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Syllabus (Physics/grade 10th/Kinematics Motion) Kisi-kisi Ujian Tengah Semester 1 Tahun Ajaran 2012-2013

Basic Competence Indicators Analyze physics *Identify basic quantities quantities in of rectilinear motion rectilinear motion both of no acceleration & constant acceleration *Analyze physic quantities of rectilinear motion with constant speed

Concept Distance, displacement, average speed, average velocity Jarak, perpindahan, kelajuan ratarata, kecepatan rata-rata Uniform motion Gerak lurus beraturan(GLB) Syarat bertemu (searah atau berlawanan arah)

* Analyze physic Fast n slow uniform motion quantities of rectilinear - horizontal path motion with constant - vertical path acceleration Gerak lurus berubah beraturan (GLBB) -Lintasan horizontal (contoh: pergerakan mobil) -Lintasan vertical (contoh: benda jatuh atau dilempar keatas)

Analyze physics *Identify basic quantities Angular velocity and linear velocity quantities in circular of circular motion motion with constant Kecepatan sudut dan kecepatan linier speed *Analyze the rotational of Connection wheel and basics gear gear or wheel Hubungan roda-roda, (seporos, bersinggungan, terhubung dengan sabuk)

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