Infosys Sample Problems

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Dear Reader, Below are three problems on time and distance.

Question 1 On her way to Office, Sheela reaches a temple at 2/3rd distance of her journey and bus stand at 1/6th distance of her journey. The time taken by her to travel between temple and bus stand is 15 minutes. Also, she reaches bus stand at 7.30am. At what time she started from house? And when she reached her office? a)7.15a.m and 7.45a.m b)7.25am and 7.55am c)7.20a.m and 8.00 a.m d)7.15a.m and 8.00a.m Answer : b)7.25a.m & 7.55 a.m Solution: As given, during 2/3rd of her journey she reaches temple and at 1/6th of her journey she reaches bus stand. Fraction of distance between bus stand and temple = 2/3 - 1/6 = 3/6 = 1/2. This means that the distance between temple and bus stand equals half of the total distance from her house to office. From our above calculation and given data we can infer that the time taken to cover 1/2 (half the distance) of her journey is 15 minutes. Then it is obvious that the time taken for whole journey would be 30 minutes (15 x 2 = 30 minutes). The time taken to reach bus stand = 1/6 * 30 minutes = 5 minutes. From question statements, we know that she reaches bus stand at 7.30a.m. Therefore she would have started from house at 7.25 a.m (7.30 am - 5 minutes) and she would have reached her office at 7.55 a.m (7.25 + 30 minutes) hence the answer is 7.25 a.m and 7.55 a.m Question 2 A boy leaves school at 5.00p.m and starts to his home. In the way, he reaches a shop at 1/4th of his journey and spends 10 minutes there. Suppose he does not spend time in shop, he will cover 1/2 (half the distance) of his journey. At what time he reaches his home?

a) 5.50p.m b) 5.30p.m c) 5.20p.m d) 5.25p.m Answer : a)5.50 p.m Solution: It is indirectly implied that the time taken to travel 1/2 (half the distance) from 1/4th of the distance is 10 minutes. i.e., The time taken to reach (1/2 - 1/4) = 1/4th of the total distance is 10 minutes.
Distance 1/4 1 Time 10 ?

Therefore the time taken to reach home from school i.e time to taken to cover the entire distance is 10/(1/4) = 10 x 4 = 40 minutes. Additionally he spends 10 minutes at that shop. Therefore his total journey time including his time at shop = 40 + 10 = 50 minutes. Since he leaves school at 5.00 pm, he will reach his home at 5.00 pm + 50 minutes = 5.50 pm. Question 3 Agil is twice as fast as Mugil.Mugil is thrice as fast as Annie. The distance covered by Annie in 54 minutes will be covered by Mugil in ___ minutes. a)27 minutes b)9minutes c)38 minutes d)18 minutes Answer : d)18 minutes Solution: Let Annie's speed be X km/hr. Its given, Mugil is thrice as fast as Annie. Therefore Mugil's speed be 3X km/hr. Also it is said Agil is twice as fast as Mugil. Therefore, Agil's speed = Mugil's speed x 2 = 6X km/hr. Therefore ratio of their speeds = 6X : 3X : X = 6 : 3 : 1 For a given distance, the time taken will be inversely proportional to speed. Therefore, Ratio of times taken by the three friends Agil, Mugil and Annie = 1/6 : 1/3 : 1 = 1 : 2 : 6 If Annie takes 6 minutes then Mugil takes 2 minutes.

If Annie takes 54 minutes then Mugil takes [2/6 * 54]= 18 minutes. Hence the answer is 18 minutes.

Dear reader, Below are three problems on brothers and sisters. In each of the problems, your job will have to find out the number of brothers and sisters. Question 1 In a family there are several brothers and sisters. Every 2 boys have brothers as many as sisters and each girl has 2 brothers less than twice as many brothers as sisters. Now find the number of boys and girls. a)6,8 b)8,6 c)12,10 d)6,4 Answer : b)8,6 Solution: Let b be the number of brothers and s be the number of sisters in the family. Consider any two boys. They would be having b - 2 brothers (excluding the two). But this number is equal to the number of sisters they have. Therefore, b-2=s or b - s = 2 ----- (1) Each girl will have s - 1 sisters. Twice the number of sisters = 2(s - 1). Since each girl has twice as many brothers as sisters, we have, 2(s-1)-2 = b 2s - 4 = b ---- (2). Sub b = 2s - 4 in eq 1, we get 2s - 4 - s = 2 s=6 Sub s in eq 1 we get, b-6=2 b=8

Question 2 Suppose your daughter has brothers as many as sisters and twice the number of your sons is same as the number of daughters. How many kids you have? a) 5 b)6 c)3 d)4 Answer : c)3 Solution: Let g be the number of daughters and b be the number of sons. Every daughter will have g-1 sisters. (i.e for example, if there are 5 daughter, every daughter will have 5-1=4 sisters.) since every daughter has equal number of brothers and sisters then b = g - 1 ...(1) and twice the number of your sons is same as the number of daughters. Then 2b = g ...(2) Substituting b = g - 1 in eq 2, we get 2(g - 1) = g 2g - 2 = g g=2 Substituting g = 2, in eq 1,we get, b=2-1=1 Therefore you have 2 daughters and 1 son which totals to 3 kids. Hence the answer is 3. Question 3 Each of Geetha's brothers have brothers as many as Leena's and Leena has sisters as many as her brothers. Then the sum of the boys in Geetha's family and girls in Leena's family will be a)6 b)15 c)13 d)9 Answer : a)6 Solution: Let A be the number of boys in Geetha's family. let B be the number of girls in Geetha's family. let C be the number of boys in Leena's family. let D be the number of girls in Leena's family. We have to find the value of A + D.

Since A number of boys are in Geetha's family, every brother will have A - 1 brother. Since each of Geetha's brothers and Leena have equal number of brothers then A - 1 = C ------(1) Since Leena has equal number of brothers and sisters, D - 1 = C -----(2) Sub C = D - 1 in eq 1,we get A-1=D-1 A=D we know the fact that addition of two equal numbers must be an even number. among the given options 6 is the only even number. hence the answer is 6.

Dear Reader, Below are two puzzles to practice for Infosys. Every question is followed by one of the easiest ways to solve it. Question 1 Solution for XY(Z+1)-ZY = XY is a)X=0,Y=0 b)X=1,Y=1 c)Z=0,Y=1 d)X=1,Z=0 Answer : d)X=1,Z=0 Solution: Simplifying, XY(Z+1)-ZY = XY we get, XYZ + XY - ZY = XY => XYZ - ZY + XY = XY => XYZ - ZY = 0 => XYZ = ZY => XZ = Z => XZ - Z=0 => Z(X-1)=0

Above implies that either Z=0 or X-1=0 In other words, Z = 0 or X = 1 Closest match to the above solution is option d)X=1,Z=0. Question 2 Find the digit D
X Y Y + X Z -------A B C X X Y Y - X Z ------D Y X

Answer : D = 8. Solution: By mere glancing we can say A=1 because maximum possible carry by adding a three digit number and a two digit number is 1. From the question it is obvious that the three digit number (XYZ) added to the two digit (XZ) is a four digit number (ABCX). Any three digit number lesser than 900 will not give a four digit number when added even with the maximum 2 digit number. Therefore, the three digit number has to be greater than 900. This means XYZ should be between 901 and 999. This implies that the digit X = 9. In the same lines, B = 0 because even if the three digit number is 999 and two digit number is 99 we will not get 1100 but a value lesser than 1100. (In other words if a 3 digit number gives a result of 4 digits when added to a 2 digit number then the 4 digit result should be in the range of 1000 to 1099.) Now we have X=9, A=1 and B=0. From the 3rd column of addition problem, we have Y+Z=X (in case if Y + Z does not generate a carry) or Y+Z=10+X (in case if Y + Z generates a carry). The case Y+Z = 10+X is not possible while X = 9.(since addition of two one digit numbers cannot give a result of 19). So we can consider on the equation : Y+Z=X or Y + Y = 9 ...eqn1. By observing the subtraction problem, from the last column we have Y-Z=X (if Y > Z) or 10 + Y - Z = X (if Y < Z and we borrow 1 from previous digit). Since X=9, Y-Z=9 is not possible as two 1 digit numbers when subtracted from each other can never give a 9 as result. Then, the correct equation should be 10 + Y - Z = 9 Or Y-Z = 1 ...eqn2.

Solving eqn1 and eqn2 we have Y=4 and Z=5. Hence X=9, Y=4, Z=5, A=1 and B=0. From the given problem, (XYY + XZ) = (944 + 95) = 1039. (XYY - XZ) = (944 - 95) = 849. Clearly D = 8. Hence the answer is D = 8.

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