DDB Life Style Study® Profiles The Characteristics of Americans Who Admittedly Cheat On Their Taxes

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New York Lottery and DDB Launch New Campaign Appearances and Morning Routine feature Little Bit

of Luck character

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Cheat on Their Taxes


April 2, 2012August 23, 2012

Location Chicago, IL New York, NY

August 23, 2012, New York, NY The New York Lottery and DDB New York have launched a campaign for the New York Lottery in two television spots, Appearances, and Morning Routine, all portraying the little bits of luck in human form that are popping up everywhere for NY Lottery players who experience good fortune throughout their day, such as not being locked out of the house, a piece of toast accidentally falling off a plate and landing right side up on the kitchen table, or getting winning number on a scratch-it ticket. Underway October 2012 Little Bit of Luck is becoming a staple in the NY Lottery ads after being brought back this year to front the overall New York State Lottery. The Little Bit of Luck character was introduced by the New York Lottery in 2008 for the Take 5 Lottery Game. About New York Lottery The New York Lottery continues to be North Americas largest and most profitable lottery, contributing over $3 billion in fiscal year 2010-2011 to help support education in New York State. The Lotterys aid represents over 15 percent of total state education funding to local school districts. Lottery revenue is distributed to local school districts by the same statutory formula used to distribute other state aid to education. It takes into account both a school districts size and its income level; larger, lower-income school districts receive proportionately larger shares of Lottery school funding. About DDB DDB Worldwide Communications Group Inc (www.ddb.com) ranks among the top five consolidated advertising and marketing services global networks, according to Advertising Age. DDB was recently named the Spikes Asia Network of the Year for the second consecutive year and the Eurobest Network of the Year for the third consecutive year. We
200 East Randolph Chicago IL 60601 T 312 552 6000 F 312 552 2370 info@chi.ddb.com www.ddb.com

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are the most awarded agency at the Cannes Festival of Creativity and The Gunn Report has recognized DDB as one of the Top 3 Global Networks for 10 of the last 12 years. With more than 200 offices in over 90 countries, DDB employs Social Creativity to grow the value and influence of brands around the world by creating ideas that people want to play with, participate in, and pass along. DDB Worldwide is part of Omnicom Group Inc. (OMC). Contact: Kaya Lobacsewski (212) 515-8348 Kim Williams (212) 415-2149

Chicago, IL April 2, 2012In the midst of tax season and intensified political campaigning, news headlines are dominated by contentious and partisan issues surrounding income taxeswho is responsible for what percentage, whether the rates are justified, and if the tax code should be revisited. Despite incessant discussion about the heavy burden of taxes, the majority of American citizens claim honesty when it comes to filing their taxes. However, a recent DDB Life Style Study performed a detailed analysis of the 7% of Americans who conceded to cheating on their taxes. The study mostly differentiates tax cheaters based on behavioral and personality factors, However, the single biggest difference between cheats and non-cheats is gender. The study reveals that tax cheats are more likely to be men than women in a ratio of 72% men to 28% women. Secondly, while 55% of tax cheats are under 45, there are no other significant demographic differences between cheats and noncheats. The dishonesty that characterizes those who are tax cheats is, however, evident across many other wanton behaviors. Statistics reveal that tax cheats are 53% more likely to keep the wrong change given to them by a cashier versus only 23% of non-tax cheats, 31% are more likely to pretend to like somebody so they will get treated to dinner versus 6% of non-tax cheats, 41% are more likely to fabricate part of their resume versus 6% of non-tax cheats, 60% are more likely to work a job under-the-table while getting unemployment benefits versus 13% of non-tax cheats, and 47% are more likely to re-gift something that they rarely used and pretend it is brand new versus 19% on non-tax cheats. Based on the data from the DDB Life Style Study, a majority of tax cheats have a skewed moral compass regarding other facets of their life as well. The results reveal that 26% of tax cheats are more likely to park in a handicapped space if there are no places closer versus 6% of non-tax cheats and, a similar breakdown of 24% of tax cheats would take credit for somebody elses work if it would help them

437 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 T 212 415 2000 F 212 415 3414 info@ny.ddb.com www.ddb.com
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get ahead versus 6% of non-tax cheats. More data uncovers that 39% of tax cheats find a decadent life of sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll appealing versus 16% of nontax cheats and only 21% of tax cheats would seek out the rightful owner if they uncovered an unclaimed $100 bill versus 38% of non-tax cheats. To further corroborate the aforementioned behavioral patterns characterizing those who evade their taxes, results illustrate tax cheats as having an inflated sense of entitlement as compared with those who pay their taxes in full. A bold 52% of tax cheats assert a superiority complex claiming to be better than most people versus 29% of non-tax cheats. 47% of tax cheats are vain, declaring that they think they are more attractive than most people versus 27% of non-tax cheats. A revealing 51% of tax cheats value their own happiness over that of others versus 29% of nontax cheats. And lastly, 40% of tax cheats declare they would put themselves ahead of their kids versus 18% of non-tax cheats.

Tax Cheats
Keep the wrong change given to them by a cashier Feign liking somebody to be treated to dinner Fabricate part of a resume Work a job under-the-table while maintaining eligibility for unemployment benefits Re-gift something rarely used and pass it off as new Take credit for someone elses work to help get ahead Find a decadent life of sex, drugs, and rock-androll appealing Assert a superiority complex claiming to be better than most people Assert vanity claiming to be more attractive than most people Value own happiness over that of others 53% 31% 41% 60%

Non- tax Cheats

23% 6% 6% 13%

47% 24%

19% 6%









437 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 T 212 415 2000 F 212 415 3414 info@ny.ddb.com www.ddb.com
Registered numbers, office and regulatory authority details as required

About DDB DDB Worldwide Communications Group Inc (www.ddb.com) ranks among the top five consolidated advertising and marketing services global networks, according to Advertising Age. DDB emphasizes Social Creativity to grow the value and influence of brands around the world by creating ideas that people want to play with, participate in and pass along. The agency is consistently one of the most awarded at the Cannes Festival of Creativity and was recognized by The Gunn Report as one of the Top 3 Global Networks for 10 of the last 12 years. DDB was also recently named the Spikes Asia Network of the Year for the second consecutive year and the Eurobest Network of the Year for the third consecutive year. DDB Worldwide is part of Omnicom Group Inc. (OMC) and consists of more than 200 offices in over 90 countries. Contact Jeff Swystun: 212-415-2186 Elena Weinstein: 212-415-2191

437 Madison Avenue New York NY 10022 T 212 415 2000 F 212 415 3414 info@ny.ddb.com www.ddb.com
Registered numbers, office and regulatory authority details as required

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