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Telephone networks and systems 1) if there are 2800 maximum cell arriving per hour to a trunk circuit without

blocking, calculate the offered traffic for an average calling time of 1.76 minutes and compute the GoS for 2812 simultaneous calls. a)82.13 Erlangs, 0.43% b)74.18 Erlangs, 0.22% c)143.66 Erlangs, 0.22% d)88.88 Erlangs, 0.34% 2) if a groups of user made 32 calls in one hour, and each call had an average call duration of 5 minutes, this is equivalent to how many Erlangs of traffic . a)1.5 Erlang b)8.5 Erlang c)12.4 Erlang d)2.5 Erlang 3) the range of Dc current that flows through a telephone is? a)20A to 80A b)200A to 800A c)2mA to 8mA c)20mA to 80mA 4) calculate the blocking probability for a group of 6 trunks that is designed to carry 3 Erlangs of traffic intensity using the Erlang B formula. a)3.33% b)2.22% c)6.33% d)5.22% 5) what frequencies are used in pressing 5? a)770 Hz, 1336 Hz b)852 Hz, 1336 Hz c)770 Hz, 1209 Hz d)852 Hz, 1633 Hz 6) the separation of control functions from signal switching is known as: a) step-by-step switching control b)crossbar control c)common control d)ESS 7) find the holding time if 300 calls registered 13.5 Erlang traffic a)27 s b)261 s c)162 s c)22.23 s 8)bit-stuffing is more formally called: a)compensation b)rectification c)justification d)frame alignment 9) if we wish to have 10 mile long subscriber loop with a total resistance of 1300 ohms, find the diameter of the copper conductor to be used. a)0.0812 in b)0.029 in c)0.0632 in d)0.03256 in 10) for a certain telephone, the DC loop voltage is 48V on hook and 8V on off hook. If the lopp current is 40mA, what is the DC resistance of the local loop? a)1300 ohms b)1500 ohms c)1000 ohms d)2300 ohms

11)for a certain telephone the DC loop voltage is 48V on hook and 8V off hook. If the loop current is 40mA, what is the DC resistance of the telephone? a)48 ohms b)200 ohms c)40 ohms d)1300 ohms 12) the typical voltage across the telephone when on hook is: a)48 volts DC b)48 volts, 20 hertz AC c)90 volts DC d)90 volts, 20 hertz AC 13)if a telephone voice signal has a level of 0 dBm, what is its level in dBrn? a)-90 dBrn b)-85 dBrn c)90 dBrn d) 85 dBrn 14)in DS-1, bits arerobbed in order to: a)provide synchronization b)carry signaling c)cancel echoes d)check for errors 15)a telephone test-tone has a level of 80dBrn at a point where the level is +5dB TLP. If Cweighting produces a 10-dB loss, what would the signal level bein dBrnc0? a)80 dBrncO TLP b)65 dBrncO TLP c)60 dBrncO TLP c)75 dBrncO TLP 16) what is the approximate data rate for a system using 8 bits per sample and running at 8000 samples per second? a)56 kbps b)128kbps c)64 kbps d)384 kbps 17)if bits were stolen from every DS-1 frame, what would the usable data-rate be for each cahnnel frame? a)64 kbps b)8 kbps c)128 kbps d)56 kbps 18)POTS stands for: a)private office telephone system c)primary operational test system b)primary office telephone system d)plain old telephone system

19)calculate the traffic flow in call-minute and call-hour if 100 calls are generated in 1 hour of 3 minutes average duration. a)260 call-minute, 4 call-hour b)600 call-minute, 10 call-hour c)300 call-minute, 5 call-hour d)480 call-minute, 8 call-hour 20)Dc current flow through a telephone: a)when it is on hook b)when it is off hook c)as long as it is attached to a local loop d)only when its ringing 21)calculate the dB of VNL for a channel with 3 ms delay. a) 1 db b)1.4 dB c)0.4 dB d)0.8 dB

22) determine the actual traffic carried by a group of trunks with an offered traffic of 20 Erlangs and 0.98785 blocking probability. a)1.113 Erlang b)0.243 Erlang c)6.743 Erlang d)13.756 Erlang 23)signal loss is designed into a telephone system to: a)eliminate reflections b)prevent oscillation c)improve signal to noise ratio d)reduce power comsumption 24)calculate the blocking probability for a group of 4 trunks that offers 10 Erlangs of traffic and a trunk efficiency of 88% a)0.8666 b)0.64666 c)0.9666 d)0.466 25)call blocking: a)cannot occur in public telephone network b)occurs on the local loop when there is an electrical power failure c)occurs only on long distance cables d)occurs when the central office capacity is exceeded 26)a single GSM carrier supports 8(TDM) speech channels. If the traffic volume is 129.6 ccs. How many 3 minute calls does this represent? a)172 calls b)7.2 calls c)72 calls d)720 calls 27)the typical voltage needed to ring a telephone is: a)48 volts DC b)48 volts, 20 Hz AC c)90 volts DC d)90 volts, 20 Hz AC 28)VNL stands for: a) voltage net loss c)via net loss b)volume net loss d)voice noise loss

29)if we know that there are 512 siezures(lines connected for service) and 24 blocked calls(lost calls) during the BH, what is the grade of service? a)0.017 b)0.032 c)0.045 d)0.067 30) SLIC stands for: a)single line interface circuit b)standard line interface card c)sunscriber line interface card d)standard local interface card 31) on a particular traffic relation the calling rate is 461 and the average call duration is 1.5 min during the BH. What is the traffic intensity in CCS? a)345.75 CCS b)414.9 CCS c)1152.5 CCS d)691.5 CCS 32)the reference noise level for telephony is: a)1 mW b)0 dBm c)1 pW d)0 dBr

33)in loading cable 26B66 means_______. a)26 gauge every 2000 ft with 66 pH conduntors b)26 gauge every 4000 ft with 66 pH conduntors c)26 gauge every 3000 ft with 66 pH conduntors d)26 gauge every 6000 ft with 66 pH conduntors 34) the BRI requires _______ kbps of digital transmission capacity without overhead. a)64 b)144 c)128 d)192 35)PSTN stands for: a)public switched telephone network b)private switched telephone network c)primary service telephone network d)primary service telephone numbers 36)0.005 GoS means_____. a) 1 call in 20 would be lost because of insufficient equipment. b) 2 call in 400 would be lost because of insufficient equipment. c) 5 call in 100 would be lost because of insufficient equipment. d) 10 call in 20000 would be lost because of insufficient equipment. 37) how many connection are needed to connect 50 subscribers directly? a)2125 b)2450 c)1225 d)2521 38)a T-1 multiplexer has____ channels. a)12 b)24 c)96 d)32 39)in ISDN, the _____ is a 16 kbps or 64 kbps digital channel used to carry signaling information. a)D-channel b)A-channel c)B-channel d)C-channel 40)the number of voice channels in a basic FDM group is: a)6 b)12 c)24 d)60 41)calculate the blocking probability for a group of 4 trunks that offers 10 Erlangs of traffic and a trunk efficiency of 2.6% a)0.8966 b)0.966 c)0.98966 d)0.866

42)local loops terminate at: a) a tandem office c)a central office

b)a toll station d)a interexchange office

43)determine the actual traffic carried by a group of trunks with an offered traffic of 10 Erlangs and 0.64666 blocking probability. a)3.533 Erlang b)0.7193 Erlang b)8.134 Erlang d)12.444 Erlang 44)a particular exchange has been dimensioned to handle 1000 calls during the busy hour. On a certain day during BH 1100 calls are offered. What is he resulting grade of service? a)1 b)10 c)0.01 c)0.1 45)loading coils were used to : a)increase the speed of the local loop for digital data b)reduce the attenuation of voice signals c)reduce crosstalk d)provide C-type conditioning to a local loop 46)PRI in ISDN consist of 23 or 30B-for user data and a single _____ kbps D-channel for signaling a)16 b)32 c)64 d)48 47)how long does it take to dial 1234560 in sec using pulse dialing a)1.5 sec b)3.4 sec c)4.8 sec d)6.1 sec 48)ADSL stands for: a)all-digital subscriber line c)allocated digital service line

b)asymmetrical digital subscriber line d)access to data service line

49)_____ refers to the percentage of time a circuit or faculty in use a)reliability b)traffic c)occupancy d)availability 50)wht is the mean holding time if the traffic carries is 4.56 Erlang. The number of calls received is 200 in given EBHC? a)273.6 sec b)41.04 sec c)14.08 sec d)82.08 sec

51)the 23 B+D channel used in North American and Japan uses total transmission capacity of ___Mbps with overhead. a)2.048 b)1.920 c)1.536 d)1.544 52)a group of trunks offered 10 Erlangs of traffic, 0.002 GoS. Calculate the trunk efficiency assuming 20 trunks. a)49.9% b)89.9% c)29.9% d)69.9% 53)in loading cable 19H88 means ______. a)19 gauge every 3000 ft with 88 H inductors b)19 gauge every 6000 ft with 88 H inductors c)19 gauge every 2000 ft with 88 H inductors d)19 gauge every 4000 ft with 88 H inductors 54)a group of 20 subscribers generate 50 calls with an average holding time of 3 minutes, what is the average traffic per subscriber? a)0.125 Erlang/subscriber b)12.5 Erlang/subscriber c)0.0125 Erlang/subscriber d)1.25 Erlang/subscriber 55) if there are 3000 calls arriving per hour to a trunk circuit with an average calling time of 1.76 minutes, calculate traffic intensity. a)48 Erlangs b)88 Erlangs c)68 Erlangs d)78 Erlangs 56)traffic _______ is the sum of the holding times of the traffic carried by a pool of resources over a given period of time. a)capacity b)volume c)transit d)intensity 57)calculate actual data rate of T3 facilities. a)45.078 Mbps b)44.736 Mbpsc c)1.728 Mbps d)44.008 Mbps 58)a switching machine is set to accept pulsed at a rate of 10 pulses/sec with 60% break, find the make interval of the switch. a)0.4 s b)0.6 s c)40 ms d)60 ms 59)the BRI in ISDN consist of ________ B-channel (S) and D-channel. a)1 b)23 c)2 d)30

60)a data transmission facility is encapsulating 4096 bytes of data to form a single packet. Assuming the system is using T1 line, hoe may packets are transmitted per second ingnoring overhead. a)57.12 packets b)47.12 packets c)67.12 packets d)77.12 packets 61)a switch could support a maximum of 9800 siezures during the busy hour. Calculate the number of block calls during the BH if the GoS is 0.245% a)49 calls will be block b)12 calls will be block c)24 calls will be block d)96 calls will be block 62)on particular traffic relation, the calling rate is 825. If the traffic intensity is 990 CCS during the BH, what is the average call duration? a)2 minutes b) 12 minutes c)6 minutes d)8 minutes 63)A telephone signal takes 2 ms to reach its destination. Calculate the VNL required for an acceptable amount of echo. a)0.2 dB b)0.8 dB c)06 dB d)0.4 dB 64)the ff. information was recorded in a 5 trunk network from 9:00-10:00 am Trunk 1 48 minutes 2 56min and 28sec 3 18 minutes 4 25min and 24sec 5 42minutes Find the traffic carried by the network in Erlang a)18.20 Erlang b)3.16 Erlang c)0.781 Erlang d)5.82 Erlang 65)in ISDN, the _______ is a 64 kbps digital channel that can carry a user data or digitized voice. a)A-channel b)C-channel c)B-channel d)D-channel 66)a duration of traffic occupancy from a call, sometimes referred to as an average duration of occupancy of one or more path from calls. a)traffic b)average call c)busy hour d)holding time 67)out of the total capacity required by the BRI ______ kbps is used overhead. a)48 b)144 c)64 d)16

68)find the maximum length of the subscriber loop with the ff. specs. Allowable loss of 6dB using a #24 cable and resistance limit of 1200 ohms. a)7.19 kft b)13.73 kft c)14.63 kft c)11.76 kft 69)one Erlang is equal to _____? a)360 CCS b)3.6 CCS c)100 CCS d)36 CCS 70)what is the line rate of T1 and E1 respectively? a)2.048 Mbps and 1.544 Mbps b)384 Mbps and 2.048 Mbps c)1.544 Mbps and 2.048 Mbps d)1.455 Mbps and 2.408 Mbps 71)______ is the type of telephone switch having vertical and horizontal paths, and electromagnetically operated means for interconnecting any one of the vertical paths with any of the horizontal paths. a)cross bar b)step by step c)strowger d)hybrid 72)what is a leased line? a)a piece of wire used in local area network in one building b)a piece f wire connecting a telephone set to a PABX c)a temporary connection of one computer to a mainframe via a modern and a telephone line d)a permanent circuit for a private use within a communication network 73which of the following device increases the battery voltage on a loop and extends its signaling range? a)VF repeater b)VF amplifier c)loop extender d)BORSCHT 74)one Erlang of traffic is equal to ______ call seconds. a)60 b)1800 c)360 d)3600 75)the 23 B+D channel used in north America and japan uses total transmission capacity of _____ Mbps with overhead. a)1.536 b)1.544 c)2.048 d)1.920 76)blocked calls delayed condition specified delay probability. a)Erlang B b)Erlang C c)Erlang D d)poisson

77)a (an) _____ call attempt is one that cannot be further advanced towards its destination due to an equipment shortage or failure in network. a)lost b)abandoned c)barred d)terminated 78)in TDM, multiple signal share a channel by transmitting in different a) intervals b)frequency bands c)sampling rates d)amplitudes 79)____ is a telephone service which enable to user to dial directly telephones outside the users local area without the aid of the operator. a)ISDN b)DDD c)DID d)bypass 80)the point between the network termination equipment and the terminal equipment is known as the _____ reference point. a)R b)U c)L d)S 81)terminal equipment which are non-ISDN compatible can be attached to an ISDN network by using a special a)modem b)front end processor c)terminal adapter d)bridge 82) terminal equipment which are ISDN compatible are generally referred to as a)TE1 b)IBP c)smart terminals d)dumb terminals 83)the basic switching element in a PAM multiplexer is a (an) a)ADC b)MOSFET c)DAC d)bandpass filter 84)in PCM, analog signals are transmitted as a)supergroups b)pulses c)binary codes d)packets 85)the time period which all channels are sampled once is called a)slot b)domain c)cycle d)frame

86)______ is a voice operated device that inserts a high loss in the opposite direction of transmission of the talking party. a)hybrid b)2 wire circuit c)VNL d)Echo suppressor 87)______ is a signal returned to the talker after making one or more round trips between the talker and the listener a)singing b)jitter c)echo d)crosstalk 88)the BRI in ISDN consists of _______ B-channel (S) and D-channel. a)1 b)2 c)3 d)4 89)an even faster class of ISDN interface standards presently being developed is called a)narrowband ISDN b)broadband ISDN c)ATM d)frame relay 90)current ISDN standards requires twisted pairs for the PRI transmission a) 3 b)6 c)1 d)2 91)Traffic ______ is the sum of the holding times of the traffic carried by a pool of resources over a given period of time a)volume b)transit c)intensity d)capacity 92)________ is a service in which a telephone or PBX location is directly connected to a central office in a distant city via a private line , instead of being connected directly to the central office in that location. a)bypass service b)remote switching unit c)foreign exchange d)diversion 93)a signaling method with set combinations of two specific voice band frequencies, one of which is selected from a group of 4 lower frequencies and the other from a group of 3 or 4 relatively high frequencies . a)out of band b)channel associated c)in band d)DTMF

94)PABX means a)private all purpose broadcasting exchange b)public access bi-directional exchange c)private automatic branch exchange d)public automatic branch exchange 95)in ISDN, the ______ is a 64Kbps digital channel that can carry a user data or digitized voice a)A-channel b)C-channel c)B-channel d)D-channel 96)ISDN is defined as the network that provides an end to end ______ to support a wide range of services including non-voice services. a)transparency b)switching c)connectivity d)interfacing 97)the international body which issues recommendations for standards relating to telecommunications is the a)IEEE b)ETSI c)CCIR d)CCITT 98)the multiplexer and de-multiplexer are kept in a step with one another by a (an) a)clock b)header c)sync pulse d)sequencer 99)a _______ is a local automatic telephone office serving extensions is a business complex and providing access to the public network. a)concentrator b)FEX b)PAX d)PABX 100)a T-1 multiplexer has ______ channels. a)24 b)32 c)64 d)1024 101)the standard word size in PCM audio system is ____ bits a)16 b)8 c)32 d)64 102)the primary benefit of multiplexing is a)redundancy b)economy c)speed d)error detection

a)a signal of the same amplitude but 180 degrees out of phase from the original signal and mixed with the original signal at the transmitter to produce more negligible output signal. b)a wave which has been reflected or otherwise returned with sufficient magnitude and delay for it to perceptible in some manner as a wave distinct from that directly transmitted. c)the signal having a higher frequency than the original and transmitted back to earth by a passive satellite. d)reflected signal. 104)what is a communication link ? a)it is a channel or circuit intended to connect other channels or circuits. b)it is a piece of wire that is connect to the ground terminals of all communication s equipments in one establishment. c)it is a cable connecting a transmitter to the antenna. d)it refers to a radio link. 105)the ISDN network equipment which are installed in the customer premises is Called the ___ equipment? a)terminals b)DTE c)adapter d)sever 106)A voice grade channel is suitable for transmission of? a)signals with a frequency from 3400 hz b)VHF signals c)UHF signals d)VHF and UHF signals 107)what is trunk? a)the base of the communications tower b)a line connecting the telephone set to a PABX c)a telephone line connecting two central offices d)refers to the body of the tree 108)what is a four-wire circuit? a)is a circuit with three output terminals and one input terminal b)is used between serving central offices for long distance connction with one being pair being used for each drction of transmission c)is an oscillator that produces stimultaneously for different frequencies d)a circuit consisting of four transmission lines

109)for every button pressed on the touch tone telephone ,how many signals are Transmitted to the CO? b)two audio frequency tones c)one VHF signal and one audio frequency tone d)three audible tones 110)the physical connection between the telephone set at the switching equipment Is called the a)trunk line b)link c)subscriber loop d)leased line 111)the transmission of information from multiple sources occuroring in the same a)FDM b)TDM c)WDM d)CDM 112) the BRI requires _______ kbps of digital transmission capacity without overhead a)64 b)144 c)128 d)192 113)what is an Erlang? a)it is equal to the number of simultaneous calls originated during a specific hourly period b)it is a unit of magnetic field intensity measured around a conductor c)it is the number of erroneous bit receive per unit of time d)it is unit of electrical energy radiated in space 114)the PRI in ISDN consist of 23 or 30B-for user data and a single _____Kbps D-channel for signaling a)16 b)23 c)32 d)64 115)what is the traffic model about blocked calls cleared condition specified blocking probability a)Erlang B b)Erlang C c)Erlang D d)poisson 116)a touch tone telephone generates how many different tones? a)10 audio frequency tones b)8 audible tone frequencies c)4 VHF signals d)16 audio frequency tones 117)________ is the operation of the switch selector in searching terminals until an idle one is found a)hunting b)insulation effective c)elective d)loop

118)what is a concentration? a)a system that improve the signal to noise ratio by compressing the volume range of a signal b)a switching system that lets a large number of transmission lines or a narrower bandwidth c)a device that varies the characteristics of a carrier signal in the accordance with the waveform of the modulating signal which contains a useful information d)an equipment in the central office 119)which of the ff. wire is used to transmit the signal? a)black b)green c)yellow d)red 120)a device converts a 2 wire circuit into a 4 wire circuit a)RS 232 interference b)hybrid circuit c)balun d)stub 121)a passive _____ is an electronic device which reduce the signal strength by a specified amount in dB a)splitter b)filter c)himmer d)attenuator 122)what is a multi drop line? a)a line or circuit interconnecting in several stations b)a piece of wire with a thick insulating that serves to protect the conductive material form damage in the event the wire is dropped c)a line designed to withstand a high pressure d)a bus line 123)____________ is a trunk between two central offices in the same switching center complex a)intraoffice b)foreign exchange c)intertoll d)ileline 124)AWG #26 has a typical loss of a)0.21dB/1000ft b)0.32dB/1000ft c)0.51 dB/1000ft d)0.41 dB/1000ft 125)which of the ff. is commonly used in wire for subscriber loop design? a)AWG #18 b) AWG #30 c) AWG #33 d) AWG #19

126)what is singing? a)an undesired self sustained oscillation in a system, generally caused by excessive positive feedback b)the result of the intermodulating two or more signals of different frequencies to produce a tone having a frequency higher than that of the highest frequency c) the result of the intermodulating two or more signals of different frequencies to produce a tone having a frequency equal to the sum of the frequencies of te signals intermodulated d)the art of entertainment that can make one rich 127)_________ is the uninterrupted of 60 minutes for which the average intensity of traffic is at the maximum a)maximum access time b)busy hour c)maximum occupancy d)peak traffic 128)_________ is the probability of the call being blocked during the busy hour because of insufficient equipment or trunks a)contention b)grade of service c)poisson distribution d)lockout 129)presently this the standard frequency bandwidth for voice transmission a)300 to 3400 Hz b)0 to 4000 Hz c)100 to 3400 Hz d)300 to 3000 Hz 130) the resistance limit for no. 2 crossbar exchange (US) is a)2000 ohms b)1250 ohms c)1300 ohms d)1200 ohms 131)what is the standard voice channel spacing? a)44 MHz b)4 KHz c)40 KHz d)40 MHz 132)which of the ff. responds to the request of the subscriber by sending a dial tone? a)line finder b)connector c)first selector d)line equipment 133)combination of modulator channel and detector a)transceiver b)transponder c)discrete channel d)T/R channel

134)it is a advantage of a side tone a)transmission efficiency is increased b)assures the customer that the telephone is working c)speaker increases his voice resulting in strengthen signal d)no dissipation of energy in the balance of network 135)what is a two wire circuit? a)a circuit usually on the subscribers loop, between the telephone set and the local control office b)a circuit having two terminals, both terminals having the same instantaneous voltage c)a circuit with the input terminal, one output terminal and a common ground d)a circuit consisting of two transmission lines 136)what is the local loop of the telephone system? a)it is a group of wires connecting a telephone set to a modem b)it is a four wire circuit connecting a facsimile machine into a computer c)it is a two wire or four wire communication circuit between the customers premise and the central office d)it is a single piece of wire connecting the subscriber telephone set into another set in an adjacent room 137)the corresponding frequency for the digit 7 in the touch tone telephone is a)770 and 1477 Hz b)852 and 1209 Hz c)852 and 1336 Hz d)770 and 1336 Hz 138)the D-channel messages in an ISDN network are ______ switched a)circuit b)time c)packet d)virtual 139)the standard audio sampling rate in a PCM telephone system is _____ khz a)2 b)4 c)8 d)16 140)when human voice and music are transmitted, the tyoe of communication employed is known as a)radio telegraphy b)radio telephony c)audio frequency d)wired radio 141)when one channel picks up the signal carried by another channel a)echo b)party line c)cross talk d)cross link

142)the circuit connecting a subscriber station with the line terminating equipment in a central office is called a)local loop b)tie line c)trunk d)subscriber loop 143)________ refers to the percentage of time a circuit or facility is in use a)availability b)traffic c)reliability d)occupancy 144)in an ISDN network, the ______ blank provides only OSI layer functions including the electrical and physical termination of the network on the customer premises a)NT2 b)TE1 c)NT1 d)TE2 145)ADSL increases existing twisted pair access capacity by a)threefold b)twofold c)fiftyfold d)thirtyfold 146)the 1948 theorem which is the basis for understanding the relationship of channel capacity, bandwidth, and signal to noise ratio is known as a)Reeves law b)Shannons law c)Nyquist law d)Hartley law 147)what appears to be the practical limit for analog modems over standard telephone network a)19.2 kbps b)24 kbps c)33 kbps d)28.8 kbps 148)digital subscriber line (DSL) refers to a)a connection created by a modem pair enabling high speed communications b)a specific length of wire c)a specific gauge of wire used in modern communications d)a modem enabling high speed communications 149)_______ and HDSL essentially equivalent technologies a)SONET b)ATM c)T1/E1 d)ETHERNET 150)what is the source of limitation on the bandwidth of the public switched network a)local loop b)subscriber line c)telset d)the core network

151)the practical upper limit of length of ADSL is a)18,000 ft b)6,000 ft c)12,000 ft d)36,000 ft 152)T1 and _______ refer to the same multiplexing system a)DS-1 b)STM-1 c)OC-1 d)STS-1 153)the correct order of fax calls phases is which of the following a)call set up, pre image handshake, line testing sequence, image transmission b)call set up, line testing sequence, pre image handshake, image transmission c)line testing sequence, call set up, pre image handshake, image transmission d)pre image handshake, line testing sequence, call set up, image transmission 154)a gigahertz based coax line is capable of delivering how many time more bandwidth than copper a)2 b)50 c)1,000 d)10,000 155)what is the bandwidth of the telephone system a)535-1605 khz b)340-15000 hz c)300-3400 hz d)88-108 hz 156)which of these is specified by C-conditioning? a)signal to noise ratio b)harmonic distortion c)gain/attenuation distortion d)phase hits 157)a long distance trunk line operates as _______ lines a)simplex b)half duplex c)full duplex d)full/full duplex 158)pulse spreading is a result of a)relative delay distortion c)phase jitter

b)phase impulse hits d)amplitude jitter

159)which measurement compares signal strength to noise level? a)impulse hits b)attenuation/gain distortion c)signal to noise ratio d)amplitude jitter 160)which telephony line impairment is a change in signal amplitude for a short time duration? a)white noise b)interference c)harmonic distortion d)gain hit

161)line conditioning is performed on a)dial up lines b)leased lines c)private lines d)both B and C 162)envelope delay distortions a measure of a)relative time delay across the bandwidth b)amplitude variations across the bandwidth c)phase variations in signals across the bandwidth d)signal attenuation across the bandwidth 163)D-conditioning define specifications of a)propagations delay variations b)interference limits c)signal to noise ratio d)amplitude variations 164)what is done to a telephone line to tighten gain/attenuation parameters? a)it is replaced with a fiber cable b)it is switched to a different line c)it is conditioned d)it is replaced with new copper lines 165) time division multiplexing a)divides packets into audio cells to be placed on the telephone lines b)assigns channels to different frequencies in the transmission bandwidth c)assigns time slots to each channel packet sections d)uses asynchronous data transmission only 166)what is a disadvantage of time division multiplexing (TDM) a)slower transmission rates b)large packet sizes c)small bandwidth d)more overhead 167)what is the purpose of using alternate mark inversions and return to zero encoding data? a)faster digital data transmission b)assist in clock recovery c)more efficient transmission of analog data d)reduced susceptibility to noise 168)how many channels are used to make up a group level channel frequency division multiplexing? a)600 b)60 c)300 d)12

169)ISDN is a)a transport type protocol that uses the plain old telephone system b)a data link protocol that use HDLC as a basis c)AN integrated syntax network d)digital interface system 170)the US primary rate interface (PRI) data rate is a)1.544 Mbps b)2,048 Mbps c)192 Kbps d)144 Kbps 171)which ISDN block is responsible for converting non-ISDN format? a)TE-2 b)TE 1 c)TA d)NT 1 172)which type of media is least susceptible to electrical interference? a)microwave b)unshielded twisted pair c)shielded twisted pair d)fiber optics 173)what is the composition of a ISDN BRI (basis rate interface)? a)B+2D b)2B+D c)23B+D d)30B+D 174what TELCO parameter limits the type of modem that can be used with a given data rate? a)bandwidth b)attenuation c)line impedance d)noise 175)which of these is NOT a currently used method of multiplexing data channels onto a single transmission medium? a)time division multiplexing b)code division multiplexing c)wave division multiplexing d)encrypted division multiplexing

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