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The advantages and disadvantages of recombinant DNA technology By David Challenger What is recombinant DNA Recombinant DNA is a technique

of genetic engineering that involves splicing together DNA molecules from more than one source, then multiplying the resulting recombinant DNA in a suitable host organism. Often the spliced DNA is in the form of a plasmid, which is then multiplied in a bacterium host. The technology can be used to produce individuals with genetic properties not normally associated with that species. Genetically modified foods Using genetic modification scientists have created a frost resistant tomato plant by adding an antifreeze gene from a cold water fish to it. The antifreeze gene comes from the cold water flounder, a fish that can survive in very cold conditions. To obtain these results the scientists have to remove a gene the flounder has that makes an antifreeze chemical. The gene is removed from the chromosomes within the flounder cell. The antifreeze DNA is then joined onto a plasmid. The recombinant DNA including the antifreeze gene, is placed in a bacterium. The bacterium is allowed to reproduce many times producing lots of copies of the recombinant DNA. The tomato plant cells are then infected with the bacteria. As a result the antifreeze gene in the plasmid, in the bacteria becomes integrated into the tomato plant cell DNA. From this the plants are then placed in an environment that encourages the cells to grow into plant seedlings. The tomato plant seedlings are then planted. The genetically modified plant now contains a copy of the flounder antifreeze gene in every one of its cells and the plant is now frost resistant. This is a useful advantage because it allows us to be able to produce tomatoes all year. The genetic engineering used on the tomato plant could also be similarly used on other fruit producing plants and vegetables so we

will be able to have a wide range and selection of different fruits and vegetables all year.

There are other similar uses of recombinant DNA when the first genetically modified foods became commercially available on the market. The flavr savr tomato was genetically engineered to keep it firm for longer and was a big hit with consumers in the US, but as a result of a flawed business plan the flavr savr tomato rapidly disappeared from supermarket shelves. Despite this the flavr savr tomato was a breakthrough in genetically modified foods and helped the US consumers to accept the genetically modified foods used today. Genetically modified foods provide many benefits such as boosting prosperity in the developing world and provide new choices for consumers. Genetic modification can have advantages for the plant breeder. Conventional breeding involves the mixing of two complete sets of genes although these genes are from the same, or closely related species a wide variety of progeny is often generated. But there are huge risks with genetically modified foods and they could have unpredictable effects on our health and the environment. Insulin Insulin analog is an altered form of insulin. Although it is different to the insulin produced by the human body, it can still be used by the human body for glycemic control.

Through genetic engineering of the underlying DNA, the amino acid sequence of insulin can be changed to alter its characteristics. The amino acid sequences for insulin are very similar in mammals. Porcine insulin comes from pigs, and is only one amino acid variation from human insulin. Bovine insulin comes from cows, and is only three amino acids different to human insulin. Both can be used by humans with similar strengths. Even insulin from some species of fish can be effective in humans! Synthetic human insulin has largely replaced animal analog insulin. This is an advantage of gene technology because the synthetic human insulin does not have any allergies risks unlike animal insulin which affects a small percentage of its users. A disadvantage to using this form of insulin is that using high-pressure liquid chromatography equipment the insulins can compared using their purification levels. Animal-sourced insulins ultimately reached as high as 99%, whereas the purity level of synthetic human insulins made via recombinant DNA has only reached a maximum purity level of 97%. Industry There are other uses for genetic engineering other than medicine and agriculture. Genetic engineering is also used in industry. In the dairy industry rennin is an enzyme used to produce cheese. This enzyme separates milk into curd and whey. Traditionally rennin was taken from dead calves but this process raised controversy and protests because of morality. Using genetic engineering rennin can now be made in labs because the gene used to make rennin was put into microbes which produce the rennin. Using genetic engineering is an advantage in industry because it solves the morality issues the other methods created before. A disadvantage of using genetic engineering for this purpose is that it is more expensive to obtain.

Terrorism Although genetic engineering brings with it many good opportunities never before experienced it also has its negative uses. Genetic engineering can also be used for terrorism because it has the ability to construct viruses faster and easier than ever before. Genetics in a lab can speed up evolution of millions of years creating new viruses and diseases. These diseases can re-enforce long feared diseases such as small pocks. Another weapon for war! Already scientists have created mouse pocks a cousin to small pocks. It is harmless to humans but lethal to mice, however it is another progression into being able to create disease at will and possibly use them as weapons. Using genetic engineering for terrorism is obviously a disadvantage because it could possibly have lethal effects. Conclusion I believe that recombinant DNA technology is a good use of modern day technology in order to increase the opportunities for everyone around the world. However when gene technology gets to the stage that it is harmful and can be used for destructive purposes then we should not use it at all. People have survived for hundreds of years before we needed to be able to change natural occurrence in order to suit our needs.

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