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Escapade of Demons during Ram-Ravan yud

The Ram-Ravan war was over. Shri Vibhishan had been crowned as king of Lanka. Sri Ram
was returning to Ayodhya. Sri Ram was worried that his brother Bharath will commit suicide if
not returned in time to Ayaodhya. Sri Ram had sent his trusted Hanuman to inform Bharath
about his return, and Hanuman had gone and informed about the return of Sri Ram, least
Bharath should do anything otherwise. At this juncture saint Narad comes to Sri Ram and
informs that two lieutenants of Ravan had gone to pathallok and had undertaken penance so
that they can avenge killing of their lord Ravan. On hearing this Sri Ram decides to kill them
also before returning to Ayodhya.

Hanuman after informing about the Sri Ram’s victory over Ravan to Bharath, returns to Sri Ram to join the
convoy. On seeing Hanuman, Sri Ram informs about the twoRakshas named Raktha Bindu and Raktha
Rakkadhan who are penencing in thepathallok. Hanuman offers to fight these two Rakshas. All the devas, present
there felt happy that Sri Ram will be going over to Ayodhya to be crowned as king, and at the same time Hanuman will
be destroy these two Rakshas and they blessed Hanuman victory over these two and safe return for the ceremony of
crowning of Sri Ram. Like what has happened during his childhood when all the devthas blessed him with virtues,
now each one them had blessed him with mighty weapons for success in the war against these
two Rakashas. Hanuman had to acquire ten arms to facilitate him holding the weapons blessed on him by the

Gesture of Gods to Hanuman towards the victory

Lord Siva gives his third eye and his Trishul, Ma Parvati gives her whip, Lord Vishnu Sank, Chakra, Maththaksh, Ma
Laxmi gives Padma, Ganud gives his wings, Lord Brahma gives him Ankush, Lord Rama gives his bow and
Navaneeth. Hence Hanuman becomes Tri Nethra Dasa Bhuja Hanuman.

With the blessings from all these Gods, Hanuman acquired all the capabilities and was able to conquer the two rakshas
with out much of efforts. The form Hanuman taken for defeating these two rakshas is beyond anybody’s imagination.

Lord Hanuman in unique form

This is one of the unique form in which you can see Lord Hanuman in the Sri Rajagopala swamy temple
in Ananthamangalam, Tamil Nadu. In south they call Hanuman as Anjaneya. " Tri Nethra Dasa Bhuja Sri Veera
Anjaneya" (Veer Hanuman with three eyes and ten hands). This form of Hanuman is what is depicted by the deity in the
temple at Ananthamangalam. He carries in his five right hands the Sudharshana, Trishulam, Ankusham, Arrows and
Maththaksham. His five left hands carry Shanka, Padmam, Pasham, Kothandam and Navaneetham. The third eye
decorates his forehead. He carries a quiver full of arrows on his back.

Building of temple for this Hanuman in unique form

The kings of Vijayanagar and their county chiefs were great devotees of Lord Krishna and Lord Hanuman, which they
had inherited through saint Sri Vyasaraja. One of the chieften of the Vijayanagar, under whose command the area
around Tanjore was there had built a temple for the Hanuman in this form. The place is known as Ananthamangalam.


Ananthamangalam is located near Thirukkadaiyur which is in the highway connecting Myladuthurai and Nagapattinam
in the Nagapattinam District of Tamil Nadu. As you travel in the road connecting Tharangambadi and Thirukkadaiyur
you will come across sign boarding giving the direction to the temple. The temple is around a kilometer from the main
road. As you walk down the narrow motorable road, the green pastures on both the sides of the road will welcome you,
making your mind calm and pleasant.

The temple Complex

You will see the Sri Rajagopala Swamy temple on to your left, which is facing east. Just perpendicular to the temple
runs the sannathi street, with very few houses. On the left side in the sannathi street and just opposite to the main
temple you will see the Hanuman temple. On the right side in the sannathi street and just opposite to the Hanuman
temple is the beautiful tank with lots of lilys and lotus. The tank is known as Hanumath tirth, and a bath in this tank is
believed to cure many illness.

The Hanuman temple is small and beautiful and is the abode of ‘Thri Nethra chadur buja’ Hanuman, the main deity.
The Hanuman who is north facing here is having four arms and is holding shanku, chakra, navaneetha and
pasam. After having dharshan of the mighty Hanuman with chathurbuja, blessing you with all success in you endure,
proceed towards the Sri Rajagopala Swamy temple. The temple is very beautiful and well maintained. After having
dharshan of Sri Rajagopala Swamy in the main sanctum, you can have dharshan of the “Tri Nethra dasa bhja
Hanuman”. The idol is made of five basic metals and known as panchaloka vigraham is placed in the first prakara of
the temple and is south facing. The Hanuman in this form is very rear to see, in fact nowhere else to be seen. The
dharshan of this Hanuman gives you peace of mind and pleasentness known as ‘Aanandh’, you will not fell like leaving
the place.

Since He is spreading Aanandh to all devotees, this place had come be known as Aanandha mangalam. Since the
Aanandh (bless of joy) is Ananth (endless) in having dharshan of Sri Hanuman, this place is now known as Anantha

How to reach the place

You can reach this place from Myaladuthurai, on the way back you can have dharshan of Abirami in
Thirukkadaiyur. Buses, share taxi, taxis are available from Myaladuthrai for this place. The temple is maintained by
Hindu Endowment Board, Government of Tamil Nadu.

I salute Thee to give me inspiration, magnanimity, and Santhi.

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