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The Translation Terminology Aid

Dr. Mohammed Attia 2009

Translation from English into Arabic ............................................................................3 Political Institutions ...................................................................................................3 From the BBC and VOA Radio News Bulletins .......................................................4 From Newspapers and Periodicals...........................................................................10 From Miscellaneous Texts.......................................................................................19 Translation from Arabic into English ..........................................................................21 From the Simultaneous Interpretation of Presidential Speeches by Usama Kamal.21 From Translations by Dr. Farid Mahrous ................................................................32 Political Expressions, from Dictionary of Political Idioms .....................................38

Translation from English into Arabic

Political Institutions
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Committee of Space Research Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Food and Agriculture Organization International Atomic Energy Agency International Bank of Reconstruction and Development International Chamber of Commerce International Committee of Red Cross International Court of Justice International Labour Office International Labour Organization International Monetary Fund International Press Institute International Telecommunications Union League of Arab States National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA) North America Free Trade Area (NAFTA) North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Organization of African Unity Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) Southeast Asia Treaty Organization Union of International Fairs Union of Soviet Socialist Republics [former] United Nations Development Programme United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNISCO) United Nations Emergency Forces United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East Universal Tourism Organization Western European Union World Energy Conference World Health Organization World Trade Organization ( ( ( ) ) )

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From the BBC and VOA Radio News Bulletins

to break a deadlock in negotiation to highlight the situation hardliner foreign nationals the prime cause to cast vote allegations of fraud in the elections transition to capitalist economy maternity home to offer shelter to fundamental breakdown in society a lack of resources ending the violence rough-sleepers to revive the talks to assess the situation hidden agenda behind the scene to work out a solution to this problem the tactic of disappearing people to campaign on behalf of prisoners curfew a breakdown of talks nervous breakdown break away a breakaway group a breakage in the gas pipes free on bail to overlook an issue publicize to quicken the pace of negotiation to slow down the process key obstacle wide range objection He has some reservations in mind create instability closed society to sanction a report It was the forefront for immigration to speculate that there will be He is one of the create icons to work in partnership with him in He is inclined to agree with to rebuff an election to take part in the run-up to the elections a deep split valid criticism

his assessment of the situation to take a harsh medicine to confront new realities a tide against free market to host an occasion bruising political struggle agrarian party she is back at the political stage to appeal to people to the hand off of Hung Kung to China a collapse of trial There is significant swing behind her present regime the completion of GATT talks to explain his reasoning why the market is deteriorating troop deployment a breach of the embargo to seize the moment to resolve differences at one level but at another level escalating violence deployment of forces the watch ward of peace the accord is bound to slip to waste the opportunity the lessons to be learned from It includes important lessons for understanding that to fight back at terrorism highjacker hostages to overcome obstacles for implementing the peace accord tough decisions must be made acting in autocratic manner rule by decree televised debate to draft a new document to endorse a document to cast ballot to send a player off the time is right for international mediators round of talks residential districts to endorse a proposal sectarian strife




in growing numbers to seek to topple the government an immense boast to peace called for calm overall assessment to plunge the country into civil war He is winding up a trip Syria is a very key player in the region. appealing for an end of violence eligible voters The situation is hotting up to secure a balance evolution of politics Israeli put-out from Gaza and Jericho a big turnout at the elections It didnt get turnout the issue is still deadlock lifting sanctions against the relations deteriorated enormous majority a surge of violence a magnet for extremists This deal stands on two legs: security and stability openness Gaza hand-over from Israelis to Palestinians policy-makers renewable resources to hold discussions He is in police custody They attacked him in a lapse of concentration The blast was caused by gas leak. handling of economy semi-finals the finals a match on premiership to have him done over He has enormous charisma in his performance sports round-up will eventually lead to inflexible attitude extensive powers apathy the economy is booming military-backed authority

to pave the way to presidential contest imitation firearms He was overpowered by the problem His suitability to become king. director general faction leaders to get peace process off the ground to delay pull-out breakdown of talks to speed up the process of economic reform the turnout of electorates was rather low the best way forward for a country to achieve stability is to overplay the threat a 50% turnout to fill the rule He called on Western countries to 24% in sum sweeping new powers to fit to succeed constructive dialogue to work towards peace front-runner for presidency to lift sanctions to end boycott to spell the idea that to prevent the negotiators from meeting their target to brink reconciliation to release figures outstanding difference between Torture is used in routine and widespread manner unionists ex-marital affairs He made of flesh and blood. disciplinary action to join forces to achieve stability It was scheduled to begin today He is due to return to Geneva Parliament will try to block the President Hes got something like 11% He is a potential demagogue to undergo a transition He has to look at the overall situation the existing government

the outcome of elections to move towards a final settlement I recon that air raid a setback in peace process Christmas break to keep the peace process moving a vicious circle of violence the ware broke out the profound reason for the breakdown of peace process is It failed to halt the movement you cannot erase all those years of hatred contest to work out an economic strategy to give his seal of approval to slow down the process that sounds a little bit complacent The process came in stock Well come up to some kind of solution It needs the collaboration of the two of them. to be under critical scrutiny It is set up at the instigation of the Parliament in the arena of human rights the situation is hotting up the talks made no discernable progress stabilization of currency highjackers should be repatriated to launch an offensive against to clear up their financial position to create best conditions for foreign investment The meeting is marked by the readiness of the parties to solve their differences. They are embarking on a new attempt. The council may be extended after its expiry. It turned upside down cross-border raid deep economic crisis to topple the president a breakdown of the country hyper-inflation typhoon the sweep the socialists from power to rule by decree


He will be disinclined to make concessions. to take tough measures to stop terrorist actions to guarantee the delivery of relief supplies to worsen the situation to evacuate the wounded the evacuees to spell out their formula for peace He hoped for peace by Christmas to resume talks with political transition to develop nuclear weapons the suspicion was fuelled by to boycott elections the link was coincidental time is running out joint declaration The issue can be solved through continued negotiation. to block efforts to resolve the problem He had a history of mental illness to alleviate famine a breakthrough of the situation This report muddies the water. a surge in American auto sales competitors motels There is growing resentment against his government. a bilateral accord to weaken their position a self-imposed deadline to make history by signing the declaration to suggest the outline of a possible compromise to give full diplomatic recognition to Israel to participate in a ground-breaking ceremony for a memorial The efforts are still on. a cabinet reshuffle a Serb-held area to narrow the differences between them per se He was let down by the Americans. Sanctions failed to halt their military campaign. 9

school yard Food shortage has become chronic. a hanger strike It was reduced to rubble. Funds are drying out. They condemn themselves in the eye of the world. a UN patrol to give a plausible account of what happened to apply lessons learned to the future to express condolence a price control confidence building measures to remove a key obstacle to peace

From Newspapers and Periodicals

New York, Foreign Affairs, Time and Newsweek The question seemed moot radiate His answer radiates a well-organized serious intelligence to strut his stuff He clasped his hands in front of him IQ (Intelligence Quotient) Its like saying that Moe is the smartest of the three stooges to flip a guy to give an endorsement activist across the social spectrum payroll = paysheet diplomatic corps press corps Domestic Peace Corps deputy campaign manager He just gave platitudes resonant call reed This is slender reed upon which to build a campaign to integrate the idea He wound up winning the race the coinage of new ideas Most Americans dont associate German nationality with a pleasant beside manner.


to massage the situation unmassaged stand rap [informal] the main rap in him is shifty He is a political chameleon He tries damn [informal] hard to please everybody all the time Hot Springs was a spa for rich northerners It was a debauch of illegal gambling They were known for living a fast life $2 bettor They were having an encounter to be put under surveillance The police tried to roll up the rest of the drug network. He had a four-gram-a-day habit of cocaine coke-dealer He had accumulated platoons of friends. A lot of literature suggests that The city was in flame. He was muttering parts of Kings speech. ace They aced the finals. He did some pretty dumb things. to get the wrong end of the stick. front-runner one-on-one Hell be up against many difficulties to finesse all the people all the time The landscape became murkier. to spell out its criteria installation of an emergency government Nasser devised a highly personalized system. on the verge of tears His family was a several cuts above the norm. They were rounded up by the police. an attempt to rip off customers a picturesque village star-studded event to scrap the plan He was hauled into custody. Islam could embroil Washington in a second cold war. This policy would rest on utterly 11

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fallacious assumptions. rampant corruption bogus legal system to exacerbate the situation a job commensurate with his abilities violent-prone groups to placate the moderates with new concessions matters of peripheral interest social malaise He faces a herculean task. in difference to Mubarak sent his antagonists to the gallows. His critics take him to task for failing to promote sound economic growth. floating the Egyptian pound Mubarak is balking at policies that could raise unemployment. Mubarak may have ulterior motives for his bellicose rhetoric toward Iran. to sabotage any deal with the government women in full Islamic regalia Many intellectuals deplore the Islamic trend. The estimates are sketchy. slashing of subsidies nail-packed bomb bar association This group is dabbled in terrorism. the stick and the carrot The police lobbed tear gas grenades into a mosque. shrug He is shrugging off the warnings. to stand pat plodding manager to extract financial tributes from underlings deliberating economic problems Mubarak has put off grooming a successor. the process has stopped short of declaring that It is hard to deny the general thrust of this argument. to increase the clout of government to bridle at American interference the fault lines between civilizations 12

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He remained deeply imbued with indigenous culture. The conflict could be more virulent. simmer simmering violence tenuous relations unremitting slaughter to insulate society from cultural penetration a bandwagon strategy It is viewed erroneously as buoyancy Buoyed by economic development, China is increasing its military spending. Conflict between civilizations will supplant ideological conflict. The West will have to accommodate nonWestern modern civilizations. strenuous efforts to take reprisals to don a bomb belt he tersely replied that It merited the punishment to detonate the bomb the Presidents motorcade a lethal weapon diameter radius the bomb caused a large lethal radius an exhaustive search an exhaustive session to minimize harm to get off to a rocky start He will be looking for vulnerabilities in the state apocalyptic noxious fumes ghoulish SWAT (Special Weapons And Tactics) the borough of Brooklyn He was nabbed while running out of the bank. a handiwork of terrorism Their handiwork would have traumatized U.S. The plot had been foiled ringleader an inept attack 13

ineptitude They kept him under close surveillance spiritual mentor electronic bugs governments that abetted terrorism the omnipresence of crime to allay fears It spans a spectrum of safe haven terrorism and organized crime are blurred perpetrators of crimes to intercept a crime depredation According to the federal affidavit, an interminable process The trial was conducted with due process of law. a car with diplomatic plate to put the handcuffs on them an incipient terrorist group an incipient disease He didnt bestir himself. a copycat crime If he had a modicum of sense, he wouldnt have done it. with a modicum more intelligence than Borders are porous. hardware electrical connection electrical cord power interruption meticulously organized After artillery bombardment the town succumbed. subjugation after a cease-fire agreement was brokered There is a lot of business afoot. to keep someone abreast of The world is kept abreast of every twist and turn in the bloody conflict. to tout for some goods the guardians of the much touted new international order to bolster the morale of falter a babys first faltering steps Dont falter in your decision.


The efforts faltered. a ham radio eerie eerie silence to pound the town with shells Orwellian Statement: Language whose meaning is slightly changed to make people believe things that are not quite true. It alludes to the language used in the novel Nineteen Eighty Four by George Orwell He issued another of his Orwellian statement They huddled together they huddled under cover lambaste The new play was lambasted by critics discomfit a week rife with diplomatic hesitancy The whole system is rife with corruption. stern stuff He is made of stern stuff He is chary of any action. peace keeping contingent pros and cons He didnt rule out any option The vanguard was under attack. blue helmets a contingency plan incremental methods of diplomacy to foment rebellion an excruciating review of a book ludicrous a shambles proffer The plan which the international community proffered is a shambles. He is co-purveyor of the scheme he is bent on to face the crunch when it comes to the crunch The firm had made great strides to put the movement off stride interest groups celebrity barracks Oval Office He welched on his debts He welched on his promises The company has a lot of clout with the


government. to win political clout talisman the 10% remained a political talisman for % the group to square off with conservatives a hefty fine The President brushed off their pleas. discretionary powers a whopping lie flimsy excuse a flagrant lie flagrantly flimsy figures erroneous guesstimates illicit trade lobbyists homicides to whittle away the companys profits to whittle down the number of candidates to five. tallies of the jobless I had a gut feeling that something would go wrong. The potential for slippage was huge. the barebones of the matter creating at least a barebones local government a well thought-out scheme It is a more generous impulse than a thought-out policy. oxymoron: a combination of words which seem to contradict each other. E.g. cruel kindness to spell out the rules flotilla green berets psy-war to take pot-shots at a political gimmick despondent He was immersed in the issue to drum up support from other world leaders Fig leaf: Fig leaves are often shown as covering peoples sex organs in paintings especially paintings of Adam and Eve. Fig leaf is used as something that hides dishonestly. Washington intervention was under the fig leaf of U.N. 16

He was not to cede command to anyone else. stratagem a pre-emptive attack taking a pre-emptive action to forestall hostile actions to tilt the political balance of power toward the tribal elders This society is armed to the teeth. They agreed to support intervention under UN auspices the logistics of supplying food The United States got bogged down in a blood-soaked quagmire. a calorie-controlled diet lactating women buried under mounds of sand The confession was obtained by extortion. violence that bedevils relief efforts protection racket breakwater the second-story porch of his villa to face extortionate demands heavy-caliber machine guns airlifts bigwigs [informal] at the United Nations duffels an unknowable quotient of risk a heart-wrenching story a wrenching departure despondent that they will spend Christmas apart GIs Hundreds of GIs lined up for shots. a mercurial temper a top-notch commander to reshuffle the cabinet to rhapsodize over foreign aid the situation is possibly unsalvageable to siphon off resources mulatto a numbers runner ex-con [informal] demagogue He is articulate. marketing blitz The film was a bonanza. 17

The documentary will be out soon. the trials and tribulations of the making of the film He faced many hurdles. incendiary bomb incendiary criminal intellectual and personal odyssey gangland in commemoration of those who died in war a foray into the epic mode verve There were only a few lulls in the fighting cinematography to accentuate his life hagiography of a great man Russian roulette disavowal of material and sensual pleasures He was demonized by white society. He was ostracized by his group. bristle The street bristled with armed guards. instilling self-esteem in children fetish to make fetish of John Wayne and Steve Macqueen: American Actors considered as examples of honesty, patriotism and manhood He is on parole He is on probation He was propelled by determination messiah : There is a touch of messianic about him to underscore the duality of his nature the sagging demand for gas She has a flair for writing poetry. His oratorical flair never sagged. an inept attempt ineptness in economic policy His ambition was his undoing. The accident proved his undoing. to eke out a living to eke out a narrow victory He appeared listless.


From Miscellaneous Texts

to take a swipe at the main plank a squeeze on benefits the pay calm-down E.R.M. (Exchange Rate Mechanism) to brush aside Tory Tories MP (Member of Parliament) FM (Foreign Minister) devaluation benefits = payouts relative calm avid reader to have a row with to let down to match up to a milestone event to lay great stress on freighting and unloading ulterior motives to harbour bad intentions to come to grips with a problem veteran political fighter in broad daylight Pythagoras Pythagoreans ordered cosmos Philosophical Texts Socrates Plato one and many rest and motion opposites and antitheses the soul and the body reason, intelligence and desire mental powers and faculties order and harmony transmigration of souls Demons are disembodied spirits. being and becoming Aristotle matter and form all-wise all-powerful Trojan war Sophists


congenial mirage absolute sensible or rational dialectics dialectician circumscribed consciousness


Translation from Arabic into English

From the Simultaneous Interpretation of Presidential Speeches by Usama Kamal
distinguished status national action road of progress sense of affiliation critical circumstances targeted achieving devote all his potentials advocates of sedition loyal people a pledge for offering and sacrifice to the last spirit in our veins dignified commissioning to practice authority the march of effort and duty a third term in office means of progress the threshold of the 21st century totalitarian systems national effort the distance will be longer human march of progress conditioned to its ability to coming out of giving the constitutional oath for a new term in office to put into account that share in formulating it uphold values suffer a setback in its present form abiding by rules incite violence infringements deplete the efforts laws of nature All are equal before law creative potential defame renouncing terrorism We are the most keen on democracy bring welfare to the nation meeting the needs of people foster relations 21

continuing the economic reform process economy is the backbone of life dignified country enjoy democracy The suffering of the people will be magnified the entire national structure decisive element guarantee the availability of commodities stabilize prices work opportunities This urges me to We have gone the longest part It never appears overnight We have concluded a number of policies on different levels transcend our imagination overcome difficulties ignore circumstances should be conditioned to must not be overlooked standing up against competition states which have gone ahead of us the forthcoming period giving more chance to reorganizing business sector to be more efficient and capable market mechanism those who believe wrongly that the transition of economy into market mechanism targeting credit to mobilize human resources in the service of transformation into free market this is a wrong proposal altogether look into up for sale to widen the scope of possession laying new shares It touches upon the rights of workers to optimally invest it on equal footing reclamation of land It conforms with out needs I call on all those concerned with scientific research to scientific cadres


the bonds of society are broken a tribute to them is part of terrorise citizens foremost among which is I pledged to you urban cities and communities transition from to economic reform process democratic process inaccessible arable land polarization issuance of a rule libel and slander to give a fatal blow to allegation on the verge of/on the brink of a danger at the lookout of the 21st century restrict misleading hopeless tracks object of appreciation bring about good for our nation exhaustion of efforts a manifestation of loyalty infringe upon the law preach the law violation to rectify the executive authority actions You were supporters of stability, guardians of social peace, fighters of terrorism and helpers of the low-income groups. in whose national framework all views are interacting, seeking nothing but the interest of the nation and the citizens period of session International Parliamentary Union the ruling power side battles joint effort and collective responsibility to hamper the march of development and progress denominator democratic construction out of a belief that bring the citizen out of his isolation mass participation will make the parties more in touch with the people 23

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that rises above the race of small interests sense of affiliation issued newspapers trading in principles and slogans the true party life makes it incumbent on all before the danger becomes aggravated seeking to make coalition with a fence that preserves all from error truth and falsehood It sets the demarcating lines between harms democracy in the heart because it did not notice from the beginning the danger threatening its destiny This is an issue that requires the concern of the whole society. to prevent danger from the beginning to repulse suspicions Central Agency for Accounting propagation of non-nationalistic interests Since our meeting at the beginning of the previous parliamentary session a full year has passed. the first thing that comes to mind vanguards The true value of any nation is shown by adversity. Nothing of the sort has happened. This fact cannot be changed or laid down by the destructive activity still practiced by the terrorist groups disregarding the right of God and nation. disregarding the rights of God and nation The whole nation clearly discovered the falsity of the fallacious allegations attributed by these groups, delusively and falsely to religion. Everyone discovered that they are merely astray criminal gangsters. They do not refrain from committing the grave sins and violate what God sanctified They are not curbed by a restraint of religion or morality. dominated by corrupt leaders that made terrorism a trade and leadership and spoilt the morals of a perplexed youth


that were seeking guidance by they led them to misguidance and were seeking an honest livelihood, but they led them to spoliation that were eager to follow the right path, but they blinded their sights and insights May men such as those be allowed to mount the pulpits of mosques to give the pious Muslim Egypt lessons in religion? May such a scanty number of hypocrites and misleading people be allowed to defend this criminality? or drive fallacious excuses to their abominable crimes? Great God speaks the truth in his Holy Book saying, Then who is worse transgressor that that who fabricates lies against God? We are not frightened by terrorism and its astray remnants. It is high time we put this phenomenon in its real size without exaggeration or magnification and without negligence or undervaluation because this objective evaluation which adheres to facts is a prerequisite for the success of confrontation I can say most frankly that there is nothing about this phenomenon today that leads to apprehension or fear about the future of the nation so long as the entire nation is lined up on one coherent row with perfect consciousness confronting the astray scant number of people that lack any public support The people condemn their actions and horrible crimes after they have discover their role in attacking the interests of the country carrying out sinful conspiracies that are aiming at hampering Egypts upsurge and foiling the chances of its progress This noble people of Egypt will not allow a hired scanty number of people to waste its efforts and hopes of establishing a free democratic society whose ability is increasing day after day to meet the aspirations of its sons




I strongly believe that this is a temporary phenomenon that must come to an end I dont say this out of vacuum but I say this relying on the considerable successes achieved by the great people of Egypt that confronts sedition after it has realized its dangers and deprivations Its conscious vanguards and institutions stood up to face the danger, warning, cautioning and enlightening then the concerned state bodies traced the heads of conspiracy and foiled their plot with perfect determination and resolution and they were able thanks to the support and awareness of the people to maintain initiation in confronting these criminal activities after the fall of the sham masks behind which they were hiding The security forces will not have rest, or linger in confronting this malignant malady. Whatever the gravity of challenges and dangers, the wagons of Egyptian nationalism will forge ahead declaring in an echoing voice: We sacrifice ourselves for you, Egypt with Gods blessing and guidance advancement of the nation You were as good as the public has trusted you. We are more concerned than anyone to establish justice nomination candidates constituencies a record number the high turn-out of the electorate proponent, opponent and independent in order to choose the best and the most representing of the interests and the aspirations of Egypt no matter his party affiliation for reforming our party courses that the parties would be more adherent to the masses the objectives sought out from them Democracy can never flourish or grow


without a responsible national opposition despite their differences / despite the difference in their viewpoints We believe more than any one in the role of the society in order to reach a common denominator to guarantee the continuity in the framework of sound parliamentary traditions that preserve the right of opposition to state their opinion tackling problems in a scientific and objective manner overlooking the necessities of the reality going after individual or sectoral interests The masses have awarded you their confidence the adequacy of legislation for the conditions and requirements of the actual reality levelling with the trust of the people without bias towards narrow sectoral interests that infringe on public interests delivering resonant speeches It is no more sufficient There are essentialities that make it incumbent upon us to bring charges falsely against everyone creates a provocative climate that reeks of lethal venoms It doesnt match up with nationalism that the voices of some people become echoes of external powers that out-speak animosity against Egypt when a party deviates from the general trend taking advantage of the climate of freedom the vicious word that comes from a malicious person disregarding the interests of the nation We are not against but we stand against those who to hamper its progress fostered relations to block all resources of terrorism thanks be to God valiant policemen to strike at these criminal plots eradicating terrorism deepening its path and seeking new open

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horizons The enemies of democracy are lurking around rights are combined with duties and freedom is associated with responsibility Stability is the foundation of a civilized society. the law which set the boundaries between what is allowed and what is not allowed will make the national entity liable to disintegration and collapse live in the same province Their interests are identical. Accordingly, we give attention to the deterrent for whoever seeks to do Egypt any harm They were in the vanguard in all situations. So it became necessary to search for the roots of these problems providing various alternatives inasmuch as, since, due to the fact that It has been and still is my preoccupation crystallising the basic guidelines pivot axes self-sufficiency considering the demographic and geographic dimensions as basic axes balance of payment In this respect I would like to highlight the role of in his voluntary contribution to those who were affected by natural disasters accelerating development cutting off the budget deficit to the minimum It became almost negligible / It became nothing worth-mentioning without posing at the experiences of other countries that are completely different from us in their conditions and circumstances I had been keen that and not to be realized through upsurges and leaps We exert out utmost effort.

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His concern and problems will remain to be our preoccupation and basic commitment. their aptitude for carrying responsibility no matter the hardships to shoulder responsibility within the framework of the open-door economic policy the transfer of technology and we also have intensive negotiations with the EU parallels of latitude parallels of longitude parallel to the efforts of settlement Yet, it should be clear for everyone that are being agreed on It is the responsibility of intellectuals and economists to extend the vision towards the future genetics improving the adequacy of using water resources in the way that ensures its availability for all hamlets small villages continued the expansion of housing projects potable water clean water squatting areas slum areas sanitary drainage services reducing class density preventive health care contrite tears epidemic and endemic diseases heavily-populated areas facilitating methods of litigation litigant defendant from above the rostrum of you honourable assembly subsidization of basic commodities Well never give up free education abandon national conciliation It is conditioned by our ability to to focus on must be realized to operate 29

upgrading the level of services support for limited income groups curbing population growth providing favourable conditions to achieve these objectives I believe that ministers, each in his capacity, will be responsible for each within his competence amendments urgent assessment remove hindrances the criterion of real achievement poor people would be even poorer safety valve despite the increase in the price of wheat this year to more than double last year prices betterment The world is witnessing radical changes enjoys remarkable prestige outstanding role stated by historical facts The Fate and Divine Will decreed that This role will continue to be God willing consistent and sustainable to the end of time. to overcome the transient and temporary conditions that we are going through no matter the hindrances impediments preventing the eruption of disputes in the future compliance with a commitment of nonaggression The Arab nation has made up its mind peace and adhering to its behaviour as a steady approach and stable method besides, the accurate execution of the agreement of interest to the African community in particular to adjudicate on the complaint of Ethiopia against Sudan This is an issue we give much attention to suspicious powers intimidating innocent people uprightness sublime, lofty, noble The international community tended to 30


respond to our continuous calls. The thread which could have extended to to catch up with progress precision perfection the association between knowledge and production in association with Gods resolution will prevail over all He supports whoever supports Him struggled against his own whims delude the people as clear as daylight coherent society rising above rancour and malice shackles of fear sedition and dissension This was my pledge and vow sharp sight coherence consolidation and social solidarity courageous heart The banners of the nation flatter in dignity. It sheds light on the entire world. that have gone astray from Gods command indulged in treachery of the nation in the throes of death The public basic utilities were down-andout I praise God that has been achieved with unparalleled smoothness brought the dignity back to the Egyptian nationalism unified its ranks He has brought right between us and our people. to endow us with guidance He is the best Supporter and the best Sustainer unanimity Peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.


From Translations by Dr. Farid Mahrous

G.N.P (Gross National Product) Gross Domestic Product Non-aligned countries on this perspective in the true sense of the word emanate from intra-structure maritime extinct deliberations April instant April ultimo April proximo leakage shun limited income strata social strata infiltration into stupendous accelerate souring prices expertise collision course ceiling crackdown of prices The long-term effect could be compared to other groups Turn to page Continued from page several issues foremost among which are chairman of PLO the forthcoming stage he stressed to deliver a speech before the conference continued unrest endeavours for achieving peace chairmanship pointed out that upon his return to tense areas within a month or two for at least 3 years mission delegation Peace must go on in two parallel courses. what has been agreed upon pushing forward of the peace process

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conditions are suitable for release of prisoners It is embarking on a peace process. in a date to be fixed later to motivate negotiation during the forthcoming period to reveal to him turning point sharp curve at cross-roads momentum / impetus rapprochement loopholes a loophole in the law shortcomings pending matter / outstanding matter to find himself before a momentous option We have to proceed along this road. scene / theatre / arena put forward to stand up in the face of to raise an issue more importantly to outline the strategy to go into details to express his opinion endeavour on the part of Arabs evidently determine define to reek of dishonesty project or proposal persuasion and conviction without one transgressing the other the case in question the point of upsurge more in harmony with not out of vacuum conventional weapons basic constituents Israels image before the outside world Arab disintegration exorbitant costs of confrontation to draw down the curtain upon the armed conflict to open the doors before mutual fruitful relation


ploy driving a wedge among the ranks of the national movement substituting it with wipe out our entity strip us of our cultural constituents a point of view worthy of consideration capitulation to the Zionist plot Suffice it to say that Israel lays its hands on their rejectionist stand They are in between. They feign acceptance. specifications It is the short cut for the loss of Arab rights Recently, controversy has arisen over The idea is self evident. It follows that He may see differently in this connection which is to be established restrictions barriers without abolishing them altogether the characteristic feature integrated economic unity More likely, it will be more harmful than beneficent. suffice it to refer to This is equally true as regards in a fit of enthusiasm However, the flame of enthusiasm soon faded away. a cornerstone for development had no considerable impact mere ink on paper moreover which allows only for a very modest volume of inter-trade More importantly is On account of these huge obstacles The is no ground for believing that Such plea is nave. This is a flimsy pretext. range of its market to make maximum efforts to bolster joint action


to make it possible for us to act for the containment of disputes The summit expressed profound concern about in this connection the conference decided on the continuation of to express profound sorrow at to express hope that to follow suit The summit affirmed determination to promote cooperation in all spheres. in view of to express his great esteem to by all standards economic boom moving towards revival to take further steps to promote world economy growth to play down with the least possible amount of contested the theory constitute a danger foiling an abortive coup attempt The army stormed the city. after their storming of Sounds of intermittent and sometimes intensive shooting were heard. headed to the attack site which is considered the scattered remnants of the government forces the war that had broken out inflation suspension foster, promote burning issues to combat drugs to enquire after someones health He instigated a strike. The decision was met with agitation. He was charged with inciting a riot. incitement of riots incendiary speech inflammatory speech rabble-rousing speech provocative attempts to broach a question


He broached the subject of the contract the real reason of the visit explained It was no surprise obligation the fact about the allegations to explain in detail rumours circulated recently about has become null and void The court ruled that the claim was null and void. to drive a wedge between praise made a stipulation expressed his astonishment the recent course of events Lieutenant Captain Major Lieutenant-Colonel Colonel Brigadier Major-General Lieutenant-General General Marshal He spoke out frankly with him about the fact He is seeking to impose his domination It is a fabrication certain orientation not free of excesses He knows fully well Everyone should be bent on solving the problem. There is no cause for concern. We are concerned with the interest of the people. We care for the interest of the people. premises to forge ahead masters of disputation vitiate adulterate unadulterated nonsense to stand up against adulterated goods his support for the democratic march to afford a chance compatible with

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incompatible with reaffirmed his concern so as it may not be subjected to to give first priority to to continue forging ahead towards his ability to understand the right values forms of violence there will be no forbearance with to disregard the values of citizens to violate the agreement to break the law to break his promise a breach of peace violation of public security violation of mores to go beyond the ordinary in the forefront forming the sentiment We do not stand by corruption. back support stand by is based / founded on whoever the perpetrators may be to perpetuate talks whatever his position embezzle misappropriate He was accused of embezzlement agents manipulated by foreign hands on account of unemployment You should base you opinions on facts, not hearsay. a clear and specific political outlook noble values passing quick judgment judiciary paid attention to abolition of a law removing from the sphere of competence of giving greater chance to to relinquish his role on this concern remittances from Egyptian workers high-ranking officials fallacious pretexts to make an insignificant contribution colloquialism headlines valiant heroes

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bristled with arms a helpless Islamic world unbalanced forces God will not let them down The balance of the conflict overturned.

Political Expressions, from Dictionary of Political Idioms

to adopt a unified Arab stand He has been accused of political opportunism, subjectivism and ignoring the principle of collective leadership expanded meeting consensus They won splendid victory against superior forces engaging in hostile actions imperialistic reprehension apprehension acts of provocation acts of sabotage isolated acts of vandalism and looting a workable proposition a nation that is on the war path the proliferation of nuclear weapons It is a well-established rule that to create buffer zone between the two contestants wide-range military movement the prohibition of all weapons of mass destruction the session ends its work on Saturday military intervention an acceptable accommodation with a wide spectrum of international problems accelerated and definitive liquidation of terrorism developments in the Arab area aerial inspection a grave threat to world peace sub-committees are carrying on their work war crimes bacteriological warfare economic blockade economic embargo


interim self rule a solution acceptable to all parities concerned a workable compromise a move towards a genuine accommodation with the wind of change lasting peace a policy of wait and see domination to secure the passage of a bill lack of seriousness economic sanctions on the regional and international areas on the brink of war a clear act of aggression economic disarray in the realm of the unknown prior to his departure They have decided to block his accounts forces of law and order foreign military bases a working modern air force high-ranking officials No allowance is made for abstentions. warmongers net result an uneasy city swept by rumours and war scare the red-carpet-reception ceremonies explosive problem a treaty prohibiting the dissemination of nuclear weapons It is worth-noting that It is envisaged that It is widely assumed that discussing the whole range of world affairs skirmishes the accredited representative of the press an atom-free zone a wave of arrests a wave of riots the wavering voter fresh outbreak of terrorist acts world order This has to be accounted for They have agreed to the following


provisions the unity and coherence of Arabs worsening situation accompanying delegation in accordance with the existing rules stopping the spread of nuclear weapons to go the whole hog to follow up with great concern to exchange viewpoints to take resolute measures to adhere to democracy to accuse the government of wilful suppression of facts to whip up public feeling against to warn of an imminent attack to achieve a reduction of tension to highlight the importance of reprehensible to wear out all the possibilities of an agreement reprehend to vote on the motion as a whole to reduce the widening gap between the standards of living of industrialized and developing countries apprehend to boast Arab solidarity to declare an amendment acceptable to work in conjunction with to open the way for high-level talks to win life-and-death struggle against to weigh the serious consequences of their policy to curb high unemployment to enhance bilateral ties to give a dinner banquet to abstain from the resort to force to appeal to the conscience of the world to indulge in acts detrimental to the security of the state to set up a working party


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