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1. Identify the Structure of the Sub Commitee involved 1.1. List the sub committees involved. 1.2.

Appoint the members for subcomitee formed. 1.3. Confirmed on the job specification of each sub commitees members. 1.4. Suggest the types of team structure of each subcommitees.





Team Captain

Team Captain

Team Captain

Team Captain

Team Captain

Structure of the Steering Committee for annual sports day The structure of the committees will be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The sub-committees will be the Team Captain. The Chairman will have overall in-charge of the sports club. The second overall in-charge will be the Vice-Chairman. Next the Secretary will be the one to write the reports and announcing all the news. The Treasurer will be the one to keep the accounts of expenses and the money of the sports club. All the Team Captains will be in-charge of their own respective team.
2. Delegate the jobs among the appointed committees members. 2.1 Compare individual job specifications for each member. Individual job specifications compared jobs are different. Except for team captain because the job is the same.

2.2 List all individual traits of each members.

The Chairman is realistic type, the secretary is an investigative type, the vice-chairman is social type, the tresurer is conventional type and all the team captains are enterprising type.

Human Personal Traits Type Realistic: Investigative: Social: Conventional: Enterprising: Artistic: Personally Characteristics Shy, genuine, persistent, stable, conforming, practical Analytical, original, curious, independent Sociable, friendly, cooperative, understanding Conforming, efficient, practical, unimaginative, inflexible Self-confident, ambitious, energetic, domineering Imaginative, disorderly, idealistic, emotional, impractical Suitable Occupations Mechanic, drill press operator, assembly-line worker, farmer Biologist, economist, mathematician, news reporter Social worker, teacher, counselor, clinical psychologist Accountant, corporate manager, bank teller, file clerk Lawyer, real estate agent, public relations specialist, small business manager Painter, musician, writer, interior decorator

2.3 Identify the considerations of job delegations. Job delegations that needed to be taken care of is the communication. As from the structure, the type of communication will be downward. That means orders will be from the the top to the bottom. Communication could be in verbally by telling to all the team captains or by putting the news on the notice board. 2.4 Issue Job Delegation Memorandum.

To: Members of The Sports Club From: The Chairman Date: June 1, 2009 Re: Job Delegation As per above the club need restructuring of all the members and their respective jobs. The structure of the committees will be the Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. The sub-committees will be the Team Captain. The Chairman will have overall in-charge of the sports club. The second overall in-charge will be the Vice-Chairman. Next the Secretary will be the one to write the reports and announcing all the news. The Treasurer will be the one to keep the accounts of expenses and the money of the sports club. All the Team Captains will be in-charge of their own respective team. Ive noticed that we dont seem to be able to communicate effectively. There is some important changes, requirements and progress reports throughout the club to be effectively as we should. I propose developing one consistent memo format, recognizable by all members of the sports club as a means of communication. Thank you for your prompt attention to this. Chairman

3. Discussed the arising issues and possible solutions. 3.1 Conduct the Brainstorming sessions based on appropriate procedures. Brainstorming sessions was conducted. The problem was about the field to be held as the annual sports day for the institute. Solutions from the brainstorming form critical ideas to solve the problem. The solutions were: Rent another nearby field Clean the institute field and prepare it for the sports day Do an indoor sports day, done inside the hall. Sports day to be held in another institute by getting permission to organize a sports day. Next the problem was about the lack of organization among the team members. The solutions were: Conduct a meeting between the team captains and all the team mates. Change the team captain as the team captain might not be able to handle the job. Send the team captains for training. Having an assistant team captains 4. Identify the types of appreciations to all committees members. List all the types of possible appreciations that can be given. Identify the current situations. Give approriate appreciations according to the situation. Appreciation of Achievement The types of appreciation that can be given to all commitees members. Reinforcement, and punishment, the core tools of operant conditioning, are either positive (delivered following a response), or negative (withdrawn following a response). This creates a total of four basic consequences, with the addition of a fifth procedure known as extinction (i.e. no change in consequences following a response). It's important to note that organisms are not spoken of as being reinforced, punished, or extinguished; it is the response that is reinforced, punished, or extinguished. Additionally, reinforcement, punishment, and extinction are not terms whose use are restricted to the laboratory. Naturally occurring consequences can also be said to reinforce, punish, or extinguish behavior and are not always delivered by people. Reinforcement is a consequence that causes a behavior to occur with greater frequency. Punishment is a consequence that causes a behavior to occur with less frequency. Extinction is the lack of any consequence following a response. When a response is inconsequential, producing neither favorable nor unfavorable consequences, it will occur with less frequency.

Four contexts of Operant Conditioning are:i) Positive reinforcement Occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by a favorable stimulus (commonly seen as pleasant) that increases the frequency of that behavior. In the Skinner box experiment, a stimulus such as food or sugar solution can be delivered when the rat engages in a target behavior, such as pressing a lever. ii) Negative reinforcement Occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by the removal of an aversive stimulus (commonly seen as unpleasant) thereby increasing that behavior's frequency. In the Skinner box experiment, negative reinforcement can be a loud noise continuously sounding inside the rat's cage until it engages in the target behavior, such as pressing a lever, upon which the loud noise is removed. iii) Positive punishment Occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by an aversive stimulus, such as introducing a shock or loud noise, resulting in a decrease in that behavior. iv) Negative punishment Occurs when a behavior (response) is followed by the removal of a favorable stimulus, such as taking away a child's toy following an undesired behavior, resulting in a decrease in that behavior.

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