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Chapter 12

The Nazi Master Plan -- The Omega Plan

For those readers still with us and interested in the abovementioned master plan to take over the world by non-violent methods, a very brief explanation is offered here. However,

scholars may wish to research a little about the First Reich and for starters are led to Scholars wishing to explore a little about the Second Reich may wish to visit and

then compare the Lisbon Treaty scheduled to take effect in 2009. The Third Reich came into existence during the build up to WWII. Global recognition and subservience is the final objective of The Fourth Reich, born into its infancy by way of The Omega Plan. During the 1st World War alongside the banking elites desire for profits, lay a hidden desire in the minds of high ranking officers in the German (Aryan bloodline) forces, to strive for recognition as the master race. Having been knocked back in 1918, determined planning set the stage for another try. In the event WW2 did not succeed by force the second time, then the master plan would be put into effect. The plan was duly put into effect as briefly outlined below. 1944-45 As the war machine was tiring, senior Nazi officers, made their way to different

countries all over the world, assisted by the Catholic Church network referred to as the rat lines. These officers took on new identities, settled in new countries, intermarried with locals, started new businesses, and started new mixed bloodlines with citizenships of the host country. Their financial backing came from the Industrial Companies back in Germany. They needed a reliable communication network so Interpol was conceived, set up and controlled by Nazi


bloodlines. The plan was for the settlers first new generation to lie low, yet keep records of the whereabouts of all officers and their new offspring; hence this was the real initial function of the Interpol information / infiltration Network. That first post WWII generation was to be left untouched so the world might forget, no big stories in the media for 20 years, let the new generation (1945-1965) not be reminded of recent global power struggles. The second generation (1965-1990) of the new bloodlines was given good schooling, groomed and steered into positions of future influence in their native countries. So it is that in the new millennium, all over the world, we have a generation of well intentioned young bureaucrats and commercial / industrial executives all conditioned with a globalist mind set about power and global control, - preserve the intelligent, wipe out the less productive. To achieve this successfully, faith in the creator and living by Gods laws have had to be discouraged, and so we have had; discipline removed from schools and now homes, free trade promoted, and organisations such as Carnegie, Rockefeller, Ford Foundations financing / promoting the new age by, through Womens Lib, de facto relationships both heterosexual and civil union, pornography, play station violence, liberal drink and drugs, lenient sentencing, etc. Meanwhile the older wartime generations had steered infiltrations into networks such as the Masonic Lodges, the Vatican thus becoming Vatican 21, and similar organisations. German friendship clubs sprang up in major cities. History books have been rewritten and Professors rewarded to divert or bury truth and promote new agendas. NASA has been ultimately controlled by Aryan engineering brains, Aryan discipline and precision, yet financed by the unsuspecting American people. The American military similarly is now controlled by Aryan bloodlines.



Financial direction is now controlled by Aryans mixed with Reptilian and Jewish interests, and Monarchies are the Aryan / Reptilian lines.2 Their ideology for survival is now subtly being enforced. We are entering the phase of; produce for the cause, be precise for the cause, be faithful to the cause and zero tolerance for objectors and those categorised as unproductive burdens. The plan has been successful. Once one knows what to look for, and understands that silo mentality has been deliberately created through shame, and control / manipulation of an employees ego the effect is easily recognised alive and thriving in Bureaucratic, Political, Military, Educational, Health and Justice conduct western-world-wide. It is however being resisted by non-western aligned peoples and the older cultures still holding faith in the Creator, regardless of religion. An example here is the spread of Islam, Muslims pray 5 times per day, and so the collective consciousness is hearing the call. If the buried history is correct in that the Aryan race arrived here 4000 years ago having fled from the Reptilians who for their own survival came here also, and so the universal conflict between the two has been imported to Planet Earth, then it is fair to suggest that over the last 2000 or 3000 years; (i) (ii) These races / species have each been scheming to control planet Earth, Their pyramids of power have been built on lies and deception, so they shall crumble as the truth shatters the confidences at lower and ground levels. [At each level of the pyramid the depth of the lies differs, the degree of deception fed to employees differs at each level, so at street level, the belief is totally different to the real agenda kept hidden by those at the top of the pyramid. Most people in secondary and lower levels are honest and well intentioned and they

Refer David Icke and Greg Hallett researchers.


believe what they have been told. If they are not convinced themselves, it is hard for them to convince others. Just as in party politics, those who question directives, are marked for transfer or removal.] (iii) Their control has been gained through greed and maintained through instilling into John Citizen, Colonel Clink and Sergeant Schulz, a fear of losing something of perceived value. (iv) Such overwhelming negative energies can never be stable without balancing positive energy and this is the energy their very concept is squeezing out of their own bubble. (v) Their deception, their greed, their lust, their lies, their cheating has brought on the man-made component of this ages end times which we and they, and their own offspring, are now in. In the absence of the balance of righteous teachings, many young people are conned into the world of fascination, excitement, and ultimately power and control. Usually attracted by money, drugs, and good times, they eventually realise they have been deceived and deluded, but once in, the meaning of control does not provide for a straightforward way out. Mentioned below are some examples: 1. In recent times, (the 1990s) an ex SAS Officer of the German Forces was a

covert operative, married to a New Zealander and living from time to time on NZ soil. He was a member of a 10 man assassination squad contracted by the management of a major banking cartel. When the individuals of the team were summonsed for a mission they met in Cyprus then went off and did their thing. He secretly enjoyed diplomatic foreign agent status in New Zealand, and even though the NZ CIB suspected him of thieving building


materials and the like from time to time, silo mentality within the CIB assured him that neither he nor his property was ever to be investigated. The directive was he was never to be prosecuted. To cover for his exits from NZ from time to time he had acquired business interests in Queensland, Australia before he had married. His controller was also based in Queensland. He went off on a mission one time, got his usual pay in diamonds, cashed in his diamonds at Darwin on re-entering Australia, realised he had been short-changed, so went to see his controller to ask for his rightful split, - he was married now and wanted out. He was 42. It is accepted that he got his split but not in the form he had asked for. As professional as he was, after leaving his controller, he was driving himself back to his Australian business affairs and his mistress, going by the backcountry bull-dust tracks when he was intercepted. It would not be a simple job to extract a locator beacon from a diesel tank in the dead of night. It is further accepted that his body was found hanging in two halves from a tree, having been split from top to bottom as a farmer cuts a sheep. His 4 wheel drive was found pushed into a swollen creek. It is alleged that his wife neither received any autopsy report, nor any death certificate. His Australian business assets were disposed of at a fraction of book and market value with the help of a CIA minder based outside of Australia. Likewise many women who have been recruited for the cause in their blossoming years, have found that even in later life, if those in the cause had a need for them, they have been forced to oblige, for the sake of their families being left in peace and kept in ignorance. Young people need to be aware of this spider web so they can make informed choices.


In the 60s a very gifted NZ scholar was identified at tertiary level by a CIA

scout, (those permanent students who get the minimum units per year to stay enrolled) and granted a scholarship to do advanced studies at a prestigious American University. After his post-graduate studies he was offered several attractive opportunities. His ego chose the most attractive employment opportunity. Years later when he was uncomfortable about some of the assignments he was being given he was given a clear understanding that he was being paid by a clandestine division of the CIA and it was not his right to question his orders. He understood then that he had allowed his soul to be brought and despite his gifted intelligence, he was forced to adopt a silo mentality. He is not a happy chappy and his conscience is slowly but surely eating him up and like many others who come to realise they are caught in an immoral web, he seeks to bring an end to the travesties of justice and deception, and so blows quiet whistles where he feels he can with relative safety. 3. In the early 90s a colleague of a friend of the author landed at Auckland airport

en route from Christchurch to Los Angeles, and a hasty chat ensued over a hasty coffee convened against the rules the traveller was operating under. The traveller was an advanced aeronautical engineer. He had just spent two weeks unknown to his family up on the space station carrying out some repairs and modifications. He declined to speak of the nature of the equipment he had worked on but did say he had been vertically launched from the South Pole and returned the same way, and for servicing such operations Christchurch airport was important to America. He alleged that he had been forced to do what he had to do, against his will and his conscience.


This account suggests there was indeed a motive for the desire of a few to deliberately cause the Mt Erubus crash (1979) to discourage further tourist flights over the South Pole3. For those readers still not convinced that globally there is an evil underground movement which has extended its tentacles into all walks of life over several generations, perhaps after a baby in their own family develops autism following vaccinations they might wonder why a US Court4 has ruled that there is no connection despite the overwhelming global evidence. After such a concerned adult does their homework they may accept this chapter for its merits.

A limited number of flights were resumed from Australia fifteen years later, and now there are localised but controlled and seasonal flights emanating from the South American side.

MSNBC News 14 February, 2009.

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