TheSun 2009-01-16 Page06 Provide Info On Claims Against Msian Officials PM Tells US

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6 theSun | FRIDAY JANUARY 16 2009

news without borders

Siti, Jaclyn and Mawi

Provide info on claims against to sing for Palestinians
PUTRAJAYA: A charity dinner featuring ate the value of peace and understand

M’sian officials, PM tells US

artistes like Datuk Siti Nurhaliza, Mawi the evil of war.
and Jaclyn Victor will be held at Istana “The world must produce a new
Budaya on Jan 31 in aid of the Palestine generation of people who hate war and
Humanitarian Fund. love peace,” she said at a luncheon at
The programme’s patron – the wife her official residence yesterday.
of the deputy prime minister, Datin Funds collected at the dinner, or-
KUALA TERENGGANU: Prime Minister them. I would like to ask them.” over to human traffickers in southern Seri Rosmah Mansor, said the theme ganised by the Unity, Culture, Arts and
Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi The AFP report, among others, Thailand”. of the evening would revolve around Heritage Ministry, would be handed to
wants the United States to pass on stated that the migrants, mostly from Some of the immigrants from Myan- the hardships of the people of Gaza, Wisma Putra to be channelled to the
information pertaining to allegations military-ruled Myanmar, were allegedly mar and other countries are refugees especially since Israel’s invasion on Palestine Humanitarian Fund.
that Malaysian officials extorted money taken by government officials to the recognised by the office of the UNHCR. Dec 27. Istana Budaya director-general
from migrants in the country. border between Malaysia and Thailand Since 1995, about 40,000 refugees from “The important thing is that the Mohd Juhari Shaarani said tickets would
Stating that the government did not where they were extorted or sold to Myanmar have resettled in the United atrocities of war must stop. We call be available at Istana Budaya from next
tolerate such practice, he said that so human trafficking syndicates. States, many going through Malaysia. upon governments of the world to start week. The venue will accommodate up
far, the authorities had not received The investigations are being carried US Senate foreign relations com- educating their youngsters to appreci- to 1,400 people, he said.
any report on the matter. out by the US Senate foreign relations mittee staff have travelled to Malaysia,
“If the US authority has it, we would committee and the findings would be Thailand, and the Malaysia-Thailand
be very thankful if they can pass the relayed to key US enforcement agen- border, collecting information as part
information to us so we can investigate
and take appropriate action,” he told
reporters here yesterday.
cies and Interpol for possible action.
“US Senate foreign relations com-
mittee staff are reviewing reports of
investigations, officials said.
“If all reports are accurate, as many
as a few thousand Myanmar migrants
Reduced speed
Abdullah was asked to comment on
a foreign news agency report that the
extortion and human trafficking from
Myanmar and other migrants in Malay-
in Malaysia may have been taken to the
Malaysia-Thai border in recent years,”
man has
limits from Monday
US senate was investigating allegations sia, allegedly at the hands of Malaysian the committee staff member said. “If
that officials in Malaysia were extorting government officials,” a committee they pay, they return to Malaysia. If not, no locus by Giam Say Khoon police, JPJ, Commercial Vehicle
money from foreign migrants and were staff member told the wire service. they are sold to traffickers, according standi Licensing Board, National Anti-
Drug Agency and Tourism Board
linked to human trafficking. “The allegations include assertions to the reports.” to bring KUALA LUMPUR: From for the 15-day Ops Sikap during
Asked if the Malaysian government that Myanmar and other mig-rants In Kuala Lumpur, Immigration
was in touch with the US authorities – whether or not they have United Department officials when contacted signage Monday to Feb 2, the speed which the reduced speed limit
on the issue, he said: “I have no infor- Nations High Commission for Refugees yesterday said they would issue a suit’ limit on all state and federal applies.
roads will be reduced by 10kph “A total of 1,200 JPJ officers
mation if we have been in touch with documentation – are taken from Malay- statement on the matter later. pg 8 as a safety measure for the rush and 5,000 police officers will be
sian detention facili- Tenaganita director Irene Fernandez,
ties and transported to whose organisation last year published home to celebrate the Year of deployed nationwide to catch
the Thailand-Malaysia the book, The Revolving Door, about the the Ox. speedsters and other traffic

Councillors border.”
At the border, it
plight of Myanmar refugees and work-
ers across the Thai-Malaysian border,
“Certain heavy vehicles are
also prohibited from the roads on
“The police will also set up

stand firm is alleged, “money is

demanded from them,
said she was unaware of the Senate’s
Jan 24 and 25, and on Jan 31 and
Feb 1. This is to help ease traffic
congestion and minimise the
16 control towers on federal
roads and three on the North-
South Expressway.”
or they are turned
» From Front Page risk of road accidents,” Transport To ensure the smooth flow
A Petaling Jaya Municipal Council Minister Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat of traffic, all road maintenance
“We are just a small company and have been talking said. work, except critical repairs, will
worker removes an advertisement
to the Datuk Bandar many times. Whenever we receive He also said temporary bus also stop during the period, Ong
from an illegal twin-pole billboard
a notice ordering the dismantling of the billboard, we licences would be issued to all said. “The Public Works Depart-
would appeal to the city council. The last appeal was operators to cater to the surge ment will identify such roads
submitted only a day ago, but still the council insisted in demand for services during and divert traffic to alternative
on dismantling my billboard,” he said. the long holiday stretch. routes.”
Initially, Tan and Fernandez engaged in a heated In a statement at the launch He reminded rear passen-
debate over the enforcement operation. Tan threat- of a road safety campaign by gers to buckle up, and motor-
ened the council with legal action but the councillors the ministry yesterday, Ong said cyclists to use Sirim-certified
stood firm. buses older than 12 years will helmets.
“I will have to send a lawyer’s letter to the council not be allowed to cover more On criticisms that the
to claim my losses. The construction of the billboard than 300km per trip. enforcement of rear safety belt
had already cost RM500,000, and also contract losses “Buses that have not been use would induce corruption,
from the advertiser,” Tan said. on the road for more than six Ong said: “If motorists and
About 20 of his workers joined the “persuasion” months must pass a Road passengers do not violate the
effort, resulting in a formidable police presence. Transport Department (JPJ) law, there is nothing to worry
Also present were Damansara Utama state examination before obtaining a about. Even if we have violated
assemblyman Dr Cheah Wing Yin, and councillors Tiew licence to operate,” he said. the law, we have the right not
Way Keng, Mak Khuin Weng and Michael Soon. MBPJ “A joint enforcement opera- to bribe. It is just a matter of
will take three days to bring down the structure. tion will be carried out by the principle.”

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