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Suggestions and Recommendations

Keeping in view the findings of the society as listed above, the following recommendations are put forward so that the working of the bank may be improved on the adoption there of : Every effort should be made to improve the volume of loans and advances given. For this purpose, certain measures like simplification of procedures, softening of security requirement may be found necessary. The bank should verify whether the loan granted is utilized for the particular purpose. Non effective utilization of fund adversely affects the working of the bank. It is recommended that the trading activities of the bank should be improved to the maximum possible extent, in order to earn maximum income from trading activities. Every possible effort should be made to collect over dues and to reduce it to the maximum extent as possible. The bank must take appropriate action among defaulters. The bank must also examine the level of income and the repaying capacity of members before granting loans. Give suitable training cum-education to the committee members of the bank; Strict care should be taken in the business transactions of the bank;

These suggestions may do favorable changes in the functioning of the bank. And also there should be a committee to make favorable changes.


Following are the findings and conclusions that emerge from the study: The membership position of the bank shows an increasing trend. It measured from 12531 in 2006 to 21235 in 2012. It shows the people in the area of operation are more or less satisfied with the people with the present functioning and they are joining hands with the bank to avail cooperative credit. The various types of advances given by the bank generally show an increasing trend. But the overdraft shows decreasing trend. The long-term loan is used only first 2 years of the study. The sales of the bank show an increasing trend. The bank had been making profit from trading activity during the whole period of study. On an average the bank had made a profit of Rs.5 for every Rs.100 sale during the study period. Stock turnover ratio of the Marampally Service Co-operative Bank shows fluctuating trend during the period of study. But it shows a relatively high ratio. Interest from loans and advances is the major source of income of the bank. An increase in loan and advances will help the bank to earn more income by way of interest.

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