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January 2012 Current Affairs Study Material

Obama signs bill to suspend $ 1.1 bn aid to Pak

US President Barack Obama has signed into law a massive $1.1 billion defence spending bill that also seeks to suspend a big cut of $1.1 billion military aid to Pakistan, despite his serious reservations about provisions regulating custody and prosecution of suspected terrorists.

Pakistan wins temporary UN Council Seat

Pakistan has won a seat as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) for a two-year term. Securing 129 out of 193 votes in the United Nations General Assembly exactly the two-thirds majority required to win the seat, Pakistan will now be a non-permanent member, replacing Lebanon, of the United Nations Security Council in a term that begins on January 2012 and will end in December 2013.

Pakistan Court issues Contempt Notice against Prime Minister Gilani

Pakistan top court began contempt proceedings on 16 January 2012 against Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani for failing to carry out its order to re-open a corruption case against the President, ramping up pressure on the beleaguered civilian government and pushing the country deeper into political crisis.

Wikipedia shut for 24 hours to protest US anti-piracy act

Wikipedia, the popular community-edited online encyclopaedia from 18 Jan. 2012 evening blacked out its English Language site for 24 hours to seek support agai nst proposed US anti-piracy legislation that Wikipedia founder, Mr Jimmy Wales, said threatens the future of the Internet.

White House locked down after smoke bomb attack The White House, Washington was locked down on 18 Jan. 2012 for more than an hour after a smoke bomb" landed inside the compound of the United States presidents residence, breaching the high security alert around the building.

Once Again Bird Flu Deaths In China

Once again bird flu deaths brings 2nd death in 30 days in china , over 28 number of people in china who have died from the diseases since 2003 .

Younest Sailor To Complete Solo Circumnavigation of The World

Dutch Leeager Laura Dekkar 16 yrs old , on 21 st Jan 2012 became the youngest sailor to complete a solo circumnavigation of the world .

25 EU Nations Sign Up For German

All European Union Countries agreed to sign a new treaty called fiscal compact on 30 th Jan 2012 .When 25 out of 27 EU states agreed to sign only Britan and Czech republic refused to sign a fiscal compact, that will impose quasi automatic santions on countries that breach European union budget deficit rules in national law .and crippling debts crises and to stimulate growth and development in economy . Romney wins first round battle for GOPs ( Grand Old Party), ( US Republican Plitical Party ) US President nominations

Front-runner Mitt Romney stood in course of a narrow win ( by just 8 votes ) from a 120, 000 party flock in a state New Hampshire that is considered the heartland of America.

Maldives lifts ban on spas

The Maldives president on 4 January 2012 said he has lifted a ban on spas in the upmarket tourist destination after establishing they were not be ing used for prostitution as alleged by Islamist protesters.The Maldives on 31 December 2011 has ordered hundreds of luxury hotels to close their spas after protsts by an Islamist party which claimed they were a front for prostitution. Karzai gives go ahead to US Taliban peace talks

The government of Afghanistan gave its blessing to talks between Taliban insurgents and the United States, and also to the opening of an office for the Islamists in Qatar on 4 January 2012 .

Obama unveils New Defence Policy, shifts U S focus to the East

U S President Barack Obama unveiled a defence strategy on 5 Jan. 2012 that calls for a greater U S military presence in Asia and envisions cutting troops in Europe as the Pentagon seeks to reduce spending by nearly half a trillion dollars after a decade of war. Myanmar Govt. approves Suu Kyis party on 5 January 2012, allows to contest by- elections in April Turkeys ex general arrested on coup allegations

Turkeys former Army chief Ilker Basbug on 6 January 2012 was detained over an alleged bid to topple the Islamist rooted government in the latest confrontation likely to inflame tensions with the powerful military. Chinese media slams US look east policy Warns Washington against War Mongering , says move may fuel military tension Chinas state run news media warned Washington on 6 January 2012 not to recklessly practice or engage in war mongering, a day after the Obama administration outlined a new military strategy with an increased focus on China.

Nea Zealand oil slick ship breaks up in storm

A cargo ship, Reena, stranded on a New Zealand reef for the past three months has split into two in a severe storm on 8 January 2012, creating fears of a fresh oil spill. The two pieces of the Reena have been forced 20-30 metres apart after waves up to 6 metres hit the vessel according to Maritime New Zealand spokesman, Ross Henderson. Iran begins N activity underground

Iran has begun uranium enrichment at a new underground site well protected from possible air strikes on 8 January 2012. Germany, France warn Greece it wont get more funds until it agrees on Bond Swap

Germany and France warned Greece on January 9, 2012 it will get no more bailout funds until it agrees with creditor banks on a bond swap and pressed for an early deal to avert a potential default in the euro zones most debt-stricken nation.

Pak PM dismisses Defence Secretary Pakistans Prime Minister Yusuf Raza Gilani dismissed Defence Secretary Lt Gen Khalid Naeem Lodhi, a retired general and a close aide of the Army Chief with immediate effect for gross misconduct and illegal action according to a statement issued by the Prime Ministers Office.


India, Pak exchange list of Nuclear Installations India and Pakistan on 1 Jan. 2012 exchanged lists of their nuclear installations and facilities under a two decade old pact prohibiting attacks on atomic assets, days after senior officials of the two sides held talks in Islamabad on nuclear and conventional CBMs. The Governments of the two countries are required to exchange lists of their nuclear installations and facilities on January 1 every year under the terms of the Agreement on Prohibition of Attacks against Nuclear Installations and facilities that was signed in December 1988.

India, Pak set to start trade in power, petro goods Plan is to transfer 500MW via Punjab, surplus Diesel from Bhatinda Refinery India and Pakistan are strengthening business links in 2012, with the stage set for start of trading in electricity and petroleum products. Officials from the two countries have decided to trade in electricity through a specially built high voltage direct current link between Amritsar and Lahore. The plan is to transfer 500MW through the Punjab border with the tariff linked to the market rate.

China denies visa to IAF officer, Indian defence team cancels the visit

India on 6 Jan. 2012 cancelled the visit by a military delegation to China after one of its members hailing from Arunachal Pradesh, was denied Visa by China.

12 Indian diamond traders return after detention in China

Twelve diamond traders returned to India from China on Jan. 6, 2012 after being released from a detention centre in Shenzhen, where they had been kept for nearly two years.

India to give MFN status to Bangladesh India on Jan. 6, 2012 said that it was keen to give Bangladesh most preferred nation status for trade across the border and would try to ensure capital flows to that country for business.

India to seek new waivers from US on new sanctions on Iran As new US sanctions of Irans oil sector take effect, India, which expects to be hit, will ask the US for waivers to minimise the effect of the curbs that may be given to Washingtons key allies like Japan, Turkey and South Korea, who, like New Delhi, are all importers of Iranian oil. India decides to send small tri service delegation to China

In an overnight U-turn India has decided on 7 January 2012 to go ahead with sending a military delegation to China next week but reduced it to 15 members to the original 30 after Beijing refused to issue a visa to an IAF officer from Arunchal Pradesh.

India for labour treatises with Europe, Oz

The government is negotiating human resource mobility partnership agreements with the Netherlands, France, Australia and the European Union in a move aimed at greater inroads for Indian professionals into such markets.

India, South Africa for early conclusion of Customs union pact India and South Africa on Jan. 9, 2012 agreed to ensure an early conclusion of the India SACU ( Southern African Customs Union ) Preferential Trade Agreement and the Bilaterial Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement.

India, Singapore in talks for changes in trade agreement The India Singapore Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement ( CECA ) would require some amendments, particularly in the area of mutual recognition of professional qualification in order to make it relevant to the present business relations between the two countries..

Mali signs $100-m line of credit with Exim Bank of India

The West African nation of Mali on January 11, 2012 signed a $100 million line of credit with the Exim Bank of India. This line of credit will be used for transmission of power from Cote dIvoire, Malis neighbour, to the capital city of Bamak. Indias push for UN veto to stall reforms: Berlin

As the issue of expansion of UNSC permanent membership gathering momentum, Germany for the first time on 16 January 2012 has openly warned India that its insistence on veto rights for new permanent members will not just delay the reform process but also not help turning the UNSC into a more decisive body.

India, China agree on a border peace mechanism

India and China on 17 Jan.2012 agreed to set up a working mechanism on border management to deal with important affairs related to maintaining to peace and tranquility in the border areas.

Mahindra Rajapaksa committed to settling Tamils issue Sri Lankan President Mahindra Rajpaksa on 17 Jan. 2012 repeated his commitment to follow the 13th Amendment plus approach" to achieve a political solution to the Tamils issue even as the External Affairs Minister S.M. Krishna urged Sri Lanka to move towards an expeditious political settlement. Chinas Rail Network To Touch Indias Border

China has announced it will aceelerate plans to expand a railway network in Tibet to reach the two towns near the border i,e from Lasha to Xigaze and the town of Nyingchi which lies in a prefecture bodering of Arunachal pradesh , under five years plans 2011 -2015.

Indian Factories Fail To Move Up Indias states as a competitive industrial production economy remained unchanged .India ranked 42nd in 2009 on a competitive industrial production index lower than much smaller economies like Thailand , Mexico ,accordingly to the latest report of (U N I D O ) .

Safeguard Passwords From Phishing

Satistics says India is among the top three countries targeted for phishing attacks .It is estimated that there are three crore victims of identity theft annually with losses of nearly Rs 10,00,000 crore to the companies . phishing is among the more popular security attacks on banks and personal information , the others being screen logger and key logger . India s Anti Subsidy Plan To Hit China The Indian government is ready with a plan to act against countries that provide subsidy to local producers and make exports more competitive , Although anti subsidy action is a trade defence measure,permitted by the World Trade Organisation (WHO) the move is expected to hit China . The government is setting up a Directorate General of Trade Remedies , which will deal with anti- subsidy ,anti dumping and countervailing actions . India Pakisthan Deal

India has offered to export petroleum products, including petrol , to Pakisthan .by road , rail and sea assumes significance in the backdrop of the forthcoming Pakisthan visit of the Indian Trade Minister .The praposal will be worked out in next few weeks .

India & Thailand Likely To Sign Free Trade

India and Thailand are likely to sign the free trade agreement by the middle of the year, The Pm of Thailand Ms YingluckShina Watra addressing a bussiness conference pitched for opening trade in services and investment between India and Thailand . India s Ranks 131 In Press Freedom Indias ranking in a global press freedom index fallen singnificantly in the past years . India fell to 131 out of 179 on the press freedom indes compiled by reporters without borders .

India Has The Most Toxic Air

India has the Worlds most toxic air which infact , the entire South Asian regions fare badly in the analysis .India holds the very last rank among 132 nations in terms of air quality with regards to its effects on human health . India scored a miniscule 3.73 out of a possible 100 points .

N T P C New Project In Bangladesh Bangladesh s state owned power development board had signed a $ 1.5 billion , 50 : 50 joint venture deal with public sector N T P C to build a 1,320 mw coal fired power plant in Bangladesh .

India To Grant $1.5 Million To Chicago

India will provide a grant of $ 1.5 million to the University of Chicago to establish a Vivekananda chair for Indian studies , as part of the initatives to mark the 150 th birth anniverssary of the 19 th century Swami Vivekananda and polymath Rabindranath Tagore .

Indian Deal For France ,126 Fighters

India on 31 st Jan selected the French fighter Rafale over the Eurofighter Typhoon in a multibillion dollor contract for the supply of 126 Medium Multi Role Combat Aircraft ( M M R C A ) the country s largest defence deal . The defence ministry said that the product was picked upon the basis of i t being the lowest bidder , after complex calculations ,including the life cycle costs .The total deal is estimited to be worth of $ 10.2 billion ( 54,000 crore ).wich was the mojor supplier from French defence , Dassault Aviation who plyed a major role Kargil conflit in 1999 .

Bangladesh To Buy 11 Broad Guage Locos From India

The Bangladesh Railway on 31 st linked a major deal with India to Acquire 10 braod guage diesel electric locomotives ,allowing the expansion of train services in the country .

Anna suporters show PM black flags Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was shown black flags by supporters of anti graft crusader Anna hazare at the Golden Temple in Amritser on 1 January 2012, leading the congress to condemn the protests that it said should be directed against the BJP for blocking the Lokpal Bill.

No evidence against Tata Group in 2G scam, says Ratan Tata Ratan Tata, the Chairman of the Tata Group, has expressed happiness that the Group has come out safely in the 2G Scam on 2 January 2012 which has involved politicians, bureaucrats and executives of various companies. Home Min rejects Mundra Ports bid to develop Vizhinjam Seaport Adani promoted co wanted to develop port which could become deepest one in India.The Union home ministry on 3 January 2012 has rejected Mundra Port and Special Economic Zones ( SEZ ) bids to develop Keralas Vizhinjam International Seaport ( VISL ) and a few other projects raising doubts about the companys expansion plans.

Retire on May 31 : MoD to General Singh

Ministry of Defence on 3 January 2012 said to Army Chief General V K Singh to retire by May 31 due to a controversy over his Date of Birth recorded differently in the Adjutant General ( AG ) branch, the keeper of official records, and the Military Secretary ( MS ) branch, which handles postings and promotions. It is May 10, 1950 in AG branch, and May 10, 1951 in MS branch.

PM asks ministers to fill 50k quota backlogs

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 4 January 2012 instructed key ministers to seriously take up the task of filling backlog vacancies of the SCs, the STs and the OBCs after he was told that the pending seats stand at around 50, 000.

NREGS : 9,000 personnel punished

As many as 9, 000 personnel involved in implementation of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme ( NREGS ) for the past six years, have been punished on 6 January 2012 in connection with various irregularities, including simphoning of funds.

NRIs can vote in Indian polls, says PM Notification on Registration of Overseas Voters Reminding non resident Indians ( NRIs ) of the constitutional provision that allows them to vote in Indian elections, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on Jan. 8, 2012 told a gathering of the diasphora from 60 countries that the government has issued notificaton for registration of overseas voters. In other words, NRIs can vote in the upcoming elections in five states.

70% milk in country adulterated Goa, Puducherry safest places to buy milk; AP too fares well

In the 33-state study, milk was found adulterated with detergent, fat and even urea, besides siluting it with water. Across the country, 68.4% of the samples were found contaminated.Only in Goa and Puducherry did 100% of the samples tested conformed to required standards. At the other end were West Bengal, Bihar, Chattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orissa and Mizoram, where not a single sample tested met the prescribed norms.

Muslim quota : EC show-cause to Khursheed

The Election Commission on January10, 2012 night issued a show-cause notice to Union Law Minister Salman Khursheed, asking him to explain why action should not be initiated against him for his statement 9% sub-quota for backward muslims in the course of an election rally in UP. 2G note isssued with PMOs approval FM officials tell JPC Word Perusal replaced Approval after Pranabs scrutiny The controversial 2G note that suggested P Chidambaram as finance minister could have seized the telecom scam, was issued with the approval of the Prime Ministers Office ( PMO ), top ministry officials told the Joint Parliamentry Committee ( JPC ) on 11 Januray 2012. The committee was also told that the word perusal had replaced approval in the context of finance minister Pranab Mukherjees scrutiny of the note in an internal noting just two days before the backgrounder was readied. Govt. nod for anti terror entity Government on Jan. 12, 2012 finally gave its approval to set up a specialized anti terror body, National Counter Terrorism Centre ( NCTC ), which will work as a singlewindow entity to pool together and collate terror related intellegence input, draw plans to nuetralize terror modules and coordinate action among different terror agencies to defuse threats. India asks BBC to apologize for Clarksons cheap show

India on 12 January 2012 has demanded an apology from BBC over its presenter Jeremy Clarkson mocking Indian culture during a Christmas special while driving around the country, calling it a breach" of agreement.

No polio in a year, India steps up Line of Control checks Success in controling spread of the virus hikes global demand for Indian Docs.India has not recorded a single case of polio in 12 months the longest ever. India has increased survelliance against polio along the Line of Control ( LoC ) bordering Pakistan.

BPL health scheme to be extended to more unorganised workers

The Government on Jan. 11, 2012 reviewed the implementation of Rashtriya Swasthya Bima Yojana ( RSBY ), the scheme launched five years ago to ensure health insurance for families living below the poverty line, saying that it will be extended to several segments of unorganised workers. Infosys, HDFC Bank among HBRs elite 10 growth outliers

Two Indian companies, Infosys and HDFC Bank, along with the US-based company of Indian origin Cognizant, figure in an elite group of 10 companies identified by Harcard Business Review as the companies that have consistently performed better than others around the world over a ten year period. This elite group of 10 companies is called Growth Outlier".

Court warns Facebook, Google The Delhi High Court on 12 January 2012 warned Facebook and Google that their websites could be blocked" as was done in China if they failed to de vise a mechanism to remove objectionable materrials.

Govt. nod to prosecute Facebook, Google, Yahoo

The government on 13 January 2012 granted sanction to prosecute social networking websites, including Google, Facebook and Yahoo and 18 others, for allegedl y promoting enmity between classes and causing prejudice to national integration, a trial court in New Delhi was informed.

Govt. supports subsidising Rural Mobile Bills

The Planning Commission has proposed that the government pay 20% of all mobile bills that are less than Rs 300 a month for customers in rural India by dipping into the funds set aside for providing subsided rural telephony. The Planning Commission had sent the proposal to the Prime Ministers Office, which in turn has asked the telecom department to study the feasibility of the proposal on 13 January 2012.

Army Chief takes Govt to Court over Age row Army Chief General V K Singh on 16 January 2012 moved the Supreme Court against the governments rejection of his claim on his date of birth. In a writ petition, he is believed to have questioned the governments decision to treat his date of birth as May 10,1950, instead of May 10,1951,as claimed by him on the basis of his matriculation certificate and other documents. This is the first time that any Service Chief has dragged the government to the court of law.

NTRO Scam: SC asks CAG report The Supreme on 16 January 2012 asked for a copy of the Comptroller and Auditor Generals (CAG) report pointing out alleged irregularities in the purchase of intelligence equipment by National Technical Research Organisation (NRTO).

NAC draws up plan for shelters for over 3L urban homeless

The National Advisory Council (NAC) on 16 January 2012 has recommended a Rs. 4,250 crore programme to provide shelters and other amenities to homeless in Class 1 cities in the country.The council has suggested the National Programme for Shelters and other services for Urban homeless to set up 6,800 permanent shelters for around 3 lakh homeless.The Scheme to be run on a 75-25% cost sharing basis between the Centre and the states with the Union government bearing the entire capital costs.

Centre files a caution against Army Chief

The Centre on 17 Jan. 2012 filed a caveat (caution) in the Supreme Court to prevent Army Chief V.K. Singh from getting any ex parte order in the writ petition filed by him challenging the defence ministrys order fixing his date of birth on May 10, 1950, instead of treating it as May 10, 1951.

NTPC To Set Up 5MV Solar Farms in Andaman

NTCP is taking decisive steps towords renewable energy projects . it is setting up a 5 mv photovoltaic power generation unit close to port blair airport in Andaman and Nicobar Islands .

India is On 6th Nation To Have a Nuclear Sub India s long hunt for nuclear submarine is finally over . it will take another 10 12 months to get an operational nuclear weapon triad the capabillity to fire nukes from land , air and water .

Renaming Of Mana Airport

The Union cabinet of India on 24 th Jan 2012 approved renaming of Mana airport at Raipur in Chattisgarh as the Swami Viveka nanda airport.

New Advisor To P M Senior Television Journalist Pankaj Pachuri was appointed as communication advisor in Prime Ministers office on 19 th Jan 2012 .and Mr .Harish Khare resingned as Media advisor to prime minister Manmohan singh .The Union cabinet of India on 24 th Jan 2012 approved renaming of Mana airport at Raipur in Chattisgarh as the Swami Viveka nanda airport.

India First Life To Sell Life Cover Through Auto Dealers India s first life insurance plans to sell life insurance policies through automobiles . Indian life insurer had tied up with Varun motors to sell the insurance cover including all vehicles .

Eliminating N T D By 2020 Around 17 Neglected Tropical Diseases ( N T D ) many of which affect millions of Indians are all set to get the much needed attention .A phrama company Ceos , Billgates along with the W H O will loosen their purse string to annouce a range of measures to achieve a common goal . N T D elimination by 2020,over $ 2 billion is needed to prevent and treat all people at risk of contracting a common NTD by 2015, According to a document released on Jan 26 th by WHO .The programme aims to improve the lives of over 1.4 billion people world wide and help them to achieve self sufficiency .WHO identified 17 NTD in149 countries , and found that one -third of 2.7 billion people living in less than $ 2 a day were effected .

Pushing Up Of Inland Waterways

The Government has moved the process to fasttrack the development and use of inland waterways transport involving the private and state run companies . The move is expected to push the high potential of inland waterways in transporting bulk cargo ,such as coal , food grains , fertilizers , project cargo , fly ash over dimensional cargo and container at competive cost for both public and private sectors . It is also expected to ease the burden on rail and road infrastructure .An agreement has been signed between the National Thermal Power Corporation and The Inland Waterways Authority of India and a private developers for the Farakka power project .

Farmer Army Vice Chief Booked

The farmer vice chief of the army , Lt.Gen ,Nobel Thamburaj ,and two other were booked by the C B I on the charges of criminal conspiracy , cheating and misconduct in settlement of land dispute .

Madhu Koda has wealth worth about Rs. 3,300 crore

Madhu Koda has amassed property worth about Rs. 3,300 crore during his tenure as the chief minister of the Jharkhand State by misusing his office, the income tax department has said on 1 January 2012.

Jagan aide Vijay Sai arrested by CBI Sai is second accused in Jagan Assets Case

Effecting the first arrest in the alleged illegal assets case pertaining to YSR Congress president in AP, Jaganmohan Reddy, the CBI on 2 January 2012 took into custody Vijay Sai Reddy, the financial advisor of Jagathi Publications and other companies owned by the son of YS Rajasekhara Reddy, the former CM of AP. HIgh Court cancels Srilakshmis bail

Justice NRL Nageswara Rao of the AP High Court on 2 Jan 2012 cancelled the bail granted to senior IAS Oficer Y Srilakshmi in the illegal mining case and directed her to surrender before the CBI court before Jan 6.President Pratibha Devi Singh Patil visited SHAAR Space Centre in Nellore District, AP on 2 January 2012. She dedicated PSLV Mark 3 Mission Control Centre to the Nation.

Milk sold in AP safe, pure : Survey

According to a survey conducted on adulteration of milk in various parts of the country, the milk sold in Andhra Pradesh has been found to be mostly safe but that is not the case with many parts of the country. According to National Survey on Milk Adulteration 2011 report, out of the 1791 samples tested in states, 1226 samples were found to be adulterated and not conforming to Food Safety and Standards Authority specifications. The results were made public on January 2, 2012.The result for Andhhra Pradesh may be happy to feel about. Its not that there is no adulteration at all but out of the 75 samples tested, 70 samples conformed to the standards. Only 6.7 per cent did not conform to the standards.

Kerala ready for joint control of New Dam Kerala is ready for a joint control of the Mullaperiyar Dam with Tamil Nadu and the Centre, if a new dam gets constructed, replacing the 116 year old existing structure, state Chief Minister Oommen Chandi said on 4 January 2012.

Lokayukta rejects complaint against Maya

The Lokayukta on 5 January 2012 has rejected a complaint against Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Mayawati and her trusted minister Naseemuddin Siddiqui alleging a scam of Rs 2.32 lakh crore in the excise department on the grounds of insufficient evidence.

Poll process kicks off in Manipur The notification for the January 28 assembly polls was issued on Jan. 4, 2012 in New Delhi, setting up in motion the poll process in the five poll bound states including Uttar Pradesh. The elections in Uttar Pradesh will be held in 7 phases while in Punjab, Uttarakhand, Goa and Manipur, it will be held in a single phase. Counting of votes in all the states will be held on March 4.

EC says all Mayawati statues to be covered

Chief Election Commissioner S Y Quraishi on 7 Jan. 2012 said all statues of chief minister Mayawati and Elephants, election symbol for Bahujan Sama j Party, will be covered ahead of the Uttar Pradesh Assembly Polls.

UP polls to begin on Feb.8

The Election Commission on Jan.8, 2012 announced a change in the election date in Uttar Pradesh : instead of beginning on February 4 as previously announced, the polls will start on February 8.

Karnataka for Gita in school syllabus

Karnataka chief minister D V Sadananda Gowda on Jan. 8, 2012 announced that the government was considering introducing the Bhagvad Gita in primary and secondary schools after seeking public opinion.

Mahindra Solar Rajasthan unit on stream

Mahindra Solar One, a solar power developer, commissioned its first 5 MW solar power plant. A part of Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission ( JNNSM ) policy, the project is located near Jodhpur in Rajastan and was first to achieve non recourse financing in the industry.

Karnataka cuts VAT on cotton to 2%

Karnataka government on 10 January 2012 has decided to reduce tax rate to two per cent from five per cent for value added tax ( VAT ) on purchase and sale of cotton.

Suzion to set up 3,000-mw Wind Power Capicity in AP

Suzion Energy has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with the Andhra Pradesh government to develop a wind power capacity in the state totalling 3,000mw between 2012 and 2016, creating potential investments of up to Rs 18,000 crore on 16 January 2012.

Setback to Modi: Appointment of Liokayukta is supported

In a major set back to Chief Minister Narendra Modi, the Gujarat High Court on 18 Jan. 2012, by a majority verdict, supported the appointment of Justice R.A. Mehta, a retired judge of the High Court, as Lokayukta. The Modi governments petition challenging Governor Kamala Beniwal appointing the Lokayukta bypassing the government was dismissed.

US To Set Up LNG Terminal In AP

IL & FS Maritime Infrastructure has teamed up with the US based VGS group to up a floating liquefied natural gas terminal at the Kakinada Anchorage port in Andhrapradesh in a bid to cater to the growing needs of independent power producers ( I P P s ) .This terminal will become the first such ( L N G ) import terminal on Indais east coast .

Government Takes ECS Route To Check Black Money

The Andhra pradesh government has decided to make all payments contractors and other through (ECS) Electronic Clearance Service .Introduction of ECS payments the money will directly deposited in their bank A/C and the tax on the same cannot be evaded as the entire process is recorded by the bank and the Finance department.

NTPC Another Mega Project In South NTPC Ltd the countrys largest power company is planning to take up mega project in kudgi project in karnataka with 4000- mw .

Revive Sakri Solar Project In Maharashtra

The Maharashtra government is trying to revive the , Rs 2,000 crore sakri solar power project in Dhule, near Northern Maharashtra with 150 mw .

Bullet Train Between Ahmadabad & Mumbai Terming the bullet train as a dream project of the C M Mr Narendra Modi demanded for new railway project and infrastructure for the financial year 2012-2013 . this project will be annouced in the railway budget for 2012-2013 . Maruthis New Diesel Plant At Gurgoan

A new diesel engine plant is expected to entail an investment of Rs 1,000 crore for a capacity of 1 lakh engines under the Maruthi Suzuki banner .It will be the first own diesel engine plant at Manesar in Gurgoan .

Longest Flag Unveiled In AP

The Famous temple town of Bhadrachalam in AndhraPradesh , as students of Dr .Paul Raj Engineering College created a history by unveilling a 3.2km long natinal flag .On the occasion of 63 rd republic day on Jan 26 th 2012 . The flag weighed about 800 kg .The organisers claiming that they had suceessfully unveiled the Worlds longest Indain flag .Vedeo recording of this entire programe was sent to the authorities of Guinnes Book of Record .

L N G Plans Terminal In A P

Petronet L N G will set up its third terminal at Gannavaram in Andhra pradesh . The decision has taken by companeis board meeting with estimated cost of Rs 4,500 crore .

500 MW Wind Energy Farms In A P

Welspun Energy Ltd (W E L ) part of the diversified $ 3 billion Welspun group had made agreement with New and Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh to install 500 mw of wind energy capacity in the state .

Polling In Punjab & Uttarakhand

Assembly Elections has been held in the states Punjab & Uttarakhand on 30 th Jan 2012 .Elections for 117 contituencies in Punjab & 70 contituiencies in Uttarakhand . All major parties candiadates are participating in this elections .highest of 77 % voting poll has been polled Punjab and in Uttarakhand 70 % voting poll.

U P Lokayukta Recommends C B I To Probe Against Kushwaha

The former minister for family& welfare & mining Babu Singh Kushwaha , prima facie guilty of illegally awarding mining contracts and laudering money through his several registered socities , Uttarpradesh lokayukta N .V . Mehrotra sent a report to cheif minister Mayavathi on 30 th Jan 2012 registration of a case against Kushwaha with C B I and enforcement directors .

99th Science Congress Conferences were inaugarated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in Bhuvaneswar, Odisha on 3 January 2012. PM announced the decade 2010-20 as Decade of Innovation, he also said that the government would allot 2% of GDP for scientific & Technological researches in the 12 th Five Year Plan.

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh inaugurated 15th Global Sanskrit Meetings in New Delhi on 4 January 2012.

Confederation of Indian Industry ( CII ) Global Partnership Summit 2012 has been inaugurated by Union minister of industry and commerce and textiles Anand Sharma in Hyderabad, AP. AP gets 233 investment proposals worth around Rs.5.57 lakh crore with employment generation potential of 4.7 lakh on day one of the event.

10th Pravasi Bharathiya Divas in Jaipur

The 10th Pravasi Bharathiya Divas was commenced on 7 Jan, 2012 in Jaipur, the pink city.The chief guest, Indian-origin Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago Kamla Persad Bissessar, arrived in Jaipur for the 10th Pravasi Bharathiya Divas. The conference took place from 7 Jan 9 Jan. 2012.


Flair play Award For Dhoni Indian Cricket Captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni was awarded with International Sports Press Associations Fair Play Award on 30 December 2011 for showing sportspirit by calling back Ian Bell even after the umpire declares him out during the Teams visit to England. This is the first time that this award is given to a cricketer.

Gates Vaccine Innovation Award for Nitish Kumar

The Bill Gates and Melinda Foundation has accepted the proposal for conferring the Gates Innovation Award to Bihar Chief Mini ster Nitish Kumar for the first Gates Vaccine Innovation Award for effectively strengthening the immunization programme.The Bihar Chief Minister will thus be the first recipient of the Vaccine Innovation Award, introduced globally by the Foundation having carried a cash of U.S. $ 250,000.

Grand Master Honour International Chess Player Musunuri Lalith Babu received the honour of Grand Master on 2 January 2012. He is the 26th Chess Player from India to receive the Honour. S.K.Singh award for nuclear trouble shooter Venkatesh Varma Senior Indian diplomat D. Bala Venkatesh Varma a key member of the negotiating team that saw the Indo U.S. nuclear deal through from the first agreement of July 2005 down to Additional Protocol in 2010 was given the first S.K. Singh award " for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen Indias position in the Global nuclear order by UPA Chair person Sonia Gandhi at a high profile function in New Delhi on 6 January 2012.

Bagged By AP Team Union Home Ministry Award Jeevan Raksha has been bagged by AP Team. The Union Home Ministry released Sarvotttam Jeevan Raksha, Uttam Jeevan Raksha and Jeevan Raksha Awards for the Year 2011. Rs. 30,000 will be given for Jeevan Raksha Award .

British honour for culture secy

In a rare honour, the British Museum, the oldest in the world, has decided to give its maiden British medal to culture secretary Jawhar Sircar on 7 January 2012. The medal is being given as a tribute and recognition of the extraordinary contribution made by Sircar in piloting museum reforms in India".

Award for Saluri Vasu Rao Noted cine music director, Saluri Vasu Rao, was conferred with the title, Sangeetha Siromani, by the Guntur District Music Artistes Association at the first anniversary celebrations held recently in Guntur, AP.

Manjubhargavi presented Lifetime Achievement award Kuchipudi dancer Manjubhargavi was honoured with Lifetime Achievement award at the inauguaral session of the three day Bharat Nrityotsav of Nataraja Music and Dance Academi at Kalabharati Auditorium in Visakhapatnam, AP on 8 Jan. 2012.

Gollapudi Maruthirao feted

Renowned film actor and writer Gollapudi Maruhtirao was conferred Lifetime Achievement Award by Appa Josyula Vishnubathala Kandalam Foundation and Srikakulam Rangasthala Kalakarula Samakhya on 8 Jan. 2012 in Srikakulam, AP. Ballon d Or" for Lionel Messi and Homare Sawa Lionel Messi was on Jan.10, 2012 awarded the 2011 FIFA Ballon dOr" at a star-studded ceremony in Zurich, the third consecutive year that he has won the prestigious award for the worlds outstanding footballer.Japanese midfielder Homare Sawa claimed the womens equivalant.

Clooney, Streep conquer Golden Globes The 69th Golden Globe Awards this year have been bagged by Clooney, the Best Actor in a Motion Picture The Descendants" and Meryl Streep for the Best Performance by an Actress for her role as Margaret Thatcher in The Iron Lady" on 16 January 2012 in Los Angles.

Cash award for Bindra

Union Sports Minister Ajay Maken on 18 Jan. 2012 presented a cheque for Rs. 4.33 lakh to Olympic champion Abhinav Bindra for winning the Gold in air rifle in the ongoing Asian shooting championship in Doha.

South Asia Literature Award For The Novel China man

Srilankan author Shehan Karunatilaka was awarded the DSC Pril for south asia literature 2012 at the Jaipur literature festival in Rajsthan for the novel china man . Dr . C. Narayana Reddy s Award. Dr . C. Narayana Reddy sahitya puraskaram is been awarded to kanad poet Maskandapuram Srinivas .

Ricky Ponting Was Honoured Senior Australian batsman Ricky Ponting was honoured with Australias highest civil honour along with a host of sports person of international repute .he was aslo appointed as officer in the general division of distinguished service to the sports criket.

A P State Gets 3 Padma

Andhra Pradesh got a raw deal in the prestigious Padma Bhushan . G Maniratnam -Founder member of Trirupathi -based N G O Rashtriya seva samithi (RASS) .Ace Badminton coach Syed Mohamad Arif were honoured with Padma Shri .Dr , P. Chandrasekhar Rao -a judge at international tribund for the law of sea , Germany were honoured with Padma Bhushan.

Padma Bhushan Awards

Cine artist Dharmendra , cine artist Shabana Azmi , Director Mira Nair, An Painter Jatin Das , London based sculptor Anish Kapoor , carnatic musicians T. V .Gopalkrishnan , B. Muthuramam -mM D of Tta steel,eminent cardiologist -Dev Prasad Shetty ,Cancer Specialist -Suresh H.Advani ,N. Vital -head of Central Vigilance Comission, M V. Subbaiah murugappa group .

Padma Shri Awards Women Criketer Jhulan Goswami , Hockey Olympic Gold Medalist -Zafar Iqbal ,Skiing -Ajeet Bajaj ,Athletics -paralympics -Devendra Jhajriya , Archery -Limba Ram were awarded with Padma Shri .

Assam Policman Creates World Record

Assam police constable who is 22 years old Abhjeet Buruah created world record by running barefoot more than 150 km in 24 hours in Jorhat .and entered into Guinness Book Of World Record on 31 st Jan 2012. The Indian observer for the guinness world record B.K.Chandrasekar Tiwari opproach to the Tarjan bypass on the western outskirts of Jorhat town .

Asha Bhosle , in Limca Book Of Records The luminaries from Indian Music including Asha Bhosle , Gulzar and Yesudas have been awarded people of the year at the unveiling of the 23 rd Limca Book Of Rcords on 31 st Jan 2012.


Bartoli crushes Gajdosova

Marion Bartoli of Italy left Australian Jarmila Gajdosova in tears after defeating her 6-0, 6-0 as France eased to a 3-0 Hopman Cup victory on 3 Jan. 2012. in Perth.

Michael Clarke, Australian Batsman hits a grand Triple Century ( 329 ) in the 2nd Cricket Test match between India & Australia in Sydney on 5 Jan. 2012.

Grand Master Honour AP Chess Player, M R Lalith Babu won Bronze Medal in the Hastings Masters International Chess Tournament where as Chinas Yuvang stood as winner on 6 Jan. 2012.

SA wins the Test series against Sri Lanka South Africa wins the Test series against Sri Lanka 2-1 at Capetown. Kalis was declared Man of the Match for his Double Century. Australia wins the second Test match against India in Sydney and lead the four match series 2-0.

Czech Republic wins Hopman Cup by defeating France

Thomas Berdych & Wimbledon Champion Petro kvitova defeated France and won the Hopman Tennis Cup in the final in Perth on 7 Jan. 2012.

Kanepi wins Brisbane International Estonias Kaya Kanepi defeated Slovakias Daniela Hantuchova ans won Brisbane International Tennis Tourney in Brisbane on 7 Jan. 2012.

Tsonga wins Qatar Open

Jo-Wilfred Tsonga defeated French compatriot Gael Monfils 7-5, 6-3 on 7 Jan. 2012 and won the 20th edition of Qatar Open Tennis in Doha on 7 Jan. 2012.

Canadian Tennis Player Raonic defeats Tipsarevic ( Serbia ) in the Aircel Chennai Open singles final and clinches the Chennai Open in Chennai on 8 Jan. 2012.

Leander Paes ( India ) and Tipsarevic ( Serbia ) won the Aircel Chennai Open Tennis doubles final in Chennai on 8 Jan. 2012.

Zheng wins crown Chinas Zheng Jie won the Auckland Classic Tennis Tournament on 8 Jan. 2012 in Auckland. This is Zhengs fourth WTA title.

Lee, Wang triumphant World No.1 Lee Chong Wei stormed back to defeat arch rival and holder Lin Super Dan in the final of the Korea Open Badminton in the Mens Final on Jan. 8, 2012 in Seoul. In the Womens Final, world No.3 Wang Shixian from China easily beat her compatiot Jiang Yanjiao, who had defeated world No.1 Wang Yihan in the semifinals. Shixian ran out a comfortable 21-12, 21-17 winner. South Africa beats Sri Lanka in the first One-day International at Boland Park in Paarl ( South Africa ) on 11 Jan. 2012. South Africas Hashim Amla hits century ( 112 ).

Kerala beat Uttarakhand and won the 60th senior National Volleyball championship at the Balbir Juneja Indoor Stadium in Raipur on 11 Jan. 2012..

Chinas Yu Ruiyuan won the Chennai Open international Grandmaster Chess tournament in Chennai on 12 January 2012.

Dhoni hints at Test retirement by 2013

Indian captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni on 12 January 2012 made a surprise revelation that he may retire from Test cricket if he is to play in the 2015 World Cup.

Bindra shoots Gold in Asian Championship

Abhinav Bindra won the gold medal in 10-meter air rifle event of the Asian Shooting Championship in Doha on 13 January 2012.

Azarenka triumphs Victoria Azarenka ended Li Nas unbeaten two-year run at the Sydney Tennis International with a fighting three set victory in the final on 13 January 2012 in Sydney.

Wagner wins Sony Open

American Johnson Wagner recorded his third victory on the USPGA Tour Sunday by shooting a final round three-under 67 for a two-stroke win at the $5.5 million Sony Open in Honolulu, Hawaii on 15 January 2012.

South Africa clinched series victory

South Africa clinched a series victory in the third one-day International against World cup finalist Sri Lanka at Chevrolet Park in Bloemfontein on 17 Jan. 2012. South Africa lead the five match series 3-0.

Beijing World Cup cancelled

Shooters preparing for Olympics will have only three World Cups as the Beijing World Cup scheduled to be held from June 16 to 25 has been cancelled.

India wins Hockey Second Test

India recorded a 2-1 win over South Africa in the closely fought second hockey Test at the National Stadium in New Delhi on 17 Jan. 2012.

Srilanka Wins Fifth odi

One day International series which was between Srilanka and SouthAfrica at Jonnesburg was won by Srilanka by 3-2.

Rajasthan Holds On Ranji Trophy Rajasthans hard work and commitment retained the 78 th Ranji Trophy with them and win the trophy against Tamilnadu at M A .Chidambram stadium .

Robertson Wins Masters Australias 2010 world champion Neil Robertson won the master tittle on 21 st Jan 2012 with 10-6 against England s Shaun Murphy at Alexandra palace .

1 st Women To Icy Adventure

British adventure Felicity Aston completed her crossing of Antarctica on 22 nd Jan 2012 , becoming the first women to ski across the icy continent alone . she did it in 50 days pulling two sledges for 1,744 km from her starting point on the leverett glacier .she has set another record ,the first human to ski solo across Antarctica using only her own muscle power .

Sixth National Tittle For Advani

Pankaj Advani has won the sixth national billards tittle which was held at Pune . India Wins Mens s Doubles

Indian players Leander Paes and Radek Stepanek pair , has won their first mens doubles A ustralian Open Grand Slam on 28 th Jan 2012 against Czech which was held in Melbourne park .

First Balarusian To Win Grandslam Victoria Azarenka became the first Balarusian to win the grand slam single tittle in Australian Open Tittle ,crusing Russia s Maria Sharapova . She is only 22 yrs old to become the new world no . 1 according to W T A ranking . Australia won By 4 0 Australia won the forth test series by 4 0 and wins the Border Gavaskar Trophy against India at Adelaide Oval . The captian of Australia Micheal Clarke has been given the man of the series ,who scored the highest 626 runs in the series .Peter Siddle the man of match for this series

Sania Ranked No 7 In Double Indias Sania Mirza craked the top 10 of the individual doubles ranking , climbing ahead to no 7 rank in the world .According to the new W T A ranking and Sania slipped five places to 116 to 111 in singles .

Rocks Wins Abu Dhabi Championships The worlds 117 th ranked golf player Robert Rock has won the Abu Dhabi Golf Championships on 29 th Jan 2012 against his strongest opposition player Tiger Woods ,which held in dubai .

Nadal Looses Grand Slam Novak Djokovic wins the Australian Open 2012 mens Singles Champion ship .It was final in grand slam history which six hours to finish the match between Nadal and Djokovic held on 29 th Jan 2012 at Melbourne .Djokovic beeing ranked worlds no 1 after winning this grand slam .

U S Economy Grows 2.8 %in Q Y The U S economy grew at its fastest pace in one and -a -half years in the fourth quarter , rebuilding of stocks by businesses and week spending on capital goods hinted for the shole of 2012,the economy grew 1.7 % after expanding 3 % the prior year . $ 5 Billion Loss : Goods Made in India, Faked in China Chinese manufacturers are increasingly faking popular Indian products of consumer goods giants such as Dabur and ITC, undermining the legitimacy of brands and causing losses worth as much as $ 5 billion annually, officials said.

Govt readies Rs. 50k cr infra fund plan

LIC, IIFCL, IDBI Bank, ADB & HSBC likely Parteners for New Finance Firm. The government has finalized the outlines of a $10 billion crore ( over Rs. 50, 000 crore ) infracture debt fund ( IDF ) with 50% participation from a foreign bank and a multilateral agency, while the rest of the corpus will be contributed by state owned financial institutions on 2 January 2012.Government officials and bankers said India Infracture Finance Company ( IIFC ), Life Insurance Corporation and IDBI Bank along with Asian Development Bank and HSBC are joining hands to set up a non banking finance company ( NBFC ).

RBI governor hints at soft monetary policy

Concerned over the declining growth Reserve Bank Governor D Subba Rao has indicated on 2 January 2012 that the central bank could reverse the tight monetary stance adopted by it since March 2010 to control inflation. The central bank is scheduled to announce the monetary policy review on Jan 24. RBI has hiked key interest rate 13 times since March 2010 in its bid to check rising inflation, but it took a pause in its December monetary policy .

ONGC to invest $2.9 bn in Krishna Godavari gas find State owned Oil and Natural Gas Corporation ( ONGC ) plans to invest $2.894 billion ( about Rs. 15, 340 crore ) in developing its ultra deepsea UD 1 gas discovery in the KGi basin by 2016 17.

Andhra Bank hikes NRE deposit rates The state run Andhra Bank has hiked its interest rates on NRE term deposits to 9.40% per annum for one year, 9.25% pa from one to two years and 9% pa for 2 to 3 years with effect from December 30, 201.

SBI achieves 100% Financial Inclusion in AP

State Bank of India has achieved 100% coverage of its alloted unbanked villages in Andhra Pradesh under the Financial Inclusion Programme ( FIP ) of the Reserve Bank of India. PFCs Rs. 5,000 Cr Tax Free Bonds Power Finance Corporation ( PFC ) on 2 Jan. 2012 has come out with a Rs. 5,000 crore tax free bond issue. PFC is a Navratna Government of India undertaking with the government holding 73.72% stake in it. Government approves RILs $1.529 B Investment Plan for Satellite Fields in KG-D6 Block. The Union government approved Reliance Industries (RIL) $1.529 billion investment plan for developing four satellite fields in the declining KG-D6 block on 3 January 2012. RILs investment plan will boost falling output in the Krishna-Godavari Basin KG-D6 block . Growth in Direct Tax collection down by 8.3%. Annual growth in net direct tax collection slowed to 8.3% during the first nine months of the fiscal year amounting to Rs. 3,23,955 crore, raising concerns about the centres ability to meet its revenue targets.

ONGC declares 125% Interim Dividend State run Oil Natural Gas Corp ( ONGC ) declared a 125% interim dividend. The Board has approved an interim dividend of Rs.6.25 per equity share ( of Rs. 5 each ) for 2011 12 on 4 Jan. 2012.

Sebi allows UTIMF to launch new schemes

Reversing its earlier stand, market regulator Sebi on 4 Jan. 2012 has allowed UTI Mutual Fund ( UTIMF ) to launch new funds again even though the fund house continues to function without its top executive officer nearly a year now.

SBI Loan to Kingfisher Airlines turns NPA State Bank of India, the countrys largest lender says its exposure to ailing private carrier Kingfisher Airlines has turned a bad loan or a non-performing asset ( NPA ) on 5 Jan. 2012.

SIDBI inks pact with IOB

Small Industries Development Bank of India ( SIDBI ) has entered into a memorandum of understanding with Indian Overseas Bank ( IOB ) to extend assistance to micro, small and medium enterprises ( MSME ) to the customers of IOB on 6 January 2012.

State FMs agree in principle on GST ( Goods and Services Tax ) list The empowered committee of state finance ministers on GST on Jan. 9, 2012 agreed in principle on the concept of negative list and suggested the Centre could prepare such a list which would help widen tax base. The panel has agreed in principle to the concept of negative list and the Union Government should prepare it and can also implement it from April, 2012. The Committee suggested that all those items mentioned in the Constitutions Schedule II should be included in the negative list so that Union Government can not impose tax on them.

Air India told to pay service tax dues The Central Board of Excise and Customs ( CBEC ) on 10 Jan. 2012 has warned the national carrier Air India to pay up a reasonable part of its service tax dues as early as possible or face having its accounts frozen.

Govt. notifies 100% FDI in single-brand retail Retains rider of 30% sourcing from Indian small industries The Government, which has been facing flak for policy paralysis, on 10 Jan. 2012 notified 100 per cent Foreign Direct Investment in single-brand retail trading, moving a step forward in opening up of the retail sector. The current FDI limit is 51 per cent. Investments will be through the Government approval route.

IRDA plans to take up complaints on its own

Customers may except better services from their insurers soon. The Insurance Regulatory Development Authority is planning to take insurance complaints on its own to ensure fair play by the insurers.

Govt investing $20 b in creating information highway, says Pitroda

The Government is investing $20 billion in projects related to creating information highway, according to Mr Sam Pitroda, Advisor to the Prime Minister on Public Infrastructure, Information and Innovations.

SEBI asks bankers to disclose due diligence records

Stock market regulator SEBI ( Securities and Exchange Board of India ) on 10 Jan. 2012 has asked merchant bankers to disclose their track record of due diligence done during the last three financial years from the date of listing for each public issue managed by them.

Rs. 1,935 crore worth FDI cleared

The Government on 10 Jan. 2012 has approved 20 proposols of Foreign Direct Investment worth Rs. 1,935.24 crore according to an official statement. One among them include Rs. 1,150 crore by Sterlite Grid, to act as an investment company.

RBI says no to CRR cut

The Reserve Bank of India has ruled out the possibility of a cut in the cash reserve ratio or CRR, in its monetary policy review on January 24, according to bankers who took part in the customary pre-policy meeting held by the central bank on Jan.10, 2012.

Rice procurement up 17.3%

The Government has so far procured 18.11 million tonnes rice from farmers across the country in the current marketing year that started October , the food ministry said on 10 Jan. 2012.

Malaysia palm oil exports fall Malaysias palm oil exports fell 19 per cent in the first 10 days of January compared with the previous month.

Indirect tax collections up 16.1 per cent

Indirect tax collections went up by 16.1 per cent to Rs. 2.86 lakh crore in April-December this fiscal as compared to Rs. 2.46 lakh crore garnered during the same period of 2010-11. Moodys upgrades Indias Short Term Foreign Currency Bank Deposits Rating It will help Indian banks, other entities raise overseas deposits at finer rates.Global rating agency Moodys on Jan. 10, 2012 has upgraded the countrys rating of short term foreign currency bank deposits from speculative to investment grade. Since December 20 last year, this is the fourth upgrade by Moodys Investor Service, which is expected to help Indian banks and other entities in raising overseas deposits at finer rates.

SBI cuts processing fee by half for bigger share of Home Loan Mkt

The State Bank of India on 11 January 2012 cut processing fees on home loans by half, a move aimed at acquiring a larger business in the home loan market and giving competition to private banks and housing finance companies.

SBI opens exclusive branch for women customers

The branch, Vasundhara Jubilee Senortia Banking centre is opened by SBI in Hyderabad on Jan. 11, 2012. It is only the second of its kind in the country. It is aimed at tech-savvy, educated women customers including entreprenuers. "with play room for kid and other facilities women customers can handle their banking transactions in a safe and family atmosphere". Andhra Bank lauches Abhaya Wealth Pack Andhra Bank on 12 January 2012 launched Abhaya First Wealth Pack for the common man. The bank termed it as one wealth management for all financial needs. It will have a savings bank account, a recurring group deposit account, a group term insurance and a unit linked insurance plan. India to be Reckitt Benckisers New Regional Head Quarters Benckiser, one of the worlds largest consumer goods companies , has upgraded India to its regional head quarters for Sooutheast Asia, covering 12 nations representing a market of 1.8 billion people.

S&P may strip France of AAA rating for first time Standard & Poors is stripping France of its AAA rating for the first time according to Agence France-Press report.

SEBI wants Fund Houses to Launch Pension Products

Asset Management Companies ( AMCs ) need to launch pension products that will channel retirement savings into stock market, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) Chairman UK Sinha said on 13 January 2012.

Indian Exports up 6.7% in December, may touch $300-b target Indias exports rose for the first time in five months, encouraging the government to reaffirm that it would achieve its $300-billion target for the year. Exports in December grew 6.7% to $25 billion over the previous month according to the data released on 16 January 2012.

At 7.47%, December Inflation takes major load off Govt

Inflation rose at its slowest pace in two years in December 2011. Headline Inflation as measured by the Wholesale Price Index (WPI), dropped to 7.47% in December on lower food prices, as compared with 9.11% in November, government data released on 16 January 2012. S&P downgrades the Brussels bailout fund EFSF The Standard and Poors, the US credit ratings agency on January 16 downgraded the Brussels main bailout fund, European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) by one notch to AA+ but said it would restore the top AAA ranking if the fund obtains additional guarantees.The decision was the result of downgrades to Frances and Austrias ratings from AAA since they served as top-level guarantors of the European Financial Stability Facility, S&P said in a statement.

Govt. set to allow FDI in domestic airlines

In a major relief to financially distressed Indian airlines, the government on 17 Jan. 2012 said foreign airlines would soon be allowed to acquire up to 49% stake in them.

Chinese Banks lend $1.18 bn to Reliance Communications

Chinese state banks lend debt-laden Reliance Communications (Rcom) $1.18 billion to repay foreign currency convertible bonds worth Rs 6,125 crore ($1.18 billion) on 17 Jan. 2012.

India ranked behind Pakistan, Bangladesh India has been ranked as 132 behind Pakistan and Bangladesh in 2012 in the World Banks latest Ease of Doing Business rankings. India has moved up seven points to 132 this year, from 139 last year.

Rupee undervalued 61% : Big Mac Index The Indian rupee is the most undervalued currency, trading at around 61% below its actual price against the dollar according to The Economists Latest Big Max Index. The Index measures the effective purchasing power of different currencies by looking at how much Mc Donalds popular burger costs in various countries.

Iran explores buying more goods from India

Iran is considering stepping up its purchases from India to obtain a more balanced trade and reduce the payments problem faced by the two countri es in setting payments for crude import by India in the wake of fresh sanctions from the US.

Centre plans to boost up textiles sector

The government is planning to give incentives to the textiles sector with retrospective effect as it seeks to revive Indias second largest manufacturing sector burdened with sickness, debt and declining demand.

World Bank cuts Global GDP forecasts

The World Bank on 18 Jan. 2012 warned the developing countries of the upcoming recession danger. It cut its forecast for growth in developing economies to 5.4% for 2012 from its previous forecast of 6.2% saying expansion in Brazil and India and to a lesser extent Russia, South Africa and Turkey had slowed already.

States want to hike professional tax

In a Budget wish list presented to finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, finance ministers of states on 18 Jan. 2012 demanded that the government should allow them to tax top professionals more and lift the ceiling from the current 2,500 a year.

Centre urged to give funds directly to States Majority of States have favoured the Rangarajan Committees recommendations on doing away with the current system of classification of expenditure into Plan and NonPlan categories on 18 Jan. 2012. They have also agreed that the BK Chaturvedi Group report on Centrally sponsored schemes should be implemented. Mr. Sushil Kumar Modi, Chairman of the empowered Committee of States Finance Ministers, asked the Centre to give funds to the states directly for various social sector schemes.

Small And Medium Units Urged

SMEs (small and medium enterprises ) in the country used to work more closely with special economic zones to gain from the facilities extended .

Banks Want Tax Compliance Norms

Banks have moved the finance ministry to ease the procedure relating to the compliance being faced by depositors to the senior citizen and economically weaker categories . saying that pan in forms 15G/15H should not be mandatary .

Center Mulls Textiles Sops With Retrospective Effect The Government is planning to give incentives to the textiles sectors which are burdened with debts.No ,subsidy scheme was given for these campanies in 2010 11 .Companies which were deprived for benifit last year will be covered under the changed rule .

LIC Crosses One Million Mark

The Life Insurance Corporation of Indai has crossed the one million mark in cumulative lives under its health Insurance segment.

LIC Launching Jeevan Ankur Life Insurance Corparation of India is launching a new plan . Lic s Jeevan ankur on 23 rd Jan 2012 to meet the educational and other needs of the child .

China To Rescue UK Economy Chinas fastest growing economic presence in Britan to rescue the UK economy the china investment corporation (CIC) has bought a 8,6% stake in Thames water,which is Britanss largest water and sewerege company .

The production target for worlds largest coal produce coal India ( C I L) is likely to be fixed at 46.4 million tones mt for the 2012-2013 financial year.

4 Pharma FDI Plans Okayed

For money inflow intact, the government has cleared forms foreign direct investment proposals in pharmaceutical space , dispelling fears that the recent change in rules will effectively kill foreign investments in the sector.The foreign investment promotion board ( F I P B ) examines proposals that are in approval route on merit .

Tata Power In Talks To Buy 15 % Stake in MEC Coal The Tata group already owns 30 % in mines promoted by the Bakrie group one of the Indonesias biggest house.Tata company plans to secure coal supplies from Indonesia to reduce power generation costs .If the deal goes on it will be the second time buying a stake in Indonesia coal mines .

R B I Cuts C R R Rates

The Reserve Bank of India on 24 th Jan 2012 cut the cash ratio by 50 basis points from 6% to 5.5 % with effect from 28 th Jan 2012 , which would release Rs 32,000 crore in the financial system . keeping all other unchanged repo rate at 8.50 % . GDP growth from 7.6% to 7 % now .With the RBI holding back on cutting interest rates due to increased inflation risk from global crude , oil prices, the lingering impact of rupee depreciation .CRR cuts would bring liquidity and help in sensex up . India Srilanka Bilateral Trade Surges by 70 %

Trade between India and Srilanka surged by more than 70 % in 2011over the past years touching all time high of $ 5 billion . Solar Powered A T M s In Rural Areas

Innovation which makes a difference to peoples lives in the Indain context is very different .The company Vortex placed in Chennai helping the banks by solar powered A T Ms installed in rural places .Where as conventional ATMs requires 50 watts of power everyday while Vortexs machines require just 70 watts power to work .

India Signs International Tax Treaty

The government had made another move to get information about black money stashed away from the country .India had signed the multilateral convection on mutual administrative assistance regarding tax matters , that promotes international cooperation .India and other countries joined to ensure that individual s and multinational enterpries pay right amount of tax ,at the right place .Which is based on international standards of transparency and exchange of information .

Samsung India To Exit From Window AC Market Indias largest consumer durable firm Samsung India Electronics had decided to exit from window air conditioners segment from the year 2012 .And completely focusing on fast growing split air conditioners market ,due to the window AC market is shrinking significantly .

TCS Opens New Facililty In Silicon Valley The I T major ( T C S ) Tata Consultancy Services has opened a new facility in U S , It will serve as the world wide headquaters of the companys mobility solution units .And which aims to bring the benifits of emerging technologies such as big data , analyties and mobility to enterprises across all industries .

C A G To Audit In States

The Comptroller and Auditor General of India ( C A G ) has decided to audit the spending of all states under the National Rural Health Mission (N H R M ) Scheme .After hearing a Rs 5,754 , crore NRHM scam in Uttarpradesh . The CAG will conduct independent audits of the scheme in 17 other states to ascertain losses to exchequer . The ministry has written letters to states, asking them to cooperate with their accounts generals.

Excise Duty ,Service Tax May Be Hiked In The Upcoming Budget

To revive Indian economy ,impacted by the global slowdown , the government had provided three fiscal stimulus packages starting from Dec 7,2008 the government had brought down excise duty from 14 % to 10 % to miligate the impact of the global financial crises .The duty was further cut to 8 % on Feb 24, 2009 . On Feb 26 2010 rolled back the cut partially . The excise duty and service tax may be hiked by 2% in the up coming budget . Government is thinking that entire cut be rolled back . When industry is down and demand is depressed , raising duties may further hurt growth .There will be fiscal deficit likely to be 5.6 % to 5.1 % .in 2011-2012 .

Economic Growth Revised Down By 8.5% To 8.4 % The central Statistics office on 31 st Jan 2012 lowered its estimate for the countrys gross domestic product (GDP) growth in 2010-2011 to 84 % from 8.5 % earlier , The gross national income grew 7.9 % in 2010-2011 .GDP growth in Agriculture sector is 7% .GDP growth in service sector grew up by 9.3 % . GDP growth in financial savings reduced from 12.9% to 10 % .GDP growth in private cooperate sector down by 8.2 % to 7.9 % .GDP growth in saving of public sectors increased from 0.2 % to 1.7 % .The gross demostic capital formatiom at current prices increases from Rs. 23.64 lakh crore to 26.92 lakh crore in 2010-2011.The rate of capital formation stood at 35.1 % in 2010-2011 low down than earlier against 36.6 % in 2009-2010 . These are the latest revisions ,part of quick estimates of of nationalincome ,cunsumtion expenditure ,saving and capital information released by central statistics office .

RBI lowers Export Figures by $ 6 B, surprises Economists The Reserve Bank of India ( RBI ) has revised its export numbers downwards by $6 billion in its balance of payments statement for the first quarter ( April June ) of the fiscal indicating massive over statement in the countrys export numbers.


Challenging Iran begins 12 with N fuel rod feat, missile test Iranian scientists have produced the nations first nuclear fuel rod, a feat of engineering the West has doubted Tehran capable of, the countrys nuclear agency said on 1 January 2012.

Nasa probe on track, reaches Moon orbit Grail, 110th Mission to Earths Satellite, will help understand Lunar enigma better .As planet Earth rang in the new year, a different counter sown was happening at the moon. After a 3 1/2 month journey, a Nasa spacecraft flew over the Moons South pole, fired its engine and dropped into orbit on 1 January 2012 in the first of two back to back arrivals over the new year weekend. A massive star called VFTS 102 is the fastest star that rotates at the rate of million milles per hour 100 times faster than our Sun was found to date.

Iran tested successfully two missiles that can chase 200 kms target in the Strait of Hormutz on 2 January 2012. RE60, Bajajs 4-wheeled vehicle, launched Indias Bajaj Auto Ltd launched its first-ever four-wheeled vehicle RE60 on 3 January 2012 saying the RE60 would target commercial users and three-wheeled vehicle owners in India..

Below Antarctic sea, a lost world of unknown species

British Scientists have discovered what they claim is a lost world of unknown species nearly 8, 000 feet deep on sea floor off the coast of Antarctica - kept alive by undersea volcanoes.

The stem cells that can produce different cells in an eye were identified by Nural stemcells Institute of Regenerative Research Foundation Scientist Sally Temple on 5 January 2012.

AIDS vaccine for monkeys raises hopes for humans

Scientists in Washington have developed a new vaccine that partially protects monkeys from an infection much similar to HIV, a breakthrough which they say could be a new weapon in the battle against AIDS. Hydrogen driven three wheelers. The world got its first fleet of hydrogen fuelled three wheelers on 9 Jan. 2012 when seven vehicles were unvieled at the ongoing Auto Expo 2012 in New Delhi. Called HyAlfa , the three wheeler is almost zero-emission vehicle while its fuel consumption is substantially lower as compared to 1kg of hydrogen giving 80 km mileage.The three-wheelers have been developed under a project DelHy 3W, of the United Nations Industrial Development organisation ( UNIDOs ) Internal Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies ( UNIDO-ICHET ) in association with Mahindra & Mahindra and IIT Delh, besides being supported by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy ( MNRE ). Acer unveils worlds thinnest laptop. The Taiwan-based computer titan Acer unveiled the worlds thinnest laptop in Las Vegas on 9 January 2012.

New earthworm species discovered in Port Blair

Pointing to the rich biodiversity of the Andaman and Nicobar islands , a team of researchers from Thiruvanthapuram has identi fied a new species of earthworm on 10 January 2012. The species has been named Moniligaster ivaniosi" .

Two more planets orbiting binary stars discovered

Kepler-34 b, Kepler-35 b binary star systems have low-density gas plannets orbiting them..More than 700 planets orbiting a star ( extrasolar planets ) have been discovered till date. But a planet orbiting two stars was more in the realms of fiction recently. Scientists on 11 January 2012 discovered two circumbinary planets Kepler 34 b and Kepler 35 b orbiting binary stars.

Morocco Rocks Come From Mars

Scientists have cliamed that chunks of a meteorit which fell in Moracco last Jully 2011 were from Mars .which happened once in every fifty years .

World Smallest 3D Map Created . Scientists have created a miniature world map which has now been accepted by the Guinness World Record as the worlds smallest 3D map .A map which can only seen through a microscope . 11 Solar Systems . NASA s kepler telescope has discovered 26 new planets spread among 11 solar systems.

A) Appointments

A P K Reddy has been appointed as the new president of the AP Smallscale Industrial Societies Federation on 3 January 2012. Yahoo appoints Paypals Scott Thompson as new CEO 4 months after firing Carol Bartz on 4 January 2012. Muralidharan takes charge as Coast Guard Chief. Vice Admiral M P Muralidharan has taken charge as the 19th Director General of the Indian Coast Guard on 6 January 2012.

Farida Group Chairman, Raffiq Ahmed was appointed as the new President of Federation of Indian Exports Organisation ( FIEO ) on 7 January 2012

T.G. Venkatesh elected chief of APBA Minister for Minor and Lift Irrigation T.G. Venkatesh has been elected the new president of Andhhra Pradesh Badminton Association ( APBA ) on 8 January 2012. B D Park is Samsung Indias new MD. Consumer Electronics and mobile phone major Samsung India Electronics on 9 Jan. 2012 announced the appointment of BD Park as its new managing director and the president and CEO of its South-West Asia operations.

NGRI gets new Director

Prof. Mrinal K. Sen has been appointed as the new Director of the National Geophysical Research Institute ( NGRI ), a part of the Council of the Scientific and Industrial Research ( CSIR ) on 10 January 2012.

UTIMF gets an interim chief

Imtaiyazur Rahman has been appointed as the interim chief executive officer of UTI Mutual Fund, the fifth largest fund house in India by assets under management ( AUM ).

B) Resigns

VS Achuthanandan offers to resign as Opposition Leader

Stung by the allegations of corruption and a vigilance FIR registered against him, former Kerala CM and CPM leader VS Achuthanandan has offered to quit the post of Opposition leader in the State Assembly on 13 January 2012.

Pawar To Make Retirement . National Congress Party ( N C P ) Cheif and Maratha strongman Sharad Pawar has annouced that , he will not contest the next Loksabha election and make way for younger leadership . he will be copleting his 45 yrs in politics .

C) Deaths Dancer who brought Bharatnatyam to Maos China dies Chinese dancer Zhang Jun, who brought Bharatnatyam and Kathak to Maos China in the 1950s and inspired thousands to follow her passion for classical Indian culture over a celebrated five decade-long teaching career , passed away in Beijing on 10 January 2012 after a long battle with cancer. She was 79. Indias 1st woman photo journalist passes away . Homai Vyarawalla, the countrys first woman photojournalist died in Vadodara on 15 January 2012. Indais Water man Passes Away

Dr .C.H.Krishnamurthy Rao, chairman 7 managing director of Chemfab Alkalies Ltd passes away on 20 th Jan 2012 .he was known as water man.

Deputy Cheif Minister Passes Away. Former Deputy cheif minister c.Jaganatharao passes away on 23 rd Jan 2012 .

Intellectual Writer Died. Sukumar Azhikode , award winning writer , scholar and probaly the most influential gandhian died on 24th Jan 2012 .

M . O . H Farook Passes Away . kerala Governor and three times Puducherry Cheif Minister and M P M. O .H Farook died in chennai on 26 th Jan2012. First Music Arranger Died . India s first music arranger Anthony Prabhu Gonsalves deid on 18 th Jan 2012 .

D) Visitors

Pak army Chief leaves for China pakistan Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani went to China on a five day official visit to China at the invitation of the Chinese leadership on 4 January 2012. Saudi Arabia Minister of Commerce, Taffic Bin Fazhan Al Rabia, who is on a visit to India met Union Minister of Commerce & In dustry, Anand Sharma. Trade between both the countries exceeded Rs. 2,500 crore dollars in the year 2010 11.

Trinidad PM visit to India

Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar visited India on 6 January 2012. Both the countries agreed for 5 Pacts.

Bangladesh PM in Tripura

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheik Hasina visited Tripura on Jan 11, 2012. She met Tripura Chief Minister Manik Sarkar. She has been invited to receive an honourary doctorate from Tripura Univesity. This is the first visit by a Bangladesh Prime Minister to Tripura, which played an important role in Bangladeshs War of Liberation in 1971. She also addressed India-Bangladesh Business Meet, organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry ( CII ) and the Federation of Bangladesh chambers of Commerce ( FBCCI ) in association with government of Tripura.

Nepal Deputy PM on a 4-day visit to India

Nepal Deputy Prime Minister, Mr Bijaya Kumar Gachhadar has been on a 4-day visit to India to hold talks on security issues. During his stay in New Delhi, Mr Gachhadar, who is also the countrys Home Minister, will meet his Indian Counterpart Mr P Chidambaram, and Defence Minister, Mr A K Antony, among others.

Visit Of InBer CEO CarlorBrito To India

The worlds largest brewer AB InBER , Carlos Brito has been visited to India in the last weak of Jan 2012 .Brito now heads the joint exiting making him one of the top 30 global CEOs in the world .

Thailand P M Visits India

Thailand Prime Minister Yingluck Shina Watra has visited India 25 th Jan 2012 . she will be our cheif guest for 63 rd Republic Day celebrations at red fort.

1.5 Lakh Indains Visited Srilanka In 2011

In the period from Jan to Nov in 2011, 1.5 lakh Indian people has been visited Srilanka out of the total of about 6.5 lakh tourists ,and the numbers from India are expected to reach an all time high due to the International Criket committie s Twenty-20 World Cup being held in Srilanka this year .

E) Miscellaneous

$376 m Stock Award for Cook. The one-time stock award worth for Apples CEO is the largest given by a company in a decade.

Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook received a one-time stock award worth nearly $400 million , the largest given by a company in a decade on 10 January 2012. Gilani not an honest man, says Pak SC. Pakistans Supreme Court on 10 Jan 2012 said PM Yousaf Raza Gilani wasnot an honest man and slammed hid government for wilful disobedience while warning him that he could be removed from office if he does not take action on corruption cases against president Zardari.

Zardari flies to Dubai

Pakistan president Asif Ali Zardari flew out on a surprise trip to Dubai on 12 January 2012. Although it was described as a one-day private visit, his sudden disappearance at a time of government military stand off triggered by memogate fuel speculation that he may not return.

British royal faces 22-yr jail in Turkey over TV documentary The Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson is reportedly facing more than 20 years in jail, after Turkey authorities charged for breaching privacy" of orphans in the country by secretly filming them for a TV documentary.

Suu Kyi launches bid for Parliament. Myanmar opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi launched her historic bid for a seat in Parliament on 18 Jan. 2012. The Nobel Peace Prize winner is standing in April 1 by-elections.

7.0 Magnitude Earthquake hits Japan

A strong earthquake with a strong magnitude of 7.0 struck heavily eastern and northern Japan on 1 January 2012, but there were dno immediate reports of injuries or damages or no tsunami warning issued .

AFSPA Armed Forces Special Powers Act AMC Asset Management Company. CII Confederation of Indian Industry. CRR Cash Reserve Ratio. FIU Financial Intelligence Unit. . FDI Foreign Direct Investment. FIR First information Report. NCM National Commission for Minorities. NCTC National Counter Terrorism Centre . NEET National Eligibility cum Entrance Test. NIA National Investigation Agency . NPA Non Performing Asset. NREGS National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme. NTPC National Thermal Power Corporation. NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration. SEBI Securities and Exchange Board of India. SAIL Steel Authority of India Limited. FCCB Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds.

WPI Wholesale Price Index. IPICOL Industrial Promotion and Investment Corporation of Odisha Ltd . UIDAI Unique Identification Authority of India .

IAMAI -Internet And Mobile Association of India . FCCB Foreign Reliant Iregated Area Development .Currency Convertible Deberture . A P R P R P Andhra Pradesh Rural Powerty Reduction Project.

T R I AD - Tank Reliant Iregated Area Development . I W A I Inland Waterways Authority Of India O E C D -Organisation For Economic Cooperation and Development . A I B E A All India Bank Employees Association . N R E D C A P New and Renewable Enenrgy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh .

J N N S M - Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission . T R R A I N Trust For Retailers and Retail Associates of India . F I E O The F ederation Of Indian Export Organisation .

M M R C A - Meduim Multi Role Combat Aircraft . P H C G Publicis Healthcare Communications Group .

Visually challenged boy pens Novel Inspired by author J.K. Rowlings Harry Potter and series , a visually challenged 18 year-old Viswanath Venkat Dasari from a formers family in Gokavaram of East Godavari District, has spent seven years of his life and wrote a book Pharaoh and the King, a story based on Indian and Egyptian mythology. The book was published by Author House, UK. Priced at $19.95, the book was released in the United States and the United Kingdom.

The Supreme Court appointed empowered committee heard the submission made by Kerala and Tamil Nadu on the Mullaperiyar Dam issue on 2 Jan 2012. Kerala complained to the empowered committee headed by former Chief Justice of India, Justice A S Anand that a survey done by the expert panel last month was biased and the panel had supported Tamil Nadu during its inspection of the dam site. A two member export panel comprising C D Thatte and D K Mehta had visited the dam site after Kerala expressed fears in the wake of recent tremours in the area.

March 02 Common Wealth Day . March 08 International Womens Day , International Literacy Day. March 13 World Kidney Day . March 15 Worlds Disabled Day , World Consumers Day. March 08 Ordnance Foctories Day.

March 21 World Sleep Day ,World Forestry Day , International Day For The Elimination of Racial Discrimination. March 22 World Day For Water. March 23 World Meterological Day . March 24 World TB Day , Internation Day For Achievers . March 25 International Day Of Remembrance . March 26 Bangladesh Day . March 27 World Drama Day . Current Affairs

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February 2012 Current Affairs Study Material

US To End Afgan Mission By 2013

The President of US Barrack Obama was facing a tough time of re-election campaign, as the strongest signal is that the White House wants to put an end to wars. The US troops completed their withdrawal from Iraq in Dec 2011. So the US Government plans to end combat operations in Afghanistan in 2013 and shift to training program.

Face book Files For Historic IPO

A social networking for huge Face book had filed an initial public offering (IPO),Which could raise as much $10 billion and raise the value of the company between $75billion and $10billion.It had more than 845million active users across the world .

Russia &China Vetoed The UN Security Council Resolution Russia & China on 4 Feb 2012 vetoed the UN Security Council resolution for the second time in four months. The resolution condemns the Syria regimes on public uprising calls upon Present Basher Al Assad to abide by the Arab league time-fame for political reforms in the country. The frame for implementation of the resolution by Syria was increased from 15 days to 21 days

EU Wants 3rd World To Double Its Renewable Energy By 2030 The European Union (EU) wants Countries meeting at a conference in the up coming June under the UNs Rio+2o mechanism to double their share of renewable energy by 2030 under an International obligation. EU wants countries like India to agree to double its energy efficiency levels under an International understanding. All world leaders are to gather in June for the United Nations Conference on sustainable development, known as Rio+20 in policy circles.

Indonesia Became The 157th Country For Test-Ban Treaty

Indonesia had formalized ratification of the nuclear test ban treaty on 6 Feb 2012 at the United Nation. The South-east Asia nuclear weapon free-zone treaty commits ASEANs 10 members stakes not to develop, manufacture or, otherwise acquire posses or has control over an atomic energy. Moodys Cut Rating Of Six European Countries

Moodys action follow those of standard & poors which downgraded rating of six European countries, Italy Malta,Portugal,Slovakia and Slovenia all had their rating cut by one notch with a negative outlook, while Spain was cut by two notches to A3, with a negative outlook. Britain, Australia and France could lose their triple A ratings as rating agency Moody placed the countries on negative watch.

Pakistan To Grant MFN Status To India By 2012

Pakistan on 15 Feb 2012 agreed liberal trade with India and conceded to put in place a small negative list of goods by the end of the month where imports will be restricted. By the year end even this negative list expected to be phased out. A joint statement issued after bilateral talks between commerce minister Anand Sharma and Markhdosm .Pakistan will grant MFN status to India by October 2012.

Three New Nuclear Projects By Iran

Iran on 15 Feb 2012 launched three nuclear projects including a fourth generation ultra centrifuge, which is capable of enriching the uranium faster than i ts earlier models. The first one was at the Iranian Atomic Organisation Research Center in Tehran where Irans first home made nuclear fuel rods were loaded into a medical reactor. This would be used for production of two other projects in the Nathan plant in Central Iran. Enriched uranium is a critical compound for both civil nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons

China to Be Top Gold Consumer In 2012

According to the World Gold Council ( WGC ) China had over taken India as the country with greatest appetite for gold in 2012. Its Jewellery investment demand reached 769.8 tonnes in 2011.Representing 82 % of Indians level of demand for gold which was at 933.4 tonnes. The Chines figure had only recently risen above the 50% mark in the gold market.

EU-US In Trade Tie- up

The US and European countries had entered into a historic trade arrangement that will pare way for organic products certified in the U.S or EU to be sold in either region from 1 June 2012 To bring the two largest organic producers and markets together to promote organic farming and is valued at around $60billion. Germany stands as its contribution to the organic market is $ 6billion.

Dow Chemicals Remain To Be Sponsor For London Olympics

The International Olympic Committee ( IOC) on 16 Feb 2012 announced that Dow Chemicals would remain a sponsor of the London Olympics. The Indian Olympic Association had appealed to the IOC London Games Organizing committee to withdraw the Dows sponsorship from the London Olympics. The International Olympic Committee turned down the appeal of IOC maintaining that Dow chemicals, the parent company of Union Carbide had no role in the Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984. It insisted Dow chemicals did not have any ownership stake in union carbide until 16 yrs after the disaster and 12yrs after the USD 470 million compensation agreements was approved by the supreme court of India. Independent Evaluation Group On World Banks Crisis A phase -two study of the World Banks crisis response, presented in a report, that the world Banks response to the global economic crisis. Phase II was released on 23 Feb 2012. The report noted during its responses to the worst financial economic crisis that hit the world economy in 2008, the World Bank failed to adequately modify its lending patterns as per the severity at the downturn across nations. Worlds Richest Country Qatar Qatar had the worlds highest per capita GDP Rs. 43,06733 , while the economy grew by 19.40%, the fastest in the world . Qatar had been proven reserves of both oil and natural gas. Qatar tops the list of worlds richest countries by the Forbes magazine in 2012, with a small citizen population of less than 17 lakh people. The Forbes magazine had announced 182 countries ranking among these countries the world richest country is Qatar ,in second place is Luxembourg, in third place is Singapore, and Burundi, Liberia and Congo at the least places. Qatar is the place where the next World football world cup is going to be held in 2022.

N.Korea, Agreed To n-Moratoriums

United states officials confirmed that North Korea had agreed to halt nuclear tests and activities and implement a moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile development in exchange for a US package of 240,000metric tonnes of food aid. The agreement also includes suspension of uranium enrichment activities at Yongb yon and also permission for International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to return and conform the disablement of the 5-MW reactor and associated facilities. Long List Of Millionaires In Chinas Parliament The membership of the National Poeples Congress provides wealthy businessmen on powerful platform and secure their support for the communist party of China .The NPC, the chinese parliament and top legislative body convenes in Beijing on March 5 for its annual session, it will be bringing together not only Chinas most powerful political leaders but also some of the nations wealthiest individuals. The net worth o f the 70 richest delegates at the NPC, was $89.8billion, the countrys 3,000 Members legislative house.


NMDC Buys Coal, Iron Ore Mines From Overseas Indias largest iron ore producer NMDC, Which had acquired a 50% stake in the Australian iron ore firm Legacy Iron ore recently. To acquire more from overseas mines, one each in Russia, Brazil, Mozambique and Australia. India :Dont Want Change Of Rule In Syria

India had taken decision to vote in favour of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria by stating that it does not want a regime change in the turmoil-ridden Arab country. The draft resolution was supported by 13 of the 15 members of the UN Security council when it was voted on 4 Feb 2012. Russia and China used their vote power to block the resolution. By Russia and China backing the security council, the syrian regime had stepped up armed attacks against protesters in the embattled city.

$250m Credit For Mauritius

India had announced an economic package which includes a line of credit of $250million and a grant of $ 20million to Mauritius wi th whom it had traditionally enjoyed warm and friendly ties. The two sides also signed a slew of agreements and MoUs. The two sides will provide a frame work for cooperation in the field of science and technology. India & China Call For New Flexible Ties Indian & Chinese leaders on 8 Feb 2012 had laid out a new roadmap for bilateral ties calling for a Flexible and imaginative approach in 2012 to minimise the effect of persisting political irritants, such as border disputes and Tibet. External Affairs minister S.M.Krishna who on 8 Feb inaugurated Indias new $10million embassy, which he had described as turning a new page in ties and underscored Indias willingness to calm sources of tension.

India & China Set Bilateral Trade Target $100b

India & China had set up an ambitious bilateral trade target of $100billion by 2015 compared to last yrs record figure of $74billion, External Affairs Minister S.M,Krishna said Bilateral Economic & Trade Cooperation had witnessed a robust growth rate. India will continue to carry forward the positive momentum in ties.

India & Saudi Agreed to Set Up Joint Working Group

India & Saudi Arabia on 13 Feb 2012 agreed to set up a joint working group on defense cooperation during the visit of Defense Minister A.K.An tony. The two sides held wide range talks about combating terrorism and piracy and cooperation in regional affairs.

Pakistan May Be Allowed To Invest In India

India may allow investments from Pakistan into the country; Government Sources said the commerce ministry had proposed to the finance minister to exempt Pakistan from the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) Regulations. This is being seen as a move to strengthen bilateral economic relation between the two countries.

India Seeks Oil From Saudi-Arabia

India had sought additional five million tonnes of crude oil from Saudi- Arabia as its second largest oil supplier Iran faces action from US & Israel over the Islamic nations nuclear programmed. Saudi-Arabia is the biggest supplier of crude oil to India followed by Iran, Iraq and Nigeria. India buys 27million tonnes of crude oil per annum from Saudi-Arabia while its annual import from Iran is about 17million tonnes.

India & Pakistan Extended Agreement On Reducing Risk From Nuclear Accidents

India & Pakistan on 21 Feb 2012 agreed to extend the agreement related to nuclear weapons for another five years, in accordance with article 8 of the agreement between the two countries. The agreement had come into force on 21 Feb 2007 for an initial duration of five years.

India To Set Up Engagement With Arab World

India will set up its mutilateral engagement with the Arab world in the up coming months with a series of events that will include a visit to Cairo by the External Affairs Minister S.M.Krishna to confabulate with the Arab League and to re-engage Egypt, which is stepping out of the rigid policy confines of the Mubarak era.

Canada, India For Nuclear Ties

The civil nuclear cooperation agreement between India and Canada closes, the two countries could cooperate in looking at third markets requiring nuclear technology for energy purpose. The two nations realizing the importance and the value of strong bilateral relations. The best indicator of the improved ties was the civil nuclear cooperation agreement signed by the Prime ministers of both the countries in 2010.Canada would be able to sell uranium, nuclear supplies and equipment to India soon.

NTPC To Supply 250MW Power To Bangladesh The countrys largest electricity producer NTPC is going to supply 250MW power to Bangladesh from the unallocated quota, a move that will help strengthen trade ties between the two nations.

On 2G Spectrum, Supreme Court Cancels 122 Licenses

The Supreme Court on Feb 2 2012 cancelled 122 2G licenses granted during the period of former communication minister A. Raja Jan 2008. The 2G spectrum scandal involved officials in the Government illegally undercharging mobiles telephony companies for frequency allocation licenses.The shortfall between the money collected and the money which the law mandated to be collected isEstimated to be Rs.176,645crore. As the grants of these licenses is illegal and blamed the Governmentfor its flawed first come first served policy, and imposes a fine of 5crore for each on 3 telecomcompanies which offloaded their shares after getting the licenses.

46,800 Indians Died Of Malaria

Malaria deaths in India is more than 40 times higher than what is presently estimated.New research published in the Lancet shows that malaria kills 1.2million people worldwide each year-twice as high as the figure in the world malaria report -2011. In India, it is estimated that 4,800Malaria deaths in children younger than 5 yrs and

42,000 malaria deaths in those aged 5 yrs or older for the year 2010 as against 19,000 malaria deaths in children younger than 5 yrs and 87,000malaria deaths in those aged 5yrs or older in 2002. Globally, 42% of all malaria deaths occur in older,children & adults. 20% deaths are in 15-49 age groups.

Major NREGA Reforms To Be Done

Congress Chairperson Sonia Gandhi on Feb 2 2012 said that their had been several complaints of corruption & irregularities regarding rural jobs schemes, MGNREGA. To make immediate reforms in the scheme, the rural development minister Jairam Ramesh told in the MGNREGA conference that the CAG would also look into the expenditure under the scheme and also the payments of wages in time for workers .

In India, Record Of 14 lakh Cancer Cases

India records high of 14 lakh new cases per annum. World Cancer Day, being observed on 4 Feb every year that over 12.7million people receive cancer diagnosis and 7.6million people die from these disease every year. Nowadays cancer had become lifestyle of the person that is to blame, much like in the case of diabetes and Hypertension.

Yuvraj Singh Confirmed Cancer Yuvraj Singh, Who played a key role in Indias ODI World Cup triumph in 2011, had been confirmed with lung cancer had been diagnosed that the tumor was cancerous in his left lung.

The Most Happiest People Reside In Three Countries According to a poll conducted by global research company IPCos, the happiest people of the world reside in Indonesia, India and Mexico. The survey measured comparative depth and intensity of happiness among country citizens and the world . As world was a happier place than in 2007 as 22% of global citizens were found to be happy in state of mind, Indians were among the happiest on the planet. On a national level, Indonesia had the highest proportion of happiest people with 51%, followed by India and Mexico with 43% each. Indias Lakshya-I Successfully Test Flown Indias indigenously developed micro-light pilot less target aircraft (PTA) Lakshya-I was successfully test flown from Integrated Test Range at Chandipur near Balasore on 8 Feb 2012. Lakshya, a sub-sonic, re-usable aerial target system is remote controlled from the ground and designed to import training to both air borne and air defense pilots. The (PTA) had been developed by Indias Aeronautic Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore to perform discreet aerial reconnaissance of battle field and target acquisition.

Approval Of The National Data Sharing & Accessibility Policy

The Union cabinet of India on 9 Feb 2012 approved the national data sharing & accessibility policy (NDSAP 2012) to facilitate access to central Government owned shareable data & information and also national planning & development.

Special Commemorative Stamp

President Pratibha Patil on 9 Feb 2012 released a special commemorative stamp to mark the golden jubilee of the India International Centre (IIC) in New Delhi. This centre plays a major role in promoting awareness and creating public opinion. The stamp priced at five rupees promoted the nation image and depicts the rich diverse culture of the country.

Missile Interceptor Tested Successfully

Indian Defense Scientist on 10 Feb 2012 successfully demonstrated an indigenous ballistic missile from the Odisha coast; an air defense missile successfully tracked, hit and destroyed an incoming ballistic missile at a height of 15km and range of 35km, according to the defense research and development organization. Indias First Vessel Traffic Service Dedicated To Nation In Gujarat, Indias first highly sophisticated vessel traffic service was dedicated to the nation in Kandla. Sixteen thousand square km of Gulf of Kutch are now under strict vigilance by this ultra modern radar system, which is the first and the largest radar surveillance system on Indian coast.

Announcement Of New Telecom Policy

The new telecom policy was announced by communication minister Kapil Sibal on 15 Feb 2012. The key policy measures are aimed at reassuring incumbent operations who had been seeking clarity in rules at a time when the Government is making every possible effort to put the cam-tainted telecom sector back on track. Telecom companies operating in the same region will be allowed to share 2g spectrum. All future allocation of airwaves will only be through auctions.Also, future licenses will be declined from spectrum and companies must buy bandwidth at market rates.

Sahara Back As Sponsor

The deadlock between the board of control for cricket in India and the Sahara group ended on 16 Feb with the board agreeing to most of the corporates demands. The Sahara owned franchise Pune warriors will continue to play in the Indian premier League, with the board reactivating its unspent auction purse of $16m. From both side a joint statement was given to extent the IPL trading windows till 29 Feb to give Pune warriors the opportunity to negotiate with other franchises. Tore- activate the auctionpurse of Pune warriors so that they can take more players. To start the arbitration proceedings subjectto the consent of others franchisers BCCI had agreed to allow Pune warriors to play five overseasplayers in non-availability of Yuvraj Singh. Indias success Had Inspired The World WHO

An, announcement was made by the health & family planning minister Glulam Nabi Azad at the 12th Polio summit 2012, held in New Delhi, That the World Health Organisation (WHO) has removed India from the list of polio-ridden countries. Suggesting that the wild polio virus had been totally eliminated from the environment. And India had successfully completed an entire year without an incidence of polio. However, India will have to remain polio free for two more years before it is declared poliofree by the WHO. There were only four countries in the WHO endemic list including Pakistan, Nigeria and Afghanistan.

Government To Set Up National Internet Scanning Agency

The Government is setting up an Internet Scanning agency which will seek to monitor all web traffic passing through internet service providers in the country.

India To Set Up 20 N-Reactors

To boost up the nuclear energy in the country, the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd plans to set up 20 nuclear reactors in different states. They will be ready during the 12th five years plan and the new plants will come up, among other places, at Kovvada in Andhrapradesh. The nuclear energy production in the country has now touched 32,000 million units.

Survey Of India To Bring New Set Of Maps

The survey of India is all set to bring out a new set of maps with never before details like, open spaces, rocky areas, important buildings and landmarks, roads and even power lines passing through an area soon. One of the first such maps brought out by its as part of a pilot project was displayed during an exhibition.

Chennai-Based Heymath To SeMaths Face book

In 2005, American writer Thomas Friedman was impressed with Chennai-based online Mathematics education platform Heymath. If Friedman were to describe its aspirations at present he could make, maths face book for ,Hey math, which had former IMFchief economist Raghuram Rajan and entrepreneur Jerry Rao on its advisory board, to launch a social net working site for mathematics the first of its kind ,within three months. Symbolically, it is happening in 2012 the National mathematics year in India. The maths social network to be called as Teaching Tomorrow will be separate non profit venture.

Gujarat Ranked Top In Investment Proposal

Gujarat topped the list of most preferred business destination in India in year 2011. According to associated chambers of commerce & industry of India report, released on 13 Feb 2012 Gujarat at the end of 2012 got the total investment proposal worth of Rs. 16.28lakh crore. Gujarat recorded 13 .52% stake in the total line investment proposals worth Rs.1.20.34 lakh crore in the country in the yr 2011.

High Level IT Security Policy In A.P

A high level IT security policy had been proposed for the Government of Andhra pradesh . A committee had been formed to formulate the policy with members from the formationTechnology and communications department, Nasscom, National Informatics centre; Data centre Operator, The operator of the state data centre, and Wipro and Security specialists from Cyber security works. This draft will be made available by March 10 2012 and circulated to all stake holders. This decision was taken at a high level committee meeting for reviewing the issue of hacking of Government websites at the A.P State Data Centre recently

A.P Village Girl In World Cup Team International Kabaddi player, R.Nagalakshmi who hails from the remote Inkollu village in prakasam district, will hog the lime might in the womens world cup to be held in Patna in March.

LPG Terminal Soon In Ennore

The LPG terminal project of Indian oil Petronas Pvt Ltd in Ennore, about 30km from Chennai, will be completed in all respects by the first week of next month to receive the first consignment. Apart from the imbalance in LPG demand supply in T.M, the terminal would cater to industrial consumers and also help the company foray into auto LPG dispensing. Tirumala Museum To Showcase Lord Venkateswaras Jewels The Tirumala thirupathi Davasthanams TDD is exploring the possibility of putting the precious ornaments of Lord Venkateswaras on display at the .

UP Elections In Seven Phases

The Legislative Assembly elections were held in Uttarpradesh in seven phases for 403 seats. The first phase polling was held on 8 Feb for 55 seats. The second phase polling was held on 11Feb for 56 seats. The third phase polling was held on 15 Feb for 56 seats . The fourth phase was held on 19 for 56 seats . The fifth phase was held on 23 for 49 seats .The sixth phase was held on 28 for 68 seats and last phase will be held on3 march 2012. and the results will be announced on 6 March 2012.

A.P State Budget For Yr 2012-13

Andhra Pradesh Finance minister A. Ramanarayan Reddy had presented Rs, 1.45Lakh crore budget for the financial year 2012-13 in the assembly on 16 Feb 2012.The Government estimates a revenue surplus of Rs. 4,444crorre the fiscal deficit of Rs. 20,000 crore, the latter at 2.5 % GSDP .The overall state debt is likely to go up to Rs. 1,60 191crore for 2012-13 against Rs 1,39,668 crore for 2011-12. And category wise distribution of the fund as follows . Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu - 150 crore , Indira Jala Prad 18,000crore , Electricity 5,937crore, Housing 2,302crore, Interest to farmer & women 1,075crore, IT Sector 150crore, Sports 120crore, Transportation 5,302crore,Home -4,832crore ,RTC 5,032crore,CM Fund- 600crore, Education -15,132crore,Irrigation 15,010crore , Agriculture- 3,175.

National Conference On Governance The national conference on Governance was held on 29 Jan 2012 at the NCUI auditorium in New Delhi, organized by the Foundation for peace, Harmony &Good Governance in association with global steel.

IACTS 58th Conference

The 58th annual meeting of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons (IACTS) was held from 8 to 12 Feb 2012 in Kolkata had focused on rising incidence of heart diseases and remedies. The four day meet of the cardiac surgeons would be synchronized by the joint workshop with the European Association for cardiac thoracic surgery. For the first time in India, the original research work on genetics causes of heart diseases and diabetic will be presented. And also the first even demonstration of the recent version of the Artificial Heart Heartmate II.

International Diamond Conference

The 10th International Kimberlite conference meeting was held from 6 to 11 Feb 2012 at Bangalore(GSI). It is the first time to conduct the conference in India .

15th National Conference On e- Governance In Odisha

The 15th National conference on e-Governance conference had been inaugurated by the chief minister M.Naveen Patnaik on 8 Feb 2012 which will be held for two days. The conference aims at providing a platform for effective interaction of policy makers, practitioners and industry leaders to deliberate and identify priorities and recommend strategy for good governance.

Luminescence Conference The 4th International Conference on Luminescence and its Applications (ICLA) 2012 conference had been organized by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies on 8 Feb2012 in Hyderabad. About 350 delegates from all over the country are participating to present their latest findings and discuss several crucial issues.

Global Company Meets In Delhi

The top corporate, ministry officials of international experts meeting had been held in New Delhi for two days 9,10 Feb 2012.To discus the issues related to responsibilities of company boards, stake holders expectations concern about corruption from all sectors of society etc. The 12th India EU Summit The 12th India EU summit was held in New Delhi on 10 Feb 2012. EU was represented by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and Mr. Jose Manver Durau Barrow, president of European commission.

India, Asean Summit For 2-Days

The Association of South East Nations (Asean ) summit had held in New Delhi on 12 Feb 2012 with the theme of India and Asean partners for peace, progress and stability. The two days conference will also mark two decades of India-Asean cooperation and also to look areas where the relationship can be further consolidated.

The 44th Session Of Indian Labour Conference

The 44Th session of Indian Labour conference was held on 14 and 15 Feb 2012, under the chairmanship of Shri Mallikajun Kharge , Union minister of Labour and Employment. The conference was inaugurated by P.M Manmohan singh on 14 Feb in New Delhi . The conference was attended by senior representatives of workers & employers. Organisation and state labour ministers and senior officers from central ministers, departments and state government. The conference was deliberated upon very critical issues of minimum wages, social security and employability and employment.

9th Three -Day International Conference & Exhibition

The 9th three day International conference & exhibition was hosted by the society of Petroleum Geophysicists (SPG),which was inaugurated on 16 feb 2012 in Hyderabad, to discus the major challenges that the oil and gas sectors facing .


Nayudamma Award For NASSCOM Chief

National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSOM) chairman & NIIT group co- founder Rajendra Singh Pawar had been awarded with Dr.Y.Nayudamma Memorial Award 2011 in recognition of his outstanding performance to the Indian information technology.

Typing A To Z in 3.43 Seconds

A B.Tech. student Mohammed Khurheed Hussain, typed the entire English alphabet in 3.43 seconds along with spaces after each letter, he succeeded in typing the 50 characters in a record time of 3.43 seconds, to break the existing record of 3.52 seconds set by Sridhar Raju for The fastest time to type the alphabet and break the Guinness book of world record.

National Integration Award For Razzak

The all Indian National Integration Award had been presented to Abdul Razzak by the Tazeen ulema-e-haq. This award had given to persons who strove hard for communal harmony and for spreading the spirit of national integration.

Professor Chosen As UNESCO Chair

Professor. Vinod Pavarala Dean, Sarojini Naidu School of Arts & Communication, University of Hyderabad had been chosen to be the first ever UNESCO Chair on community media. The chair being set up at the university for the period of four years. The prestigious chair, which is the first of its kind anywhere in the world comes in recongnition of Prof, Pavaralas work in the last decade on community radio, his research & writing, the struggle for community radio in India.

World Record Heart Surgery On 17-HR-Old Baby

A tiny figure from UK is recovering in hospital after becoming the youngest person to had open heart surgery. She was just 17 and half hours old when they operated her.

Three IIT Scientists With Scopus Award

Three IIT scientist are among the eight young scientist who had won the prestigious Scopus award from the Nation Academy of Science and Elsevier. Sanjib senapathi from IIT Madras. Sagnik Dey from IIT Delhi. Satyajit Banerjee from IIT Kanpur. Djokovic: Sportman Of The Year 2012 The tennis world no.1 Novack Djokovic had been awarded with the Sportman of the year award at the ceremony in London on 6 F eb for the year 2012.He was the fifth man to become to win three grand slam title in a row. Djo kovik had won the top individual prize at 2012 Laureus sports Awards. FC Barcelona Chosen Team Of The Year 2012

Barcelona footbal team had been recognised as the best team after its grand winning of the Spanish League and champion League. And it had captured the team Trophy at the 2012 Laureus Sports Awards held at London. Sportswomen Of The Year 2012 Vivan Cheruiyot The Kenyan distance runner, Vivian Cheruiyot who had won the 5,00 and 10,000 titles at the world championships last year was awarded with sportswomen of the year award for the year 2012

Scot Sisters Named Oldest Living Twins Guinness World Records had recognised 102yrs old Scottish sisters as the worlds oldest living twins. Edith Ritchie and Evelyn Evie Middleton, Who hail from Aberdeenshine were born in 1909 neither of them had ever travelled outside of the UK.

Rajesh Roshan Honoured With Lata Manageshkar Award

The great Hindi film music composer Rajesh Roshan was honoured with the Lata Manageshkar award by the M.P.Government on 8 Feb 2012 for the year 2011. Worlds Shortest Man The 72 yrs old Nepali Chandra Bahadur Dangi, who is just 22 inches had been awarded as the Worlds shortest man and weighs just 12kilos. He would also be the worlds shortest human adult to be alive. Guinness world records experts had confirmed it and they are to travel to Dangis village.

54th Annual Grammy Awards

The 54th Annual Grammy A wards were held on 12 Feb 2012 at the Staple center in Los Angeles. The British female singer, Adele won six golden gramophones for her Album, 21. The other winners are -Album of the year 22-Adele; Record of the year, Rolling in deep by Adele; song of the year; Adele; Best new artist; Bon Iver

British Academy Film Awards

The 65th Annual British Academy film awards, was held at the Royal Opera House in London on 12 Feb 2012.Black & White silent movie, The artist won six awards, including best film, best actor and best director. Best actress was awarded to Meryl Streep for her amazing acting as former British Prime minister, Margaret Thacher in the Iron Lady.Some of the other winners are best picture

Writer Ramdarash Mishra Selected For Vyas Samman

A noted Hindi writer Prof. Ramdarash Mishra was selected for the 21st Vyas Samman for his poetry collection Aam Ke Patte published in 2004.

Prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award For A.P Teacher

A retired teacher from Adilabad district in Andhra Pradesh Mr.Samala Sadasiva had awarded with the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award in NewDelhi on 14 Feb 2012, as he considered a pioneer in literature, music and philosophy. he got this award for his book Swaralayalu on Hindustan music.

Jindal Prize For Kalam & Hedge

The former president A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, and former Lokayukta of Karnataka Justice N.Santosh Hedge, had been selected for the S.R, Jindal prize for their contribution in their fields. Mr. Kalam got the award for his contribution in science and technology. Mr. Hedge for his exemplary service in social development.

US Humanities Medal For Amartya Sen Indias Nobel prize winning economist Amartya Sen was honoured with the prestigious US National Medal of Arts & Humanities award by U.S President Barrack Obama on 14 Feb 2012, for his efforts to increase the understandings of fighting hunger and poverty.At the glittering white house function.

Highest Serbia Award For Djokovic Worlds no-1 Tennis star Novack Djokovic of Serbia was awarded with the highest serbian award,Gold Star Of Karadjordje on 15 Feb 2012 it was conffered upon him by the Serbian President Mr.Boris Attic

IOC Award For Manisha

Manisha Malhotra, a former Indian tennis player and Bussan Asian Games silver medalist on 16 Feb 2012 was chosen as winner of the IOC Women and Sports Awards World Trophy by the International Olympic Committee for promoting women in sports.

100 yrs Old Frenchman Sets Cycling Record

Frenchman Robert Marchand had entered The Cycling Record Books in the one-hour event . three months after celebrating his 100th birthday Marchand rode 24.251km around an indoor track to establish the first ever hour performance in the 100yrs-plus category. 5 Oscar Awards For Film The Artist

The 84th Academy Awards Ceremony/ Oscars was hosted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science ( AMPAS). The ceremony which took place at the Hollywood Highland center in Hollywood, California on 26 Feb 2012 honoured the best film and performances of 2011. The ceremony was hosted by Billy Cristal who hosted this ceremony for the ninth time.

Best Motion Picture: The Artist,

Best Director: Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist

Best Actor : Jean Dujardin, The Artist

Foreign Language Film : A separation

Original Screenplay: Woody Allen

Best Actress : Meryl Streep, Iron Lady

Adapted screenplay: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon and JimRash

Best Supporting Actor :Christopher Plummer, Beginners,

Cinematography : Hugo.

Art direction: Hugo

Best Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, The Help .

Original Score: The Artist.

Visual Effects:


Film Editing: The girl with the dragon tattoo.

Sound mixing:Hugo.

Sound Editing: Hugo.

Costume Design:The Artist

Original Song: Man or Muppet, from Muppets.

Make Up: The Iron Lady .

Live Action Short Film:The Shore

Animated Feature Film: Rango.

Animated Short: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.

Documentary Features: Undefeated.

Documentary Short: Saving Face.

M.P,Sikkim Gets Tourism Awards

The National Tourism Awards ceremony was inaugurated by the President Pratibha Patil in Newdelhi on 29 Feb 2012. Madhya pradesh state got best state for tourism infrastructure and best tourism film. Sikkim got the award for tourism infrastructure in the Northeast and best state for clean India campaign.

Driverless Automated Train In Dubai

The Dubai Metro had made its to be the Guinness Book Of World Records, as the longest driverless metro network in the world, spanning 74.695km, officials announced on 21 Feb 2012.

Toilet Revolution Award For M.P Woman Madhya Pradesh woman named Anitha Narre was awarded for leading Toilet revolution on 16 Feb 2012 by the Sulab Sanitation , with cash worth of 5 Lakh. An Indian woman had been rewarded for her bold decision to leave her marital home within days of her wedding to protest the lack of toilets in the household.


Ajay Mittal & Shreyas Double Grab Gold In Short Gun Ajay Mittal and Shreya Singh created a new national record won gold medal in womens double trap with a 12 points margin over Seema Tomer in the 55 th national short gun championship at the Kavni singh shooting range Tuglakabad on Feb 1 2012 .

India won team Crown Golf Championship At Dhaka Indias Manav Das and Khalin Joshi had won the Team Title Of Bangladesh Open Ameteur Golf Championships held at Kurmitola Golf club in Dhaka against Bangladesh team Sajib Ali and Dulal Hassain.

Egypt Defeated India 2-1 In 21 Squash World Cup Egypt defeated India by 2-1 in the final of the SDAT-WSR under-21 Squash World Cup on 5 Feb 2012. Even after Ravi Dixits and Dipika Paliki fought hard to bring India back in contention but at last India lost the cup.

National Snooker Champ Mehta

Aditya Mehta had won the National Snooker Championship title held in Pune by defeating Kamal Chawla.

Stanlley Is Champion In Phoenix Open Golf

Kyle Stanley bounced back from a bitter defeat to won the Phoenix Open Golf Champion in Scottsdade, USA Pakistan Wins The Test Series Against England

Pakistan had won the test match series against England by 3-0 on 6 Feb 2012held at Dubai. Sania Wons Womens Tennis Title Sania Mirza of India and Anastasia Rodinova of Australia won the Pattaya Open Womens tennis title held in Pattaya on 12 Feb 2012

Indian Archers Won 3 Gold Medals

India had ended their campaign on a high in the individual sector of Asian Grand Prix Archery in Bangkok on 18 Feb 2012 by winning 3 gold, 3 silver, 1bronze medal. The Indian mixed recure team of Jayanta Talukdar and L.Bombayla Devi took gold beating the Japanese team in the final. Rajat Chauhan and Jhano Hanshad combined well to give India the mixed compound team gold by beating the Myanmar. Russias Isinbayevas New Olympic Record Russias Olympic champion Yelena Isinbayeva set a new indoor pole vault world record on 23 Feb 2012 with clearance of 5.01m. Isinbayevas latest world record comes just over two weeks out from the world indoor championships in Istanbul at 4.92m.

Ranwanska Won Eighth Career Title Polands Agniezka Radwanska had won the Women Singles Dubai Tennis Championship held in Dubai on 25 Feb 2012 , beating Germa nys Julia Goerges and becoming worlds top five for the time .

Indian Hockey Team Qualified For London Olympic

Indian hockey team was qualified for the 2012 London Olympics beating France by 8-1 in the final match for qualifing tournament in NewDelhi on 26 Feb 2012.

The world no-5 David Ferrer claimed his 13th carrier title by winning the Buenos Aires Open title on 26 Feb 2012. The worlds no-5 tennis player Juan Martin Del Potro of Argentina had won Marseille open title final by defeating Michael Liodra on 26 Feb 2012.

Per Capita Income Has Raised

The per capital income in India has been raised up by 15.6% according to central statistical office at the current prices during 2011-12 is estimated to be 60,972/-.The per capita income at current prices is estimated at Rs. 53,331/-in 2010-11, as against Rs. 46,117/- for the previous year 2010.

EU Carbon: Over-Flight Charges For India, Russia & China

India, Russia and China may consider imposing over-flight charges on European airlines, if the European Union Continues with its plans of imposing a carbon tax on International airlines. The tax came into force from 1 January 2012.There is growing acceptance between various countries, including the US and Brazil, on imposing some restrictions on the EU if they continue with their plans to impose the tax.

Food Grains Output To Hit Record High Indias food grains productions expected to reach Record High in second successive year in 2011-2012, and aided by the above normal monsoon & improved productivity in eastern states of Bihar and Jharkhand. According to the Government estimates, output of food grains to touch 250.42million tonnes as against th e previous years harvest of 244.78million tonnes. The cotton output to be at a record high of 34milllion bales of 170kg each as against previous years 3million bales.The rice output to be beat more at 102.75million tonnes, over last years 95.98million tonnes. The wheat output is higher at 88.3million tonnes, over last years 86.87million tonnes. Where as the pulses, oil seeds and coarse cereals are projected to dip. The production of pulses dip by 5.26%,17.28million tonnes over last years 18.24million tonnes. Output of turdal and red gram is lower at 2.72million tonnes last years 2.86million tonnes. The oil seeds dip by 30.58million tonnes against 32.48million tonnes in the previous years.

GDP Growth To Hit Low Of 6.9% Indias economy is expected to grow low by 6.9% in 2011-12, the slowest pace of expansion in three years, dragged down by sluggish industrial growth and decline in the mining sector. According to central statistics office showed growth in 2011-12 is estimated below by 7% to 7.5%.The Indian economy, Asias third largest, had been hit by stubbornly high inflation, high interest rates, and a slowing global economy which emerged in last year.

Set Up Of National Centre For Cold Chain Development

The Government of India, on 9 Feb 2012 approved setting up of a National centre for cold chain development, NCCD, as a society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and allocation of one time grant of Rs. 25crore as corpus fund had been released. The NCCD will be having a governing council under the chairmanship of secretary with 22 members, covering Government officials, confederation of Indian Industry, federation of Indian Chambers of commerce & industries, FICCI and other stake holders. The move comes in the wake of post harvest losses to the tune of 50000crore rupees annually in absence of proper storage facilities.

RBI Changed The Bank Rate To Rebuild It With (MSF) Rate

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 13 Feb 2012 changed the bank rate, a medium term signal rate after 9 yrs. The bank rate, a benchmark rate nine which RBI buys or re-discounts bills of exchange or other commercial papers eligible for purchase, was hiked with immediate effect to 9.5% from 6%. The rate was raised with the objective to realign it with the marginal standing facility MSF rate as a one-time technical adjustment to link it with the main policy repo rate RBI Issued Circular For Development Of WLAs The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 14 Feb 2012 issued the draft circular for development of White Label Automated Teller Machine (WLAs) from non-banks entities. The central bank also announced its plans. The central banks issuance of the draft reflected the banks intention to accelerate the growth and penetration of ATMs in the country. ATMs rolled out by non-bank will provide ATM service to consumers of all banks. WLA means ATM owned, run and maintained by third parties on a contract basis from financial institutions. Mumbai Worlds Second Least Expensive City A global survey had named two Indian cities the financial hub Mumbai and the national capital New Delhi, among the four least expensive places across the world. As per the worldwide cost of living survey by economist Intelligence Unit ( EIU) Mumbai is the second least expensive city globally, while New Delhi is ranked fourth. Karachi in Pakistan has been named as the cheapest destination globally,which Zurich in Switzerland is the most expensive place across the world. PMs Economic advisory Panel Projected 7.5% To 8% Growth Rate

The Prime Ministers economic advisory panel projected 7.5% to 8% growth rate for the next fiscal 2012-13 and the country is also expected to achieve a higher economic expansion if the global environment turns favorable. While releasing the review of economy 2011-12 that the growth rate in 2011-12 is likely to be 7.1%, marginally higher than 6.9%. projected by the central statistical organisation (CSO).

RBI To Issue 5Rs Coin In Bhagat Singhs Name The Reserve Bank of Indias RBI had made an announcement to bring out 5Rs coin devoted to the legendary Martyr. A photograph of Bhagat singh and the wordsShaheed Bhagat singh birth centenary 1907-2007 will be inscribed on one side of the coin.The two horizontal lined on capital of Ashoka pillars and the value of denomination will be displayed. Figures 1907-2007 will be printed below the picture and the coin is made of iron and chromium will be of a 2.3mm diameter.

First Nationwide Annual India Consumer Price Index Released

As per the first Nationwide retail inflation data was released by the centre of Statistical Office on 21 Feb 2012, inflation based on the all India consumer price index stood at 7.65% in Jan 2012. The annual consumer price index CPI data released for the first time measured prices in major food grou ps, fuel, clothing , housing and education across the rural and urban India . Overall retail inflation in rural and urban areas stood at 7.38%.Consumer price inflation for rural India was recorded at 7.38%, for urban India stood at 8.25%.


L G & Milagrow Enter Into Home Cleaning Robot The two companies announced the launch of their domestic robotic cleaners. Signalling the creation of a new product niche within the vacuum cleaner segment .LG, the launch of its comb-out prized Rs. 43,990.

US Engineers New Self-Guided Bullet

US Sandier National Laboratories Engineers had invented a bullet that directs itself to a target like guided missile and can hit a target more than 1.6km away, it can move up to thirty corrections per seconds while in the air. The bullet can twist and turns to guide itself toward a laser-directed point.

Drought-Hit Mars Too Dry For Life

British scientists had concluded that Mars is too dry, a planet to host any form of life. An analysis of soil, collected during the year 2008 NASA Phoenix Mission to Mars, by Imperial college London had revealed that the red planet had experienced a super drought 600millions years ago. The scientists had decided that there had been water present during a warmer period lasting up to 5,000 years in past, but this would been too little time for life to establish itself on the surface.

Two New Planets Found

Researchers had discovered a new planet some 22 light years from the Earth is the most likely to hold water &possibly host life. It receives about 90% of the light that the Earth receives from the Sun the new two planets named Kepler 34, and Kepler 35 each of which circling around its own double Sun together with Kepler 16. Worlds Highest Resolution Lunar Images Chinas state administration of science, technology and industry for national defense on 6 Feb 2012, released a set of Worlds Highest Resolution lunar images taken by its second moon orbiter, Change-2, and at it braces to launch its next missile to land a rover to explore its surface.

Google Launch Camera Equipped Glasses Google is going to launch a hi-tech glasses with in-built computer displays. Speculation is rife that developed at Googles secret Google X lab. The glasses will be armer with cameras, an android operating system and could be on sale soon.

New Super continent In Arctic

Geologists at the Yale University in the US predicted that in the coming 50 to 200million years, Australia may merge with India while all the countries may collide ea ch other to form one massive supercontinent.The Americas and Asia will drift Northward, closing off the Arctic and Caribbean Oceans to merge around the North pole and form a super continent called Amesia.

Life Originated On Land Not In Oceans Anew study claimed that the theory proposed by Charles Darwin on lifes origin was correct. Drawin proposed that the life originated on land in a pound and not in the oceans. The study held by the researchers at the Osnabruck university in Germany found that the first primitive cells might have originated in pools of condensed vapour. This was caused by underground hot water. The scientist discovered that the oceans did not contain the best balance of ingredients to support life on Earth.

NASA Discovered Water On The Planet Called GJ1214b

Researchers at the Harvard Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics discovered that the planet GJ1214b was largely covered in water . They used Hubble space telescope to discover the water on planet. GJ1214b was discovered in 2009 by the ground based MEarth. It is approximately 2.7 times, Earth diameter and weighs almost 7 times as much as Earth. The presence of water on the planet was confirmed when it crossed in front of its host star. The light of the star glittered through the planets atmosphere, provided clues to the mix of gasses, supporting the water vapour theory.

Tiny Lizard Called Brookesia Mirca Found

In Madagascas, one of the worlds tinest Lizards called Brookesia Mirca was found by German researchers on 14 Feb 2012 It reaches a maximum length of 29mm. The researchers also found three new species in the North of the Island, during daytime, the lizards mostly live in the leaf litter in the day and at night climb up. The lizards were limited to very small ranges and they are at risk from habitat disturbance.

Indian Black Eagle Was Spotted After 90 yrs

The Indian Black Eagle was spotted in the Aravali Biodiversity Park after a gap of 90 yrs The bird was last seen in 1920-21 by Basin Edwardes. Space Bug A New Source Of Power

Scientists have discovered a type of space bacteria in British river which they could be used as a new power source for the world. The Bacillus Strato sphericus, usually found more than 20 miles above the Earth, were spotted in the mouth of the river Wear in Sunderland. It is believed that the bugs may had been brought to the surface by atmospheric cycling, which causes evaporated water to rise into the stratosphere and then fall again.The organism is a particularly potent form of bacteria which can be used in a microbial fuel cell to convert river waste into power and clean water.

China Launches 11th Satellite To Bolster GPS system

China had successfully launched a satellite into space to bolster its indigenous global navigation and positioning network known as Beidou. The satellite, launched from the Xichang satellite launch centerin the southwestern Sichaun province,was boosted by a long march 3c carrier rocket into a geosynchronous orbit. It is Chinas 11th homemade navigation satellite.

Arctic Sea Ice Decline Linked To Snowy Winter

Further evidence had found of a relationship between melting Arctic sea ice and wide spread cold outbreaks in the Northern hemisphere could be used to improve seasonal forecasting of snow and temperature anomalies.

a) Appiontments

AP Dr.For Royal College Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh

Dr.P.Raghuram had been appointed as the Honarary Secretary for the Royal Collage of Surgeons of Edinburgh from Andhrapradesh .

New President For Maldives

Mohammed Waheed Hassan had been appointed as the new president of Maldives.

Abd- Rabbu Monsour Hadi had been appionted as the new president of Yemem on 25 Feb 2012.

b) Resigns

President of Maldives;Resigns

President of Maldives Mr.Mohamed Nasheed had resigned on 7 Feb 2012 against weeks of protest which was against his decision he had accused of favouring oppositions.

Kuldip Nayar Quits Symbiosis

The veteran journalist and former Member of Parliament Kuldip Nayar had resigned as professor emeritus at the symbiosis institute of media and communication.

World Bank Chief to Step down

World bank President Robert Zoellick had announced to step down from his position as his five years term closes by June this year.

German President Quits Germans President Christian Wulff resigned on 16 Feb 2012 in a scandal over favors he allegedly received before becoming head of state.

Space Scientist Narasimha Quits ISRO

The top aerospace scientist Prof Roddan Narasimha, who was a member of the B.C Chathurvedi committee probing Antrix- Devas deal, had quitted from the space commission to protest against blacklisting of scientists, including former ISRO chief G.Madhavan nair.

James Murdoch Quits News International

James murdoch had resigned as executive chairman of News International, publisher of the times due to allegations that he attempted to cover up the scandal.

c) Deaths

Pop Music Legend Whitney Houston Passes Away

Whitney Houston, who was pop music queen with her majestic voice and had won six Grammy awards in her glittery career had died on 11Feb 2012 in Los Angeles.

Akhlaq Mohammad Khan Urdu Poet Passes Away

A renowed urdu poet Akhlaq Mohammad Khan passes away in Aligarh on 13 Feb 2012 .He had received the Jnanpith award for the year 2008. Anthony Shahid Newyork Times Passes Away Anthony Shahid Newyork times foreign correspondent and two time Pulitzer prize winner died in Eastern Syria on 16 Feb 2012, after suffered from severe asthma attack. He had covered nearly two decades of middle east conflict and turmoil.

A Diplomat M.A.Vellodi Passes Away

M.A.Vellodi, who was an Indian foreign service officer witnessed up-close several momentous eventsin the 1960s and 1970s, died on 16 Feb 2012 in Chennai.

Football Legend Manna Passes Away Indian football former player who played bare footed, Sailendranath Manna. Indias first internationaloutgoing player at the London Olympics in 1948, had died on 27 Feb 2012 in Kolkata.

Nair Service Society Chief Passes Away

P.K.Narayana Panicker, president of the Nair Service Society died on 29 Feb 2012 in Kerala.

d) Visitors

The Prime minister of Mauritius Mr.Navinchandra Ramloolam had visited India on 7 Feb 2012 for his six days visit to sign slew agreements and for to provide frame work for cooperation.

Defense Minister Antony To Visit Saudi

In the first ever visit by an Indian defense ministry to Saudi Arabia, defense minister A.K.Antony had visited on 13 Feb 2012 to discus on bilateral military ties in areas ranging from training to jointexercises.

e) Miscellaneous

Face Book To Complete 8 yrs

Face Book a social utility net working had completed its 8 yrs journey, which had almost 84.5crore people as members in facebook.

Indian-American Appears On Time Cover

An eminent Indian-American Preet Bharara had made to be the cover of the prestigious Time magazine for his crusade against wall street corruption and irregularities including inside trading.This man is busting wall street Bhararas picture appeared in the latest edition of Time magazine.

The worlds Tallest communications tower and 2nd largest highest building 6343m, had been completed on 29 Feb 2012 , and named as Tokyo sky Tree in Tokyo of Japan.

6.8 Magnitude Earthquake In Philippine

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of the central Philippines on 6 Feb 2012, killing 44 people and causing widespread panic. The powerful earthquake hit in a narrow strait between the heavily populated island provinces of Negros and Cebu, causing severe damage to property and lives.

S A S T I N D State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry For National Defense

NCLP- National Child Labour Project.

NADAP The National Anti Doping Appeal Panel.

Official Release Of Bangladesh Writers Book Release Was Cancelled The Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreens book releasing was cancelled at the 36 th Kolkata International Book Fair on Feb 1 2012 . There had been a controversy about the promotion of the book, regarding the release of the seventh volume of her autobiographical series ( NIRBASAN ) exile . The Amar Ekushey Book F air had launched the 7th volume of Taslima Nasreens autobiographical series Nirbasan (Exile) on 2 Feb 2012 in Dhaka where as the release of this book was banned by the West Bengal recently. Anisul Hoques Book On Bangladesh War Launched Bangladesh High Commissioner T.Ahmad Karim & Dr.Karan Singh released Dhaka-based author Anisul Hoques latest book,Freedoms Mother in NewDelhi on 4 Feb 2012 Fidel Castros Time Guerrilla Book Released Cuban leader 85yrs old, Fidel Castro released his two volumes of his memoir entitled Time Guerrilla in ceremony. The memoirs trace his life from infancy until 1958 when he was Cuban leader in 2006.

Pakistani Writers Book Released In Hyderabad Fatwar on Terrorism A book by Pakistan writer Muhammad Tahir ul Qudri, was launched in Hyderabad on 27 Feb 2012 by the former gudge.


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February 2012 Current Affairs Study Material

US To End Afgan Mission By 2013

The President of US Barrack Obama was facing a tough time of re-election campaign, as the strongest signal is that the White House wants to put an end to wars. The US troops completed their withdrawal from Iraq in Dec 2011. So the US Government plans to end combat operations in Afghanistan in 2013 and shift to training program.

Face book Files For Historic IPO

A social networking for huge Face book had filed an initial public offering (IPO),Which could raise as much $10 billion and raise the value of the company between $75billion and $10billion.It had more than 845million active users across the world .

Russia &China Vetoed The UN Security Council Resolution Russia & China on 4 Feb 2012 vetoed the UN Security Council resolution for the second time in four months. The resolution condemns the Syria regimes on public uprising calls upon Present Basher Al Assad to abide by the Arab league time-fame for political reforms in the country. The frame for implementation of the resolution by Syria was increased from 15 days to 21 days

EU Wants 3rd World To Double Its Renewable Energy By 2030 The European Union (EU) wants Countries meeting at a conference in the up coming June under the UNs Rio+2o mechanism to double their share of renewable energy by 2030 under an International obligation. EU wants countries like India to agree to double its energy efficiency levels under an International understanding. All world leaders are to gather in June for the United Nations Conference on sustainable development, known as Rio+20 in policy circles.

Indonesia Became The 157th Country For Test-Ban Treaty

Indonesia had formalized ratification of the nuclear test ban treaty on 6 Feb 2012 at the United Nation. The South-east Asia nuclear weapon free-zone treaty commits ASEANs 10 members stakes not to develop, manufacture or, otherwise acquire posses or has control over an atomic energy. Moodys Cut Rating Of Six European Countries Moodys action follow those of standard & poors which downgraded rating of six European countries, Italy Malta,Portugal,Slovakia and Slovenia all had their rating cut by one notch with a negative outlook, while Spain was cut by two notches to A3, with a negative outlook. Britain, Australia and France could lose their triple A ratings as rating agency Moody placed the countries on negative watch.

Pakistan To Grant MFN Status To India By 2012

Pakistan on 15 Feb 2012 agreed liberal trade with India and conceded to put in place a small negative list of goods by the end of the month where imports will be restricted. By the year end even this negative list expected to be phased out. A joint statement issued after bilateral talks between commerce minister Anand Sharma and Markhdosm .Pakistan will grant MFN status to India by October 2012.

Three New Nuclear Projects By Iran

Iran on 15 Feb 2012 launched three nuclear projects including a fourth generation ultra centrifuge, which is capable of enriching the uranium faster than its earlier models. The first one was at the Iranian Atomic Organisation Research Center in Tehran where Irans first home made nuclear fuel rods were loaded into a medical reactor. This would be used for production of two other projects in the Nathan plant in Central Iran. Enriched uranium is a critical compound for both civil nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons

China to Be Top Gold Consumer In 2012

According to the World Gold Council ( WGC ) China had over taken India as the country with greatest appetite for gold in 2012. Its Jewellery investment demand reached 769.8 tonnes in 2011.Representing 82 % of Indians level of demand for gold which was at 933.4 tonnes. The Chines figure had only recently risen above the 50% mark in the gold market.

EU-US In Trade Tie- up

The US and European countries had entered into a historic trade arrangement that will pare way for organic products certified in the U.S or EU to be sold in either region from 1 June 2012 To bring the two largest organic producers and markets together to promote organic farming and is valued at around $60billion. Germany stands as its contribution to the organic market is $ 6billion.

Dow Chemicals Remain To Be Sponsor For London Olympics

The International Olympic Committee ( IOC) on 16 Feb 2012 announced that Dow Chemicals would remain a sponsor of the London Olympics. The Indian Olympic Association had appealed to the IOC London Games Organizing committee to withdraw the Dows sponsorship from the London Olympics. The International Olympic Committee turned down the appeal of IOC maintaining that Dow chemicals, the parent company of Union Carbide had no role in the Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984. It insisted Dow chemicals did not have any ownership stake in union carbide until 16 yrs after the disaster and 12yrs after the USD 470 million compensation agreements was approved by the supreme court of India. Independent Evaluation Group On World Banks Crisis A phase -two study of the World Banks crisis response, presented in a report, that the world Banks response to the global economic crisis. Phase II was released on 23 Feb 2012. The report noted during its responses to the worst financial economic crisis that hit the world economy in 2008, the World Bank failed to adequately modify its lending patterns as per the severity at the downturn across nations.

Worlds Richest Country Qatar Qatar had the worlds highest per capita GDP Rs. 43,06733 , while the economy grew by 19.40%, the fastest in the world . Qatar had been proven reserves of both oil and natural gas. Qatar tops the list of worlds richest countries by the Forbes magazine in 2012, with a small citizen population of less than 17 lakh people. The Forbes magazine had announced 182 countries ranking among these countries the world richest country is Qatar ,in second place is Luxembourg, in third place is Singapore, and Burundi, Liberia and Congo at the least places. Qatar is the place where the next World football world cup is going to be held in 2022.

N.Korea, Agreed To n-Moratoriums

United states officials confirmed that North Korea had agreed to halt nuclear tests and activities and implement a moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile development in exchange for a US package of 240,000metric tonnes of food aid. The agreement also includes suspension of uranium enrichment activities at Yongb yon and also permission for International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to return and conform the disablement of the 5-MW reactor and associated facilities. Long List Of Millionaires In Chinas Parliament The membership of the National Poeples Congress provides wealthy businessmen on powerful platform and secure their support for the communist party of China .The NPC, the chinese parliament and top legislative body convenes in Beijing on March 5 for its annual session, it will be bringing together not only Chinas most powerful political leaders but also some of the nations wealthiest individuals. The net worth o f the 70 richest delegates at the NPC, was $89.8billion, the countrys 3,000 Members legislative house.


NMDC Buys Coal, Iron Ore Mines From Overseas Indias largest iron ore producer NMDC, Which had acquired a 50% stake in the Australian iron ore firm Legacy Iron ore recently. To acquire more from overseas mines, one each in Russia, Brazil, Mozambique and Australia. India :Dont Want Change Of Rule In Syria

India had taken decision to vote in favour of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria by stating that it does not want a regime change in the turmoil-ridden Arab country. The draft resolution was supported by 13 of the 15 members of the UN Security council when it was voted on 4 Feb 2012. Russia and China used their vote power to block the resolution. By Russia and China backing the security council, the syrian regime had stepped up armed attacks against protesters in the embattled city.

$250m Credit For Mauritius

India had announced an economic package which includes a line of credit of $250million and a grant of $ 20million to Mauritius with whom it had traditionally enjoyed warm and friendly ties. The two sides also signed a slew of agreements and MoUs. The two sides will provide a frame work for cooperation in the field of science and technology. India & China Call For New Flexible Ties Indian & Chinese leaders on 8 Feb 2012 had laid out a new roadmap for bilateral ties calling for a Flexible and imaginative approach in 2012 to minimise the effect of persisting political irritants, such as border disputes and Tibet. External Affairs minister S.M.Krishna who on 8 Feb inaugurated Indias new $10million embassy, which he had described as turning a new page in ties and underscored Indias willingness to calm sources of tension.

India & China Set Bilateral Trade Target $100b

India & China had set up an ambitious bilateral trade target of $100billion by 2015 compared to last yrs record figure of $74billion, External Affairs Minister S.M,Krishna said Bilateral Economic & Trade Cooperation had witnessed a robust growth rate. India will continue to carry forward the positive momentum in ties.

India & Saudi Agreed to Set Up Joint Working Group

India & Saudi Arabia on 13 Feb 2012 agreed to set up a joint working group on defense cooperation during the visit of Defense Minister A.K.Antony. The two sides held wide range talks about combating terrorism and piracy and cooperation in regional affairs.

Pakistan May Be Allowed To Invest In India

India may allow investments from Pakistan into the country; Government Sources said the commerce ministry had proposed to the finance minister to exempt Pakistan from the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) Regulations. This is being seen as a move to strengthen bilateral economic relation between the two countries.

India Seeks Oil From Saudi-Arabia

India had sought additional five million tonnes of crude oil from Saudi- Arabia as its second largest oil supplier Iran faces action from US & Israel over the Islamic nations nuclear programmed. Saudi-Arabia is the biggest supplier of crude oil to India followed by Iran, Iraq and Nigeria. India buys 27million tonnes of crude oil per annum from Saudi-Arabia while its annual import from Iran is about 17million tonnes.

India & Pakistan Extended Agreement On Reducing Risk From Nuclear Accidents

India & Pakistan on 21 Feb 2012 agreed to extend the agreement related to nuclear weapons for another five years, in accordance with article 8 of the agreement between the two countries. The agreement had come into force on 21 Feb 2007 for an initial duration of five years.

India To Set Up Engagement With Arab World

India will set up its mutilateral engagement with the Arab world in the up coming months with a series of events that will include a visit to Cairo by the External Affairs Minister S.M.Krishna to confabulate with the Arab League and to re-engage Egypt, which is stepping out of the rigid policy confines of the Mubarak era.

Canada, India For Nuclear Ties

The civil nuclear cooperation agreement between India and Canada closes, the two countries could cooperate in looking at third markets requiring nuclear technology for energy purpose. The two nations realizing the importance and the value of strong bilateral relations. The best indicator of the improved ties was the civil nuclear cooperation agreement signed by the Prime ministers of both the countries in 2010.Canada would be able to sell uranium, nuclear supplies and equipment to India soon.

NTPC To Supply 250MW Power To Bangladesh The countrys largest electricity producer NTPC is going to supply 250MW power to Bangladesh from the unallocated quota, a move that will help strengthe n trade ties between the two nations.

On 2G Spectrum, Supreme Court Cancels 122 Licenses

The Supreme Court on Feb 2 2012 cancelled 122 2G licenses granted during the period of former communication minister A. Raja Jan 2008. The 2G spectrum scandal involved officials in the Government illegally undercharging mobiles telephony companies for frequency allocation licenses.The shortfall between the money collected and the money which the law mandated to be collected isEstimated to be Rs.176,645crore. As the grants of these licenses is illegal and blamed the Governmentfor its flawed first come first served policy, and imposes a fine of 5crore for each on 3 telecomcompanies which offloaded their shares after getting the licenses.

46,800 Indians Died Of Malaria

Malaria deaths in India is more than 40 times higher than what is presently estimated.New research published in the Lancet shows that malaria kills 1.2million people worldwide each year-twice as high as the figure in the world malaria report -2011. In India, it is estimated that 4,800Malaria deaths in children younger than 5 yrs and 42,000 malaria deaths in those aged 5 yrs or older for the year 2010 as against 19,000 malaria deaths in children younger than 5 yrs and 87,000malaria deaths in those aged 5yrs or older in 2002. Globally, 42% of all malaria deaths occur in older,children & adults. 20% deaths are in 15-49 age groups.

Major NREGA Reforms To Be Done

Congress Chairperson Sonia Gandhi on Feb 2 2012 said that their had been several complaints of corruption & irregularities regarding rural jobs schemes, MGNREGA. To make immediate reforms in the scheme, the rural development minister Jairam Ramesh told in the MGNREGA conference that the CAG would also look into the expenditure under the scheme and also the payments of wages in time for workers .

In India, Record Of 14 lakh Cancer Cases

India records high of 14 lakh new cases per annum. World Cancer Day, being observed on 4 Feb every year that over 12.7million people receive cancer diagnosis and 7.6million people die from these disease every year. Nowadays cancer had become lifestyle of the person that is to blame, much like in the case of diabetes and Hypertension.

Yuvraj Singh Confirmed Cancer Yuvraj Singh, Who played a key role in Indias ODI World Cup triumph in 2011, had been confirmed with lung cancer had been diagnosed that the tumor was cancerous in his left lung.

The Most Happiest People Reside In Three Countries According to a poll conducted by global research company IPCos, the happiest people of the world reside in Indonesia, India and Mexico. The survey measured comparative depth and intensity of happiness among country citizens and the world . As world was a happier place than in 2007 as 22% of global citizens were found to be happy in state of mind, Indians were among the happiest on the planet. On a national level, Indonesia had the highest proportion of happiest people with 51%, followed by India and Mexico with 43% each. Indias Lakshya-I Successfully Test Flown Indias indigenously developed micro-light pilot less target aircraft (PTA) Lakshya-I was successfully test flown from Integrated Test Range at Chandipur near Balasore on 8 Feb 2012. Lakshya, a sub-sonic, re-usable aerial target system is remote controlled from the ground and designed to import training to both air borne and air defense pilots. The (PTA) had been developed by Indias Aeronautic Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore to perform discreet aerial reconnaissance of battle field and target acquisition.

Approval Of The National Data Sharing & Accessibility Policy

The Union cabinet of India on 9 Feb 2012 approved the national data sharing & accessibility policy (NDSAP 2012) to facilitate access to central Government owned shareable data & information and also national planning & development.

Special Commemorative Stamp

President Pratibha Patil on 9 Feb 2012 released a special commemorative stamp to mark the golden jubilee of the India International Centre (IIC) in New Delhi. This centre plays a major role in promoting awareness and creating public opinion. The stamp priced at five rupees promoted the nation image and depicts the rich diverse culture of the country.

Missile Interceptor Tested Successfully

Indian Defense Scientist on 10 Feb 2012 successfully demonstrated an indigenous ballistic missile from the Odisha coast; an air defense missile successfully tracked, hit and destroyed an incoming ballistic missile at a height of 15km and range of 35km, according to the defense research and development organization. Indias First Vessel Traffic Service Dedicated To Nation In Gujarat, Indias first highly sophisticated vessel traffic service was dedicated to the nation in Kandla. Sixteen thousand square km of Gulf of Kutch are now under strict vigilance by this ultra modern radar system, which is the first and the largest radar surveillance system on Indian coast.

Announcement Of New Telecom Policy

The new telecom policy was announced by communication minister Kapil Sibal on 15 Feb 2012. The key policy measures are aimed at reassuring incumbent operations who had been seeking clarity in rules at a time when the Government is making every possible effort to put the cam-tainted telecom sector back on track. Telecom companies operating in the same region will be allowed to share 2g spectrum. All future allocation of airwaves will only be through auctions.Also, future licenses will be declined from spectrum and companies must buy bandwidth at market rates.

Sahara Back As Sponsor

The deadlock between the board of control for cricket in India and the Sahara group ended on 16 Feb with the board agreeing to most of the corporates demands. The Sahara owned franchise Pune warriors will continue to play in the Indian premier League, with the board reactivating its unspent auction purse of $16m. From both side a joint statement was given to extent the IPL trading windows till 29 Feb to give Pune warriors the opportunity to negotiate with other franchises. Tore- activate the auctionpurse of Pune warriors so that they can take more players. To start the arbitration proceedings subjectto the consent of others franchisers BCCI had agreed to allow Pune warriors to play five overseasplayers in non-availability of Yuvraj Singh. Indias success Had Inspired The World WHO

An, announcement was made by the health & family planning minister Glulam Nabi Azad at the 12th Polio summit 2012, held in New Delhi, That the World Health Organisation (WHO) has removed India from the list of polio-ridden countries. Suggesting that the wild polio virus had been totally eliminated from the environment. And India had successfully completed an entire year without an incidence of polio. However, India will have to remain polio free for two more years before it is declared poliofree by the WHO. There were only four countries in the WHO endemic list including Pakistan, Nigeria and Afghanistan.

Government To Set Up National Internet Scanning Agency

The Government is setting up an Internet Scanning agency which will seek to monitor all web traffic passing through internet service providers in the country.

India To Set Up 20 N-Reactors

To boost up the nuclear energy in the country, the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd plans to set up 20 nuclear reactors in different states. They will be ready during the 12th five years plan and the new plants will come up, among other places, at Kovvada in Andhrapradesh. The nuclear energy production in the country has now touched 32,000 million units.

Survey Of India To Bring New Set Of Maps

The survey of India is all set to bring out a new set of maps with never before details like, open spaces, rocky areas, important buildings and landmarks, roads and even power lines passing through an area soon. One of the first such maps brought out by its as part of a pilot project was displayed during an exhibition.

Chennai-Based Heymath To SeMaths Face book

In 2005, American writer Thomas Friedman was impressed with Chennai-based online Mathematics education platform Heymath. If Friedman were to describe its aspirations at present he could make, maths face book for ,Hey math, which had former IMFchief economist Raghuram Rajan and entrepreneur Jerry Rao on its advisory board, to launch a social net working site for mathematics the first of its kind ,within three months. Symbolically, it is happening in 2012 the National mathematics year in India. The maths social network to be called as Teaching Tomorrow will be separate non profit venture.

Gujarat Ranked Top In Investment Proposal

Gujarat topped the list of most preferred business destination in India in year 2011. According to associated chambers of commerce & industry of India report, released on 13 Feb 2012 Gujarat at the end of 2012 got the total investment proposal worth of Rs. 16.28lakh crore. Gujarat recorded 13 .52% stake in the total line investment proposals worth Rs.1.20.34 lakh crore in the country in the yr 2011.

High Level IT Security Policy In A.P

A high level IT security policy had been proposed for the Government of Andhra pradesh . A committee had been formed to formulate the policy with members from the formationTechnology and communications department, Nasscom, National Informatics centre; Data centre Operator, The operator of the state data centre, and Wipro and Security specialists from Cyber security works. This draft will be made available by March 10 2012 and circulated to all stake holders. This decision was taken at a high level committee meeting for reviewing the issue of hacking of Government websites at the A.P State Data Centre recently

A.P Village Girl In World Cup Team International Kabaddi player, R.Nagalakshmi who hails from the remote Inkollu village in prakasam district, will hog the lime might in the womens world cup to be held in Patna in March.

LPG Terminal Soon In Ennore

The LPG terminal project of Indian oil Petronas Pvt Ltd in Ennore, about 30km from Chennai, will be completed in all respects by the first week of next month to receive the first consignment. Apart from the imbalance in LPG demand supply in T.M, the terminal would cater to industrial consumers and also help the company foray into auto LPG dispensing. Tirumala Museum To Showcase Lord Venkateswaras Jewels The Tirumala thirupathi Davasthanams TDD is exploring the possibility of putting the precious ornaments of Lord Venkateswaras on display at the .

UP Elections In Seven Phases

The Legislative Assembly elections were held in Uttarpradesh in seven phases for 403 seats. The first phase polling was held on 8 Feb for 55 seats. The second phase polling was held on 11Feb for 56 seats. The third phase polling was held on 15 Feb for 56 seats . The fourth phase was held on 19 for 56 seats . The fifth phase was held on 23 for 49 seats .The sixth phase was held on 28 for 68 seats and last phase will be held on3 march 2012. and the results will be announced on 6 March 2012.

A.P State Budget For Yr 2012-13

Andhra Pradesh Finance minister A. Ramanarayan Reddy had presented Rs, 1.45Lakh crore budget for the financial year 2012-13 in the assembly on 16 Feb 2012.The Government estimates a revenue surplus of Rs. 4,444crorre the fiscal deficit of Rs. 20,000 crore, the latter at 2.5 % GSDP .The overall state debt is likely to go up to Rs. 1,60 191crore for 2012-13 against Rs 1,39,668 crore for 2011-12. And category wise distribution of the fund as follows . Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu - 150 crore , Indira Jala Prad 18,000crore , Electricity 5,937crore, Housing 2,302crore, Interest to farmer & women 1,075crore, IT Sector 150crore, Sports 120crore, Transportation 5,302crore,Home -4,832crore ,RTC 5,032crore,CM Fund- 600crore, Education -15,132crore,Irrigation 15,010crore , Agriculture- 3,175.

National Conference On Governance The national conference on Governance was held on 29 Jan 2012 at the NCUI auditorium in New Delhi, organized by the Foundation for peace, Harmony &Good Governance in association with global steel.

IACTS 58th Conference

The 58th annual meeting of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons (IACTS) was held from 8 to 12 Feb 2012 in Kolkata had focused on rising incidence of heart diseases and remedies. The four day meet of the cardiac surgeons would be synchronized by the joint workshop with the European Association for cardiac thoracic surgery. For the first time in India, the original research work on genetics causes of heart diseases and diabetic will be presented. And also the first even demonstration of the recent version of the Artificial Heart Heartmate II.

International Diamond Conference

The 10th International Kimberlite conference meeting was held from 6 to 11 Feb 2012 at Bangalore(GSI). It is the first time to conduct the conference in India .

15th National Conference On e- Governance In Odisha

The 15th National conference on e-Governance conference had been inaugurated by the chief minister M.Naveen Patnaik on 8 Feb 2012 which will be held for two days. The conference aims at providing a platform for effective interaction of policy makers, practitioners and industry leaders to deliberate and identify priorities and recommend strategy for good governance.

Luminescence Conference The 4th International Conference on Luminescence and its Applications (ICLA) 2012 conference had been organized by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowl edge Technologies on 8 Feb2012 in Hyderabad. About 350 delegates from all over the country are participating to present their latest findings and discuss several crucial issues.

Global Company Meets In Delhi

The top corporate, ministry officials of international experts meeting had been held in New Delhi for two days 9,10 Feb 2012.To discus the issues related to responsibilities of company boards, stake holders expectations concern about corruption from all sectors of society etc. The 12th India EU Summit The 12th India EU summit was held in New Delhi on 10 Feb 2012. EU was represented by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and Mr. Jose Manver Durau Barrow, president of European commission.

India, Asean Summit For 2-Days

The Association of South East Nations (Asean ) summit had held in New Delhi on 12 Feb 2012 with the theme of India and Asean partners for peace, progress and stability. The two days conference will also mark two decades of India-Asean cooperation and also to look areas where the relationship can be further consolidated.

The 44th Session Of Indian Labour Conference

The 44Th session of Indian Labour conference was held on 14 and 15 Feb 2012, under the chairmanship of Shri Mallikajun Kharge, Union minister of Labour and Employment. The conference was inaugurated by P.M Manmohan singh on 14 Feb in New Delhi . The conference was attended by senior representatives of workers & employers. Organisation and state labour ministers and senior officers from central ministers, departments and state government. The conference was deliberated upon very critical issues of minimum wages, social security and employability and employment.

9th Three -Day International Conference & Exhibition

The 9th three day International conference & exhibition was hosted by the society of Petroleum Geophysicists (SPG),which was inaugurated on 16 feb 2012 in Hyderabad, to discus the major challenges that the oil and gas sectors facing .


Nayudamma Award For NASSCOM Chief

National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSOM) chairman & NIIT group co- founder Rajendra Singh Pawar had been awarded with Dr.Y.Nayudamma Memorial Award 2011 in recognition of his outstanding performance to the Indian information technology.

Typing A To Z in 3.43 Seconds

A B.Tech. student Mohammed Khurheed Hussain, typed the entire English alphabet in 3.43 seconds along with spaces after each letter, he succeeded in typing the 50 characters in a record time of 3.43 seconds, to break the existing record of 3.52 seconds set by Sridhar Raju for The fastest time to type the alphabet and break the Guinness book of world record.

National Integration Award For Razzak

The all Indian National Integration Award had been presented to Abdul Razzak by the Tazeen ulema-e-haq. This award had given to persons who strove hard for communal harmony and for spreading the spirit of national integration.

Professor Chosen As UNESCO Chair

Professor. Vinod Pavarala Dean, Sarojini Naidu School of Arts & Communication, University of Hyderabad had been chosen to be the first ever UNESCO Chair on community media. The chair being set up at the university for the period of four years. The prestigious chair, which is the first of its kind anywhere in the world comes in recongnition of Prof, Pavaralas work in the last decade on community radio, his research & writing, the struggle for community radio in India.

World Record Heart Surgery On 17-HR-Old Baby

A tiny figure from UK is recovering in hospital after becoming the youngest person to had open heart surgery. She was just 17 and half hours old when they operated her.

Three IIT Scientists With Scopus Award

Three IIT scientist are among the eight young scientist who had won the prestigious Scopus award from the Nation Academy of Science and Elsevier. Sanjib senapathi from IIT Madras. Sagnik Dey from IIT Delhi. Satyajit Banerjee from IIT Kanpur. Djokovic: Sportman Of The Year 2012 The tennis world no.1 Novack Djokovic had been awarded with the Sportman of the year award at the ceremony in London on 6 F eb for the year 2012.He was the fifth man to become to win three grand slam title in a row. Djo kovik had won the top individual prize at 2012 Laureus sports Awards. FC Barcelona Chosen Team Of The Year 2012

Barcelona footbal team had been recognised as the best team after its grand winning of the Spanish League and champion League. And it had captured the team Trophy at the 2012 Laureus Sports Awards held at London. Sportswomen Of The Year 2012 Vivan Cheruiyot The Kenyan distance runner, Vivian Cheruiyot who had won the 5,00 and 10,000 titles at the world championships last year was awarded with sportswomen of the year award for the year 2012

Scot Sisters Named Oldest Living Twins Guinness World Records had recognised 102yrs old Scottish sisters as the worlds oldest living twins. Edith Ritchie and Evelyn Evie Middleton, Who hail from Aberdeenshine were born in 1909 neither of them had ever travelled outside of the UK.

Rajesh Roshan Honoured With Lata Manageshkar Award

The great Hindi film music composer Rajesh Roshan was honoured with the Lata Manageshkar award by the M.P.Government on 8 Feb 2012 for the year 2011. Worlds Shortest Man The 72 yrs old Nepali Chandra Bahadur Dangi, who is just 22 inches had been awarded as the Worlds shortest man and weighs just 12kilos. He would also be the worlds shortest human adult to be alive. Guinness world records experts had confirmed it and they are to travel to Dangis village.

54th Annual Grammy Awards

The 54th Annual Grammy A wards were held on 12 Feb 2012 at the Staple center in Los Angeles. The British female singer, Adele won six golden gra mophones for her Album, 21. The other winners are -Album of the year 22-Adele; Record of the year, Rolling in deep by Adele; song of the year; Adele; Best new artist; Bon Iver

British Academy Film Awards

The 65th Annual British Academy film awards, was held at the Royal Opera House in London on 12 Feb 2012.Black & White silent movie, The artist won six awards, including best film, best actor and best director. Best actress was awarded to Meryl Streep for her amazing acting as former British Prime minister, Margaret Thacher in the Iron Lady.Some of the other winners are best picture

Writer Ramdarash Mishra Selected For Vyas Samman

A noted Hindi writer Prof. Ramdarash Mishra was selected for the 21st Vyas Samman for his poetry collection Aam Ke Patte published in 2004.

Prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award For A.P Teacher

A retired teacher from Adilabad district in Andhra Pradesh Mr.Samala Sadasiva had awarded with the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award in NewDelhi on 14 Feb 2012, as he considered a pioneer in literature, music and philosophy. he got this award for his book Swaralayalu on Hindustan music.

Jindal Prize For Kalam & Hedge

The former president A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, and former Lokayukta of Karnataka Justice N.Santosh Hedge, had been selected for the S.R, Jindal prize for their contribution in their fields. Mr. Kalam got the award for his contribution in science and technology. Mr. Hedge for his exemplary service in social development.

US Humanities Medal For Amartya Sen Indias Nobel prize winning economist Amartya Sen was honoured with the prestigious US National Medal of Arts & Humanities award by U.S President Barr ack Obama on 14 Feb 2012, for his efforts to increase the understandings of fighting hunger and poverty.At the glittering white house function.

Highest Serbia Award For Djokovic Worlds no-1 Tennis star Novack Djokovic of Serbia was awarded with the highest serbian award,Gold Star Of Karadjordje on 15 Feb 2012 it was conffered upon him by the Serbian President Mr.Boris Attic

IOC Award For Manisha

Manisha Malhotra, a former Indian tennis player and Bussan Asian Games silver medalist on 16 Feb 2012 was chosen as winner of the IOC Women and Sports Awards World Trophy by the International Olympic Committee for promoting women in sports.

100 yrs Old Frenchman Sets Cycling Record

Frenchman Robert Marchand had entered The Cycling Record Books in the one-hour event . three months after celebrating his 100th birthday Marchand rode 24.251km around an indoor track to establish the first ever hour performance in the 100yrs-plus category. 5 Oscar Awards For Film The Artist

The 84th Academy Awards Ceremony/ Oscars was hosted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science ( AMPAS). The ceremony which took place at the Hollywood Highland center in Hollywood, California on 26 Feb 2012 honoured the best film and performances of 2011. The ceremony was hosted by Billy Cristal who hosted this ceremony for the ninth time.

Best Motion Picture: The Artist,

Best Director: Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist

Best Actor : Jean Dujardin, The Artist

Foreign Language Film : A separation

Original Screenplay: Woody Allen

Best Actress : Meryl Streep, Iron Lady

Adapted screenplay: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon and JimRash

Best Supporting Actor :Christopher Plummer, Beginners,

Cinematography : Hugo.

Art direction: Hugo

Best Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, The Help .

Original Score: The Artist.

Visual Effects:


Film Editing: The girl with the dragon tattoo.

Sound mixing:Hugo.

Sound Editing: Hugo.

Costume Design:The Artist

Original Song: Man or Muppet, from Muppets.

Make Up: The Iron Lady .

Live Action Short Film:The Shore

Animated Feature Film: Rango.

Animated Short: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore.

Documentary Features: Undefeated.

Documentary Short: Saving Face.

M.P,Sikkim Gets Tourism Awards

The National Tourism Awards ceremony was inaugurated by the President Pratibha Patil in Newdelhi on 29 Feb 2012. Madhya pradesh state got best state for tourism infrastructure and best tourism film. Sikkim got the award for tourism infrastructure in the Northeast and best state for clean India campaign.

Driverless Automated Train In Dubai

The Dubai Metro had made its to be the Guinness Book Of World Records, as the longest driverless metro network in the world, spanning 74.695km, officials announced on 21 Feb 2012.

Toilet Revolution Award For M.P Woman Madhya Pradesh woman named Anitha Narre was awarded for leading Toilet revolution on 16 Feb 2012 by the Sulab Sanitation , with cash worth of 5 Lakh. An Indian woman had been rewarded for her bold decision to leave her marital home within days of her wedding to protest the lack of toilets in the household.


Ajay Mittal & Shreyas Double Grab Gold In Short Gun Ajay Mittal and Shreya Singh created a new national record won gold medal in womens double trap with a 12 points margin over Seema Tomer in the 55 th national short gun championship at the Kavni singh shooting range Tuglakabad on Feb 1 2012 .

India won team Crown Golf Championship At Dhaka Indias Manav Das and Khalin Joshi had won the Team Title Of Bangladesh Open Ameteur Golf Championships held at Kurmitola Golf club in Dhaka against Bangladesh team Sajib Ali and Dulal Hassain.

Egypt Defeated India 2-1 In 21 Squash World Cup

Egypt defeated India by 2-1 in the final of the SDAT-WSR under-21 Squash World Cup on 5 Feb 2012. Even after Ravi Dixits and Dipika Paliki fought hard to bring India back in contention but at last India lost the cup.

National Snooker Champ Mehta

Aditya Mehta had won the National Snooker Championship title held in Pune by defeating Kamal Chawla.

Stanlley Is Champion In Phoenix Open Golf

Kyle Stanley bounced back from a bitter defeat to won the Phoenix Open Golf Champion in Scottsdade, USA Pakistan Wins The Test Series Against England

Pakistan had won the test match series against England by 3-0 on 6 Feb 2012held at Dubai. Sania Wons Womens Tennis Title Sania Mirza of India and Anastasia Rodinova of Australia won the Pattaya Open Womens tennis title held in Pattaya on 12 Feb 2012

Indian Archers Won 3 Gold Medals

India had ended their campaign on a high in the individual sector of Asian Grand Prix Archery in Bangkok on 18 Feb 2012 by winning 3 gold, 3 silver, 1bronze medal. The Indian mixed recure team of Jayanta Talukdar and L.Bombayla Devi took gold beating the Japanese team in the final. Rajat Chauhan and Jhano Hanshad combined well to give India the mixed compound team gold by beating the Myanmar. Russias Isinbayevas New Olympic Record Russias Olympic champion Yelena Isinbayeva set a new indoor pole vault world record on 23 Feb 2012 with clearance of 5.01m. Isinbayevas latest world record comes just over two weeks out from the world indoor championships in Istanbul at 4.92m.

Ranwanska Won Eighth Career Title Polands Agniezka Radwanska had won the Women Singles Dubai Tennis Championship held in Dubai on 25 Feb 2012 , beating Germa nys Julia Goerges and becoming worlds top five for the time .

Indian Hockey Team Qualified For London Olympic

Indian hockey team was qualified for the 2012 London Olympics beating France by 8-1 in the final match for qualifing tournament in NewDelhi on 26 Feb 2012.

The world no-5 David Ferrer claimed his 13th carrier title by winning the Buenos Aires Open title on 26 Feb 2012. The worlds no-5 tennis player Juan Martin Del Potro of Argentina had won Marseille open title final by defeating Michael Liodra on 26 Feb 2012.

Per Capita Income Has Raised

The per capital income in India has been raised up by 15.6% according to central statistical office at the current prices during 2011-12 is estimated to be 60,972/-.The per capita income at current prices is estimated at Rs. 53,331/-in 2010-11, as against Rs. 46,117/- for the previous year 2010.

EU Carbon: Over-Flight Charges For India, Russia & China

India, Russia and China may consider imposing over-flight charges on European airlines, if the European Union Continues with its plans of imposing a carbon tax on International airlines. The tax came into force from 1 January 2012.There is growing acceptance between various countries, including the US and Brazil, on imposing some restrictions on the EU if they continue with their plans to impose the tax.

Food Grains Output To Hit Record High Indias food grains productions expected to reach Record High in second successive year in 2011-2012, and aided by the above normal monsoon & improved productivity in eastern states of Bihar and Jharkhand. According to the Government estimates, output of food grains to touch 250.42million tonnes as against the previous years harvest of 244.78million tonnes. The cotton output to be at a record high of 34milllion bales of 170kg each as against previous years 3million bales.The rice output to be beat more at 102.75million tonnes, over last years 95.98million tonnes. The wheat output is higher at 88.3million tonnes, over last years 86.87million tonnes. Where as the pulses, oil seeds and coarse cereals are projected to dip. The production of pulses dip by 5.26%,17.28million tonnes over last years 18.24million tonnes. Output of turdal and red gram is lower at 2.72million tonnes last years 2.86million tonnes. The oil seeds dip by 30.58million tonnes against 32.48million tonnes in the previous years.

GDP Growth To Hit Low Of 6.9%

Indias economy is expected to grow low by 6.9% in 2011-12, the slowest pace of expansion in three years, dragged down by sluggish industrial growth and decline in the mining sector. According to central statistics office showed growth in 2011-12 is estimated below by 7% to 7.5%.The Indian economy, Asias third largest, had been hit by stubbornly high inflation, high interest rates, and a slowing global economy which emerged in last year.

Set Up Of National Centre For Cold Chain Development

The Government of India, on 9 Feb 2012 approved setting up of a National centre for cold chain development, NCCD, as a society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and allocation of one time grant of Rs. 25crore as corpus fund had been released. The NCCD will be having a governing council under the chairmanship of secretary with 22 members, covering Government officials, confederation of Indian Industry, federation of Indian Chambers of commerce & industries, FICCI and other stake holders. The move comes in the wake of post harvest losses to the tune of 50000crore rupees annually in absence of proper storage facilities.

RBI Changed The Bank Rate To Rebuild It With (MSF) Rate

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 13 Feb 2012 changed the bank rate, a medium term signal rate after 9 yrs. The bank rate, a benchmark rate nine which RBI buys or re-discounts bills of exchange or other commercial papers eligible for purchase, was hiked with immediate effect to 9.5% from 6%. The rate was raised with the objective to realign it with the marginal standing facility MSF rate as a one-time technical adjustment to link it with the main policy repo rate RBI Issued Circular For Development Of WLAs The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 14 Feb 2012 issued the draft circular for development of White Label Automated Teller Machine (WLAs) from non-banks entities. The central bank also announced its plans. The central banks issuance of the draft reflected the banks intention to accelerate the growth and penetration of ATMs in the country. ATMs rolled out by non-bank will provide ATM service to consumers of all banks. WLA means ATM owned, run and maintained by third parties on a contract basis from financial institutions. Mumbai Worlds Second Least Expensive City A global survey had named two Indian cities the financial hub Mumbai and the national capital New Delhi, among the four least expensive places across the world. As per the worldwide cost of living survey by economist Intelligence Unit ( EIU) Mumbai is the second least expensive city globally, while New Delhi is ranked fourth. Karachi in Pakistan has been named as the cheapest destination globally,which Zurich in Switzerland is the most expensive place across the world. PMs Economic advisory Panel Projected 7.5% To 8% Growth Rate The Prime Ministers economic advisory panel projected 7.5% to 8% growth rate for the next fiscal 2012-13 and the country is also expected to achieve a higher economic expansion if the global environment turns favorable. While releasing the review of economy 2011-12 that the growth rate in 2011-12 is likely to be 7.1%, marginally higher than 6.9%. projected by the central statistical organisation (CSO).

RBI To Issue 5Rs Coin In Bhagat Singhs Name The Reserve Bank of Indias RBI had made an announcement to bring out 5Rs coin devoted to the legendary Martyr. A photograph of Bhagat singh and the wordsShaheed Bhagat singh birth centenary 1907-2007 will be inscribed on one side of the coin.The two horizontal lined on capital of Ashoka pillars and the value of denomination will be displayed. Figures 1907-2007 will be printed below the picture and the coin is made of iron and chromium will be of a 2.3mm diameter.

First Nationwide Annual India Consumer Price Index Released

As per the first Nationwide retail inflation data was released by the centre of Statistical Office on 21 Feb 2012, inflation based on the all India consumer price index stood at 7.65% in Jan 2012. The annual consumer price index CPI data released for the first time measured prices in major food groups, fuel, clothing , housing and education across the rural and urban India . Overall retail inflation in rural and urban areas stood at 7.38%.Consumer price inflation for rural India was recorded at 7.38%, for urban India stood at 8.25%.


L G & Milagrow Enter Into Home Cleaning Robot The two companies announced the launch of their domestic robotic cleaners. Signalling the creation of a new product niche within the vacuum cleaner segment .LG, the launch of its comb-out prized Rs. 43,990.

US Engineers New Self-Guided Bullet

US Sandier National Laboratories Engineers had invented a bullet that directs itself to a target like guided missile and can hit a target more than 1.6km away, it can move up to thirty corrections per seconds while in the air. The bullet can twist and turns to guide itself toward a laser-directed point.

Drought-Hit Mars Too Dry For Life

British scientists had concluded that Mars is too dry, a planet to host any form of life. An analysis of soil, collected during the year 2008 NASA Phoenix Mission to Mars, by Imperial college London had revealed that the red planet had experienced a super drought 600millions years ago. The scientists had decided that there had been water present during a warmer period lasting up to 5,000 years in past, but this would been too little time for life to establish itself on the surface.

Two New Planets Found

Researchers had discovered a new planet some 22 light years from the Earth is the most likely to hold water &possibly host life. It receives about 90% of the light that the Earth receives from the Sun the new two planets named Kepler 34, and Kepler 35 each of which circling around its own double Sun together with Kepler 16.

Worlds Highest Resolution Lunar Images Chinas state administration of science, technology and industry for national defense on 6 Feb 2012, released a set of Worlds Highest Resolution lunar images taken by its second moon orbiter, Change-2, and at it braces to launch its next missile to land a rover to explore its surface.

Google Launch Camera Equipped Glasses Google is going to launch a hi-tech glasses with in-built computer displays. Speculation is rife that developed at Googles secret Google X lab. The glasses will be armer with cameras, an android operating system and could be on sale soon.

New Super continent In Arctic

Geologists at the Yale University in the US predicted that in the coming 50 to 200million years, Australia may merge with India while all the countries may collide each other to form one massive supercontinent.The Americas and Asia will drift Northward, closing off the Arctic and Caribbean Oceans to merge around the North pole and form a super continent called Amesia.

Life Originated On Land Not In Oceans Anew study claimed that the theory proposed by Charles Darwin on lifes origin was correct. Drawin proposed that the life originated on land in a pound and not in the oceans. The study held by the researchers at the Osnabruck university in Germany found that the first primitive cells might have originated in pools of condensed vapour. This was caused by underground hot water. The scientist discovered that the oceans did not contain the best balance of ingredients to support life on Earth.

NASA Discovered Water On The Planet Called GJ1214b

Researchers at the Harvard Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics discovered that the planet GJ1214b was largely covered in water . They used Hubble space telescope to discover the water on planet. GJ1214b was discovered in 2009 by the ground based MEarth. It is approximately 2.7 times, Earth diameter and weighs almost 7 times as much as Earth. The presence of water on the planet was confirmed when it crossed in front of its host star. The light of the star glittered through the planets atmosphere, provided clues to the mix of gasses, supporting the water vapour theory.

Tiny Lizard Called Brookesia Mirca Found In Madagascas, one of the worlds tinest Lizards called Brookesia Mirca was found by German researchers on 14 Feb 2012 It reaches a maximum length of 29mm. The researchers also found three new species in the North of the Island, during daytime, the lizards mostly live in the leaf litter in the day and at night climb up. The lizards were limited to very small ranges and they are at risk from habitat disturbance.

Indian Black Eagle Was Spotted After 90 yrs

The Indian Black Eagle was spotted in the Aravali Biodiversity Park after a gap of 90 yrs The bird was last seen in 1920-21 by Basin Edwardes. Space Bug A New Source Of Power

Scientists have discovered a type of space bacteria in British river which they could be used as a new power source for the world. The Bacillus Strato sphericus, usually found more than 20 miles above the Earth, were spotted in the mouth of the river Wear in Sunderland. It is believed that the bugs may had been brought to the surface by atmospheric cycling, which causes evaporated water to rise into the stratosphere and then fall again.The organism is a particularly potent form of bacteria which can be used in a microbial fuel cell to convert river waste into power and clean water.

China Launches 11th Satellite To Bolster GPS system

China had successfully launched a satellite into space to bolster its indigenous global navigation and positioning network known as Beidou. The satellite, launched from the Xichang satellite launch centerin the southwestern Sichaun province,was boosted by a long march 3c carrier rocket into a geosynchronous orbit. It is Chinas 11th homemade navigation satellite.

Arctic Sea Ice Decline Linked To Snowy Winter

Further evidence had found of a relationship between melting Arctic sea ice and wide spread cold outbreaks in the Northern hemisphere could be used to improve seasonal forecasting of snow and temperature anomalies.

a) Appiontments

AP Dr.For Royal College Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh

Dr.P.Raghuram had been appointed as the Honarary Secretary for the Royal Collage of Surgeons of Edinburgh from Andhrapradesh .

New President For Maldives

Mohammed Waheed Hassan had been appointed as the new president of Maldives.

Abd- Rabbu Monsour Hadi had been appionted as the new president of Yemem on 25 Feb 2012.

b) Resigns

President of Maldives;Resigns

President of Maldives Mr.Mohamed Nasheed had resigned on 7 Feb 2012 against weeks of protest which was against his decision he had accused of favouring oppositions.

Kuldip Nayar Quits Symbiosis

The veteran journalist and former Member of Parliament Kuldip Nayar had resigned as professor emeritus at the symbiosis institute of media and communication.

World Bank Chief to Step down

World bank President Robert Zoellick had announced to step down from his position as his five years term closes by June this year.

German President Quits Germans President Christian Wulff resigned on 16 Feb 2012 in a scandal over favors he allegedly received before becoming head of state.

Space Scientist Narasimha Quits ISRO

The top aerospace scientist Prof Roddan Narasimha, who was a member of the B.C Chathurvedi committee probing Antrix- Devas deal, had quitted from the space commission to protest against blacklisting of scientists, including former ISRO chief G.Madhavan nair.

James Murdoch Quits News International

James murdoch had resigned as executive chairman of News International, publisher of the times due to allegations that he attempted to cover up the scandal.

c) Deaths

Pop Music Legend Whitney Houston Passes Away

Whitney Houston, who was pop music queen with her majestic voice and had won six Grammy awards in her glittery career had died on 11Feb 2012 in Los Angeles.

Akhlaq Mohammad Khan Urdu Poet Passes Away

A renowed urdu poet Akhlaq Mohammad Khan passes away in Aligarh on 13 Feb 2012 .He had received the Jnanpith award for the year 2008. Anthony Shahid Newyork Times Passes Away Anthony Shahid Newyork times foreign correspondent and two time Pulitzer prize winner died in Eastern Syria on 16 Feb 2012, after suffered from severe asthma attack. He had covered nearly two decades of middle east conflict and turmoil.

A Diplomat M.A.Vellodi Passes Away

M.A.Vellodi, who was an Indian foreign service officer witnessed up-close several momentous eventsin the 1960s and 1970s, died on 16 Feb 2012 in Chennai.

Football Legend Manna Passes Away Indian football former player who played bare footed, Sailendranath Manna. Indias first internationaloutgoing player at the London Olympics in 1948, had died on 27 Feb 2012 in Kolkata.

Nair Service Society Chief Passes Away

P.K.Narayana Panicker, president of the Nair Service Society died on 29 Feb 2012 in Kerala.

d) Visitors

The Prime minister of Mauritius Mr.Navinchandra Ramloolam had visited India on 7 Feb 2012 for his six days visit to sign slew agreements and for to provide frame work for cooperation.

Defense Minister Antony To Visit Saudi

In the first ever visit by an Indian defense ministry to Saudi Arabia, defense minister A.K.Antony had visited on 13 Feb 2012 to discus on bilateral military ties in areas ranging from training to jointexercises.

e) Miscellaneous

Face Book To Complete 8 yrs

Face Book a social utility net working had completed its 8 yrs journey, which had almost 84.5crore people as members in facebook.

Indian-American Appears On Time Cover

An eminent Indian-American Preet Bharara had made to be the cover of the prestigious Time magazine for his crusade against wall street corruption and irregularities including inside trading.This man is busting wall street Bhararas picture appeared in the latest edition of Time magazine.

The worlds Tallest communications tower and 2nd largest highest building 6343m, had been completed on 29 Feb 2012 , and named as Tokyo sky Tree in Tokyo of Japan.

6.8 Magnitude Earthquake In Philippine

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of the central Philippines on 6 Feb 2012, killing 44 people and causing widespread panic. The powerful earthquake hit in a narrow strait between the heavily populated island provinces of Negros and Cebu, causing severe damage to property and lives.

S A S T I N D State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry For National Defense

NCLP- National Child Labour Project. NADAP The National Anti Doping Appeal Panel.

Official Release Of Bangladesh Writers Book Release Was Cancelled The Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreens book releasing was cancelled at the 36 th Kolkata International Book Fair on Feb 1 2012 . There had been a controversy about the promotion of the book, regarding the release of the seventh volume of her autobiographical series ( NIRBASAN ) exile . The Amar Ekushey Book Fair had launched the 7th volume of Taslima Nasreens autobiographical series Nirbasan (Exile) on 2 Feb 2012 in Dhaka where as the release of this book was banned by the West Bengal recently. Anisul Hoques Book On Bangladesh War Launched Bangladesh High Commissioner T.Ahmad Karim & Dr.Karan Singh released Dhaka-based author Anisul Hoques latest book,Freedoms Mother in NewDelhi on 4 Feb 2012 Fidel Castros Time Guerrilla Book Released Cuban leader 85yrs old, Fidel Castro released his two volumes of his memoir entitled Time Guerrilla in ceremony. The memoirs trace his life from infancy until 1958 when he was Cuban leader in 2006.

Pakistani Writers Book Released In Hyderabad Fatwar on Terrorism A book by Pakistan writer Muhammad Tahir ul Qudri, was launched in Hyderabad on 27 Feb 2012 by the former gudge.


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March 2012 Current Affairs Study Material

Nepal Calls For Help to Settle Mt Everest Height

Nepal is appealing to the international donors to help its finally settle, a long-running dispute over the height of Mount Everest, according to a Government official. The Worlds highest peak, Which straddles Nepal and China, is usually attributed a height of 8,848 meters following an Indian survey in 1954, but other an American team using GPS technology, recorded a height of 8,850 meters. Everest was first measured in 1856. In 2010, Nepal and China reached a compromise under which Nepal measured the height of Everests snow cap at 8,848 meters and China measured the rock peak at 8, 844 meters.

US Court Dismissed a Lawsuit Against, Sri Lankan President

A US federal Judge on 1 March 2012, dismissed a lawsuit filed against the Sri Lankan President Mahindra Rajapaksa. The lawsuit alleged that the president Rajapaksa is responsible for human right abuses occurred during the civil war in Sri Lanka.

25 EU States Sign Pact For Budget Discipline

All but two European Union Countries signed a fiscal pact to tighten budget discipline on 3 March 2012, making a coup for Germany that pushed for the accord to prevent a repeat of the loose spending that led to economic crises. Only Britain and czech Republic did not sign the agreements , under which all other countries in the 27- nation blocks are to write a golden rule on balanced budget in national constitutions equivalent laws and automatic corrections mechanism, if the rule is breached. Britain Wont Be Christian By 2030

Britain may no longer be a Christian country by 2030 as the number of non-believers is set to overtake the number of Christians. Christianity is losing more than half a million believers per years, while the count of atheists and agnosties is going up by almost 7,50,000 annually. The number of Muslims has surged by 37%, Hindus by 43% and Buddhist by 74%.

China Develops Systems To Predict Earthquakes Chines scientists claimed to have developed a system to monitor the movement of the Earths crust and predict earthquakes. The new system will be based on satellite navigation involving a network of 260 constant observing stations and 2,000 part time observing stations with data processing technology. According to the officials of China Earthquake Administration, The new system will be used for weather forecasting and scientific research, among their purposes.

US Sees Vatican As Hub For Hawalas

The Obama Administration for the first time has identified Vatican City as a potential hub for money laundering along with 67 other countries. The state department Annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR) identifies the 67 countries for money laundering or other financial crimes.It looks at the national laws to fight financial crime, their enforcement as well as the size of the banking sector. Major economics including the US, Britain and Japan are identified as countries of primary concern for money laundering.

Forbes Rich List Of 2012 Maxican Tycoon Carlos Slim Helu retains his position as the Worlds richest person. An all time high 1,226billion worth a record $4.6trillion were counted this year. The second is Bill Gates with 61.0billion, Warren Buffett in the third place with 44.0billion, the last three in top 10 are Stefan Persson with 26.0billion Li Ka Shing with 25.5billion and Kari Albrecht with 25.4billion.

Russia To Offer Air-Base To US A new deal allowing the United States and its NATO allies to use a Russian air base for transit of troops and military cargo to Afghanistan. It would help Russias own security, Russias Foreign Minister said that the plan to permit the US and other NATO nations to use their air base in the city of Ulyanousk on the Volga River will be considered by the Russian cabinet. China, Worlds Biggest Art, Antiques Marketer China had overtaken the US as the Worlds biggest market for art and antiques in 2011. According to the report, China share of the global art market rose from 23% to 30% last year pushing the US to second place with a share of 29%, UK with a share of 22% in third place and France in fourth place with 6%.

Putin Wins Presidential Poll

Prime Minister Vladimir Putin had won for the third term as Russian President in the Presidential elections held on 4 March 2012 and gets the highest perce nt of 63.6% votes in the election.

Oil Discovered in Kenya The President of Kenya, Mwai Kibaki said on 26 March 2012 that oil deposits had been discovered in the countrys Northwest and first time in the East African nations. He cautioned that commercial viability is still uncertain through it was good news for the country, but the discovery was the beginning of a long journey before Kenya could become an oil producer. The discovery was made in Kenyas Turkana region, Neighbouring South Sudan and Uganda both have oil industries. The discovery was made after exploratory drilling by Anglo-Irish firm Tullow oil Syria Accepts Kofis 6-Points Peace Plan Syria had accepted UN Arab League envoy Kofi Annans six points peace proposal to end the year long violence, a more which the former UN Chief Kofi Annan described as an important initial step to taken by the Syria to fulfill.

Syria commits to work with Annan in a inclusive Syrian political process to address the legislative aspirations and concerns of the Syrian people.

Syria commits to stop fighting and immediately stop troop movements and use of heavy weapons in populated areas

Syria accepts and implements a daily two hours humanitarian pause to deliver aid and evacuate the injured

Syria commits to intensify the pace and scale of release of arbitrarily detained persons and provide a list of all places

Syria commits to ensure freedom of movement through out the country for Journalists and a non discriminatory visa policy for them

Syria commits to respect freedom of association and the right to demonstrate peacefully as legally guaranted

Beijing Begins Mapping Disputed In South China Sea

China having maritime disputes with several of its neighbours, said that it is mapping South China sea (SCS) with an aim to step up exploration for oil and gas and reinforce its territorial claims. The majority of the disputed water used to be beyond our reach because we seldom put our claims into action. The Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, told by drawing a map, the country can reinforce its jurisdiction claims in the South China Sea, and further actions may fallow, such as exploiting resources near the Nansha Islands.

Euro-zone Builds $1 trillion Financial Firewall For Larger Economies

The Euro zone nations have reached a deal to build up a massive 800billion euro ( around US 1.1trillion) financial firewall to present the two years old sovereign debt crisis from anguefing larger economies such as Spain & Italy. The finance minister of the 17 nations using the single currency agreed at the start of a two day meeting in Copenhagen to boost the fire power of euro-zones financial bailout fund to 700billion euros.It will be done by bringing together the temporary European financial stability facility mechanism (ESM) which has an initial funding capacity of 500billion euros.

Coups In Mali Ousted Its President

Rebel troops in Mali ousted its president Amadov Toumani on 22 March 2012. The ousted president Amadov Toumani Toure was due to leave office after elections on 29 April 2012 The rebels slammed the government for failing to control an ethnic Tuareg insurgency in the Northern part of Mali. The Tuareg insurgency includes fighters who supported Munnar Gaddafi in Libya. USA suspended military and other funds directed to Mali Government.


India & China Move To Maritime Cooperation

India & China had decided to open a new bilateral cooperation by agreeing to undertake joint operation against pirated and sharing technological know how on sea bed research. The maritime cooperation proposals were made by visiting Chinese foreign minister Yang Jiechi. This proposal was shared after Beijing was permitted by the international seabed Authority to explore in South-west Indian ocean

India For Science Ties With Africa

India is making stronger scientific ties with Africa as science ministers from 31 African countries had gathered in New Delhi on 1 March 2012. Minister of science & Technology, VilasRao Deshmukh had Inaugurated the first ever India & Africa Science & Technology conference and stressed the need to build bridges between the two scientific communities and also enhance human resources in research and development.

India To Host Trade Show In Jakarta The Union Commerce minister, Mr. Anand Sharma and Indonesias trade minister, Mr. Gita Iranwan Wirjawan, will inaugurate the high profile Indian show being held in Jakarta, Indonesia from 6-8 March 2012. Over 75 domestic corporates would participate in a fair as the two countries aim to achieve a bilateral trade target of $25 billion by 2015 from the current $ 16.6billion.

India, Iran To Step Up Ties In Renewable Energy

India and Iran had agreed to improve co-operation in the field of renewable energy. Both the countries were called for stepping up bilateral ties and economic cooperation in tourism, cultural exchanges and people to people contacts

BRICS Summit Set Pact For Trade

This important move could facilitate trade between Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa in local currency. Two agreements had been linked at the Delhi summit level meeting of its leaders. The agreements are non-binding and the leaders of these countries are to meet for the BRICS summit scheduled to be held on 29 March 2012.

India & Colombia Signed Exchange Programme For The Years 2012-16

India & Colombia on 12 March 2012 signed a cultural exchange programme in New Delhi for the years 2012-16. The CEP was signed in conformity with the provisions established Government of India and the Government of Colombia, CEP was signed in Bogota, capital of Colombia. The CEP includes areas such as cultural heritage, museums, Archives, exhibitions, science Arts, Visual Arts, cinematography, Radio and Television, Music, Libraries, Book and Literature, Creative Industrial and Editorial Industry for Cooperation. Both the nations have agreed to set up a joint working group to look after the implementation of their programme

Turkey Seeks More Flights From Indian Cities

Turkey plans to not only to set up a consulate or appoint honorary consul in Hyderabad but it is also seeking direct air connectivity between Hyderabad and Istanbul. Turkish ambassador said that they had applied to the Indian authorities for direct air link. Turkey had also sought direct connectivity with Chennai, Amritsar, Bangalore and Kolkata. The envoy was in town to pitch Turkey as an Investment destination and woo Hyderabad based businessmen, from infrastructure and realty sectors Worlds Most Ethical Firms; Tata & Wipro The Ethisphere Institutes Annual Worlds Most Ethical Companies (WME) list revealed that 145 companies in countries including the US, Great Britain , Japan, Partuagal and India. Ethisphere evaluated about 5,000 global companies, including those in Standard & Poors 500 index on reputation. India stood out for setting high standards of employees behaviour and conduct. Tata Steel and Wipro had been named among the Worlds Most Ethical Companies by an American Ethical Institute recently India, Worlds Largest Arms Importer India was the Worlds largest arms importer between 2007 to 2011, according to latest data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institution (SIPRI) India accounted for 10% of the global arms imports in 2007-11. SIPRI said on 19 March 2012 that the four next largest recipients of arms in the same period were South Korea with 6%of arms tranfers, Pakistan 5%, China 5% and Singapore 4%.

India to Vote Against Sri Lanka In UNHRC

P.M.Manmohan singh on 19 March said that India was inclined to vote in favour of a US-sponsored resolution against Sri Lanka at the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva. As regarding the issue of a draft resolution initiated by the United States at the on-going 19th Session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. The resolution, currently being drafted, has two main components first, it asks the Sri Lankan Government to implement the report of its own Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) ,accept some kind of UN minitoring and report to the UNHRC secondly, UN monitoring efforts are on to watering down the resolution but the Western countries are opposed to it

Indo- Israel FTA Likely To Be Concluded This Year

An Indo- Israel Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is expected to be concluded this year, paving the way for further expansion in bilateral trade between the two countries, Mr,Muneer Akbaria Consul-General, Consulate General of Israel said that the two countries on the FTA were at an advanced level. At present the bilateral trade between both countries is $5billion, and is expected to rise by 60% in next two years. The new areas identified for engagement included water technology, agriculture, pharmaceuticals and life science. This trade meeting between both the countries was held in Hyderabad on 19 March 2012

India To Face Sanctions By America

Along with India and other countries importing oil from Iran, could face sanctions by July, If it did not significantly reduce such imports, the US State Department warned in a conference call, that if such countries may have other kinds of sanctionable activities. The remarks raised brows, as sanctions against countries such as India , China and South Korea appeared more imminent and push for upping the ante against Iran through its 2012 National Defense Authorisation Act (NDAA).

India Offers LNG Gas To Pakistan

After fuel, India is going to offer LNG natural gas to Pakistan to help the neighbouring country tide over its gas crisis. State owned GAILs just commissioned natural gas pipeline from West coast to Bhatinda in Punjab is barely 25km away from Pakistan border and the gas utility is proposing that the line can be extended to Lahore in no time .

Iran To Import Major Farm Commodities From India

Iran is going to import four major farm commodities wheat,rice, sugar and tea from India. an export body,the President of the Federation of Indian Export Organisation (FIEO) said, that Iran had signed import contracts with India. and for also 1.25lakh tonnes of Soyameal, used as animal feedstock. The shipment would be delivered in two months. Besides agricultural commodities Mr. Ahmad said that the west Asian nation is also interested in purchasing of Pharmaceuticals and auto components from India .

India, S.Korea to Have Defence Ties

There had been bilateral ties between the India and South Korea to boost up their economic ties in conference held in Seoul. Both the nations had decided to step up cooperation in the defence sector, which would include naval ship, aircrafts and ship building

Indian American In US State Legislature

An prominent Indian American politician and Deputy Speaker of New Jersey State Assembly, Upendra Chivukula is all set to run for the house of Representative in the elections in November. Mr. Upendra holds the proud distinction of being the first Indian American elected to the New Jersey Legislature and only the fourth Indian American to be elected to a state legislature

Indian Exploration In Vietnam Oil Blocks Normal Asserting that Chinas opposition to India is undertaking oil exploration in Vietnam blocks was not in accordance with UN norms. Vietnam said the blocks are well within its sovereign territory.maintaining the vietnam will only explore in areas accepted by international community and that the oil blocks that India has been exploring is within the territory.

Nine Indian Women In Forbes Magazine The Indian women named in Forbes Magazines inaugural Asia Power Businesswomen List. The list names 50 Path Breakers whose extraordinary business success is driving the regions remarkable economic rise.The list includes, ICICI Bank CEO& MD, Chanda Kochchar, Bincon founder Kiran Mazumdar-shaw and film producer Ekta Kapoor, Britannia Industries MD Vanitha Bali, HT Media chairman and editorial director Shobhana Bhartia , A2B& Partner Founder & senior partner Zia Mody, Axis Bank CEO & MD Shikha Sharma and Tractor & farm Equipment chairman Mallika Srinivasan. Youngest on the list is Ekta Kapoor 36 yrs.

LIC Launches Jeevan Vriddhi

Life Insurance Corporation Of India (LIC) on 1 March 2012, launched a single premium insurance plan, Jeevan Vriddhi. This is a single premiu m non-linked insurance plan where the risk cover is five times of the premium chosen by the offers excellent guaranteed returns at maturity

Indian Men Among The Most Dissatisfied At Work

Indian men are among the most dissatisfied people at work across the world, according to a report by Accenture, The Path Forward- research report stated that as much as 72% of men in India are not satisfied with their job. Brazil tops the list with a figure of 74% men dissatisfied with their jobs. Women cited lack of opportunities and heavy work loaded as reasons for dissatisfaction in work, while inadequate pay was cited as the main reason for dissatisfaction by men in their jobs. The overall job satisfaction in India stands at 34%. over 78% Indian women proactively manage their carriers.

Base Price For Broadcast, Rised

BCCI of India had increased the base price for home international games in the new broadcast rights, as they kept the base price at Rs. 31.25crore plus 1crore (that is Rs. 32.25crore) for an international game for A category. And Rs 33crore, plus Rs1crore (Rs 34crore) for a game in B category. The basic price for games will be declared in the tenders . Asias Richest Man Asias richest man was Hong Kongs Li ka Shing stood top with worth of 25.5billion, in second richest Asian on the Forbes list in India was Mukesh Ambani with 22.3billion.

India To Spread A Multi Modal Transportation Network

India is making a concerned push into Central Asia by taking charge of a crucial transportation network through Iran into Central Asia and beyond. 14 stakeholder countries in the region in January, experts from all countries will meet in New Delhi on 29 March to put final touches to the project known as the International North-South Corridor .The project envisages a multi modal transportation network that connects ports on Indias West coast to Bandar Abbas in Iran than over land to Bandar Anzali port on the Caspian sea, thence through Rasht and Astava on the Azerbaizer border onwards to Kazakhstan and further onwards towards Russia. Once completed this would connect Europe and Asia , which serves economic and strategic interests of all states concerned

Tata Steel Topped The List Of Most Admired Indian Brand

A survey conducted by Fortune India and Global Management Consultancy Hay Group, which was released on 13 March 2012, revealed that Tata Steel as the most admired brand in India. Several factors corporate, governance and financial make this brand in top most.

55.5% New Cases Of Leprosy Recorded In India

According to the Government, about 55.5% of new leprosy cases were identified in 2010 in India. Minister of Health and Family welfare Ghulam Nabi Azad said that, of the total 2,28,474 new leprosy cases detected World wide in 2010, India contributed 1,26,800 cases which is about 55.5% of the global disease burden. The minister is now concentrating on achieving elimination of leprosy at district level during the 12th plan( 2012-17)

112 Government Websites Hacked

Government websites are turning out to be soft targets for hackers. In the last three months alone more than 112 websites, including the planning commission, the finance minister and Government agencies were hacked. Minister of state for communication and IT Sachin Pilot declared.

Indian Rotocraft to be Produced Near RGIA

Indian Rotocraft, a joint venture of Tata sons and Augusta Westland, had decided to set up a facility near the Rajiv Gandhi International Airport (RGIA) here to assemble, customise and flight -test helicopters for World wide markets. The joint venture, with capacity of 30 units a year, will initially start producing the 8 seat AW119ke light helicopter with production expected to be from the middle of next year. This is the second chopper producing facility in city after Tata -Sikorsky joint venture

5 Crore People Moved Out Of Poverty- Govt

Data released by the Planning Commission of India on 19 March 2012 showed that poverty had significantly declined between 2004-05 and 2009-10. The new estimates are based on a poverty line that averages Rs.672.8 per month (Rs 22.43 per day) in rural areas and Rs 857.6 per month( Rs 28. 65 per day in urban areas for 2009-10. Poverty down by 7.3% points to 29.8% in 2009-10 from 37.2% in 2004-05. Rural poverty declined faster down 8%points to 33.8% from 41.8%. Woman Share In Husbands Property After Divorce Making amendment in Marriage Act for women, the Union Cabinet on 23 March 2012 approved a Bill seeking to give a woman share in her husbands property after divorce. The quantum of share however will be decided by the courts on a case by case basis, while a wife can oppose a husban ds plea for divorce, but husband will have no such rights to oppose if the wife moves the court on the same. Apart from this it also aims at giving equal rights to adopted children on a par with biological offspring in case the parents go for divorce. Nations First Vaccine Park The Finance Minister had given its approval to set up the countrys first integrated vaccine park. The Rs. 594crore park spread over 100 acres at Chengalpattu near Chennai will produce, all six primary vaccines used in the countrys Universal Immunization Programme (UIP), besides manufacturing several new generation vaccines.Indias UIP is one of the largest in the world that targets 2.7crore infants and 3crore pregnant women every year. the main intention was to establish vaccine security in India.

NTPC Board Approved Rs. 17,000crore Investment In Projects

The National Thermal Power Corporation Ltd (NTPC) board on 30 March 2012 approved an investment of over 17,000crore rupees in two power projects in Maharashtra. The projects would have a total generation capacity of 2540mw. The NTPC board approved the investment for the Mouda Super Thermal Power project and Solapur Super Thermal Power project.

IRDA Notified Revision Of Premium Rates For Motors

The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDA) notified in March 2012 that premium rate for motor third party liability only cover will undergo an upward revision bringing 1 April 2012. IRDA listed the third party liability premium rates for vehicles of assorted categories. The premium rates calculated on the basis of a specified formula is to be notified every financial year by the IRDA. The ratio for 2012-13 were calculated by using the average growth rate in severity assuming that the average frequency remains instant.

SEBI Decided Guidelines For Algorithmic Trading

The securities and exchange board of India (SEBI) on 31 March 2012 issued board guidelines on algorithmic trading based on recommendatio ns of technical advisory committee and secondary market advisory committee (SMAC) SEBI decided to enforce board guidelines for algorithmic trading in the securities market. The market regulator decided stock exchanges to undertake system up gradation, including periodic up gradation of its surveillance system so as to keep pace with the speed of trade and volume of data that may rise through algorithmic trading.

Infosys Co- Founder Narayana Murthy Named In The Fortune List

Infosys co- founder N.R.Narayana Murthy got his name figured in the list of 12 greatest entrepreneurs of our time. The list published by the Fortune magazine on 28 March 2012 was prepared considering the economic and social impact and world changing vision of entrepreneurs other famous pe rsonalities who got their names included in the list are Steve Jobs of Apple, who topped the list, Bill Gates in second and followed by Fred Smith

Union Cabinet Approved Credit Risk Guarantee Fund Trust

The Union cabinet on 23 March 2012 approved the setting up of a credit guarantee fund trust with an initial corpus of Rs 1200 crore to with an objective to encourage housing for low- income groups in India. The scheme will work on the key principle that the lender shall secure loans to construct and upgrade l ow income housing purely on the assets financed, without any other collateral. The trust is to be set up under the Indian trust Act and the Ministry of Housing. IIT Madras Students To Sign Honour Code

In a first of this kind move, over 7,000 Madras IIT students studying various courses & staying in 17 hostels decided to sign an Honour Code. The honour code makes students take a written pledge that they would attend classes regularly, study well, be friendly with others, maintain personal hygiene and cleanliness. This will bring a sense of accountability among students and it will also deal with how they go about acquiring knowledge, besides their behaviour inside the campus.

Hyderabad City Aims To Set Record With Sky Lanternns

On 25 March, the Hyderabad city sky would be lit-up with thousands of sky lanterns, just like that sense out of the popular animated movie Tangular, when the maiden Hyderabad sky lanterns festival gets under way at Gachibowli stadium. The event is also an attempt to make it to the Guinness Book Of Records. And break the current record for the most number of sky lanterns recorded is 10,000 plus accomplished in Indonesia in 2009. To break that record 8,000 people participated in flying 12,000 lanterns at Hitek in Hyderabad .and a New Guinness World Record has been created at last.

Bangalore City Station Boost Of BluFi

The Bangalore city Railway Station on 2 March 2012 became the first in the railway network to offer Blu-Fi, combination of Blu-tooth and Wi-Fi that will provide passengers with a wealth of information .The facility was launched by Railtel corporation of India in collaboration with TeleBrahma. Bangalore being Indias IT capital, it deserves to be the first in the country to offer the facility.

Uttarakhand Became The Ninth Indian State For e-Stamps

Uttarakhand Government on 2 March 2012 introduced e-stamping in the state, which would ensure a secure way of paying non-judicial stamp duty to the Government. Uttarakhand is the ninth state in the country to implement the stamping service. In the first phase, e-stamping is set to be introduced in the four districts of Dehradun, Haridwar,Udhamsingh nagar and Nainital. e-stamps would be sold through the branches of Punjab National Bank in these districts.

New CM for Punjab, Uttarakhand, Uttarpradesh.Goa and Manipur states

Akali dal leader Mr. Parkash Singh Badal had been appointed as the new chief minister for Punjab for the second time.Vijay Bahuguna, a high court retired judge had been appointed as chief minister of Uttarakhand by the Congress party.and Akilesh yadav had been elected as the new chief minister of Uttar pradesh.Okram singh Ibobi was appointed as the new chief minister of Manipur for the third time after the congress won elections in the state. And Mr. Manohar Parrikar was appointed as the chief minister of Goa state.

T.N To Move For Kudankulam Project

Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalitha on 19 March 2012 solved to take steps for the early commissioning of the nuclear plant in Kudankulam. The cabinet also decided that a Rs 500crore package of development works should be taken up in Kudankulam with regards to the local fishermens welfare

IOCL To Set Up LNG Terminal In Chennai

Indian Oil Corporation Ltd had signed an agreement with the Tamil Nadu Industrial Development Corporation for setting up of 4,500crore LNG terminal in Chennai.

Four States Signed For MoU

Four states namely Jharkhand, Mizoram, Sikkim and Lakshadweep on 16 March 2012 signed MoU with the Ministry of Statisitics and Programme Implementation under the Indian Statistical Strenghthening Project (ISSP) for the states and Union Territories.

The 50th Anniversary Celebration of (AARDO)

The Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has inaugurated the 50th anniversary celebrations of Afro Asian Rural Development Organisation (AARDO) on 5 March 2012 in New Delhi. The members of the countries to work together and to build a favourable international regime axis funds and green technologies for rural growth. This organization consists of 15 African and 14 Asian countries

International Conference of BRICS

Delegates from Russia, China and South Africa arrived at the International conference on New World Economic Order organised at Gitam University in Visakhapatnam on 10 March 2012. BRICS was firmly committed to the common interests of the countries and strengthens the role of emerging markets and developing countries in global economic governance

Turkey World Trade Bridge Business Summit

A seven days Turkey World Trade Bridge International Business Summit is going to be organized by the confederation of Businessman and Industrialists of Turkey (TUSKON) and the Indo-Turkish Business Association (ITBA) from 3 June to 10 June 2012 in Istanbul. More than 15 Hyderabad businessmen are expected to participate in the summit. The envoy said that Turkey was also seriously pursuing a free trade agreement (FTA) or economic partnership agreement (EPA) with India to accelerate bilateral trade that hit a historic high of $7billion last year.

World Telugu Conference At Thrirupati

The Andhra Pradesh state Government had decided to conduct the third Telugu Conference in December in Thirupati as proposed earlier. The previous conference, which held at Hyderabad and Kuala Lumpur which focused mainly on Telugu language and culture. The meet would be highlights the strides made by the Andhra Pradesh over the years.

Two days 2nd Nuclear Security Summit In Seoul (NSS)

Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has taken part at the two days Nuclear Security Summit that will be attended by 53 leaders and five international organisations, which held at Seoul in South Korea. The meeting will discuss the threats posed by the nuclear terrorism and the measures required to prevent terrorists from gaining access to sensitive nuclear material & technologies, calling Nuclear terrorism as one of the most challenging threats to international security, the 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security summit had outlined a number of steps the world should take to secure vulnerable nuclear material.

All countries should sign up to international treaties on nuclear security like the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material ( CPPNM), its 2005 amendment and the international convention for the suppression of nuclear terrorism. Countries with resources should contribute more to the IAEAs Nuclear security fund

Countries should minimize the use of highly enriched uranium (HEU) for civilian purposes

Countries should secure all radioactive sources

Nuclear safety and nuclear security measures should be designed, implemented and managed in nuclear facilities in a coherent and synergistic manner

Countries should consider appropriate plans for the management of spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste

Action oriented coordination to combat illicit trafficking urged on all, consistent with national laws and regulations

Countries should work with one another to develop and enhance nuclear forensis capabilities

Countries encouraged to develop a nuclear security culture

Attention must be paid to information security, preventing non-stake actors from obtaining information required to get or use nuclear materials as a weapon or to hack into IT-based security and safety systems at nuclear facilities

World Summit On Accreditation

India, the independence accreditation agency organized its 1st world summit on Accreditation from 25 -28 March 2012 in New Delhi.( WOSA )world summit on Accreditation would bring together Indian and global leaders in Technical, professional education, educational Administration,Policy makers and regulatory bodies, corporate and Industry .WOSA- 2012 has been inaugurated by the Honourable union minister for education Mr.Kapil Sibal.

23rd Arab Summit In Baghdad The 23rd Arab summit was held on 29 March 2012 Baghdad, half of the Arab worlds 22 heads of states had to meet for the summi t in former president Saddam Hussains palace, but only few leaders gathered. It was the first summit to be held following the peoples power movement. Syrias crisis topped the agenda for the Arab summit and discussed about the turmoil in Iraqs . Indian Aviation 2012 At Hyderabad The international exhibition-cum conference Indian Aviation 2012 held at Hyderabad from 14-18 March 2012. A special postal stamp was released on the eve of completing hundred years of Indian Aviation

Two-Day National Agricultural Conference

Two-day national agricultural conference held at New Delhi. Eminent scientist and higher authorities from all over the country participated in this conference

The Fourth BRICS Summit

The fourth BRICS summit was held in New Delhi on 29 March 2012, the theme of the summit was BRICS partnership for global stability, security and prosperity. At the end of the summit a draft was released as Delhi Declaration. In that declaration the BRICS countries decided to work together on internal trade in local currencies and to establish BRICS bank. The president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, The president of Russia Dmitry Medvedev, The Prime minister of India, Manmohan singh, The president of China Hu Jinton and President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma were participated in the summit.


Chinese Architect Bags Pritzker Prize For the first time Pritzker Architecture Prize, considered as the Nobel Prize in architecture, had been awarded to Wang Shu a Chinese, for producing an architecture that is time less , deeply rooted in the context and yet universal. The Prize includes a $ 100,000 grant, a citation certificate and a bronze medallion

MANNU To Honour, Gulzar, Former Chief Justice Filmmaker & Lyricist Gulzar and former chief Justice of supreme court A.M Ahmadi along with two other eminent personalities would be honoured with D.Lit (Honours Causa ) by the Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANNU) during its fourth convocation on 3 March 2012.

Sahitya Akademi Prize For Young Writer

V.Gangadhar, an upcoming telugu writer of Rayalaseema had received the Sahitya Akademi Yuva Puraskar for the year 2011, for his compilation of short stories Molakala Punnami

101 Years Old Woman Set World Record

A 101 years old Mary Hardison, Utah woman is being honoured with a world record for a Paraglide Ride and entered into Guinness Book of World Records. The previous record was set by 100 years woman

59th National Film Awards

The 59th National awards had been announced on 7 March 2012 in New Delhi. Best Feature Film - Del (Marathi) and Byari (Karnataka)

Best Actor- Girish Kulkarni Best Actress Vidya Balan ( The Dirty Picture) Best Editing Pravin K.L (for Aranyakandam) Best Special Effects

A.P Woman Gets Sthree Shakti Puraskar

President Pratibha Patil had presented the Devi Ahilyabai Holkar Award to Hypno Padma Kamlakar from Andhra pradesh during the Sthree Shakti Puraskar 2011 in New Delhi held on 7 March 2012.

International Women of Courage Awards On March 8 2012 International Womens Day Secratory of states Hillary Clinton and first lady Michelle Obama honoured 10 women from around the world.

Shad Begum of lower Dir women of Pakistan received the 2012 international women of courage award for bravely working for women in a deeply conservative areas

Afghanisthan provincial council woman Maryam Durani, for her works towards economic equality Saudi Arabias Samar Badawi for her work preparing legal challenges to law restricting womens rights to many works Brazils police Major Pricilla De Oliveira Azevedo for working to improve health care & education Myanmars political activist Zin MarAung to promote democracy & the right of ethnic minorities

Turkish Parliamentarian Safak Pavey for promoting the rights of the physically disabled women & minorities

Maldives Aneesa Ahmed for eliminating domestic violence Libyas Hana El Hebshi for helping properly document the violence of her countrys resolution

Colombian Jineth Bedoya Lima in pushing for Justice in unsolved case of sexual and gender based violence Sudans Hawa Abdallah Mohammed Salih for defending the rights of differences and in particular rights of women & children

Kuchipudi Dancer Anjana In Indian Book of Records

Ajana Thomas , an eight class student had entered the Indian Book of Records by performing Kuchipudi dance from Timmapur in Dubbak mandal to Siddipet on 12 March, walking the dance which began at 5am, completed at 1 pm

Indian American Wins Science Talent Search

An Indian-American teenager Nithin Reddy Tumma topped the Intel Science Talent Search and also two other Indian Americans Neet Patel from Florida, Anirudh Prabhu from Indiana had been in the top.Tumma had won the prestigious Science Talent Competition in the US for his research on devising a more effective and less toxic breast cancer treatment.

Chameli Devi Jain Award

Chameli Devi Jain Award for 2012 was awarded to Tusha Mittal on 13 March 2012 in New Delhi for her outstanding women mediaperson for reporting of life in the raw at the margins in deep interior states like, Bengal, Orissa and Chhattisgarh

Dr. Burgula Award For Babu Rao Varma

Freedom fighter and former member of National Commission for Backward Classes, B.Babu Rao Varma was awarded with Dr. Burgula Ramakrishna Rao, who was the first Chief minister of Hyderabad state . this award was given on 14 March 2012 by the state Government.

NTR Award For Sharada

Veteran actress Sharada had been awarded the NTR National Award for the year 2010 which was announced by the state Government of Andhra Pradesh on 19 march 2012

Indian NGO Selected For US Award

An Indian NGO, Chintan had been chosen for American first innovation awsrd for the empowerment of women and girls, for training and organizing waste pickers and eliminating child labour from recycling

Gram Ratna Award For Andhra Pradesh

Kotala Gram Panchayat of Chandragiri Mandal, Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh had won the Central Government Gram Ratan Award. It has won the award for showing the best results in the development of Panchayat.

Hungarian Mathematician Gets 2012 Abel Prize The prestigious Abel Prize of the Norwegion Academy of Science and Letters for the year 2012 had been awarded to Hungarian Mathematician Endre Szemerede of the Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics, this award was given for his fundamental contributions to discrete mathematics and Computer science

Phalke Award For Soumitra Chaterjee

Veteran Bengali actor, Soumitra Chaterjee has been honoured with the Prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke award for lifetime contribution to Indian cinema. Bangladesh Govt To Honour 47 Indians The Bangladesh Government has decided to honour 132 foreign leaders, intellectuals, cultural personalities and organisations who helped in the countrys Liberation war of 1971. The list of people to be honoured includes 47 Indians. The honour was conferred on 27 March 2012. The Indians who has been awarded include Sachindra lal singh, Rajeshawar Rao, Siddhartha Shankar Ray, P.A Sangma, Justice Sadat Abul Masual, Dr. Karan singh, Maharani Biva Kumari Devi, Field Marshal Sam manekshaw, Lt Gen Jagjit singh Aurora, Lt Gen Jacob, Lance Nayek Albert Ekka.

Tamil Writer To Honour With Saraswati Samman

The K.K Birla Foundation announced on 22 March 2012, its decision to honour Tamil writer A.A.Manavalan with the 21st Saraswati Samman for his book on Ramayana. Dalai Lama Winner Of Worlds Leading Religion Prize The John Templeton Foundation on 29 March 2012 decided to honour Tibetan Buddhist Spirutual Leader, the Dalai Lama with one of the worlds leading religion prizes called , Templeton Prize for 2012. The Buddhist leader who lives in exile in India had won the Nobel prize in recognition of his work on science & religion. The Templeton prize to be presented to him on 14 May 2012 at St. Pouls Cathedral in London is a $1.7million award.


Lahiri Qualifies For British Open Golf

India will have a representation at the British Open after two years, as the Anirban Lahiri shot a final round five under-par 67 had won the top honours at the International Final Qualilfy (IFQ) on 2 March 2012 in Chonburi. The open championship will be played at the Royal Lytham St. Annes from 19 to 22 July 2012. .

Bhupathi-Bopanna Wins Dubai Doubles Finals

The Indian pair Rohan Bopanna & Mahesh Bhupathi had won the doubles finals of the Dubai tennis Championships held in Dubai by defeating Mariusz Fyrstenberg and Marcin Malkowski. It was the fourth Dubai title for Bhupathi, and sixth title for Bopanna. Roger Federer Wins Single mens Dubai Tennis Championship Roger Federer of Switzerland had won the single mens Dubai tennis championship by defeating Andy Murray of Britain held on 3 March 2012 in Dubai for the fifth time . It was the 72nd title for Federer

Indian Women Wins Kabaddi World Cup India clinched the first womens kabaddi world cup championship title by defeating Iran by 25-19 in the final played at Patliputra in Patna on 4 March 2012.

Irishman became The World No.1 In Golf Rory Mcllroy, a Northern Irishman who won the US PGA tours Honda Classic on 4 March 2012, to be the golfs world number one ranking after defeating Tiger Woods former worlds no -1.

Anderson Wins Delray Tennis Championship South African Kevin Anderson beats Aussle Qualifier Marinko Matosevic on 4 March 2012 and won the ATP Tours Delray Beach International Tennis Championship Title held in Johannesburg. This is the second career title for Anderson.

Justin Rose Wins The Cadillic Golf Championship

Justin Rose had won the Cadillic Championship Golf title on 11 March held in Miami and defeated Bubba Waston . Rose captured his 10th global title and his first in an elite world golf championship

Women Doubles All England Title For Chinese World no-2 Tian Qing & Zhoe Yun Lei of China had won the Womens Doubles All England championship title for 2012 by defeating world no-1 Wang Xiaoli & Yu Yang held at Britain on 11 March 2012. Mens Doubles All England Title For Korea Worlds no-2 Jung Jae Sung and Lee Yong Dae of Korea had won the Mens doubles All England Championship for 2012 by defeating worlds no -1 Cai Yun and Fu Haifeng of China on 11 March 2012 held in Britain.

Chinese Lin Dan Cliams All England Title Chinese Lin Dan had won his fifth All England Open mens single championship title on 11 March 2012 by defeating Lee Chong Wei held in Britain Li Xuerui Won Womens All England Single Title Chinese Li Xuerui had won the All England Open Womens single championship title on 11 March 2012 by defeating Wang Yihan of China held in Britain Sachins Century of Centuries Sachin Tendulkars incredible cricket journey reaches a momentous destination at Mirpur in Dhaka on 16 March 2012. The master hero of cricket became the first cricketer to make up 100 international centuries. This hundreth century was scored against Bangladesh in the Asia Cup ODI Tournament. The 38 years old Tendulkar had made a magical collection of 51 tests matches and 49 ODI hundreds, he made his 99th century against South Africa in Nagpur on 12 March 2011.

Saina Retains Swiss Open Crown Saina Nehwal had won her first title of the season, she retained the Swiss Open Grand Prix Gold Trophy with straight game victory against Chinas Wang Shixian, World no. 5 in the summit clash at Basel, Switzerland on 18 March 2012.

Kenyan Wins Seoul Marathon

Kenyan Rookie Wilson Loyance Erupe ran to a surprise victory on 18 March 2012 in the Seoul Marathon, by setting a new record. The 24 years old crossed the finishing line in 2 hours five minutes 27 seconds breaking the previous record of 2 hours six minutes 49 seconds set by SylvesterTeimet in 2010 McLarens Wins The Australian Grand Prix Racing Championship McLarens Jenson Button had won the Australian Grand Prix Openig Race Championship on 18 March 2012 held at Melbourne. This was his 13th career victory

Donald Wins US PGA Golf

Luke Donald of England reclaimed the World no-1 ranking by defeating Rory Mcllory by winning the US PGA Transitions Championship on 18 March 2012 in Palm Harbour, Florida Victoria Azarenka Wins The BNP Paribas Womens Title Victoria Azarenka of Belarusian World no-1 ranked had won the BNP Paribas Womens Open Single title at Indian Wells in California, defeating Maria Sharapova worlds no-2 on 19 March 2012 .It was just two months after Victoria had won the Australian Open title and this was her fourth title of the year Federer Wins The BNP Paribas Mens Title Switzerlands Roger Federer had won the mens single title in the BNP Paribas Open Tennis tournament at the Indian Wells in California by defeating John ISner of US on 19 March 2012

Spanish Duo Wons Doubles Title Spanish duo of Rafael Nadal and Marz Lopez had won the Mens Double Title in the BNP Paribas by defeating the American pair of John Isner and Sam Querrey on 18 March 2012 American Pairs Wins Womens Doubles Title The American pair of Lisa Raymaond and Leizel Huber had won the Womens Double Title of BNP Paribas at the Indian Wells in California.

A.P Archer To Represent India At World Cup

Jyothi Surekha from Andhra Pradesh Volga Archery Academy Trainee, after bagging hat rick of medals in the National Archery events, had made her way into the Indian Compound Womens team for the World Cup (stage I) to be held at Shanghai (China) from 10 to 15 April 2012.

Pakistan Wins Asia Cricket Cup Finals

Pakistan had won the Asia Cricket Cup by defeating Bangladesh by two runs in Dhaka on 22 March 2012

Eight Medals For India In Nepal

Indain weight lifters had won ten medals, including eight golds in the inaugural of South Asian Weightlifting Championship held at Nepal

Mary, Saritha Win Gold At Asian Championship Five time world champion M.c Mary Kom and L.Sarita Devi on 25 March 2012 won gold medals in the sixth Asian Womens Boxing championship in Ulaanbaatar in Mongolia. Mary defeated world champion Ren Cancam of China, while Sarita defeated Chorieva Mavzuna of China

Alonsa Wons The Malaysian GP Spains Ferrari Fernando Alonsa, a two time world champion had claimed his first victory in eight months by winning the Malysian Grand Prix at Sepang in Malaysia .

Indo, Czech Pair Wins ATP Miami Doubles Title

Indo, Czech pair of Leander Peas and Radek Stepanek claimed the doubles title of Miami Masters on 31 March 2012. Peas by winning the Miami title took the total number of his career titles to 50. The pair had defeated the world no-1 pairing of Americans Bob and Mike Bryan held at Florida. Radwanska Wins ATP Womens Single Title Agnieszka Radwanska on 31 March 2012 defeated Russian tennis star Maria Sharapova to clinch ATP Miami Masters Womens Single title held in Florida.

Countrys First Infrastructure Debt Fund Launched Four banking and financial services giants ICICI, LIC,Citicop Finance and Bank of Baroda on 5 March 2012 joined together to launch Indias first Infrastructure debt fund (IDF) to be structured as a non- banking finance company. This (IDF) was signed in the presence of the finance minister, Mr.Pranab Mukerjee. The company will have initial equity share of Rs capital of 300 crore

Brazil Economy Overtakes UK Brazil claimed that the UKs spot as the largest economy globally, after official figured its economy rose by 2.7% last year against the UKs 0.8%. France remains in fifth place behind Germany, Japan, China and the US. The per capita income of Brazillians is at $11,000 per head.

RBI Cuts CRR By 75 bps

The Reserve Bank Of India on 9 March 2012, cut the cash reserve ratio by 75 basis points. The move to cut the amount of cash that banks need to perk with RBI was from 5.50% to 4.75% of deposits is aimed at easing the persistent liquidity crunch being faced by banks

World Bank Okays $ 50 million Credit For Assam

The World Bank has approved a $50-million additional credit for an ongoing agricultural project in Assam. The Assam agricultural competitiveness project aims at the increasing the productivity, profitability and market access of the farming community in the state.

Indian Railway Budget 2012-13

The Indian Railways run the fourth largest railroad network in the world spread over some by 64,000km, with 12,000 passengers and 7,000 freight trains each day from as many as 7,083 stations to carry 23million travellers and 2.65million tonnes of goods. Former Union Railway Minister Mr. Dinesh Trivedi, who presented his Railway Budget for the financial year 2012, had proposed 8.33% raise to improve the state of rail finance.

Railways plan to barrow Rs. 15,000crore from the market.

Gross rail traffic targeted to increased by Rs.28.635crore to Rs. 1,32,552crore in 2012-13.

To hire more than one lakh persons in 2012-13.

All unmanned level crossing to be abolished in the next five years.

2paise per km for subarbun and ordinary second class, 3paise per km for mail-express second class, 5paise per km for sleeper class, 10paise per km for AC chair car, AC 3tier and first class, 15paise per km for Ac 2 tier 30paise per km for AC1 tier.

Minimum fare and platform ticket to cost Rs. 5

75 new express trains to be introduced, along with 21 new passengers services, nine DEMU services and eight Memu service trains.

Outlay of Rs.60,100crore during 2012-13

Passenger earning to increase to Rs. 36,200crore.

Indian Railway Station Development Corporation to be set up to redevelop stations and maintain them like airports.

The open discharge toilets on trains to be replaced with green toilets.

Double decker container trains to be introduced.

Steps to improve cleanliness and hygiene on trains and stations.

A special house keeping body to be set up to take care of both stations and trains.

To set up an independent Railway Safety Authority as a statutory body.

On-board passengers displays indicating the next halt station and arrival time to be introduced.

Introduction of regional cuisine, book a meal scheme to provide meals through SMS.

Specially designed coaches for differently disabled persons to be provided in each mail and express trains.

Stress on strengthening safety.

Signalling to be improved over 19,00km more

To provide rail connectivity to neighbouring countries.

World Bank Approves $4.3billion Aid To India

The World Bank had announced $ 4.3billion financial aid to India through a new innovative and flexible financing arrangement to help the country to fight against poverty. This arrangement, while facilitating a $ 4.3billion increase in support to Indias, is designed to maintain International Bank For Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) .Which is lending its arms net- exposure within the limit of $ 17.5billion established by it.

Economic Survey 2011-12

The Economic Survey by the Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on 15 March 2012. Indian economy was estimated to grow by 6.9% in 2011-12, mainly due to weakening industrial growth. The survey state that despite dip in the economic growth India remains among the fastest growing economies of the world countrys sovereign credit rating was stated to have risen by a substantial 2.98% in 2011-12. The economic survey stressed the need for fiscal consolidation to tame inflation. The survey estimates the economy to grow at 7.35% to 7.85%, during 2012-13 against 6.9% in the current fiscal year

GDP growth rate pegged at 6.9% this fiscal, for 2012-13 7.6% and for 2013-14 at 8.6%.

Agriculture growth forecast at 2.5%

Service sector grows by 9.4%, its share in GDP rises to 59%.

Industrial growth pegged at 4.6%, expected to improve and performed poorly a share of 27% of the GDP.

Inflation to low down by year end, fiscal consolidation on track- saving and capital formation expected to rise.

Exports grew at 40.5% in the first half of current fiscal and imports grew 30.4%.

Forex reserves rise to nearly to cover the entire extended debt stock.

Central spending on social services hiked to 18.5% this fiscal .

MNREGA coverage rises to 5.49crore household in 2010-11

Sustainable development and climate change concern high on priority.

Overall growth during April-December 2011 reached 3.6% compared to 8.3% in the corresponding period of the previous year.

Union Budget 2012-13

Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukharjee on 16 March 2012, announced the union budget in the parliament for the financial year 2012-13. Mukharjee, who presented the fourth annual budget seemed to focus on the recovery of the domestic economy. The budget 2012-13 aims at achieving the rapid growth for the economy which remained on a downward all through out the fiscal year 2011-12. The budget estimated the Indian economy to grow at 7.6% in the fiscal year 2012-13.

Highlights of the budget 2012-13

Total expenditure in 2012-13 seen at 14.9trillion rupees, up by 29%

Plan expenditure budgeted at 521.25billion rupees in 2012-13, up by 18%

Economy expected to grow at 7.6% in 2012-13, plus or minus 0.25%

Income tax exemption limit raised to 2 lakh rupees from 1,80,000 rupees

Fiscal deficit seen at 5.1% of GDP in 2012-13

Net market borrowing seen at 4.80trillion rupees in 2012-13

Proposes to raise service tax rate to 12% from 10%

Gross tax receipts seen at 10.8trillion rupees in 2012-13

Non tax revenue seen at 1.64trillion rupees in 2012-13

Proposes to levy tax on all services expect 17 items in the negative list from 2012-13

No change in corporate tax rates

Signs of economy turning around in March quarter

Allow external commercial borrowing of upto 1billion dollar to raise working capital for airlines industry for 1 year

To allow qualified foreign investors in Indian corporate debt markets

To allow external commercial borrowing to part finance rupee debt in power projects.

To award contracts to build 8.800km of roads in 2012-13

Allocate 1.94trillion rupees for defense in 2012-13 up from 1.64trillion rupees for defense in 2011-12

Government doubles allocation for tax free bonds to 600billion rupees for financing infrastructure projects 2012-13

Disinvestment target in 2012-13 of 300billion rupees

Expects country to become self sufficient in urea production in five years.

Proposes to raise agricultural credits targets in 2012-13 to 5.75trillion rupees

To keep 2012-13 subsides under 2% of GDP

To inject 159billion rupees to capitalize state run banks in 2012-13

Current account deficit seen at 3.6% of GDP in 2011-12

How India Compares To Other Countries

India fares favourably on the income inequality front when compared to other countries measures in terms of Gini Coefficient on scale of 1 to 100. India ranks better than China and the US on the income inequality front, it ranks on par with Japan and below UK on the front, with a score of 66.9. For wealth inequality, it only lags behind the US and UK, where the wealth is distributed unequally. India has managed to be the second fastest growing economy in the world next to China with 6.9%.

India & The World Bank Signed An IDA Credit of $152million India and the World Bank on 21 March 2012 signed an IDA credit of 152million US dollars to finance the Indian Governments efforts to help and improve the efficiency, equality and accountability of health services in Uttar pradesh. The project will include two main components first, it will focus an improving the department of healths management and accountability system. Th project will seek to improve, planning capacities, information flows and data inputs to enable policy-makers to improve monitor and manage service delivery in U.P, Secondly, the project will help the state Government to improve the department of healths capacity to perform its quality assurance role and manage more effectively with private sectors.

World Bank Approves $500million For Secondary Education Project In a progress to make quality education accessible to young people at the secondary level, the World Bank had approved $500million credit to support Indians secondary education project. The project will give support to all activities as envisioned in the $12.9billion Rastriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan (RMSA) programme.

Interest Rates, High of 0.5% On Post Office Operated Small Saving

The Union Government on 26 March raised interest rates on post office operated small savings like Monthly Income Scheme (IMS) and Public provident Fund (PPF) by 0.5% Interest rates on term deposits of one or two years were increased by 0.5% each to 8.2% and 8.3%, while rates for popular (MIS)were increased by 0.3% to 8.5%. The new rates will be effective from 1 April 2012 and will valid during 2012-13

World Bank Approved 109million Dollar Grant For (RACP)

The World Bank on 28 March 2012 approved a 109million dollar-grant fund to Rajasthan Agriculture Competitiveness Project. The project is aimed at promoting water efficient agriculture through sustainable and efficient use of resources in Rajasthan. The project is likely to benefit about 1,55,000 farmers mainly those with small land holdings in the state the project in line with the stake water policy of 2010 will help farmers more from low value and water -gazzling crops to high value farming.


Thickest Arctic Ice Melting Faster The oldest and thickest Arctic sea ice is disappearing at a faster rate than the younger and thinner ice at the edges of the Arctic Oceans floating ice cap, NASA had revealed that the thicker ice known as multi year ice survives through the cyclical summer melt season, when young ice that had formed over winter season just as quickly melts again.Arctic ocean where multi year ice covers at least 15% of the ocean surface, is diminishing at a rate of 15.1% per decade. Oceans Turning Acidic At Fastest Pace In 300m yrs The worlds oceans are turning acidic at, what could be the fastest pace of anytime in the past 300million years, even more rapidly than during a monster emission of planet- warming carbon 56million yrs ago. Quickly acidifying sea water eats away at coral reefs, which provide habitat for other animals and plants and makes it harder for mussels and oysters to form protective shells.

5 Places Where Life May Exist In Solar System

Life on Earth occupies some bizarre places from deep sea hydrothermal vents to frigid and lightless lakes. According to the Christain Science Monitor the following are the five places where life may exist. Mars-The red planet which had abundant surface water could microbes lurk under ground. Europa-With rocky cores heated by tugs from Jupiter. Enfolds This icy moon of Saturn also has subsurface deposits of liquid water. Titan Saturns largest moon has lots of hydrocarbons as raw material for biologically improvement molecules. Venus Its a long shot with its crushing atmosphere and surface temperature that would melt lead.

Oxygen Found On Saturn Moon: Dione Planetary Scientists claims for the first time that the presence of oxygen in the atmosphere of Saturns moon, Dione . An international lead by Los Alamos National Laboratory had said that it had discovered molecular oxygen ions in the upper most atmosphere of Dione, one of the 62 known moons orbiting Saturn. The tiny moon is a mere 700 miles wide and appears to be a thick pockmarked layer of water ice surrounding a smaller rock core, as it orbits Saturn every 2.7 days.

US Tests Railgun That Can Shoot 160 km

The US Navy is one step ahead in developing a futuristic supersonic weapon capable of firing missiles between 80km to 160km at seven times the speed of sound. The 40 feet long electromagnetic railgun consists of parallel rails and uses a magnetic Field and electric current, instead of chemicals to generate th e energy required to fire the rounds.The first weapon scale prototype of the railgun began under going firing test last week and the next big step towards putting the super weapon on US warships by 2020. The full size prototype made by BAE system , looks like a real gun.

Torpedo, Akash Missile To Be Handed Over To Navy & IAF

The indigenously developed advanced lightweight torpedo and the Akash missile system will be handed over to navy and the Indian Air Force at a function in Hyderabad on 3 March 2012. The defence Research & Development Laboratory (DRDL), Hyderabad, developed Akash , a surface to air missile. Torpedoes are underwater missiles which are fired from ships, submarines or helicopters against ships and submarines. The Torpedo Advanced Light (TAL) which was developed by the Naval Science and Technological Laboratory in Vishakapatnam.

Brahmos Supersonic Cruise Missile Successfully Test Fired

The Army had successfully test-fired the 290km range Brahmos supersonic cruise missile at the Pokhran range in Rajasthan on 4 March 2012, to operationalise the second regiment of the weapon system in service.

Nirbhay To Be Test Fired In April

The Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) had developed a new sub-sonic cruise missile called Nirbhay, which may be test -fired in April. This is the first time that India has developed a cruise missile that will travel at sub-sonic speed. Nirbhay is a two stages, surface to surface missile and surface to air missile, while a booster engine would kick the first stage from the ground. It is Indias equivalent of US Tomahawk. It can engage many targets and be in air for longer period.

Huge Asteroid To Come Close To Earth In One Year

About 150-foot asteroid orbiting earth called 2012 DA14 will fly fast, just 17,000 miles from earth nearer than geostationary satellites on 15 Feb next year hits our planet. If an asteroid of that big size hits our planet, it would cause an explosion similar to a nuclear blast. Two Astronomers from the Observatorio Astronomics De La Sagra in Spain spotted 2012 DA 14 in late Feb 2012 and its orbit has been estimated to be very similar to Earths

Huge Space Storm Hits Earth A strong geomagnetic storm hit Earth early on 8 March 2012, but the planets magnetic field appeared to be absorbing the shock and it was unlikely to reach severe levels. The storm was expected to be the strongest in five years and has the potential to disrupt global positioning systems, airlines flights, satellites and power grids. The leading edge of the coronal mass ejection a Burst of hot plasma and charged particles that erupted from the sun

Jupiter, Venus Gets Closer

The pair of Jupiter and Venus will reach its closest point between 12 March and 15 March, despite being vastly far from one another in space, the conjunction will make them appear just a few degrees apart in the sky. The most anticipated planetary event for 2012, will be the transits of Venus in early June. Students Space Web Experiment To Be Launched Soon A team of science and engineering students had developed an innovative Space Web experiment which will be carried on a rocket from the Arctic circles to the edge of space. The experiment known as Suaineadh, which was developed by a team of 20 students from the Universities of Glasgow and Strathclyde and the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. It will be launched from the Esrange Space Centre in Northern Sweden in March

Russia To Send Man To The Moon By 2030 Russia is now to send a team of Cosmonauts to the Moon. According to a leaked strategy document from Russias Space Agency, Roskosmos, a space craft will conduct a demonstrative manned circumlunar test flight with the subsequent landing of cosmonauts on the Moons surface and their return to Earth by 2030.

India To Launch Mars Mission Next Year

The Indian Space Research Organisation is planning to send a scientific probe to Mars next year. The Mars orbiter mission would be launched using the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)during Nov 2013, the spacecraft, which has a provision for carrying nearly 25kg of scientific instruments, will be placed in an orbit 500km by 80,000km around Mars.

North Korea To Launch A Missile

North Korea announced on 16 March 2012 that it would launch a rocket carrying a Satellite next month to mark the 100th birthday of the former President late Kim II Sung, just 16 days after agreeing to suspend long range missile test in return for massive US food aid. The US, Japan and South Korea condemned the plan and said, it would breach a United Nations ban imposed after previous launches. North Korea said a Unha-3 rocket will launch a home built polar orbiting Earth observation satellite known as Kwangmyoug-sons-3 by the last deal under which Pyongyang also promised to freeze its uranium enrichment plant, had raised hopes of eased tensions under the new regime headed by Kim Jong Un and it is the violation of UN Security Council resolutions.

A New Species Of Frog Discovered

A new frog species was found by researchers in Mawphlang, 25km from Shilong, capital of Megalaya. The new species was named Fejervarya Sengupti in honour of Saibal Sengupta. Sengupta was the head of Aryavidyapeeth College and one of the pioneers of amphibian research. The new species was different from all congeners in terms of body size and cell charecteristics. The discovery of new species shows that Northeast part of India is quite rich in terms of its biodiversity, especially in case of amphibians.

India Joins In Making Critical Tubes For Nuclear Plants

India had joined a select band nations on 26 March 2012 when the Nuclear Fuel Complex (NFC) successfully manufactured critical tubes required for steam generators of nuclear plants. Currently only three companies in the world are producing the UNS NO8800 U tubes with NFC becoming the fourth entity. The first tubing consignment was handed over to Larsen & Toubro, which is manufacturing eight steam generators for Kakrapara (3&4 units) and Rajasthan (7&8 units) nuclear power plant being set up by the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL)

Sea Levels Could Rise By 22Metres

The sea levels could rise up to 22meters in the future due to global warming, an international team lead by Prof Kem Miller and Prof Tim Narish analized sediment cores in Virginia in the US, Eneweta K Atoll in pacific and the Whanganui region of New zealand that the late pliocene epoch 2.7m to 3.2m years ago, which is the last time the carbon dioxide level in the atmosphere was at its current level, and atmospheric temperatures were two degrees higher than are now The global sea levels were higher than present.

Brohmos Supersonic Cruise Missile Test-Fired Successfully

India had successfully test fired its supersonic cruise missile from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur in Odisha on 28 March 2012. The missile rose from a Tatra truck on the sea-side launch station and speed over the Bay of Bengal at 2.8 times the speed of sound. The missile, which has a flight range up to 290km is capable of carrying a conventional warhead of 200 to 300kg, the cruise missile was a surface to surface Army version.

NASA SpaceCraft Found Evidence Of Water Ice In Mercury A NASA spacecraft called messenger in the month of March 2012 discovered further evidence for the existence of water ice at Mercurys poles. Although surface temperature at mercury can soar above 400C, some craters at mercurys poles are permanently in shadow, turning them into so called cold trops.

American Robot Cheetah Sets New Record

A Cheetah robot funded by the US military had broken the land speed record, while running on a lab treadmill. Its robotic display of athleticism given hope for new battlefield robots that could prove nimbler than existing robots on wheels or tank like treads.

Speech Jammer Device The Japanese researchers recently introduced a prototype for a device called as speech Jammer, which can literally jam some one voice effectively stopping them from talking

China To Launch 100 Satellites By 2015

China has set a target of completing a space mission of 100 rockets, 100 satellites between 2011 and 2015. According to the Deputy General Manager of China Aerospace, Science and Technology. On an average China will complete about 20 launch missions each year before 2015, China had launched 19 satellites, 1 target orbiter, 8 spacecraft with 19 long march rockets last year.

a) Appointments

Gopal Gandhi As New IIAS Chairman

Gopal Krishna Gandhi had been elected as the new chairman of the Governing body of the Indian Institute of Advanced Study Shimla, and president of its society.

New Chairman Securities Commission For Malaysia

Mr. Ranjit Singh had been appointed as the chairman of the Securities Commission of Malaysia , replacing Mr. Zarinah Anwar.

New CII Chief For A.P

Ms.Suchitra K.Ella, co-founder and joint M.D of Bharat Biotech International had been elected as chairman of Cost Inflation Index (CII) of Andhra Pradesh for 2012-13

H.S Bedi As The Chairman Judge

Justice H.S Bedi, the Supreme Court of India on 2 March 2012 appointed its former judge, as the chairman of the monitoring authority which will investigate the case of 22 alleged fake encounter killing in Gujarat in 2007-8.

New Chairman For Coal India

S. Narasinga Rao has been appointed as the Chairman of the Coal India Ltd. He is presently working as the CMD of Singareni Collieries. Germanys New President, Gauck

Former East German Rights Activist Joachim Gauck had been appointed as the New President of Germany on 18 March 2012.

New Railway Minister

Mukul Roy had been appointed as the new Railway Minister on 20 March 2012 in the UPA Government

Shyamala As Central Vigilance Commission

Shyamala Gopinath, Central Vigilaner Commission was appointed as the chairperson of the Advisory Board and commercial & financial frauds on 29 March 2012

b) Resigns

Rahul Dravid Takes Retirement From International Cricket

Rahul Dravid Had announced his retirement from international cricket on 8 March 2012, by ending a long outstanding career. He was the second highest test scorer after Sachin Tendulkar in test matches.

Railway Minister Resigns

Railway Minister Mr. Dinesh Trivedi had resigned on 18 March 2012 due to crises over, increasing fare prices for passengers in the railway budget 2012-13 which was against the Trinamul party policy. Waterman Rajendra Singh Quits NGRBA Magsaysay award winner Waterman of Rajasthan Rajendra Singh on 11 March 2012 quits the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh chaired National Ganga River Basin Authority (NGRBA) protesting the Governments negligence of the river.

c) Deaths

Former Basketballl Champion Muniyappa Passes Away

A member of the Indian team at the 1967 South Asian Basketball Championship B.Muniyappa, and a qualified NIS coach died on 5 March 2012 in Bangalore.

West Indian Cricket Player Dies In Accident

West Indian cricket player Runok Morten died on 4 March 2012 in a car accident. He played 15 test matches, 56 one day international and 7 20-20 matches since 2002.

Former PTI Chairman Died

P.K.Roy, former chairman of press trust of India, and president of the Indian Newspapers society and the Audit Bureau of Circulations for Several terms died on 24 March 2012 in Kolkata.

Marathi Poet Passed Away

Marathi poet and Sahitya Akademi award winner, Manik Godghate passed away in Pune on 26 March 2012. He was honoured with the Sahitya Akademi for his prose collection. Varyane Halta Raan in Feb 2012

d) Visitors

Anwar Ibrahim Visits Kerala Mosque

Anwar Ibrahim, former deputy prime minister of Malaysia and opposition leader of the country, visited the historic shrine at Thalangara locality paid obeisance at the Malik Dinar Juma Masjid.

IMF Chief Visiting India

The International Monetary Fund managing director Ms. Christine Lagarde , is going to visit New Delhi on 19 March 2012, to meet senior Government officials and to participate in a high level conferenceChina and India sustaining high quality growth. The conference is being co-hosted by the IMF and will be inaugurated by the Finance minister Mr. Pranab Mukerjee. The two days conference will bring together policy makers, academics and private sector representatives to discuss the growth success of China and India

Ravi Shankar To Visit Pakistan

Spirutual leader Ravi Shankar had visited Pakistan for three day peace mission on 11 March 2012 ,This was his second visit to Pakistan, to emphasizing the urgent need for a people to people movement IAF Chiefs 4 Day Bangladesh Trip

Indian policy to step up bilateral military cooperation with Bangladesh, Our IAF Chief Air Marshal (ACM) N.AK. Browne had left for a four day visit to Dhaka on 18 March 2012.

e) Miscellaneous

NEET Rollout In 2013-14

India is to set roll out NEET from 2013-14, the Common National Eligibility-cum-Entrance Test (NEET) for admission to under graduate courses will be conducted by the CBSE, while the National Board of Examination will conduct the post graduate exams. The Union Health Ministry had informed the state Governments that their existing reservation policies would not be disturbed under the proposed scheme and state wise eligibility merit lists will be prepared for the respective state authorities.

Blind Woman Gets Railway Job After 4 Yrs Struggle

A visually challenged woman who cleared the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) exam with distinction in 2008, but was denied posting got justice after 4 years battle and the intervention of P.M Manmohan singh, 75% visual disability, had been offered an Indian Railway Personal Services post under group B of class I

Bin Laden Cinema By Oscar Director

Oscar winning director Kathryn Bigelow is going to make a movie about Osama Bin Laden. the name of the movie is Zero dark thirty.

Earthquake of 4.9 Magnitude in North

A low density of earthquake measuring of 4.9 on Ritcher scale felt in Northern India, at Bahadurgarh in Haryana as its epicentre is the third tremor in these places since two months

Earthquake Leaves 800 Homes Damaged In Mexico

A strong 7.4 magnitude earthquake hitted Southern Mexico on 20 March 2012, damaging some 800 homes near the epicentre and swaying tall buildings and spreading fear and panic hundreds of miles away in the capital of Mexico.

ASOSAI Association of Supreme Audit Institutions GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade NSIGSE National Scheme of Incentive to Girls Secondary Education ARAI Automotive Research Association of India IGPCC Inter Governmental Panel on Climate Change AIDWA All India Democratic Womens Association DTAA Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement IATA International Air Transport Association DTC Direct Tax Code AEPC The Apparel Export Promotion Council SCRES South Central Railway Employees Sangh. IMF International Monetary Fund APMC All Agriculture produce Marketing Committee CII Cost Inflation Index AOSIS Association of Small Island States NFIR The National Federation of Railwaymen INSC International North-South Corridor DGFT Directorate General of Foreign Trade DGFT Directorate General of Foreign Trade


- Indian Railway Finance Corporation

Mamata Banerjee: Political Biography Book Released A journalist Monobina Gupta had written a political biography of Mamata Benerjees Didi, The Political Biography which tries to capture the complexities that make Mamata Benerjee what she is explores her personal, her perception of herself as a woman and her equations with the lefts radical politics in Bengal. North-Eastern State Book Released Minister of State for Defence M.M.Pallam Raju had released the book NorthEast Trilogy written by Dipti Bhalla and Kunal Verma , which has the spirit of the country, its tribes and languages.

Masterpiece Book Of Garcia Marquez Colombian writer Gabrial Garcia Marquez on his 85th birthday on 6 March 2012 starts the sales of an electronic version of his masterpiece novel One Hundred years of Solitude. The book had already sold 30million copies world wide.

ECCE Committee Had Set Up

The Government had proposed a National Early Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) policy, which lays down the way for a comprehensive approach for every child. To sustain the Multi sectoral and inter agency collaboration, a thematic ECCE Committee with experts will be formed under the ICDS mission steering groups initially and later formed as a National ECCE council, with corresponding councils at the state level. The council will be the apex body to guide and oversee the implementation of the policy as well it keeps ECCE programmes consistent with the National ECCE policy

Finance minister set up committee to Address Bad Loans Finance minister had set up a committee to address rise of bad loans after Moodys downgrading Union bank of India by one notch due to its high level of troubled assets and low provisions for coverage.

Committee For Corporate Governance

Ministry of Corporate Affairs in March 2012 set up a committee under the leadership of Adi Godrej chairman Godrej group to bring out a formal policy document that will initiate enlisting of diverse elements of corporate governance under a single national corporate governance policy, the first meeting of the committee is scheduled to be held on 5 April 2012. Current Affairs

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April 2012 Current Affairs Study Material

US To End Afgan Mission By 2013

The President of US Barrack Obama was facing a tough time of re-election campaign, as the strongest signal is that the White House wants to put an end to wars. The US troops completed their withdrawal from Iraq in Dec 2011. So the US Government plans to end combat operations in Afghanistan in 2013 and shift to training program.

Face book Files For Historic IPO

A social networking for huge Face book had filed an initial public offering (IPO),Which could raise as much $10 billion and raise the value of the company between $75billion and $10billion.It had more than 845million active users across the world .

Russia &China Vetoed The UN Security Council Resolution Russia & China on 4 Feb 2012 vetoed the UN Security Council resolution for the second time in four months. The resolution condemns the Syria regimes on public uprising calls upon Present Basher Al Assad to abide by the Arab league time-fame for political reforms in the country. The frame for implementation of the resolution by Syria was increased from 15 days to 21 days

EU Wants 3rd World To Double Its Renewable Energy By 2030 The European Union (EU) wants Countries meeting at a conference in the up coming June under the UNs Rio+2o mechanism to double their share of renewable energy by 2030 under an International obligation. EU wants countries like India to agree to double its energy efficiency levels under an International understanding. All world leaders are to gather in June for the United Nations Conference on sustainable development, known as Rio+20 in policy circles.

Indonesia Became The 157th Country For Test-Ban Treaty

Indonesia had formalized ratification of the nuclear test ban treaty on 6 Feb 2012 at the United Nation. The South-east Asia nuclear weapon free-zone treaty commits ASEANs 10 members stakes not to develop, manufacture or, otherwise acquire posses or has control over an atomic energy. Moodys Cut Rating Of Six European Countries Moodys action follow those of standard & poors which downgraded rating of six European countries, Italy Malta,Portugal,Slovakia and Slovenia all had their rating cut by one notch with a negative outlook, while Spain was cut by two notches to A3, with a negative outlook. Britain, Australia and France could lose their triple A ratings as rating agency Moody placed the countries on negative watch.

Pakistan To Grant MFN Status To India By 2012

Pakistan on 15 Feb 2012 agreed liberal trade with India and conceded to put in place a small negative list of goods by the end of the month where imports will be restricted. By the year end even this negative list expected to be phased out. A joint statement issued after bilateral talks between commerce minister Anand Sharma and Markhdosm .Pakistan will grant MFN status to India by October 2012.

Three New Nuclear Projects By Iran

Iran on 15 Feb 2012 launched three nuclear projects including a fourth generation ultra centrifuge, which is capable of enriching the uranium faster than its earlier models. The first one was at the Iranian Atomic Organisation Research Center in Tehran where Irans first home made nuclear fuel rods were loaded into a medical reactor. This would be used for production of two other projects in the Nathan plant in Central Iran. Enriched uranium is a critical compound for both civil nuclear power generation and nuclear weapons

China to Be Top Gold Consumer In 2012

According to the World Gold Council ( WGC ) China had over taken India as the country with greatest appetite for gold in 2012. Its Jewellery investment demand reached 769.8 tonnes in 2011.Representing 82 % of Indians level of demand for gold which was at 933.4 tonnes. The Chines figure had only recently risen above the 50% mark in the gold market.

EU-US In Trade Tie- up

The US and European countries had entered into a historic trade arrangement that will pare way for organic products certified in the U.S or EU to be sold in either region from 1 June 2012 To bring the two largest organic producers and markets together to promote organic farming and is valued at around $60billion. Germany stands as its contribution to the organic market is $ 6billion.

Dow Chemicals Remain To Be Sponsor For London Olympics

The International Olympic Committee ( IOC) on 16 Feb 2012 announced that Dow Chemicals would remain a sponsor of the London Olympics. The Indian Olympic Association had appealed to the IOC London Games Organizing committee to withdraw the Dows sponsorship from the London Olympics. The International Olympic Committee turned down the appeal of IOC maintaining that Dow chemicals, the parent company of Union Carbide had no role in the Bhopal gas tragedy in 1984. It insisted Dow chemicals did not have any ownership stake in union carbide until 16 yrs after the disaster and 12yrs after the USD 470 million compensation agreements was approved by the supreme court of India. Independent Evaluation Group On World Banks Crisis A phase -two study of the World Banks crisis response, presented in a report, that the world Banks response to the global economic crisis. Phase II was released on 23 Feb 2012. The report noted during its responses to the worst financial economic crisis that hit the world economy in 2008, the World Bank failed to adequately modify its lending patterns as per the severity at the downturn across nations. Worlds Richest Country Qatar Qatar had the worlds highest per capita GDP Rs. 43,06733 , while the economy grew by 19.40%, the fastest in the world . Qatar had been proven reserves of both oil and natural gas. Qatar tops the list of worlds richest countries by the Forbes magazine in 2012, with a small citizen population of less than 17 lakh people. The Fo rbes magazine had announced 182 countries ranking among these countries the world richest country is Qatar ,in second place is Luxembourg, in third place is Singapore, and Burundi, Liberia and Congo at the least places. Qatar is the place where the next World football world cup is going to be held in 2022.

N.Korea, Agreed To n-Moratoriums

United states officials confirmed that North Korea had agreed to halt nuclear tests and activities and implement a moratorium on nuclear and long-range missile development in exchange for a US package of 240,000metric tonnes of food aid. The agreement also includes suspension of uranium enrichment activities at Yongb yon and also permission for International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors to return and conform the disablement of the 5-MW reactor and associated facilities. Long List Of Millionaires In Chinas Parliament The membership of the National Poeples Congress provides wealthy businessmen on powerful platform and secure their support for the communist party of China .The NPC, the chinese parliament and top legislative body convenes in Beijing on March 5 for its annual session, it will be bringing together not only Chinas most powerful political leaders but also some of the nations wealthiest individuals. The net worth o f the 70 richest delegates at the NPC, was $89.8billion, the countrys 3,000 Members legislative house.


NMDC Buys Coal, Iron Ore Mines From Overseas

Indias largest iron ore producer NMDC, Which had acquired a 50% stake in the Australian iron ore firm Legacy Iron ore recently. To acquire more from overseas mines, one each in Russia, Brazil, Mozambique and Australia. India :Dont Want Change Of Rule In Syria

India had taken decision to vote in favour of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria by stating that it does not want a regime change in the turmoil-ridden Arab country. The draft resolution was supported by 13 of the 15 members of the UN Security council when it was voted on 4 Feb 2012. Russia and China used their vote power to block the resolution. By Russia and China backing the security council, the syrian regime had stepped up armed attacks against protesters in the embattled city.

$250m Credit For Mauritius

India had announced an economic package which includes a line of credit of $250million and a grant of $ 20million to Mauritius with whom it had traditionally enjoyed warm and friendly ties. The two sides also signed a slew of agreements and MoUs. The two sides will provide a frame work for cooperation in the field of science and technology. India & China Call For New Flexible Ties Indian & Chinese leaders on 8 Feb 2012 had laid out a new roadmap for bilateral ties calling for a Flexible and imaginative approach in 2012 to minimise the effect of persisting political irritants, such as border disputes and Tibet. External Affairs minister S.M.Krishna who on 8 Feb inaugurated Indias new $10million embassy, which he had described as turning a new page in ties and underscored Indias willingness to calm sources of tension.

India & China Set Bilateral Trade Target $100b

India & China had set up an ambitious bilateral trade target of $100billion by 2015 compared to last yrs record figure of $74billion, External Affairs Minister S.M,Krishna said Bilateral Economic & Trade Cooperation had witnessed a robust growth rate. India will continue to carry forward the positive momentum in ties.

India & Saudi Agreed to Set Up Joint Working Group

India & Saudi Arabia on 13 Feb 2012 agreed to set up a joint working group on defense cooperation during the visit of Defense Minister A.K.Antony. The two sides held wide range talks about combating terrorism and piracy and cooperation in regional affairs.

Pakistan May Be Allowed To Invest In India

India may allow investments from Pakistan into the country; Government Sources said the commerce ministry had proposed to the finance minister to exempt Pakistan from the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) Regulations. This is being seen as a move to strengthen bilateral economic relation between the two countries.

India Seeks Oil From Saudi-Arabia

India had sought additional five million tonnes of crude oil from Saudi- Arabia as its second largest oil supplier Iran faces action from US & Israel over the Islamic nations nuclear programmed. Saudi-Arabia is the biggest supplier of crude oil to India followed by Iran, Iraq and Nigeria. India buys 27million tonnes of crude oil per annum from Saudi-Arabia while its annual import from Iran is about 17million tonnes.

India & Pakistan Extended Agreement On Reducing Risk From Nuclear Accidents

India & Pakistan on 21 Feb 2012 agreed to extend the agreement related to nuclear weapons for another five years, in accordance with article 8 of the agreement between the two countries. The agreement had come into force on 21 Feb 2007 for an initial duration of five years.

India To Set Up Engagement With Arab World

India will set up its mutilateral engagement with the Arab world in the up coming months with a series of events that will include a visit to Cairo by the External Affairs Minister S.M.Krishna to confabulate with the Arab League and to re-engage Egypt, which is stepping out of the rigid policy confines of the Mubarak era.

Canada, India For Nuclear Ties

The civil nuclear cooperation agreement between India and Canada closes, the two countries could cooperate in looking at third markets requiring nuclear technology for energy purpose. The two nations realizing the importance and the value of strong bilateral relations. The best indicator of the improved ties was the civil nuclear cooperation agreement signed by the Prime ministers of both the countries in 2010.Canada would be able to sell uranium, nuclear supplies and equipment to India soon.

NTPC To Supply 250MW Power To Bangladesh The countrys largest electricity producer NTPC is going to supply 250MW power to Bangladesh from the unallocated quota, a move that will help strengthen trade ties between the two nations.

On 2G Spectrum, Supreme Court Cancels 122 Licenses

The Supreme Court on Feb 2 2012 cancelled 122 2G licenses granted during the period of former communication minister A. Raja Jan 2008. The 2G spectrum scandal involved officials in the Government illegally undercharging mobiles telephony companies for frequency allocation licenses.The shortfall between the money collected and the money which the law mandated to be collected isEstimated to be Rs.176,645crore. As the grants of these licenses is illegal and blamed the Governmentfor its flawed first come first served policy, and imposes a fine of 5crore for each on 3 telecomcompanies which offloaded their shares after getting the licenses.

46,800 Indians Died Of Malaria

Malaria deaths in India is more than 40 times higher than what is presently estimated.New research published in the Lancet shows that malaria kills 1.2million people worldwide each year-twice as high as the figure in the world malaria report -2011. In India, it is estimated that 4,800Malaria deaths in children younger than 5 yrs and 42,000 malaria deaths in those aged 5 yrs or older for the year 2010 as against 19,000 malaria deaths in children younger than 5 yrs and 87,000mal aria deaths in those aged 5yrs or older in 2002. Globally, 42% of all malaria deaths occur in older,children & adults. 20% deaths are in 15-49 age groups.

Major NREGA Reforms To Be Done

Congress Chairperson Sonia Gandhi on Feb 2 2012 said that their had been several complaints of corruption & irregularities regarding rural jobs schemes, MGNREGA. To make immediate reforms in the scheme, the rural development minister Jairam Ramesh told in the MGNREGA conference that the CAG would also look into the expenditure under the scheme and also the payments of wages in time for workers .

In India, Record Of 14 lakh Cancer Cases

India records high of 14 lakh new cases per annum. World Cancer Day, being observed on 4 Feb every year that over 12.7million people receive cancer diagnosis and 7.6million people die from these disease every year. Nowadays cancer had become lifestyle of the person that is to blame, much like in the case of diabetes and Hypertension.

Yuvraj Singh Confirmed Cancer Yuvraj Singh, Who played a key role in Indias ODI World Cup triumph in 2011, had been confirmed with lung cancer had been diagnosed that the tumor was cancerous in his left lung.

The Most Happiest People Reside In Three Countries According to a poll conducted by global research company IPCos, the happiest people of the world reside in Indonesia, India and Mexico. The survey measured comparative depth and intensity of happiness among country citizens and the world . As world was a happier place than in 2007 as 22% of global citizens were found to be happy in state of mind, Indians were among the happiest on the planet. On a national level, Indonesia had the highest proportion of happiest people with 51%, followed by India and Mexico with 43% each. Indias Lakshya-I Successfully Test Flown Indias indigenously developed micro-light pilot less target aircraft (PTA) Lakshya-I was successfully test flown from Integrated Test Range at Chandipur near Balasore on 8 Feb 2012. Lakshya, a sub-sonic, re-usable aerial target system is remote controlled from the ground and designed to import training to both air borne and air defense pilots. The (PTA) had been developed by Indias Aeronautic Development Establishment (ADE), Bangalore to perform discreet aerial reconnaissance of battle field and target acquisition.

Approval Of The National Data Sharing & Accessibility Policy

The Union cabinet of India on 9 Feb 2012 approved the national data sharing & accessibility policy (NDSAP 2012) to facilitate access to central Government owned shareable data & information and also national planning & development.

Special Commemorative Stamp

President Pratibha Patil on 9 Feb 2012 released a special commemorative stamp to mark the golden jubilee of the India International Centre (IIC) in New Delhi. This centre plays a major role in promoting awareness and creating public opinion. The stamp priced at five rupees promoted the nation image and depicts the rich diverse culture of the country.

Missile Interceptor Tested Successfully

Indian Defense Scientist on 10 Feb 2012 successfully demonstrated an indigenous ballistic missile from the Odisha coast; an air defense missile successfully tracked, hit and destroyed an incoming ballistic missile at a height of 15km and range of 35km, according to the defense research and development organization. Indias First Vessel Traffic Service Dedicated To Nation In Gujarat, Indias first highly sophisticated vessel traffic service was dedicated to the nation in Kandla. Sixteen thousand square km of Gulf of Kutch are now under strict vigilance by this ultra modern radar system, which is the first and the largest radar surveillance system on Indian coast.

Announcement Of New Telecom Policy

The new telecom policy was announced by communication minister Kapil Sibal on 15 Feb 2012. The key policy measures are aimed at reassuring incumbent operations who had been seeking clarity in rules at a time when the Government is making every possible effort to put the cam-tainted telecom sector back on track. Telecom companies operating in the same region will be allowed to share 2g spectrum. All future allocation of airwaves will only be through auctions.Also, future licenses will be declined from spectrum and companies must buy bandwidth at market rates.

Sahara Back As Sponsor

The deadlock between the board of control for cricket in India and the Sahara group ended on 16 Feb with the board agreeing to most of the corporates demands. The Sahara owned franchise Pune warriors will continue to play in the Indian premier League, with the board reactivating its unspent auction purse of $16m. From both side a joint statement was given to extent the IPL trading windows till 29 Feb to give Pune warriors the opportunity to negotiate with other franchises. Tore- activate the auctionpurse of Pune warriors so that they can take more players. To start the arbitration proceedings subjectto the consent of others franchisers BCCI had agreed to allow Pune warriors to play five overseasplayers in non-availability of Yuvraj Singh. Indias success Had Inspired The World WHO

An, announcement was made by the health & family planning minister Glulam Nabi Azad at the 12th Polio summit 2012, held in New Delhi, That the World Health Organisation (WHO) has removed India from the list of polio-ridden countries. Suggesting that the wild polio virus had been totally eliminated from the environment. And India had successfully completed an entire year without an incidence of polio. However, India will have to remain polio free for two more years before it is declared poliofree by the WHO. There were only four countries in the WHO endemic list including Pakistan, Nigeria and Afghanistan.

Government To Set Up National Internet Scanning Agency

The Government is setting up an Internet Scanning agency which will seek to monitor all web traffic passing through internet service providers in the country.

India To Set Up 20 N-Reactors

To boost up the nuclear energy in the country, the Nuclear Power Corporation of India Ltd plans to set up 20 nuclear reactors in different states. They will be ready during the 12th five years plan and the new plants will come up, among other places, at Kovvada in Andhrapradesh. The nuclear energy production in the country has now touched 32,000 million units.

Survey Of India To Bring New Set Of Maps

The survey of India is all set to bring out a new set of maps with never before details like, open spaces, rocky areas, important buildings and landmarks, roads and even power lines passing through an area soon. One of the first such maps brought out by its as part of a pilot project was displayed during an exhibition.

Chennai-Based Heymath To SeMaths Face book

In 2005, American writer Thomas Friedman was impressed with Chennai-based online Mathematics education platform Heymath. If Friedman were to describe its aspirations at present he could make, maths face book for, Hey math, which had former IMFchief economist Raghuram Rajan and entrepreneur Jerry Rao on its advisory board, to launch a social net working site for mathematics the first of its kind ,within three months. Symbolically, it is happening in 2012 the National mathematics year in India. The maths social network to be called as Teaching Tomorrow will be separate non profit venture.

Gujarat Ranked Top In Investment Proposal

Gujarat topped the list of most preferred business destination in India in year 2011. According to associated chambers of commerce & industry of India report, released on 13 Feb 2012 Gujarat at the end of 2012 got the total investment proposal worth of Rs. 16.28lakh crore. Gujarat recorded 13 .52% stake in the total line investment proposals worth Rs.1.20.34 lakh crore in the country in the yr 2011.

High Level IT Security Policy In A.P

A high level IT security policy had been proposed for the Government of Andhra pradesh . A committee had been formed to formulate the policy with members from the formationTechnology and communications department, Nasscom, National Informatics centre; Data centre Operator, The operator of the state data centre, and W ipro and Security specialists from Cyber security works. This draft will be made available by March 10 2012 and circulated to all stake holders. This decision was taken at a high level committee meeting for reviewing the issue of hacking of Government websites at the A.P State Data Centre recently

A.P Village Girl In World Cup Team International Kabaddi player, R.Nagalakshmi who hails from the remote Inkollu village in prakasam district, will hog the lime might in the womens world cup to be held in Patna in March.

LPG Terminal Soon In Ennore

The LPG terminal project of Indian oil Petronas Pvt Ltd in Ennore, about 30km from Chennai, will be completed in all respects by the first week of next month to receive the first consignment. Apart from the imbalance in LPG demand supply in T.M, the terminal would cater to industrial consumers and also help the company foray into auto LPG dispensing. Tirumala Museum To Showcase Lord Venkateswaras Jewels The Tirumala thirupathi Davasthanams TDD is exploring the possibility of putting the precious ornaments of Lord Venkateswaras on display at the .

UP Elections In Seven Phases

The Legislative Assembly elections were held in Uttarpradesh in seven phases for 403 seats. The first phase polling was held on 8 Feb for 55 seats. The second phase polling was held on 11Feb for 56 seats. The third phase polling was held on 15 Feb for 56 seats . The fourth phase was held on 19 for 56 seats . The fifth phase was held on 23 for 49 seats .The sixth phase was held on 28 for 68 seats and last phase will be held on3 march 2012. and the results will be announced on 6 March 2012.

A.P State Budget For Yr 2012-13

Andhra Pradesh Finance minister A. Ramanarayan Reddy had presented Rs, 1.45Lakh crore budget for the financial year 2012-13 in the assembly on 16 Feb 2012.The Government estimates a revenue surplus of Rs. 4,444crorre the fiscal deficit of Rs. 20,000 crore, the latter at 2.5 % GSDP .The overall state debt is likely to go up to Rs. 1,60 191crore for 2012-13 against Rs 1,39,668 crore for 2011-12. And category wise distribution of the fund as follows . Rajiv Yuva Kiranalu - 150 crore , Indira Jala Prad 18,000crore , Electricity 5,937crore, Housing 2,302crore, Interest to farmer & women 1,075crore, IT Sector 150crore, Sports 120crore, Transportation 5,302crore,Home -4,832crore ,RTC 5,032crore,CM Fund- 600crore, Education -15,132crore,Irrigation 15,010crore , Agriculture- 3,175.

National Conference On Governance The national conference on Governance was held on 29 Jan 2012 at the NCUI auditorium in New Delhi, organized by the Foundation for peace, Harmony &Good Governance in association with global steel.

IACTS 58th Conference

The 58th annual meeting of the Indian Association of Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgeons (IACTS) was held from 8 to 12 Feb 2012 in Kolkata had focused on rising incidence of heart diseases and remedies. The four day meet of the cardiac surgeons would be synchronized by the joint workshop with the European Association for cardiac thoracic surgery. For the first time in India, the original research work on genetics causes of heart diseases and di abetic will be presented. And also the first even demonstration of the recent version of the Artificial Heart Heartmate II.

International Diamond Conference

The 10th International Kimberlite conference meeting was held from 6 to 11 Feb 2012 at Bangalore(GSI). It is the first time to conduct the conference in India .

15th National Conference On e- Governance In Odisha

The 15th National conference on e-Governance conference had been inaugurated by the chief minister M.Naveen Patnaik on 8 Feb 2012 which will be held for two days. The conference aims at providing a platform for effective interaction of policy makers, practitioners and industry leaders to deliberate and identify priorities and recommend strategy for good governance.

Luminescence Conference The 4th International Conference on Luminescence and its Applications (ICLA) 2012 conference had been organized by the Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies on 8 Feb2012 in Hyderabad. About 350 delegates from all over the country are participating to present their latest findings and discuss several crucial issues.

Global Company Meets In Delhi

The top corporate, ministry officials of international experts meeting had been held in New Delhi for two days 9,10 Feb 2012.To discus the issues related to responsibilities of company boards, stake holders expectations concern about corruption from all sectors of society etc. The 12th India EU Summit The 12th India EU summit was held in New Delhi on 10 Feb 2012. EU was represented by Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Council, and Mr. Jose Manver Durau Barrow, president of European commission.

India, Asean Summit For 2-Days

The Association of South East Nations (Asean ) summit had held in New Delhi on 12 Feb 2012 with the theme of India and Asean partners for peace, progress and stability. The two days conference will also mark two decades of India-Asean cooperation and also to look areas where the relationship can be further consolidated.

The 44th Session Of Indian Labour Conference

The 44Th session of Indian Labour conference was held on 14 and 15 Feb 2012, under the chairmanship of Shri Mallikajun Kharge, Union minister of Labour and Employment. The conference was inaugurated by P.M Manmohan singh on 14 Feb in New Delhi . The conference was attended by senior representatives of workers & employers. Organisation and state labour ministers and senior officers from central ministers, departments and state government. The conference was deliberated upon very critical issues of minimum wages, social security and employability and employment.

9th Three -Day International Conference & Exhibition

The 9th three day International conference & exhibition was hosted by the society of Petroleum Geophysicists (SPG),which was inaugurated on 16 feb 2012 in Hyderabad, to discus the major challenges that the oil and gas sectors facing .


Nayudamma Award For NASSCOM Chief

National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSOM) chairman & NIIT group co-founder Rajendra Singh Pawar had been awarded with Dr.Y.Nayudamma Memorial Award 2011 in recognition of his outstanding performance to the Indian information technology.

Typing A To Z in 3.43 Seconds

A B.Tech. student Mohammed Khurheed Hussain, typed the entire English alphabet in 3.43 seconds along with spaces after each letter, he succeeded in typing the 50 characters in a record time of 3.43 seconds, to break the existing record of 3.52 seconds set by Sridhar Raju for The fastest time to type the alphabet and break the Guinness book of world record.

National Integration Award For Razzak

The all Indian National Integration Award had been presented to Abdul Razzak by the Tazeen ulema- e-haq. This award had given to persons who strove hard for communal harmony and for spreading the spirit of national integration.

Professor Chosen As UNESCO Chair

Professor. Vinod Pavarala Dean, Sarojini Naidu School of Arts & Communication, University of Hyderabad had been chosen to be the first ever UNESCO Chair on community media. The chair being set up at the university for the period of four years. The prestigious chair, which is the first of its kind anywhere in the world comes in recongnition of Prof, Pavaralas work in the last decade on community radio, his research & writing, the struggle for community radio in India.

World Record Heart Surgery On 17-HR-Old Baby

A tiny figure from UK is recovering in hospital after becoming the youngest person to had open heart surgery. She was just 17 and half hours old when they operated her.

Three IIT Scientists With Scopus Award

Three IIT scientist are among the eight young scientist who had won the prestigious Scopus award from the Nation Academy of Science and Elsevier. Sanjib senapathi from IIT- Madras. Sagnik Dey from IIT Delhi. Satyajit Banerjee from IIT Kanpur. Djokovic: Sportman Of The Year 2012 The tennis world no.1 Novack Djokovic had been awarded with the Sportman of the year award at the ceremony in London on 6 F eb for the year 2012.He was the fifth man to become to win three grand slam title in a row. Djo kovik had won the top individual prize at 2012 Laureus sports Awards. FC Barcelona Chosen Team Of The Year 2012

Barcelona footbal team had been recognised as the best team after its grand winning of the Spanish League and champion League. And it had captured the team Trophy at the 2012 Laureus Sports Awards held at London. Sportswomen Of The Year 2012 Vivan Cheruiyot The Kenyan distance runner, Vivian Cheruiyot who had won the 5,00 and 10,000 titles at the world championships last year was awarded with sportswomen of the year award for the year 2012

Scot Sisters Named Oldest Living Twins Guinness World Records had recognised 102yrs old Scottish sisters as the worlds oldest living twins. Edith Ritchie and Evelyn Evie Middleton, Who hail from Aberdeenshine were born in 1909 neither of them had ever travelled outside of the UK.

Rajesh Roshan Honoured With Lata Manageshkar Award

The great Hindi film music composer Rajesh Roshan was honoured with the Lata Manageshkar award by the M.P.Government on 8 Feb 2012 for the year 2011. Worlds Shortest Man The 72 yrs old Nepali Chandra Bahadur Dangi, who is just 22 inches had been awarded as the Worlds shortest man and weighs just 12kilos. He would also be the worlds shortest human adult to be alive. Guinness world records experts had confirmed it and they are to travel to Dangis village.

54th Annual Grammy Awards

The 54th Annual Grammy A wards were held on 12 Feb 2012 at the Staple center in Los Angeles. The British female singer, Adele won six golden gramophones for her Album, 21. The other winners are -Album of the year 22-Adele; Record of the year, Rolling in deep by Adele; song of the year; Adele; Best new artist; Bon Iver

British Academy Film Awards

The 65th Annual British Academy film awards, was held at the Royal Opera House in London on 12 Feb 2012.Black & White silent movie, The artist won six awards, including best film, best actor and best director. Best actress was awarded to Meryl Streep for her amazing acting as former British Prime minister, Margaret Thacher in the Iron Lady.Some of the other winners are best picture

Writer Ramdarash Mishra Selected For Vyas Samman

A noted Hindi writer Prof. Ramdarash Mishra was selected for the 21st Vyas Samman for his poetry collection Aam Ke Patte published in 2004.

Prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award For A.P Teacher

A retired teacher from Adilabad district in Andhra Pradesh Mr.Samala Sadasiva had awarded with the prestigious Sahitya Akademi Award in NewDelhi on 14 Feb 2012, as he considered a pioneer in literature, music and philosophy. he got this award for his book Swaralayalu on Hindustan music.

Jindal Prize For Kalam & Hedge

The former president A.P.J.Abdul Kalam, and former Lokayukta of Karnataka Justice N.Santosh Hedge, had been selected for the S.R, Jindal prize for their contribution in their fields. Mr. Kalam got the award for his contribution in science and technology. Mr. Hedge for his exemplary service in social development.

US Humanities Medal For Amartya Sen Indias Nobel prize winning economist Amartya Sen was honoured with the prestigious US National Medal of Arts & Humanities award by U.S President Barrack Obama on 14 Feb 2012, for his efforts to increase the understandings of fighting hunger and poverty.At the glittering white house function.

Highest Serbia Award For Djokovic Worlds no-1 Tennis star Novack Djokovic of Serbia was awarded with the highest serbian award,Gold Star Of Karadjordje on 15 Feb 2012 it was conffered upon him by the Serbian President Mr.Boris Attic

IOC Award For Manisha

Manisha Malhotra, a former Indian tennis player and Bussan Asian Games silver medalist on 16 Feb 2012 was chosen as winner of the IOC Women and Sports Awards World Trophy by the International Olympic Committee for promoting women in sports.

100 yrs Old Frenchman Sets Cycling Record

Frenchman Robert Marchand had entered The Cycling Record Books in the one-hour event. Three months after celebrating his 100th birthday Marchand rode 24.251km around an indoor track to establish the first ever hour performance in the 100yrs-plus category. 5 Oscar Awards For Film The Artist

The 84th Academy Awards Ceremony/ Oscars was hosted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science ( AMPAS). The ceremony which took place at the Hollywood Highland center in Hollywood, California on 26 Feb 2012 honoured the best film and performances of 2011. The ceremony was hosted by Billy Cristal who hosted this ceremony for the ninth time.

Best Motion Picture: The Artist,

Best Director: Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist

Best Actor : Jean Dujardin, The Artist

Foreign Language Film : A separation

Original Screenplay:

Woody Allen

Best Actress : Meryl Streep, Iron Lady

Adapted screenplay: Alexander Payne, Nat Faxon and JimRash

Best Supporting Actor :Christopher Plummer, Beginners,

Cinematography : Hugo.

Art direction: Hugo

Best Supporting Actress: Octavia Spencer, The Help .

Original Score: The Artist.

Visual Effects:


Film Editing: The girl with the dragon tattoo.

Sound mixing:Hugo.

Sound Editing: Hugo.

Costume Design:The Artist

Original Song: Man or Muppet, from Muppets.

Make Up: The Iron Lady .

Live Action Short Film:The Shore

Animated Feature Film: Rango.

Animated Short: The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris


Documentary Features: Undefeated.

Documentary Short: Saving Face.

M.P,Sikkim Gets Tourism Awards

The National Tourism Awards ceremony was inaugurated by the President Pratibha Patil in Newdelhi on 29 Feb 2012. Madhya pradesh state got best state for tourism infrastructure and best tourism film. Sikkim got the award for tourism infrastructure in the Northeast and best state for clean India campaign.

Driverless Automated Train In Dubai

The Dubai Metro had made its to be the Guinness Book Of World Records, as the longest driverless metro network in the world, spanning 74.695km, officials announced on 21 Feb 2012.

Toilet Revolution Award For M.P Woman Madhya Pradesh woman named Anitha Narre was awarded for leading Toilet revolution on 16 Feb 2012 by the Sulab Sanitation , with cash worth of 5 Lakh. An Indian woman had been rewarded for her bold decision to leave her marital home within days of her wedding to protest the lack of toilets in the household.


Ajay Mittal & Shreyas Double Grab Gold In Short Gun Ajay Mittal and Shreya Singh created a new national record won gold medal in womens double trap with a 12 points margin over Seema Tomer in the 55 th national short gun championship at the Kavni singh shooting range Tuglakabad on Feb 1 2012 .

India won team Crown Golf Championship At Dhaka Indias Manav Das and Khalin Joshi had won the Team Title Of Bangladesh Open Ameteur Golf Championships held at Kurmitola Golf club in Dhaka against Bangladesh team Sajib Ali and Dulal Hassain.

Egypt Defeated India 2-1 In 21 Squash World Cup Egypt defeated India by 2-1 in the final of the SDAT-WSR under-21 Squash World Cup on 5 Feb 2012. Even after Ravi Dixits and Dipika Paliki fought hard to bring India back in contention but at last India lost the cup.

National Snooker Champ Mehta

Aditya Mehta had won the National Snooker Championship title held in Pune by defeating Kamal Chawla.

Stanlley Is Champion In Phoenix Open Golf

Kyle Stanley bounced back from a bitter defeat to won the Phoenix Open Golf Champion in Scottsdade, USA Pakistan Wins The Test Series Against England

Pakistan had won the test match series against England by 3-0 on 6 Feb 2012held at Dubai. Sania Wons Womens Tennis Title Sania Mirza of India and Anastasia Rodinova of Australia won the Pattaya Open Womens tennis title held in Pattaya on 12 Feb 2012

Indian Archers Won 3 Gold Medals

India had ended their campaign on a high in the individual sector of Asian Grand Prix Archery in Bangkok on 18 Feb 2012 by winning 3 gold, 3 silver, 1bronze medal. The Indian mixed recure team of Jayanta Talukdar and L.Bombayla Devi took gold beating the Japanese team in the final. Rajat Chauhan and Jhano Hanshad combined well to give India the mixed compound team gold by beating the Myanmar. Russias Isinbayevas New Olympic Record

Russias Olympic champion Yelena Isinbayeva set a new indoor pole vault world record on 23 Feb 2012 with clearance of 5.01m. Isinbayevas latest world record comes just over two weeks out from the world indoor championships in Istanbul at 4.92m.

Ranwanska Won Eighth Career Title Polands Agniezka Radwanska had won the Women Singles Dubai Tennis Championship held in Dubai on 25 Feb 2012 , beating Germa nys Julia Goerges and becoming worlds top five for the time .

Indian Hockey Team Qualified For London Olympic

Indian hockey team was qualified for the 2012 London Olympics beating France by 8-1 in the final match for qualifing tournament in NewDelhi on 26 Feb 2012.

The world no-5 David Ferrer claimed his 13th carrier title by winning the Buenos Aires Open title on 26 Feb 2012. The worlds no-5 tennis player Juan Martin Del Potro of Argentina had won Marseille open title final by defeating Michael Liodra on 26 Feb 2012.

Per Capita Income Has Raised

The per capital income in India has been raised up by 15.6% according to central statistical office at the current prices during 2011-12 is estimated to be 60,972/-.The per capita income at current prices is estimated at Rs. 53,331/-in 2010-11, as against Rs. 46,117/- for the previous year 2010.

EU Carbon: Over-Flight Charges For India, Russia & China

India, Russia and China may consider imposing over-flight charges on European airlines, if the European Union Continues with its plans of imposing a carbon tax on International airlines. The tax came into force from 1 January 2012.There is growing acceptance between various countries, including the US and Brazil, on imposing some restrictions on the EU if they continue with their plans to impose the tax.

Food Grains Output To Hit Record High Indias food grains productions expected to reach Record High in second successive year in 2011-2012, and aided by the above normal monsoon & improved productivity in eastern states of Bihar and Jharkhand. According to the Government estimates, output of food grains to touch 250.42million tonnes as against the previous years harvest of 244.78million tonnes. The cotton output to be at a record high of 34milllion bales of 170kg each as against previous years 3million bales.The rice output to be beat more at 102.75million tonnes, over last years 95.98million tonnes. The wheat output is higher at 88.3million tonnes, over last years 86.87million tonnes. Where as the pulses, oil seeds and coarse cereals are projected to dip. The production of pulses dip by 5.26%,17.28million tonnes over last years 18.24million tonnes. Output of turdal and red gram is lower at 2.72million tonnes last years 2.86million tonnes. The oil seeds dip by 30.58million tonnes against 32.48million tonnes in the previous years.

GDP Growth To Hit Low Of 6.9% Indias economy is expected to grow low by 6.9% in 2011-12, the slowest pace of expansion in three years, dragged down by sluggish industrial growth and decline in the mining sector. According to central statistics office showed growth in 2011-12 is estimated below by 7% to 7.5%.The Indian economy, Asias third largest, had been hit by stubbornly high inflation, high interest rates, and a slowing global economy which emerged in last year.

Set Up Of National Centre For Cold Chain Development

The Government of India, on 9 Feb 2012 approved setting up of a National centre for cold chain development, NCCD, as a society under the Societies Registration Act 1860 and allocation of one time grant of Rs. 25crore as corpus fund had been released. The NCCD will be having a governing council under the chairmanship of secretary with 22 members, covering Government officials, confederation of Indian Industry, federation of Indian Chambers of commerce & industries, FICCI and other stake holders. The move comes in the wake of post harvest losses to the tune of 50000crore rupees annually in absence of proper storage facilities.

RBI Changed The Bank Rate To Rebuild It With (MSF) Rate

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 13 Feb 2012 changed the bank rate, a medium term signal rate after 9 yrs. The bank rate, a benchmark rate nine which RBI buys or re-discounts bills of exchange or other commercial papers eligible for purchase, was hiked with immediate effect to 9.5% from 6%. The rate was raised with the objective to realign it with the marginal standing facility MSF rate as a one-time technical adjustment to link it with the main policy repo rate RBI Issued Circular For Development Of WLAs The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 14 Feb 2012 issued the draft circular for development of White Label Automated Teller Machine (WLAs) from non-banks entities. The central bank also announced its plans. The central banks issuance of the draft reflected the banks intention to accelerate the growth and penetration of ATMs in the country. ATMs rolled out by non-bank will provide ATM service to consumers of all banks. WLA means ATM owned, run and maintained by third parties on a contract basis from financial institutions. Mumbai Worlds Second Least Expensive City A global survey had named two Indian cities the financial hub Mumbai and the national capital New Delhi, among the four least expensive places across the world. As per the worldwide cost of living survey by economist Intelligence Unit ( EIU) Mumbai is the second least expensive city globally, while New Delhi is ranked fourth. Karachi in Pakistan has been named as the cheapest destination globally,which Zurich in Switzerland is the most expensive place across the world. PMs Economic advisory Panel Projected 7.5% To 8% Growth Rate

The Prime Ministers economic advisory panel projected 7.5% to 8% growth rate for the next fiscal 2012-13 and the country is also expected to achieve a higher economic expansion if the global environment turns favorable. While releasing the review of economy 2011-12 that the growth rate in 2011-12 is likely to be 7.1%, marginally higher than 6.9%. projected by the central statistical organisation (CSO).

RBI To Issue 5Rs Coin In Bhagat Singhs Name The Reserve Bank of Indias RBI had made an announcement to bring out 5Rs coin devoted to the legendary Martyr. A photograph of Bhagat singh and the wordsShaheed Bhagat singh birth centenary 1907-2007 will be inscribed on one side of the coin.The two horizontal lined on capital of Ashoka pillars and the value of denomination will be displayed. Figures 1907-2007 will be printed below the picture and the coin is made of iron and chromium will be of a 2.3mm diameter.

First Nationwide Annual India Consumer Price Index Released

As per the first Nationwide retail inflation data was released by the centre of Statistical Office on 21 Feb 2012, inflation based on the all India consumer price index stood at 7.65% in Jan 2012. The annual consumer price index CPI data released for the first time measured prices in major food groups, fuel, clothing , housing and education across the rural and urban India . Overall retail inflation in rural and urban areas stood at 7.38%.Consumer price inflation for rural India was recorded at 7.38%, for urban India stood at 8.25%.


L G & Milagrow Enter Into Home Cleaning Robot The two companies announced the launch of their domestic robotic cleaners. Signalling the creation of a new product niche within the vacuum cleaner segment .LG, the launch of its comb-out prized Rs. 43,990.

US Engineers New Self-Guided Bullet

US Sandier National Laboratories Engineers had invented a bullet that directs itself to a target like guided missile and can hit a target more than 1.6km away, it can move up to thirty corrections per seconds while in the air. The bullet can twist and turns to guide itself toward a laser-directed point.

Drought-Hit Mars Too Dry For Life

British scientists had concluded that Mars is too dry, a planet to host any form of life. An analysis of soil, collected during the year 2008 NASA Phoenix Mission to Mars, by Imperial college London had revealed that the red planet had experienced a super drought 600millions years ago. The scientists had decided that there had been water present during a warmer period lasting up to 5,000 years in past, but this would been too little time for life to establish itself on the surface.

Two New Planets Found

Researchers had discovered a new planet some 22 light years from the Earth is the most likely to hold water &possibly host life. It receives about 90% of the light that the Earth receives from the Sun the new two planets named Kepler 34, and Kepler 35 each of which circling around its own double Sun together with Kepler 16. Worlds Highest Resolution Lunar Images Chinas state administration of science, technology and industry for national defense on 6 Feb 2012, released a set of Worlds Highest Resolution lunar images taken by its second moon orbiter, Change-2, and at it braces to launch its next missile to land a rover to explore its surface.

Google Launch Camera Equipped Glasses Google is going to launch a hi-tech glasses with in-built computer displays. Speculation is rife that developed at Googles secret Google X lab. The glasses will be armer with cameras, an android operating system and could be on sale soon.

New Super continent In Arctic

Geologists at the Yale University in the US predicted that in the coming 50 to 200million years, Australia may merge with India while all the countries may collide each other to form one massive supercontinent.The Americas and Asia will drift Northward, closing off the Arctic and Caribbean Oceans to merge around the North pole and form a super continent called Amesia.

Life Originated On Land Not In Oceans Anew study claimed that the theory proposed by Charles Darwin on lifes origin was correct. Drawin proposed that the life originated on land in a pound and not in the oceans. The study held by the researchers at the Osnabruck university in Germany found that the first primitive cells might have originated in pools of condensed vapour. This was caused by underground hot water. The scientist discovered that the oceans did not contain the best balance of ingredients to support life on Earth.

NASA Discovered Water On The Planet Called GJ1214b

Researchers at the Harvard Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics discovered that the planet GJ1214b was largely covered in water . They used Hubble space telescope to discover the water on planet. GJ1214b was discovered in 2009 by the ground based MEarth. It is approximately 2.7 times, Earth diameter and weighs almost 7 times as much as Earth. The presence of water on the planet was confirmed when it crossed in front of its host star. The light of the star glittered through the planets atmosphere, provided clues to the mix of gasses, supporting the water vapour theory.

Tiny Lizard Called Brookesia Mirca Found

In Madagascas, one of the worlds tinest Lizards called Brookesia Mirca was found by German researchers on 14 Feb 2012 It reaches a maximum length of 29mm. The researchers also found three new species in the North of the Island, during daytime, the lizards mostly live in the leaf litter in the day and at night climb up. The lizards were limited to very small ranges and they are at risk from habitat disturbance.

Indian Black Eagle Was Spotted After 90 yrs

The Indian Black Eagle was spotted in the Aravali Biodiversity Park after a gap of 90 yrs The bird was last seen in 1920-21 by Basin Edwardes. Space Bug A New Source Of Power

Scientists have discovered a type of space bacteria in British river which they could be used as a new power source for the world. The Bacillus Strato sphericus, usually found more than 20 miles above the Earth, were spotted in the mouth of the river Wear in Sunderland. It is believed that the bugs may had been brought to the surface by atmospheric cycling, which causes evaporated water to rise into the stratosphere and then fall again.The organism is a particularly potent form of bacteria which can be used in a microbial fuel cell to convert river waste into power and clean water.

China Launches 11th Satellite To Bolster GPS system

China had successfully launched a satellite into space to bolster its indigenous global navigation and positioning network known as Beidou. The satellite, launched from the Xichang satellite launch centerin the southwestern Sichaun province,was boosted by a long march 3c carrier rocket into a geosynchronous orbit. It is Chinas 11th homemade navigation satellite.

Arctic Sea Ice Decline Linked To Snowy Winter

Further evidence had found of a relationship between melting Arctic sea ice and wide spread cold outbreaks in the Northern hemisphere could be used to improve seasonal forecasting of snow and temperature anomalies

a) Appiontments

AP Dr.For Royal College Of Surgeons Of Edinburgh

Dr.P.Raghuram had been appointed as the Honarary Secretary for the Royal Collage of Surgeons of Edinburgh from Andhrapradesh .

New President For Maldives

Mohammed Waheed Hassan had been appointed as the new president of Maldives.

Abd- Rabbu Monsour Hadi had been appionted as the new president of Yemem on 25 Feb 2012.

b) Resigns

President of Maldives Resigns

President of Maldives Mr.Mohamed Nasheed had resigned on 7 Feb 2012 against weeks of protest which was against his decision he had accused of favouring oppositions.

Kuldip Nayar Quits Symbiosis

The veteran journalist and former Member of Parliament Kuldip Nayar had resigned as professor emeritus at the symbiosis institute of media and communication.

World Bank Chief to Step down

World bank President Robert Zoellick had announced to step down from his position as his five years term closes by June this year.

German President Quits Germans President Christian Wulff resigned on 16 Feb 2012 in a scandal over favors he allegedly received before becoming head of state.

Space Scientist Narasimha Quits ISRO

The top aerospace scientist Prof Roddan Narasimha, who was a member of the B.C Chathurvedi committee probing Antrix- Devas deal, had quitted from the space commission to protest against blacklisting of scientists, including former ISRO chief G.Madhavan nair.

James Murdoch Quits News International

James murdoch had resigned as executive chairman of News International, publisher of the times due to allegations that he attempted to cover up the scandal.

c) Deaths

Pop Music Legend Whitney Houston Passes Away

Whitney Houston, who was pop music queen with her majestic voice and had won six Grammy awards in her glittery career had died on 11Feb 2012 in Los Angeles.

Akhlaq Mohammad Khan Urdu Poet Passes Away

A renowed urdu poet Akhlaq Mohammad Khan passes away in Aligarh on 13 Feb 2012 .He had received the Jnanpith award for the year 2008. Anthony Shahid Newyork Times Passes Away Anthony Shahid Newyork times foreign correspondent and two time Pulitzer prize winner died in Eastern Syria on 16 Feb 2012, after suffered from severe asthma attack. He had covered nearly two decades of middle east conflict and turmoil.

A Diplomat M.A.Vellodi Passes Away

M.A.Vellodi, who was an Indian foreign service officer witnessed up-close several momentous eventsin the 1960s and 1970s, died on 16 Feb 2012 in Chennai.

Football Legend Manna Passes Away Indian football former player who played bare footed, Sailendranath Manna. Indias first internationaloutgoing player at the London Olympics in 1948, had died on 27 Feb 2012 in Kolkata.

Nair Service Society Chief Passes Away

P.K.Narayana Panicker, president of the Nair Service Society died on 29 Feb 2012 in Kerala.

d) Visitors

The Prime minister of Mauritius Mr.Navinchandra Ramloolam had visited India on 7 Feb 2012 for his six days visit to sign slew agreements and for to provide frame work for cooperation.

Defense Minister Antony To Visit Saudi

In the first ever visit by an Indian defense ministry to Saudi Arabia, defense minister A.K.Antony had visited on 13 Feb 2012 to discus on bilateral military ties in areas ranging from training to jointexercises.

e) Miscellaneous

Face Book To Complete 8 yrs

Face Book a social utility net working had completed its 8 yrs journey, which had almost 84.5crore people as members in facebook.

Indian-American Appears On Time Cover

An eminent Indian-American Preet Bharara had made to be the cover of the prestigious Time magazine for his crusade against wall street corruption and irregularities including inside trading.This man is busting wall street Bhararas picture appeared in the latest edition of Time magazine.

The worlds Tallest communications tower and 2nd largest highest building 6343m, had been

completed on 29 Feb 2012 , and named as Tokyo sky Tree in Tokyo of Japan.

6.8 Magnitude Earthquake In Philippine

A 6.8 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of the central Philippines on 6 Feb 2012, killing 44 people and causing widespread panic. The powerful earthquake hit in a narrow strait between the heavily populated island provinces of Negros and Cebu, causing severe damage to property and lives.

S A S T I N D State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry For National Defense

NCLP- National Child Labour Project. NADAP The National Anti Doping Appeal Panel

Official Release Of Bangladesh Writers Book Release Was Cancelled The Bangladeshi writer Taslima Nasreens book releasing was cancelled at the 36 th Kolkata International Book Fair on Feb 1 2012 . There had been a controversy about the promotion of the book, regarding the release of the seventh volume of her autobiographical series ( NIRBASAN ) exile . The Amar Ekushey Book Fair had launched the 7th volume of Taslima Nasreens autobiographical series Nirbasan (Exile) on 2 Feb 2012 in Dhaka where as the release of this book was banned by the West Bengal recently. Anisul Hoques Book On Bangladesh War Launched Bangladesh High Commissioner T.Ahmad Karim & Dr.Karan Singh released Dhaka-based author Anisul Hoques latest book,Freedoms Mother in NewDelhi on 4 Feb 2012 Fidel Castros Time Guerrilla Book Released Cuban leader 85yrs old, Fidel Castro released his two volumes of his memoir entitled Time Guerrilla in ceremony. The memoirs trace his life from infancy until 1958 when he was Cuban leader in 2006.

Pakistani Writers Book Released In Hyderabad Fatwar on Terrorism A book by Pakistan writer Muhammad Tahir ul Qudri, was launched in Hyderabad on 27 Feb 2012 by the former gudge.


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May 2012 Current Affairs Study Material

Aung San Suu Kyi Take Oath As Opposition Leader Aung San SuuKyi took oath of office to become an official member of Myanmars parliament on 2 May 2012. Suu Kyi, a Nobel Laureate, pro democracy leader of Myanmar for the first time held public office since launching her struggle against autherisation rule nearly a quarter century ago.

Poll Panels Of SAARC Countries Established Forum

SAARC Countries on 4 May 2012 adopted a charter for mutual cooperation and set up a forum that will enhance capabilities to conduct free and fair elections . In its charter the chief election commissioners of Afghanistan , Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives Nepal Pakistan, Sri Lanka and India confirmed their abiding faith in the objectives and principles of SAARC contained in the SAARC charter. French Socialist Partys Francois Hollande As First Socialist President Francois Hollande was elected Frances first socialist president nearly after two decades with 53.3% votes on 6 May 2012, While defeating Nicolas Sarkozy.The result will have major implications for Europe as it struggle to emerge from a financial crisis and for France the Eurozone second largest economy and a nuclear armed permanent member of the UN Security Council.

All Nuclear Power Plants Stopped In Japan

All Nuclear Power Plants were Stopped In Japan on 6 May 2012 . Tomari was the last shutdown , which leaves Japan without nuclear power. Thousands of Japanese marched to celebrate the switching off the last of their nations 50 nuclear reactor. Japan was without eclectricity from nuclear power for the first time in four decades.

Vladimir Putin Sworn In As The President Of Russia

Vladimir Putin the former Russian Prime Minister and the president of the United Russia Party took the oath as the President of Russia on 7 May 2012. Putin had won the Russian Presidential elections with 63.6% of the vote on 4 March. Top 10 Female CEOs & Influential Business Women of American Companies

There are roughly 22 female presidents and prime ministers in the world and about a dozen womens executivesat the helm of Fortune 500 companies. Especially for these top 10 women CEOs CEO of the worlds second largest food company Karft Foods ,Irene Rosenfeld in first place

The CEO of TJX, Carol.M.Meyrowitz in second. Chairman & CEO of Pepsico Indra Nooyi in third . Chairman& CEO of EI du Pont de Nemoursand company, Ellen Kullman in fourth. Chairman, President & CEO of Well point, Angela Braly in fifth. Chairman & CEO of Xerox ,Ursula M.Borns in sixth.Chairman, president & CEO of Sunoco,Lynn L.Elsenhans in seventh . CEO of Archer Daniels Midland, Patrica Woertz in eigth. President and CEO of BJs Wholesale club , Laura J.sen in ninth and Chairman & CEO of Key corp, Beth E.Mooney in tenth place. Forbes Mothers Top 20 List The list released by Forbes ahead of World Mothers Day on 13 May 2012 the worlds 20 most powerful moms list which ranked most efficient persons list According to the magazine power moms must develop unique strategic to succeed in both boardrooms and playrooms. Fobes women analysed the annual list of the worlds 100 most powerful womens based on money controlled, decision making power and multiple measures of influence and teased out the moms who are at the top of their game are No-1_ Hillary Clinton, US Secretary of states No-2 _ Dilma Rousseff, Brazilian President No-3_ Indra Nooyi, PepsiCo Chairman No-4 _Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer Of Face book No-5_ Melinda Gates, Cofounder, Bill and Melindan Gates Foundation No-6_ Sonia Gandhi, UPA Chairperson No-7_ Michelle Obama, First lady U.S No-8 Christine Lagarde, Managing Director IMF No-9_ Irene Rosenfeld, CEO Karft foods No-10_ Jill Abramson, Executive Editor New York Times No-11_ Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health& Human services U.S In the last 20th place is the General secretary of NLD Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi Philippines President Names Two Special Envoys to China

Philippines President Benigno Aquino named two special envoys to China on 16 May 2012, amid a tence territorial dispute between the two countries over a shoal in the South China sea. During their six month assignment both were also tasked to actively persuade greater number of Chinese touri sts to make the Philippines their main destination for leisure and relaxation trips. China counters Japans Claims over Okinotoris Status

China and Japan have exchanged a fresh round of claims and counter claims over a tiny but crucial out cropping in the Pacific Ocean, with Tokyo assuring that a UN Commission had endorsed its stand on the atoll being an Island while Beijing rejected it as baseless. The two countries, that have their own set of disputes in the South China sea, have also been sparring over the status of Okinotoris Atollion Tomislav Nikolic Won Serbias Presidential Election

The Serbian Progresive party leader Tomislav Nikolic Won Serbias Presidential Election on 20 May 2012. Nikolic beat his centrist, the incumbent Boris Tadic in closely contested election. Nikolic accounted for 50.21% of the total vote, against 46.77% for Tadic, with 40% of votes counted. Nikolic during his previous stints in power worked as a deputy prime minister under the former president Slobodon Miloscric.

China Developing Internet For Offensive Operations

China is improving its capacity for operations in cyberspace and developing capabilities to use internet for offensive operations. The Pentagon has said China is investing in not only capabilities to better defend their networks but also they are looking at ways to use cyber for offensive operations, China is engaging in cyber activity focused on computer network exploitation.

IAEA Chief Meets Top Iran Nuclear Officials IAEA Chief Yukiya Amano Met Top Irans Nuclear chief and top negotiator on 21 May 2012 in a visit to Tehran closely watched for signs as to how wider talks between Iran and World power might unfurl. Irans national security supremo tasked with negotiating nuclear issues and atomic energy head Abbasi Davani in an effort to press for greater co-operations between Iran and the UN Nuclear surveillance agency.

Bangladesh Announces Discovery Of Petroleum Energy starned Bangladesh has struck oil reserves in the countrys Northeastern region with an extractable reserve of at least 55 million barrels worth USD 5.5 million. Petrobangla is announcing with pleasure that Bangladesh had entered a new era through the discovery of a profitable oil reserves in Haripur and Kailashtila, state run Petrobanglas chairman Hossain Monsur said. China is Worlds Biggest Magnesium Producer China has remained the Worlds Biggest Producer of Magnesium since 1999,with last years out put accounting for over 85% of the worlds total.The country produced 660,000 tones of magnesium last year.The agencyreported on 26 May. It is estimated that the yearly magnesium output will reach 1.5million tonnes during the 2011-2015 period odf which 700,000 tones will be exported annually Liberias Taylor Gets 50 years in Jail for War Crimes

A U.N Backed war crimes court sentensed the former president of liberia ,charles Taylor ,to 50 years in jail on 30 May 2012 for arming rebels in sierra leone in return for Blood Diamonds .


Kabul- Washington Strategic Pact Signed

The new Kabul- Washington long term strategic partnership agreement (SPA) was signed by Obama and Afghan President Hamid Karzai on 2 May 2012.The achievements and success paved the way to sign the strategic cooperation agreement between the two nations.

U.S to Invest In West Bengal

West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Benerjee on 7 May2012 said the former assured her of American investment in the state for i ts business and economic development considering Bengal as a partner state.And the US desire to invest in West Bengal as the state has witnessed a change in its political scenario after decades. American investments in the states software , IT and manufacturing , health and education sectors.

India to Acquire Coking Coal Mine In Mongolia

In a move to reduce dependence on highly priced Australian coking coal, India acquired a mine in Mongolia ans also set up the first steel plant in the quality coal rich country. The Indian delegation comprising of chairman of Steel Authority of India (SAIL)C.S.Verma and U.P.Singh, joint secretary in the ministry will sign a pact in this regard. The plan is to acquire mine, utilise the coal for the steel plant India proposes to set up in Mongolia and export the rest to India through Chinese port as Mongolia is a land locked country.

Dalia Lama gives Templeton Prize Money to Indian Charity Tibetan Spiritual leader the Dalia Lama on 14 May 2012 received the prestigious 1.1 million pound Templeton prize in London by St Pauls Cathedral and announced that most of the prize money will go to save the children fund in India, with smaller bequest to a science and religion group which is studying the effects of Buddhist practice and to a project to train Buddhist monks as scientists.

India surpassed china as the largest Arms Importer in the World

India Topped as the largest Importer of arms during 2007-2011. India has taken numerous measures to modernise its armed forces in the past ten years.The country has signed several deals to produce military hardware such as 10c17 strategic lift aircraft,sixc-130 super hercules special operations airsraft, addditional sukhri-30MKI fighter jets along with several warships. Hyderabad Girls Short Film goes to Cannes

A part from capturing memorable and best moments, more can do more with a cam recorder.If you have a talent make a short film and send to international film festivals and win prizes. This what G.Anahita done.Ajury comprising Hollywood stars such as Edward Norton and others at the Cannes film festival picked her video that lasts lessthan a minute as the Best Area Video Coalition(BAVC) segiment open for only teenagers after screening will be presented with 5000 US Dollars.

Sahara Signed Agreement to Build Notun Dhaka in Bangladesh

Sahara India Pariwar signed an agreement with Bangladesh government to desfign and develop a new city Notun Dhaka(New Dhaka) on 28 May 2012. Sahara Matribhumi Unnayan Corporation signed the MOU with the ministry of housing and public works (MOPW) of Bangladesh Governement.Their main aim to build affordable housing facilities for the group of low earming people, along with it, they will also work on the hosing finance support and design.This plans for integrated statellite townships constituted by the ministry of housing and public works(MOHPW) of the Bangladesh Government.

India pushes to rebuild old links with new Myanmar

India & Myanmar expect to double their trade in 3years and despite a delay in introducing a buslink,hope to be connected not just over land and by air but also by rail. India signed a slew agrrements and memoranda of understand(MOUs) on day-2 and Dr.singhs visit to take forward economic ties,cooperation in development and capacity building in a range of sectors.They include an MoU to operationalise a $500 million line of credit during president.

India, Bahrain sign pact to boost ties

India and Bahrain on 31May, announced the signing of a tax information exchange agreement to promote economic cooperation and joint investment between 2 countries aimed was signed by the Bahrain delogation led by prince Salman Bin Hamadal Khalifa.

E-Challan & Receipt (ECR) Facility Launched

Union Minister of Labour & Employment Mallikarjun Kharge inaugurated the E-Challan and receipt (ECR) facility on 1 May 2012 to bring transparency and accessibility for employers in depositing monthly employees Provident Fund or EPF contributions of their workers. Employees under the ECR servi ce would have to register their organisations online and generate challans for making monthly deposits. They can use these challan for either electronically or physically depositing the provident fund or PF contribution to the bank.

Union Government Decided To Include Chit Funds Under The Chit Fund Act

Union Government decided to include chit funds, an informal pooling of funds from individuals for lending under the chit fund Act of 1982 in six states including Gujarat and Kerala. The decision was meant to help people access the dispute settlement mechanism. Nagaland, Haryana Tripura and Arunachal Pradesh are the other states to come under the Act, providing a cushion for small savers who are at the mercy of local operations of the six states brought under the central ruling, only Kerala operated under the Kerala chit Act of 1975. The other five states had no laws to regulate chit fund operations.

Indian Americans in Forbes List of Best Tech Investors

Forbes Magazine recently came up with the list of Technologies best investors among which nine are Indian Americans . These i nfluential apersonalities have been successful in creating wealth and funding innovative ideas that help to keep our economy vibrant.Anil Bhasuri, Rob Chandra, Sameer Gandhi, Vinod Khosh, Neeraj Agrawak, Navin Chaddha, Ajay Agarwal, Asheen Chandra and Subrata Mitra are the best Tech investors on the forbes list . Fianace Minister Pranab Mukherjee was Elected As Chair Of ADBs Board Of Governor Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on 4 May 2012 was elected as Chair of the Asian Development Banks (ADB) Board of Governors. India will host the 46th annual meeting of the Asian Development Bank in New Delhi in 2013. Though India was the founding member of the ADB in 1966, the lending operations in India began two decades late.

Tata Group Among 10 Best Companies for Leadership in Asia

The Tata Group is at the fifth position among the ten best companies for leadership in Asia list , according to study by management consultancy Gaint Hay Group. The topped company in the list is Samsung group followed by Tayota Motors and Unilever at the second and third positions . The study said that innovation was the prime factor hat made Tata Groups to find place among the top names in Asia . Others in the top 10 in Asia are Nestle, IBM Corp, Sony Corp, Procter & Gamble , Coca- Cola and Petronas. Among the global best leadership companies are General Electric as at the top followed by Procter 7 Gamble, IBM, Microsoft and Coca- Cola.

Report Placed India On Fifth In Cyber Crime

India, according to a report published by the Security and Defence Agenda (SDA) and McAfee on 6 May 2012, ranked fifth in the list of countries affected of Cyber Crime. The report cyber security, The Vexed Question of Global Rules, rated the internet privacy in the country as low. Brussels based SDA spoke to leading global security exports to ensure that findings would offer useful recomendations and actions.

Bihar C.M Nitish Kumar Took Oath As Member of BLC

Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar, Deputy Chief Minister Sushil Kumar Modi, former chief minister and RJD leader Rabri Devi sworn in as members of the Bihar Legislative Council on 7 May 2012. The leaders were administered oath by state Legislative Council chairman Salim Parvej.

Qualcomm Recieved The Broadband Wireless Access Spectrum

Qualcomm, the US chipmaker received the Broadband Wireless Access(BWA) spectrum on 8 May 2012 by the Department of Telecommunications ( DoT). The DoT however, reduced the companys period of licence use to 18.5 years from 20 years as mentioned in the licence agreement. The time period to meet the rollout obligations was also reduced from 5 to 3.5 years.

The Union Cabinet Approved the 7.6 Billion Dollar TAPI Gas Pipeline Project (TGPP)

The Union Cabinet Approved the 7.6 Billion Dollar TAPI Gas Pipeline Project (TGPP) on 17 May 2012. The TAPI gas pipeline project which organisation from the central Asian Nation Turkmenistan and reaches to India via Afghanistan and Pakistan is also referred to as the Peace Pipeline as some of the countries that it passes through

dont enjoy good relationship with each other. The TAPI gas project will have a total length of 1680 km of the total length 144 km will be in Turkmenistan, 735 km in Afghanistan and 800 km in Pakistan, bringing it to the Indian borders. The pipeline, will be entirely functional in 2018 and supply gas over the next thirty years.

6th Best University in Country Osmania University has been ranked Sixth among Indias best Universities as per as survey conducted by the India Today-Nielsen dor 2012 . The varsity was Ranked seventh last year.

Report on Status of Implementation of SCs and STs Act 1989 Released

The report on the status of implementation of SCs an d STs ( prevention of Atrocities) Act 1989 and Rules 1995 was released by the first Dalit chief Justice of India, Justice K.G.Balakrishna on 18 May 2012. The report was prepared by the National Coalition after collecting evidence by visiti ng the places of incidents and talking to victims across India for strengthening SCs and STs( Prevention of Atrocities ) Act. The report revealed substantial increace i n cases of violence against SCs and Sts. It also highlighted loopholes in the implementation of the SCs and ST s Act and agreed that it has not been able to check atrocities against Dalits and Adivasis in an affective manner.

Andhra Pradesh High Court set aside 4.5 Per Cent Sub-Quota for Minorities

The Andhra Pradesh High Court on 28 May 2012 invalidated the 4.5 per cent sub-quota for minorities carved out of the 27 per cent reservation for OBCs by the Union government.A high court division bench of Chief Justice Madan Lokur and Justice P VSanjay Kumar quashed the sub-quota as it observed that the Union governments move was based on religious lines and not any other consideration.The court was hearing to a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by backward classes leader R Krishnaiah against the sub-quota.

IICT Hopes to Establish Deflouridation Plants in A.P & Rajasthan

The Indian Institute of Chemical Technology (IICT) is looking forward to establish model deflouridation units in Rajasthan after designing and commissioning various lowcost groundwater defluoridation plants in flurosis affected villages of Andhra Pradesh. Flurosis is a dreaded disease which is caused due to the presence of excess fluoride in grounwater, which has impacted many people in India, mainly children who are suffering from dental and skeletal deformities primarlly in both the states of Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.

Petronet LNG Terminal In Andhra Pradesh Petronet Lng Ltd on 2 May 2012 signed a deal with Andhra Pradeshs Gangavaram port to set up a 5 million tonnes a year liquified natural gas import terminal.The statement from Petronet said the proposed R.s 4,500crore terminal at the Gangavaram port will have facilities for receiving , strong and regasification of LNG.

Agreement Signed for Pranahitha Chevella Irrigation Project

Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister N.Kiran Kumar Reddy and his Maharashtra counterpart Prithviraj Chavan, on 5 May 2012 signed an agreement in New Delhi to set up an inter state board for speedy execution of the Rs. 40,300 crore Pranahitha -Chevella irrigation project, that will serve both states .The agreement was signed in the presence of Union water Resources minister Pawan Kumar Bansal Dr. B.R.Ambedkar pranahitha chevella sujatha sravanthi project, which Andhra Pradesh wants to be declared as a national project.

Government Cleared Rs.8500 crore Project to Naxalite Affected Districts

The Union Government on 17 May 2012 cleared a Rs 8500 crore project under the Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana (PMGSY) with an objectiv e to connect 6000 habitation in the 78 naxalite affected districts of nine states. Under the project money will be utilised for new connectivity and upgradation of habitations.norms of PMGSY were released for the first time to provide road connectivity to these habitations, in view of the biggest beneficiary of thi s package. There are some 1000 unconnected habitations in nine naxal hit districts of Bihar and another 2500 in 17 districts in Jharkhand. The remaining habitations are spread over 18 districts in Orissa 16 in Chhatisgarh, 8 in M.P and A.P, 3each in West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh and 2 in Maharashtra.

P.Chidambaram to Head Reconstituted Panel of Inter-State Council

The standing committee of the Inter-State council has been reconstituted with Home minister P.Chidambaram as Chairman and Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and nine chief ministers, including Tamil Nadu C.M Jayalalitha and Gujarat C.M Narendra Modi as members. A number of union ministers belonging to congress allies in the UPA have also been given representation in the committee which was reconstituted by Prime minister Manmohan Singh.

2-Day G8 Summit In US

The 2-day summit of the group of eight (G8) industrialized nations held on 18 May 2012 in Maryland, US. The 2-day summit group together leaders of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the US. The event will discuss issues, including the Eurozone crisis, Iran nuclear standoff, Syria, global energy and food security among others. Despited its wide ranging agenda many analysts expected no major out comes from the gathering.

ASEAN, US Meet Over Security Cooperation

The US & Southeast Asian Nations on 19 May 2012 embraked on three days of talks that would include security cooperation, shortly after a Pentagon report raised concerns about Chinas military build up . The Philipines, host of the discussions and an Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) members is engaged in a

month long maritime stand off with China over a disputed shoal in the South China Sea. Deepening security corporation climate change and trade and investment will all be on the three days of meeting

NATO Summit In Chicago

A key NATO Summit, gathering more than 50 world leaders, opened in Chicago on 21 May 2012 with a minutes silence for all those who have fallen in combat around the world. Led by NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen and US president Barack Obama, the leaders stood and bowed their heads as a uniformed US bugler played taps. Addressing the themes of the summit Rasmussen vowed to complete the transition to Afghan security by 2014. He also stressed the need to embrace a renewed culture of cooperation vowing that together we will make our partnership deeper, broader and stronger.


Spanish Football Club Real Madrid Clinched Spanish League Title

Spanish football club Real Madrid clinched its 32nd spanish League title and first in four years on 2 May 2012, over shadowing Lionel Messi breaking a 39 years European club scoring record with a hatrik to take his season total to 68 goals. Indian Women Team Won Asian Sqash Championship

Indian women squash team won its maiden gold at the 16th Asian Squash Championship in Kuwait on 5 May 2012. The women created a history by defeating the top seeded Joshna Chinnappa and 14th seeded Dipika Pillikkal defeated world number 16th Joey Chan and world no-7 Annie Au respectively. Sriram Balaji Won ITF Futures Mens Tennis Title Fifth ranked Sriram Balaji defeated Swiss Joss Espasandin in the Summit clash of the MCC -SR Subramanian Memorial ITF Futures mens tennis tournament in Chennai on 5 May 2012. Sports Illustrated, Sportsman of the Year Yuvraj

On 5 May 2012 Inidan cricketer Yuvraj singh , Who is rehabilitating after a layoff due to cancer has been adjudged as sports illustrated sportsman of the year for his stupendous performance in 2011 World cup. Sara Errani Wons Budapest WTA Tournament

Top seeded Sara Errani of Italy won her third WTA title for the year 2012by defeating Elina Vesnina of Russia in the $220,000 Budapest Grand Prix final held on 6 May 2012 in Budapest, Hungary. Juan Del Potro Won Estoril ATP Open Title Argentinas top seeded Juan Martin Del Potro retained his title at the Estoril Open on 6 May 2012 after defeating second seeded Richard Gasquet held at Estoril, Portugal. Deepika Kumari Won First World Cup Title Indias Olympic prospect Deepika Kumari Estoril Mens Double Title 2012 Winners
















Pakistan tennis ace Aisamul Haq Qureshi and his partner Dutch Rojer Jean Julien clinched the Mens double title of the Estoril Open on 6 May 2012 held in Estoril, Portugal. Kanepi Won The Single Womens Estoril Title 2012 Kaia Kanepi claimed her third WTA trophy of single Womens Estoril Title by defeating Spains Carla Suarez Novarro in the final of the Estoril open on 6 May 2012 held at Estoril, Portugal. Krishna Poonia Sets New National Record Discus Thrower Krishna Poonia set a new national record with a throw of 64.76m. Which breaked Seema Antils existing record of 64.64m. Krishna won the silver medal in the Aitius Track crew Throw down mmet in Maui Island Hawaii on 7 May 2012. Rickie Fowler Golfer Won Well Fargo Trophy

Rickie Fowler won his first RGA Wells Fargo Championship over US Open Campion Rory Mcllroy and D.A Points on 6 May 2012 at Quali Hallow club in Charlotte, NC. OSullivan Won World Snooker Title Englands Ronnie OSullivan won the fourth World Snooker Championship by defeating Ali Carter 18-11 in the final at the Crucible Theatre on 8 May 2012 at Sheffield,England. Parimarjan Negi Won Asian Continental Chess Champion

Granmaster Parimarjin Negi won the Asian Continental Chess Championship despite loosing to A.R.Saleh Salem of UAE in the final round by winning gold that concluded on 13 May 2012. Pastor Team Claims Formula One Race

Pastor Maldonado gave williams a first formula One Race win in almost eight years on 13 May 2012, when he fought off local hero Fernando Alonsa in a thrilling Spanish Grand Prix. Serena Williams Won The Madrid Open Final USAs Serena Williams won the Madrid Open Final Womens tennis by defeating world no-1 Victoria Azarenka on 13 May 2012 held at Madrid. Roger Federar Won Madrid Mens Open Title Swiss tennis star Roger Federar defeated Czech Tomas Berdych to win Madrid Mens Single Open Title on 13 May 2012.The Madrid open title is set to reinstate Federar as the no-2 spot in the world tennis ranking , the position he had earlier lost to his rival Rafael Nadal. Manjeet Singh won the Junior National Boxing Title

Manjeet Singh Panghal defeated Gurleen singh to claim the 69 kg title in the 45th National Junior Boxing championship at Patiala on 16 May 2012. Nadal on The Sixth Rome Masters Title Rafael Nadal won his sixth Rome Mens singles Masters title in a rain postponed final against Novack Djokovic on 21 May 2012 held at Rome. Sharapova Won Womens Singles Rome Masters Title Maria Sharapova of Russia won the womens single Rome Masters Title by defeating Chinas Li Na on 20 May held at Rome.

Sania-Mattek lift Brussels Open TIttle

Sania Mirza won her second WTA doubles tittles of the season and 14th overall,when she combined with.Bethanie Mattek-sands to lift Brussels Open Tropy with an emphatic straight set win over Alicja Rosolska of polamd and china;s Zheng Jie.This Indo-American pair took an hour and 10 minutes. Knights Dethrone Kings IPL-5 Crown

Kolkatta Knight Riders are newly crowed IPL Champions.The visitors beat defending champions chennai SuperKings by five wickets in a high final at the MAC stadium in chennai. The Man of the Match is Bisla. Golden player goes to Sumil Naring(KKR) and Orange cap goes to Chris Gale(RCB) and Purple Cap goes toMore Morkel(DD)

Weber Wins Monaco Grand Pix Australia Mark Webber made Formula one history on 27 May when he steered his Red bull to victory and claimed his First Win in this Year and his Team Red Bulls Third successive Monacco Grand Pix. Lin Dan Propels China to Thomas Cup Tittle

Super star Lin Dan led osts china to an emphatic victory over South Korea in the Thomas cup Final on 27 May, Sending a starl message he and his Team mates are in peak form for the London Olympics in the field of Badminton. Fluent Fedex on the Mark

Roger Federer celebrated on 28 May his 50th straight major with a record equalling 233rd Grand slam win.His win , achieved on a sixth match point, also told him level with Jimmy connors record for most grand slam matches win of 233.

Services Defeat Tamilnadu for Cup

Services showed nerves of steel to defeat Tamilanadu 3-2 in the final of the 66th santosh Tropy at the Barabati stadium in Cuttack,Adisha on 28 May.This was services second Title, with thier maiden championship coming in the 1960-61 season.

Anand Crowned Fifth world Championship

Indian Grand master viswa nathan Anand showed immense resilence to beat challenger Boris Gelfand of Israel in the tense rapid chess tie braker to win the world championship crown for the fifth time and Fourth in a row on 30 may 2012

Chattisgarh Girls&Boys Clinch National Titles

Chattisgarh Clinched both Girls&Boys Titles in the 63rd National Junior Basketball championship on 30 May .boys defeated the punjab in final where as girls defeated the maharastara in final.

RBI Directed Indian Banks To Maintain Tier I Capital

The Reserve Bank of India on 2 May 2012 published guidelines of implementation of the new global capital adequacy norms, called Basel-III, by March 2018. India banks will have to maintain Tier-I capital, or core capital of at least 7% of their risk weighted assets on an ongoing basis. The objective is to strengthen risk management mechanism . As per the guidelines specified by the central bank, commercial banks will have to maintain their total capital adequacy ratio at 9% higher than the minimum recommended requirement of 8% under the BaselIII norms. ADB To Provide $6.25 Billion Assistance To India

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will provide assistance of $6.25 billion to India over three years for various projects, including those in the energy and education sector. The lending support will go to key areas like transport, energy, urban development, agriculture, natural resource management. Prior to this ADB has approved 159 loans for India amounting to $24.12 billion. Moodys Downgrades 3 Private Sector Banks Moodys Investor Services has downgraded the standalone bank financial strength rating of the top three private sector banks- ICICI Bnak, HDFC Bankand Axis Bank. The global credit rating agency also downgraded the Life Insurance Coorporation of Indias foreign currency insurance financial strength rating. WEF To Open Office In India

The world Economic Forum (WEF), known for its annual Davos meeting on 14 May 2012 said, it will open its full fledged office in India in the wake of the country growing economic clout. Besides, WEF which has been organising annual India event along with the industry body CII, has decided to go solo from this year. The branding of the event would also be changed to world Economic forum on India rather than India economic summit being held annually for the last 27 years. The World Wildlife Fund Report On Global Environment

The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in its report living planet report 2012 released on 15 May 2012 noted that Biodiversity has decreased by an average of 28 percent globally since 1970 and the world would have to be 50% bigger to have enough land and forest to provide for current levels of consumption and carbon emissions. The problem, by 2030 even two planets Earths would not be enough to sustain human activity. A summit on the global environment is to be held in Brazilian city Rio De Janerio from 20

to 22 June 2012. The summit is expected to RBI Decided to Set Up 2 Billion Dollar Swap Facility For SAARC Nations









Reserve Bank of India (RBI) on 16 May 2012 decided to set up a 2 billion dollar swap facility for SAARC nations. This facility will be available in foreign currency and Indian rupee. The facility will provide the member nation with the facility to swap US dollar, euro or Indian rupee against domestic currency or domestic currency denominated Government securities. The withdrawal could be done in multiple tranches. The move for a SAARC swap facility follows a decision taken by the SAARC finance minister at the ministerial meeting on global financial crisis. Retrospective Amendment To I-T Act May Impact FDI In India

The amendment to increase tax laws with retrospective effects passed by Parliament may impact inflows of foreign direct investment (FDI) into the country, a top Italian trade official said. General Provident Fund Interest Rate Hiked to 8.8%

The Finance Ministry has hiked interst rates on General Provident fund to 8.8% a year with effect from April 1st this year. This move will benefit millions of employees.who are subcribes to this fund.berfore it is 8.6 in december 2011-March 2012. Fix NPAs, Pranab tells to banks

Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on 28 May asked banks to take steps to manage their non-performing assets (NPAs). which have grown on account of economic down turn.NPAs of public sector banks stood at about 3.3 percent of the assets in 2011-12 as against 2.3 percent a year ago said pranab. Delhi Chief Minister Sheela Dikshit Presented the Budget for Fiscal Year 2012-13

Delhi Chief Minister Sheela Dikshit on 28 May 2012 presented the financial budget in the Delhi assembly for the fiscal year 2012-13. The 33436 crore rupees budget had its share of populist measures as a number of social welfare schemes were announced in the budget by the government.


14 Times Bigger Supermoon

On 5 May 2012, the moon had been closer to Earth than at any other times this year, which means it will appear up to 14 % bigger and 30% brigther han any other full moon of 2012. Its the supermoon ,it happens but once in a year. Pakistan Test Fired Hatf -III

Pakistan on 10 May 2012 successfully test fired the traning launch of Hatf-III (Ghaznavi), a short range ballistic missile capable of carrying both nuclear and conventional warheads across 290 km . The launch was conducted at the conclusion of the annual field training exercise of the Army strategic force command. Soyuz TMA-04M Rocket Launches In Kazakhstan

The Soyuz TMA-04M rocket launches from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan on 15 May 2012 carrying Epedition 31 Soyuz commander Gennady Padaika, NASA flight Engineer Joseph Acaba and flight Engineer Sargei Revin to the International space station. U.S Company Space X Test flight of the dragon space capsule

The U.S company Space X on 22 May in Florida ( Cape Canaveral) to lunch its own craft towards th e international space station. The test flight of the Dragon space capsule,which lanuched a top space Xs falcon 9 rosked,aims to show that indutry can restore U.S access to the ISS after NASA retired its space shuttle fleet last year . The mission is set to include a fly-by and berthing with the station in the next three days ,before the capsule returns at the end of may month. Russia Successfully Test Fired a new Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

U.S has the capable of piercing defence systems being developed. THe strategic Missile forces test launched a new prototype ballistic missile from a mobile launcher at the plesetsk cosmodrome in Askhangalsk Region on 23 May. It was the second launch of deeply modernised yar missile named Avangard. Large Solar Telescope A powerfull solar telescole billed as the largest in Europe opened recently on Spains canary Islands. Scinetist says it will alow them to study the sun unprecedented with a mirror diameter of 1.5meters , the Gregor telescope will be able to show structures on the sun on scales on small as 70 kil ometres. India Test Fired Anti Aircraft Akash Missile Defence Research Development organization (DRDO) official associate with the Akashmissile project.The missile,which has a strike range of 25km with warhead of 60 kgs,was test fired from a mobile launcher from launch complex-III of the ITR at about 110hrs.It is surface to air missile. Isarel Unleashes Spy Virus On Iran A Russian firm has discovered a new computer virus Flamewith unprecendented destructive potential that cheifly targets Iran. Kasperky Lab, is one of the Worlds biggest producer of anti-virus softwaer discovered the cyber weapon called Flame during an investigation that was prompted by the International Telecommunication Union. Pakistan Successfully Test Fired Nuclear Capable Hatf9 Missile

Pakistan on May 29 2012 succesfully test fired a short range Hatf9(Nasr)missile.The missile which has a range of 60kilometers is capable of carrying nuclear warheads. It was pakistans third ballastic missiile test since April2012.


6th NTR Literary Award for Tamil Writer Ashoka Mitran

Noted Tamil Writer Ashokamitran, Known for his novel Thanneer and other works was declared the recipient of the 6th NTR National Literary Award on 4 May 2012. The award is sheduled to be presented on 28 May 2012. The writer was born in Secunderabad and was closest to Telugu Culture, lang uages and people. Miss India World Awarded With Kalpana Chawla Excellence Award

Actress Sushma Seth and Miss India World Vinya Mishra were awarded with Kalpana Chawla Excellence award on 6 May 2012 at MavlankarAuditorium, New Delhi. The other awasrds included Padmabhushan Kuchipudi and Bharatnatyam dancer Swapna Sundari, IPS officer Shalini Singh, WWho had won the police medal for meritorious service in 2012 and jewellery designer Puneeta Trikha. The Order Of The Rising Sun, Ratan Tata Tata group chairman Ratan Tata has been conferref The Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun title by Japan for his contribution instrengthening economic relations between Japan & India. The ceremony of conferment has been held in Tokyo on 8 May 2012 at the Imperial Palace in presence of the Emperor of Japan . Tata had made a huge contribution from the perspective of promoting trade and investment in industry as well as for improvement of the business environment in India . Pt. Ravi Sankar Conferred First Tagore Cultural Harmony Award

Classical sitar maestro Ravi Sankar has been awarded the first Tagore Award for cultural harmony by a jury chaired by Prime minister Manmohan singh to mark the 150th birth anniversary of Nobel laureate Rabindranath Tagore , which was announced on 7 May 2012. The award was given in recognition of his outstanding contribution to cultural harmony and universal values. The award comprises Rs. 1crore in cash, a citation in a scroll, a plaque and an enquisite carved handicraft or handlloom memento. the award would be presented to the sitar guru by the president at a special ceremony.

International Jurist Awards to five Persons Including Mulayam

Samajwadi Party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav and Pakistan chief Justice Iftikhar Muhammad Choudhary are among five eminent personalities who have been chosen for the prestigious International Jurists Award 2012. Yadav and Choudhary will be presented the awards on 28 May 2012 at a ceremony in London by Right Honble Lord Phillips, president of the Supremme court of the United Kingdom. Besides the two eminent personalities, International Bar Association president Akira Kawamura, Stephen B Huttler and Christophe Eck will also be presented the awards, while Yadav was chosen for this award for his uniflinching contribution to the advancement of the bar and the bench. Bhanuprakash in Guiness Book of Records

Chikka Bhanuprakash of Bhoodan Pochampalli entered the Guiness Book of Records for lifting 8.67 kg weight using the fingernails of his left hand. Mr. Bhanu, who is working as a software engineer in Hyderabad has become famous for preparing sketches with his fingernails and lifting weights. Narayana Murthy receives Awards From US University

Infosys chief mentor Narayana Murthy had been felicitated with the global leadership and five enterprise awards by the University of South Florida in recognition of his entrepreneurial spirit. The two awards were presented to Murthy by USF President Judy Genshaft at ceremony in Tampa, Florida. Amartya Sen to Receive Honourary Degree From US University Nobel Laureate and eminent Indian American economist Amartya Sen will receive an honourary degree from the prestigious John Hopkins University. Apart from Sen, five other persons including Myanmars Pre- Democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi, environment microbiologists Rita R.Colwell, Canadian diplomat, politician Stephen . Lewis, American businessman and philanthropist John . Malone and IBM Chairman Samuel J Parmisano have also been chosen for the prestigious citation. Vetern Actress Suchitra Sen Conferred Banga- Bibhusan Award Eminent film actress Suchitra Sen was conferred with West Bengal Governments highest award Banga- Bhushan on 20 May 2012. The legendary filmstar was however, not present on the stage to receive the award as she continues to remain away from public eye. The award was received by his daughter and grand daughter. The award includes a citation and award money worth of Rs. 2 lakh. Pedabayalu Coffee wins Flavour of India Fine Cup Award

The International jury at melbowrne in Australia has adhusted as the best coffee grown in Araku Region comprising Odisha and Andhra Pradesh as the best coffee in the region for the year 2012 and bestowed the Flavour of India Fine Cup Award 65th Cannes FilmFestival The 65th annual cannes film festival was held from May 16 to May 27 ,2012 .The Palmedor was awarded to Australian director Michael Heneke for his film Love. The Jury gave the Grand Prize to Matteo Garrones Reality. the for for film Hills thr the film Post by Jury film Beyound The Tenebras Cristian Prize Hunt Hills Lux Hungiu

The Angel Share was Awarded Best Actor is Mads Mikkelsen Best Actress is Cristina flutur and Cosmina Strantan Best Director is carlos Regadas for the Best Screen Play is Beyounf the Rahul Bhattacharya Wins British Friction Prize

Young writer Rahul battacharya on 29 May won the prestigious Royal Society of Literature Ondaatje Prize 2012 for his book, The sky company of people who care.He also won Common Wealth Book prize for 2012 .

A) Appointments

Indian American Vikram Singh Appointed To SES of Pentagon

Indian American Vikram Singh ,an expert on Afghanistan and Pakistan and close aide of late diplomat Richard Holbrooke, was appointed to an important position of Deputy Assistant Secretery of Defence for South and South East Asia at the Pentagon. He replaced Robert Seher who had been assigned as deputy assistant secretary of defence for plans.

Vidya Balan Appointed As The Brand Ambassador of NSC

Union Rural Development Ministry of India on 4 May 2012 in National Award winning actor Vidya Balan was appointed as the Brand Ambassador for improving the state of sanitation in the country. Rural Develop Minister Jairam Ramesh brought in the leading bollywood star to promote the National Sanitation Campaign (NSC). New Prime Minister for Russia

Dimitri Medvedev New Chancellor for Eflu














Mrs. Sunaina Singh had been appointed as the new Vice- chancellor of the English and Foreign Languages University (Eflu) on 11 May 2012. She is the head for the English department in Osmania University at present. Rahul Khullar Appointed TRAI Chief

Commerce security Rahul Khullar has been appointed as chairman of the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India ( TRAI) for three years on 13 May 2012. He will succed J.S Sharma whose tenure ended on 13 May 2012.

New German Ambassador To India

Michael Steiner had been appointed as the German ambassador to India on 14 May 2012, he was earlier special envoy to Afghanisthan and Pakistan. Jean Marc Ayrault New Prime Minister of France Jean Marc Ayrault a moderate socialist took over as the Frances new Prime Minister on 16 May 2012

Saurabh Chandra Took The Additional Charge (SDC)

Saurabh Chandra, secretary, Department of Industrial policy and promotion was slated to hold the additional charge of the post of secretary of the department of commerce on 14 May 2012 India American Elected To City Council in Texas

After Several Months of consistant campaigning, Himesh Gandhi, a person of Indian origin (PIO), has been elected to a city council in the US state of Texas on 17 May 2012. Bedi Selected to the Board of World Federation Against Drugs

Team Anna member Kiran Bedi has been selected as the Board member from the Asian region to the Board of World Federation Agai bst drugs. Bedi has been elected unanimously to the Board during a meeting in Stockholm earleir this week as recognition of her work in the field of contaning drug abuse throug her NGONavjyoti. New Army Chief Bikram Singh

General Bikram Singh, a vetarian infantry officer, who took over as the 25th chief of the Indian Army on 31May 2012 , has to grapple with the challenge of closing the fissures in the top echelons of the worlds second largest force. B) Resigns

Snooker Champion Stephen Hendry Announced His Retirement

Seven time world snooler chmpion Stephen Hendry announced his retirement on 1 May 2012 after loosing in the quarter finals at the world championships. The 43 years old legend called it a day after a 13-2 defeat to fellow Stephen Maguire.

Nepal Cabinet Resigns To Form New Government

Nepal cabinet tendered its resignatiom on 3 May 2012. Prime Minister Baburam Bhattarai also stated resigned by the end of the month . The decision to step down came in the wake of an agreement among the Nepals major political parties to form a new coalition Government. UTI Mutual Funds Chief Marketing Officer Resigns

UTI mutual funds chief marketing officer Jaideep Bhattacharya stepped down from his post on 4 May 2012. Bhattacharya quit the position to explore Carrier opportunities Indian American Scientist Quits From Top Energy Post Apunava Majumdar, eminent Indian, American scientist had resigned after the US Senate did not confirm president Barack Obamas proposal to elevate him as under secretary at the Department of energy. Mahasweta Devi Resigns from Bangla Academy

The Magsaysay Award Winner Mahasweta Devi,who is known to be close associate of West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in her resignation as Chair person of the Bangla Academy on 23 May. Sanjay Joshi Resigns a Head of BJP National Executive

BJP Leader, Sanjay Joshi,bete Infosys Bpo Coo Indnani Resigns

















Indias largest software services firm,Ritesh Idanani senior vice president and cheif cooperative officer of its business processing out sourcing arm, has resigned. Pieterson Retires fron ODIs

England star Kevin pieterson retired from international limited overs cricket on 31May a secision which took the England and Wales Cricket Board(ECB) by surprise.


Former Left Front Minister Nandagopal Died

Veteran Communist Party of India leader and former left front minister Nandagopal Bhattacharya died in Kolkata on 6 May 2012. Nandagopal served three terms from 1961 tp 2011 as minister in the West Bengal Government. Norways World Swimming Champion Dale Died Norways World Swimming Champion Alexander Dale Oen died suddendly on 1 May 2012 in the US aged 26, he had won gold medal in 400m breakstoke at the world cahmpionship in Shangai in July 2012. Mexican Novelist Carlos Fuentes Dead

Author Carlos Fuentes, Who played a dominated role in Latin Americas novel- writing boom by delving into the failed ideals of the revolution, died on 16 May 2012 in Mexico. Disco Queen Donna Summer Died

Singer Donna Summer, popularly Known as the Queen of Disco has died after a long battle with lung cancer on 17 May 2012 in Florida. Whose real name is LaDonna Adrain Gainess .

D) Visitors

Hillary Clinton 3-Day Visit To India

The US secretary Hillary Clinton visited India for a 3-day visit and initially resisting US pressure to adhere to international sanctions on Iran. She met West Bengal chief minister Mamata Benerjee in Kolkata and after that Mr.Manmohan Singh and chairperson Sonia Gandhi. The main agenda was that India would reduce its dependence on Iran oil imports.

French PresidentFrancois Hollande on Surprise Trip to Afghanistan French PresidentFrancois Hollande arrived surprise trip to visit Frances accelerate the withdrawl of french of this year was accompanied Defence PM Meets Myanmar President in Land Mark Visit in Troops soldiers by Minister Afghanistan on 25 May there.Hollandae ,who fron Afhanistan to Foreign Minister Laurent

for plans the Fabius

a to end and Drian.

PM Manmohan Singh visited Myanmar on 27 May . A three day visit in Myanmar. He is the first PM to visit Myanmar in 25years. India suggested the two countries should work out a joint strategy to tackle terrorism and insurgency along their border and enhance security cooperation. Iranian vice President Ali Saeedlu Visits Cuba Iranian vice President Ali Saeedlu Began an official Visit to Cuba. saeedlu,Ahmadinejads deputy for international Affairs,met with cuban vice President Jose Ramon Machado on 28 May,after which they stressed the excellent state of bilateral tiesan official statement. Myanmar Suu Kyi Leaves For First Abroad In 24 years

Myanmar democracy icon Aung San Suu Kyi visited Thailand on 29 May to attend a world Economic Forum Meet ahead of her European tour. Iranian Foreign Ministers visit to India

Iranian Foreign Minister Ali Akbar salehi visits India on 31May on a two day visit to formaly invite prime minister Manmohan Singh for the Non Aligned Movement(NAM) summit to be held in tehran in august. E)Miscellaneous

Googles New Translate Services Started

Recently Google had started his instantly free online language translation services which can translate more than 14 languages of text and web pages, which is called conversation mode. Paris is Worlds Most Expencive City For A Club Sandwich Paris had turned out to be the worlds most expencive city for a club sandwich according to a survey by Hotel Booking site. New Delhi has emerged the cheapest in this survey of major tourist destinations and business capitals. The site has been tracing the prices of this classic chicken, bacon, egg, lettuce and as handy indicator of how expencive or inexpencive a city is for travellers. Worlds Largest Hindu Temple to Be Built In Bihar Worlds largest Hindu Temple to Be Built In Bihars East Chaparan district by a religious body Mahavir Mandir Trust (MMT) said its secretary on 13 May 20121.The temple is built over 50 acres land donated by the Kathwalia Math, The temple would not be the exact replice of the Angkor wat temple, but few common featur es of the two religious structures. The five storied temple will be 1,240 feet long, 1,150 feet wide 272 feet tall and will house the idols of Radha and Krishna, shiva & parvati, Ganesh , Surya, Vishnu and Dashavatar. The construction cost of the temple would be about Rs. 300 crore. Tallest Residential Building in Dubai Princess tower in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, is 413.4 metres high and has 101 storeys above ground dedicated to residential use.Guinness said . This has set a new record with Princess Tower,which the Guinness World Record The Richest Woman in World Australias reichest person Gina Rinehart has eclipsed Wal-Mart Heiress Christy Walton oz tycoon to become the Worlds Wealthiest woman,according to an annual index by Business review Weekly,personal fortune at $28.48 billion Ratan Tata Rmains India Incs Most Powerful CEO Tata sons chariman Ratan Tata heads the ET-Corporate Dossier ranking of India Incs most powerfull CEOs for the fourthyear running. While Mukesh Ambani has Managed to retain his position at the second place,his brother Anil has fallen six positions at no.11 ,Sunil Mittal i sin 16th position. Record Carbon dioxide Emission in 2011 India stood Fourth

China spurred a jump in global carbondioxide emissions to their highest recorded level in 2011,offsetting falls in the united states and europe .THe International Energy Agency(IEA) said on 25th may India moved a head on Russia to become the fourth largest co2 emitter,behind china ,the u.s and E.U. Old puzzle of Newton Solved by Shaurya Roy an Indian Student A 16 year shaurya roy has saolved the Newtons 350 year unsolved puzzle which had baffled the world of Mathematicians for more than 350 years. he has been hailed a genius after working out the problems set by Sir Issac Newton. The scholl boy,from Drebsden,Germany,solved two fundamental particle dynamics theories.which physicians have previously been able to calculate only by using computer. Postal Stamp on Khawaja Moinuddin Chisti Released

Union Minister of Communication and IT Kapil Sibal on 27 May released a postal stamp to mark the 800th urs of Sufi saint Khawaja Moinuddin Chistu at Ajmer.The stamp was released in the ceremony hall Mehfil Khana of the Dargarh Premises in the presence if a large number of Zayrines(pilgri ms). Indian-American Snigha Nandipati Becomes word Spelling Bee Champ

Snigha Nandipati, a 14-year-old Indo-American girl spelled the French for ambush,guetapens,right to be crowned the 2012 Scripps National Spelling Bee Champion.

Londons Tallest Tower Londons Tallest tower of 114.5 metre stands in the Olympic park in East London, Between the aquatic centre and the main Olympic stadium. The tower was designed by Mumbai born artist Anish Kapoor. The Mayor of London , Boris Johnson unveiled on 10 May 2012. The twisting tower was described by Kapoor as the Tower of Babel. The Italian Town Devasted By An Earth Quake

Emilia Romanga strucks 5.8 earthquake at on 20 May,killing seven people and forcing 7,000 into temporary shelters.Then disaster struct once again on 29 May at 5.8 Magnitude earthquake shook the region at just after 16 died,1400 people are homeless and 5 are missing in it.

Competition Commission Of India, Constituted Eminet Persons Advisory Group

The competition commission of India (CCI) formed an Eminet Persons Advisory Group (EPAG) on 7 May 2012. The group is constituted to provide CCI inputs and advise on issues impacting markets and competition, among others. The group comprise Infosys founder N.R.Nayanan Murthy former comptroller and Auditor General V.N Kawl, Former Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India Rakesh Mohan, Biocon Chairman and M.S Kran Mazumdar- shaw, former Directorof IIM-Amedhabad Bakul Dholaka, formerchairman of CEFC S.L.Ro, former vice chancellor of NLSIU- Bangalore N.L Mitra . Thee group will hold its maiden meeting on July 2012 The group will have interaction/ meeting with the commission two to three times a year. Seven Members Committe To Look After Deplorable Conditions Of Widows

The Supreme Court on 9 May 2012 set up a seven member committee to look into the deplorable conditions of widows destitutes living in Vrindavan and set an eight week dead line to complete the report. The committe headed by the chairman of the Mathura District Legal Services Authority and will prepare a list of the widows with their names , age and reasons for being in Vrindavan in Uttarpradesh. Committee Formed By Delhi Government To Promote Welfare Of DTC Workers

A committee was formed by Delhi Government on 18 May 2012 under the chairman ship of principal secretary of the Finance Department to promote the welfare of Delhi Transport Corp(DTC) workers. The objective of forming the committee is to ensure participation of DTC workers in Delhi Transport Cooporation management . The decision toform the committe was announced by Delhi Chief minister in a meeting.

Yadavs Biography Mulayam Singh Yadav Harbinger of Social Justice book was written by eminet author Sarah Booth which was released on 28 May 2012 in United Kingdom. canada by Richard ford Robert ford -Canada book was written by Robert ford which was released on 22 may 2012.


Advance Coaching Refund System Confederation of Indian Industry The Automatic Water level Recorder



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