |__ | _| |_ | | | | | | | |_ | | | | | | | | | | |__________| |____| | B457 | | |____ _______ | | FOYER | | Z | | | | | | ______ |_ _ __|______| | | | | | |_ _| |_| |_ _| | | | | B460 | | | | | | | | | Z B458 | | | | | | | | __| | | | | | | | (5) D | | | | | | | | ______| |_______D__| | | | | | B455 |A D | | | | | |B461 | | | | | | |__| | | | | B459 | | ____| |_______| | | | | | | |__|_D____| |____ | | | | | | | | || _______________| | | | | |_______________D_ || | | | | | | || | | | | | | || | | |__ | | | | | | | | |______| | | | | |ZZ___| | | | | (1) | | |DD| (4) Key === A (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) B455 B456 B457 B458 B459 B460

Strange Artefact South Exit Research Facility Examination Area Kennel Chemical Research Lab Maintenance room Bricked Up Locked Locked / Bricked Up Empty Room Bricked Up

B461 B462 B463 B464 B465 B466 B467 D Z

No entrance Locked Locked Locked Locked Locked locked Door Locked Door

Notes on area: -------------* Some of the corridors have been bricked up and cannot be passed (not indicated on game map) * There are 2 infected walking the map around map; the first wanders around rooms 457-459, the other around 462-465. Sneak around to avoid detection. B455 has

* All rooms apart from B455 and B459 are either locked or bricked up. a STRANGE ARTEFACT hidden inside a rubbish bin. (2) - Walking past the research lab for the first time will initiate a conversation with Amabel - she needs a key card to get out.

================================================================================ *********************************** Shelter ************************************ ================================================================================ Clarence will talk to you when you enter the facility. * Descend the steps whilst he is talking and look at the map on the wall to the left. * Walk past the map straight forward and around the corner past the research lab. This will initiate a conversation with Amabel. * After the conversation you need to head to the kennels. ================================================================================ *********************************** Kennels ************************************ ================================================================================ Map Of Kennels -------------_____ | | | |________ | D | | |_____ | __ | | | | _____ | | |_____| |##| | E | | | |##| |B |___| | |##| | | | _____| | |SW D___ | | | |B | | | | _____| |_____| | | | | H | | | | H | | ____________________ | |___________ | | | __ __ __ | | | | | | | A| | | | | | | ________ | | | | | _| | _| | _| | | | | | | | | | | | | |

| | | | | |___ | | | |__| |___________| |__|____| | | | | | CC | | | |_______________ DD________________|___| | | | | | | | | ___|D_|___ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |__________| | | | | DD Map === # A B C D E S W H -

Safe Spot Artefact Batteries Crate Door Electricity Panel Save Point Wilbur Frisk Efficiency Report Hole

================================================================================ *********************************** Kennels ************************************ ================================================================================ * Enter the kennels and go through door. * Head left and up inside the first kennel to find a STRANGE ARTEFACT. * Head up the left corridor to get a message about noises in the wall and it not safe to go up there yet. * Head along the corridor to the right instead. * You can go along the corridor on the right but the room at the end is empty. * If you do head to the empty room when you leave a dog will run at you - its a hallucination so don't worry. * In the open room at the end of the corridor are two heavy crates. Move each crate so it blocks the two holes in the walls of this corridor. * Follow the corridor around to a small room with a save point. * Grab the WILBUR FRISK EFFICIENCY REPORT off the desk. * Grab the BATTERIES off the desk and the electricity box. * Use the electric panel and run back to the where it said it wasn't safe to go. A body will fall out of the roof wait on the corner. * the lights will come on in a sequence, you need to stay in the light (Carolyn) and follow the corridor to the safe spot (indicated by the # on the map). Then all the way through the door into a room with a body. * Grab the BATTERIES off the floor and the RESEARCH KEY CARD from in front of the body. * Head back down the corridor and exit to the main Shelter area. ================================================================================ *********************************** Shelter ************************************ ================================================================================ * Clarence will start to talk to you again. Start sneaking up the stairs and you'll notice an infected is now patrolling the top of the stairs. * Sneak up and hide in room B455 * wait for the infect to walk back towards the research lab and sneak out the room and hide behind the pillar on your right. When he heads back towards the kennels sneak past and go towards the research lab. * Use the KEY CARD on the door lock and enter the research lab.

================================================================================ ********************************* Research Lab ********************************* ================================================================================ Map Of Research Lab ------------------_____ _________________ _____ | | HV | | | | | | | D W D | | | | | |_____| _______D________|__B__| | LPP S B |______ ___| | B F | |A | | | | D Z | |___| | | | | | |_____DD____F_____|_B__C_| Key === A B C D F H L P S v Z -

Strange Artefact Batteries PC Door Flare Handle Lamp Pain Killers Save Point Lever Locked Door

================================================================================ ********************************* Research Lab ********************************* ================================================================================ * * * * * Turn on lamp in corner for a bit more light Grab the PAIN KILLERS from the desk and the RUBBISH BIN next to the desk. Grab the FLARE from the desk on the opposite wall. Grab the BATTERIES from desk with save point on it. Go into the toilet on the right and grab the STRANGE ARTEFACT from the corner of the room. * SAVE before doing next bit. * Enter room next to save point. The door will shut behind you and an infected will enter from the room on the left. You need to use the handle in the corner to raise the weight then the lever to drop the weight on the infected. * Run to the handle and turn it to raise the weight. * Run to where the infected came from, lure it into the room and run back to the lever. * Use the lever to drop the weight and kill the infected. Clarence will then speak and you'll quickly realise you kill Amabel. * Grab the KEY off Amabel's body.

* * * *

Go into the room on the right and get the BATTERIES from the locker. Use the KEY on the door to Amabel's office. Grab the FLARE and BATTERIES off the shelf. Grab the BATTERIES out of the drawer and use the PC.

PC - Antidote.txt - Diagram 01.txt - Diagram 02.txt - Doorlock Controller.exe - Diagnostics.exe - Schmup.exe * * * * Read ANTIDOTE.TXT Run the various diagnostics for some useless information. Run the DOORLOCK program to unlock the Chem. Airlock. SCHMUP.EXE program is password protected (password is xor451). a space invaders game. * Log off PC and exit the lab. Head for the Chemical Lab.

You can play

================================================================================ *********************************** Shelter ************************************ ================================================================================ "I still have no words for what Clarence did. For what I did. I held my anger tight to my chest, and used it. I used it to keep going. I intended to use it to cure myself of Clarence forever." ================================================================================ ********************************* Chemical Lab ********************************* ================================================================================ Map Of Chemical Lab ------------------___________________ | C | | _ ______ | |X_| |_ | _ | | | |__| |_| |______ | | |_________ ___ |__ ___________ | | | | | _ | | | C Z________ | _________| |_| |___| __| | | | | ______| |______ |_ __ BB___ ____| | AP DD F| |X| | | | | ____ | T B B| | |_____| |_| | | 1234_ | | | |S | | |____________ |C____________ _| | | | Z__________ | | | |___V_|_____|U___| | | | | | | ZZ | | | | _____| | | | | ______| _| | | | __ |_ | | | |X | | | | | | |______| |_______ | | |_ C | | | _| ____ _ | | | | _ _| __| | | | | |

| |_| |___| |_| | | | |___ _ | | | | _____| |__ | | | | | | | | | __| |__________| | | | |__ | | | |C________ ___| | | | | ______| | | | | ______| |ZZ| | | __ | | | | | | | | | | ___| |___| | | | | | | | | _______ | | | | | | | | | | |_______| | | | | I | | | | ____X__ | | | | | | | | | | |_______| | | | | | | | |____ ______| | | | | ____ _____|Z|_ | | _ | | | | | |__| |__| |___| |____ | Z GAS D |_________Z ___ ____D | | | S | |____| |_Y_______| Map === 1,2,3,4 - Switches and levers operate machine A - Artefact B - Batteries C - Camera D - Door I - Infected P - Pain Killers S - Save Point T - Container U - Container Slot X - Switch Y - Pipe Section Z - Locked Door ================================================================================ ********************************* Chemical Lab ********************************* ================================================================================ * The gas will kill you without the GAS MASK. * door at the end is locked but the computer in Amabel's office should open it. * Put on GAS MASK and approach the door, the door won't open because of the gas leak. * Break the pipe by the gas leak using some debris. * Pick up the PIPE SECTION and put it where the pipe section is missing and it should attach. * The gas will clear and door open, head through it. Follow path into next section, the aim here is to distract the infected and flick the switch then run through the locked door. * Pick up a box and throw it the far end of the corridor the infect is standing

in. * sneak right and to the switch. * Flick the switch then RUN through the door The next sections are a series of cameras which you should avoid. The green light shows where the security camera can see, the area you must avoid. * Go right when the camera is not looking and up along the middle section. * Wait for the cameras again and go straight across. * The switch is in the corner, flick it then head for the locked door, avoiding the camera. The next section has two switches and 3 cameras. * * * * * * Go left and hide under the camera at the end of hallway. Go up and left to find first switch. Flick the switch Go along the hallway and grab the two batteries. Turn left and left again to the top corner to find the second switch. Head towards the locked door which is along the hallway, right, left, right left. You

Now Clarence will say something and you will be in a nice well lit tunnel. need to run because two infected will follow you through the door.

* RUN to the door and go through it. * Pull the shelves on the left across the doorway to block it and stop the infected getting in. * Grab the FLARE and BATTERIES from the shelf in the corner. * Grab the STRANGE ARTEFACT, BATTERIES and PAIN KILLERS from the desk with PC on it. * Grab the EMPTY CONTAINER from the floor behind the desk. * Use EMPTY container on the container slot next to the machine. PC has Diagnostic.exe program which is amusing to run. Go to the big machine, which has 3 levers and a button. From right to left the levers do: Left Middle Right Button Forward and backwards Left and right Up and down Grab\release object

* Use the levers and buttons to manouver the item into the hole in the back left of the machine. * Grab the FILLED SUBSTANCE CONTAINER from the slot, Clarence will talk to you again. * Use valve in corner of room will open locked door but trigger a 2 minute termination warning! You may want to set pain killers to quick use whilst running to heal. * * * * * Go though the doorway. Follow the tunnel avoiding the steam on the second bend. Move rubble on corner and continue. Crawl under middle section. Again, watch out for steam on corner then crawl down the last corridor to the emergency exit, back at the entrance where you started. * Exit back to the shelter. ================================================================================

*********************************** Shelter ************************************ ================================================================================ "With the substance in tow, I was close to ridding myself of the disease. Once that was done, I'd be able to contact the Tuurngait mind, as had my father. I had to know what they told him to make him give up like that. I had to put an end to this" Clarence will talk and you'll have difficulty controlling your movements. You need to head for the examination area but beware, an infected is patrolling this area now so you'll probably have to go right, right again, then left through door and right into the examination area. You will slowly regain your control over time so best to just run for it. Clarence will control your movements and use hallucinations, but you will eventually make it to the examination area. ================================================================================ ****************************** Examination Area ******************************** ================================================================================ Map Of Examination Area ----------------------______ ______ ____ | | | | |A | | | | | D C| |M | | | |M D |_V__|_ |M | ____ | |___R__|___Z__| _| | | SB | |__| _| | | P __ _| |N | |__V_ | | B| I| | D D F| |__D___|__H___|____| Map === A B C D H I M N R S V Z -

Acetate Batteries Chlorine Door Sulphur Iodine Chemical Machine Nitrogen Bromine Save Vent Locked Door

================================================================================ ****************************** Examination Area ******************************** ================================================================================ * * * * * Open filing cabinet and get the NITROGEN. Get the BATTERIES from the drawers. Exit into next room and get the BATTERIES off the shelf. Get the SULPHUR off the desk behind some books. Exit into small store room and get the FLARE off the shelf.

* * * * * * * * * *

Jump up and grab the IODINE from the shelf Look at the picture and move to reveal a vent. Climb into vent and follow it around. Drop down and unblock the door. Go into the room near the vent and grab the CHLORINE off the shelf. Exit room and go into the room with the body, directly opposite. Grab the BROMINE from the shelf near the door. Grab the ACETONE from the shelf in the corner of the room. Put the FILLED SUBSTANCE CONTAINER in the bottom of the machine. Put all six chemicals into the top of the machine (order is irrelevant).

According to the notes they need to be mixed in this order: Chlorine Acetone Iodine Bromine Nitrogen Sulphur (2) (1) (4) (6) (5) (3)

* Push the buttons in the above order remembering the button sequence on the machine is: 1 2 3 6 5 4 * Use the "hand" on the machine to administer the cure. * Head out of door and door will break open. You will have reanimated the body in the room where you got the cure with Clarence. You will need to act quickly and remove the block from the door. Then escape the area. * Move the obstruction then jump into the vents and wait for Clarence to start walking between rooms. * Use plastic bottles from room and throw into "cure room" to distract him. * Make a move for the door, sneak through, save and exit. ================================================================================ *********************************** Shelter ************************************ ================================================================================ Watch the cutscene where poor old Clarence buys the farm. load to a new area The game will then

================================================================================ ******************************* Tuurngait Tests ******************************** ================================================================================ You will have to listen to the Tuurngait mind talking before you find yourself in a cell. You will have to undergo several "tests" in order to proceed ================================================================================ ******************************* Tuurngait Test 1 ******************************* ================================================================================ ______ | | | | | | |B S|

|__DD__| Key === B - Iron Bar D - Door S - Stone * * * * * Pick up the IRON BAR. Move the brick at the bottom A man will speak to you from Use the IRON BAR on hole and Exit through door and you'll you again then the game will

of the wall. next cell asking for the IRON BAR. man will free you be back at the "sundial", the mind will speak to load a new area.

================================================================================ ******************************* Tuurngait Test 2 ******************************* ================================================================================ _____________ | | |___ _D______|___ | || | | || __ | | || | | | | || | | | | || | |__B_| | || | | || | _____| || _| |F || | | ___X_|| | | | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___| | | | X| | | F| |__________| | | |____ | | |________| Key === B D F X -

Bell Switch Door Flamethrower Trigger Switch (flamethrower)

* An infected will be moving up and down the strip adjacent to you start position. Sneak around to the bell switch then use it. The infected will break through the door. * Exit through door and you'll be back at the "sundial", the mind will speak to you again then the game will load a new area.

================================================================================ ******************************* Tuurngait Test 3 ******************************* ================================================================================ __________ _____ _____ | R | F| E | 3 D X | ___3|____H|_____I | | T | | |F F| | | | |_____________ | | | | |_________2___ | | | | | | | | | |_____________ | | R | | | | | |_____________ | | | | | | | | | | R | | | | | _____| | | 2 | | | | |_______| | | | | | | | 1 | | | | | | | |__X_2| | |____1| * Walk around corner and drag rock back to (1) where you started. * Door 1 will open, go through it. * use switch to hold door 1 open, run through and grab the stone and drag it over (2). * Use switch to open door, run around until you find the flamethrower then kill yourself. * when you wake up behind door 2, drag the rock over (2) to open the door. * Go past your corpse and around the corner. * Drag rock over (3) to open the door. * Use the hand scanner and exit through the door. * Keep moving until dream sequence ends. ================================================================================ ******************************* Howard's Vision ******************************** ================================================================================ The mind will say you are proven and shows you Howards vision. You will appear back in the examination area. The mind will speak to you as you move from room to room. * When you get to the room with the PC use it. * Wait as the room gets darker then use the doors, notes on desk and the calendar. * The PC will come on again and you need to use it to complete the the game. ================================================================================ *********************************** Prologue ***********************************

================================================================================ Will you do this for me? it asked, and I said that I would. I promised the hive that I would contact someone I could trust, that I would have them destroy all the evidence of this place, just as my father had promised himself. I, however, will not make the same mistakes my father made you now understand the truth of the events that lead me here, and the immeasurable importance of my words. Armed with this knowledge, you must have the strength to do that which I could not. The Tuurngait was quite correct we humans are dangerous, headless heard, but intelligent individuals. The members of this facility sought to reveal and control the Tuurngait, and the Tuurngait turned to me for salvation. The hive ran its tests on me and I jumped through its hoops like the monkey it took me for. But I am no monkey. The Tuurngait was right I am entirely unlike it: I had more in common with Clarence. I promised I would send this email to you. I promised I would ask that you keep all humans from this place for the sake of the Tuurngait, and for the human race. I lied. If we are lucky, then by the time you read this, I will be dead. If fate frowns, we all perish. The North-Western Mine is located at reference N81.6914, W58.3154. Kill them. Kill them all. Statistics ---------Congratulations, after the credits your statistics will be revealed: Completion Time: Save Artefacts Used: Notes Found: Collectables Found: hh:mm:ss xx xx / 20 xx / 10 Will try

This walkthrough will only find 19/20 notes and 10/10 collectables. and find the missing notes.

Getting all the collectables will unlock the code for the "super_secret.exe" (xor451). Has lots of pictures and a video, also allows you to play the SCHMUP game on the PC in Amabel's office in the Research Lab.

******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** ****************************** END OF WALKTHROUGH ****************************** ******************************************************************************** ******************************************************************************** ********************************************************************************

================================================================================ { } { 05 - Notes } { } ================================================================================ There are several letters, notes and journals scattered through the game to help progress the story. I have detailed these below: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) Scrap Of Paper Escapee Note Medical Report Password Changes Shelter Orientation Howard's Notes Timeline of Events Virus Research Report #2 Computer Manual Theoretic Effects Of Controlled infection Temple Operation Water Cave OPeration Greenland Site Archaic History Cryo-Manual Chemical Tests Howard's Final Words Wilbur Frisk Efficiency Report Antidote ?

Missing 1 note, not sure what or where this is though. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Scrap Of Paper (1 page) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Between light and shadow, exists an entire world. That world is not necessarily our own. Get Out Now 0. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Escapee Note -1 page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well... I guess you got my last note. We're through the thick of it now. If you, like me, have just escaped through the ventilation, we shouldn't be too far from the stronghold set up in the mess hall. Should be safe there. I've been marking my route, if you follow that, you should be fine. Almost home and dry now. I heard Howard's been working on a cure. Maybe we can beat this thing after all. maybe, when I get back, we'll be able to sort everything out, and by the time you make it through, you'll be just in time for tea and medals. Maybe even some hot chocolate. I can't wait. Neil Oswald How about that?

I love hot chocolate.

Chief Chemist PS Careful of the mess hall security - I designed it myself. organic material. Its sensitive to

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------3) Medical Report -2 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Patient Notes: Derren Grey Sex: Male Age: 32 Nationality: AUS Role: Excavation Team First Symptoms - patient reported mild disorientation, and was asked to lie down. Mild sedative administered. Hour 3 - patient develops a rash on the neck (possible infection entry point?) Hour 4 - Two of the three symptoms manifested. Deja Vu (patient reports that he has already undergone standard tests when I was the only one who could have administered them.) Paranoia (said testing is abhorrent to the patient). I have no doubt that the third symptom, aural disorientation, will take hold in the next 30 minutes. Abnormal noises, even disembodied noises and alternate personalities are commonly reported in other infected staff. Hour 6 - Patient secured, as per archaic standard procedure. Bolted the poor bastard down myself - we can't protect ourselves from infection, but we can take precautions with the infected. Hour 7 - Patient pronounced expired by common consent of all those present. Expiration was caused by an overdose of insulin. I administered the dose myself at 06:12 - death did not occur for another 30 minutes, three times the expected figure. I wonder to what extent Grey could still be considered a man? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) Password Changes (Password Changes.txt) - 1 page -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Important Update The following password changes have been made since the printing of your personal guide: Door Door Door Door # # # # 456 332 236 126 4167 3345 1167 1123

As always the above information is strictly confidential and is not to be spread to other members. 5) Shelter Orientation (Introductions.txt) - 2 pages ---------------------------------------------------Welcome to the Shelter Research Station Greenland. Shelter is almost an entirely self sufficient installation, built in the 70s to further serve the purpose of the Archaic Elevated Caste, in their pursuit, and defence, of ancient knowledge.

As a new member of the facility, there are some basic rules that you should be aware of, in order to be useful to the Archaic. Shelter provides living facilities, including a mess hall, gymnasium, and medical bay, in addition to the stipulated array of laboratories (chemical and biological), work stations, excavation equipment, and security. Please use the former at your leisure, but expect to be assigned to the later with a moments notice. Second, due to the nature of work here, should you in any way feel ill, light-headed, or otherwise mentally incapacitated, DO NOT report to the medical facility. fasten yourself to whatever solid object may be available, attempt to seal all connecting doors, and await retrieval by our trained professionals. In a worse case scenario, be prepared to swallow your personal cyanide capsule which will be issued to you after this briefing. The archaic hates to lose its treasured staff, but it may be for the good of the operation. We know you will enjoy working with us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------6) Howard's Research (Research.txt) - 2 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------My research has uncovered something ... fascinating. Time and again I warned overseer frisk I needed time to perform a full textural analysis, before my translation could be considered complete. He went ahead with the excavation anyway, and now he has paid the price. This facility's security level is high enough that no trace it exists beyond the confines of these walls - not even the Archaic Central Caste have records of its location. In fact, the only link to this place in the outside world is the notes I left behind many years ago, no rescue attempts have been made, not one person has tried to enter the facility. Just before the virus was released, I sent a message out to someone I could trust. I can only assume my son, Philip, has received the note, and done what I asked. No matter what happens down here, at least I can rest easy knowing that no trace remains of this place, that those secrets remain buried here. I learned that over the years, never put too much weight on any one discovery, but the information I hold is vital not just to our survival, but the future of our species. First thing in the morning, I intend to call on volunteers to set out into the infected area of the shelter. No one will come but I shall ask all the same. I'll make a move for the library first, then its unknown variables. After that, I shall simply have to put my faith in this discovery. If I am wrong about this, I will barely make it through residential. to think I left my family for this place, for this organisation. Which is more horrible: that I have sacrificed something so dear, or that I do not regret it for a second. Howard Lafresque Chief Translator -------------------------------------------------------------------------------7) Timeline Of Events - 4 pages --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1910: North-Western Lead Mine opened 17th August 1930: University of Copenhagen research suggested high suicide rates may be due to chemical deposits in the mine 3rd September 1939: World War 2 breaks out 1st December: Part of lead mine converted into British Command bunker 14th August 1945: World War 2 ends 15th August 1945: Commanding Officer files a report on ancient artefact discovered during routine maintenance 1952: North-West lead mine shut down 1954: New lead and iron operations opened in old mine 1969: Malformed local fauna prompts assignment of Dr. J Peters to iron mine 1970: Dr. Peters discovers abnormally large species of grey rock worm 21st August 1972 Accident involving large scale deaths caused entire mining operations to be shut down - many bodies are never recovered 19th January 1973 Archaic becomes aware of events in Greenland 1st April 1973 Construction begins on shelter research station on site of abandoned North-Western iron mine. 1975: Shelter construction complete, key members include Overseer Bren Stafferson, Chemist Troy Retonesque and translator Howard Lefresque 1990: Shelter operations expand to secondary excavation sites, including site B water cave. 12th September 1991 Troy Retonesque replaced by Neil Oswald as attending chemist at site B. 6th January 1992: Substance 63 and artefact 66b discovered at site B 20th February 1992: Site B closed due to hostile local fauna 3rd March 2000: Primary excavation uncovers Tuurngait Tomb - excavation continues despite protests from Howard Lafresque

27th April 2000: Investigation of Tuurngait Tomb scheduled by chief overseer Wilbur Frisk -------------------------------------------------------------------------------8) Virus Research, Report #2 - 2 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuurngait Virus Field Notes Amabel Swanson Infection Process The worst thing about my job - death helps us learn

Timeframe - 5 weeks Location - hold up in the mess hall Research subjects - three archaic personnel who contracted the virus With every infection, the process - the lifecycle of the virus becomes clearer. In addition to the already - documented symptoms, there seems to be some final stages during which the organism fully take hold. Just before becoming fully catatonic, the infested report out of body experiences. They've likened these to being observed through a series of their own memories, some kind of mental obstacle course. These reports inevitably end in the patient being swallowed by some inescapable dark force, shortly after which we lose them for good. If these experiences are, as the seem to be, some form pf representation of the infection process, we can only theorise as to what might occur should the patient 'escape' the hallucination. Additional note Today, Dr Eminiss confided in me that he has had such an experience. He insists that he feels better than he has in months. I'll keep an eye on him. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------9) Computer Manual - 2 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Server Installation Quick Start Guide The most common cause of frustration during the installation process is the use of incorrectly formatted circuit cards. Please ensure boot, network and interface cards are functioning correctly, with default programs stored before continuing. Required circuit cards (program counts listed in brackets) Boot (3) - collects the basic disk drive and hardware configuration data. Network (5) - uses advanced communication drivers to allow access to any local intranet or HUB network. Comes with all the latest security protocols. Interface (4) - Carries all programs required in server and file access, in addition to high level direct hardware access. Circuit card compatible programs "Circuit Setup" - required installation to get any program running "Disk Info Setup" - collate disk drive configuration data "Hardware Locator" - collate hardware configuration data "Socket Protocol" - install communication drivers "Firewall" - provides protection against invalid access "Antivirus" - provides protection against malicious programs

"CMD Interface" "Net Locator" "File Streamer" "Admin Tools" -

- installs interface that allows server access installs routines required for accessing the intranet - installs drivers required for accessing files installs tools required for direct hardware access

By popular demand, the server no longer requires the latest version of windows to function correctly. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------10) Theoretic Effects Of Controlled infection - 3 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dr Richard Eminiss Theoretic Effects of Controlled Infection report requested by Overseer Frisk, on behalf of the Elevated For the record I see no value in recording this information in such an early stage of the project. However, were we to assume that the virus could somehow infect a host, without fully taking control of its upper brain functions, we might observer the following. Fact: Translator Lafrsque, in his (ignored) efforts to prevent the release of the virus, correctly predicted the virus was capable of manipulating the hosts motor-neuron functions. Theory: were an instance of the infection controlled and sustained we may find that a) the virus seeks to keep its host alive in whatever way possible (suicide would be against the rules), and that b) the virus gains control over some or all sensory faculties, facilitating such an objective. Fact: when the virus infects a host of any species it adapts the organisms brain functions as best it can to suit its own purposes. Theory: were the virus unable to fully take hold, it may develop some partitioning of the hosts consciousness, effectively perverting a small corner of the hosts mind into a form of secondary personality. Fact: the Tuurngait virus was released from (according to LaFresque) a tomb many centuries old. Theory: were some mental segmentation to occur, it seems plausible to suggest that each personality the virus and the host may have access to one anothers memories. Given the age of the virus, this may be a substantial collection. It should be carefully noted that the bulk of the above remains conjecture and should not be relied upon in any Archaic protocol. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------11) Temple Operation (Tomb.txt) - 2 Pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Temple Operation Primary Excavation - 'Tuurngait Tomb' Project Lifespan: March, 3 2000 - present Chief overseer Wilbur Frisk Previous Nature: Excavation Current Nature: Xeno Research Background: the primary excavation site is the central pursuit of the Archaic at Shelter Greenland. The site lies beneath the shelter facility, and, as of

2000, has been underway for almost 25 years. discovered.

On March 3, 2000 a tomb was

Current Purpose: understanding the tomb and its contents Findings: The bulk of the work is the responsibility of the language team, ie chief translator Howard Lafresque. His findings so far are as follows: - the tomb was the home of some sort of ancient organism - the organism may have been quarantined - the term 'Tuurngait' is derived from the inuit legend concerning evil spirits - Lafresque recommends immediate suspension of primary excavation operation Expenses: - Man Weeks: approx 27,396 - Material: approx $53m Scheduled Operations as of April 27, 2000 - Tomb investigation (May 1, 2000): a team will unseal the tomb for standard series probe tests. Operation opposed by Howard Lafresque. Opposition overruled by Wilbur Frisk and scheduled for May 1, 2000. Final Status - Open -------------------------------------------------------------------------------12) Water Cave Operation (Water Cave.txt) - 3 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Water Cave Operation Secondary Excavation Site B - 'Water Cave' Project Lifespan: December 5, 1990 - February 20, 1992 Elevated Caste signatory Elf Carpenter Nature: Excavation Purpose: To locate and retrieve xeno evidence and artefacts, in support of main site activity Personnel Elevate Caste 0 - Project not deemed critical enough for elevate presence Chief Attending Chemist: Troy Retonesque - Replaced, September 12, 1991 with Neil Oswald - Inexcusable conduct Findings December 8, 1991: Substance 63 - Confirmed as the primary material used in the construction of 'Persona Tardus' artefacts, and the first new (non periodic table) substance to be discovered by the Archaic for 18 months. January 6, 1992: Artefact66b - Research teams continue to fail at the purpose of these mechanisms - All symptoms manifested by the research teams in contact with the artefacts conform to our initial hypothesis regarding their nature. Expenses - Man weeks 519 - materials $12,192 - Medical: $39,000 - Casualties: industrial accidents (3, below Archaic acceptable max); exhaustion (13), fatalities(2)

Additional Notes Report filed concerning a potential saboteur, following multiple mechanical losses and thefts, particularly of radio equipment. - Theory: dehydration as a cause of exhaustion, leading to misconduct (debunked) - Theory: missing miner Tom Redwood still within mining facility (open) Final Status - Closed: hostile local fauna levels uneconomic -------------------------------------------------------------------------------13) Greenland Site (Greenland Site.txt) - 4 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Greenland Site Shelter Research Station, Greenland Project Lifespan, April 1, 1973 - Present Report filed by founding overseer Bran Stafferson Report updated by chief overseer Wilbur Frisk Nature: Excavation and research facility Background: On January 19, 1973, the Archaic Central caste becomes aware of a large scale industrial accident at mining complex in north-western Greenland. The accident coincides with local reports, dated over a period of decades, concerning abnormal animal behaviours and growth, high suicide rates and unusual events within the mine itself. These reports centralise over the precise location of the mine collapse (itself reportedly caused by a crazed miner). Xeno activity is suspected, and a full investigation sanctioned. Purpose: to located Initial personnel Elevated caste: 7 Chief Staff: 5 Lower Caste: 51 Temporary: 25 Total Population: 88 Operation After two years of construction, Shelter is now practically self sufficient, eliminating many issues surrounding Archaic privacy concerns (concerns threatened during the construction phase by the increased freight required). Shelter operates with a skeleton research staff, supported by a small crew of maintenance and general core personnel. An elevated caste presence of reasonable magnitude is warranted by the potential value of any discoveries. Unskilled labour and resource management is outsourced to (discreet) local villagers. Plans to adapt more than a fraction of the old mining complex to Archaic needs have been abandoned , and work is now commencing on the excavation site immediately below the facility (and within half a mile of the 1973 explosion site). Security Level: highest priority. According to standard procedure, all documentation concerning the facility was destroyed upon construction. All those who know of the facilities existence either work within the facility, or are not of great concern. The facility can sustain itself with only minor reliance on local settlements. The facility, for all its intents and purposes, does not exist. This presents only minor practical annoyances. Findings - Substances 53, 63 and 70 - 73 - 'Persona Tardus' artefacts: 27 (now believed to be somehow related to the contents of the recently discovered tomb) - 'Finis Specialis' artefacts: 10 ( of little real value to the Archaic but, for some reason, of great collectable value to the lower caste) - 'Tuurngait Tomb' and retrieve xeno evidence and artefacts.

Expenses - Classified Final Status - Operational -------------------------------------------------------------------------------14) Archaic History - 2 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------An Illustrious Past, An Exciting Future The Archaic: A History Spanning Centuries As a member of the Archaic, you are part of an organisation vital to the protection of the human species. If you are not a member of the Archaic, please turn yourself in to the nearest community support officer. The Archaic, as we now know it, was founded in 1519 by Franceco Melzi, a Milanese noble. The foundation of the movement (assumed erroneously by some to be a sect) was the private work of Leonardo di ser Piero da Vinci, revealed to be his most trusted student, Melzi, on his deathbed. Many rumours circulated at the time pertaining towards a sexual relationship between the two, and this was and explanation for their secrecy they were quite happy to embrace. Much is held to be known of Da Vincis engineering work, though in truth, the few sketches and notes in the public domain only begin to touch on the depth of his knowledge. For instance it is often said of his designs for flying machines that they were entirely impractical we realise now that they are only impractical when limited by human production materials. The Archaic remained unnamed for centuries Melzi and his successors understood the power of a name to identify and tie down its owner, and even today, Archaic remains an unofficial and internal term. As we enter the 21st Century, the archaic performs much the same role as it always has: to locate, understand, and protect xeno evidence and life forms albeit on a far greater scale. Today, our movement is served by over 30,000 devoted members at 203 installations world wide. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------15) Cryo Manual - 3 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Cryo-Stasis Usage Policy The cryo-stasis facility is a state-of-the-art installation allowing for cryogenic freezing of severely injured personnel who may be resuscitated at a later date. During freezing, users may or may not experience mild hallucination [to be confirmed when first user is successfully revived from stasis]. Fair Usage Policy The following scenarios are considered acceptable cause for use of the cryo-stasis facility: - Any overseer or Elevated Caste member is critically ill or injured - Any Lower Caste member of the Archaic holding vital information is critically ill / injured - Any patients infected with a non-terra virus or bacteria, provided they have

first been deem non-contagious - Any injured personnel with the following incurable ailments should enter stasis for later medical research: cardiomyopathy, glaucoma, polio, diabetes, or halitosis - Any Elevated Caste member deemed clinically dead should enter stasis for ceremonial purposes. Maintenance period for deceased users to be increased, pending research benefits at Greenland Site, making revival a potential solution. Access Access is strictly forbidden to all non-medical personnel. At this time, the Archaic is unable to staff the facility 24hrs. As a result, heart-rate-sensitive wristbands have been issued to high-priority, high-risk personnel. Keep these wristbands with you at all times they allow automated access to the facility, in the event that the wearers heart rate indicates a high probability of approaching death. Post-Script Lower Caste personnel are entitled to an opt-in, opt-out scheme, whereby they may choose to sign a consent form where, in the event of critical injury, they will be entitled to at least partial cryo-stasis. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------16) Chemical tests - 2 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Standard Series Chemical tests Subject: primate (chimpanzee) Chemical: Temazepan Result: as expected, the subject displays symptoms of relaxation and lethargy. Chemical: Lysergic acid diethylamide Result: Much akin to previous work with felines, the chimpanzees shows no ability to cope with the chemical stimulant. Chemical: Viscae Somnus Result: Following inject, the subjects heart rate slows to such a rate, that, for all intents and purposes, it appears dead. In truth, heart rate has dropped to incredibly a safe level, and the subject recovers soon after. Chemical: Tetrahydrocannabinol Result: This chemical is held to be entirely safe in moderation, and produces a relaxation effect in the subject. It remains to be seen whether long term exposure leads to health risks. This primate is worn out. Please consider this as an official requisition order for further test subjects from the mainland. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------17) Howards Final Words - 4 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuurngait Virus Sentience Conclusions Howard LaFresque Since leaving behind the last bastion of humanity in this place behind, it has become clear that my faith was well-placed my conclusions were all correct,

and it is only that which has brought me this far. It has taken me sometime to make my way through the infected area of the shelter, and with the observations I have made, my prior discovery seems all the more obvious and vital. - The infected humans communicate with one another - Similar, if simpler communication is observed in infected creatures of all species. - At times the infected seem to co-ordinate without clear line of sight: telepathy. - Despite a catatonic appearance, the infected are quite capable of high-level brain functions: their problem solving abilities at times seem to far outstrip those of a healthy human being. - When separated, the creatures lose this intelligence indicating some form of communal or central intelligence. Conclusion: the intelligence displayed is of such a level that we can only assume the communal mind is also rational. It is this conclusion that has formed the backbone of my recent endeavours. Though the infected may wander around like mindless for want of a better word zombies, they are no more stupid than a worker bee: automatons, yes, but far from stupid. In short I believe this central intelligence might somehow be communicated with. Bargained with. Communication, however, is most likely impossible once infected unless there was a way to subdue the infection long enough to contact the hive. There must be a way to find peace ------------------------Today, I communicated with the Tuurngait mind. I was correct it is intelligent beyond our wildest imagination. It told me everything. Everything I needed to know. You could not imagine it. I cannot accept it. God forgive us. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------18) Wilbur Frisk Efficiency Report - 5 pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Efficiency Assessment as sanctioned by Elf Carpenter, Elevated. Subject: Wilbur Frisk, Chief Overseer, Shelter Research Station, Greenland Report filed by Garett Quin February 20, 2000 My Assessment of Frisk begins today. I have taken up station as his Personal Assistant, and my report will run for 6 months. Since taking over control of the facility from Bren Stafferson in 1980, Frisk has turned up precious few results, and I intent to discover why. March 5, 2000

Having observed Frisk for two weeks, it seems my earlier assumptions may have been quite incorrect. He displays passion, efficiency, and above all commitment to the cause. These qualities are ably demonstrated by his recent discovery of what is being called the Tuurngait Tomb at the Primary Excavation. He has, of course, called for a full scale investigation. April 28 2000 A small scale epidemic has resulted from the opening of the tomb. This will be the perfect opportunity to fully observe Frisks ability to deal with high pressure scenarios. May 24 2000 The epidemic has developed beyond all control. There have been many casualties, and it is hard not to highlight Wilbur as the primary cause. June 13 2000 Frisk has lost all control. While a number of survivors have fled, and others have holed themselves up in the mess hall, Frisk has chosen to lock himself away in the kennels with the remaining dogs for protection. I have had no choice but to follow him here in order to complete my report. September (?) Ive lost sense of time, but Frisk seems almost to be enjoying himself. Hes become very close to the canines everyday he leaves the compound to forage for food in the main base, which he then feeds to the animals despite a number of them being infected. October (?) Frisk has developed some strange symptoms. Hes becoming sensitive to light the slightest light scares him away. Hes also displaying almost animalistic tendencies hes been digging out some of the walls, and hiding behind them. Further, I suspect he may be sneaking out of the facility at night, possibly even into the mines. Some of the dogs have turned up dead. Entry 8 I have been observing Frisk for some time now, and I believe I can conclude my report: Frisk displays outstanding efficiency, though I am now forced to call his judgement into doubt. Despite plenty of rations remaining I believe he may have begun eating his canines. Entry 9 When I woke this morning, there was a corpse lying beside me. I broke out the flashlight, fearful Frisk may have been savaged, or taken his own life. As I did, I could not help but see, at the corner of my vision, Frisk fleeing back into the shadows. The dead man was Dr Roberts, a scientist I was sure had escaped into the mines at the first signs of the epidemic. He had bite marks in his side, and looked to have been dragged in some way. In addition his tongue was missing. I will continue to observe Frisk, while taking additional security precautions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------19) Antidote (Antidote.txt) - 4 Pages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Tuurngait Virus Field Research Cure?

Amabel Swanson If youre reading this, I guess you wont have to put up with me anymore. I know you have tried your best so I suppose, thanks for giving me that at least. I thought Id knock something up to help you, just in case I wasnt around to do it myself. Sorry its a bit formal, force of habit I guess. ABSTRACT The purpose of this procedure is to formulate a cure that will stabilise the infection in the host, if possible, reject it entirely. Experiments have shown the injections covering as much as 5030f brain tissue can be reversed at an 80 success rate. In rare cases, the mixture will destroy both hosts and infection. Ah, the luxury of having no choice. EQUIPMENT Compound Mixer, Type ZX3 v2 (built from substance analyzer). CHEMICALS Acetone (chemical base) Chlorine (catalyst) Sulphur (delivery packet) Iodine (stabiliser) Nitrogen (pH balancing) Bromine (acidity regulator fairly important, without this its just be a big old rat poison)

Chemicals will automatically to be stored in the order listed above. The most important addition is Substance 65. Ive only had access to 12 & 67, which have proven to work with varying degrees of success. 65 has similar (though exaggerated) properties to 67, and was discovered just before the infection, so it should still be quarantined within the Chemical labs. METHOD All chemicals should be combined within the ZX3 v2, and stored according to listed order. At default settings the storing will be automatic and chemicals can be poured in the machine in any order. Substance is to be inserted into container slot. Its vital that the chemicals are mixed in the following order: Chlorine, Acetone, Iodine, Bromine, Nitrogen and finally Sulphur. (Note that due to an error during manufacturing, the lower button row got reversed numbering, making the rightmost start at 4 and increasing to the left.) After successful mixture, the host can be injected with up to 3mg, depending on the severity of infection. NOTES All chemicals and equipment should be stored in examination room. PREDICTED EFFECTS Since the viral aspect of the host mind is likely to be a weakened or inflicted portion of the original host identity, the final state of the host is unclear. I guess Ill never give up on the fairy tale ending. It is also likely that some remnant of the viral capabilities may remain telepathy, memory perhaps even the ability to communicate with the central nervous system.

Seriously, though, even if we didnt quite get for trying. It meant a lot to me.

our happily ever after, thanks

================================================================================ { } { 06 - Lasers } { } ================================================================================ There are two lasers that can be disabled during the game. The first is outside the mess hall and the second is in the storage room (residential area 4). I haven't yet worked out how to disable these, will include if I have the time to find out. The buttons toggle the other buttons depending on the colour of the button when pressed. For example, If you press button 7 and it is red then 7/3 will be toggled. 7 will become green and 3 will change from green to red or red to green (depending on the colour when 7 was pressed) The details below show which buttons are toggled: Mess Hall --------Starting Pattern 1) 2) 3) 4) RED RED RED RED 5) 6) 7) 8) GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN

Button Configuration 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) RED 1/5 2/6 3/7 4/8 5/1 6/2 7/3 8/4 GREEN 1/2/3 2/3/4 3/4/1 4/1/2 5/6/7 6/7/8 7/8/1 8/1/2

Solution: Unknown! Storage Room -----------Starting Pattern 1) 2) 3) 4) RED RED RED RED 5) 6) 7) 8) GREEN GREEN GREEN GREEN

Button Configuration RED GREEN

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8)

1/5/8 2/5/6 3/6/7 4/7/8 1/2/5 2/3/6 3/4/7 1

1/2/3 2/3/4 1/3/4 4/1/2 5/6/7 6/7/8 7/8/1 8/1/2

Solution: Unknown!

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