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Author: Craig Freese

Donnie Brasco
Donnie Brasco, a film directed by Mike Newell, tells the true story of what exactly occurs in the mafia. This film is devoid of unnecessary heroics and myth, instead it relies on a detailed depiction of the nature of mob members and the mafias unwritten code. The emphasis of the film is not violence, or the brilliant undercover work of Joseph Pistone. Its really a tale of a mentor and protg who grow to love each other as family. Donnie Brasco tells the true life account of Joe Pistone an undercover FBI agent who earns the trust and representation of Lefty Ruggiero. Through Lefty and Joe/Donnies friendship the audience experiences the horrors and realities of the mafia. The tragic partnership of Lefty and Donnie exposes mob life, undercover duty, and a true bond between friends. The film introduces the audience to Lefty whose life appears to be a mess. Lefty meets Joe who is under the guise of Donnie Brasco a jewel dealer. Lefty is eager to take Donnie under his wings and represent him. Lefty was battling cancer, a cracked out son, and a dead end path in the mob. In the beginning of the film Lefty gets a call from his boss Sonny Black, instead of assuming its just business as usual Lefty feels he is about to get whacked. In this scene alone its obvious how little stability there is for a mob member. Lefty tells Donnie that since he introduced him he was the one responsible if anything goes wrong. Ironically Lefty had just introduced a FBI agent right into their gang and was the one accountable. As the film progresses Donnie earns more respect by other mafia members including Sonny Black the man who was promoted ahead of Lefty. At the same time Donnie was becoming closer to Lefty, he regularly went to visit his house including Christmas Day. Donnie was supplying the FBI was information and audio tapes

but he was also beginning to become a part of the mob lifestyle. Newell shows Donnies family quite often to show the rift his occupation has created between his wife and 3 daughters. Donnie leaves for weeks at a time and his family doesnt even know exactly what he does. Donnie essentially loses a grip on what he is there for and mixes his undercover job with is actual life. The horrors of the mafia are extensively illustrated in the second half of the film. Donnie suggests to Sonny that Florida may prove a more effective territory to work. Donnie tells him there is only one boss working the whole area where as where they are now has hundreds. When the group finally travels to Florida Sonny reveals to Donnie that he is going to be upped. Donnie is completely shocked to be promoted ahead of Lefty who has been working 30 years. Leftys spirits were dropped to another low yet he still respects Donnie. Newell presents another example of what the mafia is really like by portraying the mens jobs. In Donnie Brasco the idea that everyone in the mafia is rich and sits around all day is completely debunked. The small group under Sonny works hard everyday robbing small joints just to make enough money to pay to Sonnys boss Rusty. Each one of them must always be looking over there shoulders, and worry about getting whacked. The relationship between Lefty and Donnie was perhaps the most compelling aspect of the film. Donnie was just an FBI agent there doing his job and looking to eventually bust Lefty and his comrades, but he became a very close friend of 2 years. Donnie became more worried about Lefty getting killed because of his involvement, then he was concerned about busting up the organized crime. At one point Lefty asks how many times Donnie has been in his home, inviting a man into your home was a great sign of

respect. Lefty asks because he is suspicious that Donnie is the rat. Lefty had all the evidence in the world in the final scenes yet his faith and trust in Donnie still blinded him completely to the obvious reality. At the end Donnie is escorted away by the FBI but through his emotion you can tell he wanted to be there for Lefty whom would probably be killed. The final scene of Donnie Brasco is a true masterpiece. Lefty receives a phone call and the audience knows without hearing any dialog that he is about to be killed. The mob life is epitomized by Leftys expressionless reactions as he takes off all his jewelry and looks at his wife for the last time. Lefty is aware he is about to be killed for bringing in Donnie, and sadly he can don nothing about it.

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