Classroom Organization

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Part I: Classroom Organization A. Physical (Classroom design drawing attached) Welcome to Ms. Clewells Kindergarten classroom.

Based on student behavior and needs, the students desks will be in pods. Having the desks in pods provides students with the opportunity to work in groups and will help develop social skills. These pods can change and are able to be flexible for group lessons. The groups of desks are set up in the center of the classroom facing the whiteboard, projector screen and roll down maps. This set-up will be conducive to the organization of the room. I have placed my teachers desk behind the students desks so I can easily observe students and classroom behavior and also allows for easy access to materials that may be needed for lessons. At my desk, I have placed a computer and a trashcan as well as the phone and intercom system and pencil sharpener. The phone will be on a small table as well as a small basket with the students names on clothespins. As they come in the students will put their clothespin on their lunch preference for the day. This will be an easy way to check attendance without disrupting class time. Behind my desk is where my filing cabinet and teacher storage will go. Above my filing cabinet, I will have a bulletin board displaying my diplomas and about me items. Upon entering the classroom, there will be cubbies and coat hooks for students backpacks, coats, and potential snow pants and boots for when the weather turns cold. Also along the same wall, a boys and girls bathroom is necessary for younger students. This will be helpful in terms of bathroom procedures. There will also be a centrally located bathroom outside of the classroom. Near the front of the classroom, I have placed a reading rug for an area to meet for many of the activities and lessons I will be providing the students with. The whiteboard, which is in front of the reading rug, will be the place in which the class schedule is displayed as well as a bulletin board with the calendar. The whiteboard will also be the place in which I post the day and weeks assignments. I will also display the feature theme for the day or the current unit being taught. I also have several learning centers set up around the room including a math and science activity table, social studies, and a writing and reading area. I will also have 3-4 computers set up for interactive games related to the content area currently being taught. Near the students desks I will have a group work and guided reading table, so as Im working with a small group of students, I can still keep an eye on the rest of the class. This table will also work for class demonstrations as well as conferencing with parents. Along the far wall, will be a large bookshelf containing books at various reading levels and genres. I will rotate the materials on the shelves as the year progresses allowing students to be able to read a variety of books. Above the bookshelf will be a bulletin board to display student work. In the social studies center, materials such as maps, globes, and activities for holidays, and cultures. At the science and math activity center, I will have manipulatives, science material related to the unit being taught, and other math related materials.

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I will also have a discovery table that has wheels, so it can be put into a corner when not in use. I will use the discovery table for sensory purposes and at different times throughout the year putting different items in it such as water, sand, beans, and utensils for the students to use while at the discovery table. I will make sure to have a hard plastic covering underneath the discovery table for easy clean up. As a class, the students will create a looks like sounds like chart for the centers located around the room. I will have each student write their name around the chart so they know they have signed a contract to pay attention to the procedures. I will also have a center designated for creative arts and dramatic play. I think it is especially important for students to develop their social skills and imaginative play. I will have a kitchen set as well as different costumes and other related material for the dramatic play area. I think it is important to have bulletin boards placed around the room. I will cover the bulletin boards with colored paper and border, and leave them bare to be able to display student work. This will give the class a sense that they are creating their environment and making it feel like home.

B. Operational a. Recording keeping procedures Based on the school and the district in which I will be teaching in, I would prefer to use an electronic grade record program. This will be an easy way to keep track of students activities, writing assignments, homework, class work, participation, projects, and scores for benchmarks. The program will need to be simple and be able to provide accurate representation of each students progress throughout the year. I will also having a filing cabinet with each students name on it, and as the year progresses, putting examples of their work from particular subjects to keep record and have accurate information for benchmarks. This will also be helpful when conferencing with parents to show their childs work throughout the year. b. New students in the classroom Before school has begun for the year, I will send letters to the students and parents to welcome them to my class and to introduce myself. I will help them by listing the materials they will need, so there will be no surprises come the first day of school. In the letter I will include the best ways to get in touch with me, expectations of students, dates to save on their calendars and to let the students know how excited I am to have them in my classroom this year. As each student enters the classroom on the first day of school, I will be standing outside my door with a welcoming smile and introducing myself. It is also important

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to have the following information next to the classroom door including, my name, room number and grade level. As additional students come into the classroom throughout the year, I will welcome them into our classroom and introduce them to the class. I will then have the new student share where they came from and ask a couple get to know you questions. I will have the star of the week, be their buddy to help get them acclimated to the school and the classroom, especially at lunch and on the playground. I will make sure that the new student is provided with a set of classroom materials, if I have not been given much notice to a new student arriving. If I have found out about the new student in advance, I will send a welcome letter to the student and their parents with the same information I sent to the other students. I would make sure to have a couple cubbies set aside for new students and extra classroom materials for new students that may arrive throughout the year. I will have extra letters to send home with the new student to give to their family members, so that they know what to expect and are able to communicate with me if they have any questions or concerns. c. Our Classroom Cleaning Procedures During the first twenty days of class, I will have drawn a diagram for how I would like students desks to be organized. This will ensure that students stay on task and know that all of their materials have a place. At the end of the school day, students will be responsible for stacking their chairs and that their desks are clean and everything is put back in its proper place. Keeping the classroom in order and clean is of great importance because if a room is kept tidy, the class will be more receptive to learning. At the end of the day, there will be certain classroom jobs that I will have a few students take responsibility for. These responsibilities will range from: board eraser, scrap finders (2), book returner, and duster. These classroom jobs will fall under the Cleanup Crew jobs. There will be other classroom jobs that each student will have the opportunity to do. I will have a list of the students names and the classroom jobs labeled on clothespins. Each week I will move the clothespins so each student gets the opportunity to have responsibility in running the classroom and have a purpose. d. Students work Displaying students work is an important part of the classroom. Having my students work displayed in the classroom is important because it allows the students to take accountability of the classroom and it also makes the students feel more comfortable, knowing that they helped make the classroom. Students will develop a sense of self-worth and will feel proud of their work.

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