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Siddh a

Associat e

Posted: 23 Feb 2007 03:22 Post subject:

Any cyclists or cycling fans out there marveling at Lance Armstrong's impending win of a record 6th tour? For those not familiar with his quest, Lance was a promising young athlete who came down with cancer. Erroneously attributing his early symptoms to over-training and other athletic derived outcomes the cancer went untreated for some time and by the time it was detected put him in the 3% chance of surviving category. Well he survived and then came back to win the Tour de France (a 20 day long cycling ordeal covering 3500+km through France). Many people consider the Tour the most difficult sports competition in the world. Up to this year five other riders have won the tour 5 times. Since winning the tour is in cycling terms considered the highest cycling achievement in the world Lance is poised to be considered by some as the greatest cyclist ever (although this is highly debatable). Lances book Its not about the bike is as good of an example as any real life quest I have found. Comments?

Joined: 09 Feb 2004 Posts: 1310 Locatio n: Calgary , Canada

Back to top Poncho

Associate Posted: 23 Feb 2007 03:22 Post subject:

Hi dragen,
Joined: 28 Jul 2002 Posts: 741 Location: Old England

It certainly helps having the best team to support you, and as an argument, it was used, with some justification, for Damon Hill and Nigel Mansell, who have both only won once each. They struggled when they moved to other teams and then retired from racing. To be champion just once was a marvellous achievement, but Schumacher has also won with Bennetton and has been champion 5 times in total. Schumacher has got to the stage where he would now shine in almost any of the other top teams. (I'm not sure why I'm sticking up for a goddam German that's Martin's job). Over here the big passion is footie (what you call soccer). Unfortunately, the game is awash with money and has become very corrupt. As a result, a lot of mediocre young players find that there are loads of people who want to throw wads of money at them. They're healthy and fit, but after training they have nothing to do and plenty of time to do it in. There's a heavy drinking culture here and then they get into all sorts of trouble e.g. "roasting" and "dogging". Don't ask - you don't want to know! A few months ago my 84 year old father asked me to explain what these two words mean. We hadn't been so embarrassed in each other's company since he came into my bedroom when I was a young teenager to explain about girls - looking back it was probably just as well he did come in, as I didn't really understand the in's and out's, as it were, of such matters. I'm not sure that I understand women even now. Anyway, after my explanation, we both went very red. The current scandal is the England manager who despite being paid 4,000,000 a year (yes that's right, 4M), can't keep his trousers up. That wouldn't matter too much, and many of his "leg overs" have caused much hilarity, if England had been successful. The sad fact is that we're crap. Unfortunately, the Football Association hasn't said to him, "Sorry, old chap, you're not up to the job, you're sacked." Instead, they're trying to get rid of him, because he is alleged to have lied to the FA over his latest spot of bonking - a secretary at the FA, who had previously been canoodling with the FA's chief executive. Just recently, all the various scandals have got too much. The publicists, agents and spin doctors present these "stars" of the track and field as clean-cut heroes when everyone knows

it's all bollocks. Anyway, being a bit more positive for a moment, I think you can, dragen, find people to admire in modern professional sport. It's just that I've become very cynical about the whole kaboodle. Don't take any notice of me. Best Wishes _________________ Greetings from over the Silver Sea

ivor orr

[ This Message was edited by: ivor orr on 2004-07-28 16:52 ]

Back to top Siddha
Associate Posted: 23 Feb 2007 03:22 Post subject:

Joined: 09 Feb I guess the bigger question is does this cloud the heroic deed? Isn't the hero supposed to be 2004 helped by helping hands? And further, can excelling at professional sports even be considered Posts: 1310 heroic anymore? Location: Calgary, Canada

With Schumacher there is another question, is it the car? From what I understand Ferrari spends 2.5 times what the nearest competitor does...


Associate Posted: 23 Feb 2007 03:22 Post subject:

Drug Allegations? No! A MA corporation possesses a limited dose of cancer antidote. This reminds me of the Olympics. Mary Lou Retton stumbles, and they cover. The American military plays a card during the Olympic games. The Mafia ...

Joined: 09 Mar 2004 Posts: 6 Location: Glen Ellyn, Illinois http://w s/ae.pdf


%20more/Einstein%20Pascal%20Bein%20%20Fushi%20Drawing%20Icons/ Back to top Siddha

Associate Posted: 23 Feb 2007 03:22 Post subject:

Joined: 09 Feb 2004 Posts: 1310 Location: Calgary, Canada

The drug allegations aren't new so do we celebrate him as a hero or sit by and await his potential fall from atop? It's a tough call. I cheered for him regardless, hope not to be dissapointed especially because he is using his fame for charitable good. However, it is true that the most professional sports are tainted with the possibility of performance enhancing drugs. If Mercxs was racing today we would all believe that it was due to enhancements.

Back to top Poncho

Associate Posted: 23 Feb 2007 03:22 Post subject:

Hi Dragen,
Joined: On the face of it, he is an inspiration to others It is a magnificent achievement to win 6 times 28 Jul and to overcome his cancer. It took raw courage to face death and then to put in all those 2002 hours in training and yet and yet he cant, like many top athletes, escape whispers of drug Posts: 741 taking. Location: Old Sadly, its just another example of how Big Money has corrupted modern international sport. England

Im just very cynical about most sporting achievements these days, especially the Olympics and athletes.

I would add that British sportsmen are no better e.g. Lynford Christie, who had been regarded previously as one of our best athletes. He was always able to duck and dive, but the rumours just wouldnt go away. I would add that Im no paragon of virtue, and Im no sportsman. Indeed, Im often mistaken for Billy Bunters elder brother. Its the Guinness. Having said all that, I suspect that Im in the minority on this site. Everyone else will probably support your view. Being English, I suffer from that very English disease of cynicism. I always enjoy reading your posts, however, because youre so upbeat and positive. Ive also recommended your WEBSITE to one or two other associate members. Im really sorry to pour cold water on your hero. He deserves much credit for overcoming his illness, and in that sense he is an inspiration to others, but the jury is still out on his sporting achievements. Sadly, its the world we live in. For instance heres an article in todays Daily Mail. I cant provide a link to the site so I shall have to quote it here:

Armstrong a tainted titan?

Lance Armstrong became the most successful rider in the history of the Tour de France when he won the race for a record sixth time on the Champs Elysees in Paris yesterday. But, as Geoffrey Wheatcroft reports, the drug doubts that surround the Texans feat simply refuse to go away. For his actions on this years Tour, far from supporting his claims of innocence, seem designed only to cover up the sports murkiest secrets. Only three weeks ago, there was serious speculation that Lance Armstrongs powers might be waning at last, that he could be vulnerable to defeat just as he sought a unique place in cycling history. Maybe we should have known better, but absolutely no one foresaw the way the 32year-old American would win this years race. Armstrong hasnt defeated his rivals, he has annihilated them. If only the story were all about credit and glory, and if only Armstrong were a wholly unsullied hero. His amazing achievement and his undoubted heroism in coming back from cancer to become a champion have been overshadowed by the ever-present doping question. It continues to haunt cycling and the great man himself, with accusations from the Press, and from other riders. And Armstrong has responded in a way which is far from designed to silence his critics. Last Friday, with his sixth Tour all but won, we saw something which shone a glaring light on precisely the area Armstrong tries to keep shrouded. There was a breakaway by several minor riders, the kind of chappe bidon, or pointless escape, which the big boys ignore because it cant affect the overall placings. One other little fellow followed them, the Italian Filippo Simeoni. Then came something quite unheard of. Simeoni was chased down, not by some smaller fry, or even by junior members of the leaders U.S. Postal Team, but by the yellow jersey himself. Before long Armstrong caught the Italian and put him humiliatingly in his place with some well-chosen words. And for what? Simeoni represented no threat whatsoever in the race, but a bitter grudge exists between the two. Simeoni has complained about Armstrongs connection with the very dubious Dr Michele Ferrari, who is under investigation for helping riders use drugs. Armstrong called Simeoni a liar, and Simeoni sued Armstrong for libel. Pulling Simeoni back on the road was a form of revenge. After that stage Simeoni said rather forlornly: He shouldnt worry about little riders like me, and nor should he. Armstrong claimed to have been congratulated by the other riders: I was just protecting the interests of the peloton. But his actions were not motivated by sporting solidarity. Armstrong seemed to be saying, with more candour than he may realise, that the worst offence is to break the

ancient code of silence cyclings answer to what the Mafia calls omerta. The drug question has hounded Armstrong throughout this tour. In the 11-mile time trial up LAlpe dHuez, the Texan was spat on by two German fans, while spectators at the roadside have carried giant cardboard syringes. LA Confidential, a book on his life containing accusations that Armstrong asked a former assistant to get rid of doping equipment, was published on the eve of the tour and the U.S. Postal team leader lost two court cases against the books authors. Even Greg LeMond, the first American to win the tour in 1986, said he had suspicions about his compatriot in an interview with French daily newspaper Le Monde. U.S. Postal team staff members also found a French television journalist trying to rifle through their hotel rooms. Armstrong has dismissed the harassment as irrelevant and said he had won his six tours with a simple method. Many people ask the question how is it possible and its easy to draw sensational conclusions, but the answer is hard work and total commitment, he said. His achievements in the past week are considerable. Having crushed his main rivals in the Pyrenees, Armstrong began what would prove to be a hat-trick of consecutive stage victories by winning at Villard-de-Lans last Tuesday. The next day he won at LAlpe dHuez, an imperious victory in what was meant to be the toughest stage of the year intended to set up a close and hard-fought climax. Then on Thursday he showed that he could do a sprint finish too, catching the young German rider Andreas Kloden second when the race ended yesterday on the line at Le Grand-Bornand. It was that last brutal display which inspired what could be the motto of this tour. Bernard Hinault the Badger, the last Frenchman to win the tour all of 19 years ago congratulated the Texan after the finish. Perfect, Hinault said. Pas de cadeaux No presents. By that ferocious little phrase, he meant no favours to anyone else, no false chivalry, no quarter given. Armstrong had displayed just the same ruthless will to win which Hinault himself used to show. He did it again on Saturday in the final time trial. The race was over by then, with the American in an unassailable lead, but still he wasnt in the mood for giving presents away. He thumped Germanys Jan Ullrich by more than a minute just to show what he could do and who was boss. Lance Armstrong has just achieved one of the finest feats in sporting history. Yet he has not matched that heroism with unambiguous fortitude in making clear his absolute opposition to doping. Nor have too many other riders done so. Patrice Clerc is the president of Amaury Sports, who run the tour, and what he says is

beyond argument: Clearly and unfortunately, doping hasnt been beaten. We had hoped for faster progress. When that progress comes, it will be the finest present of all for the tour, for cycling, and for sport everywhere. Armstrongs mother Linda, who gave birth at 17 and raised Lance without a father, said of his feat: He was fast at everything, so it doesnt surprise me this is the profession he chose. He set a goal, that was to win this Tour A French newspaper poll placed Armstrong behind only Formula One world champion

Michael Schumacher and footballer Nicolas Anelka in a list of the most disliked
sportsmen in the country. I know Im the third most unpopular athlete, but at least Im in good company on the podium, Armstrong said.

_____________________________________________ Greetings from over the Silver Sea

ivor orr

[ This Message was edited by: ivor orr on 2004-07-26 09:19 ]

Associate Posted: 23 Feb 2007 03:22 Post subject:

Joined: 09 Mar 2004 Posts: 6 Location: Glen Ellyn, Illinois http://w s/ae.pdf

Breast Cancer Douglas E. Merkel Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center of Northwestern University In life there are antidotes of limited use, and, then, there are Scripps, Salk and Cold Spring. MA (Nonetheless ...) This message is not flagged. [ Flag Message - Mark as Unread ] Date: Thu, 22 Jul 2004 10:09:54 -0700 From: "Jeanne Robert" Add to Address Book To: "Multiple recipients of Bulletin - Sent by" Subject: Salk Weekly Bulletin Date: Thu, 08 Jul 2004 13:26:36 -0700 To: From: Add to Address Book

Subject: Announcing Two New Books from CSHL Press

Announcing two new books from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press ( This message is not flagged. [ Flag Message - Mark as Unread ] Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 13:55:10 -0800 (PST) From: "Mark Hilbert" View Contact Details Subject: Re: Mapping Betty Boop To: "Sandy Schmid" CC: Dear Dr. Schmid: The human genome consists of a simple number series--trillions of numbers in length. The traditional ACTG formulation is inadequate to the task. Moreover, all protein analysis which emerges from the current formulation must be revised. Further, the so-called "blank genetic material" actively interacts rendering the current genetic formulation [mapping] incomplete. As such, your analysis is hilarious. "Adaptor protein-2 (AP2) complexes are composed of 4 subunits: a, b, m2, and s2. The complexes are targeted to the plasma membrane through protein and lipid interactions involving the a subunit." Adaptor protein-2 (AP2), as you refer to it, proceeds as follows: 2312434545456567678789890897867656545645434323123234345456567678787898908989 7876768767656545434323434354565676787898901324345456567676787898909898778767 6573454655767687878989024234345678 If you possess the computer software, enter this series. [Considering the current formulation: ATCGTACGTGCTGACGTGTGACGCATG.] [Please note that each letter also possesses a "binary code" of a sort. A XXxXXxXOO O O o O O O O O oP X O x Oi O O o O X X O x O O O O Ol O ] In addition, there are 54,678,679,564,534,234 subunixts--a, b, m2, and s2 respectively. Subunixts may be separated into sububits, subunits*, subunirs, subunips, subuniops, subunires and subunoits. aRT45* is a subunirs of a subunixt. "The complexes are targeted to the plasma membrane through protein and lipid interactions involving the a subunit." How complex is the interaction involving the a subunit?

Garbled, Sorry P.S. I work with Betty Boop--a grand gal of a satellite. She possesses the information, and I calculate at the speed of light. Thus, as we properly open the genome, she suggests that I charge for this information Sandy Schmid wrote: Sorry, your message is still garbled. a aRT45* aSER** aSRT** WaHYU** aGRFT** aSDEFRcvfGT** aSAWDesdedfrfgtfgtyh***(O) aFVCgfdedrfrtfgtgtghyhhujujikJIKjikjIKujikoO*(*) b; m2 s2 There are 54678679564534234 subu"b"its; subunixts ; subunits* ; subunirs ; subunips.... Et cetera................ Birgitta, The keyboard is infected with something. Mark *=superscript *= S=..... S = [-f+g] + g-5^* -G{-R} + {R} - [d+s]* ___________________________ S = [+d-d]* + g-r^* +S{A} + {Q} - [s-w]* Sandy Schmid wrote: Can you please resend?

Thanks Mark Hilbert wrote:

"Adaptor protein-2 (AP2) complexes are composed of 4 subunits: a, b, m2, and s2. The complexes are targeted to the plasma membrane through protein and lipid interactions involving the a subunit."

a ; aRT45* ; aSER** ; aSRT** ; WaHYU** ; aGRFT** ; aSDEFRcvfGT** ; aSAWDesdedfrfgtfgtyh***(O) ; aFVCgfdedrfrtfgtgtghyhhujujikJIKjikjIKujikoO*(*)



There are 54678679564534234 subu"b"its; subunixts ; subunits* ; subunirs ; subunips....

Et cetera................

Birgitta, The keyboard is infected with something. Mark


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[-f+g] + g-5^* -G{-R} + {R} - [d+s]* ___________________________ [+d-d]* + g-r^* +S{A} + {Q} - [s-w]* -Cheryl Negus The Scripps Research Institute Department of Cell Biology MB-6 10550 North Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, CA 92037 858-784-9465 858-784-2345 FAX -------------------------------------------------------------------------------Do you Yahoo!? Protect your identity with Yahoo! Mail AddressGuard

-Cheryl Negus The Scripps Research Institute Department of Cell Biology MB-6 10550 North Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, CA 92037 858-784-9465 858-784-2345 FAX Nobel Laureate Pending Release Medicine Michael Sohlman Watson & Crick CSHL _________________ Mark Richard Hilbert Lady Diana Spencer Nobel Laureate Nobel Laureate Pending Release Fields Medalist Fields Medalist Pending Release Fellow of the Royal Society of London Fellow of the Royal Society of London Pending Release Association of America

[ This Message was edited by: NOBELFRBFIELDS on 2004-07-26 10:07 ]

Back to top Poncho
Associate Posted: 23 Feb 2007 03:22 Post subject:

Hi Dragen,

I agree that it's a tough one. There's no doubt that he's got "balls". I admire the way that he

28 Jul 2002 Posts: 741 Location: Old England

faced up to his illness, but as to the rest ... I'm always pulling Martin's leg about Schumacher's "modesty", but I would be amazed if he takes performance enhancing drugs. He wins because he's the best; no-one else can touch him. Sadly, his weakness is that on occasion he will run rivals off the road - in a former existence, he must have been a charioteer in Ancient Rome or Greece. I'm not a Formula 1 fan. Watching a load of cars roaring round a track doesn't rock my boat, but I do admire Schumacher as a sportsman. He is arrogant, but then he has every reason to be supremely confident. Pretending to be modest, trying to be something that he isn't, would be hypocritical. BTW, I laughed out loud when I read in the article above that the French hate Schumacher, because they think that he's too arrogant. Three words immediately came to mind: "pot", "kettle" and "black". Anyway, Dragen, thanks for listening to my comments and for taking them in good spirit. Best Wishes


Greetings from over the Silver Sea

Associate Posted: 04 Oct 2012 20:17 Post subject:

I do not understand the deletions? Boston College Alumni Programs & Services Please explain. Histories seirotsih thelred Poncho Associate Joined: 28 Jul 2002 Posts: 741 Location: Old England Offering proved? _________________

Joined: 09 Mar 2004 Posts: 6 Location: Glen Ellyn, Illinois http://w s/ae.pdf %20more/Einstein%20Pascal%20Bein%20%20Fushi%20Drawing%20Icons/ Back to top Clemsy

Working Associate Posted: 04 Oct 2012 21:02 Post subject:

Dear NOBELFRBFIELDS, That "thread" was not a conversation. if you'll notice the other topics you started are gone. I guess I missed one. We will be moving to a different platform eventually and I've been slowly cleaning house. Again, this is a forum for conversations, not random images and inscrutable posts.

Joined: 04 Apr 2002 Posts: 9747 Location: The forest... somewhe re north of Albany

Cheers, Clemsy _________________ Give me stories before I go mad! ~Andreas


Associate Posted: 04 Oct 2012 22:52 Post subject:

Histories seirotsih thelred I appreciate. The afore offers one million years mathematics interact amidst text as myth. The listings attach altered confusion? LSE offered questions over three years. The LSAT contains. The Riverside altered contains. I do not know how to respond--honestly. I am the only one attached to your organization who can read! The LSAT NCS contains Parmenides in application and in effect. _________________ %20more/Einstein%20Pascal%20Bein%20%20Fushi%20Drawing%20Icons/

Joined: 09 Mar 2004 Posts: 6 Location: Glen Ellyn, Illinois http://w s/ae.pdf

Back to top Clemsy

Working Associate Posted: 04 Oct 2012 23:05 Post subject: Quote:

I do not know how to respond--honestly. I am the only one attached to your organization who can read!

Joined: 04 Apr 2002 Posts: 9747 Location: The forest... somewhe re north of Albany

And I don't know how to respond to that, Nobel. Your posts are incomprehensible to everyone else. What is your purpose here? _________________ Give me stories before I go mad! ~Andreas


Associate Posted: 05 Oct 2012 14:10 Post subject:

I offered random musings considering history as competitive myth in 'flubberism' or mercury. Parmenides PascalEinstein CookieMonster I appreciate. They referred to this as a Pascal transfer in clarify thesis. What is flubber?

Joined: 09 Mar 2004 Posts: 6 Location: Glen Ellyn, Illinois http://w s/ae.pdf

What is Mercury?

What is the genome?

What is competition?

What is the Dialectic?

What is range?

What is advance?

What is myth? Myth offers the disparity which exists prior to social contract emergence in Koran. :MercurynumberdialecticKoranSocialContract: _________________ %20more/Einstein%20Pascal%20Bein%20%20Fushi%20Drawing%20Icons/ Back to top Clemsy
Working Associate Posted: 05 Oct 2012 15:33 Post subject:

NOBEL, if only you can understand what you are writing, then you are writing for yourself. Do you talk this way to those around you? Family? Friends? Thisis a place to have conversations. _________________ Give me stories before I go mad! ~Andreas

Joined: 04 Apr 2002 Posts: 9747 Location: The forest... somewhe re north of Albany


Associate Posted: 05 Oct 2012 15:37 Post subject:

Gravitational Field 0 and Greek language 'derivation' do not mix. Good morning. _________________

Joined: 09 Mar 2004 Posts: 6 Location: Glen

Ellyn, Illinois http://w ww.n%20more/Einstein%20Pascal%20Bein%20%20Fushi%20Drawing%20Icons/ s/ae.pdf Last edited by NOBELFRBFIELDS on 05 Oct 2012 18:09; edited 2 times in total

Back to top Clemsy Workin g Associ ate

Joined: 04 Apr 2002 Posts: 9747 Locatio n: The forest.. . somew here north of Albany Back to top Neoplato

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 15:55 Post subject:

Never mind. _________________ Give me stories before I go mad! ~Andreas

Posted: 05 Oct 2012 17:14 Post subject:

I think I get it now...

Joined: 21 Nov 2008 Posts: 3658 Location: Virginia

I wonder if this trick may be, The Wake of ocean or by the sea, Where dolphins swim and shark Fins roam, To once Again we find our home. _________________ Infinite moment, grants freedom of winter death, allows life to dawn.

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Thursday, September 20, 2012 2:00 PM

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