Characterization of Accumulated Sediments in Bio-Remediation Chamber at Estero de Balete

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Banta, Mhadel A. Candelaria, Camille G. Pagasartonga, Mon Eric P. Ricarte, Shienah C.



Adamson University College of Engineering Chemical Engineering Department

A Research Study Presented to The Faculty of Chemical Engineering Department

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering


Banta, Mhadel A. Candelaria, Camille G. Pagasartonga, Mon Eric P. Ricarte, Shienah C.

APRIL 2011



This research entitled: Characterization of Accumulated Sediments in Bio-Remediation Chambers at Estero De Balete Prepared and submitted by:

Banta, Mhadel A.

Candelaria, Camille G,

Pagasartonga, Mon Eric P.

Ricarte, Shienah C.

Engr. Jerry G. Olay Adviser

Has been successfully defended last March 29, 2011 and was approved last April 12, 2011.

Engr. Sherrie Mae S. Medez Panelist

Engr. Merlinda A. Palencia Chairperson



This research study hereto is entitled:

Characterization of Accumulated Sediments in Bio-Remediation Chambers at Estero De Balete

This report is a summary of our findings from the work we completed this 2nd semester of 2011 and is submitted as an output for compliance with the requirements leading to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering.

Prepared and submitted by:

Banta, Mhadel A.

Candelaria, Camille G,

Pagasartonga, Mon Eric P.

Ricarte, Shienah C.

Engr. Merlinda Palencia Chairperson




We would like to dedicate this study first of all to God Almighty, He who helped and guided us all throughout our experiment.

We would like also to take the opportunity to acknowledge Engr. Palencia for allowing us to be part of her study. It is our honor to take part in behalf of Adamson University ChE Student Research for the rehabilitation of Estero De Balete. Our adviser, Engr. Olay, for giving us his time unconditionally. Engr. Evangelista, for being patient with us at the ChE Laboratory.

Allow us also to give token of appreciation to our fellow classmates by citing them here. We thank all of you classmates, batch mates and friends. We also acknowledge our family by supporting us regardless our misgiving.

In behalf of our Research Group, we hope that this study can be a reliable guide in rehabilitating the Estero de Balete.


Table of Contents Abstract List of Figures and Tables 1 Introduction 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 2 Background of Study Statement of the Study Significance of the Study Scope and Delimitation of the Study Theoretical Framework Conceptual Framework Definition of Terms i iii 1 1 2 3 3 4 6 7 9 9 9

Review of Related Literature and Studies 2.1 Related Literature 2.1.1 2.1.2 Sediments

Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination in Human Health and the Environment 11 15 20 21 22 24 25 26 31 31 32 33 33

2.1.3 2.1.4 2.1.5 2.1.6 2.1.7 2.1.8 2.2 3

Sediments Quality Guidelines Bioremediation Total Organic Carbon Total Phosphorus Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Equipment

Related Studies

Methodology 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Description of Study Area Preparation of Sampling Bed and Containers Selection of Sampling Site Collection of Sediment Samples


4 Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Results 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Physical Properties of Collected Sediments Heavy Metal Concentration of Collected Sediments Nutrient Content of Collected Sediments Assessment of Collected Sediments using Sediment Quality Guidelines 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.5 5 Ontario Ministry Sediment Quality Guideline Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline 38 38 44 47 48 48 49 50 51 51 53 55 60 63 35 35 36 37

Accumulation Rate of Sediments

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations 5.1 5.2 5.3 Summary of Findings Conclusions Recommendations

Appendices Appendix A: Results of Analyses Appendix B: Calculation of Accumulation Rate of Sediments Appendix C: Research Images Appendix D: References Resume of Researchers



Estero de Balete is one of the tributaries of Pasig River that have been contaminated because of accumulation of wastes and refuse which are hazardous in nature. In this study, a Bioremediation test was done on Estero de Balete and the physical and chemical properties of accumulated sediments were determined. Also, determination of heavy metal content (Copper, Lead, Cadmium and Mercury) of sediments was also part of this study. The remediation technique was conducted for about 2 months. Two runs were done but the analysis for the second run was used in this report because more significant change in the contaminants was observed. The concentrations of the heavy metals were measured using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) while the nutrient contents (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus and Total Organic Carbon) of sediments were determined using Kjeldahl Method, Stannous Chloride Method and Ascorbic Acid Method. In the Philippines, there are currently no Sediment Quality standards and the most commonly used guidelines are from Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines and National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). For this study, we have compared the attained sediment analysis with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines and Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guidelines to determine if the collected sediments would have any adverse effect to the environment. Results showed that, after the remediation, the contaminants pose no serious effect to the environment. The analysis in this study could be of great help in finding ways to decrease the contamination of these hazardous substances in Rivers and in its tributaries that induce harmful effects to the environment and human help. This study can also be used as technical references in the rehabilitation of Pasig River.


List of Figures and Tables Figure 1 Experimental Procedure Figure 3.1a Bioremediation Chambers Figure 3.1b Experimental Design for the Determination of Accumulation Rate Figure 3.2 Sampling Bed Figure 3.3 Sampling Points for Determination of Accumulation Rate Figure 4.2 Graphical Representation of Heavy Metal Concentrations of Collected Sediments Figure 4.3 Graphical Representation of Nutrient Concentrations of Collected Sediments Figure 4.4a Comparison of Copper Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines Figure 4.4b Comparison of Lead Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines Figure 4.4c Comparison of Cadmium Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines Figure 4.4d Comparison of Mercury Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines Figure 4.4e Comparison of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines Figure 4.4f Comparison of Total Phosphorus Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines Figure 4.4g Comparison of Total Organic Carbon Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines Figure 4.4h Comparison of Copper Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline Figure 4.4i Comparison of Lead Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline


Figure 4.4j Comparison of Mercury Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline Table 2.1 Ontario Ministry of Screening Level Guidelines Table 3.4 Methods Used for the Analysis of Total Phosphorus, Total Organic Carbon, Total Nitrogen and Heavy Metals Table 4.1 Physical Properties of Collected Sediments Table 2.2 Ontario Sediment Quality Benchmarks Table 2.3 Sediment quality guideline values Lower Concentration Exceedance Level (LCEL) and Upper Concentration Exceedance Level (UCEL) of Hong Kong Table 4.5 Accumulation Rate of Sediments in each Filter Bed per Unit Area Table 5.1 Concentrations of Lead, Mercury, Copper, Cadmium and Nutrients from Sediments Collected after the Bioremediation Treatment and from Sediment Quality Guidelines (ppm)



1.1 Background of Study Sediments are loose particles of clay, silt and other substances that settle at the bottom of water body. Sediments play an important role in aquatic ecosystem since they serve as a source and sink for organic and inorganic materials and as habitat for many organisms in aquatic food webs. The series of sediment-induced changes that can occur in a water body may change the composition of an aquatic community (Wilber, 1983). Nowadays, many of these sediments in our lakes, rivers, oceans and other bodies of water have been contaminated by pollutants, which enter our bodies of water. Experts believed that contaminated sediments are a wide spread and serious problem. Recent studies revealed that the true state of the quality of water is reflected by the quality of its underlying sediments.

The Pasig River one of the major Rivers in the Philippines serves as a major transport route, source of water and life line of Laguna de Bay and irreplaceable natural resources. Yet, for centuries Pasig River has been used, abused and neglected and not the River has been declares a critical water body because of the unspeakable amount of waste dumped into it by daily household and industries. About 330 tons of industrial and domestic wastes are discharge every day in this water way, depleting the biochemical oxygen needed to support marine life. (Menchit R. Santelices)

Until recently, little has been done to protect the river system. Past efforts to rehabilitate Pasig River were unsuccessful because they failed to take into account the larger context of the urban environment of which Pasig River is apart.



University, together




department, established Bio-remediation Techniques for Rehabilitation of Estero de


Balete which aims to revive and rehabilitate the water and sediments of Estero de Balete through the application of natural minerals available in the Philippines. The information on the effects of locally available natural materials on the treatment of Estero water and sediments will provide concrete technical and methodical basis to rehabilitate Pasig River into a more stable ecosystem.

1.2 Statement of the Study This study aims to determine the characteristic of sediments that settled from the treated water in the bioremediation chambers at Estero de Balete. Specifically, the study aims to: 1. Determine the physical and chemical characteristic of the sediments of Estero de Balete in terms of the following parameters: 1.1 Physical properties 1.1.1 Color 1.1.2 Odor 1.2 Chemical properties 1.2.1 Total Phosphorus 1.2.2 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen 1.2.3 Total Organic Carbon 2. Measure the concentration of cadmium, copper, mercury and lead the sediments 3. Evaluate the extent of heavy metal and nutrients, i.e. Total Phosphorus, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen and Total Organic Carbon, of sediments in terms of the following guidelines: 3.1 Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines 3.2 Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline 4. Determine the daily sludge formation/ accumulation rate


1.3 Significance of the Study

The physical and chemical characterizations of accumulated sediments in bioremediation chamber are the primary concern of the study. Through this research, the Adamson community and people living along the Estero would be aware of the possible problem regarding contamination of sediments, this enable us to focus our efforts on activities that achieve the best environmental results. Finally, the characteristic of sediments gathered may help establish an effective bioremediation treatment for Estero de Balete.

1.4 Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The study focused on the characterization of the physical and chemical properties of sediments on the bioremediation chamber at Estero de Balete.

Sediment sampling was done only after the removal of treated water in the chamber. There are two chambers and only three sites of the chamber are to be considered. The heavy metals determined were cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb).The comparison of the level of heavy metal contamination of sediments with environmental protection agency (EPA) level of hazardous chemicals focused on the four metals mention above and also comparing the results with the established heavy metal concentration of sediments found in Estero de Balete. Determination of total nitrogen and phosphorus and total organic carbon is also considered. Biological characteristic of sediments such as soil form organism, specific microorganism and total toxicity are not assessed. Under the physical characteristics of sediments the following are determined: color and odor. The study will also determine the daily sludge formation or accumulation rate per unit area.


1.5 Theoretical Framework

Many of the sediments in our rivers, lakes, and oceans have been contaminated by pollutants. Some of these pollutants, such as the pesticide and the industrial chemicals, were released into the environment long ago. Other contaminants enter our waters every day. Some flow directly from industrial and municipal waste dischargers, while others come from polluted runoff in urban and agricultural areas. Still other contaminants are carried through the air, landing in lakes and streams far from the factories and other facilities that produced them.

Heavy metals are one of the most persistent pollutants in water. Unlike other pollutants, they are difficult to degrade, but can accumulate throughout the food chain, producing potential human health risks and ecological disturbances. Their presence in water is due to discharges from residential dwellings, groundwater infiltration and industrial discharges. The discharge of wastewater containing high concentrations of heavy metals to receiving water bodies has serious adverse environmental effects. Their occurrence and accumulation in the environment is a result of direct or indirect human activities, such as rapid industrialization, urbanization and anthropogenic sources (EPA, 2000; Hussein et al., 2005; Gardea-Torresdey et al., 2005; MartinGonzalez et al., 2006). A small amount of contamination of heavy metal to our bodies of water may lead to serious environmental problem. Heavy metals can either be absorbed by the sediments or accumulated by benthic organism to toxic levels; the bioavailability and subsequent toxicity of the metals are dependent upon the various forms and amount of the metal bound to the sediments.

Sediment quality is determined according to its effect on water quality and aquatic life. The No Effect Level (NEL) has zero effect on the aquatic living organisms. The Low Effect Level (LEL) is the Level in which there is little effect on


the sedimentdwelling organisms. At the Severe Effect Level (SEL) affects the health of the sediment-dwelling organisms and is considered to be heavily polluted.

Also, sediment quality is also determined based on its level of toxicity. The lower chemical exceedance level (LCEL) represents a value below which contaminants in the sediment are not expected to have adverse biological effects, whereas the upper chemical exceedance level (UCEL) represents a value above which toxicity is likely.


1.6 Conceptual Framework

Preparation of sampling bed

Preparation of containers

Collection of samples

Collection of samples

Laboratory analysis

Physical Properties

Heavy Metal Analysis (Cd, Cu, Hg and Pb)

Chemical Properties Total Phosphorus Content



Total Organic Carbon Content

Total Nitrogen Content

Accumulation Rate Determination

Interpretation of Data

Drawing of Conclusion
Figure 1 Experimental Procedure


1.7 Definition of Terms

1. Bioavailability- the rate at which a substance is absorbed or becomes available at site.

2. Bioremediation Chambers - chambers at which the water treatment is done. These are located within Estero de Balete.

3. Heavy metal - refers to any metallic chemical element that has a relatively high density and is toxic or poisonous at low concentrations. Examples of heavy metals include mercury (Hg), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As), chromium (Cr), thallium (Tl), and lead (Pb).

4. Odor - is caused by one or more volatilized chemical compounds, generally at a very low concentration, that humans or other animals perceive by thesense of olfaction. 5. Oxygen-Releasing Compound (ORC or biominerals) is the medium used in water treatment which is designed specifically to release oxygen, in a controlled fashion, into groundwater to stimulate cost effective in situ bioremediation of contaminants. In this study, the ORC used is a calciumbased compound.

6. Powder Dispersion Method - is a method of water treatment wherein the ORC are being dispersed evenly within the bioremediation chamber

7. Sediment - is naturally-occurring material that is broken down by processes of weathering and erosion, and is subsequently transported by the action of fluids such as wind, water, or ice, and/or by the force of gravity acting on the


particle itself. Sediments are most often transported by water (fluvial processes) transported by wind (Aeolian) and glaciers. Beach sands and river to channel deposits are examples of fluvial transport and deposition, though sediment also often settles out of slow-moving or standing water in lakes and oceans. Deserts and loess are examples of Aeolian transport and deposition. Glacial moraine deposits and till are ice transported sediments.

8. Tea Bag Method - is a method of water treatment wherein the ORC is placed in tea bags. These tea bags are distributed evenly within the bioremediation chamber. These bags are suspended and must be of about 3-4 inches above the chamber floor. This method is done after the Powder Dispersion Method.

9. Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen content - refers to the measure of all forms of nitrogen (organic and inorganic). Nitrogen is an essential plant element and is often the limiting nutrient in marine waters

10. Total Organic Carbon (TOC) - is the amount of carbon bound in an organic compound and is often used as a non-specific indicator of water quality or cleanliness of pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment.

11. Total Phosphorus content- is a measure of both inorganic and organic forms of phosphorus. Phosphorus can be present as dissolved or particulate matter. It is an essential plant nutrient and is often the most limiting nutrient to plant growth in fresh water. It is rarely found in significant concentrations in surface waters. It is generally reported in g/l or mg/l. The total phosphorus concentration in most lakes not affected by anthropogenic inputs is generally less than 0.01 mg/l (10 g/l).



2.1 Related Literature 2.1.1 Sediments

Many of the sediments in our rivers, lakes, and oceans have been contaminated by pollutants. Many of the contaminants were released years ago while other contaminants enter our water every day. Some contaminants flow directly from industrial and municipal waste dischargers, while others come from polluted runoff in urban and agricultural areas. Still other contaminants are carried through the air, landing in lakes and streams far from the factories and other facilities that produced them (EPA, 1996).

Sediment is any particulate matter that can be transported by fluid flow and which eventually is deposited as a layer of solid particles on the bed or bottom of a body of water or other liquid. Sedimentation is the deposition by settling of a suspended material.

Sedimentation is the tendency for particles in suspension to settle out of the fluid in which they are entrained, and come to rest against a barrier. This is due to their motion through the fluid in response to the forces acting on them: these forces can be due to gravity, centrifugal acceleration or electromagnetism. In geology sedimentation is often used as the polar opposite of erosion, i.e., the terminal end of sediment transport. In that sense it includes the termination of transport by saltation or true bed load transport. Settling is the falling of suspended particles through the liquid, whereas sedimentation is the termination of the settling process.


Sediments can become contaminated in a number of ways. Urban runoff that discharges to surface waters often contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), oil and grease, and heavy metals. Agricultural runoff may contain nutrients and pesticides. Industrial spills and releases, especially those that occurred before controls were in place, can put product into the water. Chemicals that are denser than water, suchas polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and some pesticides like DDT, will sink to the bottom of water bodies and directly contaminate sediments. Atmospheric deposition of substances such as mercury is another source of sediment contamination as is the discharge of contaminated groundwater through the sediments to the overlying surface water (USEPA 1999 and USEPA 2005).

Categories of Sediments

Sediments can be divided into three categories; framework bed load, matrix bed load and suspended bed load.

Framework bed load creates the structure of the bed. They are large particles that are moved only during large flow events.

The matrix bed load refers to the part of the bed material that is small enough to be frequently entrained by low to moderate flow but is large enough to settle out of the water column in lower velocities. They incorporate the sand and the silt size material.

The suspended bed load is the smallest size class of the total sediments of the fluvial system (RCA III 1995).



Sources of Sediments and Sediment Contaminants

Aquatic sediments are principally derived from weathering processes, with major transportation from terrestrial sources under high runoff from storms and floods. In addition, discharges from urban, industrial and mining activities are potential sources of particulates. Anthropogenic contaminants, including metals, organics and nutrient elements are associated with particulate and dissolved inputs to natural waters. It is important to distinguish between point source and diffuse inputs. (Australian and New Zealand Guidelines for Fresh and Marine Water Quality Volume 2, 2000)

A point source is an input that enters a body of water at a definitive location and can usually be quantified. Factories (industrial) and municipal wastewater outfalls are examples of point source discharges. Wastewater sources may include domestic wastewater infiltration and inflow, and wastewater from commercial sources such as canneries, agricultural operations, etc. Non-point or diffuse sources, on the other hand, are discharges that cannot be identified as coming from one definitive location or point. The discharge often enters the waterways through overland runoff, through a large number of smaller drainage pipes, or by precipitation travelling through the surface of the land and water.

2.1.2 Effects of Heavy Metal Contamination in Human Health and the Environment

Contaminated sediments may be directly toxic to aquatic life or can be a source of contaminants for bioaccumulation in the food chain. A wide range of


physical, chemical, and biological factors have the potential to influence the bioavailability of sediment contaminants (EPA 2004).

Sediment load values are of great ecological importance for an aquatic system, as they influence turbidity, nutrient concentrations, the absorption of toxic substances, and bed form characteristics.

Cadmium (Cd)

Cadmium in nature commonly occurs as a sulphide ore, usually found in association with zinc ores such as sphalerite (CCREM 1987). Cadmium is economically recoverable only when it occurs in association with zinc-, lead- and copper-bearing. The principal use of cadmium is as an alloy in electroplating, in nickel-cadmium batteries, solders, electronic equipment, photography supplies, glass, ceramics, and plastics (CCREM 1987).

The major anthropogenic sources to the aquatic environment are through emissions to air and water from mining and smelting and in the manufacture of the products noted above. Additional losses occur from agricultural uses and from the burning of fossil fuels (CCREM 1987).

In water, cadmium generally occurs in the Cd(II) form as a constituent of inorganic (halides, sulphides, oxides) and organic compounds (CCREM 1987). Cadmium in the water column can exist as free ions (small amount) or complexed to various ligands such as humic acids, organic particles and various oxides. Transport of cadmium to the sediments occurs mainly through sorption to organic matter and subsequent settling, and through coprecipitation with iron, aluminum, and manganese oxides. Cadmium can also be deposited in sediments through ion exchange (mainly with calcium) on minerals. These phases account for most of the


sediment-bound cadmium. Cadmium can also exist in sediments as free ions in the sediment pore water, as well as bound to other sediment fractions. Sediment pore water concentrations seem to be controlled by the solubility of iron and manganese oxyhydroxides in the oxidized layer (particularly as these dissolve under the advent of reducing conditions) and metal sulphides in the sulphide layer (Moore et al 1988).

Copper (Cu)

Copper occurs naturally in rocks and minerals either as native copper, or, more commonly, as a mineral ore. More than 160 copper containing minerals have been described (CCREM 1987). Since copper is a common element in rock, weathering of rock can release significant amounts to water. The uses of copper are highly varied, but principal uses are in alloys, electroplating, electrical wiring, paints, and pesticides. Copper in aquatic systems can exist in four oxidation states, of which Cu (I) and Cu (ll) are the most common. Cu (I) under aerobic conditions is readily oxidized to Cu (II). In natural waters copper undergoes complex reactions and can be present in solution, either as cupric ions or complexed with inorganic or organic ligands. Copper is transported to the sediments most often in association with organic matter, and as precipitates of hydroxides, phosphates and sulphides. Copper in sediments has a high affinity for hydrous iron and manganese oxides, clays, carbonate materials and organic matter, though the formation of these complexes is pH and redox dependent. Under normal pH and inorganic carbon, most of the copper appears to be present in the form of organic complexes, cupric carbonate complexes and coprecipitation with iron and manganese oxides (Brook & Moore 1988; CCREM 1987).

Copper in reducing sediments is primarily in the form of sulphide complexes, while in the oxidized zone it is mainly present as organic complexes or


bound to hydrous iron and manganese oxides. Therefore, under anaerobic conditions, Cu is generally immobilized in the sediments. Release of copper from sediments can be either through ion exchange, solubilization of the matrix (e.g. flux of Fe/Mn oxides under reducing conditions) or decomposition of the matrix (i.e. organic matter). Since copper is an essential micronutrient, it is readily accumulated by aquatic organisms, especially the lower animals, but no evidence exists for bio magnification. Some evidence exists to suggest that some organisms can limit the uptake of copper generally through increases in depuration rates (Luoma 1983).

Lead (Pb)

Lead occurs naturally as a constituent in a variety of minerals. The single largest use of lead is in the production of lead-acid batteries, and secondarily, in the production of chemical compounds such as tetraethyl leads. Other uses include ammunition manufacturer, paints, glassware, electroplating, electronic equipment, plastics, solder, specialized containers and construction materials. Weathering of lead minerals is the principal natural source of lead to the environment. Anthropogenic sources include street runoff, mining and smelting operations, and sewage treatment plants. Three oxidation states are of particular environmental importance in aquatic systems, though of these, Pb (II) is the most stable ionic species. Transport of lead to sediments is mainly through coprecipitation with hydrous iron and manganese oxides, complexation with clays (which can also contain appreciable amounts of iron and manganese hydroxides) and sorption to organic matter. In sediments, much of the lead is found in association with the Fe/Mn hydroxides. In oxidized sediments lead is strongly bound to the hydroxide and organic matter fractions of the sediments. Under reducing conditions lead can be released to the water column or can form sulphides as the Fe and Mn oxides dissolve.


Lead can be bioaccumulated by aquatic organisms. Organisms held at lower pH (approx. 6.0) accumulated more lead than at higher pH presumably due to the greater availability of divalent lead at these pH levels. Pb (n) appears to be the most bioavailable species. In general, the organic forms (e.g. tetraethyllead) appear to be the most bioavailable.

Mercury (Hg)

Mercury is a toxic substance which has no known function in human biochemistry or physiology and does not occur naturally in living organisms. Monomethylmercury is probably the most common toxic form of mercury found in the marine environment. It has been known to travel through marine food chains and causes damage to human consumers. All mercury that is released in the environment will eventually end up in soils or surface waters.

2.1.3 Sediment Quality Guidelines

a. Ontario Ministry of Environment Screening Level Guidelines

The Ontario Ministry of Environment developed sediment quality guidelines based on screening level concentrations from data for a range of local sediments and benthic biota (ANZECC, 2000). The ministry had set three levels of guidelines, the no-effect-level or NEL, the low-effect-level or LEL and the severeeffect-level or SEL.

The NEL is point at which the chemicals in the sediments do not affect fish or sediment-dwelling organisms. There is no expected effect on the water quality


for there is no transfer of chemicals on the food chain. This level is considerably clean. The LEL is the lowest that toxic effects become apparent and the SEL represents concentrations that could effectively eliminate most of the benthic organisms and pollutes the sediments. If the sediment is above SEL, testing must be made to find out if the sediment is acutely toxic.

In line with the three levels of guidelines, the levels of contaminations for possible metals and nutrient contents were set by Ontario Ministry of Environment. Values are shown in Tables 2.1 and 2.2.

Table 2.1 Ontario Ministry of Screening Level Guidelines Lowest Effect Level (ppm) Severe Effect Level (ppm)
















Table 2.2 Ontario Sediment Quality Benchmarks Lowest Effect Level (ppm) 600 550 1% Severe Effect Level (ppm) 2000 4800 10%


Total Phosphorus Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Total Organic Carbon

The levels of effect are designed to help environmental managers determine: when sediment may be considered clean; what levels of contamination are acceptable for short periods of time while the source of the contamination is being controlled and cleanup plans are being developed; what levels of contamination are considered severe enough to consider the possibility of either removing the sediment or covering it with a layer or two of cleaner sediment; This is called capping. The three levels of effect are: The No Effect Level: This is the level at which the chemicals in the sediment do not affect fish or the sediment-dwelling organisms. At this level no transfer of chemicals through the food chain and no effect on water quality are expected.


Sediment that has a No Effect Level rating is considered clean and no management decisions are required. Furthermore, it may be placed in rivers and lakes provided it does not physically affect the fish habitat or existing water uses - for example a water intake pipe. The Lowest Effect Level: This indicates a level of contamination which has no effect on the majority of the sediment-dwelling organisms. The sediment is clean to marginally polluted. Dredged sediments containing concentrations of organic contaminants PCBs or pesticides, for example - that fall between the No Effect Level and the Lowest Effect Level may not be disposed of in an area where the sediment at the proposed disposal site has been rated at the No Effect Level or better. Contamination in sediment that exceeds the Lowest Effect Level may require further testing and a management plan. The Severe Effect Level: At this level, the sediment is considered heavily polluted and likely to affect the health of sediment-dwelling organisms. If the level of contamination exceeds the Severe Effect Level then testing is required to determine whether or not the sediment is acutely toxic. At the Severe Effect Level a management plan may be required. The plan may include controlling the source of the contamination and removing the sediment.

b. Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline

The Sediment Quality Guidelines of Hong Kong were primarily adopted or modified from the United States and other temperate countries even though Hong


Kong is located in the tropics. Hong Kong also has unique climate and hydrology that make adopting SQGs from other countries not desirable. Unlike most tropical countries, Hong Kong has marked seasonality with warm, wet summers and cold, dry winters.

The Sediment Quality Guideline values were derived from an extensive international database including effects range low (ERL), effects range median (ERM), and the Puget Sound Estuary Program. The chemical classes currently measured include metals, metalloids, PAHs, PCBs, and tributylin. Two SQGs were developed for each chemical or class of chemicals. The lower chemical exceedance level (LCEL) represents a value below which contaminants in the sediment are not expected to have adverse biological effects, whereas the upper chemical exceedance level (UCEL) represents a value above which toxicity is likely.

Table 2.3 Sediment quality guideline values Lower Concentration Exceedance Level (LCEL) and Upper Concentration Exceedance Level (UCEL) of Hong Kong


Lower Chemical Exceedance Level (ppm)

Upper Chemical Exceedance Level (ppm)

Lead Mercury Copper 75 0.5 65 110 1 270


2.1.4 Bioremediation

Bioremediation can be defined as any process that uses microorganisms, fungi, green plants or their enzymes to return the natural environment altered by contaminants to its original condition. Aerobic Bioremediation is the practice of adding oxygen to groundwater and/or soil to increase the number and vitality of indigenous microorganisms performing biodegradation, calcium peroxide and magnesium peroxide is often used as injection material.

The activity of naturally occurring microbes is stimulated by circulating water-based solutions through contaminated soils to enhance in situ biological degradation of organic contaminants or immobilization of inorganic contaminants. Nutrients, oxygen, or other amendments may be used to enhance bioremediation and contaminant desorption from subsurface materials.

Through bioremediation, soil lightly contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons is inoculated with a nutrient and an engineered bacterium that combine to break down the contaminants. The bacteria access the nutrients, which have attached to the hydrocarbons, and quickly and thoroughly degrade the contaminants. The average time needed to reduce contaminants to acceptable levels through bioremediation is approximately 7 to 14 days. The bioremediation process provides substantial cost savings when compared to thermal desorption or chemical fixation, and is typically used on soil with lower levels of contaminants. Materials treated through bioremediation are typically beneficially re-used as fill material.

Biological stimulants are often used to enhance the natural attenuation of environmental contaminants. Bioremediation products are commercially used to attenuate such contaminants as fuel hydrocarbon constituents and organic solvents


that may be biologically transformed or immobilized under aerobic conditions. The dissolved oxygen released from such products transforms/immobilizes the contaminants. For this reason, a slow dissolved oxygen release is preferred to increase contact with the contaminants dissolved in groundwater or adsorbed onto the formation matrix. A fast release is ineffective when trying to remove the contaminants. For example, magnesium peroxide / calcium peroxide is a potential stimulant for contaminant attenuation. However, upon hydration these peroxides tend to disassociate rapidly. In fact, magnesium/calcium peroxide can release their entire dissolved oxygen load within a few weeks of hydration. For optimum use, such stimulants must release dissolved oxygen slowly over a longer period of time, on the order of months and not weeks. There are other compounds, such as MgO2, CaO2, that slowly release oxygen when chemically bonded with phosphate. This release of oxygen is a chemical process. Again, if the oxygen is released too fast, the compound is useless as a bioremediation product. While chemically-bonded products can solve the time-releasing problem, such compounds can be costly to manufacture and use in large amounts. Magnesium Peroxide has the active oxygen level as 10% commercially but Calcium Peroxide provides active oxygen level as 16%.

Bioremediation techniques have been successfully used to remediate soils, sludge, and ground water contaminated with petroleum hydrocarbons, solvents, pesticides, wood preservatives, and other organic chemicals.

2.1.5 Total Organic Carbon

Total organic carbon has a major influence on both the chemical and biological process that take place in sediments. The amount of organic carbon has a direct role in determining the redox potential in sediment, thus regulating the behavior of other chemical species such as metals. Sources of organic carbon


include organic matter from overland runoff and shoreline erosion (mostly marshes), and primary productivity within the bays, all of which eventually settle to the bay bottom and are incorporated into the sediment. Too much organic matter can lead to the depletion of oxygen the sediment and overlying water, which can have a deleterious effect on the benthic and fish communities. Total organic carbon (TOC) content in sediments has been used as an indicator of pollution and eutrophication rate (Folger 1972; EPA 2002).

2.1.6 Total Phosphorus

Phosphorus occurs naturally in rocks and other mineral deposits. During the natural process of weathering, the rocks gradually release the phosphorus as phosphate ions which are soluble in water and the mineralize phosphate compounds breakdown. Phosphates are formed from this element. Phosphates

exist in three forms: orthophosphate, metaphosphate (or polyphosphate) and organically bound phosphate each compound contains phosphorous in a different chemical arrangement. These forms of phosphate occur in living and decaying plant and animal remains, as free ions or weakly chemically bounded in aqueous systems, chemically bounded to sediments and soils, or as mineralized compounds in soil, rocks, and sediments.

Phosphorus is one of the key elements necessary for growth of plants and animals and in lake ecosystems it tends to be the growth limiting nutrient. The presence of phosphorus is often scarce in the well-oxygenated lake waters and importantly, the low levels of phosphorus limit the production of freshwater systems (Ricklefs, 1993).Unlike nitrogen, phosphate is retained in the soil by a complex system of biological uptake, absorption, and mineralization. Phosphates are not toxic to people or animals unless they are present in very high levels. Digestive problems could occur from extremely high levels of phosphate. The


soluble or bio-available phosphate is then used by plants and animals. The phosphate becomes incorporated into the biological system but the key areas include: ATP, DNA, and RNA; ATP, adenosine triphosphate, which is important in the storage and use of energy and a key stage in the Kreb's Cycle. RNA and DNA are the backbones of life on this planet, via genetics. Therefore the

availability of phosphorous is a key factor controlling photosynthesis.

Phosphate will stimulate the growth of plankton and aquatic plants which provide food for larger organisms, including: zooplankton, fish, humans, and other mammals. Plankton represents the base of the food chain. Initially, this increased productivity will cause an increase in the fish population and overall biological diversity of the system. But as the phosphate loading continues and there is a build-up of phosphate in the lake or surface water ecosystem, the aging process of lake or surface water ecosystem will be accelerated. The overproduction of lake or water body can lead to an imbalance in the nutrient and material cycling process (Ricklefs, 1993). Eutrophication (from the Greek - meaning "well nourished") is enhanced production of primary producers resulting in reduced stability of the ecosystem; excessive nutrient inputs, usually nitrogen and phosphate, have been shown to be the main cause of eutrophication over the past 30 years. This aging process can result in large fluctuations in the lake water quality and trophic status and in some cases periodic blooms of cyanobacteria.

The non-point sources of phosphates include: natural decomposition of rocks and minerals, stormwater runoff, agricultural runoff, erosion and sedimentation, atmospheric deposition, and direct input by animals/wildlife; whereas: point sources may include: wastewater treatment plants and permitted industrial discharges. In general, the non-point source pollution typically is

significantly higher than the point sources of pollution. Therefore, the key to sound management is to limit the input from both point and non-point sources of phosphate.


2.1.7 Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen

Nitrogen itself is not hazardous when present in water, and therefore does not cause any environmental damage. In seawater nitrates, nitrites and ammonia are dietary requirements for plankton, causing nitrogen concentrations to be lower at the surface than in the deep. At increasing nitrogen concentrations in surface layers, plankton production increases, leading to algal blooms. This may occur in any type of surface water. Large amounts of nitrate may cause eutrophication, which means an excess of nutrients resulting in oxygen deprivation and fish deaths (see oxygen and water). Nitrogen does not limit algal growth, because phosphorus is generally a limiting factor in water bodies. This means that phosphorus is the determining factor of algal spreading through surface waters. Oxygen deficits in surface water generally result in nitrate reduction to elementary nitrogen or nitrous oxide.

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen or TKN is the sum of organic nitrogen, ammonia (NH3), and ammonium (NH4+) in the chemical analysis of soil, water, or wastewater (e.g. sewage treatment plant effluent). To calculate Total Nitrogen (TN), the concentrations of nitrate-N and nitrite-N are determined and added to TKN.TKN is determined in the same manner as organic nitrogen, except that the ammonia is not driven off before the digestion step.


2.1.8 Equipment

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS)

Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer is designed to determine the presence and concentrations of metals in sediment samples. Metals include Cd, Cu, Pb, and Hg, Cd. Typical concentrations range in the low mg/L (ppm) range. The light of a specific wavelength is passed through the atomic vapor of an element of interest, and measurement is made of the attenuation of the intensity of the light as a result of absorption. Quantitative analysis by AA depends on the accurate measurement of the intensity of the light and the assumption that the radiation absorbed is proportional to atomic concentration. Metals will absorb ultraviolet light in their elemental form when they are excited by heat, either by flame or graphite furnace. Each metal has a characteristic wavelength that will be absorbed. The AAS instrument looks for a particular metal by focusing a beam of UV light at a specific wavelength through a flame and into a detector. The sample of interest is aspirated into the flame. If that metal is present in the sample, it will absorb some of the light, thus reducing its intensity. The instrument measures the change in intensity. A computer data system converts the change in intensity into an absorbance.


2.2 Related Studies

Heavy Metal Contamination in Sediments A study conducted by Sukiman B. Sarmani determines the heavy metals in water, suspended materials and sediments from Langat River, Malaysia states the distribution of heavy metals in the Langat River were studied for a period of six months. Heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, cerium, cobalt, chromium, cesium, lanthalium, rubidium, antimony scandium and zinc were determined in water suspended materials and sediments samples from Langat River by neutron activation and atomic absorption spectrometry.

A study was conducted by Ahmad et al. (2009) to determine the concentration of selected heavy metals in Sungai Kelantan, Kelantan, Malaysia. The river water quality was measured together with metal concentrations in sediments in order to confirm to quality of the river. Result of water quality analysis indicated that Sungai Kelantan is characterized by excellent water quality. Total metal concentrations in sediment were lower as compared to the concentration in earth crust for baseline concentration for heavy metals.

Dr. Walter Gossler and AnilaNeziri of University of Shkodra, Albania conducted a study about the monitoring of heavy metals in water and sediment samples from Drini River, Buna River and Lake Shkodra. From the results of analysis of sediments from Shkodra Lake, River Drini and River Buna by using two methods of extraction and analyzing them in ICP-MS for total concentration of toxic metals as Copper and Cadmium, they concluded that sites in river Drini and Buna are most contaminated from these metals which indicated in water quality Shkodra lake and posted a risk for lake Buta. The most probable results are geological construction from North Albania and the existing of the considerable number of mines near Drini River.



Nutrient Content of Sediments Determination of total Phosphorus, total Nitrogen and Nitrogen Fractions by Dr. Enno The task of this desk study is to give a survey over the existing standards and the state of the art of the determination of total nitrogen (Dumas), Kjeldahl nitrogen, the nitrogen fractions and total phosphorus. The evaluation of the possibility of proposing draft standards for the fields of soil, sludge, bio waste and related wastes for the respective nutrients should be the outcome. The

assessment of the existing standards shows that partly acceptable descriptions exist. They are related to one field only e.g. soil or e.g. sludge. The different materials require different proceedings and especially the homogeneity has to be considered. The high demands on analytical quality and the respective validation have to be satisfied. The result of this desk study is presented in four separate draft standards for the determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen, total nitrogen (Dumas), the extraction of nitrogen fractions and total phosphorus. The necessary work to validate these standards to fulfill the high demands on analytical quality for all applications described in the corresponding scope is pronounced.

Bioremediation A review about Bioremediation has been argued to be one of the most costeffective remediation technologies available to reduce soil, sediment, or groundwater contamination, particularly because this approach may allow for the implementation of in-place strategies. This has been prepared by P. Adriaens, M.Y. Li and A. M. Michalak Recent entitled Scaling Methods of Sediment Bioremediation Processes and Applications. Trends have advocated the application of innovative sediment stabilization strategies through placement of (reactive) capping material to allow long-term biodegradation of contaminants in these complex biogeochemical environments. The potential long-term risk reduction


associated with this approach requires a demonstration of causal relationships between sediment or contaminant stability on the one hand, and microbial reactivity on the other. The spatial analysis needed to fully understand and quantify these correlations requires sensitive probabilistic techniques. This work will be used to develop an uncertainty-based spatial decision tool for site remediation in this watershed using various capping strategies.

A study entitled Developments in Bioremediation of Soils and Sediments Polluted with Metals and Radionuclides by Henry H. Tabak, US EPA, ORD, Environmental Research Center, National Risk Management Research Laboratory, Land Remediation and Pollution Control Division, Cincinnati and Terry C. Hazen, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Virtual Institute for Microbial Stress and Survival, Earth Sciences Division, Ecology Dept. Berkeley. This paper will provide a review of published research on field studies on bioremediation of metal and radionuclide contaminated soils and sediments. The paper will (1) cite

examples of field research and cases of field in-situ bioremediation of metal and radionuclide contaminated soils and sediments; (2) discuss the role of phytoremediation in the treatment of metal and radionuclide contaminated soils; and (3) provide information on the use and field-scale application of surfactants in the treatment of metal and radionuclide pollution of soils and sediments. The following metal-microbe interactions that impact bioremediation of metal contamination in soils and that can be applied to field-scale biotreatment will be discussed: Biotransformation (bioreduction and biooxidation); (2) bioaccumulation and biosorption; (3) biodegradation of chelators; (4) biosurfactants and biologically-assisted soil washing; (5) volatilization; and (6) biotreatment trains and natural attenuation. The paper will also discuss research on the treatment of metal contaminated soils, wetlands and mine areas with the use of biosolids, by providing information on (1) in-situ soil treatments to reduce phyto- and bioavailability of metals and (2) the use of biosolids to restore metal contaminated mining areas impacted by metal tailings. The last 15 years have seen an increase in


the types of contaminants to which bioremediation is being applied, including solvents, PAHs and PCBs. Now, microbial processes are beginning to be used in the cleanup of radioactive and metallic contaminants of soils and sediments. Microorganisms can interact with these contaminants and transform them from one chemical form to another by changing their oxidation state through the addition of (reduction) or moving (oxidation) of electrons.

In some bioremediation strategies, the solubility of the transformed metal or radionuclide increases, thus increasing the mobility of these contaminants and allowing them to more easily be flushed out from the environment. In other strategies, the transformed metal or radionuclide may precipitate out of the solution, leading to immobilization. Both kinds of transformations present opportunities for bioremediation of metals and radionuclides in the environments; either to immobilize or to accelerate their removal. Metal contamination of soils and sediments is especially problematic because of the strong adsorption of many metals to their particles. Due to the difficulty of desorbing metal contaminants, some traditional remediation methods, simply immobilize metals in contaminated soils, by the addition of cement or chemical fixatives, by capping with asphalt, or by in-situ vitrification. Alternatively, soils are often isolated by excavation and confinement in hazardous waste facilities. Although rapid in effect, both of these options are expensive and destroy soils future productivity. The success of soil washing and pump-and-treat technologies to remove metals is severely limited by the slow desorption kinetics of adsorbed metals, with the result that additional additives (acids, chelates and reductants) are often used to promote metal transfer to the aqueous phase. These agents improve cost effectiveness but may introduce further harmful chemicals. A primary strategy of bioremediation is the use of similar metal-immobilizing agents in conjunction with soil washing, with advantage that they pose no known environmental threat themselves. Biopolymers have been discovered that bind metals with high affinity and travel relatively

unimpeded through porous medium. Certain microorganisms transform strongly-


adsorbing metal species into more soluble forms and plants are being recruited that act as self-contained pump-and-treat systems. Other methods employ enzymatic activities to transform metal species into volatile, less toxic or insoluble forms. Techniques for soil bioremediation are usually designed to be used in-situ, lowering costs; they avoid the use of toxic chemicals and in nearly all cases, the soil structure and potential for productivity are preserved.

Accumulation Rate of Sediments A study entitled Estimating accumulation rates in manila Bay, a marine pollution hot spot in the Seas of East Asia Study by E.Z. Sombrito,A.dM, Bulos,F.P. Siringan and E.J. Sta Maria, they identify Manila Bay as among the marine pollution hot spots in the East Asia. Pb lead dating of its sediments can provide a historical perspective of its pollution loading. However, the validity of Pb dating in a complex dynamic coastal system of Manila Bay may come into Questions. Land-based sediment input can be high and physical and biological processes can possibly disturb the sediment layers. In this report, the Pb profiles of sediment core from different parts of the variable across the bay. The largest change in sedimentation rate coincided with the occurrence of a volcanic eruption in 1991 and is shown by applying a variant of the CIC model in sedimentation rate calculations. The data suggest that Pb dating can be very useful in estimating relative magnitudes of sedimentation rates, even in a complex dynamic coastal system like Manila Bay.



3.1 Description of Study Area

Figure 3.1a Bioremediation Chambers Bioremediation chambers are located along Estero de Balete. The three chambers are 5.7 ft high and have an area of about 222.71 ft2.



Experimental Design










Figure 3.1b Experimental Design for the Determination of Accumulation Rate

3.2 Preparation of Sampling Bed and Containers Sampling bed are composed of frame made of a wood 1 ft. by 1 ft. dimensions and the filter bed made of filter cloth (katsa), assembled manually. The filter beds are weighed individually in a Top Load Balance. Containers for sediments subjected to heavy metal analysis were cleaned by washing with distilled water.

Filter Bed

Wood Frame 1 ft by 1 ft

1 in

Figure 3.2 Sampling Bed



3.3 Selection of Sampling Site Sampling beds were diagonally arranged in the chamber as shown in Figure 5. The filter beds were placed before the treatment process.
14 ft 7 in 14 ft 8 in

8 ft 1 in 8 ft 1 in

Chamber 1 Chamber 2

Figure 3.3 Sampling Points for Determination of Accumulation Rate

3.4 Collection of Sediment Samples For the determination of accumulation rate of sediments, samples were taken from each chamber every 22 days in a 2-month period, as water from each chamber is transferred from one chamber to another every month. Filter beds were lifted up when the water level is already about one foot above the ground of the chamber. The cloth, which contains the sediments, was sun dried and then weighed. Sediments, which are subjected for the analysis of heavy metal content and nutrient content, were collected by getting samples from random sites within the chamber. Samples, in the form of sludge, were placed in pet bottles. Overlying water was eliminated from the pet bottle. All samples were kept at 4C and then sent to a DENR accredited private laboratory for analysis. The following methods were used by the government accredited private laboratory for the sediment analysis:


Table 3.4 Methods Used for the Analysis of Total Phosphorus, Total Organic Carbon, Total Nitrogen and Heavy Metals

Contaminant Heavy Metals Copper Cadmium Lead Mercury

Method Used

Flame AAS Flame AAS Flame AAS Manual Cold Vapor AAS Nutrient Content Ascorbic Acid Method/ Titrimetric Method Stannous Chloride Method/ Titrimetric Method Kjeldahl Method

Total Organic Carbon

Total Phosphorus

Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen




The data obtained from the experiment were presented, analyzed and interpreted in this chapter to determine the effect of the bioremediation treatment on the physical and chemical properties of sediments of Estero de Balete. The results of analyses from the second run of the test were analyzed here because more considerable change on the properties of sediments was observed than in the first run.

4.1 Physical Properties of Collected Sediments Table 4.1 Physical Properties of Collected Sediments

Physical Property Color

Powder Dispersion Method (Chamber 1) Light Greenish gray gray Fishy

Tea Bag Method (Chamber 2) Dark greenish



The sediments collected from the chamber, using Powder Dispersion Method, was observed to have light greenish gray color while the sediments from the chamber, using Tea Bag Method, have dark greenish gray color. The light color in the Powder Dispersion Method was mainly due to the presence of unmixed biominerals in the collected sediments. The odor of sediments collected from the chamber both have fishy odor. The odor may be attributed to the occurrence of algae buildup inside the chamber.


4.2 Heavy Metal Concentrations of Collected Sediments Heavy metals which are in high concentrations are toxic to plants and animals. Figure 4.2 shows the heavy metal concentrations of the collected sediments after undergoing bioremediation treatment.
9 8 7 Concentration (ppm) 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Powder Dispersion Method Copper Lead Cadmium Tea Bag Method Mercury 0.1 ND ND ND ND 2.5 2.4 7.7

ND - Not Detected (below reporting limits)

Figure 4.2 Graphical Representation of Heavy Metal Concentrations of Collected Sediments The results show a decrease in the heavy metal content after the treatment. Copper content was reduced by 70%. Cadmium and lead after Tea Bag Method were below the reporting limits. This means that amounts of cadmium and lead are insignificant and thus, it can be concluded that the collected sediments had negligible amounts of the cadmium and lead after the remediation. Mercury contents were also found to be below the reporting limits right after the first treatment. This could mean that the sediments from the Estero de Balete hold a very small amount of mercury.

The decrease in the heavy metal content can mainly be attributed to the reaction occurred between the biominerals and the heavy metal species in the


sediments. In the first treatment, the biominerals were in direct contact with the sediments. This caused the heavy metals to precipitate and coagulate inside the chamber. The particles that built up were then settled at the bottom. Apparently, when the wastewater was transferred to the second chamber, lesser amount of sediments had come with. Therefore, as expected, heavy metal analysis for the first method would be much higher than for the second.

4.3 Nutrient Content of Collected Sediments Nutrients in sediments such as Total Organic Carbon, Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus are essential in the growth of organisms. However, excess amount of these nutrients in a waterway can lead to low levels of dissolved oxygen and negatively alter various plant life and organisms. In this study, the nutrient contents are tested to show the effectiveness of the ORC used in reducing excessive amounts of nutrients in sediments.
60 50 Concentration (ppm) 40 30 20 10 1.23 0 Powder Dispersion Method Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Total Organic Carbon Tea Bag Method Total Phosphorus 2.7 0.84 37 54


Figure 4.3 Graphical Representation of Nutrient Concentrations of Collected Sediments


Figure 4.3 shows the concentrations of Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, and Total Organic Carbon concentrations after the treatment. Decrease in the nutrient content was observed after using the two methods. Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus contents were both reduced by just about 32% and the Total Organic Carbon contents were reduced by 89%.

4.4 Assessment of Collected Sediments using Sediment Quality Guidelines 4.4.1 Ontario Ministry Sediment Quality Guideline The purpose of the Ontario Ministry Sediment Quality Guidelines is to protect the aquatic environment by setting safe levels for metals, nutrients (substances which promote the growth of algae) and organic compounds. The comparisons of the concentrations of contaminants in the sediments collected with the Ontario Ministry Sediment Quality Guidelines are shown below. Copper
120 100 Concentration (ppm) 80 60 40 20 0
SEL LEL Powder Dispersion Tea Bag Method Method


16 7.7 2.4

Figure 4.4a Comparison of Copper Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines


Figures 4.4a shows the comparison of copper concentrations from the collected sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines. Copper in sediments and in water in is usually associated with tubing & plumbing which water comes into contact with. The figure shows that the concentrations of copper after the treatment were below the LEL value of Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines which means that it cause no serious effect to the environment.

300 250 250 Concentration (ppm) 200 150 100 50 0
SEL LEL Powder Dispersion Tea Bag Method Method
ND - Not Detected (below reporting limits)

31 2.5 ND

Figure 4.4b Comparison of Lead Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines

Figure 4.4b describes the comparison of lead concentrations from sediments collected with the Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines. Lead, a metal found in natural deposits, is commonly found on some consumer products such as paint and childrens toys. Lead contamination may be caused by disposal of leadcontaining objects to Estero de Balete. The figure above shows that concentrations of lead were below the LEL values of Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines. Hence, lead concentrations after the treatment pose no threat to the surroundings.



12 10 10 Concentration (ppm) 8 6 4 2 0.6 0
SEL LEL Powder Dispersion Tea Bag Method Method
ND - Not Detected (below reporting limits)



Figure 4.4c Comparison of Cadmium Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines
Figure 4.4c represents the comparison of cadmium concentrations tested with the LEL and SEL values of Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines. Cadmium is a natural, usually minor constituent of surface and groundwater. Cadmium contamination may be caused by weathering and erosion of soils and bedrock and improper disposal of cadmium-containing waste. Based on the figure, concentrations of cadmium after treatment were lower than the LEL value of Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines. Thus, cadmium concentration can be considered to present little or no ecological effects.



2.5 2 2 Concentration (ppm)


0.5 0.2 ND 0
SEL LEL Powder Dispersion Tea Bag Method Method
ND - Not Detected (below reporting limits)


Figure 4.4d Comparison of Mercury Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines Figure 4.4d describes the comparison of mercury concentrations of the sediments collected with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines. It shows that concentrations of mercury were insignificant after treatment so, apparently, mercury concentrations were below the LEL values and therefore, it pose no serious threat in the surrounding.

In brief, heavy metal concentrations were below the Low and Severe Effect Levels of Ontario Ministry Sediment Quality Guideline. This means that the collected sediments now have a No Effect Level rating. Therefore, the sediments are now considered clean and no management decisions are required. The OMSQ Guideline suggests that the sediments in Estero de Balete may be placed in rivers and lakes provided it does not physically affect the fish habitat or existing water uses.


Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen
6000 5000 4800

Concentration (ppm)

4000 3000 2000 1000 0

SEL LEL Powder Dispersion Tea Bag Method Method

550 54 37

Figure 4.4e Comparison of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines Total Phosphorus
2500 2000 2000 Concentration (ppm)


1000 600 500 1.23 0

SEL LEL Powder Dispersion Tea Bag Method Method


Figure 4.4f Comparison of Total Phosphorus Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines


Total Organic Carbon
120000 100000 100000 Concentration (ppm) 80000 60000 40000 20000 0
SEL LEL Powder Dispersion Tea Bag Method Method

10000 24 2.7

Figure 4.4g Comparison of Total Organic Carbon Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines Figures 4.4d, 4.4e and 4.4f describe the comparison of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus and Total Organic Carbon concentrations of the sediments collected after the treatment with the Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines. Nutrient concentrations were below the Lowest Effect Level values of the Ontario Sediment Quality Guideline. Therefore, the nutrient concentrations after the treatment have no effect on water quality.



4.4.2 Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline The sediment quality, according to its level of toxicity, is determined with the use of the Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline. Analyses using this guideline are as follows.

300 250 Concentration (ppm) 200 150 100 65 50 7.7 0
UCEL LCEL Powder Dispersion Tea Bag Method Method



ND - Not Detected (Below Reporting Limits)

Figure 4.4h Comparison of Copper Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline

Copper concentrations found on the collected sediments were below the LCEL of the Hong Kong sediment quality guideline s shown in Figure 4.4h. This implies that copper content after treatment are not expected to have adverse biological effects.



120 100 Concentration (ppm) 80 60 40 20 2.5 0
UCEL LCEL Powder Dispersion Tea Bag Method Method




ND - Not Detected (Below Reporting Limits)

Figure 4.4i Comparison of Lead Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline Figure 4.4i shows the comparison of lead concentration from the sediments collected with Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline. Amount of lead after the treatment were below 75 ppm which is the LCEL value of Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline. Thus, the lead concentrations are not expected to cause unfavorable environmental effects.



1.2 1 1 Concentration (ppm) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2



ND 0


Powder Dispersion Tea Bag Method Method

ND - Not Detected (Below Reporting Limits)

Figure 4.4j Comparison of Mercury Concentration from the Collected Sediments with Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline

Figure 4.4i shows the comparison of lead concentration from the sediments collected with Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline. Detected amounts of mercury were too small after the treatment. Perceptibly, the concentrations of mercury were below the LCEL value of the Hong Kong sediment quality guideline which means that adverse biological effects are doubtful.


4.5 Accumulation Rate of Sediments

Table 4.5 Accumulation Rate of Sediments in each Filter Bed per Unit Area

Method Used Powder Method

1st Run 596.05 mg/ m2 hr

2nd Run 294.82 mg/ m2 hr

Average 445.4 mg/ m2 hr

Tea Bag Method

30.89 mg/ m2 hr

30.89 mg/ m2 hr

Table 4.5 shows the accumulation rate of sediments in chamber 1 (Powder Dispersion Method) and chamber 2 (Tea Bag Method). As expected, the accumulation rate in chamber 1 is higher than chamber 2. This is evident since chamber 1 contains more amounts of sediments. In chamber 1, sediments were mixed up with the dispersed biominerals. Consequently, large particles were formed and settled at the bottom. Larger particles are more likely to have faster settling rate. Given that the biominerals used in chamber 2 were not in direct contact with the sediments, it can be concluded that sediments in this chamber has smaller particle size. Therefore, it would have lesser settling rate.



5.1 Summary of Findings

The sediment samples collected were subjected to metals and nutrient content analysis done by a government accredited laboratory. Table 5.1 shows the summary of contaminant analyses in comparison with the two Sediment Quality Guidelines: Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines and Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline. Table 5.1 Concentrations of Lead, Mercury, Copper, Cadmium and Nutrients from Sediments Collected after the Bioremediation Treatment and from Sediment Quality Guidelines (ppm)

Method Used







Powder Method Tea Bag Method

Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines

7.7 2.4

2.5 ND

0.10 ND


54 37

1.23 0.84

24 2.7









Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline








*ND Not Detected (Below Reporting Limits)


5.2 Conclusions

The accumulated sediments in the treatment chambers were observed to have greenish gray color and have a fishy odor. This observation can mainly be attributed to the algae growth as the remediation goes on.

Based on the results obtained, the mean heavy metal levels after the remediation test provided an array of Cu>Pb>Cd>Hg. After the treatment, significant amounts of Copper in sediments were still present while the presence of Lead, Cadmium and Mercury was not detected. The concentrations of all the metal contaminant are below the Lowest Effect Level values of Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines and Lower Concentration Exceedance Level values of Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline. Therefore, these metals pose no significant effect to the environment and adverse biological effects are very much doubtful.

Also, the nutrient concentrations of the collected sediments are found to be of favorable amounts. After the treatment, the concentrations of Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus and Total Organic Carbon are below the lower threshold limits of Ontario Sediment Quality Guidelines and Hong Kong Sediment Quality Guideline. Thus, these nutrients pose no serious threat to the surrounding.

The average accumulation rate of the sediments in the first (Powder Dispersion Method) and second (Tea Bag Method) chamber was found to be 445.4 mg/m2h and 30.89 mg/m2h, respectively.


5.3 Recommendations

Based on the observations, we recommend a further study on the copper content of the sediments from estero. Even though the copper concentrations were below the lower threshold limit of the sediment quality guidelines, a comprehensive outline of its source must be provided. Further research on how the copper content will completely remove from the sediments must be done.

It is recommended to identify the presence of other heavy metals such as chromium and zinc to verify the quality of the treated sediments. Also, other properties of the sediments such as Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) must be part of future studies.

It is also recommended to run more trials to validate the efficiency of the bio-remediation medium used.

Further research on other remediation techniques must be done so we can provide evidence that Estero de Balete still holds its hope for the existence of future biodiversity.



Appendix A: Results of Analyses

Run 1 Date of Sampling: December 17, 2010

Test Description Cadmium Copper Lead Mercury Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Phosphate-P Total Organic Carbon Cadmium Copper Lead Mercury Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Phosphate-P Total Organic Carbon

Reporting Limits Chamber 1 (Powder Dispersion Method) ND* mg/L 0.01 9.9 mg/L 0.04 ND mg/L 0.07 Results Units 0.03 36 2.0 mg/L mg/L mg/L 0.0002 1.0 0.05

Test Methods Flame AAS Flame AAS Flame AAS Manual Cold Vapor AAS Titrimetry (Kjeldahl Method) Stannous Chloride Method Titrimetry Flame AAS Flame AAS Flame AAS Manual Cold Vapor AAS Titrimetry (Kjeldahl Method) Stannous Chloride Method Titrimetry

4.87 % w/w 0.10 Chamber 2 (Tea Bag Method) ND mg/kg 0.20 0.52 mg/kg 0.80 ND mg/kg 1.4 0.03 33 1.1 4.47 mg/kg mg/L mg/L % w/w 0.007 1.0 0.05 0.10

*ND = Not Detected (Below Reporting Limits)



Run 2 Date of Sampling: January 28, 2011

Test Description Cadmium Copper Lead Mercury Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Phosphate-P Total Organic Carbon Cadmium Copper Lead Mercury Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen Phosphate-P Total Organic Carbon

Reporting Limits Chamber 1 (Powder Dispersion Method) 0.1 mg/L 0.01 7.7 mg/L 0.04 2.5 mg/L 0.07 Results Units ND* 54 24 mg/L mg/L mg/L 0.10 1.0 2.0

Test Methods Flame AAS Flame AAS Flame AAS Manual Cold Vapor AAS Titrimetry (Kjeldahl Method) Stannous Chloride Method Titrimetry Flame AAS Flame AAS Flame AAS Manual Cold Vapor AAS Titrimetry (Kjeldahl Method) Stannous Chloride Method Titrimetry

1.23 % w/w 0.02 Chamber 2 (Tea Bag Method) ND mg/kg 0.20 2.4 mg/kg 0.80 ND mg/kg 1.4 ND 37 2.7 0.84 mg/kg mg/L mg/L % w/w 0.1 1.0 2.0 0.02

*ND = Not Detected (Below Reporting Limits)



Appendix B: Calculation of Accumulation Rate of Collected Sediments

Table B.1 Weight of Sediment Samples in Each Filter Bed (First Run) Treatment Chamber Chamber 1 (Powder Dispersion Method) Area = 0.5056 m

Weight of Sediments (grams)




Table B.2 Weight of Sediment Samples in Each Filter Bed (Second Run) Treatment Chamber Chamber 1 (Powder Dispersion Method) Area = 0.5056 m Chamber 2 (Tea Bag Method) Area = 0.5781 m
2 2

Weight of Sediments (grams)









First Run: Chamber 1 ( )

Second Run: Chamber 1 ( )

Chamber 2 ( )


Appendix C: Research Images

Treatment Chamber


\ Collection of Filter Beds



Sediment Sample

Sediment Sampling



Storage of Sample



The Researchers


Appendix D: References

A. Books

Mudroch A, Azcue JM & Mudroch P 1997. Manual of Physico-chemical Analysis of Aquatic Sediments. Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, FL.

USEPA. 2005. Contaminated Sediment Remediation Guidance for Hazardous Waste Sites, EPA-540-R-05-012. Office of Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation, 236 pp.

USEPA. 1999. Introduction to Contaminated Sediments. EPA 823-F-99-006, Office of Science and Technology, 24 pp.

S.L. Simpson, 2005, Handbook for Sediment Quality Assessment.

B. Journals

Garca-Villalobos, Francisco Javier, Distribution of Total Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen in Deep-Sea Sediments from the southwestern Gulf of Mexico.

Gossler, W. And Neziri, A., Determination of heavy metals in water and sediments of Drini River, Buna River and lake Shkodra, 2002

Johengen, T., Standard Operating Procedures for Determining Total Phosphorus, Available Phosphorus, and Biogenic Silica Concentrations of Lake Michigan Sediments And Sediment Trap Material


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Technical Guidance for Screening contaminated Sediments, 1999, Retrieved September 29, 2010, from



Banta, Mhadel Arguelles

Address: 1627 Receiver 1st St. Phase 4, CAA Compound Las Pias City, Metro Manila Mobile: +639463151634 E-Mail:

OBJECTIVE: To offer my service and my talent to the best of my ability to a professional organization and share my knowledge in Chemical Engineering promoting team approach for the success of organization. EDUCATION: School/Location Adamson University Ermita, Manila Rizal Technological University Mandaluyong City Paraaque National High School Paraaque City

Inclusive Date 2006-Present

Degree BS ChE





Baclaran Elementary School Central 1993-1999 Paraaque City SPECIAL SKILLS:


Computer Literate (Ms Word, Ms Excel, Auto-CAD) Good in oral and written communication Persuasive and hardworking WORK EXPERIENCE: SERVICE CREW Jollibee Food Corporation Zapote, Las Pias City SERVICE CREW Jollibee Food Corporation Baclaran Terminal, Paraaque City Date Nov. 2005 April 2006

April 2005 Oct. 2005


Personal Vitae: Sex Date of Birth Place of Birth Civil Status Nationality Languages Affiliations: Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PIChE), Member Adamson University Chemical Engineering Student Society (AdUChESS), Member Physics Society of Adamson University (PSAU), Member CHARACTER REFERENCES: Engr. Merlinda A. Palencia Chairperson, Chemical Engineering Department Adamson University (632) 524-2011 loc. 410 Engr. Jerry G. Olay Faculty Member, Chemical Engineering Department Adamson University (632) 524-2011 loc. 410 I hereby certify that the information above is true and correct to the best interest of my knowledge. : Female : January 11, 1987 : Batangas : Single : Filipino : Filipino & English




Camille G. Candelaria
8 Doa Juana Subd. 3 Santolan Pasig city 1610 (+63)927-300-8208 Objective To seek a challenging and rewarding opportunity where I can fully utilize my skills and experiences gained from my education and seminars Education Tertiary Adamson University 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita Manila B.S., Chemical Engineering University Of Nueva Caceres Jaime Hernandez Avenue Naga City B.S., Electrical Engineering Secondary University of Nueva Caceres Jaime Hernandez Avenue Naga City Graduation date: March 2004 Primary University of Nueva Caceres Jaime Hernandez Avenue Naga City Graduation date: March 2000

2006 - present

June 2004-March 2006

2000 - 2004

1994 - 2000

Personal Information Birthday: April 16, 1987 Status: Single Citizenship Filipino Religion: Catholic Skills: Good communication Skills Computer litera


Affiliates Secretary, Womens Club (UNC Chapter) Secretary, LigangNagkakaisang Mag-aaral Para saAktibongPamunuan (LINGAP Member, Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PIChE) Member, Adamson University Chemical Engineering Student Society (AdUChESS) Member, Physics Society of Adamson University (PSAU) References

Engr. Merlinda Palencia Chairperson, chemical Engineering Department Adamson University Engr. Jerry Olay Professor Adamson University Melinda Candelaria Production Supervisor Ashford Pharmaceutical Laboratory Inc.

I hereby swear that the above information is true.

Candelaria, Camille G. Applicant



Pagasartonga, Mon Eric P.

#18 Gerodias St., San Vicente, San Pedro, Laguna 0927-6962880

Objective: To have the opportunity to have hands-on experience on the theoretical concepts that I have learned, familiarizing me with the various industrial operations and unit process Personal Vitae Age: Sex: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Nationality: Civil Status: Height: Weight: Educational Background B.S. Chemical Engineering Secondary School Adamson University 900 San Marcelino St., Ermita, Manila San Francisco de Sales School 101 National Highway, San Pedro, Laguna San Pedro Central School San Pedro, Laguna Year Graduated

21 Male March 30, 1990 San Pedro, Laguna Filipino Single 55 117 lbs




Affiliations Philippine Institute of Chemical Engineers (PIChE), Member Adamson University Chemical Engineering Student Society (AdUChESS), Member Physics Society of Adamson University (PSAU), Member


Skills Computer Literate (knowledgeable in Microsoft Office Applications) Willing to learn Character References April M. Patricio, R.Ph. Pharmacist Generika Drugstore, Montillano, Alabang 0916-3244678 Engr. Merlinda A. Palencia Chairperson, Chemical Engineering Department Adamson University (632) 524-2011 loc. 410 Engr. Jerry G. Olay Faculty Member, Chemical Engineering Department Adamson University (632) 524-2011 loc. 410

I hereby certify that the information above is true and correct to the best interest of my knowledge.




Ricarte, Shienah Coronado

Blk.4 Lot 19 Palmera Springs 3-B, Camarin, Caloocan City

Email: Mobile No.: 0935-9849828

Objective: To have a challenging position in chemical engineering where I could apply all major principles and my specialized interested areas of application namely thermodynamics, fluid dynamics by which I can apply my wide knowledge and professional expertise in the field of chemical engineering. Educational Attainment: Adamson University Ermita, Manila Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering 2004-present St.Clare College of Caloocan Zabarte rd.,Camarin Caloocan City

High School Graduate (3rd honour) 2001-2004 Bagong Silang Elementary Elementary Graduate 1995-2000 Work Experience: Grand Asia Food Corporation (Jollibee-Zabarte) 588 Camarin corner Zabarte Road (North), Caloocan City Administrative Crew July-December 2006 LOJ Food Corporation (Jollibee-Nova Quirino) 938 Quirino Highway, Novaliches, QC Service Crew December-May 2007 Achievements and Skills: Adamson University Chemical Engineering Students Society (AdUChESS), Member


Liga ng Nagkakaisang Mag-aaral tungo sa aktibong Pamunuan (LINGAP),Secretary Physics Society of Adamson University (PSAU), Member 10th Outstanding Student for the School Year 2007-2008 (Chemical engineering Department) Adamson University Academic Scholar Grantee (2nd sem,2007-2008) Good computer skills (MS Office Applications and the Internet) Outgoing, Persistent and Articulate Willing to learn Eager to contribute and be motivated to succeed 23 years old Gender: Female Filipino Civil Status: Single January 23, 1987 Birth Place: Manila 51 Weight: 90 lbs. English, Tagalog Leonardo U. Ricarte Occupation: OFW Ma.Rowena C. RicarteOccupation: Teacher & Real State Dealer Ma. Sheila C. Ricarte Sarah Hazel C. Ricarte Ma.Sheilinah C. Ricarte John Gerald C. Ricarte

Personal Data: Age : Citizenship : Birth date : Height : Language : Fathers name : Mothers name: Siblings name:

Reference: Engr.Jerry G. Olay Professor, Chemical Engineering Department Adamson University Beverly C. Samia Bureau of Internal Revenue Engr.Rommel Galvan Professor, Chemical Engineering Department Adamson University I hereby swear that the above information is true.

Shienah Ricarte


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