3 D Road Marking Report English

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3D Roadmarking Research results of the effects of 3-dimensional roadmarking Final Report

Research authorized by: Provinciaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Zuid-Holland (Organization for Traffic Safety, S-Holland County)

De Bilt, the Netherlands; May 3, 2001

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Table of Contents 1 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 4 4.1 4.1.1 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 5 5.1 5.1.1 5.1.2 6 6.1 6.1.1 6.1.2 6.2 6.2.1 7 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 Introduction Mode of Operation General Selection of locations Survey questions Assessment parameters General Results Introduction Results of speed and frequency measuring devices Results of speed measuring by lasergun Results of survey questions Results of "Quickscan" of incidents Wateringen Location Dorpskade Results of speed measuring Location Poeldijkseweg Results of speed measuring Results of survey questions Sliedrecht Location Deltalaan Results of speed measuring Results of survey questions Den Haag (the Hague) Location Lisztstraat Results of speed measuring Results of survey questions Location Maartensdijklaan Results of speed measuring Alphen aan de Rijn Location Goudse Rijpad Results of speed measuring Results of survey questions Location Kalkovenweg Results of speed measuring Results of survey questions

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8 8.1 8.1.1 8.2 8.2.1 8.3 9 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 10

Nootdorp Location 's-Gravenweg Results of speed measuring Location Nieuwkoopseweg Results of speed measuring Results of survey on 's-Gravenweg and Nieuwkoopseweg Conclusions Introduction Speed Survey results Effect on incidents Costs and maintenance Recommendations

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The Organization of Traffic Safety for the Province of South-Holland (going forward referred to as POV Zuid-Holland) is, guided by its mission statement, continuously in search of those applications that can both support and increase the effectiveness of the safety management efforts for roadways and intersections. The 3D roadmarking is considered a potentially good and useful tool in this endeavor. Experience with this type of roadmarking in Europe was limited. POV Zuid-Holland therefore decided to conduct an extensive research of the application possibilities of this product. Key points to find out are in which situations the 3D roadmarking is most effective, and what local issues could possibly affect the effectiveness of the roadmarking. A test of the product in actual use was deemed very important. Factors that were monitored constantly were the speed of automobile drivers, the effect on overall traffic safety, the adaptation of the product from a traffic engineering standpoint, and the individual and situational aspects of each location that could have a bearing on the effectiveness of the roadmarking. It is expected that this type of roadmarking fits quite well into the already existing safety and roadmarking strategy, and that the product, from a traffic engineering standpoint, is a good tool to increase the attention/awareness level of the road user. To which extent the awareness level is raised by the 3D roadmarking is not measured. In addition, the 3D roadmarking has the advantage of not having the negative sideeffects caused by some other roadmarking products, such as noise hindrance, vibration, and esthetic hindrance. Sites of application could be areas such as rural roads, highlighting and accentuating of intersections, pedestrian crossings and crosswalks and other locations of merging and/or intersecting traffic. For this research 9 different locations were chosen, each using virtually the same configuration. Exactly uniform in shape, color and size. Where it was deemed necessary, the size and configuration was adjusted to meet the needs of the local situation. Two different configurations were used and applied: Mountain type Combination of mountain type and block type In figures 1 and 2 you will see a representation of both configurations.

Figure 1: Mountain type

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Figure 2: Combination of Block type and Mountain type

The mountain type configuration serves to accentuate and highlight the point of focus and/or danger in front of the road user. The main thought behind the combination of both mountain type and block type configuration is the introductory effect of the block type linked with the accentuating effect of the mountain type. Partners The POV Zuid-Holland, in cooperation with 9 partners, put together a project group to conduct the research. These partners are: county of Wateringen county of Sliedrecht county of Alphen aan de Rijn county of Den Haag (the Hague) county of Nootdorp Van Haagen D.B.S. (distributor of product) Sekisui Jushi Corporation (manufacturer of product) Police of Region Central-Holland RWS Zuid-Holland Grontmij Verkeer en Infrastructuur

Reading guide: This report describes the research results for the 3D roadmarking. The report is structured as follows. Chapter 2 describes the mode of operation for the research. In chapter 3 the general research results will be highlighted. In chapters 4 - 8 the results of speed measuring and the surveys in each county and location are described. Chapter 9 will deal with the conclusions of the research, and in closing, chapter 10 will describe the recommendations for the 3D roadmarking, as they relate to applicability, size, configuration, installation and maintenance of the 3D roadmarking.

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Mode of Operation

2.1 General In this chapter the mode of operation for the research of the 3D roadmarking will be further explained. Issues discussed will be: choice of locations; survey questions; assessment parameters The following paragraphs will examine these further. 2.2 Choice of locations In choosing the research locations great attention was paid to the road characteristics. Items considered were type of road surface, road condition, maximum speed limit, width of the lanes, current signage in place already, number of incidents, etc. On the basis of subjective experiences a group on 9 locations was chosen. The selection of those 9 locations was then ratified on the basis of above-mentioned characteristics. Subsequently, the appropriate configuration of 3D roadmarking was chosen for each location. Some configurations are designed to focus on one point, other configurations are designed to capture the attention of the road user over an extended part of the road. Table 1 shows the names of the 9 locations, as well as which configuration was selected at each location Table 1: Overview research locations County Location Den Haag Den Haag Alphen a/d Rijn Alphen a/d Rijn Wateringen Wateringen Nootdorp Nootdorp Sliedrecht Lisztstraat Maartensdijklaan Kalkovenweg Goudse Rijpad Dorpskade Poeldijkseweg 's Gravenweg Nieuwkoopseweg Deltalaan

Mountain type

Combination Mountain / Block X X X X X X X X

2.3 Research Questions To get an insight into the effects that the 3D roadmarking has on traffic safety and on traffic engineering, the following questions were formulated: Does the 3D roadmarking affect the speed of the vehicles? Does the 3D roadmarking affect the (subjective) traffic safety? Does the 3D roadmarking affect the awareness / attention level of the driver? Why does or doesn't the 3D roadmarking improve traffic safety? Where are the opportunities of the 3D roadmarking? The answers to these questions will formulate the conclusions that are described in chapter 9. To get the answers to above-mentioned questions, the following research methods were used:
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traffic density measuring road users survey speed checks, using traffic counters speed checks, using laserguns

2.4 Assessment Parameters In order to be able to measure the effects of the 3D roadmarking, a number of assessment parameters had to be established. The parameters serve two purposes: one, to measure the effects of the 3D roadmarking, and two, to monitor whether the environment remained constant. During the research the following parameters were used: traffic density speed objective traffic safety (traffic incidents / accidents) experiences of the road user (ex. the feeling of being safe) The effect of the 3D roadmarking is measured by looking at speed, the objective traffic safety data, and the experiences of the road users (subjective traffic safety). Traffic density was used to monitor the constant of the traffic environment. Large variations in traffic density would indicate a change in the traffic environment during the research. To be considered was a change in route selection by the road users, due to road construction, etc. elsewhere. In the given time frame, a set of three different measurements, at 3 different moments, were taken: zero-base measurement: taken 1 to 2 weeks before the application of 3D roadmarking measurement 1: taken within and up to 6 weeks immediately following the application of 3D roadmarking, in order to assess the immediate effects of the product. measurement 2: taken within 6 to 9 months after application of the 3D roadmarking, in order to assess the long-term potential effect of the product. During these 3 separate measurements the following aspects were measured: speed: this was measured at 9 different locations, using mechanical traffic counters. This type of traffic counter is able to measure both traffic density as well as speed. The object was to establish an average speed, unique to the direction of traffic flow. The measurements were taken at the point of the 3D roadmarking. In addition to that, during the 2nd measurement, speed checks were done at several points using the lasergun. These measurements were done to clarify the behavioral aspects of the motorist, as they pertain to speed, and in relation to the 3D roadmarking. The lasergun offers the advantage of being able to follow one individual motorist and monitor speed before and after the 3D roadmarking. The speed of the vehicle in question is measured 3 times per second, and the results are logged by computer. Figure 3 will show the principles at work, using the lasergun. traffic density: this was measured at 9 locations using the mechanical traffic counter. The objective was to establish an average density rate, unique to each direction of traffic. Measurements were taken at the point of 3D roadmarking. During measurement 2 the experiences of the motorists were polled and categorized by using a survey. After passing the 3D roadmarking motorists were asked to stop, pull over and fill out a survey. This survey provided answers as to how the motorists
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perceived the effects of the 3D roadmarking, in terms of subjective traffic safety, attention / awareness levels and potential threat.

Figure 3: the principle of the lasergun In table 2 it is shown at which locations the surveys were taken, and at which locations speed was measured with the lasergun. At all locations speed was measured by using the traffic counter. Table 2: Overview of measurements at research locations County Location Survey Traffic counter Den Haag Lisztstraat x x Den Haag Maartendijklaan x Alphen a/d Rijn Kalkovenweg x x Alphen a/d Rijn Goudse Rijpad x x Wateringen Dorpskade x Wateringen Poeldijkseweg x x Nootdorp 's Gravenweg x x Nootdorp Nieuwkoopweg x x Sliedrecht Deltalaan x x

Lasergun x x x x x

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General Results



In this chapter the general results of the speed measurements, the traffic density measurements, the surveys and quickscan are described. In analyzing the results of the surveys, no differentiation was made between all locations. The following chapters will go into those aspects in great detail, for each location. Finally, in chapter 9, the specific survey results for each location will be compared to the general results. In Table 3 it is shown, by location, at what moments the "before" and "after" measurements were taken.

Table 3: overview of measurements per location

County Location "before" product application date 9/29/99 10/6/99 10/12/99 10/12/99 6/30/99 6/30/99 9/23/99 11/2/99 11/2/99 "after" no.1 (traffic counter) 11/3-11,'99 11/3-9, '99 11/3-11, '99 11/3-11, '99 7/9-19, '99 7/9-19, '99 11/3-11, '99 11/3-11, '99 11/3-11, '99 "after" no.2 survey lasergun measurement 5/8/00 no msrtmnt no msrtmnt 5/8/00 5/10/00 no msrmnt 5/9/00 no msrmnt 5/10/00

Alphen a/d Rijn

Goudse Rijpad Kalkovenweg Lisztstraat Maartensdijklan Poeldijkseweg Dorpskade Deltalaan 's-Gravenweg

9/20-28, '99 9/20-28, '99 9/20-28, '99 9/20-28, '99 6/16-24, '99 6/16-24, '99 9/8-16, '99 10/13-21, '99 10/13-21, '99

5/4-13, '00 5/4-13, '00 5/4-13, '00 5/4-13, '00 5/4-13, '00 5/4-13, '00 5/4-13, '00 5/4-13, '00 5/4-13, '00

5/16/00 5/16/00 8/23/00 no survey 5/18/00 no survey 5/18/00 no survey 5/17/00

Den Haag

Sliedrecht Nootdorp

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Results of speed and traffic density measurements by traffic counter

In Table 4 the results of the speed measurements by traffic counter are reflected for each location. In addition the table shows the percentage difference between the measurements "before" and the respective "after no.1" and "after no.2". Table 4: Average speed at the different locations
Location "b ef or e" "af ter # 1" "aft er # 2" % var. between "before" and #1 % var. between "before" and #2

Alphen a/d Rijn Den Haag Den Haag Nootdorp *

Goudse Rijpad Kalkovenweg to Yzerweg Kalkovenweg to Staalweg Lisztstraat Maartendijkslaan 's-Gravenweg to A12 's-Gravenweg to Nootdorp Nieuwkoopseweg to Nootdorp Nieuwkoopseweg to Pijnacker Deltalaan Dorpskade to A4 Dorpskade to Wateringen Poeldijkseweg

43 50 51 47 38 38 36 38 57 47 51 47 49

45 48 51 44 38 51 50 40 34 59 51 47 49

41 51 50 45 40 41 43 54 51 45 48 50 48

5% -4% 0% -6% 0% 34% 35% 5% -40% 26% 0% 0% 0%

-5% 2% -2% -4% 5% 8% 19% 42% -11% -4% -6% 6% -2%

Sliedrecht **


Due to road construction in Nootdorp, there was a change in traffic pattern, which had an impact on the measurement's environment. As a result, no conclusions can be drawn from the results of these measurements. Due to dyke reinforcement construction, traffic density was considerably lower at the "after # 1" measurement than at the "before" or the "after # 2" measurements.


In establishing the average speed, the small percentage of "excessive and extreme speed" motorists was not taken into consideration. For this issue the 85 percentile in speed can be invoked. This refers to the speed that is exceeded by 15% of the motorists. In other words, 85% of the motorists do not drive faster than this speed. In table 5 is reflected, by location, the 85-percentile speed. Differentiation is made between the "before" measurement, "after" measurements numbers 1 and 2, and the percentage difference between them.

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Table 5: 85-percentile speed at all different locations

Location "b ef or e" "af ter # 1" "aft er # 2" % var. between "before" and #1 % var. between "before" and #2

Alphen a/d Rijn Den Haag Den Haag Nootdorp *

Goudse Rijpad Kalkovenweg to Yzerweg Kalkovenweg to Staalweg Lisztstraat Maartendijkslaan 's-Gravenweg to A12 's-Gravenweg to Nootdorp Nieuwkoopseweg to Nootdorp Nieuwkoopseweg to Pijnacker Deltalaan Dorpskade to A4 Dorpskade to Wateringen Poeldijkseweg

59 55 54 52 43 55 61 51 68 53 61 57 61

55 55 60 49 43 61 62 46 44 69 56 56 57

58 62 62 54 48 54 62 70 66 48 59 58 58

-7% 0% 11% -6% 0% 11% 2% -10% -35% 30% -8% -2% -7%

-2% 13% 15% 4% 12% -2% 2% 37% -3% -9% -3% 2% -5%

Sliedrecht **


Due to road construction in Nootdorp, there was a change in traffic pattern, which had an impact on the measurement's environment. As a result, no conclusions can be drawn from the results of these measurements. Due to dyke reinforcement construction, traffic density was considerably lower at the "after # 1" measurement than at the "before" or the "after # 2" measurements.


On the basis of the results reflected in tables 4 and 5, it can be stated that speed remained constant; no significant reduction in speed was observed. However, great caution is advised in drawing conclusions from the average speed and the 85-percentile speed, since these speeds were drawn from different speed ranges ! During the measuring of the speed, the following speed ranges were observed: Range of speed (km/hr) 0-30 30-35 35-40 40-45 45-50 50-55 55-60 60-65 65-70 70-75 75-80 80-85 85-90 90 and faster
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Table 6: average traffic density per 12-hour segment, Monday - Friday

Location "before" "after # 1" "after # 2"

Alphen a/d Rijn Den Haag Den Haag Nootdorp *

Goudse Rijpad Kalkovenweg to Yzerweg Kalkovenweg to Staalweg Lisztstraat Maartendijkslaan 's-Gravenweg to A12 's-Gravenweg to Nootdorp Nieuwkoopseweg to Nootdorp Nieuwkoopseweg to Pijnacker Deltalaan Dorpskade to A4 Dorpskade to Wateringen Poeldijkseweg

1344 2130 1902 4696 3083 809 725 1170 398 6167 4315 4152 2281

1513 3012 2708 5032 2996 1436 1409 872 832 725 3847 3897 2708

1538 2807 2555 5008 3338 1466 1540 1622 1667 5180 4471 5009 3012

Sliedrecht **


Due to road construction in Nootdorp, there was a change in traffic pattern, which had an impact on the measurement's environment. As a result, no conclusions can be drawn from the results of these measurements. Due to dyke reinforcement construction, traffic density was considerably lower at the "after # 1" measurement than at the "before" or the "after # 2" measurements.


Table 6 shows in increase in traffic density on the Kalkovenweg, in Alphen a/d Rijn. The same can be seen for Wateringen, when comparing the data from measurement "after 2" with the "before" measurement, in particular the Dorpskade to Wateringen and the Poeldijkseweg. No scientifically plausible explanations were found for the differences.


Results of Speed check using the lasergun.

In addition to the speed checks conducted by using the traffic counters, additional speed checks were performed at 5 locations using a lasergun. Table 7 will show when and at what locations these 5 speed checks were performed. The lasergun measurements were performed to further clarify the behavioral aspects of each motorist, as they pertain to speed, as they approach the 3D roadmarking.

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Table 7: overview of lasergun speed check locations County Locations Lasergun speed checks Alphen a/d Rijn Goudse Rijpad May 8, 2000 Den Haag Maartensdijklaan May 8, 2000 Sliedrecht Deltalaan May 9, 2000 Wateringen Poeldijkseweg May 10, 2000 Nootdorp Nieuwkoopseweg May 10, 2000

Time frame 4:00 - 5:00 pm 2:00 - 3:00 pm 2:30 - 3:30 pm 2:30 - 3:30 pm 4:00 - 5:00 pm

Because these speed checks were done only during measurement "after 2", there is no scientific basis for comparison against the "before" measurement. Therefore it is unclear whether the observed changes in speed can be attributed to the 3D roadmarking. An overview was put together of the measured speeds at the locations mentioned above. All those speeds for each individual vehicle were averaged per location. Subsequently, the average speed, per location, at different distances from the 3D roadmarking was established. Table 8 shows the results of the lasergun speed measurements, at a respective distance of: 30 meters, 20 meters, and 10 meters before the 3D roadmarking; at the location of the 3D roadmarking; 30 meters, 20 meters, and 10 meters after the 3D roadmarking. Table 8: overview of average speeds per location at various distances from the 3D roadmarking.
Location Avg. speed and distance to 3D roadmarking 30m 20m 10m 54 53 52 42 43 43 43 38 57 43 44 42 38 44 56 43 42 41 29 40 56 Avg. speed at the spot of the 3D roadmarking 51 43 42 39 27 28 55 Avg. speed and distance after 3D roadmarking 10m 20m 30m 51 49 53 43 39 34 39 33 54 34 42 34 44 40 57 n/a* n/a* 38 46 44 56

Wateringen Poeldijkseweg Sliedrecht Deltalaan to Elzenhof Sliedrecht Deltalaan to Craijenstein Den Haag Maartensdijklaan Alphen a/d Rijn Goudse Rijpad from N11 Alphen a/d Rijn Goudse Rijpad to N11 Nootdorp Nieuwkoopseweg

* Because the 3D roadmarking was located close to a turn and to traffic lights, the speed could not be measured after the 3D roadmarking at the appropriate distance.

The table above shows that the speed at the spot of the 3D roadmarking decreased in all locations, except Sliedrecht. It is not clear that the decrease in speed is caused by the 3D roadmarking, because speed was not measured before the 3D roadmarking was installed. However, it can deduced that the 3D roadmarking, in combination with local circumstances, was a contributing factor to the decrease in speed. Local circumstances can be interpreted as items such as intersections, crosswalks, etc. Chapter 4 will take a closer look at the speeds at each location.

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3.4 Results of the survey In total, 377 motorists were surveyed; the number of surveys at each location was distributed as follows: 59 surveys Den Haag - Lisztstraat 60 surveys Alphen a/d Rijn - Kalkovenweg 52 surveys Alphen a/d Rijn - Goudse Rijpad 60 surveys Wateringen - Poeldijkseweg 76 surveys Nootdorp - 's Gravenweg / Nieuwkoopseweg 70 surveys Sliedrecht - Deltalaan In the following tables the answers given in the surveys are reflected. Table 9: How often do you travel on this road? Quantity 1 time per week 34 2 times per week 39 3 times per week 25 4 times per week 14 5 times per week 4 6 times per week 1 Daily 168 Occasional 92 Total 377 Table 10: Did you notice the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Yes 324 No 53 Total 377

Percentage 9% 10% 7% 4% 1% 0% 45% 24% 100%

Percentage 86% 14% 100%

Only the 324 respondents that answered "yes" to the question "Did you notice the 3D roadmarking?" were given the rest of the survey. The results of these surveys are reflected in the following tables. Table 11: Did the location become safer because of the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Percentage Yes 94 29% No 177 55% No opinion 52 16% Unknown 1 0% Total 324 100%

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Table 12: What type of reaction does the3D roadmarking cause from you? Quantity Percentage Stands out every time 84 24% See as obstacle 19 5% reduce speed 76 21% Increased awareness 24 7% Familiarity 63 18% No reaction 40 11% Other (ex. laugh, panic..) 47 13% Total 353 100% With this question, more than one answer was possible, which explains why 324 participants gave 353 responses. Table 13: What do you think of the visibility? Quantity Good 269 OK 51 Unknown 4 Total 324

Percentage 83% 16% 1% 100%

The 51 respondents that answered that the 3D roadmarking was just "OK", were asked why they responded "OK". The answers to that question are reflected in Table 14. Table 14: Why do you think the visibility is "OK"? Quantity Wear and tear 11 Colors not bright 12 Other (ex. blue not bright) 27 Unknown 1 Total 51 Table 15: Do you see the 3D roadmarking on time? Quantity Normal weather Yes 266 conditions No 39 No opinion 16 Unknown 3 Total 324 Wet road Yes 125 No 39 No opinion 155 Unknown 4 Total 324 After dark Yes 98 No 46 No opinion 176 Unknown 4 Total 324

Percentage 22% 245 53% 2% 100%

Percentage 82% 12% 5% 1% 100% 39% 12% 48% 1% 100% 30% 14% 54% 1% 100%

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Table 16: Do you think the correct color combination was selected ? Quantity Percentage Yes 229 71% No 73 23% No opinion 18 6% Unknown 4 1% Total 324 100% The 73 respondents that answered "No" to the above question were asked what improvements could be made to the color combination. The answers to that question are shown in table 17. Table 17: What color combination would seem better to you? Quantity Percentage Brighter colors 40 55% Different colors 21 29% Other 12 16% Total 73 100%

Table 18: Are you aware of the 3D roadmarking, as you're driving? Quantity Percentage Yes 201 62% No 104 32% Unknown 19 6% Total 324 100%

Table 19: Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations? Quantity Percentage Yes 170 52% No 125 39% No opinion 21 6% Unknown 8 3% Total 324 100% The respondents that answered "Yes" to the question "Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations?" were asked at what type of locations this type of marking would also be effective. The answers to that question are reflected in Table 20. Table 20: If "Yes", at what type of locations? Quantity Rural roads 32 School / Public pool 17 Other (ex: neighborhoods..) 49 No opinion 72 Total 170

Percentage 19% 10% 29% 42% 100%

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In the tables below the most important results of combinations between the different questions from the survey are shown. Only the 324 respondents that marked "Yes" to the question "Did you notice the 3D roadmarking?" were used for the results below. Table 21: Combination of question 1 and 3: Use / Safer Is the location safer now? How often do you use Yes No No road? opinion Once a week 8 2% 13 4% 8 2% Twice a week 9 3% 14 4% 10 3% Three times a week 5 2% 15 5% 4 1% Four times a week 4 1% 8 2% 2 1% Five times a week 1 0% 3 1% 0% Six times a week 1 0% 0% 0% Daily 45 14% 93 29% 14 4% Occasionally 20 6% 31 10% 14 4% Total 93 29% 177 55% 52 16%

Unknown 1 1 2 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1%

Total 29 9% 34 10% 24 7% 14 4% 4 1% 1 0% 152 47% 66 20% 324 100%

Table 22: Combination of question 1 and 8: Use / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? How often do you use Yes No No Unknown Total road? opinion Once a week 17 5% 10 3% n/a 2 1% 29 9% Twice a week 22 7% 10 3% n/a 2 1% 34 10% Three times a week 17 5% 6 2% n/a 1 0% 24 7% Four times a week 7 2% 5 2% n/a 2 1% 14 4% Five times a week 2 1% 1 0% n/a 1 0% 4 1% Six times a week 1 0% 0% n/a 0% 1 0% Daily 83 26% 63 19% n/a 6 2% 152 47% Occasionally 52 16% 9 3% n/a 5 2% 66 20% Total 201 62% 104 32% n/a 19 6% 324 100% Table 23: Combination of question 3 and 8: Safer / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? Is the location safer Yes No No Unknown Total now? opinion Yes 73 23% 16 5% n/a 4 7% 93 29% No 93 29% 74 23% n/a 10 3% 177 5% No opinion 35 11% 14 5% n/a 3 1% 52 16% Unknown 0% 0% n/a 2 1% 2 1% Total 201 62% 104 32% n/a 19 6% 324 100%

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Table 24: Combination of question 4 and 3: Reaction / Safer Is the location safer now? What type of reaction Yes No No Unknown does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time See as obstacle Reduce speed Increase awareness Familiarity No reaction Other Total 36 3 22 16 9 3 4 93 11% 1% 7% 5% 3% 1% 1% 29% 37 1 17 5 45 27 45 177 11% 0% 5% 2% 14% 8% 14% 55% 11 6 7 3 8 10 7 52 3% 2% 2% 1% 2% 3% 2% 16% 1 1 2 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 1%


84 10 47 24 62 40 57 324

26% 3% 15% 7% 19% 12% 18% 100%

Table 25: Combination of question 4 and 8: Reaction / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? What type of reaction Yes No No Unknown Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 73 23% 9 3% n/a 2 1% 84 26% See as obstacle 5 2% 4 1% n/a 1 0% 10 3% Reduce speed 37 11% 5 2% n/a 5 2% 47 15% Increase awareness 19 6% 5 2% n/a 0% 24 7% Familiarity 27 8% 35 11% n/a 0% 62 19% No reaction 16 5% 19 6% n/a 5 2% 40 12% Other 24 7% 27 8% n/a 6 2% 57 18% Total 201 62% 104 33% n/a 19 7% 324 100%


Results of "Quickscanning" the number of accidents

The effect of the 3D roadmarking can also be measured on the basis of the number of accidents. The number of accidents for the period of 1998 thru the 3rd quarter of 2000, per location, have been tabulated. Table 26 will show those numbers by location. The number of accidents was then separated into two categories: "before" and "after" the application of the 3D roadmarking. It's note worthy to make the following two comments: It is highly likely that the number of accidents for 3rd quarter 2000 is not yet complete. This is caused by the timing of the verification process of said numbers with the O.N.A.V.V. (Dutch organization) In analyzing the number of accidents, factors other than the 3D roadmarking were considered as well (intersections, other roads close-by, etc)

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Table 26: overview of number of accidents per location

County Location product application date 9/29/99 10/6/99 10/12/99 10/12/99 6/30/99 6/30/99 9/23/99 11/2/99 11/2/99 Accidents before application ( 18 months) 1 4 10 2 7 2 None 2 3 Accidents after application ( 12 months ) 1 6 None * None * 3 2 None None ** 1 **

Alphen a/d Rijn

Goudse Rijpad Kalkovenweg Lisztstraat Maartensdijklan Poeldijkseweg Dorpskade Deltalaan 's Gravenweg Nieuwkoopseweg

Den Haag

Sliedrecht Nootdorp

Only 11 months of accidents information was available for the period "after" the * application of the 3D roadmarking on Oct. 12, 1999. ** Only 11 months of accidents information was available for the period "after" the application of the 3D roadmarking on November 2, 1999

When considering the number of accidents shown in Table 26, it must be noted that the periods "before" and "after" the application are not of equal length. The period before the application is 18 months, while the period after the application is 12 months. For both locations in Den Haag and Nootdorp there are only 11 months worth of accident data available for the period "after" the application. In order to be able to properly compare the number of accidents of the periods "before" and "after", an average number of accidents per month was calculated, and the results of that procedure are listed in table 27. Table 27: overview of average number of accidents per month per location
County Location product application date 9/29/99 10/6/99 10/12/99 10/12/99 6/30/99 6/30/99 9/23/99 11/2/99 11/2/99 Accidents before application (avg. / month) 0.06 0.22 0.56 0.11 0.39 0.11 0 0.11 0.17 Accidents after application (avg. / month ) 0.083 0.50 0 0 0.25 0.17 0 0 0.083

Alphen a/d Rijn

Goudse Rijpad Kalkovenweg Lisztstraat Maartensdijklan Poeldijkseweg Dorpskade Deltalaan 's Gravenweg Nieuwkoopseweg

Den Haag

Sliedrecht Nootdorp

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Looking at the small number of accidents, caution must be taken in drawing conclusions. The following locations, however, do show a considerable number of accidents. These locations are: Alphen aan de Rijn, Kalkovenweg: Den Haag, Lisztstraat; Wateringen, Poeldijkseweg Alphen aan de Rijn, Kalkovenweg: From table 26 we can see that the number of accidents has increased from 4 before application to 6 after application. A closer look at the type and location of the actual accidents revealed however that the greatest cause for this increase was an increase in accidents at the intersection Kalkovenweg / Staalweg, immediately before the intersection with 3D roadmarking; therefore it seems that the increase in accidents is not related to the application of the 3D roadmarking. The number of accidents at the intersection under research was small. Den Haag, Lisztstraat: From table 26 we can see that the number of accidents at the point of application of the 3D roadmarking has decreased from 10 to zero ! Taking a closer look at the timing of the actual accidents shows a downward trend from 10 accidents to 7 in 1998, to only 3 in 1999. It is remarkable to note that NO accidents have happened after the application of the 3D roadmarking. A further analysis in detail and over a longer period of time can answer the question whether the downward trend in accidents can be attributed to the 3D roadmarking. Wateringen, Poeldijkseweg: In table 26 we can see that the number of accidents on Poeldijkseweg decreased from 7 before the application of the 3D roadmarking to 3 after the application. When taking a look at the average number of accidents, we can still see a downward trend in number of accidents, with 0.39 per month before the application of the 3D roadmarking to a 0.25 per month after the application. Whether this downward trend will extend into the future, only time will tell. It is our recommendation to continue to monitor the developments in the accident rates.

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Location Dorpskade

Dorpskade is located in the southern area of Wateringen. The 3D roadmarking was placed at the intersection of Dorpskade and Bovendijk. This particular intersection, a favorite route for slow moving traffic, is not very visible, causing motorists to either see it too late or not at all. This particular intersection is also frequently used by children to cross the road on their way to school or the public swimming pool.

Dorpskade is an arterial road within city limits, with an average of 11,000 vehicles per 12-hour day. Motorists that enter Wateringen via Dorpskade, enter city limits 150 meters before the intersection Dorpskade / Bovendijk. 4.1.1 Results of speed measurements

Speed was measured using a traffic counter. The measurements were performed in three phases: a zero-base measurement, taken before the 3D roadmarking was applied. A first measurement after installation (labeled "after 1"), taken one week after application. A second measurement (labeled "after 2") was taken 6 months after installation of the 3D roadmarking. When comparing the speeds on Dorpskade, in both directions, at zero-base against either "after 1" and / or "after 2", there appears to be little or no change. The application of the 3D roadmarking appears to have had little or no effect on the average speed at this intersection. The 85-percentile speed on Dorpskade in the direction of highway A4 (editor's note:headed is 61 km/h at the zero-base measurement before installation of the 3D
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OUT of town)

roadmarking. In measurement "after 1" the 85-percentile speed dropped to 54 km/h, and at measurement "after 2" the speed increased back up to 59 km/h. On Dorpskade in the direction of Wateringen (editor's note: headed INTO town) the 85-percentile speed at measurement before application is 57 km/h; this speed decreased to 56 km/h at measurement "after 1", and increased back up to 58 km/h at measurement "after 2". 4.2 Location Poeldijkseweg

Poeldijkseweg is located in the northwest part of Wateringen. It is an arterial road with an average traffic load of 10,000 vehicles per 12-hour day. Immediately after entering city limits a bicycle path intersects with this road. The picture shown below shows the road headed east.

4.2.1 Results speed measurements In the graph shown below, the average speed at different distances before and after the 3D roadmarking can be seen.

A v g . s p e e d , m e a s u r e d b y la s e r g u n
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19
D is t a n c e ( t im e s 1 0 m t r .)

A vg . s p e e d

Looking at the graph it seems obvious that the average speed remained fairly constant, at approx. 50 km/hour. The 3D roadmarking, which in the graph is at the 90-meter
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point, seems to have little influence on the speed. What can be observed, however, is a slight decrease in speed immediately before the 3D roadmarking. It must be noted that only between the points of 40m before and 40m after the 3D roadmarking enough cars were measured. On the same road a speed measurement using a traffic counter was performed as well. This was done in 3 different phases: one zero-base measurement, done before the installation of the 3D roadmarking; an initial measurement one week after the installation (called "after 1") and a third measurement, taken 6 months after the installation (called "after 2"). Again looking at these measurements, it seems obvious that speed remained fairly constant. After the installation of the 3D roadmarking, no significant change in speed is observed. The average speed remained at approx. 50 km/hr. However, the 85percentile speed on the Poeldijkseweg decreased from 69 km/hr before the application, to 57 km/hr at measurement "after 1", and to 58 km/hr at measurement "after 2". 4.2.2 Results of survey questions In total 60 motorists were surveyed on the Poeldijkseweg. Because of this relatively small number of surveys, the results can only be seen as indications; hard conclusions cannot be drawn from these data. The survey was administered on May 18, 2000, between 1:00pm and 3:00pm. Table 31: How often do you travel on this road? Quantity 1 time per week 5 2 times per week 7 3 times per week 6 4 times per week 2 5 times per week 2 6 times per week Daily 24 Occasional 14 Total 60 Table 32: Did you notice the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Yes 49 No 11 Total 60

Percentage 8% 12% 10% 3% 3% 40% 23% 100%

Percentage 82% 18% 100%

Only the 49 respondents that answered "yes" to the question "Did you notice the 3D roadmarking?" were given the rest of the survey. The results of these surveys are reflected in the following tables. Table 33: Did the location become safer because of the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Percentage Yes 9 18% No 30 62% No opinion 10 20% Total 49 100%

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Table 34: What type of reaction does the3D roadmarking cause from you? Quantity Percentage Stands out every time 6 12% See as obstacle 1 2% reduce speed 9 18% Increased awareness 4 8% Familiarity 13 26% No reaction 11 22% Other (ex. laugh, panic..) 6 12% Total 50 100% With this question, more than one answer was possible, which explains why 49 participants gave 50 responses. Table 35: What do you think of the visibility? Quantity Good 43 OK 6 Total 49

Percentage 88% 12% 100%

The 6 respondents that answered that the 3D roadmarking was just "OK", were asked why they responded "OK". The answers to that question are reflected in Table 36. Table 36: Why do you think the visibility is "OK"? Quantity Wear and tear 1 Colors not bright 1 Other (ex. blue not bright) 4 Total 6 Table 37: Do you see the 3D roadmarking on time? Quantity Normal weather Yes 40 conditions No 2 No opinion 7 Total 49 Wet road Yes 14 No 3 No opinion 32 Total 49 After dark Yes 16 No 4 No opinion 29 Total 49

Percentage 17% 17% 67% 100%

Percentage 82% 4% 14% 100% 29% 6% 65% 100% 33% 8% 59% 100%

Table 38: Do you think the correct color combination was selected ? Quantity Percentage Yes 32 65% No 14 29% No opinion 3 6% Total 49 100%
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The 14 respondents that answered "No" to the above question were asked what improvements could be made to the color combination. The answers to that question are shown in table 39. Table 39: What color combination would seem better to you? Quantity Percentage Brighter colors 12 86% Different colors 1 7% Other 1 7% Total 14 100% Table 40: Are you aware of the 3D roadmarking, upon passing? Quantity Percentage Yes 30 61% No 14 29% Unknown 5 10% Total 49 100% Table 41: Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations? Quantity Percentage Yes 20 41% No 23 47% No opinion 5 10% Unknown 1 2% Total 49 100% The respondents that answered "Yes" to the question "Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations?" were asked at what type of locations this type of marking would also be effective. The answers to that question are reflected in Table 42. Table 42: If "Yes", at what type of locations? Quantity Rural roads 4 School / Public pool 3 Other (ex: neighborhoods..) 5 No opinion 8 Total 20

Percentage 20% 15% 25% 40% 100%

In the tables below the most important results of combinations between the different questions from the survey are shown.

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Table 43: Combination of question 1 and 3: Use / Safer Is the location safer now? How often do you use Yes No No road? opinion Once a week 3 6% 2 4% Twice a week 2 4% 3 6% Three times a week 1 2% 4 8% 1 2% Four times a week 1 2% 1 2% Five times a week 2 4% Daily 5 10% 15 31% 1 2% Occasionally 3 6% 3 6% 2 4% Total 9 18% 30 61% 10 20%

Unknown n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 5 5 6 2 2 21 8 49

Total 10% 10% 12% 4% 4% 43% 16% 100%

Table 44: Combination of question 1 and 8: Use / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? How often do you use Yes No No Unknown Total road? opinion Once a week 3 6% 1 2% 1 2% n/a 5 10% Twice a week 3 6% 2 4% n/a 5 10% Three times a week 4 8% 2 4% n/a 6 12% Four times a week 2 4% n/a 2 4% Five times a week 1 2% 1 2% n/a 2 4% Daily 12 24% 8 16% 1 2% n/a 21 43% Occasionally 6 12% 2 4% n/a 8 16% Total 30 61% 14 29% 5 10% n/a 49 100% Table 45: Combination of question 3 and 8: Safer / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? Is the location safer Yes No No Unknown now? opinion Yes 7 14% 1 2% 1 2% n/a No 16 33% 11 22% 3 6% n/a No opinion 7 14% 2 2% 1 2% n/a Total 30 61% 14 29% 5 10% n/a Table 46: Combination of question 4 and 3: Reaction / Safer Is the location safer now? What type of reaction Yes No No Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 2 4% 3 6% 1 2% 6 12% See as obstacle 1 2% 1 2% Reduce speed 2 4% 4 8% 2 4% 8 16% Increase awareness 3 6% 1 2% 4 8% Familiarity 10 20% 2 4% 12 24% No reaction 2 4% 4 8% 5 10% 11 22% Other 7 14% 7 14% Total 9 18% 30 61% 10 20% 49 100%

Total 9 18% 30 61% 10 20% 49 100%

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Table 47: Combination of question 4 and 8: Reaction / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? What type of reaction Yes No No Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 5 10% 1 2% 6 12% See as obstacle 1 2% 1 2% Reduce speed 5 10% 2 4% 1 2% 8 16% Increase awareness 4 8% 4 8% Familiarity 7 14% 5 10% 12 24% No reaction 6 12% 3 6% 2 4% 11 22% Other 3 6% 3 6% 1 2% 7 14% Total 30 61% 14 29% 5 10% 49 100%

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Location Deltalaan

The Deltalaan is located in the western part of Sliedrecht. The 3D roadmarking is installed at a crosswalk used by both pedestrians and cyclists. The picture below shows the Deltalaan in the direction of Elzenhof.

The Deltalaan is an arterial within city limits. The road runs through the city's center.

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Results of speed measurements

In the graphs shown below, average speed as measured by a lasergun is shown for the Deltalaan. Each graph represents one direction of traffic.

Avg. speed,measured by lasergun, direction 1

50 40

30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50






Avg. speed,measured by lasergun, direction 2

50 40

30 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50






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From the graphs above it is clear that the average speed remained fairly constant, at approx. 40 km/hour. To get the average speed vehicles were measured by the lasergun between 40 meters before and 40 meters after the 3D roadmarking. The 3D roadmarking seems to have a negligible impact on speed. The speed at this particular location is affected not only by the 3D roadmarking, but also by the traffic lights and the curve in the road. A second speed measurement was performed, using the traffic counter, instead of the lasergun. This second measurement was performed in three phases: a zero-base measurement, taken before the application of the 3D roadmarking; a measurement taken one week after application (labeled "after 1"), and a final measurement taken 6 months after the application of the 3D roadmarking (labeled "after 2"). These measurements showed a slight increase in speed in the "after 1" measurement, and subsequently showed a return to speeds from before the application, at the "after 2" measurement. The 85-percentile speed on the Deltalaan was 53 km/h before application of the 3D roadmarking. In measurements after application, the 85-percentile speed increased to 69 km/h and then went down to 48 km/hour. 5.1.2 Results of survey questions

A total of 70 surveys were taken from motorists on the Deltalaan. Because of this relatively small number of surveys, the results can only be seen as potential indications not as hard conclusions. Below survey was taken on May 18, 2000 from 3:00pm until 5:00pm. Results from these surveys are shown below: Table 48: How often do you travel on this road? Quantity 1 time per week 5 2 times per week 6 3 times per week 4 4 times per week 3 5 times per week 6 times per week Daily 41 Occasional 11 Total 70 Table 49: Did you notice the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Yes 62 No 8 Total 70

Percentage 7% 9% 6% 4% 59% 16% 100%

Percentage 89% 11% 100%

Only the 62 respondents that answered "yes" to the question "Did you notice the 3D roadmarking?" were given the rest of the survey. The results of these surveys are reflected in the following tables.

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Table 50: Did the location become safer because of the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Percentage Yes 23 37% No 26 43% No opinion 13 20% Total 62 100% Table 51: What type of reaction does the3D roadmarking cause from you? Quantity Percentage Stands out every time 16 27% See as obstacle reduce speed 8 14% Increased awareness 11 19% Familiarity 11 19% No reaction 6 10% Other (ex. laugh, panic..) 12 20% Total 64 109% With this question, more than one answer was possible, which explains why 62 participants gave 64 responses. Table 52: What do you think of the visibility? Quantity Good OK Total 49 11 60

Percentage 82% 18% 100%

The 11 respondents that answered that the 3D roadmarking was just "OK", were asked why they responded "OK". The answers to that question are reflected in Table 53. Table 53: Why do you think the visibility is "OK"? Quantity Wear and tear 1 Colors not bright 4 Other (ex. blue not bright) 6 Total 11 Table 54: Do you see the 3D roadmarking on time? Quantity Normal weather Yes 47 conditions No 10 No opinion 5 Total 62 Wet road Yes 22 No 11 No opinion 29 Total 62 After dark Yes 16 No 9 No opinion 37 Total 49
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Percentage 9% 36% 55% 100%

Percentage 76% 16% 8* 100% 35% 18% 47% 100% 26% 15% 59% 100%

Table 55: Do you think the correct color combination was selected ? Quantity Percentage Yes 44 71% No 11 18% No opinion 7 11% Total 62 100% The 11 respondents that answered "No" to the above question were asked what improvements could be made to the color combination. The answers to that question are shown in table 56. Table 56: What color combination would seem better to you? Quantity Percentage Brighter colors 7 64% Different colors 3 27% Other 1 9% Total 11 100% Table 57: Are you aware of the 3D roadmarking, upon passing? Quantity Percentage Yes 34 55% No 25 40% Unknown 3 5% Total 62 100% Table 58: Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations? Quantity Percentage Yes 35 56% No 23 37% No opinion 2 3% Unknown 2 3% Total 62 100% The 35 respondents that answered "Yes" to the question "Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations?" were asked at what type of locations this type of marking would also be effective. The answers to that question are reflected in Table 59. Table 59: If "Yes", at what type of locations? Quantity Rural roads 2 School / Public pool 4 Other (ex: neighborhoods..) 14 No opinion 15 Total 35

Percentage 6% 11% 40% 43% 100%

In the tables below the most important results of combinations between the different questions from the survey are shown.

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Table 60: Combination of question 1 and 3: Use / Safer Is the location safer now? How often do you use Yes No No road? opinion Once a week 2 3% 1 2% Twice a week 3 5% 1 2% 2 3% Three times a week 3 5% 1 2% Four times a week 2 3% 1 2% Five times a week Daily 14 23% 18 29% 5 8% Occasionally 2 3% 4 6% 3 5% Total 23 37% 26 70% 13 21%

Unknown n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Total 3 5% 6 10% 4 6% 3 5% 37 60% 9 15% 62 100%

Table 61: Combination of question 1 and 8: Use / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? How often do you use Yes No No Unknown road? opinion Once a week 1 2% 1 2% 1 2% n/a Twice a week 2 3% 3 5% 1 2% n/a Three times a week 2 3% 2 3% n/a Four times a week 1 2% 2 3% n/a Five times a week n/a Daily 20 32% 16 26% 1 2% n/a Occasionally 8 13% 1 2% n/a Total 34 55% 25 40% 3 5% n/a Table 62: Combination of question 3 and 8: Safer / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? Is the location safer Yes No No Unknown now? opinion Yes 14 23% 7 11% 2 3% n/a No 13 21% 13 21% n/a No opinion 7 11% 5 8% 1 2% n/a Total 34 55% 25 40% 3 5% n/a Table 63: Combination of question 4 and 3: Reaction / Safer Is the location safer now? What type of reaction Yes No No does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 9 15% 4 6% 3 5% See as obstacle Reduce speed 1 2% 2 3% Increase awareness 8 13% 2 3% 1 2% Familiarity 1 2% 6 10% 4 6% No reaction 1 2% 5 8% Other 3 5% 7 11% 5 8% Total 23 37% 26 42% 13 21%

Total 5% 10% 6% 5% 37 60% 9 15% 62 100% 3 6 4 3

Total 23 37% 26 42% 13 21% 62 100%


16 26% 3 5% 11 18% 11 18% 6 10% 15 24% 62 100%

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Table 64: Combination of question 4 and 8: Reaction / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? What type of reaction Yes No No Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 14 23% 2 3% 16 26% See as obstacle Reduce speed 2 3% 1 2% 3 5% Increase awareness 8 13% 3 5% 11 18% Familiarity 4 6% 7 11% 11 18% No reaction 1 2% 5 8% 6 10% Other 3 5% 3 5% Total 30 61% 14 29% 5 10% 49 100%

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Den Haag (the Hague)

Location Lisztstraat

The Lisztstraat is located in the western area of the Hague. The 3D roadmarking is applied at the intersection of Lisztstraat with Cornelia van Zantenstraat. The picture below shows the Lisztstraat in the direction headed east, with the Cornelia van Zantenstraat merging from the left.

The Lisztstraat is an arterial road within city limits. The intersection with the Cornelia van Zantenstraat has poor visibility, causing motorists to miss the intersection or notice it too late. 6.1.1 Results of speed measurements

A speed measurement was performed, using the traffic counter. This measurement was performed in three phases: a zero-base measurement, taken before the application of the 3D roadmarking; a measurement taken one week after application (labeled "after 1"), and a final measurement taken 6 months after the application of the 3D roadmarking (labeled "after 2"). These measurements showed that the average speed on the Lisztstraat in the Hague remained almost constant. Speeds in the "after 1" measurement, and subsequent "after 2" measurement were nearly identical. The 85-percentile speed on the Lisztstraat was 52 km/h before application of the 3D roadmarking. In measurements after application, the 85-percentile speed decreased to 49 km/h and then went up to 54 km/hour.

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Results of survey questions

A total of 59 surveys were taken from motorists on the Lisztstraat. Because of this relatively small number of surveys, the results can only be seen as potential indications not as hard conclusions. Results from these surveys are shown below: Table 65: How often do you travel on this road? Quantity 1 time per week 8 2 times per week 10 3 times per week 5 4 times per week 1 5 times per week 6 times per week Daily 20 Occasional 15 Total 59 Table 66: Did you notice the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Yes 50 No 9 Total 59

Percentage 14% 17% 9% 2% 34% 25% 100%

Percentage 85% 15% 100%

Only the 50 respondents that answered "yes" to the question "Did you notice the 3D roadmarking?" were given the rest of the survey. The results of these surveys are reflected in the following tables. Table 67: Did the location become safer because of the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Percentage Yes 10 20% No 25 50% No opinion 15 30% Total 50 100% Table 68: What type of reaction does the3D roadmarking cause from you? Quantity Percentage Stands out every time 11 19% See as obstacle 9 16% reduce speed 16 28% Increased awareness 2 3% Familiarity 7 12% No reaction 9 16% 4 7% 20% Total 58 100% With this question, more than one answer was possible, which explains why 50 participants gave 58 responses.

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Table 69: What do you think of the visibility? Quantity Good 45 OK 5 Total 50

Percentage 90% 10% 100%

The 5 respondents that answered that the 3D roadmarking was just "OK", were asked why they responded "OK". The answers to that question are reflected in Table 70. Table 70: Why do you think the visibility is "OK"? Quantity Wear and tear Colors not bright 1 Other (ex. blue not bright) 3 Total 4 Table 71: Do you see the 3D roadmarking on time? Quantity Normal weather Yes 47 conditions No 3 No opinion Total 50 Wet road Yes 21 No 3 No opinion 26 Total 50 After dark Yes 17 No 2 No opinion 31 Total 50

Percentage 25% 75% 100%

Percentage 94% 6% 100% 42% 6% 52% 100% 34% 4% 62% 100%

Table 72: Do you think the correct color combination was selected ? Quantity Percentage Yes 36 72% No 12 16% No opinion 2 4% Total 50 100% The 12 respondents that answered "No" to the above question were asked what improvements could be made to the color combination. The answers to that question are shown in table 73. Table 73: What color combination would seem better to you? Quantity Percentage Brighter colors 6 50% Different colors Other Total 4 2 12 33% 17% 100%

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Table 74: Are you aware of the 3D roadmarking, upon passing? Quantity Percentage Yes 31 62% No 14 28% Unknown 5 10% Total 50 100% Table 75: Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations? Quantity Percentage Yes 30 60% No 15 30% No opinion 4 8% Unknown 1 2% Total 50 100% The 30 respondents that answered "Yes" to the question "Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations?" were asked at what type of locations this type of marking would also be effective. The answers to that question are reflected in Table 76. Table 76: If "Yes", at what type of locations? Quantity Rural roads 12 School / Public pool 3 Other (ex: neighborhoods..) 5 No opinion 10 Total 30

Percentage 40% 10% 17% 33% 100%

In the tables below the most important results of combinations between the different questions from the survey are shown. Table 77: Combination of question 1 and 3: Use / Safer Is the location safer now? How often do you use Yes No No road? opinion Once a week 2 4% 3 6% 3 6% Twice a week 4 8% 4 8% Three times a week 1 2% 1 2% 2 4% Four times a week 1 2% Five times a week Daily 5 10% 11 22% 3 6% Occasionally 1 2% 6 12% 3 6% Total 10 20% 25 50% 15 30%

Unknown n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Total 8 16% 8 16% 4 8% 1 2% 19 38% 10 20% 50 100%

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Table 78: Combination of question 1 and 8: Use / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? How often do you use Yes No No Unknown road? opinion Once a week 5 10% 3 6% n/a Twice a week 6 12% 1 2% 1 2% n/a Three times a week 2 4% 1 2% 1 2% n/a Four times a week 1 2% n/a Five times a week n/a Daily 8 16% 8 16% 3 6% n/a Occasionally 9 18% 1 2% n/a Total 31 62% 14 28% 5 10% n/a Table 79: Combination of question 3 and 8: Safer / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? Is the location safer Yes No No Unknown now? opinion Yes 8 16% 2 4% n/a No 11 22% 11 22% 3 6% n/a No opinion 12 24% 1 2% 2 4% n/a Total 31 62% 14 28% 5 10% n/a Table 80: Combination of question 4 and 3: Reaction / Safer Is the location safer now? What type of reaction Yes No No Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 2 4% 6 12% 3 6% 11 22% See as obstacle 2 4% 4 8% 6 12% Reduce speed 4 8% 3 6% 4 8% 11 22% Increase awareness 2 4% 2 4% Familiarity 7 14% 7 14% No reaction 7 14% 2 4% 9 18% Other 2 4% 2 4% 4 8% Total 10 20% 25 50% 15 30% 50 100% Table 81: Combination of question 4 and 8: Reaction / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? What type of reaction Yes No No Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 9 18% 2 4% 11 22% See as obstacle 3 6% 2 4% 1 2% 6 12% Reduce speed 10 20% 1 2% 11 22% Increase awareness 2 4% 2 4% Familiarity 2 4% 5 10% 7 14% No reaction 3 6% 4 8% 2 4% 9 18% Other 2 4% 1 2% 3 6% Total 31 62% 14 28% 5 10% 50 100%

Total 16% 16% 8% 2% 19 38% 10 20% 50 100% 8 8 4 1

Total 10 20% 25 50% 15 30% 50 100%

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Location Maartensdijklaan

The 3D roadmarking was applied on Maartensdijklaan and the intersection with Gramsbergenlaan. This road has divided lanes. Coming from the northern direction, the Gramsbergenlaan is the first street on the right. The 3D roadmarking was applied near a bus stop. 6.2.1 Results of speed measurements

In the graph below the average speed, as measured by a lasergun, on the Maartensdijklaan is shown.

Average speed, measured by lasergun

50 40 Speed 30 20 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Distance ( times 10meter)

As is evident from the graph, the average speed remained fairly constant, at approx. 40 km/hour. This speed was measured between 40m before the roadmarking and 40m after. The 3D roadmarking is installed at the 85-meter point, at which time we do notice a slight decrease in speed. The placement of the 3D roadmarking close to an intersection on Maartensdijklaan can be credited with this effect.

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Alphen aan de Rijn

Location Goudse Rijpad

The location for the application of the 3D roadmarking on the Goudse Rijpad is an intersection outside city limits, in the county of Alphen aan de Rijn. The picture below shows the intersection in question, Goudse Rijpad, intersecting with Hoogendoornlaan.

The Goudse Rijpad is a rural road, in a farming community, outside city limits. This road has one lane only, used by all types of motorists. The intersecting road, Hoogendoornlaan, is equal to Goudse Rijpad. Experience has shown speeds to be high on these roads, due to perceived good visibility and straight lanes.


Results of speed measurements

Measurements were performed, using a lasergun, at this location. After analyzing the results of that test, the following observations can be made: Average measured speed is between 50 and 60 km/h. Significant drop in speed at the point of roadmarking (29km/hour) Decrease in speed starts at 200 meters before the roadmarking Speed increases immediately after roadmarking, going up to 42km/hour within 30 meters from Solid Sheet. While a decrease in speed at the point of roadmarking is observed, the overall average speed remained fairly constant. 85-percentile speed was 59km/h before installation, 55km/h one week after installation, and 58km/h six months after installation.

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7.1.2 Survey results A total of 52 motorists were surveyed on Goudse Rijpad. Because of the small number of surveys taken, the results can only be regarded as indications, not as hard conclusions. The survey period was Tuesday May 16, 2000 from 3:00 - 5:00pm. The results of these surveys are reflected in the tables below: Table 82: How often do you travel on this road? Quantity 1 time per week 8 2 times per week 4 3 times per week 4 times per week 1 5 times per week 1 6 times per week Daily 14 Occasional 24 Total 52 Table 83: Did you notice the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Yes 44 No 8 Total 52

Percentage 15% 8% 2% 2% 27% 46% 100%

Percentage 85% 15% 100%

Only the 44 respondents that answered "yes" to the question "Did you notice the 3D roadmarking?" were given the rest of the survey. The results of these surveys are reflected in the following tables. Table 84: Did the location become safer because of the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Percentage Yes 21 48% No 20 46% No opinion 3 7% Total 44 100% Table 85: What type of reaction does the3D roadmarking cause from you? Quantity Percentage Stands out every time 14 32% See as obstacle reduce speed 11 25% Increased awareness 3 7% Familiarity 11 25% No reaction Other 5 11% Total 44 100%

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Table 86: What do you think of the visibility? Quantity Good 35 OK 8 Unknown 2 Total 44

Percentage 80% 10% 2% 100%

The 8 respondents that answered that the 3D roadmarking was just "OK", were asked why they responded "OK". The answers to that question are reflected in Table 87. Table 87: Why do you think the visibility is "OK"? Quantity Wear and tear 2 Colors not bright 4 Other (ex. blue not bright) 2 Total 8 Table 88: Do you see the 3D roadmarking on time? Quantity Normal weather Yes 36 conditions No 8 No opinion Total 44 Wet road Yes 22 No 4 No opinion 18 Total 44 After dark Yes 11 No 7 No opinion 26 Total 44

Percentage 25% 50% 25% 100%

Percentage 82% 18% 100% 50% 9% 41% 100% 25% 16% 59% 100%

Table 89: Do you think the correct color combination was selected ? Quantity Percentage Yes 35 80% No 7 16% No opinion 2 5% Total 44 100% The 7 respondents that answered "No" to the above question were asked what improvements could be made to the color combination. The answers to that question are shown in table 90. Table 90: What color combination would seem better to you? Quantity Percentage Brighter colors Different colors Other Total 6 1 7 86% 14% 100%

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Table 91: Are you aware of the 3D roadmarking, upon passing? Quantity Percentage Yes 30 68% No 13 30% Unknown 1 2% Total 44 100% Table 92: Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations? Quantity Percentage Yes 25 57% No 16 36% No opinion 3 7% Unknown 0 0 Total 44 100% The 25 respondents that answered "Yes" to the question "Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations?" were asked at what type of locations this type of marking would also be effective. The answers to that question are reflected in Table 93. Table 93: If "Yes", at what type of locations? Quantity Rural roads 8 School / Public pool 0 Other (ex: neighborhoods..) 9 No opinion 8 Total 25

Percentage 32% 0 36% 32% 100%

In the tables below the most important results of combinations between the different questions from the survey are shown. Table 94: Combination of question 1 and 3: Use / Safer Is the location safer now? How often do you use Yes No No road? opinion Once a week 3 7% 4 9% 1 2% Twice a week 1 2% 2 5% 1 2% Three times a week Four times a week 1 2% Five times a week 1 2% Daily 5 11% 9 20% Occasionally 10 23% 5 11% 1 2% Total 21 48% 20 45% 3 7%

Unknown n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 8 4

Total 18% 9% 1 2% 1 2% 14 32% 16 36% 44 100%

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Table 95: Combination of question 1 and 8: Use / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? How often do you use Yes No No Unknown road? opinion Once a week 6 14% 2 5% n/a Twice a week 2 5% 2 5% n/a Three times a week n/a Four times a week 1 2% n/a Five times a week 1 2% n/a Daily 8 18% 6 14% n/a Occasionally 12 27% 3 7% 1 2% n/a Total 30 68% 13 30% 1 2% n/a Table 96: Combination of question 3 and 8: Safer / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? Is the location safer Yes No No Unknown now? opinion Yes 18 41% 2 5% 1 2% n/a No 11 25% 9 20% n/a No opinion 1 2% 2 5% n/a Total 30 68% 13 30% 1 2% n/a Table 97: Combination of question 4 and 3: Reaction / Safer Is the location safer now? What type of reaction Yes No No does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 7 16% 6 14% 1 2% See as obstacle Reduce speed 8 18% 2 5% 1 2% Increase awareness 2 6% 1 2% Familiarity 4 9% 6 14% 1 2% No reaction Other 5 11% Total 21 48% 20 45% 3 7%

Total 18% 19% 1 2% 1 2% 14 32% 16 36% 44 100% 8 4

Total 21 48% 20 45% 3 7% 44 100%


14 32% 11 25% 3 7% 11 25% 5 11% 44 100%

Table 98: Combination of question 4 and 8: Reaction / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? What type of reaction Yes No No Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 13 30% 1 2% 14 32% See as obstacle Reduce speed 8 18% 2 5% 1 2% 11 25% Increase awareness 2 5% 1 2% 3 7% Familiarity 6 14% 5 11% 11 25% No reaction Other 1 2% 4 9% 5 11% Total 30 68% 13 30% 1 2% 44 100%

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Location Kalkovenweg

The location selected on the Kalkovenweg is within city limits. Due to the school in this area (as seen on left in picture below), many bicyclists cross the road at this point. The picture below shows the configuration chosen on this street, as seen in the direction towards Yzerweg.

The Kalkovenweg is located in an industrial / commercial area. The 3D roadmarking is capable of making the motorists more aware of the bicyclists that cross the road at that point. 7.2.1 Results of speed measurements

Speed measurements were taken on Kalkovenweg, in three different phases: a zerobase measurement was taken before installation of the 3D roadmarking; a measurement one week after installation was taken ("after 1") and a third measurement was taken 6 months after installation of the 3D roadmarking ("after 2"). From these measurements the following observations and conclusions were drawn: speeds measured before 6:00am showed significant drop overall average speed remained fairly constant after installation of 3D roadmarking no significant drop in overall speed was observed The 85-percentile speed measured in the direction of Yzerweg was 55km/hr in the zerobase measurement. In "after 1" this speed remained at 55km/hr, and at "after 2" this speed increased to 62km/hr. The 85-percentile speed measured in the direction of Staalweg was 54km/hr. In "after 1" this speed increased to 60km/hr, and in "after 2" it increased to 62km/hr.

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Results of survey questions

A total of 60 motorists were surveyed on the Kalkovenweg. Because of the small number of surveys taken, the results can only be regarded as indications, not as hard conclusions. The survey period was Tuesday May 16, 2000 from 1:30 - 2:30pm. The results of these surveys are reflected in the tables below: Table 99: How often do you travel on this road? Quantity 1 time per week 2 2 times per week 5 3 times per week 3 4 times per week 2 5 times per week 6 times per week 1 Daily 34 Occasional 13 Total 60 Table 100: Did you notice the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Yes 56 No 4 Total 60

Percentage 3% 8% 5% 3% 2% 57% 22% 100%

Percentage 93% 7% 100%

Only the 56 respondents that answered "yes" to the question "Did you notice the 3D roadmarking?" were given the rest of the survey. The results of these surveys are reflected in the following tables. Table 101: Did the location become safer because of the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Percentage Yes 14 25% No 35 63% No opinion 7 12% Total 56 100% Table 102: What type of reaction does the3D roadmarking cause in you? Quantity Percentage Stands out every time 11 20% See as obstacle 2 4% reduce speed 10 18% Increased awareness 4 7% Familiarity 12 21% No reaction 6 11% Other 11 20% Total 56 100%

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Table 103: What do you think of the visibility? Quantity Good 45 OK 11 Total 56

Percentage 80% 20% 100%

The 11 respondents that answered that the 3D roadmarking was just "OK", were asked why they responded "OK". The answers to that question are reflected in Table 104. Table 104: Why do you think the visibility is "OK"? Quantity Wear and tear 5 Colors not bright 2 Other (ex. blue not bright) 4 Total 11 Table 105: Do you see the 3D roadmarking on time? Quantity Normal weather Yes 47 conditions No 5 No opinion 4 Total 56 Wet road Yes 24 No 8 No opinion 24 Total 56 After dark Yes 23 No 10 No opinion 23 Total 56

Percentage 46% 18% 36% 100%

Percentage 84% 9% 7% 100% 43% 14% 43% 100% 41% 18% 41% 100%

Table 106: Do you think the correct color combination was selected ? Quantity Percentage Yes 44 79% No 12 21% No opinion Total 56 100% The 12 respondents that answered "No" to the above question were asked what improvements could be made to the color combination. The answers to that question are shown in table 107. Table 107: What color combination would seem better to you? Quantity Percentage Brighter colors 6 50% Different colors 4 33% Other 2 17% Total 12 100%

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Table 108: Are you aware of the 3D roadmarking, upon passing? Quantity Percentage Yes 41 73% No 12 21% Unknown 3 5% Total 56 100% Table 109: Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations? Quantity Percentage Yes 39 72% No 13 24% No opinion 2 4% Unknown 0 0 Total 54 100% The 39 respondents that answered "Yes" to the question "Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations?" were asked at what type of locations this type of marking would also be effective. The answers to that question are reflected in Table 110. Table 110: If "Yes", at what type of locations? Quantity Rural roads 3 School / Public pool 6 Other (ex: neighborhoods..) 8 No opinion 22 Total 39

Percentage 8% 15% 21% 56% 100%

In the tables below the most important results of combinations between the different questions from the survey are shown. Table 111: Combination of question 1 and 3: Use / Safer Is the location safer now? How often do you use Yes No No road? opinion Once a week 2 4% Twice a week 3 5% 1 2% Three times a week 1 2% 2 4% Four times a week 2 4% Five times a week Daily 8 14% 22 39% 3 5% Occasionally 1 2% 6 11% 4 7% Total 14 25% 35 63% 7 13%

Unknown n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 2 4 3 2

Total 4% 7% 5% 4% 33 59% 11 20% 56 100%

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Table 112: Combination of question 1 and 8: Use / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? How often do you use Yes No No Unknown road? opinion Once a week 2 4% n/a Twice a week 4 7% n/a Three times a week 3 5% n/a Four times a week 1 2% 1 2% n/a Five times a week n/a Daily 23 41% 10 18% n/a Occasionally 8 14% 1 2% 2 4% n/a Total 41 73% 12 21% 3 5% n/a Table 113: Combination of question 3 and 8: Safer / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? Is the location safer Yes No No Unknown now? opinion Yes 14 25% n/a No 23 41% 10 18% 2 4% n/a No opinion 4 7% 2 4% 1 2% n/a Total 41 73% 12 21% 3 6% n/a Table 114: Combination of question 4 and 3: Reaction / Safer Is the location safer now? What type of reaction Yes No No Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 7 13% 4 7% 11 20% See as obstacle 2 4% 2 4% Reduce speed 5 9% 4 7% 1 2% 10 18% Increase awareness 1 2% 1 2% 2 4% 4 7% Familiarity 1 2% 10 18% 1 2% 12 21% No reaction 5 9% 1 2% 6 11% Other 11 20% 11 20% Total 14 25% 35 63% 7 13% 56 100% Table 115: Combination of question 4 and 8: Reaction / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? What type of reaction Yes No No Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 11 20% 11 20% See as obstacle 1 2% 1 2% 2 4% Reduce speed 8 14% 2 4% 10 18% Increase awareness 3 5% 1 2% 4 7% Familiarity 6 11% 6 11% 12 21% No reaction 3 5% 3 5% 6 11% Other 9 16% 1 2% 1 2% 11 20% Total 41 73% 12 21% 3 5% 56 100%

Total 4% 7% 5% 4% 33 59% 11 20% 56 100% 2 4 3 2

Total 14 25% 35 63% 7 13% 56 100%

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Location 's-Gravenweg

The 's-Gravenweg is located on the eastside of Nootdorp. The location chosen for the 3D roadmarking is at the T-section of 's-Gravenweg and Nieuwkoopseweg.

The 's-Gravenweg is a rural road outside city limits. The T-section with Nieuwkoopseweg is one of two equal roads. The surveys for both the 's -Gravenweg and the Nieuwkoopseweg were taken at this point. No distinction was made between the two roads. 8.1.1 Results of speed measurements

Speed measurements were performed using a traffic counter. These measurements were taken in three phases: a "zero-base" measurement was taken before the installation of the 3D roadmarking. A measurement one week after installation ("after 1") was taken, and thirdly and lastly, a measurement was taken 6 months after the installation ("after 2"). The following conclusions / observations were drawn from these measurements: speed in "after 1" increased speed in "after 2" decreased, back to before installation levels, at 40km/hr. speeds before 6:00am showed significant drops, which can be attributed to the very low number of cars that were measured at that time.

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The 85-percentile speed on 's-Gravenweg, in the direction of A12, was 55km/hr before installation of the 3D roadmarking. In measurement "after 1" this speed increased to 61km/hr, but in measurement "after 2" it decreased down to 54km/hr. The 85-percentile speed on 's-Gravenweg, in the direction of Nootdorp, was 62km/hr before installation of the 3D roadmarking, and this speed remained at 62km/hr at both measurements "after 1" and "after 2". 8.2 Location Nieuwkoopseweg

The Nieuwkoopseweg is also located on the eastside of Nootdorp. This is a residential area, with homes on both sides of the road, therefore having many driveways coming onto Nieuwkoopseweg. This road is a rural road, with merging traffic and without separate bicycle and/or pedestrian lanes.

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Results of speed measurements

The graph below shows the developments in the area of speed, as measured by laser gun on the Nieuwkoopseweg.

Avg. speed, measured by laser gun

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


0 21












From the graph, it appears that the average speed remains fairly constant, at around 55 km/hour. A sufficient number of cars were measured between points of 40 meters before and 40 meters after the 3D roadmarking to have an accurate reading. The 3D roadmarking seems to have only little effect on speed in this installation, partially due to the location at which it was installed, at the point of a crossroad. The 85 percentile speed, as measured with the use of a traffic counter was measured at three different points: measurement "zero-base": before installation of 3D roadmarking measurement "after 1": one week after installation measurement "after 2": 6 months after installation The 85 percentile speed on the Nieuwkoopseweg in the direction of Nootdorp was 51 km/hour at zero-base, 46 km/hour at "after 1", but increased to 70km/hour at "after 2". This increase in speed in this direction of traffic is largely attributed to road work in progress in the town of Nootdorp, which dramatically altered the traffic pattern on Nieuwkoopseweg, direction Nootdorp. The 85 percentile speed on Nieuwkoopseweg in the direction of Pijnackerweg, was 68 km/hour at zero-base, decreased to 44 km/hour at "after 1", and increased to 66 km/hour at "after 2". 8.3 Survey results for 's-Gravenweg and Nieuwkoopseweg

A total of 76 motorists were surveyed on the 's-Gravenweg and Nieuwkoopseweg combined. Because of the small sample, results of the survey are considered only indications, not hard conclusions. The time of survey was Wednesday, May 17, 2000, from 2:00pm until 4:00pm. Below tables will show the results from the survey.
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Table 116: How often do you travel on this road? Quantity 1 time per week 6 2 times per week 7 3 times per week 7 4 times per week 5 5 times per week 1 6 times per week Daily 35 Occasional 15 Total 76 Table 117: Did you notice the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Yes 63 No 13 Total 76

Percentage 8% 9% 9% 7% 1% 46% 20% 100%

Percentage 83% 17% 100%

Only the 63 respondents that answered "yes" to the question "Did you notice the 3D roadmarking?" were given the rest of the survey. The results of these surveys are reflected in the following tables. Table 118: Did the location become safer because of the 3D roadmarking? Quantity Percentage Yes 16 25% No 41 65% No opinion 6 10% Total 63 100% Table 119: What type of reaction does the3D roadmarking cause in you? Quantity Percentage Stands out every time 26 38% See as obstacle 5 7% reduce speed 11 16% Increased awareness Familiarity 9 13% No reaction 8 12% Other 9 13% Total 68 100% More than one answer was possible to this question. The 63 motorists surveyed gave a total of 68 responses. Table 120: What do you think of the visibility? Quantity Good 52 OK 10 Unknown 1 Total 63
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Percentage 83% 17% 2% 100%


The 10 respondents that answered that the 3D roadmarking was just "OK", were asked why they responded "OK". The answers to that question are reflected in Table 121. Table 121: Why do you think the visibility is "OK"? Quantity Wear and tear 2 Colors not bright Other (ex. blue not bright) 8 Total 10 Table 122: Do you see the 3D roadmarking on time? Quantity Normal weather Yes 49 conditions No 11 No opinion 3 Total 63 Wet road Yes 23 No 10 No opinion 29 Total 62 After dark Yes 15 No 14 No opinion 33 Total 62

Percentage 20% 80% 100%

Percentage 78% 18% 5% 100% 37% 16% 47% 100% 24% 23% 53% 100%

Table 123: Do you think the correct color combination was selected ? Quantity Percentage Yes 38 60% No 17 27% No opinion 8 13% Total 56 100% The 17 respondents that answered "No" to the above question were asked what improvements could be made to the color combination. The answers to that question are shown in table 124. Table 124: What color combination would seem better to you? Quantity Percentage Brighter colors 9 53% Different colors 3 18% Other 5 29% Total 17 100% Table 125: Are you aware of the 3D roadmarking, upon passing? Quantity Percentage Yes 35 56% No 26 41% Unknown 2 3% Total 63 100%

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Table 126: Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations? Quantity Percentage Yes 21 33% No 35 56% No opinion 5 8% Unknown 2 3% Total 63 100% The 21 respondents that answered "Yes" to the question "Could this 3D roadmarking also be effective at different locations?" were asked at what type of locations this type of marking would also be effective. The answers to that question are reflected in Table 127. Table 127: If "Yes", at what type of locations? Quantity Rural roads 3 School / Public pool 1 Other (ex: neighborhoods..) 8 No opinion 9 Total 21

Percentage 14% 5% 38% 43% 100%

In the tables below the most important results of combinations between the different questions from the survey are shown. Table 128: Combination of question 1 and 3: Use / Safer Is the location safer now? How often do you use Yes No No road? opinion Once a week 1 2% 1 2% 1 2% Twice a week 2 3% 4 6% 1 2% Three times a week 2 3% 5 8% Four times a week 5 8% Five times a week 1 2% Daily 8 13% 18 29% 2 3% Occasionally 3 5% 7 11% 2 3% Total 16 25% 41 65% 6 10%

Unknown n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a

Total 3 5% 7 11% 7 11% 5 8% 1 2% 28 44% 12 19% 63 100%

Table 129: Combination of question 1 and 8: Use / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? How often do you use Yes No No Unknown road? opinion Once a week 3 5% n/a Twice a week 5 8% 2 3% n/a Three times a week 6 10% 1 2% n/a Four times a week 2 3% 2 3% 1 2% n/a Five times a week 1 2% n/a Daily 12 19% 15 24% 1 2% n/a Occasionally 9 14% 3 5% n/a Total 35 56% 26 41% 2 6% n/a

Total 3 5% 7 11% 7 11% 5 8% 1 2% 28 44% 12 19% 63 100%

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Table 130: Combination of question 3 and 8: Safer / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? Is the location safer Yes No No Unknown now? opinion Yes 12 19% 4 6% n/a No 19 30% 20 32% 2 3% n/a No opinion 4 6% 2 3% n/a Total 35 56% 26 41% 2 3% n/a Table 131: Combination of question 4 and 3: Reaction / Safer Is the location safer now? What type of reaction Yes No No Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 9 14% 14 22% 3 5% 26 41% See as obstacle 1 2% 1 2% Reduce speed 2 3% 2 3% 4 6% Increase awareness Familiarity 3 5% 6 10% 9 14% No reaction 6 10% 2 3% 8 13% Other 1 2% 13 21% 1 2% 15 24% Total 16 25% 41 65% 6 10% 63 100% Table 132: Combination of question 4 and 8: Reaction / Aware Are you aware of 3D roadmarking upon passing? What type of reaction Yes No No Total does the 3D opinion roadmarking cause? Noticeable every time 21 33% 4 6% 1 2% 26 41% See as obstacle 1 2% 1 2% Reduce speed 4 6% 4 6% Increase awareness Familiarity 2 3% 7 11% 9 14% No reaction 3 5% 4 6% 1 2% 8 13% Other 4 6% 11 17% 15 24% Total 35 56% 26 41% 2 3% 63 100%

Total 16 25% 41 65% 6 10% 63 100%

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Based on the results reflected in preceding chapters, the conclusions that can be drawn from those results will be put into words in this chapter. The following categorization will be used: speed, as measured by use of a traffic counter speed, as measured by use of a laser gun any developments in the number of incidents at locations of 3D roadmarking installations survey results 9.2 Speed

From speed measurements using traffic counters, it appears that the 85-percentile speed remained fairly constant at most locations (see Table 133 for details). At the locations Nieuwkoopseweg in Nootdorp and the Deltalaan in Sliedrecht, however, significant changes in speed can be observed. These changes could perhaps be explained by such issues as: road construction in Nootdorp construction on the dyke during the "after 1" measurement Exactly what effect these issues had on motorists' behavior, as it relates to speed, can not be quantified at this time. Table 133: 85-Percentile speed at the different locations
Location "b ef or e" "af ter # 1" "aft er # 2" % var. between "before" and #1 % var. between "before" and #2

Alphen a/d Rijn Den Haag Den Haag Nootdorp *

Goudse Rijpad Kalkovenweg to Yzerweg Kalkovenweg to Staalweg Lisztstraat Maartendijkslaan 's-Gravenweg to A12 's-Gravenweg to Nootdorp Nieuwkoopseweg to Nootdorp Nieuwkoopseweg to Pijnacker Deltalaan Dorpskade to A4 Dorpskade to Wateringen Poeldijkseweg

59 55 54 52 43 55 61 51 68 53 61 57 61

55 55 60 49 43 61 62 46 44 69 56 56 57

58 62 62 54 48 54 62 70 66 48 59 58 58

-7% 0% 11% -6% 0% 11% 2% -10% -35% 30% -8% -2% -7%

-2% 13% 15% 4% 12% -2% 2% 37% -3% -9% -3% 2% -5%

Sliedrecht **


From the graphs in chapters 4 thru 8, showing the average speed as measured by the use of a laser gun, it can be concluded that the speed remained mostly constant. Fluctuations of speed can be observed, but it seems probable that this is related to the
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traffic situation of each location individually. A motorist approaching an intersection or crosswalk is likely to reduce speed. As was concluded in the measurement of speed using the traffic counter, it can be concluded the 3D roadmarking has little or no effect on the speed of the motorist Conclusion: It can be stated, based on the experiences with the chosen configuration of the 3D roadmarking installed at the test locations, that there are little to no effects on speed. 9.3 Survey results

In Table 134 the most important survey results from the different locations are reflected. The percentages in the table show the number of respondents who agree with the statements given. Table 134: Most important survey results per location
General pass location min. 1x / week noticed 3D roadmarking location safer due to 3D marking increased awareness familiarization with 3D marking visibility of 3D marking is good are aware of 3D marking upon passing each time 76% 86% 30% 7% 18% 83% 62% Poeldijkse weg 77% 82% 18% 8% 26% 88% 61% Deltalaan 84% 89% 37% 19% 19% 82% 55% Lisztstraat 75% 85% 20% 3% 12% 90% 62% Goudse rijpad 54% 85% 48% 7% 25% 80% 68% Kalkoven weg 78% 93% 25% 7% 21% 80% 73% Nootdorp 80% 83% 25% 13% 83% 56%

From the responses to the survey we learned that 86% of all motorists clearly noticed the 3D roadmarking on the street. The 3D roadmarking is highly noticeable by all motorists. In addition, 83% of all motorists surveyed felt that the visibility of the 3D roadmarking is good. 30% of the respondents feel that the location has become safer because of the installation of the 3D roadmarking. This means that the 3D roadmarking is a positive contributor the improvement of the subjective traffic safety. The statement "increased awareness" is mentioned in 7% of the cases. This does not mean that the 3D roadmarking does not work to improve the awareness of the motorists. To this point, 62% of motorists indicate that they still, after considerable time, notice the 3D roadmarking and are consciously aware of it upon passing it each time. 76% of the respondents pass the 3D roadmarking a minimum of 1 time per week. When compared to the General section, the location Kalkovenweg scores higher in the question "noticed 3D roadmarking, with a score of 93% to 86%. Also on the statement "are aware of 3D marking upon passing each time", the location Kalkovenweg scores higher than the General, 73% to 62%. The location of the 3D roadmarking on the Kalkovenweg is close to a school; this could indicate that the 3D roadmarking is especially effective at locations in close proximity to schools. Caution must be considered in drawing hard conclusions, due to the small sample number of locations tested.

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The 3D roadmarking on rural roads does not show significant variances to the General results, as it relates to the statement "are aware of 3D marking upon passing each time", both areas scoring around 62%. Conclusion: Based on the survey results it appears that the 3D roadmarking would fit seamlessly into the traffic-calming picture. The 3D roadmarking is not considered an impenetrable obstruction. In addition, it appears that, from a traffic-engineering standpoint, the 3D roadmarking is a good tool to increase the awareness of the motorist. To what extent the 3D roadmarking increases the awareness level, as compared to traditional roadmarking, was not researched. The 3D roadmarking has several advantages over traditional roadmarking, namely it does not cause any noise pollution, vibrations and does not negatively impact the environment and/or the esthetics of the landscape. Locations in close proximity to schools, as well as rural roads, seem to be the ones that can benefit the most from the installation of the 3D roadmarking, according to the survey. 9.4 Number of accidents / incidents

Whether the 3D roadmarking has an effect on the number of accidents/incidents is an important question. To that point, it is equally important to note that the time period of research after installation of the 3D roadmarking is too short to be able to draw hard conclusions that can answer the question. In some occasions, accident data were available only for a period of 11 months. In addition, one can assume that the accident data for 3rd Quarter, 2000 were not available yet at the time of this study. In order to have a good comparison and analysis of the number of accidents/incidents before and after the installation of the 3D roadmarking, accident/incident data for a minimum of 3 years after installation would have to be available. At that point, one can compare the data of 3 years before to the data of 3 years after the installation of the 3D roadmarking. Table 135 will show the developments in the number of accidents per month per location. The following categories were established: situation before installation of 3D roadmarking situation after installation variance in the average number of accidents per month Table 135: Developments in the average number of accidents per month and per location
County Location Average number of accidents per month before 3D marking .06 .11 .56 .11 .11 .17 0 .39 .11 Average number of accidents per month after 3D marking .083 .17 0 0 0 .083 0 .25 .17 Variance

Alphen a/d Rijn The Hague Nootdorp Sliedrecht Wateringen

Goudserijpad Kalkovenweg Lisztstraat Maartensdijklaan 's-Gravenweg Nieuwkoopseweg Deltalaan Poeldijkseweg Dorpskade

+ + + + . + -

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Explanation of symbols: + .

increase in average number of accidents per month decrease in average number of accidents per month no change

From Table 135 it is evident that 5 of the 9 locations showed positive developments in the area of accident reduction, and 1 of 9 remained unchanged at 0 accidents. Only time will tell whether this is a trend that's here to stay. Therefore, continued monitoring of this development into the future is strongly recommended. 9.5 Cost and Maintenance

The average cost for the installation of the 3D roadmarking is approximately FL 6,500 (Dutch Guilders) per intersection and/or crosswalk, and approximately FL 4,500 (Dutch Guilders) for smaller applications on narrow roads. This is more expensive when compared to traditional roadmarking, but is comparable to other high-end, high-quality types of roadmarking. The advantage of the 3D roadmarking over the traditional products is that it attracts more attention. The costs of the 3D roadmarking cannot be compared to the costs of traditional speed bumps, as the effects and application of the products are very different: the speed bump causes an actual and measurable speed reduction, whereas the 3D roadmarking causes an increase in awareness. At various locations, it became apparent that the quality, or lack thereof, of the road surface plays in important and large role in determining the longevity / life of the product. The best surface to ensure longevity is a clean, smooth asphalt surface. As the surface becomes less smooth, but more textured and/or cracked, the 3D roadmarking will become dirty quicker and therefore less visible. On roads that combine poor surface conditions with heavy traffic counts, the materials will crack and/or break off too soon. To ensure proper brightness and vividness of the colors over a sustained time period, it is recommended to pressure wash the road's surface after a time frame of one year maximum. Conclusion: To this point in time, it is evident that the 3D roadmarking has remained its color and visibility well, especially when special attention is paid to the road surface and special care is given to the maintenance of the 3D roadmarking.

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In the Introduction of this report it was indicated that the POV (Traffic Committee for SHolland, which commissioned this study) outlined that its objective for this research was to establish the appropriate application criteria for 3D roadmarking. Central to this issue are the questions "in what situations is the 3D roadmarking most effective?" and "which (local) aspects influence the effectiveness of the 3D roadmarking?". In this study the following factors were constantly tested and monitored: speed of the motorist, the effect on traffic safety, the ease of assimilation of the product into the already existing traffic calming strategies, and the aspects that affect the effectiveness of the 3D roadmarking. The experiences that came out of that study have led to a series or recommendations, as they relate to above-mentioned factors. Speed Conclusion: The various speed measurements have shown that the applied configuration of the 3D roadmarking have had little or no effect on the speed of the motorists. This implies that use of this product solely for the purpose of speed reduction is not effective.

Recommendation: Opportunities for application of the 3D roadmarking exist in area such as high-risk intersections and school zone crosswalks. The physical attributes of the 3D roadmarking actually work to support the existing markings in place at these locations. The combination configuration, using both rectangular (block type) and triangular (mountain type) shapes, results in the following effects: introductory and funneling effect of the rectangular (block type) marking increasing awareness / focussing attention effect of the triangular (mountain type) By reducing the distance between the rectangular shaped 3D roadmarking in the direction of the "high risk area", the motorist will experience a feeling of increased speed. The automatic response to this feeling would be to reduce speed.

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Effects on Traffic Safety The effects on traffic safety can be explained in two different ways: the "subjective" traffic safety the "objective" traffic safety Subjective Traffic Safety: Conclusion: The survey results showed that a significant number of respondents felt that the locations in question had become safer because of the installation of the 3D roadmarking. In addition, the results show that the roadmarking attracts attention again and again, even well after the 3D effect has become familiar. Recommendation: This increases the opportunity for application of the 3D roadmarking in areas that require a higher level of awareness on the motorists behalf. Objective Traffic Safety: Conclusion: On the basis of the time period involved that was used to analyze the effect of the 3D roadmarking on the number of accidents after installation of the product, it must be concluded that this period was too short to produce an accurate measurement. In order to achieve an accurate measurement, a period of a minimum of 3 years before and 3 years after installation of the 3D roadmarking must be observed.

Recommendation: Based on the results shown in the research period (11 months), it is strongly recommended to conduct detailed analysis of the number of accidents over the suggested time period of 3 years, while monitored monthly or quarterly. Police reports can be used to augment and confirm the accident data. Assimilation into Current Traffic Calming strategy Conclusion: The most important conclusions that can be drawn from the surveys are that the 3D roadmarking is not considered an impenetrable obstruction by the motorist and that the 3D roadmarking is seen / noticed again and again over extended periods of time. This combination of "not impeding" and "highly noticeable" makes the assimilation of the 3D roadmarking into the existing strategies of traffic calming an easy one, from a trafficengineering standpoint. Locations for potential application are roads outside city limits, high-risk intersections, crosswalks at schools or other public facilities and any other situations of intersecting traffic. A number of caveats, however, must be considered: the 3D roadmarking is most effective as a supplemental tool to already existing traffic markings the 3D roadmarking must be installed in the correct size and configuration the 3D roadmarking must be installed at the correct distance from the "high risk" area

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the 3D roadmarking must be installed on installed on the best possible road surface the 3D roadmarking must be maintained in the correct and suggested manner

Recommendation: Correct size and configuration: Before application of the 3D roadmarking, it is highly recommended to enlist the counsel of Traffic Engineering, etc. to determine the appropriate size and configuration for the location in question ahead of time. Distances among the individual markings, as well as the distance to the "high risk area" are of critical importance. Recommendation: Distance from the "high risk" area To determine the optimum distance between the 3D roadmarking and the "high risk" area in question, the so-called "two-second rule" can be invoked. Applying this rule results in the following table, which shows the minimum distance to the "high risk" area at various speeds: Posted Speed Minimum distance to "high risk" area 30 km/hr (19 mph) 17 meter (55 feet) 50 km/hr (32 mph) 28 meter (90 feet) 60 km/hr (38 mph) 33 meter (105 feet) 70 km/hr (45 mph) 39 meter (125 feet) 80 km/hr (50 mph) 44 meter (140 feet) Recommendation: Best possible road surface: From the experiences learned at the different locations of installation, it became evident that the quality of the road surface plays an instrumental role in extending the longevity of the 3D roadmarking. The life of the product is maximized when applied to a smooth and think asphalt layer. As the asphalt becomes more coarse and textured, the chance of the 3D roadmarking showing cracks will increase. Also high traffic counts and use of road by heavy machinery can contribute to a shorter life span of the 3D roadmarking. Recommendation: Correct maintenance: To maintain the colors' brightness and vividness, it is recommended to pressure wash the road surface after a period of no longer than one year. When the 3D roadmarking is applied on a road that's used regularly by heavy farming and/or construction machinery, it is recommended to clean the road surface more frequently. Up to this point, the material used to make up the 3D roadmarking has shown itself to stand up quite well to every day use and has remained in good condition, especially at those locations where the surface was optimum and the maintenance has been good.

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Aspects that affect the effectiveness of the 3D roadmarking Recommendation: Special circumstances can have an impact on the application and the effectiveness of the 3D roadmarking. Situations like curvy roads and hills and/or bumps in the road, whether horizontally or vertically aligned, will affect the aspired results of the 3D roadmarking. In situations such as these, great care and diligence in study is recommended to establish whether the roadmarking will create enough traffic safety improvement to warrant the installation. A motorist's ability to see the product in time, and have enough time and distance to stop and/or reduce speed, are important criteria to consider when designing a configuration for challenging locations like these.

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Declaration of responsibility

Title: Study commissioned by:

3D Roadmarking Provinciaal Orgaan Verkeersveiligheid Zuid-Holland (Traffic Safety Commission for South-Holland) the Grontmij Verkeer & Infrastructuur company (the Grontmij Traffic & Infrastructure company) May 3, 2001 / de Bilt 4297331 Final 66 M.Lalmahomed (Engineer) E.J. Dikker (Engineer) E.J. Dikker (Engineer) E.J. Dikker (Engineer) Grontmij V&I

Published by:

Date and Place: Pub. Number Status and version: Number of Pages: Written by:

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