8experential Activities in A Humanistic Classroom

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Remedial Instruction

EXPERENTIAL ACTIVITIES IN A HUMANISTIC CLASSROOM Today, the aspect of experiential language learning which acknowledges the socioaffective component of the learning process and the importance of the learner in instruction (learner-centeredness) is well established (Nunan 1995). Teachers wishing to humanize the classroom experience treat students as individuals, patiently encourage self-expression, seriously listen to learner response, provide opportunities for learning by doing, and make learning meaningful to students in here and now. EXPERIENCE FOR DEMOCRATIC LEARNING Incorporating experiences that address the affective needs of learners has been an important theme in the educational literature. Providing learning experiences as backdrop to learning is important. Dewey (1916) believed that the classroom should reflect a society outside the classroom. He argued for democratized classrooms in which students were not simply funneled information but where they participated with the teacher and with and in dialogue about subjects near to their own life experiences. If humans are to learn to live cooperatively, they must experience the living process of cooperating in schools. LEARNING AS A NEGOTIATION PROCESS The experiential classroom has potential conflicts between the needs and interests of the individual, the group, and the teacher, but this conflict is resolved through sometimes difficult negotiation. Besides the social negotiation of roles and goals, experiential learning provides opportunities for the negotiation of meaning between learners in pair work and group work activities. Experential classrooms in which learners negotiate with their classmates and the teachers throughouta course what they want to learn, how they want to be assessed acquire process competence.
Salleh, Princess Raihanie S. BSE IV-A

Remedial Instruction

NEGOTIATION OF CURRICULUM Students can be moved more or less easily along the continuum of a negotiation curriculum as they learn how to learn. NUNANS NINE STEPS IN THE NEGOTIATION OF THE CURRICULUM 1. Make instructional goals clear to learners. 2. Allow learners to create their own goals. 3. Encourage learners to use their second language outside the classroom. 4. Raise awareness of learning processes. 5. Help learners identify their own preferred styles and strategies. 6. Encourage learner choice. 7. Allow learners to generate their won tasks. 8. Encourage learners to become teachers. 9. Encourage learners to become researchers.

Salleh, Princess Raihanie S. BSE IV-A

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