4 Am News A-V Script

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1 VIDEO DISSOLVE TO: CGI: Graphic # 1 (Disclosure) CUT TO: CGI: Graphic # 2 (Title) DISSOLVE TO: 1.

WIDE: Cam 2 MARTIN Thank you for once again joining us at 4 AM Nightly "News". Im Martin Tisdale. JENNY And Im Jenny Sparks. (No relation) MUSIC # 1 UP FULL then BG AUDIO

Martin uses air quotes while saying news. CUT TO: 2. MEDIUM: Cam 1

MARTIN Our Top Story: After years of Frustration, Justin Bieber has finally grown sick at the sight of his own fans.

CUT TO: VIDEO # 1 MARTIN Right after the pop sensation came out to perform his hit song Baby for the millionth time, he stopped and keeled over; questioning what hes doing with his life.

CUT TO: 3. MEDIUM: Cam # 3 JENNY He was like Baby! Baby! Baby! Ugh!. Quite literal Bieber Fever.

CUT TO: 4. MEDIUM: Cam # 1 MARTIN Im going to pretend you didnt say that.


2 VIDEO 5. MEDIUM: Cam # 3 AUDIO JENNY In other news, my neighbor Frank has thrown out a perfectly good couch. Its absolutely fine, it just needs a little Febreeze. So if someone wants that... its theirs.

CUT TO: 6. WIDE: Cam # 2 MARTIN Is that it? JENNY Yeah. MARTIN Thats not even... never mind. CUT TO: 7. MEDIUM: Camera # 1 MARTIN Sad day for the Australian Military. After countless hours of searching an Australian Army camouflage Tank has been official reported missing after being misplaced by new recruits. Unlike the tank, the irony of losing the camouflaged vehicle has not escaped them.

CUT TO: 8. MEDIUM: Camera # 3 JENNY Is the force with you? Jedi training has officially started in San Diego; promising to teach anyone with a high count of midi-chlorians in their system. To attract more students, the headmaster release a video displaying his lightsaber prowess.


3 VIDEO 9. MEDIUM: Camera # 2 AUDIO JENNY Powerful stuff. MARTIN That wasnt real. JENNY Someones jealous that they werent accepted in. MARTIN This jobs ridiculous. JENNY Id force choke you, but Im still a Padawan. MUSIC # 2 UP FULL then BG CUT TO: 10. MEDIUM: Camera # 3 JENNY We have breaking news! An emergency in- wait... Im told we dont have time. Sorry. Well be back after the messages.

CUT TO: VIDEO # 3 (COMMERCIAL) CUT TO: 11. MEDIUM: Camera # 2 JENNY Its a real shame about those orphans. MARTIN And were back. CUT TO: 12. MEDIUM: Camera 1 MARTIN As a special treat for you all today. We have Local celebrity Louie Lewis currently going for the world record for most days without sleep. Hes currently on day 12. How are you hanging in there Louie?

4 VIDEO CUT TO: 13. Camera # 4 Louie is asleep on the couch. CUT TO: 14. WIDE: Camera # 2 JENNY Oooh so close! In forecast news,our usual Weather man has decided to take a day of today. MARTIN So in his place we have turn our intern turned meteorologist, Kyle Matheson. Hows the day looking Kyle? 15. WIDE: Camera # 3 KYLE Look, I still dont know what Im doing, Mr. Roker just quit this morning. Am I getting paid for this? JENNY None of us are, Kyle. Kyle starts pointing at random spots of the blue screen KYLE Well, if you look over here, theres definitely some weather stuff happening, not sure what, Im actually just a production major. Over here, I think thats clouds? I dont know, I just want my 3 credits. AUDIO

CUT TO: 16. MEDIUM: Camera 1 MARTIN Well, that was unprofessional. Not surprised. Im Martin Tisdale, signing -

CUT TO: 17. WIDE: Camera 2 JENNY Wait, its my turn to sign off. MARTIN No, you said it last time.

5 VIDEO AUDIO JENNY Yeah, but you traded this one for a bit of my sandwich, remember? MARTIN I didnt- You know what? Nevermind. Do it, I quit. Martin takes off his mic and storms off. CUT TO: 18. MEDIUM: Camera # 3 MUSIC # 1 UNDER JENNY This is Jenny Sparks for the 4 AM Nightly News. Good night, and good luck, Los Angeles. DISOLVE TO: CGI: GRAPHIC # 2 (Title) FADE TO BLACK Fade Music

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