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FREEDOM OF PRESS IS IT NOT VITAL FOR ROBUST DEMOCRACY Let is see in historical onto current perspectives! (Dr. G.

Denmark Norway in 1777 got unrestricted press freedom, by the John Freiderich Stgruensee whose first act was to abolish old conservative censorship laws much earlier than Europe really could really get reasonable freedom press. Yes, many politicians did not like that forced him to restrict but he did most minimum by a little, as he believed freedom of press as a vital instrument for citizens happiness of protecting their individual rights. Indeed it was a great idea then he really wanted for Denmark-Norway, is the appreciation. (Refer Lausen, Christians David Hume and Danish Debate about freedom of press in 1770)Journal of
Historic of ideas (university of Pennsylvania press) 59(1): 167-172).

Between 1933 and 1945, Germany, Goebbels ministry of public Enlightenment and Propaganda in Adolf Hitlers Nazi Germany forced press and film directors just cow down before Goebbels forced oath to Nazi policy of aggrandizement by censorship. Germany and its allies followed similar approach on control of press. When we look at England, how great poet John Milton in his pamphlet Aero Pagitica forcefully argued against form of Government censorship and parodied the idea - writer when as any debtor and delinquent walk abroad without a keeper but un-offensive books must not stir forth without a visible Jailor in their title. Although at that time it did little to halt the practice of Licensing, it would be viewed later a significant milestone as one of the most eloquent defenses of Press Freedom, in middle 16th century.

His argument that individual is capable of using reason and distinguishing right from wrong, good from bad.

He said, in order to be able to exercise the ration right the individual must have unlimited access to the ideas of his fellow men in a free and fair options encounter. His writings developed the concept of open market place of ideas, idea that when people argue against each other, the good arguments will prevail. One form of speech was widely restricted in England was seditions libel, then. Laws were in place that made criticism the government, a crime. King was above criticism and statements critical of government was forbidden according to English court of Star Chamber. Truth was not a defense to Seditions Libel allegations, because goal was to prevent and punish all condemnation of government. He said, If we silence on opinion, we may silence Truth. The individual freedom of opinion, and, therefore, is essential to the wellbeing of society. Further he said, If mankind minus one were of One Opinion, and only one person were of contrary opinion, mankind would be justified in silencing that person, than he, if he had the power would be justified in silencing mankind? Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England established parliamentary Sovereignty over the Crown, and above all, right of revolution. In Two treatises of Government John Locke wrote: Individual placed some of his rights present in the state of Nature in Trusteeship with Sovereign (Government)in RETURN FOR PROTECTION OF NATURAL INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS. A Social contract was entered into by the people.

Yes it was followed by Historical and Evolutionary theory that will be discussed else where. In 1694, England had elaborate system of Licensing. No publication was allowed without accompanying of government granted license.
Fifty year s later, at the time of Civil War John Milton forcefully wrote, and forcefully argued against form of government against form of government censorship. When as debtors and delinquent may walk abroad, but un-offensive books must not stir forth, without a visible jailer, in their title. It soon established significant milestones as one of the most eloquent defenses for FREEDOM OF PRESS. 1. His central argument was individual capable of using reason and distinguished right from wrongs, good from bad. 2. To exercise this ration right individual must have unlimited access to ideas of his fellow men in a free and open encounter - market place of ideas concept. 3. Idea when people argue against each other forcefully, good arguments prevail.(substance of discussions in argument filter in good arguments that naturally prevails on every one) 4. One form of speech widely restricted in England was Sedition libel lead to be charged as Crime, as King was above Criticism and statements critical of government were per Star Chamber Court during Henry VIII.

Then John Stuart Mill in his book on Liberty addressed well on Freedom of press, and one should read for versatile presentation on freedom of press. He approached the problem of authority verses Liberty, from view point of a 19th century utilitarian school of thought. He emphasized individual has a right of expressing himself so long as he does not harm other individuals. He said, the good society is one in which greatest number of persons enjoying the greatest possible amount of happiness.

Applying then general of liberty to freedom of expression, Mills opinion we may silence truth freedom of expression is therefore essential to the wellbeing of Society. Mills central theme was general principle of Liberty is well explained in his treatise On Liberty. Today after advent of satellite television which is not easily controlled like terrestrial televisions. Today Qatar is one country there is very high freedom, as compared to its neighbors; and so Al Jazeera has its network outside Qatar. Indeed its views and content of Al Jazeera is indeed highly problematic. Yet it has been enjoying enormous freedom. Increased number of affordability and miniaturization of Set TV encourages freedom of press, as readership or spectatorship are growing day by day, when governments unethically gag. That way Egypt and Libya liberation from tyranny surfaced recently as some others are following. There is urgent need of governments opting out of censorship of freedom of press, if prudent. Else journalist is indeed smart enough to out maneuver in dissemination of information like that politicians and wealthy Swiss Bank accounts surfaced and like Army movement in Delhi report by Shekar Gupta of Indian Express recently which is rubbished by government but government is indeed jittery today; and seems more to be in the offing. No government can control information by gag methods of censorships; and if they attempt they will face more and more sorrows is the message journalists say! Web publishing systems can be run using ubiquitous and inexpensive equipments and can operate in global jurisdiction using geo-location software

but governments machinery is not that fast so after damage is done what government can do, is the question Maoists, Naxals ask as they use such systems and they know every movement they zero in on. What safety, governments can think of if freedom is gagged by governments, except bravado statements, like Sibals other day. It is diligence and prudence of governments anywhere to grant unfettered Freedom of press as journalists and people have innovations and greater creativity is the message of the theme of this article as once the theses is published, a book will appear all over the world. Art 19(1) of Indian constitution cannot be overly gagged by clause Art.19(2). In fact, like in USA courts will give favorable judgments against governments as Courts want to establish credibility of Individual rights. (Refer Citizen United v Federal Election Commission, 558 US 08-205(2010). Supreme court of US by 5-4 majority judgment delivered by chief justice John Robberts upheld the petitioner views against Federal Election Commission, by the Court upholding First Amendment. (Details will be in the next article if readers desire by feed back to this author.) Article to continue.(This article is for D. Litt degree theses of a renowned university, by the author). Author would like feed back from readers.(Ends)

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