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Kelas :5B Masa: 7.30a.m.8.30a.m.

Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris

Theme :World of Knowledge Topic : People Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able to read the text on page 86 about yoyo and answer questions pertaining to the text. Specifications: 1.5.2, 2.2.2,3.8.3 Activities 1. Teacher reads the text and pupils listen carefully while 2. skimming and scanning for information. 3. Identify the difficult words and find the meaning in the dictionary. 4. Zigzag reading in groups and forming questions. 5. Pupils in different groups ask and answer questions. 6. Write their answers legibly. 7. Moral Value : Hardworking Grammar: Articles

Kelas :6B Masa: 8.30-a.m.9.30a.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris Kelas :6C Masa:10.50a.m.11.50a.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris

Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Remarkable Achievers Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able to read the notes and expand the ideas into paragraph writing. Specifications : 2.2.1,3.8.2, 3.8.3,4.2.3 Activities 1.Pupils read the notes on page 124 about the preparation by Magendran to climb Mount Everest. 2. Pupils and teacher discuss the points and the ideas. 3. In groups , each student writes the paragraph. 4. Then the paragraphs are complied into en essay. 5. Pupils copy the essay legibly into their books. Moral Values: Bravery, patriostism Grammar: To show appreciation

Kelas :4B Masa: 8.30-a.m.9.30a.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris ( ICTL YEAR 4)

Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Computer Software Learning Area: Internet Browser Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able to open the internet browser. Identify the Internet Browser interface. Activities: 1.Click the all program. 2.The internet explorer browser will appear. 3. Introduce the internet browser buttons and address bar 4. Pupils copy them into their exercise book. Moral Value Cooperation

Kelas :5B Masa: 10.50a.m.11.50a.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris ( ICTL YEAR 5)

Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Basic Programming

Learning Area: Basic Programming Develop a Program Learning Outcomes : Pupils will be able to use the Scratch programming language. Activities: 1. Pupils choose all program and select Scratch. 2. Pupils will see the program on the screen. 3. Identify al the parts of scratch. 4. Copy legibly into their book. 5. Draw and label all the parts

Moral Value: Co-operation Working together

Kelas :6B Masa: 8.30-a.m.9.30a.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris

Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Remarkable Achievers Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able talk , discuss and use past tense correctly Specifications : 2.7.2, 3.8.2, 4.2.1,4.2.2 Activities 1. Pupils read the text in page 125 2. Identify all the past tense in bold. 3. Teacher explains the irregular past tense words that change in the past tense and that does not change in the past tense. 4. eg. eat ate 5. cut - cut 6. Pupils read the text and change them into past tense. 7. Peer Evaluation. 8. Grammar : The simple past tense Moral Value : caring, creativity

Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Remarkable Achievers Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able talk , discuss and use past tense correctly Specifications : 2.7.2, 3.8.2, 4.2.1,4.2.2

Kelas :6C Masa: 10.0a.m.10.30a.m. 10.50a.m.11.50a.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris

Activities 1. Pupils read the text in page 125 2. Identify all the past tense in bold. 3. Teacher explains the irregular past tense words that change in the past tense and that does not change in the past tense. 4. eg. eat ate 5. cut - cut 6. Pupils read the text and change them into past tense. 7. Peer Evaluation.

Grammar : The simple past tense Moral Value : caring, creativity

Masa: 7.30a-.m. 8.00am

Perhimpunan Pagi : Nyanyian dan Ucapan Guru Bertugas

Kelas :4B Masa: 8.00a.m.9.00a.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris

Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Living in harmony Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able talk about yourself and your personal experience. Specifications: 1.1.1, 2.1.2, 3.1.1, 4.3.2 Activities 1. Pupils read the poem on page 87. 2. Pupils read in groups with the proper intonation and stress. 3. Discuss the picture and elicit answers froms tudents. 4. Discuss living in harmony and their personal experience. 5. Instil moral value and discuss how one should live peacefully. 6. Moral Value: Caring, loving

Kelas :6C Masa: 9.00a.m.10.00a.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris

Theme : World of Stories Topic : Remarkable Achievers Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able to use short questions tags correctly in daily communication as well as written work. Specifications : 2.2.3, 2.3.1,3.9.2,4.2.2 Activities 1. teacher explain the question tags questions. 2. Teacher gives examples of the sentences. 3. Pupils use the sentences in pairs. 4. Pupils match the question tags to the statements. 5. Peer Evaluation and correction done. Moral Value Cooperation. Additional Activities: 1. 2. 3. 4. Pupils write out the questions tags. Pupils give the statements Oral drill Copy them into their exercise book.

Kelas :6B Masa:10.50a.m.12..20p.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris

Kelas :4B Masa: 7.30a.m.9.00a.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris

Theme : World of Knowledge Topic : Living in harmony Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to write sentences Pertaining to a picture given and develop into a paragraph. Specifications: 1.1.1, 2.1.2, 3.1.1, 4.3.2 Activities 1. Pupils read the words given and study the picture. 2. Discuss the picture and skim and scan for information. 3. Write out the main gist of the paragraphs. 4. Develop the ideas into paragraphs 5. write an essay. 6. Evaluation Moral Value: Caring, loving

Kelas :5B Masa:10.50a.m. 12.20p.m. Matapelajaran: Bahasa Inggeris

Theme :World of Knowledge Topic : People Learning Outcomes: Pupils will be able to read the text on page 86 about yoyo and answer questions pertaining to the text. Specifications: 1.5.2, 2.2.2,3.8.3 Activities 1. Teacher reads the text and pupils listen carefully while 2. skimming and scanning for information. 3. Identify the difficult words and find the meaning in the dictionary. 4. Zigzag reading in groups and forming questions. 5. Pupils in different groups ask and answer questions. 6. Write their answers legibly. Moral Value : Hardworking Grammar: Articles

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