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FACULTY RESUME Name: Mridul Gautam Academic Rank: Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Research Assistant Professor

Research Assistant Professor Degrees with Fields Institutions and Dates: Ph.D M. Tech. B. Tech. Mechanical Engr. Mechancial Engr. Mechancial Engr. WVU, Morgantown, WV Indian Institute of Tech., New Dehli, G.B. Pant U. of Agric. & Tech., Pantnagar, India 14 years 1989 1984 1982 Dept. of MAE Dept. of MAE Dept. of MAE Dept. of MAE Dept. of MAE 05/15/99-present 08/16/94-05/15/99 08/07/90-08/16/94 06/30/89-08/15/91 8/16/88-06/30/89

Number of Years Service on this Faculty: Other Related Experience:

Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University, WV 1984-1999 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, West Virginia University, WV 1988-1994 Consulting, and Patents, etc.: Member, Mid-Atlantic Research Institute LLC, Morgantown, WV; Gautam-Bugarski Area Cyclone Sampler, A patent application is being processed for a novel area cyclone sampler was designed, developed and tested by M. Gautam. Principal Publication of Last Five Years: Journal or magazines: (Career Total: 62 papers): Kim*, Dong-Hee, Gautam, M., and D. Gera. (2001) On the Prediction of Concentration Variations in a Dispersing Heavy-duty Truck Exhaust Plume Using k- Turbulent Closure, Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 35, pp. 5267 5275. Clark, N.N., Prucz, J., Gautam, M. and D.W. Lyons. (2001) Heavy Duty Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Emissions Data as a Resource for Inventory & Comparative Studies, SAE Transactions, Journal of Fuels & Lubricants (printed in 2001) (Also reported as a conference paper) Abdul-Razzak, W., and M. Gautam. (2001), Discovery of Magnetite in Diesel Exhaust Particulate Matter, Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 78, No. 14, pp. 2018. Gautam, M., Xu*, Z., and S. Mehta. (2001), Cumulative Frequency Fit for Particle Size Distribution, Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygine Journal, Accepted. Kim*, Don-Hee, Gautam, M., and D. Gera. Modeling Nucleation and Coagulation Modes in the Formation of Soot Particles Inside a Turbulent Exhaust Plume of a Diesel Engine, Journal of Colloidal Science (In-Review). Conference proceedings: (Career Total: 167 papers): Kim, D.-H., M. Gautam, and D. Gera. 2001. Prediction of pollutant concentration variation inside a turbulent dispersing plume using PDF and gaussian models. SAE Congress, SAE 2002-010-654.

Scientific and Professional Societies of which a Member: Faculty Advisor, Pi Tau Sigma, National Mechanical Engineering Honorary Fraternity, 1994-present Honors and Awards in the Last Five Years: Outstanding Researcher in the College of Engineering and Mineral Resources, 1989-1999 Institutional and Professional Service in the Last Five Years: Member, CEMR Associate Dean, Research Search Committee, 2001. Member, MAE P&T Committee, 1999-2001 Chairman and Member, MAE New Faculty Search Committee, 2000. Member, MAE P&T Guidelines Committee, 1998-2000 Research Awards in the Last Five Years: Development of a Test Method to Measure Stationary and Portable Engine Emissions, Sponsor: California Air Resources Board. Contract: $284,019. Period of Performance: 02/02/01-11/01/03. Chemical Characterization of Natural Gas-Fueled Heavy-duty Vehicle Exhaust Emissions, Sponsor: South Coast Air Quality Management District. Contract: $48,000. Period of Performance: 05/22/0102/01/02. Heavy-duty Vehicle Chassis Dynamometer Testing for Emissions to Inventory Air Quality Modeling, Source Apportionment and Air Toxics Emission Inventory, Sponsor: Coordinating Research Council. Period of Performance: 08/22/01-08/22/03. Heavy-duty Truck Emissions Test Procedures and Test Cycle Validation, Sponsor: Coordinating Research Council. Contract: $59,772. Period of Performance: 06/18/02-09/18/01. Heavy-duty Truck Emissions Test Procedures and Test Cycle Validation, Sponsor: Coordinating Research Council. Contract: $41,328. Period of Performance: 06/18/01-12/31/01.

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