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District Office Emergency Plan

Tamara Stinson Strategic Crisis and Issues Management Queens University of Charlotte January 6, 2011

Table of Contents
Purpose and Scope.3 Responsibilities..3 Office Emergency Coordinator..3 All Staff..4 Emergency Operations Procedures/Protective Action Protocol.4 Emergency Evacuations..4 Emergency Operations5 Shelter In Procedures...5 Notifications6 Emergency Go Kit...6 Continuity of Operations.7 Addressing the Stakeholders...8 Communications..8 Attachment 1...9 Attachment 2..10 Attachment 3..11 Attachment 4..12

1. Purpose and Scope: a. The purpose of this Office Emergency Plan (OEP) is to establish a planning, preparedness and response structure to deal with emergencies that the office may encounter. The structure is designed to provide for the safety and security of office staff in the event of such an emergency and provide guidance on appropriate protective actions in the most efficient and expeditious manner. b. The scope of this plan includes: (1) Identification and assignment of responsibilities within the office for emergency planning, preparedness, coordination and responses; (2) Implementation of protective actions associated with specific emergencies/events (e.g., following office procedures for safe, secure and efficient evacuation of areas and for sheltering-in-place by office staff and visitors based on the nature of the emergency); and (3) Continuity of the district office operations in the event the current district office is not habitable for an extended period of time as a consequence of an emergency. 2. Responsibilities: a. Office Emergency Coordinator: The individual assigned the additional duties and responsibilities for emergency planning, preparedness, operations and coordination in the office is called the Office Emergency Coordinator (OEC). In instances where the OEC is absent or otherwise unavailable, an alternate OEC should be assigned and trained to carry out the responsibilities. The OEC has the following key roles and responsibilities: (1) Develop, coordinate and maintain the Office Emergency Plan. (2) Acquire and maintain the office Emergency Go Kit and any additional response gear/equipment. (3) Identify staff with special needs and inform building and/or local emergency services as appropriate. (4) Ensure all office staff: Have access to and read the Office Emergency Plan;

(5) (6) (7)


Fully comprehend their individual response roles, responsibilities, and expected actions in response to an emergency or situation that could affect health, security, and/or safety of office personnel; Are familiar with the location of the nearest fire pull stations, stairs, emergency elevators, emergency exits, evacuation assembly area(s) and any appropriate protective gear and assistance equipment office staff may need to use; and Are familiar with emergency alarms, caution and hazard warnings/signs, and their response to them. Ensure emergency contact information for all staff is up-to-date and accessible to authorized office staff. Ensure staff receive emergency training and participate in drills. Ensure office staff can support office-specific continuity of operations (COOP) responsibilities associated with: Performing office activities from an alternate location(s) when the office is unable to work safely and securely from the normal office space. Ensure staff accountability and reporting to appropriate family members, local officials and the DC Chief of Staff.

b. All Staff: All district office staff have the following emergency-related responsibilities: (1) Attend emergency and COOP related training and participate in drills associated with emergencies and COOP requirement as identified by the OEC. (2) Comply with the Office Emergency Plan when it is implemented and follow the instructions of the office OEC, authorized building security and/or local law enforcement and emergency response services personnel. 3. Emergency Operations Procedures/Protective Action Protocol a. Emergency Evacuations: (1) Potential Scenarios: Fire Emergency: A smoke or fire event inside the building. Note: In the event of an office fire, staff is expected to pull the fire alarm. Security Threat: Gunshots reported, suspicion package or other terrorist/criminal act. Safety Threat: Natural disasters, structural accidents/events and/or infrastructure failures, hazardous substance leakage.

4. Emergency Operations: a. Evacuation Procedures: (1) Responsibilities: the office responsibilities are assigned as follows:

Task Take Go Kit

Clear work spaces & turn off electrical equipment

Assigned Position or Person Primary: OEC Alternate OEC Staffer #1 Staffer #2 Staffer #3

Close doors/windows Secure sensitive materials or items

(2) Evacuation Route: See attached (3) Assembly Area: See attached (4) Fires: The nearest building fire alarm pull-stations are located in the front lobby and the back hallway near the utility closet. (5) Accountability: Accounting for office staff at the assembly area will be accomplished as follows: The OEC will verify the status of all office staff by personal observation, phone, text messages or email after exiting the building. All staff should report to the OEC at the designated office assembly area to expedite this process. The OEC will then gather information for any staff who is unaccounted by name, with any supporting information (such as when last seen, contact information, etc.) to be given to building security and/or local emergency services. The OEC will notify the DC Chief of Staff when the district office is evacuated and once the evacuation is over. b. Shelter-In-Place Procedures: The office will use the conference room as its default shelter-in-place location. The conference room has no windows and is located in the center of the office. While sheltering, the OEC will: (1) Ensure office doors and windows are shut and that staff stay away from windows

(2) (3) (4) (5)

Ensure cell phones and Blackberries are available and working properly. Monitor TV/radio, if possible. Ensure the Emergency Go Kit is in or taken to the offices shelter location. Account for office staff and be ready to report this information to the appropriate authorities. (6) Notify the DC Chief of Staff when directed to shelter and once no longer sheltering. c. Notification: (1) Notifications: Fire Alarms: Audible building fire alarms will be used to notify staff of building evacuations due to fires or other internal threat conditions. Threat Alarm: Audible in office alarm will be used to notify staff of any potential activity in the reception area. (2) Other Emergency Communications: Security and/or Rescue Personnel: Local law enforcement/security and/or rescue personnel may provide additional information or direct other actions in assembly areas or shelter-in-place locations, etc. Staff teleworking or staying home following an emergency will be contacted by onsite staff via phone, text message and/or email. (3) After-Hours Notifications: Utilize the office emergency contact roster. (attached). d. Emergency Go Kit: Office Emergency Go Kit(s) will be stored in the cabinet underneath the plaque display in the conference room. The Emergency Go Kit(s) will consist of the following items: Small Rolling luggage (to hold the contents) First Aid Kit that includes plastic gloves, garbage bags and a CPR instruction sheet. Water packets or bottles for cleaning a wound, flushing eyes or drinking. Flashlight Antibacterial or alcohol wipes Staff accountability rosters Batteries Duct tape Personnel protective equipment (goggles, respirators/mask, protective outer garments). High-protein, non-perishable food

Basic escape and rescue equipment (hammer, crow bar, string ropes for window escapes, heavy duty work gloves, blankets, etc.)

Note: It is recommended that all staff have a personal Emergency Go Kit in their office filled with items that will satisfy their individual needs. There may be instances where everyone is not able to make it to the designated shelter-in-place location. Recommended personal emergency go kit items can include but not limited to: Personal medicine Water High-protein, non-perishable Food Flashlight First aid kit Basic escape and rescue equipment

e. Continuity of Operations: Continuity of operations planning involves anticipating potential situations and making arrangements to perform essential district office functions at an alternate site or sites when an emergency occurs that makes it impossible and/or unsafe for district office staff to perform those functions at their normal district office location. Continuity arrangements should be periodically reviewed for currency and adequacy. The following items have been assembled and pre-positioned: (1) Phone/Address Lists: Office staff (cell & home phone, blackberry/email address, pager numbers, home address). Vendor(s). Landlord points-of-contact. Local law enforcement and emergency response service points-of-contact. Media contacts. Other key office contact information. (2) Back-up Vital Records/Files: (on CD if possible) Back-up copy of electronic files determined essential to office functions. Back-up copies of paper files/documents that are essential but not available electronically

(3) House Office Building contact numbers:

Office/Element CAO First Call CAO Recorded Updates Capitol Switchboard Operator House Sergeant at Arms Office of Compliance Emergency- Fire & Police U.S. Capitol Police USCP Recorded Updates 5. Addressing the Stakeholders:

Phone Number 202-225-8000 888-446-4366 202-224-3121 202-225-2456 202-724-9250 911 202-224-0908 202-228-1725

a. Communication: The delivery of timely and accurate information before, during and after an incident is a critical component of crisis and emergency management. The dissemination of information is the joint responsibility of the appointed spokesperson and the communication director. (1) House Alert: The House Emergency Communications Center system may send voice, email or text message communications using the House Alert System. (2) Staff Relative Notifications: The DC Chief of Staff or OEC will notify any relatives about the status of staff members. (3) Website: The official website will be updated with information regarding the nature of any known or crisis for the media and general public. (4) On-Camera Interviews: Members advisement.

Attachment 1: Office Evacuation Map

Attachment 2: Assembly Area


Attachment 3: Office Emergency Contact Roster


Cell Phone

Cell Phone


Attachment 4: Law Enforcement Coordinator Letter

Dear [Law Enforcement Contact]:

I am writing to introduce [insert staff members name]. I have appointed [insert staff members name] to serve as my district law enforcement coordinator to liaison with local law enforcement agencies. In this role, I have requested [insert staff members name] to partner with the local law enforcement agencies within my district to keep them apprised of my schedule as well as work through any security issues that events on my schedule may present, including any necessary law enforcement presence. [Insert staff members name] will be reaching out to your office shortly to schedule a meeting to discuss what assistance your agency can provide to my office and what assistance and information you will need to insure that the proper security measures are in place at any particular function. Thank you very much for you assistance in this matter. Please feel free to contact [insert staff members name] at [insert number] if you should have any question.


Melvin L. Watt


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