Dinesh STFC

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Guided By: Mr. Mahesh Bansiwal

Submitted By: Dinesh

Submitted To:

University School of Management, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra

Its my privilege that I have given the precious opportunity to complete my project on STUDY OF CONSUMER PERCEPTION at SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE. Before getting into the thick of the thing I would like to add a few heartfelt words for people who were parts of this project in numerous ways. In particulars, I am heartily grateful to my project guide Mr. M.K.JAIN Faculty & Students Project Guide MBA Department Of Management, U.S.M. KUK, Haryana for his valuable advice, comments, assistance & guidance in the completion of the project.



I Dinesh student of MBA final year at U.S.M KUK do hereby declare that the final project report entitled, A REPORT ON CONSUMER PERCEPTION is an original work done by me and the same has not been submitted to any other institute for the award of any other degree. The feasible suggestions have been duly incorporated in consultation with the supervisor.


Sr.No. no. Chapter I Preface Acknowledgement Guide Certificate Declaration

page 1 2 3 4 5-23

Introduction (Conceptual Framework) Significance of the Problem Review of Literature Focus of the Study Conceptualization

Chapter II 26

Objective & Methodology 1. Objective of the study Research design Sample size & Technique Data collection ( Secondary)


Chapter III 47

Data Presentation & Analysis


Chapter IV 51

Findings, Conclusions & Suggestions


Bibliography 53 Webeography 54 Questionnaire 60 55-

COMPANY OVERVIEW:Established in the year 1974, the Shriram Group, comprising 750 Branches and Service Centres, in India's premier financial services chain. This company is the largest player in Truck Financing and Chit funds in the Indian subcontinent.

The group, having an annual turnover of Rs. 6,000 crore (USD 1.3 billion), has a significant presence in the Insurance Consultancy, Consumer Durable Finance and Stock Broking businesses. It also have diversified investments in areas such as Information Technology, Pharmaceuticals, Property Development, Project Engineering, Packaging and Auto Components.

It employ over 11,000 employees across the countries that are committed to providing excellent customer service. It also have over 75,000 agents nationwide who reach out to its customers in even the most remote areas. The Shriram Group's business ventures are built on providing the most efficient and customer-focused services based on the simple principle of putting people first. This 'People First' business philosophy has earned them unstinted customer loyalty through many generations.


APRIL 2005: Shriram Group attracts largest Venture Capital Investment in the Indian non-banking financial sector, from Overseas JULY 2004: UTI Bank picks up equity stake in two Shriram Group companies 17MARCH 2003: Shriram Investment Limited received the Mother Teresa Award for Corporate Citizenship. DECEMBER2002 Shriram Group enters into strategic alliance with Citicorp Finance and Cummins Auto Services 31AUGUST2002 Shriram Group ties up with UTI Bank for Retail Truck Financing Scheme to offer low cost loans for purchase of new or used trucks to transport operators. 7MAY2002 Ms. Akhila Srinivasan awarded as the "Outstanding Woman Professional" for the year 2002

4FEBRUARY2000 Shriram Recon Trucks incorporated as India's first corporate network for selling reconditioned used trucks. 15DECEMBER1999 Medicorp, the flagship company of Shriram groups pharmacy division became the first Indian company to win the Indian Drug Manufacturers Association 27 MARCH1986 Shriram City Union Finance Ltd. Incorporated for cars and twowheelers. 12MARCH198 Shriram Investments Ltd. Incorporated 13JUNE1979 Shriram Transport Finance Company Ltd. Incorporated


1.TRUCK FINANCE 1. Shriram Truck Financing Companies. The wheels of progress. 2. Largest NBFC in the country exclusively engaged in financing of heavy commercial vehicles. 3. Monopoly position in financing of used vehicles. 4. All India presence with a branch network of 260 offices and employing over 4000 people. 5. Growing at the rate of 30% per annum. 6. Funds managed Rs 6000 crores. 7. Equity investors - Citicorp,, UTI Banks, Reliance Capital and FMO Netherlands have added tremendous value and strength. 8. Venture capital firm Chris acquiring 21% equity. We entered the Consumer Durable Finance business in early 2002 through 'Shriram City Union Finance Ltd., the consumer finance arm of the group. Within a short span of 2 years, we have managed a portfolio of over Rs.584 crore. capital joins as a strategic partner by

Our monthly business amounts to over Rs.25 crore in individual loans, ranging from as little as Rs.8,000 to Rs.1,00,000, and with tenures ranging from 12 months to 36 months.

Since its inception, we have financed over 2,15,000 white goods and twowheelers, with over 90% of the business arising out of the non-metro markets.

This financing is backed by lines of credit extended by ICICI Bank, UTI Bank and Development Credit 2.CONSUMER FINANCE:We entered the consumer Durable Finance Business business in early 2002. through Shriram City Union Finance Ltd. The consumer arm of the group. Within a short span o 2 years, we have managed a profile of over rest 684 crores in this business.

Our monthly business amounts to over Rs. 25 crores in individual loans, ranging from as little as Rs.8000 to Rs. 100000 and with tenures ranging from 12 months to 36 months.

Since its inception we have financed over 215000 white goods and two wheelers with over 90% of the business arising out of the non metro markets.

This financing is backed by lines of credit extended by ICICI Band, UTI Bank and Development Credit.

3.CHIT FUNDS:Shriram chits prosperity Shriram chits is the largest chits fund in the country. We have grown to become a trusted household investment option. The growth registered by Shriram Chits recent years not only indicated the usefulness of this savings instrument, but is also a reflection our customers trust in.

Chits one of the earliest investment instrument known to man, were founded by the enlightened communities of India. These have, ever since, worked to the advantages of communities that are batting scarce capital resource.

Shriram chits started its operations in the year 1974 with a single branch that has quickly grown into trusted household name for making chits a viable form of saving and borrowing to all sections of the social.

Shriram chits operates in four states. Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, karnataka and Maharastra, where has a reputation for timely disbursement of funds and excellent customer services which differen tiates it from other companies. Using state of the art computer systems/networks and a transparent accounting system, Shriram Chits have transformed this contemporary mehod of savings into an attractive personalised to banking system.

4.GENERAL INSURANCE:Shriram group has adopted a two strategy in this segment. 1. Broking arm Armour Consultants floated in year 2002 2. Retail Marketing Arm: Ski Marketing flotred in year 2001.




Amour consultant is engaged in insurance broking in corporate insurance markets and has already aggregated business volumes in excess of Rs. 200 crores ($ 44 million) in premiums. Amour consultant comprises a team of distinguished professionals from insurance, finance, law and other management discipline, who have vast business and managerial experience. The company has handled major claims for renowned clients. There have been several claim cases that were won even in the arbitration stage.

The tern at Armun Consultants begins with an in depth evaluation of the client companys business environment. The company risk profile is then studied. Based on the results of these evaluations. The team then suggests the most cist effective, integrated insurance package that is perfectly suited to the companys risk profile. The company plans to extend its customer base of the existing 500000 policy holders to cross the 1 million mark by the end of financial year 2005-06.

5.LIFE INSURANCE:The shriram group plans to enter the life insurance segment 05. Am application has already been filed with the IRDA for the same. We are also exploring the possibilities of collaborating with a foreign partner in this venture. We expect to be a major player in this very fast growing sector, as a natural corollary of business philosophy and expertise.

6.STOCK BROKING:Our stock broking arm operates under the insight share Brokers Pvt. Ltd. It is a member of the National Stock Exchange , India and the Multi Commodity Exchange. This unit has expended the network by 150% over the last year and today it has more than 230 terminals spread across the length and breadth of the country. It has a retail customer base of around 50000. The company launched its new products like Derivatives and commodity Trading in early 2004. AN OVERVIEW OF THE SHRIRAM GROUP TRUCK FINANCING BUSINESS IN INDIA

AREA OF OPERATION Branch offices Employees Depositors Agency Force Funds managed Net worth Stock Listing

ALL INDIA 260 4000 12.20 lakhs 15,000 plus resident representatives 1300. Rs. 6000 crores Rs. 349 crores Major exchanges including the BSE and the NSE.



SHIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE COMPANY LIMITED R Sridhar S. Venkatakrishnan Umesh G Revankar K.R.C Sekhar S. Ranganathan Dr. T S Sethurathnam K. Prakash Managing Director Executive Director Executive Director Director Nominee of Citicorp Finance (India) Ltd. Nominee of IREDA ltd. Company Secretary & Compliance Officer

PERCEPTION OF CUSTOMERS TOWARDS SHRIRAM TRANSPORT COMPANY LIMITED. Like any other Financial products, sales of giving finance is largely dependent on how well company plans out their marketing strategies which helps to

increase visibility and build a distinct brand image. Looking at the intense competition it is become very necessary for company to make a name for themselves in consumers mind. So the opinion of customers play an important role in making marketing strategies. Hence this study will provide the company to what customers perceive about STFC. It will also help to find out the brand image of STFC in the minds of customers.

India is emerging as a global automobile giant. In recent years this industry has made pioneering efforts in adopting modern technology and allowing the entry of foreign players. This is well supported by the economic conditions particularly in the financial sector and in foreign direct investment. During the last decade, conscious efforts have been made to fine-tune state policy to enable the Indian automobile industry realizes its potential to the fullest. The freeing of the industry from this restrictive environment has helped it to itself to global development.

Increasing competition as result of liberalization has led to continuous modernization as well as international

standards. Moreover, auto finance with aggressive marketing strategies has played a bid role in boosting the automobile demand. Commercial vehicles, widely considered being the economys barometer, have had a good start for the year.

The auto finance industry is expected to grow at 18.6% till 09. Of that used vehicle finance is expected to grow at 27% p.a, while new car and UV would grow at 18.9% and 13.8%.

The world is full of stimuli. A stimulus is any unit of input affecting one or more of the five senses sight, smell, taste, touch, hearing.The process by which we select , organiseand interpret these stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture is called perception.

In essence, perception is how we see the world around us and how we recognize that we need some help in making a purchase decision. People cannot perceive every stimulus in their environment. Therefore, they use selective exposure to notice and which to ignore.

Marketers must recognize the importance of cues or signals, in customers perception of products. Marketing managers first identify the important attributes, such as price or quality, that the targeted customers want in a product and then design signals to communicate these attributes. Customers also associate quality and reliability with certain brand names. Companies watch their brand identity closely, in large part because a strong link has been established between perceived brand value and customers loyalty.

Customer Perception Audits: Every time you lose a customer, theres a reason why. Do you really know what your customers think about your business, your offerings, or your service? Are they having good or bad experiences? Are you equipped with the insight you need to improve customer satisfaction and loyalty, and make the changes that matter? Entrepreneurs are often too busy to really take the time to tap into what customers are really thinking. But customers hold the key. They know what you need to do to dramatically increase the value you deliver to them. Why keep this data a secret? Uncovering and understanding it will give you what you need to be the best, generate higher sales and referrals and earn repeat business. Customer Perception Audits by Coach Kevin captures information on the experiences your customers are having, analyzes the data, and provides meaningful, actionable recommendations on short-term and long-term improvements, with the goal of closing the gap between the service that is delivered and the service that customers expect.

Opening of economy and liberalization in trade in the country brought a sea of change in customers perception of buyer and seller relationship. The customer today is not only very demanding but also likes to know the

relationship between the supplier of goods and services and its relationship with the manufacturer or principal and its antecedents. It is on this relationship depends the guarantee and warranty terms to which the customer is entitled. A customer expects trouble free service during the guarantee period. Thereafter it is expected that a product will last to its full productive life with minimum down time and the vendor will provide the required support service to ensure the customer is not put to trouble. For adopting Japanese management or for customer oriented management we should first have the willingness and a determination much above the petty personal gains. It needs an attitudinal change. Looking towards present socioeconomic and political conditions such change is not foreseen in immediate future. Market forces will have to play the game with only customer in mind if India has to make global presence. There is little time in hand as we are having challenges from all sides. Small nations like Korea, Taiwan, Singapore etc. have already surpassed us. These nations are working on a vision and resultant plans. It is the right time for market players to pamper the customer. As the saying goes, the four deadly sins of corporate managementcomplacency, blindness, megalomania, and greed. fit everything else is overhead!.

Remember that a customer always buys a product or service with a lot of expectations which he has derived from the promotional inputs of the company or other sources including word-of- mouth . So a customer would be satisfied when Performance is equal to Expectation while would not be satisfied when Performance does not match with Expectations. Now this expectation is what has been derived from perception. Perception is not good or bad, right or wrong, it is just the way someone judges an experience based on their value system of what they believe should happen. Since people are unique, each of their perceptions are unique .On the other hand each situation is a "point of contact" with an employee that will tell the customer a "truth" about the company's idea of customer service. Each situation will create expections of what the next experience will probably be like.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM:The present day market is flooded with a variety of Non- banking and as well as banking financial institutions as many as if not more than companies like SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE COMPANY, Tata Sundaram finance etc. are marketing their products. Finance,

Time has become talk of the town therefore the customers give utmost priority to those financial institutions which gives loans at lower rate of interest, quick loans, documentation, percentage of finance etc. which have been exerting influence on the playing decision of the consumer.

The SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE COMPANY is the largest NBFC (Non Banking Financial Corporation) in the country exclusively engaged in financing for heavy commercial vehicles (HCV) perhaps it is the only company rendering better performance from a long period of time with the presence of all these factors. The SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE COMPANY is making sales as hotcake.

The study on hand is directed to understand the perception of customers towards SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE COMPANY to improve the quality of service


Helping create wealth, Empowering people through prosperity, Putting people first. The Shriram Group set out with the objective of reaching out to the common man with a host of products and services that would be helpful to him in his path to prosperity. Over the decades, the Group has achieved

significant success in executing this objective and has created a tremendous sense of loyalty amongst its customers.

Efficiency in operations, integrity and a strong focus on catering to the needs of the common man, by offering him high quality and cost-effective products & services, are the values driving the organization. These core values are deep-rooted within the organization and have been strongly adhered to over the decades. The group prides itself on its perfect understanding of the customer. Each product or service is tailor-made to perfectly suit the needs of the customer. It is this guiding philosophy of putting people first that has brought the Group closer to the grassroots and has made it the preferred choice for all financing requirements amongst the customers.


1. To know the perception of customers towards Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited to improve the quality of service. 2. To know whether the customers are satisfied with the present services of the company. 3. Factors considered in selecting SHRIRAM TRANSPORT

FINANCE COMPANY to take finance for HVC. 4. To study the behaviour of executives of SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE COMPANY towards customers. 5. To know the awareness level of the customers towards SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE COMPANY. 6. To seek suggestions and opinions from customers regarding the improvement of services.

PURPOSE OF THE STUDY:The main purpose of the study is to understand the perception of customers towards SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE COMPANY which will help the company to make proper marketing strategy to render good services and satisfy

the needs of the customers. The study will help the company to make proper strategies and emphasize on their weaker areas.

SCOPE OF THE STUDY :The scope of the study covers the customers of SHRIRAM TRANSPORT FINANCE COMPANY and other competitive companies in Hubli city Truck owners, Transport companies etc.


Data source Area of Research Research instrument Sample plan Sample unit

: : : : :

Primary (Field Survey) Secondary data (internet)

Hubli city Questionnaire Personal interview

Truck owners, Transporters etc.

Stratified Sampling method Sample size : sampling : 100 customers


SAMPLING: Sample plan to know the perception of customers in this project is through personal interview.

SAMPLE UNIT: I have taken the customers who are owning a truck or (HCV).

SAMPLING METHOD; I have used Non- probability sampling i.e. Stratified Random Sampling. Sample size for this project is 100 customers who are truck owners.

RESEARCH DESIGN: In this research design of this project the study was conducted by the survey method.

Taking sample of 100 customers owning trucks by commencing sampling using the research instrument as the questionnaire. Personal interview is considered as the sample plan. For this project area of research is Hubli City.

DATA COLLECTION METHOD: I have collected the data from the following sources:

A. PRIMARY DATA: The data collected from the company persons. Questionnaires

B. SECONDRY DATA: Interviewing with the owners of trucks Internet Magazines, Catloges, etc.

MEASURING TOOLS: For preparing this project I have considered questionnaire as measuring tool for collecting the data.


1) Do you own a HCV?

Table: 3.1 Number of customers 100 Nil 100 Percentage 100% Nil 100%

Yes No Total

The information presented in table3.1 reveals that: Almost all respondents are owning Heavy Commercial Vehicle. The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

100 100 80 Percent 60 40 20 0 Yes Responses
Yes No

0 No

2. Source of finance for your HCV? Table: 3.2 Sources Co-op banks STFC Tata finance Others Total Number of customers 4 61 19 16 100% Percentage 4% 61% 19% 16% 100%

The information presented in table3.2 reveals that: 61% respondents have taken loan from STFC . 19% respondents have taken loan from tata finance and 4% from co-op banks. While remaining 16% have taken from other finance companys.

The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 61


19 4 Co-op banks STFC Tata finance Responses Co-op banks STFC Tata finance Others



3. Are you aware of STFC? Table:3.3 Number of customers 100 Percentage 100%


No Total

Nil 100

Nil 100%

The information presented in table- 3.3 reveals that: Almost all respondents are aware of STFC .

The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

100 80 Percent 60 40 20 0 Yes Responses No Yes No



4) How did you come to know about this company?

Table:3.4 Sources Friends Agents Advertisements Others Total Number of customers 38 24 32 6 100 Percentage 38% 24% 32% 6% 100%

The information presented in table3.4 reveals that: 38% respondents have bought finance from STFC on the advice of their friends. 24% will seek the advice of agents. While 6% from others and 32% on the basis of Advertisements.

The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 38 32 24






Responses Friends Agents Advertisements Others

5. Do you get the finance quickly from STFC?

Table:3.5 Number of customers 84 16 Percentage 84% 16%

Yes No




The information presented in table3.5 reveals that: 84% respondents are in favour of quick finance availability from STFC . While remaining 16% of them are not in favour of quick finance. The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

D iagram-3.5
No 16%

Ye s 84% Y es No

6) Are you satisfied with the documentation process at STFC? Table:3.6 Sources Number of customers Highly Satisfied 28 Satisfied 42 Neither satisfied/dis14 satisfied Dis-Satisfied 14 Highly dis-Satisfied 2 Total 100 Percentage 28% 42% 14% 14% 2% 100%

The information presented in table3.6 reveals that: 28% of the respondents are Highly Satisfied with the documentation process at STFC , 42% of the respondents are Satisfied and from the analysis 14% of them are Neither satisfied/dis-satisfied . Nearly 14% of the respondents are dis-Satisfied and 2% of them are Highly dis-Satisfied .

The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

D ia g ra m -3 .6
50 40 30 20 10 0 42 28 14 14 2 Hig h ly S a tis fie d Ne ith e r D is -S a tis fie H ig h ly d is d S a tis fie d s a tis fie d /d is S a tis fie d s a tis fie d Re sponse s
H ighly S atis fied N e ithe r s atis fied /d is -s atis fied H ighly dis -S atis fie d S atis fied D is -S a tis fied


7) Do you require any changes in the documentation process? Table:3.7 Number of customers 28 72 100 Percentage 28% 72% 100%

Yes No Total

The information presented in table3.7 reveals that: 28% of the respondents require changes in documentation process at STFC . While 72% of the respondents are Satisfied with the documentation process at STFC . The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:Diagram-3.7

Yes 28%

No 72%



8. What do you feel about the interest rates at STFC? Table:3. 8 Sources Very High High Moderate Low Total Number of customers 16 44 34 6 100 Percentage 16% 44% 34% 6% 100%

The information presented in table3.8 reveals that: 16% of the respondents are in favour that interest rate at STFC is very high and 44% of them are in favour of High rates. While 34% of them are in favour of moderate interest rates and 6% for low interest rates.

The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

Diagram -3.8
50 40 percent 30 20 10 0 Very High High Moderate Low Responses Very High High Moderate Low 16 6 44 34

9) Are you satisfied by the percentage of finance provided by

Table:3. 9 Number of customers Percentage

Yes No Total

88 12 100

88% 12% 100%

The information presented in table3.9 reveals that: 88% of the respondents are Satisfied with Percentage of finance given by STFC . While 12% of them are not Satisfied . The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:Diagram-3.9

No 12%

Yes No

Yes 88%

10). Are you satisfied with the services offered by STFC?

Table:3. 10 Sources Number of customers Completely Satisfied 10 Satisfied 32 Neither satisfied/dis20 satisfied Dis-Satisfied 29 Completely dis9 Satisfied Total 100 Percentage 10% 32% 20% 29% 9% 100%

The information presented in table3.10 reveals that: 10% of the respondents are completely Satisfied with the service offered y STFC, 32% of the respondents are satisfied and from the analysis 20% o the respondents are Neither satisfied/dis-satisfied . Nearly 29% of them are dis-Satisfied and remaining 9% of them are completely dis-Satisfied .

The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 32 20 10 7 29


Completely Satisfied


Neither Dis-Satisfied Completely satisfied/disdis-Satisfied satisfied Responses

Completely Satisfied Neither satisfied/dis-satisfied Completely dis-Satisfied

Satisfied Dis-Satisfied

11) What are the features that attracted you to borrow loan

from STFC?

Table:3. 11 Sources Low interest rates Easy documentation Quick finance Low EMI Total Number of customers 6 10 84 Nil 100 Percentage 6% 10% 84% Nil 100%

The information presented in table3.11 reveals that: 84% of the respondents are attracted by quick finance. 10% of the respondents for easy documentation. While remaining 6% for low interest rates.

The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

Diagram 3.11
100 80 60 40 20 0 84


6 Low interest rates

10 Quick finance Easy documentatio n

0 Low EMI Low EMI

Responses Low interest rates Easy documentation Quick finance

12. How do you rate STFC with respect to other finance


Table:3. 12 Sources Tate Ashok Leyland STFC HDFC ICICI SBI Total Number of customers 12 18 26 18 14 12 100 Percentage 12% 18% 26% 18% 14% 12% 100%

The information presented in table3.12 reveals that: 12% of the respondents rated Tata in the 1st place with other companys and 18% of them for Ashok Leyland and HDFC in 2nd place. 26% of them rated STFC in 3rd place. Nearly 14% of them for ICICI in 4th place.

The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

D iagram-3.12
30 25 20 15 10 5 0 12 26 18 18 14 12



A shok Leyland





Re sponse s Tata A shok Ley land S TFC HDFC ICICI S B I

13. What is your experience when you approached the executives

of STFC for finance of HCV?

Table:3. 13 Sources Very good Good Neither good/bad Bad Very bad Total Number of customers 22 48 24 4 2 100 Percentage 22% 48% 24% 4% 2% 100%

The information presented in table3.13 reveals that: 22% of the respondents are in favour of very good behaviour from the executives of STFC , 48% of them are in favour of good behaviour. 24% of them are in favour of Neither good/bad. While 4% of them are bad and 2% very bad.

The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-

60 50 Percent 40 30 20 10 0 Very good Good Neither good/bad Re sponse s Very good Good Neither good/bad Bad Very bad Bad Very bad 4 2 22 24 48

14. Are your queries cleared quickly? Table:3. 14 Number of customers 82 18 100 Percentage 82% 18% 100%

Yes No Total

The information presented in table3.14 reveals that: 82% of the respondents are in favour that their enquiries are cleared quickly at STFC . While remaining 18% of them are telling their queries are not cleared quickly. The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:Diagram-3.14

No 18%

Yes 82%



15. Are you satisfied with the repayment system of STFC? Table:3. 15 Number of customers 64 36 100 Percentage 64% 36% 100%

Yes No Total

The information presented in table3.15 reveals that: 64% of the respondents are Satisfied with repayment system at STFC. While remaining 36% of them requires changes in repayment system. The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:-


No 36%

Yes 64%



16. Do you recommend STFC to others? Table:3. 16 Number of customers 68 32 100 Percentage 68% 32% 100%

Yes No Total

The information presented in table3.16 reveals that: 68% of the respondents are in favour of recommending STFC to others for taking loan. While remaining 32% of them are not in favour of recommending to others. The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:Diagram -3.16
No 32%

Yes 68%
Yes No

17. Do you want to take finance in near future from STFC? Table:3. 17 Number of customers 60 40 100 Percentage 60% 40% 100%

Yes No Total

The information presented in table3.17 reveals that: 60% of the respondents wants to take finance in near future from STFC. While remaining 40% of them are not in favour of taking finance from STFC . The same information is presented in the form of diagrammatically as follows:Diagram-3.17

No 40% Yes 60%




Less than anticipated growth in the face of intensifying competition and rising costs, can hardly be expected to get the company foaming.

By seeing the observations most of the customers are having positive perception towards Shriram Transport Finance Company Limited and are satisfied with their services such as Quick finance, Easy documentation process etc. The company is progressing continously in the field of finance as NonBanking Finance Company to compete with other Financial as well as Nonbanking financial institutions.

STFC is the Non-Banking Financial Company in the Indian scenario and it is the leader with monopoly position in financing for Heavy Commercial Vehicles.


The firm should tap the un-tapped locations & market. This will help them in increasing the business. Rural places are advised

The company should bring down their interest rates compared to other competitor rates.

The STFC should increase their seizing period from 3 months to 4 months during slack season if the customers fails to pay their instalments.

The STFC should maintain consistency in customer satisfaction level in future also.

The brand awareness campaigns should be conducted. The firm should work on its Advertisements.

Number of customers complaints should be reduced, because always cost is associated in solving these problems.


Dear Sir/Madam, 1.Do you own a HCV? Yes [ ] No [ ]

2. Source of finance for your HCV? Co-op banks [ ] STFC [ ] Tata finance [ ] Others [ ]

3. Are you aware of STFC? Yes [ ] No [ ]

4. How did you come to know about this company? Friends [ ] Agents [ ] Self experience [ ] Others [ ]

5. Do you get the finance quickly from STFC? Yes [ ] No [ ]

6. Are you satisfied with the documentation process at STFC? Strongly dis- satisfied [ ] Dis-satisfied [ ] Neither Dis-satified [ ] Satisfied [ ] Strongly Satisfied [ ] satisfied/

7. Do you require any changes in the documentation process? Yes [ ] No [ ] If Yes specify _______________________________. 8.What do you feel about the interest rates at STFC? Very High [ ] High [ ] Moderate [ ] Low [ ]

9. Are you satisfied by the percentage of finance provided by STFC? Yes [ ] If No specify _________.

10. Are you satisfied with the services offered by STFC? Strongly dis- satisfied [ ] Dis-satisfied [ ] Neither Dis-satified [ ] Satisfied [ ] Strongly Satisfied [ ] satisfied/

11. What are the features that attracted you to borrow loan from STFC? Low interest rates [ ] Easy documentation [ ] Quick finance [ ] Low EMI [ ]

12. How do you rate STFC with respect to other finance companies ( 1 being highest and 6 being lowest)/ 1[ ] 2[ ] 3[ ] 4[ ] 5[ ] 6[ ]

13. What is your experience when you approached the executives of STFC for finance of HCV? Very Good [ ] Good [ ] Bad [ ] Very Bad [ ] 14. Are your queries cleared quickly? Yes [ ] No [ ] Neither Good/Bad [ ]

15. Are you satisfied with the repayment system of STFC? Yes [ ] No [ ]

16. Do you recommend STFC to others? Yes [ ] No [ ]

17. Name the other finance companies you know? ____________________________________.

18. Do you intend to take finance in near future from STFC? Yes [ ] No [ ]

19. Please provide some suggestions in improving the quality of service at STFC? _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________.

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