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DATE 9/24/1835

TITLE Doctrine and Covenants of The Church of Latter Day Saints

AUTHOR Compiled by Joseph Smith, Jr. Oliver Cowdery, Sidney Rigdon, and Frederick G. Williams Elihu Palmer Reverend Royal Robbins

WILFORDS NOTES A precious treasure. A legacy from heaven. (Published in 1835.)

1:104 1:127

11/5/1836 3/1837

Principles of Nature An Outline of Ancient and Modern History

1:249 1:283

5/14/1838 9/8/1838

Voice of Warning; Mormonism Unveiled Journal of Lorenzo Dow

Parley P. Pratt Lorenzo Dow





1:434 1:446

4/13/1840 5/11/1840

2:37 2:55-58 2:100 2:107

2/5/1841 3/6/1841 5/14/1841 6/25/1841

An Ecclesiastical History, From The Birth of Christ to the Beginning of the Eighteenth Century Researches and Missionary labours among the Jews, Mohammedans, and other Sects Prophecies of Robert Dixon The millennium and other poems: to which is annexed a treatise on the regeneration and eternal duration of matter. Life and Death of John Fletcher The History of Rome The History of England Lectures on the Second Coming of Christ About the Year 1843

John Lawrence Mosheim D. D.

It strikes the reflecting mind with deep sensibility to contemplate the scenery of the rise, progress, decline and fall of the nations and kingdoms of the earth from the days of Adam until 1837 years after Christ. I never was more edified in reading a pamphlet than on this occasion. I found it to be highly interesting was eccentric but he appears to have as much light as any in his day I read all under the 4th Century during the reign of Constantine and also the first part of the 2nd century.

Reverend Joseph Wolff

highly interesting (Published in 1837.)

Parley P. Pratt

singular and striking prophecies (Published in 1829.) it prepared my mind for a lonely walk and meditation (Published in 1840.)

John Wesley Edward Coxe Reverend John Adams William Miller

(Published in 1836.) Wilford writes three pages of details of this truly interesting history



The Life and Medical Discoveries of Samuel Thomson

Dr. Samuel Thomson







2:156 2:318 2:319, 323

3/21-26/1842 10/12/1843 10/17-22/1843



Narrative of the Shipwreck, Captivity and Sufferings of Horace Holden and Benj. H. Nute Incidents of Travels in Central America Chiapas and Yucatan Incidents of Travels in Egypt, Arabia, Petra and the Holy Land The Life of William Cobbett A System of Elocution and Walkers Dictionary Incidents of Travels in Central America Chiapas and Yucatan History of the Welsh Baptists from the year 63 to the year 1770

trying to make out the fulfillment of all predictions of the Old and New Testament by referring to the French Government and other affairs which was as foreign from the subject as Heaven is from Hell a great blessing to mankind one of the greatest improvements of the last days causing a great revolution throughout America in the mode of practice (Published in 1835.) interesting but painful narrative

John L. Stephens

John L. Stephens

it brought to light a flood of testimony in proof of the Book of Mormon (Published in 1837.) It is truly one of the most interesting histories I have ever read. (Published in 1835.) (Published in 1843.) I read them with the highest degree of interest. Professing to trace their origin to John the Baptist. (Published in 1835.)

F. J. Mason Andrew Comstock John L. Stephens

Jonathan Davis





Narrative and recollections of Van Diemen's Land during a three years' captivity of Stephen S. Wright Vol 2 Incidents of Travels in Egypt, Arabia, Petra and the Holy Land Travels in Russia, Tartary and Turkey The Emigrants Guide to Oregon and California Book of Mormon

Stephen S. Wright

Included account of Colonel Martin Woodruff a Deputy Sheriff of Salina Onondaga County, New York (Published in 1844.) I was highly edified with it. Perhaps I might follow his footsteps over some of the same ground in some of my travels in the earth. reading Law I found to be highly interesting. His style of writing is quite similar to that of Stephen. (Published in 1839.) He tells some great stories about California and Oregon. (Published in 1845) I have taken great delight in seeing the great and glorious things revealed and recorded in that book and that we are now trying to fulfill

John L. Stephens

2:541 3:18

4/30/1845 2/17-18/1846

Edward Daniel Clarke, LLD Lansford W. Hastings





3:316-17 3:322

2/9/1848 2/19/1848

3:327 3:345 3:366

3/3/1848 4/23/1838 9/9/1848

Book of Enoch Book of Jasher Life of Zachary Taylor and History of the Mexican War Life of Benjamin Franklin Account of the French Revolution The Young Mans Guide, 17th Edition

O.L. Holley?

the most tedious stormy day spent the day reading (Published in 1848.)

William A. Alcott

3:366 3:377

9/11/1848 10/16/1848



The Young Ladies Aid A Man of Sorrows or The Providence of God Displayed Journal of the Texian (sic) Expedition Against Mier

Jason Whitman William Jackson SBC Minister General Thomas Green Andrew Jackson Davis

contains many excellent morals that are worthy of imitation and practice upon a great variety of subjects. It is a valuable work one of the best Gentile works I ever saw. (Published in 1834.) contains much good counsel It was a most interesting work showing his sufferings and the dealings of Providence. (Published in 1843.) (Published in 1845.)



The Principles of Nature, Her Divine Revelations, and a Voice to Mankind

Book of Captives Among the Indians including Smith Captivity Account of President Young and the Saints

Called a revelation but I am convinced it was not a revelation from God. (Published in 1847.) Account of Indian chiefs purification, prayer and sacrifice compared to offerings of ancient Israel





Captain Howard Stansbury



The Life of Benjamin Franklin, Volume 1

J Spenby (Autobiography published 1854 under direction of Dr. Karl Elze?)

4:309-313 4:373 4:396-397

3/1855 11/20/1855 2/23-25/1856

The official report of Captain of the Corps of Topographical Engineers survey of the Great Salt Lake. It was truly an interesting work. He has given a true, correct, just and impartial account of President Brigham Young and the Saints Wilford fills four journal pages with extracts, particularly Franklins rules of perfection. it is an excellent and worthy example and hoping it may do me or my children or some other persons some good. Studying English grammar

Ecclesiastes, Songs of Solomon, and Isaiah Wild Scenes in a Hunters Life

John Frost



Narrative of the Expedition of an American Squadron to the China Seas and Japan

Commodore Matthew C. Perry

It gave an account of the nature of all the wild animals of Africa in the hunt and nearly all animals in the world. (Published in 1852.) Visits to Japan in the years 1852-1854

5:290 5:301 5:310, 312, 314 5:395 5:432 5:470

2/18/1859 2/22/1859 3/16, 22, 24/1859 11/20/1859 2/9/1860 6/30/1860

Revolution in Russia The Life of Napoleon Ezekiel and Isaiah Gospel of Nicodemus Doctrine and Covenants quite interesting Left it with Albert Carrington rich feast of spiritual things comparing the revelations of the Lord given to us 20 and 30 years ago with the present signs of the times. I think it is the best series I have seen. (Published in 1860.) See 6:19 no man can read with indifference his account of the siege of Jerusalem I would recommend this history for our young men to read who wish to become acquainted with ancient history. (8 Volumes were published by Pratt and Co. in 1842) He is as truthful and honorable as any man who has written upon the subject of the Latter day Saints who is in no way connected with us. (Published 1862.) Children should be taught to read the scriptures and all good books and let novels alone. See also 7:251. Ordered copies

5:547 5:554

2/4/1861 2/19/1861

Harpers Series School and Family Readers History of the Jews

Harper and Brothers Josephus



Ancient History

Charles Rollin



The City of Saints: Among the Mormons and Across the Rocky Mountains to California

Sir Richard Burton









Bee Journal and National Agriculturalist; The Secrets of Beekeeping Memorial Genealogy and Ecclesiastical History of New Britain Connecticut Stephen Hart and His Descendants Life of Daniel Boone

H. A. King; K. P. Kidder

Alfred Andrews





The Life and African Exploration of David Livingstone travels of men in Africa A Popular History of the United States of America: From The Aboriginal Times to the Present Day History of France New translation of the Bible

David Livingstone (Published in 1876.)?

7:354 7:492

6/11/1877 6/23/1879

I was very much interested in the work. It contained my father Aphek Woodruffs name, Uncle Ozem and Azmon my oldest brother. (Wilford used this book to research members of his step-mothers family in preparation for proxy temple work.) His life was a remarkable one. National Portrait Gallery of Eminent Americans by Evert Duyckinck? (Published in 1862.) or Portrait gallery of eminent men and women of Europe and Americawith biographies by Evert Duyckinck? (Published in 1873.) David Livingstones work above? (Published in 1877.)

John Clark Ridpath

7:496 7:496

7/12/1879 7/18-19/1879

showing the destruction of human life during the Reign of Terror. Joseph Smith (published by the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints) William Chambers Joseph Smiths Translation James D. McCabe Hugh Blair

7:496 7:517 7:529. 532 7:534, 536

7/19/1879 10/5/1879 11/14-28/1879 12/8, 17-18/1879

Chambers Information for the People The New Testament History of the World Lectures on Rhetoric and Belles Letters Lectures Against Mormonism The Talmud

geology and meteorology (Published in 1860.) very instructive and edifying. Assyrian and Persian Kingdoms (Published in 1877.) Quite interesting on many points. (47 Lectures given at the University of Edinburgh published in 1783.) Preceded Wilfords Vision in the Wilderness Translation In reading history I would recommend the young men to read Rollins Ancient History and Josephus.

7:546 7:610 8:6

1/26/1880 12/19/1880 1/16/1881


8:271-73 8:306 8:307

8/20-28/1884 2/24/1885 3/5/1885

History of Utah Science of the Bible: Work Days of God Gaskell's Complete Encyclopedia of Reference Illustrated History of England History of the Jews

Hubert H. Bancroft Robert W. Morris Prof. George Arthur Gaskell John Cassell

Edited Bancrofts history before its publication

Examined details of the Civil War (Published in 1882) Battle of Crecy, Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, Cardinal Thomas Wolsey (Published in 1874) the fall of Jerusalem the most dreadful events of anything I have read in my life.






8:322 8:379, 381 8:380 8:383 8:384

7/5/1885 2/23/1886 3/10/1886 2/28/1886 3/21/1886 3/30/1886

The Bible History of the World Miracle in Stone: The Great Pyramid of Egypt Napoleon History of the Visitation and Exploration of the Arctic Life of Lincoln Doctrine and Covenants History of Lincoln Napoleon History of Salt Lake City The Wonders of the World Travels of Baker and Livingston Sea and Land Shakespeare History of Joseph Smith History of Joseph Smith

Ward, Loch, and Co. Joseph A. Seiss

(Published in 1877.)

Franklin, Kane and Hall

It is a strange history of what humanity can go through.

8:385 8:395 8:404 8:405 8:409 8:428 8:428 8:436 8:469 9:14 9:73

4/12/1886 7/11/1886 9/25/1886 10/1/1886 11/7, 14, 16/1886 3/4/1887 3/5/1887 4/29/1887 11/30/1887 3/24/1889 12/22/1889

Edward W. Tullidge Uncle John (pseudonym)

What a man of war he was. (Published in 1886.) (Published in 1880.)

9:81 9:87

1/17/1890 3/15/1890

9:185 9:197

2/13/1892 4/27/1892

From Kirtland to Salt Lake City Travels and history of George A. Smith and company to Jerusalem and the Holy Land History of Utah The Memorial History of Hartford County Connecticut (2 volumes)

James A. Little

It showed the terrible persecution he passed through up to the hour of his death. It is a very interesting work.

James Hammond Trumbull

Washingtons birthday I spent at home reading the History of the United States. 9:317 9/3/1894 I read of the terrible forest fire of Michigan and Minnesota; the most terrible destruction of life and property ever known in America. 9:335 1/10/1895 10 Volumes Chise Lit It is said to be the best history in the world. 9:359 7/10/1895 The Black Death plagues of former generations *This list does not include references to the hundreds of entries where Wilford simply wrote spent the day reading. After Wilford Woodruffs death in 1898, his library was divided between Emmas two sons Asahel Hart and Abraham Owen Woodruff. According to the probate records of his estate, Wilfords library consisted of 150 volumes at the time of his death. The individual titles of those volumes are not listed.

9:207 9:268 9:290

7/3/1892 10/21/1893 2/22/1894

History of Utah History of Joseph Smith History of the United States

Orson F. Whitney

including the Mountain Meadow Massacre which was a painful chapter. It was very interesting to me. In the Map of Farmington it showed the Location of my first Progenitors of the Woodruff family. John Woodruff the first settled in Farmington in 1651, and Mathew Woodruff settled in Farmington in 1716. From these two men my fathers family descended. (Published in 1886.) I found it a true history.

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