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Why do people follow religion? Faith can do everything, even if it is like a little mustard seed it can move mountains.

Every religion in the world is based on faith, so people think that faith can help them to find solutions for their problems. Indeed, human beings created religion in order to find a reason to facts that happen around them, so they wrote the pillars of each religion based on faith and beliefs. People need to believe in someone almighty who takes care of them and makes everything possible. In fact, religion has gotten millions of followers because of this belief in all of the situations. There are a number of religions in the world that have their own beliefs and procedures that are criticized by others. The procedures depend on the beliefs, so in many cases people do not have problem to sacrifice their own life. Throughout years, religion has influenced a lot in peoples behaviour and customs. In other words, with religion, people can feel the necessity of believing in someone, being part of a group and learning how to behave in life. People can satisfy the necessity of believing in someone who can give a meaning and purpose to their lives just by following a religion. When life is so pointless, empty and habitual there is always someone beside ones back or holding ones hand who wants to lead one every day of ones live and give it a real meaning. In fact, there could be different names that people give to this superior power depending on their cultures and believes but what everybody searches is to feel supported by someone greater. In addition, it is comforting to believe that someone is taking care of people. Through this though people could be able to feel peace, security and live in community since God, whoever this could be, would be always between the groups of disciples who believe and love him. Moreover, humanity needs to know what path in their lives they could

chase. For example, when they get in troubles or feel alone they need to know what solution they must take instead of being against their Gods or act in an inadequate manner. Therefore, believing on someone and practicing ones religion is the solution to hear that voice and see that path which will lead one to take the best decision for his live. Being part of a group has always been a necessity for human beings, and religion can completely satisfy this requirement with support and love. One of the principles of any religion is keeping all its members as a happy and strong society. For instance, Catholic Religion calls its followers every Sunday to be part of a celebration as a dynamic group. Moreover, religious communities promote aiding each other in order to find a way out to any difficulty; as a result, any member who needs some help will certainly receive it. An unfortunate family with a sick child is a heartbreaking situation where religion, with its close communities, could play an important roll. Besides keeping communities together, religion allows families to be closer. Among busy parents and time waster videogames a simple pray will offer the time to share as a family. For all these reasons, religion helps human beings to be close to each other as a supported and loved group. Furthermore religion gives the pattern to learn how to behave in life. First, all religions have rules that show to the believers the best path with the intention of having an exemplary life. For instance, the Catholic Religion has the Ten Commandments, that teaches you to realize what is good and bad and one of them is you shall not kill. Moreover religion has transcendental people that define the religion. For example, the Buddhism has Buda that is a religious leader in India who shared his knowledge through generations. In addition, religion teaches values that help people to find the best way in life. That is why one could choose the best religion that gives one a better

significance and improve his behavior. In other words by following a religion people learn moral values that teaches them how to act in their lives, be a better person and get along with the society.

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