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One day, Jesus went by boat to a quiet place in the wilderness.

But people heard that Jesus was there and followed Him. Jesus had compassion on the people and healed all those who were sick.

It started getting late. Jesus' disciples came to him and said, "Send the people to the village, so they can get food for themselves. Jesus answered "Don't send them away; you give them something to eat!"

The disciples answered that they only had five loaves of bread and two fish. "Bring me the food," Jesus said.

Jesus thanked God and gave the food to the disciples to distribute to the crowd. Everyone ate their fill!

When everyone was done eating, there were still twelve baskets of food left over! What a miracle!

Crowd Healed Late Eat Five

Bread Two Fish Twelve Baskets


Illustrations Zondervan. Dramatized version of this story based on Matthew 14:13-21.

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