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Were ElectionWatch, a group on campus that aims to analyze and discuss the upcoming elections throughout the next month. We also plan to follow their impacts on the political scene, the US, and the world in the months beyond. Weve elected (and yes, pun intended) to do this through a variety of mediums. First, weve set up a blog where weve been posting news as it happens/interests us. As an L&C student, youre more than invited to come and join in the discussion! Second, youre holding the physical version of that blog: were releasing a weekly publication that will highlight major political events, L&Cs reaction to them, and more. And last but not least, were hosting events across campus. You may have come to our DebateWatch this past Wednesdaythat wont be the last! Please read, enjoy, and contribute. All of our contact information can be found on the back of this pamplet.

UPCOMING EVENTS VP Debate: October 11 , hosted by Fall Break (have a good one!) 2
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Presidential Debate: October 16 ,


hosted by the RHMS Department in BoDine 300 3 Presidential Debate: October 22 , hosted by President Glassner, location TBD Election Night: November 6 !
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An L&C club devoted to the discussion and, well, watching of the 2012 electionand beyond! @LCElectionWatch


Have an opinion? Of course you do! Get your democracy on at

I think one of the most fascinating stories of the electionespecially in a post-Citizens United ageis the green thats greasing the wheels. Today, I investigate the most obvious yet least straightforward question it generates: wheres it coming from? I sometimes think that economic issues ought to be a little bit more straightforward than other issues. After all, these questions are not normative philosophical questions, so it seems unlikely that there could exist fundamental economic disagreements that couldnt be cleared up with some well-made charts and intellectual honesty. Doesnt the fact that these are empirical questions mean that we should just be able to look at some data and then unanimously agree on the economic theory that matches it best? Isnt there a fact of the matter? Basically, all I wanted to say is that this is no reason to be lazy and not exercise your right to vote. Just because things seem to be going well for this one candidate, and badly for the other, does not mean you should be complacent in using your voice to decide the future of this country. Make your opinion known, whether your candidate seems to be on the verge of success or failure.

Old News: 2007 Obama Video Gets Heat

The First Debate: October 3, 2012

Right out the gate, the media offers a rare consensus: Governor Romney hit the ground running and gave President Obama a pretty good thumping. According to Mark Halperins (Time) report card, Romney got an A-, while Obama received a B-.1 Joshua Green (Bloomberg Businessweek): someone tuning in for the first time would surely have come away feeling that Romney was the candidate with a firm grasp of what he wanted to do and Obama the guy slightly out of his depth, 1 The Chicago Tribune describes Obama as that guy at the meeting whos surreptitiously checking his email.1 Ed Schultz (MSNBC): Where was the president tonight?2 CNN backs it up with some preliminary polling numbers: Sixty-seven percent of registered voters who watched the debate said GOP nominee Mitt Romney won the debate, while 25% said President Barack Obama came out as the winner, according to a CNN/ORC International Poll released late Wednesday night.3
1 Slate Magazine, Pundits Agree: Romney Wins Round Oneand It Wasnt Even Close 2 New York Times, No Kind Words for President Obama at His Friendliest Network 3 CNN, CNN Poll: Most watchers say Romney debate winner


If you dont got the news, make up the news. In a summer 2007 video, Obama speaks to a primarily African-American audience and suggests that the Bush administration discrimination led to a quiet riot among US blacks in the [Katrinas] aftermath. Tucker Carlson, the conservative pundit who reintroduced it, claims that the media missed a part during which Obama shouts out to his 1 pastor, Jeremiah Wright. However, thats also not entirely true. While hardly mainstream media, Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs grabbed this section of the video and posted it 2 more than four years ago. That in turn lead to this priceless quote from Carlson: People say, this has already been reported. Well actually it hasnt been reported. And I know, because I 3 reported on it the first time.
1 Christian Science Monitor, Video of 2007 Obama Speech 2 New York Times, Resurface 07 Talk by Obama Renews Question on Race 3 Slate Maganize, About That New, Secret Obama Tape 4, Tucker Carlson on Obama

Pennsylvania Voter ID Law

Commonwealth Court Judge Robert Simpson ruled that the states new voter identification law-which would require each voter to show a valid state-issued photo ID at the polls--would be 1 halted until next year. The six-month-old law is considered to be one of the toughest in the nation. It reflects an ongoing series of debates between Republicans, who claim it will cut down voter fraud, and Democrats, who claim it will hurt 2 minorities and lower-class voters.
1 USAToday, Judge Halts Pennsylvania Voter ID Law 2 The Washington Post, Pa. Voter ID Law is Blocked on Nov. 6

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