TheSun 2009-01-16 Page11 Britains Miliband Says War On Terror Was Wrong

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theSun | FRIDAY JANUARY 16 2009 11

news without borders

Britain’s Miliband says

‘war on terror’ was wrong
LONDON: British Foreign Secretary David between moderates and extremists, or good and
Miliband said yesterday the notion of a “war on evil, the more we play into the hands of those
terror” was “misleading and mistaken”, in an seeking to unify groups with little in common.”
outspoken critique of a key policy of outgoing Miliband rejected the notion that fighting
US President George W. Bush. violent extremism could only be done by military
Writing in the Guardian, Miliband said the means. “As (US) General (David) Petraeus said to
phrase gave the idea of a unified enemy where me and others in Iraq, the coalition there could
none existed, and also encouraged a primarily not kill its way out of the problems of insurgency
military response to problems that top generals and civil strife,” he wrote.
admitted the West could not “kill its way out He argued that only cooperation between
of”. The article appears to be a comprehensive states could break up terror networks, saying
attempt to discard what was a defining mission if India and Pakistan could resolve their dispute
of the Bush administration, which comes to an over Kashmir it would deny extremists in the
end on Tuesday. region one of their main calls to arms. Miliband
“The idea of a ‘war on terror’ gave the impres- added that democratic countries must not aban-
sion of a unified, transnational enemy, embodied don their values, citing the US military detention
in the figure of Osama bin Laden and Al Qaeda,” camp at Guantanamo Bay on Cuba. “We must
wrote Miliband, who is currently in India. respond to terrorism by championing the rule of
“The reality is that the motivations and identi- law, not subordinating it, for it is the cornerstone
ties of terrorist groups are disparate.” He added: of the democratic society,” he wrote. – AFP
“The more we lump terrorist groups together and
draw the battle lines as a simple binary struggle

Madoff still out on

bail, aide targeted
NEW YORK: Accused swindler Venezuelans and Argentines.
Bernard Madoff (pix) was al- Separately, the law firm
lowed to stay in his Manhattan also said it was representing a
penthouse and out of jail on group of Spanish investors with
Wednesday, as regulators chased exposure of €10.5 million (RM
down one of his top associates 50 million) to Madoff-related
and investors worldwide sued funds and was preparing to seek
over their losses. redress under Spanish law.
A US judge upheld a magis- “All of them had a relation-
trate’s ruling on a government ship of trust with financial inter-
request to jail the disgraced mediaries who told them where
investment adviser, after being to place their funds,” one of the
charged with one of the biggest firm’s partners, Juan Ignacio
frauds in Wall Street history. Peinado, said in the statement.
Madoff, 70, was put under house arrest A Swiss bank jolted by the scandal said it
and electronic monitoring in mid-December conducted repeated analyses of the hundreds
to “prevent flight or harm” according to a of millions of dollars it invested with Madoff,
court order. contrary to a Wall Street Journal report.
In Massachusetts, the state’s top securities The Union Bancaire Privee said in a state-
regulator sued to force a Madoff middleman ment it made repeated due diligence visits
to testify. The middleman, Robert Jaffe, over the years, but like other investors, had
missed a scheduled meeting with regulators no inkling that it and its investors were vic-
on Tuesday, providing a doctor’s note saying tims of a fraud.
that he was ill. Jaffe was said to have fun- Meanwhile, Ireland’s financial regulator
nelled billions of dollars to Madoff. is looking into two investment funds with
The global fallout continued from the exposure to Madoff, including a pan-Euro-
purported scandal that may have bilked as pean fund known as UCITS, a spokeswoman
much as US$50 billion (RM180 billion) from said.
wealthy, charities, universities and banks After listening for an hour to arguments
around the world. from a prosecutor and Madoff’s lawyer, Judge
A Spanish law firm said it would sue in the Lawrence McKenna quickly ruled from the
United States on behalf of investors in Latin bench that he was not granting the govern-
America, particularly Mexicans, Brazilians, ment’s request to jail Madoff. – Reuters

‘Fantasy Island’ star Ricardo Suu Kyi, officials said yesterday.

Student activist Bo Min Yu Ko, who is in
Montalban dead at 88 his 20s, was sentenced at a court in the city
LOS ANGELES: Mexican actor Ricardo Montal- of Mandalay in the past week, the latest in
ban (pix), best known for his role as Mr. Roarke a wave of stiff prison terms handed down in
in the 1970s-80s popular television series Fan- the military-ruled nation in recent months.
tasy Island, has died in Los Angeles, a city official “He was sentenced for his political activi-
said. He was 88. ties as he went to the border (with Thailand)
With mellifluous voice and distinctive Span- to contact an exile group,” said a Myanmar
ish accent, Montalban also stood out in US official on condition of anonymity. – AFP
television folklore as a Chrysler sponsor in the
1970s when he advertised the Cordoba’s “soft
Corinthian leather” interior, much
Cop in subway shooting
parodied by comics for years. charged with murder
Montalban died at his home in SAN FRANCISCO: A former police officer ac-
Los Angeles, city councilman Eric cused of shooting dead an unarmed black man
Garcetti said. He did not provide on the San Francisco subway has been charged
a cause of death. Montalban was with murder, authorities said on Wednesday.
wheelchair-bound after a 1993 Johannes Mehserle, a former Bay Area Rapid
spinal operation, according to local Transit agency police officer, was arrested on
press reports. – AFP Tuesday evening at a home near Lake Tahoe,
Nevada. He is being held in the New Year’s Day
Myanmar activist jailed shooting death of Oscar Grant, who was lying on
the ground after being pulled off a San Francisco
104 years: Official train by police investigating reports of fighting.
YANGON: A Myanmar court has jailed a stu- Mehserle resigned from the Bay Area Rapid
dent activist for 104 years, while the ruling Transit (BART) police force on Jan 7, hours before
junta freed six people who campaigned for a protest in Oakland turned violent and resulted
the release of pro-democracy icon Aung San in more than 100 arrests. – AFP

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