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TEST DE EVALUARE INIIAL Anul scolar 2012-2013 Limba englez Clasa a XII- a Numele si prenumele elevului: Data susinerii

testului: Pentru rezolvarea corect a tuturor cerinelor din Partea I si din Partea a II-a se acord 90 de puncte. Din oficiu se acord 10 puncte. PARTEA I (60 de puncte) I. 1. Read the text below. Are the sentences 1-5 Right (A) or Wrong (B)? If there is not enough information to answer Right (A) or Wrong (B), choose Doesnt say (C). (20 points) Visit Angkor Wat Siem Reap is a small town near the world famous temple of Angkor Wat. The town is charming and worth exploring, with some fine examples of Khmer and French colonial architecture set among the more modern developments. Nowadays, visitors are flocking in, using it as a base for visits to the nearby temples. A Carved City From the 9th to the 14th centuries, when Europe was still struggling out of the Dark Ages, the Cambodian Empire of Angkor covered most of present-day Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, and Thailand. The heart of this empire during the 12th century was the ancient capital of Angkor Thom, near present day Siem Reap, the site of the worlds largest temple complexes, which were rediscovered in 1861.This spectacular city was built over 30 years under the reign of King Suryavarman II (1113-1150). The area covers about 400 square kilometres and is full of the finest examples of Khmer art and architecture. Tourists are always amazed at the scale of the place. In Angkor Wat you will find more than 100 stone monuments and temple buildings, each of which contains countless statues, sculptures and reliefs that have weathered extremely little over the last 800 years. To see the whole thing can take several days. The most important temples to visit in the area are Angkor Wat, especially at sunrise or sunset; Angkor Thom, the remains of the capital; Ta Prohm, a palace overgrown by jungle; and Bayon. Getting a visa Visas are required to enter Cambodia. You can obtain one on arrival at Siem Reap International Airport for $20, and 1 passport photo is required per person. You will also need another passport photo for the Angkor Temple Entrance Pass. Please ensure you take comfortable walking shoes, light clothing and plenty of water to drink as it is very hot there. The most commonly accepted currency in Cambodia is the US dollar. 1. Most people visit Siem Reap because of the temples in the area. A. True B. False 2. In the 9th to the 14th centuries, Europe was more advanced than Cambodia. A. True B. False 3. Angkor Wat was the capital of the Cambodian empire. A. True B. False 4. It took many decades to build the capital. A. True B. False 5. The stonework of Angkor Wat is in poor condition today. A. True B. False 6. It'll take a couple of days to see everything. A. True B. False 7. Dawn and dusk are particularly good times to visit Angkor Wat. A. True B. False 8. You must get a visa before flying to Siem Reap. A. True B. False 9. You will need a couple of passport photos. A. True B. False 10. The Us dollar is widely accepted in Cambodia. A. True B. False I.2. Complete with a word formed from those in the list. (16p) John Lennon

Lennon, if he is a symbol of anything, is a symbol of (01) .......... , of play. He believed you could change the world. If you made the right gesture, a (02) .......... might take place. His life has become a myth, and high claims are made for him. He said that the Beatles were better known than Jesus Christ, which seemed to Christian (03) .......... a (04) .......... and (05) .......... thing to say, but he was probably right. The (06) .......... thing is that, by his violent death, he seems himself to have been elevated from musician, from supreme exponent of rock and roll, to the rank of prophet, shaman, myth. His wife, Yoko Ono, still serves as the maiden of the myth, the keeper of the relics. She says: "He certainly wasn't a person who kowtowed or tried to preserve himself by shutting up. It's a very precious thing, I think, very (07).......... : this man who said it in a way for all of us. People (08). with him because he said the truth, especially the truth they could not say." 01. CHILD ....................... 02. TRANSFORM ...................... 03. CHURCH ...................... 04. SENSE ...................... 05. RESPONSIBLE ...................... 06. IRONY ...................... 07. COURAGE ...................... 08. IDENTITY .. I.3. Read the text and then type this missing word (24p) Some say you can do it in seven days, others promise success in 24 hours, or you may prefer to take (0) ... time and do it in 5 weeks. What are we talking about? Believe it (1) ............ not, these periods (2) ................ time refer to language learning courses that promise excellent results in less time (3) ................. it takes to say 'Bonjour'! However, the advertisements of these companies are not necessarily (4) guide and if you don't know what to look for in a good course you could be left with little (5) ................ than a large bill. A complaint was recently made to a consumer rights group (6) ........... WhizzLearn Systems, a language school chain, and the company has been forced to remove its claim that its technique is ten times better than any (7) ........... method. The Managing Director of WhizzLearn Systems said (8) "............... we still believe our claim is true, we are willing to change our advert. But the fact remains, if you spend 3 hours (9) ... day for 5 weeks on our language course you will soon be speaking the language. What we (10) ... have done was to make (11) .............. clearer in the advert. Then we wouldn't (12) ............... had these annoying complaints". PARTEA a II-a You have received the following letter from your English penfriend: Im really pleased were soon going on a trip together to the US Let me know what things I should take with me, since I dont know much about the climate and the cities we are visiting. Also, where will we be staying? (30 de puncte)

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