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0 Introduction
Economics Crisis is a situation in which the economy of a country experiences a sudden downturn brought on by a financial crisis. An economy facing an economic crisis will most likely experience a falling GDP, a drying up of liquidity and rising/falling prices due to inflation/deflation. An economic crisis can take the form of a recession or a depression. Also called real economic crisis. Major cause of Economic Crisis in Bangladesh is Inflation The general price level rises persistently over a period of time usually in a year is called inflation. There are three types of inflation I. II. III. Natural Suppressed Hyper (0-6%) (7-99) (100+) % according to the bureau of 2011.

In Bangladesh, There is suppressed inflation with rate of

Inflation is the evil for society but due to the economic growth and development it must be exist in economy. If it is natural inflation then there is no any problem for development. If it is suppressed or hyper inflation it will affect economic growth and development. Consequences of inflation I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. Unemployment will take place Lower economic growth & development Lower per capital income Lower standard of living Low export Low investment Low national income

The government may control inflation with the help of two Policy. I. Fiscal policy - Taxation - Government expenditure Monetary Policy - Rate of interest - Money supply


Finally, in our research, Economic crisis occurred due to inflation causes widespread poverty and reduce the standard of living of people living in Bangladesh. As a result, to control it govt. takes some policy whether it can be reduced in an adjustable or tolerable situation.

1.1 Background of the study

We are student of IUBAT, studying here in BBA program. To complete our graduation we must complete the curse Business Research (BUS 301). Our instructor asked that, we need to do research on Economics Crisis and Inflation in Bangladesh. So, we are assigned with this project to complete our curse.

1.2 Rational behind the objective

In the present time, Economics crises are the major problem in the world. It causes widespread poverty that continues to be a major challenge in the South Asia despite some notable success in reducing it overtime. Even today at least one in every three person in South Asia is classified as poor. So, they need some solution for existing and to support them. Inflation is the major factor that is responsible for occurring economic crisis in Bangladesh. Inflation is not only the increase in price but also the increase in supply of money that causes the increase in money. High or unpredictable inflation rates are regarded as harmful to an overall economy. In Bangladesh, people are experienced suppressed inflation that adds inefficiency in the financial market and consumer market. It is resulting low export and import. That causes lower per capita income and increasing level of unemployment. As a result our national income is becoming low and we have lower economic growth and development. Our study is to investing the basic reason economic crisis and inflation in Bangladesh and how could be it controlled. Here we will find out what peoples think about economics crisis. We also find out what they think about the basic reason of inflation. Then we will find out their opinion on inflation checked system.

1.3 objective of the study

I. Broad Objective II. The Broad Objective of this research is to find out the reason behind economic crisis and inflation in Bangladesh and try to draw possible solution. Specific Objective -

1.4 Scope of the study

As our study is to find out the response of the target people who is studying in department of economics in IUBAT, concentration is put on the more educated section population. On the other hand the students are also providing comment openly about additional information and on the controlling process and the pros and cons of the controlling process.

1.5 Limitation of the study

First we dont know how to do this Project. What is the work in this research, what area we should focused, and time limitation. This type of limitation we face to complete our report. Also for surveying, we faced some problem, on that sample population some people wear not interested to give the answer straight what we actually asked.

1.6 Methodology
This reason of crisis to find out the opinion of the economics departments students on reason possible solution behind economics crisis and inflation so the basic method be to interview target sample through questionnaire. a) Secondary data: secondary data are those that have been collected from the internet and those data are on the basic information of related topics on economics crisis and inflation in Bangladesh. b) Primary date: survey of students of economics department of IUBAT will be conducted for primary data. Here target group will be interviewed to collect data about their opinion toward the reason and possible solution to the problem. A questionnaire will be used for interviewing the persons. The questionnaire will provide opportunity for respondents to comment openly for addition information.

1.6.1 Sampling plan a) Sampling b) Sample Size Determination

1.7 Field plan

For collecting primary data a field survey of 1 days of the student of economic department of IUBAT.

1.8 Instrumental for the study

One sets of detailed questionnaire have been development for single categories of response students .been used to measure preference. Sample Questionnaire (It is annexed herewith in the appendix)

1.9 analytical plan

a) Z-Test and Hypothesis Analysis

2.0 Recommendation & Conclusion

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