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PtmBo, 04 r a o s20 a h k Is t s y ao Pj f Gi tBy Bo wt b Rki Bnj lti b Sns urr ogo u a o r n y u n a r l ro u an th a o n im k i t e m i e.

i Ts o imd a i lb PtmBo u et C a eCm o Le e h b ks a vl e y r a o s n rh rt omn in i o e ab a a h k d e ei v s cc Sm r tree Ts o iC-Y3 ln d oei se rd h b ks CB-. i s g sv . i o h 0c e e Fl r ou a ait a i la u t s fs n t u n vl e t le m e d t i ab : r o b a h : ww r ab ko/ t/ w.a mo src t / pt o.g c p h

Neena and Nivi are siblings. On every vacation, they visit their grandparents at their home town. They call them Ammu (AmmoommaGrand Mother) and Appu (Appoppan-Grand Father)) sweetly. Neenu and Nivi loved to be with their grandparents since it is a fun time with lots of stories to listen and delicious variety snacks to eat. This time, Appu gave some money and told them that ,"Buy a book and I can read it for you. "

Neenu and Nivi were thrilled about buying a book from a nearby book shop. On the way to the shop, Neenu dreamt about buying a book which has stories about Angels and flowers. Nivi was thinking about buying a book with lots of pictures about Cars,cycles and Aeroplanes.

At last they arrived in front of a book shop which has so many books arranged in shelves. They opened the door of the book shop. They felt like they are about to enter into a new world "Wow... Here we are. We are going to get all the books we wish for."

The shop-keeper uncle greeted them with a smile and asked them to have a look at the books to find which one they want. Nivi and Neenu entered the shop to see the books. In a glance they could spot books about forest, butterflies, Snakes, Astronauts,Stories and adventures.

Neenu and Nivi started going through the books and are were so confused to choose which book to buy that they decided to read the books one by one before buying it to make sure they get the best ones to home. " Can we buy this book about the Butterflies, Nivi" Neenu asked. "No Deedi,Look here, I got a book with all the beautiful birds pictures in this world. we will buy this" Nivi said.

The shop keeper uncle came in to ask the kids which book they need. Neenu and Nivi were so confused and had many questions in their mind on the books they saw. The shop uncle answered their questions and narrated an excellent story book for them. He also showed them where the similar other story books are placed.

Neenu and Nivi where so excited to read those stories and went to that shelf to read more story books. There they found kids story books of Panchatantra stories, Aesop's fables ,Alice in Wonderland Novel ,a few are with lots of pictures.

As they went on reading many books they did not realize that the time was running and they were getting late to get back home. While reading Aladdin and magic lamp Alawdeens genie came in front of Neenus mind s eye. She is so amazed on genie who fulfill all the wishes of Aladdin. She thought , If I get the genie in-front of me, my wish would be to get all these books to my home so that every day I can read a book.

At last,Neenu and Nivi realized that they have to go back to home and their Grandparents are waiting for them . Neenu choose a story of Dream World and Nivi chooses a Cartoon story book to buy and read at home. They paid the money for the books and told the Uncle that they will come back again to get more books.

Appu was waiting for them at home. He was so happy to see the books that Nivi and Neenu bought. They all had a nice lunch prepared by Ammu and went to the bed room with the books. Appu read the story book to the kids. Neenu and Nivi enjoyed the story about the Dream and went into a nice nap by dreaming a beautiful world.

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