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The Meaning of Destiny Numbers (Compound Numbers or Double-digit Numbers)

All the numbers from 10 upwards become Destiny Numbers (Compound numbers or Double-digit Numbers)) and have a meaning of their own. The practical meanings of the Destiny Numbers from 10 to 100 are furnished here.

Number 10 signifies name, fame and honor; good executive ability, self-confidence and success in the execution of plans; but fortune fluctuates.

Number 11 warns against treachery and secret enmity; there will be great difficulties and handicaps in the path of success.

Number 12 symbolizes suffering and sacrificing for others. The natives may be victimized due to intrigues or for the sake of others.

Number 13 brings great changes, upheavals and unexpected happenings; involves change of work, occupation, residence, and plans.

Number 14 indicates activity, expression, business, communication, publishing, and dealing in money. But there is some risk involved such as a loss due to business, speculation or natural calamities such as earthquakes, floods, tempests, etc. There is also an element of change and changeability.

Number 15 is connected with eloquence, music, art, magic, and occult practices. The sensuous side is more developed. This number is good for financial matters and obtaining favors from others.

Number 16 is associated with sudden and unforeseen events, mostly unfortunate to the native. An accident or a sudden catastrophe may ruin all plans and prospects. It would be best to take no chances, and observe all precautions in the implementation of one's objectives.


Number 17 is a spiritual number. Tile natives overcome trials and tribulations. The natives' works and deeds bring them enduring fame.

Number 18 is very materialistic and pushing. The natives make money by aggressiveness. This is also a number of strife, wounds, treachery and deception by others, and suffering from water, cyclones, fires, earthquakes, explosions, etc.

Number 19 is a lucky number indicating fulfillment of hopes and aspirations, honor and success. Plans are fulfilled and bring success.

Number 20 is more spiritualistic than materialistic. All activities are motivated by a call of duty or for the fulfillment of some high objective. This number also indicates delays and procrastination.

Number 21 indicates progress and success. Natives have to climb their way uphill, but, ultimately, achieve success. It indicates promise and advancement.

Number 22 is a number of illusion and inactivity. Natives make many plans, which are not reinforced by action, and, consequently, no tangible results are achieved.

Number 23 promises success due to help and patronage by others. Natives strive for execution of their schemes, which is achieved with the assistance from superiors in high places.

Number 24 is a good number promising success due to help and patronage by others in high positions or by members of the opposite sex.

Number 25 natives gain by strength, struggle and experience gained by the trial and error method. The first part of their life is an uphill path, hut experience gained in that part of life brings dividends in the latter half.

Number 26 is a number of warnings. There is a likelihood of loss of wealth or Position due to association with undesirable people. Business partnerships 'do not prosper. Conjugal life may be threatened with ruin.


Number 27 gives initiative and authority. Natives are intelligent and creative, and execute plans as envisaged by themselves. They are successful in their endeavors.

Number 28 indicates great promise, but after initial success, there is danger of being unsuccessful and frustrated. There may be financial losses and legal troubles, and things could go wrong due to misplaced confidence. Natives may have to restart their career from scratch.

Number 29 does not indicate a steady trend. Great changes, often unfavorable, take place; unexpected happenings occur due to undesirable and untrustworthy associates, and members of the opposite sex. Life is full of trials and set-backs.

Number 30 is more of a mental number. Natives may rise to intellectual heights, but their progress in the financial sphere may not be satisfactory. Natives are more intellectually inclined, and do not strive for financial success.

Number 31 is a number of isolation and self-containment. Natives are more introversive than extroverted. They are apathetic to worldly progress, and, consequently, show poor financial results.

Number 32 indicates progress and expansion. Success comes via associations, societies, joint-stock companies, confederations, and large organizations. Natives would do better to act according to their own initiative and judgment than on the advice of others.

Number 33 promises good things due to help and patronage of others in high positions. Natives may also gain from the love of members of the opposite sex.

Number 34 denotes strength and benefit from experience. There are trials and tribulations-but they act as stepping-stones to future success.

Number 35 denotes danger and disasters. Natives must be wary of the people they associate with. There may be financial losses in games of chance, betting and speculation. Business partnerships are not advised. There may be discord in conjugal life too.

Number 36 gives active energy, command and authority. Natives have initiative and good executive ability, and should follow their own plans and judgment, which will bring success.

Number 37 is a very potent number. It indicates good luck, helpful friends and good fortune from loved ones. It is favorable for conjugal life and business partnerships.

Number 38 indicates loss due to employees, friends or business associates; difficulties in career; unexpected reverses; grief; deception by others; particularly, by members of the opposite sex.

Number 39 persons are thoughtful and have intellectual faculties. Their mental faculties are sharp, but they do not apply themselves to practical and day-to-day affairs; consequently, they are not successful from the materialistic point of view.

Number 40 persons are quiet, intellectual and retrospective. They may shine in the intellectual sphere, but are not fortunate in respect of name, fame and riches. This is not a good number for worldly success.

Number 41 is a good number for worldly success, particularly, when working with large groups of people or concerns. Natives have good judgment, and are advised to carry out their own ideas, rather than be guided by others.

Number 42 is a good number. Success will be achieved with the help of persons holding high positions. There may also his augmentation of fortune due to love and affection from people of the opposite sex.

Number 43 is not a fortunate number. It indicates many handicaps, disturbances and upheavals upsetting the even tenor of life. Persistent difficulties present themselves, and efforts end in failure.

Number 44 is a number showing losses through speculation, betting, etc. Natives may be confronted with financial disasters and grave difficulties due to association with undesirable persons. Due care should be taken in choosing associates, and partnership in business is to be avoided. There may also be little happiness in conjugal life, and natives may be let down by their partner.

Number 45 is a number symbolizing much energy and activity. Natives reach a high position by implementing their own ideas and creative abilities.


Number 46 is a powerful number. Natives achieve success in life due to good friends and a loving conjugal partner. Such people also thrive in a business partnership. Gain from persons of the opposite sex is predicted.

Number 47 indicates loss in money and prestige due to uncertainties, unreliable partners, business associates; and employees. Natives have to face trials and tribulations, and may also be let down by members of the opposite sex.

Number 48 is mare of an idealistic number than a practical one. Natives draw up many schemes, but their plans are not executed because they cannot give them practical shape or implement them. Consequently, there is no material success.

Number 49 people have little ambition, and are not progressive in the worldly sphere. They lack in social warmth and remain isolated, to their own disadvantage. Such people can progress more if they are more pushing and outgoing. <!--[if !supportLineBreakNewLine]-->

Number 50 is a very good number indicating success by contact with or by being a member of a large organization or society. Natives have good judgment and a sense of discrimination. It would be more propitious to be guided by their own ideas and intuition than by the advice of others, which may not be so sound.

Number 51 is a very powerful number. Natives are bold, daring and pushing, and rise to the top, particularly, in the army, where chivalry and valour are the chief requirements. They are threatened with much enmity and opposition, and even run the risk of being physically hurt.

Number 52 is not a fortunate number; it signifies revolution and a topsy-turvy change in conditions. Struggles and strife are its marked features. There are many obstacles in the path of success, and failures are more likely.

Number 53 indicates a saturnine nature of over-vigilance and suspicion. In persons having welldeveloped positive qualities, this may add to the faculty of investigative powers, detective work, serious enquiry, and research. In persons of lower order, this faculty may take the form of racketeering, spying and cunning. The temperament is severe, but the nature is pushing.

Number 54 indicates the mercurial powers of eloquence and expression. Natives have a long life, good health and a successful career. They should take precaution against injury in the leg.

Number 55 denotes leadership, great energy and push. Success is achieved due to discriminating intelligence and a pioneering spirit.

Number 56 indicates weak lunar qualities of restlessness, changeability and a nervous disposition. Natives are often a victim of fraud by others, and are also let down by members of the opposite sex. They encounter many troubles and tribulations.

Number 57 indicates a pleasant disposition and sociable qualities. It brings material success by persistent application and hard work.

Number 58 indicates success in work connected with health, hygiene and dietetics. Natives are free and frank; but lack stability of the mind.

Number 59 indicates much traveling and communications; success in financial undertakings, banking, and commercial spheres. There is a tendency towards unfair practices and speculation which should be curbed.

Number 60 shows success in the legal and medical professions in highly developed natives, i.e. those coming from well-educated families of long standing. It also confers executive abilities. Natives have a pleasing and cheerful disposition. In intellectually underdeveloped persons, it may show a spirit of defiance and insubordination.

Number 61 indicates love of good society and comfortable living. But there is a spirit of day-dreaming, and many plans remain unexecuted. Natives are fond of traveling and living near water.

Number 62 represents a hard and rigid life of discipline and a thrifty nature; success comes late in life due to hard work. Natives are capable of much strenuous effort.

Number 63 indicates much zeal, a pioneering spirit and possible success in financial and religious spheres. Natives have an aggressive spirit which makes for opposition, and much harm may come from one enemy in particular.


Number 64 does not meet much success in the commercial line, and is more suited to a career of service or profession. Natives wish to remain aloof from the matrimonial bond; but, if married, pull on well with the marriage partner.

Number 65 indicates success due to others in high rank and position. It promises conjugal happiness, but there is a danger of being physically hurt.

Number 66 has the same effect as number 57.

Number 67 has the same effect as number 58. Number 68 has the same effect as number 59.

Number 69 denotes success and good fortune. Natives receive some help and assistance from a person of the opposite sex, but, largely, achieve success due to their own energy and initiative.

Number 70 has the same effect as number 7.

Number 71 has the same effect as number 53.

Number 72 is a number indicating pioneering zeal, but success comes after hard labor and a lot of difficulties. Failures do not hold back native in their efforts, and they reach a high position.

Number 73 is a good number. Natives are fortunate and popular. They love nature and simplicity. At times, they fluctuate between extremes and then take a turn for the better. They should take precaution against excessive thinking and luxurious living.

Number 74 persons have a changeable disposition. They tend to be boastful, but should become more solid in order to achieve better success.

Number 75 natives have a sensitive, affectionate and simple nature. They move up from one plane to another. This number is good for enlightenment.

Number 76 denotes sudden ups and downs. The second half of the natives' life is better. Success comes due to a persevering nature. They are, generally, misunderstood by others.

Number 77 is a spiritual number. It indicates spiritually inclined and detached individuals who are likely to attain salvation. It is not so good for family life. The number indicates success in money matters.

Number 78 persons are believers in fate. The native's mind is philosophical and, at times, has a streak of aloofness.

Number 79 denotes courage, wisdom and excellence in sports. Natives earn financial success due to quickness of perception.

Number 80 indicates long life and illness. Natives are attracted towards mysticism and philosophy. The number indicates renunciation in old age.

Number 81 draws natives towards the fine arts. It also indicates persons of great intellect and knowledge, and from whose efforts, others benefit more than the individuals themselves.

Number 82 denotes that the natives are sensitive, ambitious and powerful. Success comes to them in the later years of life.

Number 83 bestows fortune in all matters. Natives gradually rise in life to the top position.

Number 84 is a typical number. Natives have a generous temperament in money matters. They may lack the ability to understand or appreciate others' points of view because of their own rigid or stubborn inclination.


Number 85 indicates seclusion, wisdom, interest in metaphysics, and loss through employees. Grief through women is also indicated.

Number 86 shows that natives have foresight, good mathematical abilities, and are likely to have a scientific temperament. Success in research work is also denoted.

Number 87 indicates a smooth life, happy old age, and co-operation and respect among kinsmen.

Number 88 is a very eventful number, indicating success. Natives are secretive and shrewd, and cover their shrewdness behind smiling eyes.

Number 89 is a lucky number, indicating continuous upliftment in the life of the natives. Old age indicates loneliness and struggle.

Number 90 indicates a lack of foresight arid confusion of mind. Natives should work in co-operation with others.

Number 91 indicates knowledge, wisdom, recognition, and success due to courage and foresight.

Number 92 shows fluctuations, i.e. a sudden downfall from great heights. Natives experience success in the early years of life, but may be unhappy in their later years,

Number 93 is a fortunate number. The natives achieve fame, publicity and success.

Number 94 indicates disintegration. Natives are self-centered, but are fortunate in money matters.

Number 95 indicates travel and success abroad. Natives make friends easily, have a good sense of humor, a quickness of perception, and dexterity of the hand.


Number 96 is a harmonious number and good for traveling Natives achieve success in teaching.

Number 97 denotes success. The old age of natives can be troublesome due to forgetfulness. They receive co-operation from younger people.

Number 98 shows duality of temperament. Natives should be careful of danger, especially, from water during travels.

Number 99 is the number of a messenger, and shows success in communication.

Number 100 is a number of perfection. It indicates honor and glory.

Numerological Values
Different numerologists have assigned different numerical values to alphabet based on the system or method they followed and considered most effective. Those interested in the subject may read Kabbalah: Ancient Secrets of Numerology by Sepharial, and study how he has applied the different sets of values for different kinds of interpretations. We give here the numerical values assigned to various alphabets by some of the most respected numerologists and numerology schools.

The L. Dow Balliet and Juno Jordan System

One of the most straightforward systems of assigning numerical values to various alphabets was developed by L. Dow Balliet and Juno Jordan. Numerical values were assigned to the first nine letters of the English alphabet. A was assigned the numerical value 1, B was assigned 2, C was assigned 3 and so on. This cycle of nine was then repeated for the remaining alphabets. The 10th letter of the alphabet J was assigned the numerical value 1, K was assigned numerical value 2 and so on. The following values emerged in what is popularly known as the Modern West Numerology system (below is example only for the English alphabet).

English Table


















The Hebraic System

A different set of numerical values is assigned to alphabeths in the Hebraic system.

Hebraic Table









Th Tz


The Pythagorean System

The Pythagorean alphabet is used in connection with the interpretation employed in this system. The Pythagorean alphabet and its numerical values are in table below.

Pythagorean Table









I S Hu


The Chaldean System

The following numerical values is followed by famous numerologist Cheiro (1886-1936.) i.e. Count Louis Hamon. In his books "Numerology and Astrology" and "New Book of Numbers" he gave numerical values below for the English alphabet. This method is known today like Chaldean school. In this system did not assign the number 9 to any letter. In the ancient mystery schools of knowledge the number 9 was considered the most sacred of numbers. Its vibratory force included the attributes of all numbers and, therefore, did not represent any individual symbol.

Chaldean Table









More about Charismatic or Master Numbers

ILLUMINATION VISIONARY EXTRA-SENSORY PERCEPTIONS The master numbers exist on a higher spiritual plane than the single digits. The first master number, the 11, must work to develop intuition, to tune into psychic forces not available to those with lower numbers. He must stand ready to be a channel with a message from above. In his life, he must inspire by his own example, living in the way revealed to him, spreading his ILLUMINATION, VISIONARY and EXTRA-SENSORY PERCEPTIONS for others to absorb and benefit. This numberr is as difficult as it is rewarding. Often, particularly at an early age, the individual is aware of his special powers yet unable to synthesize them for his own use or for the good of his fellow man. He is often a relatively impractical idealist, far more a dreamer than a doer. There is an undercurrent of nervous tension always present

from the high power sources to which the individual is attuned. He has to learn to live with his special powers, to set himself aside from the world of material accumulation in order to better understand the powerful forces which can reveal a higher guidance.

MASTER BUILDER GLOBAL CREATIVENESS GENIUSITY The second master number, the 22, is potentially capable of combining the idealism of the first master number, the 11, with the ability, to put these ideals into a concrete form. Enormous power is available to him to produce on a significant scale, for the benefit of humanity. When this potential can be realized, the individual becomes a MASTER BUILDER, capable of feats well beyond all others with his GLOBAL CREATIVENESS and GENIUSITY. Few with this number can marshal their forces to reach anywhere near the ultimate potential. The individual is aware of the forces within him, aware also of the nervous tension that accompanies these forces. He spends his time grappling with powers that are difficult to comprehend and use. Often, he is seen by his fellow men as a person with enormous potential who has not, for some unexplained reason, been able to fully use his capabilities. The highest potential is also the most difficult to reach.

COMPASSION SELF-SACRIFICE UNIVERSAL LOVE The 33 is the most influential of all numbers. It is the Master Teacher. The 33 combines the 11 and the 22 and brings their potential to another level. When expressed to the fullest, the 33 lacks all personal ambition, and instead focuses its considerable abilities toward the spiritual uplifting of mankind. What makes the 33 especially impressive, is the high level of sincere devotion. This is shown in its determination to seek understanding and wisdom before preaching to others. The 33 in full force is extremely rare.

All Charismatic or Master Numbers and Their Short Meanings

The Charismatic or Master Numbers are multiple numbers such as 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88 and 99. These numbers belong to the Greater Reality which is the reality that is based on Oneness

rather than duality. 11 = birthing and anchoring the New. 22 = building upon the New. Building New Lives and a New World. 33 = universal service through the quickening of our One Being. 44 = the balance between spiritual and physical, the reconfiguring of our evolutionary labyrinth. As Above, So Below. The creation of the foundation of our New Lives. 55 = attaining personal freedom by being free of the past and totally real. 66 = fulfilling our responsibilities in a joyful, creative manner. 77 = profound insights and revelations. Honing ourselves to our Core Beings. 88 = mastering of abundance in all realms. 99 = the completion of a major evolutionary cycle.Time for another quantum leap.

Yearly Report Definitions

This Help section gives definitions of the important terms used in each Yearly Report. An understanding of these terms can increase your appreciation and insight of the information provided by these reports (see Sample). PERSONAL YEAR

The Personal Year is an important influence that describes the yearly approach to events likely to produce the most growth and development. By using the described approach, the individual is in the best position to take advantage of the events and opportunities presented, as well as to avoid or alleviate the confusions and difficulties likely to be part of the experiences encountered. The Personal Year is part of a nine year cycle that repeats itself at the end of each cycle. The Personal Year is found by adding the birth month, birth day and the calendar year in question and reducing to a single digit or a master number (11/2, 22/4 and 33/4). The Personal Year begins on January 1 and lasts until December 31, though its affects may be felt several months before or after these dates. ESSENCE

The Essence, another important influence, describes the most likely events - or trend of events - to occur for the period of time that the Essence is active. These events relate to the individual's personal and professional life, the use of the talents, personal relationships, travel and health. The Essence describes the events to which the approach of the Personal Year is directed. The length of time the Essence lasts can be anywhere from one to as many as 10 or more years. The Essence is found by adding the appropriate letter from each of the individual names that make up the full birth name and reducing to a single digit, a master number (11/2, 22/4 or 33/4) or a Karmic Debt (13/4, or 16/7). Karmic Debts are particularly important and often indicate a more challenging period that the individual must go through. PERSONAL MONTHS

The Personal Month is a short term cycle that describes the approach to events likely to produce the most growth and development for the given month. The Personal Month is a sub-cycle of the Personal Year and should be considered as a modifier of the Personal Year approach. By using the described approach, the individual is in the best position to take advantage of the events and

opportunities presented each month, as well as to avoid or alleviate the confusions and difficulties likely to be part of the experiences encountered. Even though the Personal Month is not as important as the Personal Year, its influence can often have an important impact on the life. The Personal Month is found by adding the calendar month in question to the Personal Year and reducing to a single digit or a master number (11/2, 22/4 or 33/4). The Personal Month begins on the first day of the month and lasts until the last day of the same month, though its affects may be felt for about one week before or after these dates. PERSONAL DAYS

The Personal Day is another short term cycle that describes the approach to events likely to produce growth and development for a given day. The Personal Day is a sub-cycle of the Personal Month and should be considered as a modifier of the Personal Month approach. The Personal Day is most useful in determining the best time to take action to take advantage of the events and opportunities presented, as well as to avoid or alleviate the confusions and difficulties that can be encountered by poor timing. The Personal Day is found by adding the calendar month and calendar day in question to the Personal Year and reducing to a single digit or a master number (11/2, 22/4 or 33/4). The Personal Day is usually felt for just one day, from midnight to midnight. (Personal Days, as used in the Yearly Report, provide the key dates shown in the Personal Month sections.)

Yearly Report
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At various times in your life, youve probably had the feeling that the opportunities are available for exactly what you want to do. At other times, youve undoubtedly experienced the feeling that hardly anything is going right and that you cant find a satisfactory outlet for your capabilities...

January 2009. through December 2009.

At various times in your life, youve probably had the feeling that the opportunities are available for exactly what you want to do. At other times, youve undoubtedly experienced the feeling that hardly anything is going right and that you cant find a satisfactory outlet for your capabilities. By using the science of numerology, though, you can recognize the specific influences and opportunities in your life at any given time. You can determinein advancethe times of greatest opportunity and you can also foresee difficulties and the areas in which theyre likely to happen. Numerology doesnt give you the ability to foretell the future. It does, however, give you the ability to see and analyze many of the coming influences and opportunities before they occur. This allows you to maximize the positive potential as well as to prepare beforehand for problems that may be developing. This profile describes the influences and opportunities you can expect in your life during the time span shown. The profile also includes suggestions for resolving any difficulties as well as for making the best use of the coming opportunities.


Your 8 Personal Year
The year 2009 is a very special time. Youre likely to have more power, particularly in business affairs, than youve had during the last seven or eight years. (Its also more power than youre likely to have during the next seven or eight years, too, so its important to make the most of it.) Many of your ongoing ventures, including projects started or expanded as far back as 2002 (and changed, augmented, revised or reorganized during the intervening years) may culminate now. This is the time to develop positive potential and enjoy this years lavish blossoming. Reap the bountiful harvest. Explore the possibilities of additional growth as well as current or future expansion. Keep an eye on your economic picture. Money may develop from unexpected or untapped resources, but sometimes it may be needed in far larger amounts than anticipated. Note any changes in the financial climate and act accordingly. Take advantage of the new and progressive opportunities that present themselves. The year 2009 can be a good time to invest, start a new business, buy a business or accept new and unique challenges. Be sure to evaluate realistically investments, property or buildings that youre buying, selling or trading. This can be a year with substantial advancement, achievement and recognition, along with a considerable improvement in your financial status. You can feel your extraordinary power from the beginning of the year onward. Youll sense that you can operate more efficiently and do more now than you normally can. (If you havent felt particularly powerful or used much effort during the last several years, youll still have more power now than you did in the past. The benefits are likely to be much smaller, though, than if you had previously exerted a more dynamic presence.) Clarify your general aims and the specific goals you set for 2009 during your planning sessions last year. Use all the energy you have available and take action at the right moment for maximum impact. Improve and bring to a successful conclusion some of your exciting projects and ideas. Come out asserting yourself vigorously and go after what you want. Focus your energies and drive forward dynamically. Although this is primarily a time to develop the business side of your activities, all areas in your life are likely to respond favorably to your current impressive strength. Approach your activities this year in a very serious and business-like manner. Continuous effort and hard work are required. Make the most of your organizational, managerial and executive skills. Radiate authority and self-confidence. Be very efficient, practical and rational in your dealings. Display good judgment, particularly in regard to finances and matters relating to your colleagues and associates. Keep a clear view of your progress at all times. Whenever its necessary, be sure that all loose ends are tied up and the many details completed. Theres much more work in 2009 than one person can handle comfortably. Make sure you dont overestimate your capability and find yourself unable to get the job done. Delegate some of the work to responsible coworkers so that youre not overwhelmed. Try not to push yourself too hard. If youre working most of the timeboth mentally and physicallywith very few breaks, your health can be affected. Take care of any medical matters that need attention. Take some time off periodically, too, to rest or for a short trip or vacation. Maintain your close ties with friends and family, even though your time may be limited. Show your sensitivity and emotions whenever appropriate. Try not to get entangled in romantic matters that will distract you from the tasks at hand. Be careful to use your authority with a sense of proportion. Treat others justly. If you use your powers well in 2009, you may produce spectacular results.

Special Focus For This Year

In 2009, be ready to move forward dramatically with all the energy at your command. This is the time to bring many of your significant ongoing ventures to the high points or conclusions youve been aiming toward. Proceed in a businesslike manner. Emphasize your independence, though, and your individualistic way of handling things. Make the most of the strengths that have taken you this far and stress them now for further advances. You can make important gains in your career, particularly when you use your leadership ability with the good judgment you usually possess. Use your executive and administrative skills now, too. Take advantage of new opportunities that come your way, allowing you to achieve some important financial goals. Take advantage, too, of any special educational opportunities. Promote yourself whenever you meet new friends or colleagues and it will generally work in your favor. Make sure to take the needs of coworkers into account. Although your personal and material goals may loom large throughout the yearand may prove to be well within your rangebe careful not to appear too self-centered or others may withdraw their support. Allow time to socialize with family and close friends. Take time off whenever you can so that the strain of all your work can be comfortably dissipated.

Your 8 Essence January 1. through December 31.

While the above described Personal Year indicates the best approach for you to take for growth and development during 2009, the Essence points out the likely events to take place during the period that it is active. Knowing the probable events that will happen and the preferred approach to those events will help you to get the most out of your experiences. The events and opportunities at this time emphasize your involvement and possible advancement in the business world. Much hard work and continuous effort is required, but your accomplishments can lead to a dynamic expansion of your current projects. If you arent directly involved in a business venture, you may find that your professional standing and reputation improves. Whatever your involvement is, youll feel an increase in the personal power you possess. To get the most from this period, use your organizational, managerial and executive skills. With all the positive potential available now, you may have a tendency to strain after money, power or status. Too much effort and not enough concern for others can actually alienate your associates and hurt your business prospects. Financial gains are only possible if you move forward in a balanced way. Too much stress can also affect your health.

Monthly Highlights For 2009.

The Personal Year is an important yearly influence. This influence, though, is expressed with a somewhat different emphasis each month. Be sure to take the monthly emphasis into account, too, when considering the best approach to take to each months events. Monthly highlights for 2009 are given next, followed by detailed descriptions for each month. Be ready to move on some interesting possibilities that develop in February. Take care of the workload in May, but keep your feelings under control to avoid disagreements. Make the most of possible breakthroughs in June and secure the financial advantages available in September. Accept the unexpected conclusion of an important activity or relationship in October and proceed dynamically with the potential developing in November.


Your 9 Personal Month

Youve been waiting patiently to get your various ventures on the move. You can see, now that 2009 is underway, that there are still some matters to take care of before you begin the big push forward. Complete some project related to 2008s study or contemplative activity that seems to have run its course. Do only the necessary work on business affairs. Expect some endings or transitions between January 9th and 18th. Some conclusions involving your activities or relationships are likely to be significant in freeing you for the dynamic matters coming up in 2009. Be very sensitive in all your personal dealings. During the week of January 20th, your children or romantic interest may need special attention. To avoid even temporary breakups, keep a level head and assist the people youre dealing with in controlling their emotions, in order to avoid even temporary breakups. Between January 28th and the end of the month, youll begin to sense that the time to make your major move will arrive at the beginning of February.

FEBRUARY 2009. Your 1 Personal Month

Take action now. Start the dynamic moves youve planned. Your long-term ventures are primed and ready to develop. The enterprises youve been assessing for the last few months are also ready to go. New opportunities ripe with potential may come to your attention, too, sometime around February 7th. If youre practical, businesslike and geared up to put in the work thats required, February can mark the beginning of an extremely productive time. You may be able to achieve some of your major goals by following through on this months activities. Look for recognition and a raise in status along with financial rewards. Take the initiative. Organize and reorganize. On or about February 12th or 18th, make the shifts needed to take care of any changes in direction that will advance your causes. Adjust any existing conditions that appear to stand in your way during the week of February 21st. Take care of any legal or financial matters regarding your home. Take some breaks to relieve any stresses that may build up.

MARCH 2009. Your 11/2 Personal Month

Continue to implement your plans so that you can move forward with your various enterprises. Take this months temporary delays and unexpected slowdowns in stride. Keep your projects running as smoothly as you can. Make use of some of the special insights you gained during your contemplative times last year. If you feel nervous or tense from time to time, particularly from March 7th to 13th, figure out how to reduce the stress youre feeling so that it doesnt impede your progress. Cooperation with your coworkers may prove of considerable importance throughout the month. Maintain a sensitive approach to your friends and family, too. Be tactful and diplomatic in your dealings and remain aware of others needs and feelings. Enjoy some entertainment and social activities. A new friend or romantic interest may have a significant impact during the week of March 16th. Around March 25th, make time to spend with children in some special fun activities.

APRIL 2009. Your 3 Personal Month

Enjoy the sense of power you feel as you watch your various ventures proceeding. Make sure to keep everything on track and on schedule. Use your imagination and creative approach to make slight but important shifts in some of your projects to increase the speed of their development. Take advantage of the opportunities some friends may present during the weeks of April 2nd or 20th that will allow for financial benefits or increased recognition of your work. Keep your eye on your budget at this time, too. Extravagance isnt likely to be helpful. A short trip between April 11th and 18th may

provide some recreation and perhaps introduce a new interest with possibilities for the future. It may be your turn to give a big party on or about April 27th. Allow some times, too, for art, music or other cultural activities. Include your family, and particularly children, in the appropriate situations. Romance may add its own special delight.

MAY 2009. Your 4 Personal Month

There were lighter activities last monthand therell be time for them again next month. Now in May, though, theres a great deal of work that needs to be done to keep your projects moving ahead toward your goals. Take care of the many details that crop up from May 9th to the end of the month. Clarify your financial picture, particularly around May 13th. Make sure its where you want it or make some changes accordingly. Adjust some organizational matters or, if necessary, do some complete reorganization so that things can run smoothly. Between May 15th and 27th, firm up the foundations in several places so further building can continue. Take care of the ongoing work but keep a clear picture of the benefits that will accrue so that you dont get discouraged. If the amount of work makes you feel somewhat restricted, recognize that the workload is only a temporary but necessary step along the road youre traveling. Manage any stress that seems to be affecting you.

JUNE 2009. Your 5 Personal Month

Take some significant action this month to expand your horizons or advance your enterprises. Initiate some helpful changes around June 7th, or take advantage of some changes begun by others. Begin to develop some new opportunities that come to your attention during the week of June 9th. Many of your ongoing projects are advancing steadily and are close to the goals for which you were aiming. Recognition may be coming your way, too, along with the possibility of important financial returns. Enjoy the freedom after last months hard work and appreciate the sense of accomplishment you feel. Make sure everything continues to run smoothly but, when you get the chance, take some time off for a vacation or a bit of travel. Leave some time for children or parents and make the most of a romantic interlude. Plan some activities with friends and family between June 18th and 25th. Be on the lookout for new friends who can contribute their special business know-how.

JULY 2009. Your 6 Personal Month

Although your business ventures are moving along well, there may be domestic responsibilities that now need attention. Make sure to take care of any commercial or financial matters related to your various enterprises, particularly around July 9th, but take care of family matters if at all possible. Resolve any legal or insurance problems related to your home. Look into any construction or remodeling work that you promised to do. If you find that theres a conflict between your business and domestic chores during the week of July 14th, ask whether anyone else in the family can handle some of the work. Make sure to allow enough time with your family. Plan some activities with children but leave time for romance, as well. If a close family member indicates a need for your help or support on or about July 23rd, try to be available. If you feel that there are demands in too many directions, take a good look at your current priorities.

AUGUST 2009. Your 7 Personal Month

You probably will derive a good deal of power this month from a spiritual or intuitive insight. That special insight, or its practical application, may help bring one of your ventures to new heights on or about August 10th. Aside from this enterprising work, youll probably prefer to spend a good deal of time by yourself in August. A brief trip between August 12th and 18th may prove helpful for some much needed rest and relaxation. You also may need some solitude in order to meditate on religious or metaphysical matters. Time by yourself may be necessary to make or revise your business plans, particularly for the last part of the year. It also may be helpful, particularly around August 27th, to contemplate some new or different kinds of ventures for the future. Maintain your close associations and keep in touch with your ongoing work. Be sure that colleagues can reach you, if necessary, so that your work can move along.

SEPTEMBER 2009. Your 8 Personal Month

Move forward dramatically this month with all the power at your command. Some of your business ventures may reach the objectives youve been aiming for, most likely between September 2nd and 18th. The economic picture may improve, too, bringing significant and unexpected financial rewards, possibly during the week of September 23rd. Gains in status and increased personal recognition also are apt to occur on September 11th or 27th. Enjoy your substantial achievements. Appreciate the long-term goals youve achieved and the years of work and dedication leading up to them. Youre probably very satisfied now and thinking of ways to expand your enterprises for additional gains. Make sure to give the credit thats due to the others whove contributed to your successes. Be sure to recognize, too, that youre approaching the conclusion of the phase of experience represented by this years achievements. In a little while, you may be looking for new worlds to conquer.

OCTOBER 2009. Your 9 Personal Month

Some of the experiences or activities related to your ongoing endeavors may draw to an end between October 9th and 27th. Around October 18th, in particular, several of your ventures may begin to show significant signs of future conclusions or transitions beginning to develop. You still may be enjoying the successes of last month but youre probably beginning to see more clearly that major changes and endings are getting considerably closer. Begin to look at your various ventures and contemplate what you may want to phase out in the months to come. Try to keep your emotions under control, particularly during the week of October 20th, so as not to rock the boat. Be sensitive to others needs and feelings to avoid parting company with a friend at this time. Be very sympathetic and understanding in your dealings with coworkers and colleagues. Recognize the possibility, however, that lovers, close personal friends or business associates may be moving on eventually.

NOVEMBER 2009. Your 1 Personal Month

From November 3rd to 18th, take advantage of your new opportunities to expand and develop some of your enterprises but proceed carefully. Reap any financial benefits that may accrue, particularly during the week of November 7th, and make the most of any publicity or recognition you receive. Be as organized and businesslike as possible in order to make the most of the present potential. As you move ahead with your ongoing projects, recognize that youre also heading toward a significant

transition period thats likely to start at the beginning of the coming year. With that in mind, acknowledge that many of your current ventures are likely to be phased out and replaced with very different enterprises heading in completely different directions. From November 25th to the end of the month, begin to look into some new avenues that might be of particular interest during the coming years. More and more, youll feel the need to commence a meaningful new phase of exploration.

DECEMBER 2009 Your 11/2 Personal Month

Your ongoing projects move ahead in December. Some temporary delays and slowdowns, particularly between December 9th and 16th, contribute to a considerably slower pace than during the last several months. Enjoy the respite from activity and use the week of December 18th for a short vacation or brief trip that will give you some much needed rest. Take part in social activities involving your spouse, parents and children. Be tactful, diplomatic and sensitive as you help resolve family quarrels. Renew some old friendships and make the most of some close times with colleagues and coworkers. Around December 27th, new friends may prove helpful in clarifying some of the new directions youre exploring or in suggesting some educational possibilities you may want to look into. Youre well attuned now to the idea of the transition period that you suspect will play a major part in your activities when 2010 gets under way. During the closing months of 2009, continue to make the most of your dynamic energy. Bring some of your ongoing ventures to a culmination in October, November and December. Reap the rewards of your hard work: attain a long-term goal, gain recognition and move up in financial status. Take a break and spend time with close friends for some much needed rest and relaxation .

The information contained in this profile can be remarkably helpful. Read it once or twice when you first receive it. Read it again when important opportunities come your way. You may learn, as many people have, to benefit by making the most of the described possibilities by preparing beforehand. Read the profile, too, when you feel stuck. You may benefit by figuring out how to deal with the difficulties in a better way. If you see a problem coming, a re-reading may show you how to prepare for that problem before it actually occurs. You may be surprised and delighted at the many times that the information in the profile contributes significantly to your life.

Life Path Report Definitions

THE LIFE PATH IS THE MAJOR LESSON TO BE LEARNED IN THIS LIFE, THE CENTRAL FOCUS OF A PERSON'S EXISTENCE. The Life Path is at the heart of the Core and the central focus of the life (see Sample). The Life Path (sometimes called the Birthforce, Birthpath or Destiny) determines other related matters. It describes the opportunities available in order to learn the major lesson, as well as the environment the people and places in which these opportunities are likely to be found. Some of a person's attitudes and characteristics are determined by the Life Path, for these traits are prescribed as an aid to the study of the main lesson.

The Life Path is fixed and unchangeable. No one can change his birthdate and therefore no one can change his Life Path. Acceptance of the Life Path allows for full growth and productive development. Confidence in himself and his direction allows a person to move forward to a positive destiny.

Life Path Periods Report Definitions

The two long term cycles, the Life Path Periods and the Pinnacles, set the background tone for long phases of the life. They produce no abrupt or insistent effect, but, rather, are strong determinants of the general influences. They are important cycles (see Sample).

THE THREE LIFE PATH PERIODS IN EACH PERSON'S LIFE DESCRIBE THE PROBABLE GENERAL INFLUENCES IN THE THREE PHASES OF THE LIFE AS ASPECTS OF THE LIFE PATH DIRECTION. When we discussed the Life Path element, we described the many different lanes of the Life Path highway. Here, we have a similar analogy. If you again think of the many-laned highway of the Life Path, the Period is the lane on which the subject is traveling at a particular time. The lane describes the general influences acting on the individual. Since there are three Periods, most people occupy three different lanes-or live under three different general influences-during the course of their lives. From a description of these probable influences, a subject can determine which of his energies will be most useful. FIRST PERIOD The First Period, od Development Period of the Life Parh, covers youth and young adulthood. The important childhood and adolescent influences, the character of the family, the prevalent influences as the young person moves out into the world are all described here. In addition to dealing with the current influences, the subject would be well advised to prepare a foundation for the next Period in the later years of the one. The First Period often appears to be the restrictive becaus the youth or young adult usually has less ability than the mature adult to convert any negative potential to positive as well as less ability to deal with the negative influences present. SECOND PERIOD The Second Period, or Productive Period of the Life Path, covers the important middle years, the time when a person is likely to be moving forward in his chosen work as well as in raising a family. Here, the individual often has the potential (operating at the height of his powers, expanding his life delighting in the opportunities coming his way, receiving recognition from his peers. In addition to dealing with the influences of this period, the subject should again lay a foundation for the next Period in the later years of this one. THIRD PERIOD The Third Period, or Integrative Period of the Life Path, covers the later years of life: the closing of the career (sometimes accompanied by the culmination of the career) and the retirement period, years often devoted to reflection and integration of all that has gone before. The "feel" of the Third Period is heavily dependent on the growth and satisfactions of the previous Period. Lack of development in that middle Period may leave a residue of pain, guilt or resentment which may

strongly affect this time.

Secret Hidden Number Report Definitions

Your Secret Hidden Number: The Code of Your Lifetime Reports releave the Secret Code of your soul in this lifetime. This calculation is based on ancient unique secret system of Pythagorean school (see Sample). There are so many numbers attached to our subtle body. But the most important is The Secret Hidden Number: The Code of Lifetime. This number is very unique and confidential.

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