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F > Altered Comfort D > Received patient lying on bed, conscious and coherent; with IVF of 950 cc #3 D 5LR

1L @ KVO rate infusing well at right arm; with FBC to UB; with baseline vital signs of T = 37.3C, P = 74 bpm, R = 24 cpm, BP = 110/80 mmHg; with gnawing pain at right scapular area; pain score = 2/10 A > Routine care done; assessed pain further; encouraged SO to do bed bath; placed in a comfortable position; encouraged SO to fan patient; advised to perform relaxation techniques; encouraged to take all prescribed medications and to participate in therapeutic procedures R > Sakit gihapon akong likod pero dili na kaayo siya samok, as verbalized F > Risk for Pulmonary Infection D > Received lying on bed, conscious and coherent; with IVF of 150 cc #4 D5LR 1L @ KVO rate infusing well at right arm; with FBC to UB; with baseline vital signs of T = 36.8C, P = 92 bpm, R = 16 cpm, BP = 120/80 mmHg; with complaints of pelvic pain and back pain when coughing and blood in sputum; pelvic pain score = 6/10; back pain score = 4/10 A > Routine care done; assessed pain further; instructed to do deep breathing exercise through pursed-lip breathing; encouraged to spit out coughed sputum; encouraged to reposition as indicated; instructed to avoid getting clothes wet; elevated head of bed; encouraged to maintain adequate fluid intake; administered available prescribed medications; encouraged SOs to purchase all prescribed medications R > Slight relief from cough reported; absence of blood from last sputum sample

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