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I was too lucky for spending my School Based Experience at Sekolah Kebangsaan Permaisuri Nur Zahirah, Besut, Terengganu. This rural school had 45 teachers which 14 from them were men and the rest were women. There were only 11 graduate teachers in this school. From 545 pupils in this school, all of them were Malay people. Most of their parents were working as farmers, fishermen and hawkers. However, several of them had their parents worked as teachers, lecturers and officers. I felt shocked when the teacher said pupils were eager to playing rather than learning during the lesson. The pupils also in low self confidence during learning English especially for speaking activities.


I did my last School Based Experienced at Sekolah Kebangsaan Permaisuri Nur Zahirah, Besut,Terengganu to observe English Language Classes. I was too lucky because I had a gold chance to observe an excellent Head English Teacher in this school during her lesson. With 32 pupils in 2 Delima, Madam Engku Norisah could impress me along an hour teaching and learning process which could be seen through her instructional language and questioning techniques.

From my observation, Madam Engku Norisah used an appropriate teachers instructional language during her lesson. This could be proven when she used polite language to instruct her pupil to clean up the blackboard before starting her lesson by asking pupils help not to force them to do so. Then, she also praised her pupils by saying words like great job and well done to motivate her pupils during doing the activities. However, for pupils who had done the mistakes, she encouraged them by giving good advice so that they could try in the next session.

Based on Bob Powers (1992), instructors will perform with excellence if they employ effective questioning techniques, she managed to apply it during her lesson. During question-answering session, Madam Engku Norisah used common vocabulary and simple language that was understandable by them. Besides, she properly directed the question to the selected pupil so that the boy or girl prepared during her lesson. This questioning techniques used by her in order to test her pupils understanding and prevent them from felt bored in the class without teacher-pupils interaction.

Other than that, this excellent English teacher also applied Bloom Taxonomy during questioned her pupils. There were six levels in Bloom Taxonomy but she just used three of them. The first level emphasized the

knowledge got by the pupils. Therefore, she recalled the yesterday lesson as induction set so that her pupils remembered the knowledge that they learnt before. Then, she applied the second level which was the stage for understanding for her pupils. She used multi different type of questioning techniques for asking pupils in order to increase their understanding what the lesson had they learnt on that day.

On the third level which needed a creative thinking in order to make stage of application in her lesson. Therefore, she planned activity so that her pupils could create their own 2012 birthday calendar. This calendar could be used by the pupils personally to remind their group members birthday. The fourth, fifth and sixth which emphasized analysis, synthesis and evaluation respectively did not applied by her in teaching and learning process because her pupils could adapt easily with their thinking level.

At the end of her lesson, I got a beneficial experience during observing this teaching and learning process. Hopefully, the knowledge about teachers instructional language and questioning techniques could be applied by me in the future.


On the second day, I would like to observe about teacher and learner roles based on my observation in English class. Once again, I could have a chance to observe teaching and learning session of Madam Norisahs class. Along this teaching and learning session, I managed to identify the teacher and learner roles.

As a teacher, she was a good guider during her lesson because she explained step by step her instruction to the pupils. Then, she guided the weaker pupils until they could understand the lesson. Madam Norisah did not feel tired during guiding them although some of the pupils kept repeat the same question. With her patience, she tried to explain until the weaker pupils understood what she really needed during her lesson. Besides, I also could detect she was an excellent advisor as she tried her best to persuade one of her pupils who was suddenly crying because that girl was arguing with her desk-mate. In order to be fair, she asked both persons involved and Madam Norisah managed to solve the problem in the nick of time because of her advice. Furthermore, she also was a good motivator when she managed to motivate her pupils during the teaching and learning session by praising and giving a big clause to them in order to booster them to study smarter in the class.

Other than that, the learners roles could be seen clearly in the class. Most of the pupils were good and active listeners. During Madam Norisah explained the instruction, they listened it carefully without saying any words but they just asking the question after the explanation ended. Besides, there was a small group of excellent pupils were as peer mentor because they lend their hands during group discussion to increase their friends understanding of the lesson.

Personally, it was really surprising me when eight-year old pupils had they own initiative to help their friends during the lesson. Although in younger age, they had high confidence level to teach their friends. Hopefully, this good attitude remained in them so that they could use in the future. Finally, I also got a message to myself as a pre-service teacher through this teaching and learning session. Madam Norisah tried to attract pupils attention by creating interesting activities during lesson because they could learn English through fun activities. Therefore, it would be remainder for me to be more creative in order to create the activities during teaching and learning session.


From my observation on the third day, I would like to see the classroom management in the class. This aspect was really essential as a teacher who did not care about the classroom management would lose his or her style of teaching. Classroom management divided into physical and social aspect and I would observe both aspects during the lesson.

The first physical aspect of classroom management was sight, sound, and comfort. These aspects were really important during the lesson because it could effect the pupils concentration. In this class, the pupils would feel cozy because their sight did not disturb by any disturbance, they could hear teachers voice without any obstacle and the fan in the class could give them comfort. Besides, the seating arrangement was also one of the aspects in classroom management. The pupils were arranged in groups of four so that they could have group discussion easier and strengthen their relationship during routine conversation.

Other than that, for social aspect of classroom management was the team work spirit among the pupils. This could be proven during quiz was organized in their class. They were co-operating to each group members in order to find the answer. They were discussing based on the question given so that they would collect the higher marks compared than the others group. This good competition could be their stepping stone in order to use their team work as weapon to win the quiz.


The teaching and learning process during English class lesson had going smoothly from one stage to another stages. I knew this was because the teacher was a well-prepared person by doing lesson plan systematically. By beginning of the lesson, she recalled the previous lesson as induction set. Madam Engku Norisah asked pupils about the topic that they already learned yesterday. It was glad when all of pupils replying her question quickly; yesterdays topic was Days of the Week. She continued her induction set by asking her pupils a question, what should they learn today? There were varying answers giving by the pupils to answer teachers question. For me, it was an interesting technique used by the teacher in order to attract pupils attention because they tried to give the correct answer to their teacher and indirectly this could booster their interest in the topic that would be taught by the teacher.

Then, Madam Engku Norisah continued her production stages by writing down Months of the Year on the blackboard and all the months name one by one. While writing, she managed to read it loudly followed by the pupils. To create interesting environment in the class, this excellent English teacher asked the pupils birthday. However, her question had been answered by too many active pupils in the same time which caused uncontrolled situation for a short period. With calmness, she managed to control class by asking the pupils in the group. This means every pupil in the groups would get the chance to answer her question. In my opinion, she was a brilliant teacher who managed to react quickly so that her class in the control. Her drastic action could prevent the class from being noise and out of the control. Therefore, she inspired me to be more creative in order to handle the class during uncontrolled situation.

During practice stages, she asked the pupils to create their own calendar. Every group were given a sheet of paper contained 2012 calendar and twelve worksheet to be filled by them. All of the group members must cooperate to fill the worksheet given so that every month in the calendar had their own days and dates. Madam Engku Norisah did not let their pupils do it by themselves. She managed to come from one group by checking the right spelling of months name. For me, this co-operative learning could build creative thinking among pupils because they tried to solve the problem given by the teacher. They were given twelve worksheets that should be filled by six or five person. Therefore, they thought creatively to solve the problem by diving three or two worksheet per person.

At the end of her lesson, she collected six calendar 2012 scrap books hand-made by the pupils. Then, she concluded the lesson by asking the pupils what they had learned along an hour teaching and learning process. There were many pupils liked to volunteer answering her question which showed their understanding. Madam Engku Norisah ended her lesson by advising her pupils about time management and appreciating our friends by reminding their birthday. Personally, I really respect her teaching style because the lesson going smoothly and systematically just like I had learned before in teaching colleague about preparation of lesson plan.

From my observation along this teaching and learning process, I knew that Madam Engku Norisah really emphasized the usage of four language skills; listening, reading, speaking and writing in her class. This could be proven when along the session, she spoke English and tried to booster pupils to speak up the same language with her. Besides, during group activity, she managed to make their pupils spoke to each other to solve the problem given. Furthermore, reading skills could be build among pupils when all of them read loudly the month names

written in the blackboard followed teachers voice. Then, the pupils were really emphasized the right spelling of month names by the teacher so that they could empowered writing skill. In the same time, pupils used their hearing to listen teachers instruction along the lesson to show the listening skill was practiced by them.

Without I realized, grammar and vocabulary were also integrated in this lesson. The pupils had a chance to know the month names which they used to write them in Malay before. Indirectly, they knew the differences in spelling of month names between these two languages. They were taught about grammar when teacher asked them about their birthday. She wrote down the full sentences that were the answer of her question and the pupils ought to fill the blank with their date of birth.

Question (teacher) : When is your birthday? Answer (pupil) : My birthday is in.................

In a nut shell, I really satisfied with her technique used in teaching language skills which could help me to give me ideas in order to teach this subject. This useful knowledge would be appreciate by me in order to booster my interest towards the learning and teaching process.


On my last day, I was too lucky when having a gold chance to observe remedial class although for Malay class. The pupils were picked randomly from different classes but most of them were weaker pupils. They were having the teaching and learning session in remedial class handled by remedial teacher.

On that day, the learning was about the writing skill taught by the teacher. Firstly, teacher demonstrated the writing skills in front of class by writing the example on the whiteboard. Then, teacher asked them whether they could understand what teacher taught before followed by distributing the worksheet to all of the pupils. Teacher was helped by her assistance for guiding the pupils personally during the lesson.

From the worksheet given to the pupils, I could recognize the remedial material when there was a lot of picture as guidance in their learning in stead of attracting their attention. The usage of language was lower than the normal pupils did in the class and the worksheet also much easier. This remedial worksheet was very important to them in order to enhance their understanding because sometimes these pupils tended to forget what they had learnt before. From this material also, I could differentiate with enrichment activities which was quite harder and the focus to make pupils master the skill but for remedial the focus just for them to know the skill.

Personally, I thought the remedial teacher should had high level of patience and motivation during the lesson so that he or she did not give up when pupils could not understand their learning.

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