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Executive Board Meeting October 2, 2012 Minutes per meeting Started at 4:30pm Ellyse & Vinnie are absent

Exchange of Documents Matters of Concernment o Yzzie addressed that Robert should check Mail Chimp o Robert asked Joseph to do Secretary work Can we open for business? o Update: Robert talked to Anthony Blake and was informed that Ellyse must hand in her key either the day of or before we request keys o 3-0 Office Hours Matt proposed that we will hold office hours for the months of October and November. Robert amended it to the each EBoard has to put a minimum of 1 hour each week o Matt 3:00-4:00 Monday o Ellyse 2:30- 3:30 on Tuesday o Robert 11:30-12:30 Wednesday o Joseph 2:00-3:00 Thursday Are we fully updated and compatible? o Update: Yzzie has updated all electronic media Took recess at 5:40Resumed at 5:50pm The VAULT o 3- 0 Matt proposed that Robert will post all the links to Facebook. There you will be able to state which selection you like by saying yes and no. The Room for General Meeting o 3-0 Joseph proposed that we hold the general meeting in E-112 for this o 3-0 Matt proposed that we skip this meeting on October 4, 2012 and attend the second part of Club Fair October 4, 2012 o 3-0 Matt proposed that we use Yzzie provided camera and Joseph will video tape and will send it to the appropriate people for editing October 25, 2012 o 3-0 Matt proposed we watch TransAmerica October 18, 2012 o 3-0 Matt proposed that on October 4th, during the Club Fair, we will inform everyone to wear purple on October 18th in honor of Spirit Week and then during the General Meeting on October 18th we will have a short introductory discussion abut Spirit Week. o 3-0 Robert proposed that as a second activity we do a Pictionary game Failed Tabling event o Ellyse wrote a statement about the failed tabling event

o Matt received a text from Ellyse saying Dont go to campus I wont be there on time o Robert sent out a text to everyone Club fair o Ellyse will be there at 10am-5pm Matt10:30am- 11:30am and 3pm5pm Joseph 11:30-12:30 Robert 11:30am-12:30pm and 4pm-5pm Events o 3-0 Domestic Violence Joseph proposed that it gets tabled to the spring o 3-0 The Bullying Panel Robert proposed that Ellyse and Robert will take control of the Joseph Panel instead of Matt o Gender Roles Joseph and Kalil would like to have an understanding of what is felt by Trans people. Kalil might be able to attain 2 speakers from the YES and BOYS LIKE US programs. 8:34pm end

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