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8 theSun | MONDAY JANUARY 19 2009

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Tigers face ‘extinction’ as

Sri Lanka keeps up offensive
COLOMBO: Sri Lanka’s Tamil
Tigers are threatened with
tion of the Tigers” had begun with
the capture of Kilinochchi, where
Military officials say eight divi-
sions are closing in on the jungle
Obama arrives for
WASHINGTON: Feted by thousands shivering 40,000-strong crowd in
“extinction” following a massive the rebels had all the trappings and lagoon district of Mullaittivu, and invoking history to steel the Baltimore, Obama told Americans
military drive against them, but of a de facto state, including a where the Tigers are known to United States against crises at home to draw strength from US independ-
a political solution will be crucial civil administration with a bank, have key military bases as and abroad, Barack Obama rode ence heroes at a time of rare national
to end long-standing Tamil griev- courts and a police force. well as hiding places for Tiger a hope-fuelled inaugural train to peril.
ances, observers say. Military observers agree that supremo Velupillai Prabhakaran. Washington on Saturday, three days “Let’s make sure this election is
The Tigers’ de facto state in the guerillas’ chances of holding But Godage said: “I don’t think before he is sworn in as president. not the end of what we do to change
the north of the island has been out are slim. The rebels admit- the battle will be over after the Rejoicing supporters braved knif- America, but the beginning,” the
crumbling rapidly. They lost their ted 2,000 of their fighters were fall of Mullaittivu,” adding that a ing cold to cheer Obama along the president-elect said.
political capital Kilinochchi earlier killed in 2008, the biggest single bigger challenge will be estab- train tracks from Philadelphia to “Only a handful of times in our
this month to a military offensive loss in a year, while the military lishing a political plan to address Washington, as he paid homage to history has a generation been con-
that has been going on for nearly appeared to have suffered fewer the long-standing grievances of his hero Abraham Lincoln who took fronted with challenges so vast,” said
two years. casualties thanks to the use of minority ethnic Tamils. the same route to the White House a Obama, 47, highlighting the diving
But bigger battles may still lie heavy weapons and air cover. Former Tamil rebel-turned- century and a half ago. economy and wars in Afghanistan
ahead as security forces move to “They (the Tigers) are out- politician Dharmalingam Sith- Along the way, Obama urged and Iraq.
capture the coastal town of Mul- numbered,” said Nanda Godage, adthan said the 37-year war his countrymen to unite in a new “And yet while our problems may
laittivu, the last urban stronghold a military analyst contributing to had entered its final phase with “Declaration of Independence” from be new, what is required to overcome
of the beleaguered Liberation local newspapers. “They have the Tigers’ backs to the wall, bigotry, small thinking, prejudice them is not,” he told around 300
Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). never faced such a large force but political power-sharing was and ideology. supporters in a flag-draped station
Sri Lanka’s defence ministry against them and it looks like needed to seal the military vic- In Philadelphia, the cradle of US waiting room.
said the “countdown to extinc- their days are numbered.” tory. – AFP independence, and again before a “What is required is a new dec-

Obama talks
going to get in their way,” Rajan Zed, acclaimed to train
Winnipeg police spokes- Hindu statesman, will read passengers
woman Jacqueline Chaput the opening prayers from on the
briefs told CBC television news.
Police discovered the plot and
ancient Sanskrit scriptures
before Senators and
Whistle Stop
Train Tour
arrested the teenagers after Representatives on these outside of
Canada nabs teens finding firearms that had been days. After the Sanskrit Baltimore on
planning killing spree stolen some months ago from delivery, he then will read Saturday.
a Winnipeg home. – AFP the English translation of
MONTREAL: Police on Saturday ar- the prayers. Sanskrit is con-
rested two teenagers who allegedly Sanskrit mantras sidered a sacred language
were planning a shooting spree at a
university and a church in the central for the opening in Hinduism.
Zed, who is president
Canadian province of Manitoba. SALEM: Oregon State of Universal Society of
The suspects, a boy and a girl, Senate and House of Rep- Hinduism, will recite from
both 17, intended “to harm a number resentatives in Salem will Rig-Veda, the oldest scrip-
of persons at random. This included reverberate with Sanskrit ture of the world still in
students, adults, church parishioners mantras on Jan 28 and 29

common use, dated from

and pretty much anyone that was respectively. around 1,500 BCE. – AFP

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