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Name : _______________________________

Class : __________

College Number : ______________ Score: CONFIDENTIAL BIOLOGY September 2012 1 hour MAKTAB RENDAH SAINS MARA TUN GHAZALI SHAFIE Standardized Test 4 SEMESTER 2, 2012 BIOLOGY FORM 4 One hour and thirty minutes

DO NOT OPEN THIS QUESTIONS UNTIL YOU ARE ASKED TO DO SO For Examiners Use Only 1. 2. 3. Write down name and class in the space provided This questions contains 2 sections. Answer all questions. Section A B Question No. 1-20 1 2 C 1 Full Mark 20 12 13 10 Score



This paper consists of 14 printed pages

SECTION A: OBJECTIVE ITEMS Answer all questions. Each question is followed by four options. Choose the best option for each question then WRITE the correct answer ON THE SPACE BELOW. Answer: 1. 6. 11. 16. 2. 7. 12. 17. 3. 8. 13. 18. 4. 9. 14. 19. 5. 10. 15. 20.


Diagram 1 shows human respiratory system.

Diagram 1 What happen to structure R during exhalation?


Contract and become flatten Contract and become dome shape Relax and become flatten Relax and become dome shape


Diagram 2 shows three different type of organisms.

Q Diagram 2

Name the organ responsible for respiration in each organisms. P Skin Alveolus Alveolus Tracheoles Q Tracheoles Skin Tracheoles Alveolus R Alveolus Tracheoles Skin Skin

A B C D 3.

How does fish maximise the efficiency of gaseous exchange? A B C D The closing of mouth and operculum The opening of mouth and operculum The opposite direction of water and blood flow through the gills The same direction of water and blood flow through the gills


What are the common characteristics of the respiratory surfaces in animals? I. II. III. IV. A B C D They are thin. They are moist They have large surface area They are covered by network of capillaries

I and II only II and IV only I, II and III only I, II, III and IV


What happen if alveoli are torn and puntured? A B C D Gasping Sneezing Shivering Swallowing


Diagram 3 shows the structure of a human alveolus.

Diagram 3 Which of the following is not true about the structure above ? A B C D 7. The partial pressure of oxygen is higher in X compared to the partial pressure of oxygen in W. The blood capillaries will transport the carbon dioxide from X to W. Both X and Z has high partial pressure of oxygen. W has higher partial pressure of carbon dioxide compared to Z.

Diagram 4 shows the exchange of gases between red blood cell and body cells.

Diagram 4 Which is the following correct about gases P and Q and the process involved in gaseous exchange? P Oxygen Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide Oxygen Q Carbon dioxide Oxygen Oxygen Carbon dioxide Process Inhalation Respiration Diffusion Diffusion

A B C D 8.

The centre controlling carbon dioxide and oxygen levels in our body adjusts breathing rates according to A B C D blood pH oxygen concentration carbon dioxide concentration blood temperature 4


The oxygen level in the blood of a mountain climber drops from its normal level during mountain climbing. Which process occur in his respiratory system to return the oxygen level to normal? I. II. III. IV. A B C D pH of blood decrease breathing and ventilation rate increase respiratory muscle relax and contract faster intercostal muscle contract and relax slower

I and II I and IV II and III III and IV

10. Which of the following changes will increase the rate of respiration of organism? A B C D Reducing the body temperature Reducing the glucose concentration of blood Increasing the carbon dioxide concentration in the blood Increasing the oxygen concentration in the blood

11. When can we consider an oxygen debt as being paid? A B C D When the heartbeat and breathing rate return to normal. When the muscle has fully oxidised all the lactic acid in the body. When all the lactic acid has been removed through intake of extra oxygen. When a person stops physical exertion and stays still.

12. Which of the following are products of aerobic and anaerobic respiration in muscle cell ? Aerobic Respiration Carbon dioxide and water Carbon dioxide and water Lactic acid Lactic acid Anaerobic Respiration Ethanol Lactic acid Ethanol Carbon dioxide and water


13. Which statement describes the immediate effect of smoking on the respiratory surfaces? A B C D Blackens the alveoli Dries up the lining of alveoli Destroys the membrane of alveoli Causes the formation of cancer cells

14. Diagram 20 shows the graph of the volume of carbon dioxide taken in or released by a plant in a forest at different light intensities.

Which of the following is true about the information obtained from the graph? A B C D At point W, the quantity of carbon dioxide released is zero. At point X, the quantity of the intake and the release of carbon dioxide are equal. At point Y, the quantity of carbon dioxide released is maximum. At point Z, the quantity of the intake and the release of carbon dioxide are equal.

15. Which statement explains the difference between aerobic respiration and anaerobic respiration? A B C D Aerobic respiration does not involve the use of oxygen whereas anaerobic respiration requires the use of oxygen. Aerobic respiration releases less energy whereas anaerobic releases more energy. Aerobic respiration occurs in mitochondrion while anaerobic respiration occurs in the cytoplasm. Anaerobic respiration produces lactic acid in plant cell and ethanol while carbon dioxide in animal cells.

16. Diagram 5 shows paddy plants in a paddy field.

Diagram 5 What are the products of respiration in the leaves and roots?


Products of respiration in leaves Products of respiration in leaves Carbon dioxide and water Lactic acid and carbon dioxide Ethanol and carbon dioxide

Products of respiration in roots Lactic acid and carbon dioxide Ethanol and carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide and water Carbon dioxide and water

17. Diagram 6 shows the interaction between bacteria in X and plant Y. Y

Diagram 6 What is the type of interaction between the organisms? A B C D Commensalism Saprophytism Parasitism Mutualism

18. Diagram 7 shows a pyramid of numbers..

Diagram 7 Which of the following is true about organisms P, Q, R and S in the pyramid? P Autotroph Producer Producer Primary consumer Q Holozoic First trophic level Primary consumer Secondary consumer R Holozoic Second trophic level Secondary consumer Tertiary consumer S Autotroph Third trophic level Tertiary consumer Producer


19. Which of the following are abiotic components in an ecosystem? I II A B C D Consumer Humidity I and II I and III II and IV III and IV III Decomposer IV Light intensity

20. Diagram 8 shows the food web in an ecosystem.

Diagram 8 Which organisms represent the third tropic level? A B C D Snake and Frog Frog, snake and eagle Rat, frog and snake Rat and grasshopper

SECTION B: STUCTURED ITEMS Answer all questions. 1. Diagram 1.1 shows a part of the human respiratory system.

Diagram 1.1 (a) On Diagram 1.1, name P and Q. [2 marks] (b) Diagram 1.2 shows one stage in human breathing.

Diagram 1.2 i. State the stage of breathing shown in Diagram 1.2 . [1 mark]


Explain the function of P in the stage of breathing in 1(b)(i) [2 marks]


The diaphragm is unable to function. Explain how this affects the breathing mechanism. [3 marks]

(d) i.

Gas exchange takes place across the surface of alveoli. Explain the importance of gas exchange in a human. [2 marks]


Explain two ways in which the alveoli are adapted for efficient gas exchange. 1. 2. . . [2 marks]


Diagram 2.1 shows two farming practices nearby a pond ecosystem.

Diagram 2.1

(a) Based on Diagram 2.1 name one example of the following organisms: (i) (ii) (iii)

Producer : Primary consumer : .... Secondary consumer : Decomposer : .. [4 marks]


(b) State the niche of the duck in Diagram 2.1 .. [1 mark]

(c) Construct a food chain includes three organisms found in diagram 2.1 [2 marks] (d) State the trophic level of the small fish in Diagram 2.1 [1 marks]

(e) The pond was covered by lotus plants and the population of Hydrilla sp. decreased. Herbicides was sprayed and drained into the pond and killed the lotus plants. The herbicides is a repiratory inhibitor. After 3 months, the population of Hydrilla sp. increased again. Explain how the herbicides affect the lotus plants and eventually increase the population of Hydrilla sp. ................................................................................................................................................ [3 marks]


(f) Diagram 2.2 shows the food chain found in an ecosystem.

Grass 20 000 kJ

Grasshopper 90% energy lost 90% energy lost


Diagram 2.2 Calculate the energy transfered to the frog.

[2 marks]



Answer all questions


In human, the breathing mechanism involves the combined action of the external intercostals muscles, internal intercostals muscles and diaphragm.

Explain the inhalation and exhalation in the human breathing mechanism.

[10 marks]

......................... ......................... END OF QUESTION PAPER


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