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SULIT 4531t 3 FIZIK Kertas 3 2012 1%jam


JabatanPelajaran Negeri WilayahPersekutuan PEPERIKSMN PERCUBAAN TAHUN SPM 2012 FlZ]K Kertas3 Satujam tiga puluhminit JANGANBUKAKERTAS INl SOALAN SEHINGGA DIBERITAHU

Tuliskannama dan tlngkatan pada ruang yang disediakan. Jawab semua soalan dalam Bahagian A dan mana-mana satu soalan dalam BahagianB. Jawapan kepada Bahagian A dan BahagianB hendaklah ditulis dalamruang jawapan yang disediakandalam keftas soalan

Kodpemeriksa Bahagian Soalan


Markah Markah Penuh Diperoleh l6

12 12




Calon dikehendakimembaca maklumatdi halaman belakangkertassoalan ini.

Kertas soalan mengandungi halaman ini 15 bercetak

453113@2012Hak Cipta JPNWP

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INFORMATION X'ORCANDIDATES. qvestion l. This paperconsisrs tr,rv Seclion and of sections: A Sealon B.
2. Anmter all questions SectionA, Write1nw answer SeaionA in the spaces in for provided in the question pqer. 3- Answeronequestiorlfrom&ction B, 4. AhswerquestionSectionB in delail. Answershoaldbe clear and logical. Youmay useequalions,, diagrams,tables,gaphs and olher suitablemethods *ploin your to answef. 5. Showyow working it nay helpyoa to get moks. 6, If you wish to change lnur answer,neatlycrossoa! the answerthat you have done.Thenwrite down the newanswer 7. Thediapyams the questions not dravm lo scalew ess in &e slated. 8. Markr allocatedlor eaehquestionor paft questionare shownin hrackets. 9. Youmay usea non-programmable scienlific calculator. lO. Thetime sugested to complete SectionA is 60 mimuesoml SectionB it 30 minutes. ll. Hand in your answersheets tle end of the examinatfun. al

45318 @2012Hak CiptaJPNWP

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l.A student carries an experiment studythe relationship out to angleofincidencg between i, andthe angleof refraction, of light ray.A semicircular r, glassblock is put on a circular protractor.A ray box is switchedon to emit a single light ray onto the semicircularglassblock-Both the incidentray andthe refractedray aretracedon the whitepaper. The arrangement ofthe apparatus the experimentis shown in for Figure 1.1. Seorang pelajar menjalankan untuknengkajihubungan ontarasuduttuiu, i, sualueksperimen di dansadu biasan, bagisinarcahdya. r, Sebuah bongkah separa kaca bulatdiletakkan atas.jangka di
sudul berbenluk balat. Sebuah kotak sinar dihidupkan unluk memqncqrkan sinar cuhuya ke utas bongkah *aca separa bulat ittr. Kedua-daa sinar luju dan sinar bissan dilukis di qta\ kertas nttih. Susunan radas bagi elcsperimentersebut ditnjulkan pada Rajah L l.


I Kolak sin(rr

lncid,enlray I Sinarntju glass Semicircular block Refracted ray

Sinar biasan Bongkuh kuca separu bulal

Ke as pulih


The ray box is fixed at an angleof 20ofrom the normal. The refracted is tracedon the ray paper the angleof refraction, is measured shownin FigureI .2. and r, as Kotok sinar dilelakkanpada suqtu sudut 20o daripadanormaLSinar biusanyung terhq.\il kenadiannya dilukisdi ataskertas sudut dan r, padaRojahL2. bioson, diukur seperti ditunjukkan The experiment repeated usingdifferentangleof incidence, 30", 40', 50", and60". is by ,, Thecorresponding angles ofrefraction, areshown Figure1.3,1.4,1.5and 1.6. r, in Eksperimen tersebul diulangi dengan menggunakan tuju, i, yangberloinan, sudut 30o.4f. 5f, and 600.Sudtt-sudut pada rajah-ajah 1.4,I-5dan1.6. biasan, r,yangsepadan ditunjukkan 1.3,

4531R @2012Hok CiptaJpNWp

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Flgtre 1.2I RaJah 1.2: Angle of incidence Sadut I taju, i = 20 Angle of refractionI &rdutbiasan, = r

Figtre 13 I RajahL3: Angle of incidence Sudut / tuju, i = 30" Angle of refractio I Sadut n biasan, = r

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r"tgure1.4I RaJah L1: Angle of incidenceI Sudut tju, i = 40" Angfe ofrefraction I Sudat biosan, = r

Flgtre l.5l RaJah 1,5: Angleof incidance Sudut i: 50o I tuju, Angle of rcfraction/ Sudut biasan, = r

45318 @20t2 Httk Cipta JpNWp

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Figulc 1.6 | RoJah 1.6: Angle of incidence Srdattuiu, i = 60o I Angle of refractionI Sudut biaian,r =

(a) Fortheexperiment described page identif on ,

Bagie*,sperinen dijelaskan padanultasarot66,kenal yang pasti


the manipulated variable, penbolelrubahinaniryIas d i,

I ll mark murkuhl theresponding variable,

pen bolehuba bergera*bdl as, h

ll mat{t/ nurkahl (iii) a constant variable. penboIehuba din alarkan h

I ll mark narkahl 6'

433t8 @2012Httk Cipta JpNwp

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(b) Basedon Figurts | 2, |.3, 1.4, t.5 alrd L6, determiner when i is equalto 2Oo, 30p,40., 50" and 60P. Beilbafiart po.ta Rqidvqioh 1.2, t.l dengn2f ,3f ,4F, Sf don6lF. t.4, 1.5 da, 1,6 tentukdn apab:tla b*samaut r t

Tabulate results i, r, sinr',andsiii r in ilre spage your for bclow.

Jadtallan lcepansan onda l{,/,nhi r, 6n i &a sinr dalan mangan dl bawolr.


17ma*s I niarkahl (c) Ona graph p.per,ptota graph sinr against i. of sh

Di ataslertos gaJ.plotlon g$sia r nelawan sin i.

15ma*s I nurftahl
(d) Useyour graphto statethe relatiorishipbctweensin z snd sin i. Auakan graf andaantuk menydalan dl ftubtngan antta sihr dllh sini. .

tl markI mrkahl

45318 @2012Ha* CiptaJpNWp

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Graph sinr against i of sin

Grafsin r nelawan sin i

453v3 @20t2Hnk cipta JPNWP

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A studentcarried out an experimentto find out the relationship betweenthe termlna.l voltage, v, andthe electric cunent,1, andto determinethe electromotiveforce, E andthe intemal resistance the cell. The studentrepeated experiment five different of the at electriccurrent.
Seorong murid menialankqn suatu eksperimen untuk nengkaji hubungan antora voltan ternina!, V, tlqn arrc elektrik, l, dan unntk menenlukan daya gerak elektrik, E, dqn rintangon tlalan hagi sebuah .ret. Murid itu mengrlangi eksperimen tersebut dengan lima nilai urus elektrik yaig berlainan.

Theresults ofthe experiment shownon a graphof V against in Figure2.1 are 1as

Keputusan eksperinen itu ditunju*kan pada graf V melawan I seperti dalam Raiah 2. I


Graphof V against I
I/ melawan I





FIGURE2.1| Rajah2.1 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 9


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(a) Based the graphin Figure on 2.1,


Berdasarkan gr$ dalan .Rajah 2.1, (D state relationship the between /andL nyatakanhubntgan anlara I/ dan I.

(iD determine terminat the voltage, zwhen electri the . ,, =tr.\Klo "ro"n Showon the, how you determineZ.
tentakanvoltan terminal, V,apabila arus elektrih I = 0.3A Ttnjuk*an pada gr$, bagaimana anda menentukan /.


12marks/narkohI (b) The electromotiveforce,E is given by the interceptof ,/-axisofthe graph V against I. Determine electromotiv the forceofthe cell. Showon the graph, E how you determine Daya gerak elektrih E, diberikan oleh pintasan di pa*si-Y bagi graf Y melawanI. Tennkandayagerak elektrik bogi sel itu Tunjul:kan pada graf, bagaimana andammentukanE,

[2 markshrurkahl (c) The intemalresistance,is givenby the followingequation: r Rintangandalam, r, diberilan olehpersamaanberiku: r:-m wherem is the gradient 1. ofthe graphY against di nana m adalah kecerunan bagi graf V melawqnI. (D Determine gradient the ofthe graphV against I. graphhow you determine gradient, Showon the the m. Tentukan kecerunan bagi graf V melawanI. pada graJ,bagaimana anda menentukon Tunjulrkan keceranan, tersehul. m,



453113@20t2 Hok Cipta JpNwp

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(iD Hence,detormine intemalresi$ance, the r. Mata, tenuhot rintongot dalar4 r.


[ | nmUmorkah]

(d) Theexperiment repea.ted a different of intemal is using cell resistance, 1.6e. r= Whon elecfic ounent adjusted 0.5A, theErminalvoltage the is to obtained t.2 V. is Calculate electromotive the force,.E'ofthe cellEkryrinen in diulangi sebuah latn yang memptmyai wl rintangan dalan, r : 1.6Q. Apabilaantselehrikdilarastankcpada A, vottanterminal A.5 yang diperolehi dalah 1.2 Y. Hitungdtya gerakelel:trihE' bagiseltersebul.

E '= 12 marks/narkahl

(e) Stateone precaution that shouldbe takenduring the experimenr. Nyaakan sdu lorykah berjaga-jaCa Wg perh diambil sepanjange*sperimenitu.

| | narVmarkah)


45318 @20t2 Hak Cipttt JpNWp

llihrt halaman3ebelah SULIT

ll2 ma*sl mmkahl Answeranyone question from this section. Jawab mana-mana soalan satu daripada bahagian ini. 3. Diagram showsa workerusinga pieceof straight longanduniformwoodto determine depth the of a petroltankfilled with petrol. Rajah nenunjukkanseorang pekerja menggunakan sebatang koyupanjangymg seragan tmtuk menentukan yang dipenuhiminyak. kedalaman sebuahtangki minyak

Diagram Rajah 3.1/ 3.1

Diagram 3.21 Rajah3.2

Whenthe wood is pushed bit intothepetroltank as in Diagram | , he feelthata smallforce a 3. is used. whenthe wood is pushed furtherdownas in Diagram , he foundthat a largerforceis 3.2 needed pushed intothe petroltank. to it Semasu kayu itu ditolak sedikit kedalan tungki minyaksepertiRajah 3.1 beliau menduputi duyu yung kecil diperlukanuntukmenolaknya dalam tangki minyuk.Munakulaapubila kuyudinluk ke scnukin dalamsepertiRajah 3.2 beliou mendapatidayayang lebih hesurdiperlukan untuk menolaknya lebih ke dalam tangkiminyak.


453113@2012 Hak Cipa JPNIIP

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Basedon your observation the depthness the petrol tankl on in Berdasarkan pemerhatior ke ataskedalaman petrol di dalamtangki mfuyak; (a) State one suitableinference, yang sesuai Ilyarakan saruinferens ll ma't'l narkah'l (b) Stateone appropriate hypothesis could be investigated, that I{yatakan satu hipotesis yang bolehdisiasat fl mark/mmkahl (c ) With useofapparatus suchasa metalblock, springbalance, beakerandother apparatus, describe experiment investigate hypothesis to an the stated 3(b) in Denganmenpgunakan radas sepertibongkahlogam,neraca spring, bikar dan lain-lain radasyang sesuai,terangkansatuekspefimen unluk merryiawt yang dinyatakandi 3(b). hipotesis In your description, state clearly following: the jelaskanperkara berikut: Dalampenerangananda, (i) Theaimofan experiment Tujuaneksperimen (ii) The variablein experiment Pembolehubah ekspermen i The list ofapparatus materials and Senaraialat radasdan bahan The arrangement ofthe apparatus Susunan alat radas Theprocedure ofthe experiment. Describes to controlandmeasure manipulated how the variables and how to measure responding variables. the Prosedw eksperimm. Jelaskonbagainana mengowal mengukur dan pemholehubah manipulasitlan bogaimana gukurpembole men hubahbergerakbalasThe way to tabulate tabulate data the Kaedah menjadua kan data I The wayto analyze data the Kaedah menganal data isa |0 marksl murkuhl







453113 2012Hak CiptaJpN,yp @

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usinga shortconnecting to 4.1 4. Diagram shows light bulb lightedup whichconnected a battery a wire. usinga longconnecting 4-2 a wire. Diagram shows light bulb lightedup by a battery ke sebuahmentoldisambung bateri oleh woyarperryambmgyang Rajah 4.1 menunjukkan kt pendek.Rajah 4.2pula memtnjukkan sebuahmentolyang disambung hederioleh waym penyambung g panjang. yon



4.1 Diagram / Rajah 4.1 and Based the information observation; on maklumaldanpenrerhatian; Berdasarkan (a) Stateonesuitable inference. yangsesuai sutuinfcrens Nyatakon

4.2 4.2 Diagram I Raiah

ll marklnrurkuhl

that (b) State appropriate hypothesis couldbe investigated, one yang bolehdisiasat Nyalakansatu hipotesis ll mark/ntarkahf wire andother constantan (c ) With useofapparatus suchasan ammeter, in the stated 4(b) to an apparatus, describe experiment investigate hypothesis yung dun luin-lain rudu's radtts sepertianmeter,dawui konsluntun Dengtn menggunakun 4(b)' hipole\is yong dinyulakundi unluk menyiqsat sesuai,terangkansalu eksperimen


433113@2012 Huk Cipto JPNWP

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In your description,statsclearlythe following : Dalampeneranganand4 jelastm Berkara berihtt; (D The aim ofan experiment Tujuanelcsprimm (iD Thevariablein experiment Pembole hubaheksperimen The list ofapparatus materials and Senaraialat radasddn hahan The arrangement ofthe apparatus Susunan radas alat The procedure ofthe experiment. Desoribes how to control andmeasure manipulate.d the variablesand how to measure responding tie variables.





Prosedureksperimen. Jelaslranbogaimona mmgawal dan mengukur penbolehubuhmanipalasidan bagaimana mengtkarpembolehubah bergerakbalas. (v;) The way to tabulatetabulatethe data Kaedahmenjadualkan data Theway to analyze data the Kaedahmenganalisa data ll0 markslnar*ahl




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