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Jacob had lived in a white mansion.

The owners had rented out the top story of in order to continue living on the ground floor in the manner to which they were accustomed. Even execs have to bite the bullet sometimes. Four cavernous bedrooms, all with fireplaces, a kitchen, living area, balcony and even a housecleaner every Saturday for a price that left a love bite on the fiscal necks of four select individuals hovering between humble to average means. Jacob was insistent that his Sisters wedding reception be held here. Like hed pulled a funny face while the wind changed, this student of the self, who's previous dwelling was a putrid plate strewn cave accompanied by violent attacks on a five stringed guitar tuned to his own particular brand of agony, was now offering chicken on a silver tray and apologising that the champagne wasnt as cold as he would have liked and blaming it, brilliantly, on a sting of events that started with the housekeeper mislaying a box of teabags. The balcony overlooked the parklands and he could imagine, with sufficient wine, that the horses idling in the golden dusk and the children running home and the mist that collared the hills as night drew on were a manufacture of his own lazy smile. Viewed from above he saw things generally in a more agreeable light, complications become compositions, blood was hidden in the shiny top of things and the bare head of the world was there for him to swoop with his passions like a magpie. He approached a guest veering off towards the little boys room. Glad you could make it! He gulped the glass in a single swig, So how have you been Jake? Sonny. Thats right. Weell you know, Sonny said, swooning, OK under the circumstances. He was a prince in a land that did not exist who would pay you to break his jaw so that he could dive further into dens and nurses and candlelit vigils. Feet skipped the Blue Danube around the upturned chairs. The Persian rug was kicked aside and looked like a sack of pythons. Megan gave a bewildering speech that ended with her arms stretched out like a runner breaking the ribbon. Nathan careered in her direction, the floor sliding to the left. He grabbed Jacob's shoulder and slurred something within the music about toilets and gin. Jacob pointed the direction and a waiter helped him there. On the dance floor Sonny was on his knees before the brides mother, an ape in a tuxedo with a paw tethered to her tinder thin wrist. Jacobs uncle was asleep in the

din, his bored aunty sitting next to him picking at an antipasto platter. Philomena had camera trouble, Sonny ripped his shirt on a statue in the hallway, Lisa collected phone numbers. Mary-Anne was determined to show her tan line to absolutely everyone, and recount her holiday in Bali tale that involved a Canadian rock climber called Rick and a rescue helicopter. The fountain was pissed in and Ashley threw up in the roses. In his room Jacob poured the dregs of the night before into a half finished can. McNeil tapped on the open door and broke his warm slurping to borrow fags and talk about football. The guest left and a still hot nothing was his gift in return. "James!" He looked at the slightly straggly fellow heading towards him. "Ummm "Jacob, I'm Debbies Brother." "Ah! right, yeah, of course!" They repaired to the bar. "Hell wedding," Jacob said, shifting uncomfortably in his suit. "Yeah it was good," James drawled, pretending he was there, pretending, just, that he cared. "I thought Debs was going to need a fucking oxygen mask at one point, they should have a couple of St Johnnys at these things." James stepped back to appraise Jacobs tux, and was pleased to note that it didnt suit him at all. " Hey nice suit." Oh, thanks, Jacob said, stroking down the jacket. "Is that your dad?" James asked, pointing to the middle aged man perilously close to falling out of his chair. "Nah, that's my uncle, that's my dad!" They looked at the red faced nylon-clad maniac thrusting his hips against the back of a chair. Fuck he's pissed," James observed, taking a handful of canaps from a passing tray. Check out Jades Brother." "What the hell is he doing?" "He's got some sort of muscular disorder thingy." The bartender was waiting. "J man?"

"Yeah same again mate, and panty boy as well. An in-joke alluding to Jacobs lack of luck with the ladies. "Don't call me that!". "Sorry, Panty man."

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