As You Like It

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As You Like It: Act I, Scene 1 Page 1 An orchard of Olivers house.

(Orlando, Adam, Oliver, Dennis, Charles) As You Like It: Act I, Scene 2 Page 4 A lawn before the Dukes palace. (Rosalind, Celia, Clown Touchstone, Le Beau, Duke Frederick, Lords, Orlando, Charles, Attendants) As You Like It: Act I, Scene 3 Page 10 A room in the Dukes palace. (Celia, Rosalind, Duke Frederick, Lords) As You Like It: Act II, Scene 1 Page 12 The Forest of Arden. (Duke Senior, Amiens, Lords in Arden) As You Like It: Act II, Scene 2 Page 13 The Dukes palace. (Duke Frederick, Lords at Court) As You Like It: Act II, Scene 3 Page 14 Before Olivers house. (Orlando, Adam) As You Like It: Act II, Scene 4 Page 15 The Forest of Arden. (Rosalind, Celia, Touchstone, Corin, Silvius) As You Like It: Act II, Scene 5 Page 17 Another part of the Forest of Arden. (Amiens, Jaques)

As You Like It: Act II, Scene 6 Page 18 Another part of the Forest of Arden. (Orlando, Adam) As You Like It: Act II, Scene 7 Page 18 Another part of the Forest of Arden. (Duke Senior, Amiens, Lords in Arden, Jaques, Orlando, Adam) As You Like It: Act III, Scene 1 Page 22 The Dukes palace. (Duke Frederick, Lords at Court) As You Like It: Act III, Scene 2 Page 22 The Forest of Arden. (Orlando, Corin, Touchstone, Rosalind, Celia, Orlando, Jaques) As You Like It: Act III, Scene 3 Page 29 Another part of the Forest of Arden. (Touchstone, Audrey, Jaques, Sir Oliver Martext) As You Like It: Act III, Scene 4 Page 31 Another part of the Forest of Arden. (Rosalind, Celia, Corin) As You Like It: Act III, Scene 5 Page 32 Another part of the Forest of Arden. (Silvius, Phebe, Rosalind, Celia, Corin)

As You Like It: Act IV, Scene 1 Page 34 The Forest of Arden. (Rosalind, Celia, Jaques, Orlando) As You Like It: Act IV, Scene 2 Were not actually doing this scene! As You Like It: Act IV, Scene 3 Page 38 Another part of the Forest of Arden. (Rosalind, Celia, Silvius, Oliver) As You Like It: Act V, Scene 1 Page 43 The Forest of Arden. (Touchstone, Audrey, William, Corin) As You Like It: Act V, Scene 2 Page 44 Another part of the Forest of Arden. (Orlando, Oliver, Rosalind, Silvius and Phebe) As You Like It: Act V, Scene 3 Page 48 Another part of the Forest of Arden. (Touchstone, Audrey, Pages) As You Like It: Act V, Scene 4 Page 49 Another part of the Forest of Arden. (Duke Senior, Amiens, Jaques, Orlando, Oliver, Celia, Rosalind, Silvius, and Phebe, Touchstone, Audrey, Hymen, Second Brother (Jaques De Boys)) As You Like It: Epilogue Page 54 (Rosalind)

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