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Bug Prioritization Guidelines

High Priority High priority bugs are the most prioritized bugs to be fixed. This includes bugs which impede or prevent the use of core functionalities of the products, including defects which could cause the application to crash or to stop functioning with normal use, or which hamper the products intended use.

High Priority Bug Type: Logical 1. Data loss of any kind (Files-DB end) 2. When a functionality or feature is broken, results or behavior contradicts with logically expected results and there is no work around available 3. Missing functionality 4. Poor performance with unacceptable response times(page loading) 5. If the application should not reach the Business Requirements or It works but not reach the expected requirements 6. If there is security issue 7. If there is any functionality related to mathematics and giving input to this process wrong output then it means that is high priority 8. Without resolving the defect were unable to continue testing

High Priority Bug Type: Analysis issue 1. Bad user experience or interface issue 2. Analysis uncovered functionality, that cant be avoided for the current feature. 3. Issues that affects/contradicts some other page functionality or flow.

High Priority Bug Type: Design or Text issue 1. Distorted design in normal scenario 2. Spelling typos, in picture or in text; if any Web site say "Yahoo" now if the logo of site "Yahoo" spells "Yho" or in different colour/font - Then Priority is high

Medium Priority (P1) Bug Type: Logical Medium is the second priority level. Medium defects impede or prevent the use of other functionalities other than the products primary use. This includes non-core functionalities. These would usually always be assigned to usability issues or improper behavior of non-core functionalities which do not prevent general use of the product. 1. Bug does not cause a bad user experience 2. Compulsory to solve but able to continue Medium Priority (P1) Bug Type: Text 1. Complex confusing texts

Low Priority (P2) Bug type: Enhancement or Design Low bugs may be considered as purely cosmetic in level in which the primary concern is the cosmetic or aesthetic appearance of the system to the user. This would include typos and other such bugs. It is the least prioritized bugs. 1. 2. 3. 4. Cosmetic issue Design issue in old browser version (IE6) Future item something weve agreed needs to be done, but is of lowest priority Tasks and Feature Requests

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